Dot Donnelly Back in Hospital
By Phillip Whitten
May 9. DOROTHY Donnelly, 78, former Executive Secretary of United States Masters Swimming, was readmitted to the hospital yesterday for "failure to thrive" and an inability to eat. Donnelly is at the University of Massachusetts Hospital in Worcester, Mass.
Donnelly was hospitalized in Indianapolis before the USMS Short Course Nationals, suffering from a rapid, irregular heart beat and a build-up of fluid in her lung. She was releasedlast week and flew back to Massachusetts with her grandson, Zach.
Irrepressible as always, Donnelly said today that she was feeling much better. "After about 40 or 50 tests, my doctors think they have determined the source of my problem: a blood clot in the lower part of my left leg." She is being treated with Coumadin for the clot.
Donnelly said she expects to be releasedfrom the hospital on Friday and would welcome hearing from friends and well-wishers. She can be reached via e-mail at: