Denver Comes Up Big On First Night of CSCAA NIT

Photo Courtesy: CSCAA

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The first night of the CSCAA NIT meet saw six meet records fall in Annapolis. Denver won four total races out of the ten contested on Thursday night. The meet is an open invitational for swimmers with NCAA B cuts and did not make the NCAA meet. It is a virtual NIT, except the swimmers are not meeting in Madison Square Garden.

Women’s 200 Free Relay

The first event of the night saw a meet record fall at the hands of Florida International, who swam a 1:31.41 ahead of Denver (1:31.52) and Boise State (1:31.92). Letizia Bertelli (22.61), Sara Gyertyanffy (22.96), Kelsie Campbell (23.40) and Alexandra Mayhew (22.44) were on the winning team for the Golden Panthers. South Carolina (1:32.28), San Jose State (1:32.70), Rice (1:33.13), San Diego (1:33.50) and Campbell (1:33.67) also placed in the top eight.

 Event 7  Women 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        CSCAA: # 1:31.41  3/8/2018  Florida International, Florida Int'l-FG
                          L Bertelli, S Gyertyanffy, K Campbell, A Mayhew
         Pool: & 1:30.94  2016      Navy, Navy
                          Thompson, Briant, Warnimont, Margroum
    Team                             Seed     Finals              
  1 Florida Int'l  'A'            1:28.99    1:31.41#       
     1) Bertelli, Letizia 23          2) Gyertyanffy, Sara 20         
     3) Campbell, Kelsie 19           4) Mayhew, Alexandra C 22       
                 22.61        45.57 (22.96)
        1:08.97 (23.40)     1:31.41 (22.44)
  2 Denver  'A'                   1:29.35    1:31.52        
     1) Leckie, Aysia 19              2) Moden, Lauren T 20           
     3) Bradley, Heidi M 21           4) Valette, Josiane D 19        
                 23.23        46.07 (22.84)
        1:09.04 (22.97)     1:31.52 (22.48)
  3 Boise State Swim  'A'         1:29.39    1:31.92        
     1) Kleinsorgen, Allyson G 20     2) Jennings, Emmie T 20         
     3) Hogg, Molly 19                4) Evans, Cody C 21             
                 23.15        46.04 (22.89)
        1:09.27 (23.23)     1:31.92 (22.65)
  4 South Carolina  'A'           1:30.88    1:32.28        
     1) Lappin, Christina M 19        2) Lingmann, Edith 20           
     3) Gerlock, Hannah M 19          4) Otten, Emma R 18             
                 22.57        45.54 (22.97)
        1:09.15 (23.61)     1:32.28 (23.13)
  5 San Jose St  'A'              1:31.88    1:32.70        
     1) Humel, Colleen V 21           2) Loya, Antoinette M 19        
     3) Heng, Gabriella R 19          4) Heng, Brittany R 21          
                 23.60        46.78 (23.18)
        1:10.24 (23.46)     1:32.70 (22.46)
  6 Rice  'A'                     1:31.91    1:33.13        
     1) Caldwell, Alicia D 22         2) Rhodes, Lauren E 21          
     3) Parham, Jaecey L 22           4) Mathys, Lindsay R 18         
                 24.00        46.64 (22.64)
        1:09.89 (23.25)     1:33.13 (23.24)
  7 San Diego  'A'                1:34.29    1:33.50        
     1) Hubel, Alexandria R 20        2) Briggs, Mackenna L 20        
     3) Evans, Kailyn E 18            4) Taylor, Danielle M 20        
                 23.80        47.09 (23.29)
        1:10.16 (23.07)     1:33.50 (23.34)
  8 Campbell  'A'                 1:32.60    1:33.67        
     1) Case, Michelle E 22           2) Kendall, Hannah L 20         
     3) Wilson, Sarah K 20            4) Silina, Sindija 22           
                 23.37        47.07 (23.70)
        1:10.61 (23.54)     1:33.67 (23.06)

Men’s 200 Free Relay

Denver won its first race of the night with a 1:20.57 in the men’s sprint free relay with Jackson Gainer (20.77), Adriel Sanes (19.56), Hugo Sykes (20.27) and Peter Webster (19.97) on the winning relay. Navy was second in their home pool at 1:21.15 while George Washington was third at 1:21.54.

Gardner-Webb (1:21.82), La Salle (1:21.86), Cal State Bakersfield (1:22.25), Army (1:22.44) and South Carolina (1:22.45) also finished in the top eight.

 Event 8  Men 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        CSCAA: # 1:18.99  3/23/2014 Grand Canyon, Grand
                          Glazunov, Kamash, Jacob A. Lambros, Branning
         Pool: & 1:18.92  2004      Navy, Navy
                          White, Smutz, Linn, Fenningham
    Team                             Seed     Finals              
  1 Denver  'A'                   1:17.61    1:20.57        
     1) Gainer, Jackson 18            2) Sanes, Adriel N 18           
     3) Sykes, Hugo J 19              4) Webster, Peter 20            
                 20.77        40.33 (19.56)
        1:00.60 (20.27)     1:20.57 (19.97)
  2 Navy  'A'                     1:19.57    1:21.15        
     1) Wilson, James T 20            2) Crossley, Maclean L 18       
     3) Nguyen, Dean D 19             4) Cook, Daniel J 19            
                 20.74        40.49 (19.75)
        1:00.94 (20.45)     1:21.15 (20.21)
  3 GW  'A'                       1:20.41    1:21.54        
     1) Auster, Alexander G 20        2) Wolst, Tommi 21              
     3) Forstenhaeusler, Maximilian 2 4) Lersch, Patrick D 21         
                 20.70        40.89 (20.19)
        1:01.09 (20.20)     1:21.54 (20.45)
  4 Gardner-Webb  'A'             1:21.63    1:21.82        
     1) Coan, Eli P 19                2) Dingfield, Zachary R 20      
     3) Bernandina, Seggio 18         4) Gomez, Tyler J 22            
                 20.72        41.00 (20.28)
        1:01.19 (20.19)     1:21.82 (20.63)
  5 La Salle  'A'                 1:22.04    1:21.86        
     1) Forsgren, Marcus 21           2) Bergman, Fabian A 23         
     3) Gregory, Norman L 20          4) Batosiewicz, Jakub 22        
                 20.55        40.93 (20.38)
        1:01.50 (20.57)     1:21.86 (20.36)
  6 CSUB  'A'                     1:21.59    1:22.25        
     1) Rogic, Kristofer M 18         2) Gillilan, Loren 19           
     3) Hart, Michael J 20            4) Kramer, Justice D 20         
                 20.61        40.95 (20.34)
        1:01.53 (20.58)     1:22.25 (20.72)
  7 Army  'A'                     1:20.01    1:22.44        
     1) Webber, William T 18          2) Zock, Joshua L 19            
     3) McKenrick, Brian C 18         4) Martin, Sean A 21            
                 20.97        41.12 (20.15)
        1:02.04 (20.92)     1:22.44 (20.40)
  8 South Carolina  'A'           1:20.31    1:22.45        
     1) Ross, Allen J 19              2) Rose, Justin S 20            
     3) Novoszath, Tamas 20           4) Liu, Kevin H 19              
                 20.55        40.73 (20.18)
        1:01.82 (21.09)     1:22.45 (20.63)

Women’s 500 Free

Denver came back with a win in the 500 at the hands of Annelyse Tullier in the 500 as she back-halfed her race well with a 4:44.01 winning time. She pulled away from Boise State’s Hayley Hill (4:45.30) and Rice’s Alicia Caldwell (4:45.89). The top three along with Ellery Parish of Rice (4:46.73) finished under the meet record that Caldwell set this morning of 4:48.32.

Denver’s Andi Johnston (4:49.97), Southern Illinois’ Bryn Handley (4:50.04), Navy’s Erin Scudder (4:50.06) and Florida International’s Oceanne Peretti (4:51.40) also competed in the A-final.

 Event 9  Women 500 Yard Freestyle
        CSCAA: # 4:48.32  3/8/2018  Alicia D Caldwell, Rice-GU
         Pool: & 4:30.47  2007      Katie Hoff, NBAC
    Name            Age Team              Prelims     Finals              
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Tullier, Annely  21 Denver            4:48.55    4:44.01#       
                 26.29        55.25 (28.96)
        1:24.27 (29.02)     1:53.56 (29.29)
        2:22.26 (28.70)     2:51.08 (28.82)
        3:19.76 (28.68)     3:48.52 (28.76)
        4:16.85 (28.33)     4:44.01 (27.16)
  2 Hill, Hayley B   19 Boise State Swim  4:50.85    4:45.30#       
                 27.04        55.77 (28.73)
        1:24.73 (28.96)     1:53.77 (29.04)
        2:23.18 (29.41)     2:51.97 (28.79)
        3:20.48 (28.51)     3:49.18 (28.70)
        4:17.57 (28.39)     4:45.30 (27.73)
  3 Caldwell, Alici  22 Rice              4:48.32    4:45.89#       
                 26.00        54.62 (28.62)
        1:23.54 (28.92)     1:52.46 (28.92)
        2:21.44 (28.98)     2:50.33 (28.89)
        3:19.46 (29.13)     3:48.65 (29.19)
        4:17.68 (29.03)     4:45.89 (28.21)
  4 Parish, Ellery   19 Rice              4:50.71    4:46.73#       
                 27.53        56.54 (29.01)
        1:25.06 (28.52)     1:54.01 (28.95)
        2:22.68 (28.67)     2:51.32 (28.64)
        3:20.14 (28.82)     3:49.15 (29.01)
        4:18.11 (28.96)     4:46.73 (28.62)
  5 Johnston, Andi   19 Denver            4:49.27    4:49.97        
                 27.56        56.79 (29.23)
        1:25.95 (29.16)     1:55.41 (29.46)
        2:24.49 (29.08)     2:53.16 (28.67)
        3:21.98 (28.82)     3:51.43 (29.45)
        4:21.04 (29.61)     4:49.97 (28.93)
  6 Handley, Bryn C  21 Siuc              4:49.86    4:50.04        
                 27.09        56.13 (29.04)
        1:25.45 (29.32)     1:54.91 (29.46)
        2:24.24 (29.33)     2:53.69 (29.45)
        3:22.94 (29.25)     3:52.67 (29.73)
        4:21.73 (29.06)     4:50.04 (28.31)
  7 Scudder, Erin E  19 Navy              4:50.82    4:50.06        
                 26.80        55.61 (28.81)
        1:24.93 (29.32)     1:54.47 (29.54)
        2:23.86 (29.39)     2:53.60 (29.74)
        3:23.19 (29.59)     3:52.91 (29.72)
        4:21.63 (28.72)     4:50.06 (28.43)
  8 Peretti, Oceane  20 Florida Int'l     4:50.27    4:51.40        
                 26.85        55.35 (28.50)
        1:24.44 (29.09)     1:53.78 (29.34)
        2:23.66 (29.88)     2:53.08 (29.42)
        3:22.89 (29.81)     3:52.85 (29.96)
        4:22.47 (29.62)     4:51.40 (28.93)

Men’s 500 Free

Denver’s Colin Gilbert continued the winning streak of Denver swimmers in the pool with a 4:19.86 in the 500. He lowered the meet record he set this morning at 4:21.15. The meet record he set this morning had been a 4:25.15 by Connor Hennessy of Incarnate Word.

Gilbert got pressure late from Thomas Ottman of Army but pulled away late as Ottman was second at 4:20.66. Incarnate Word’s Kyrylo Shvets (4:21.78) placed third.

Navy’s Lucas Johnson (4:24.21), South Carolina’s Tamas Novoszath (4:25.78), Will Riggs (4:28.15), George Washington’s Moritz Fath (4:29.74) and Navy’s William Cadigan (4:29.83) also placed in the top eight.

 Event 10  Men 500 Yard Freestyle
        CSCAA: # 4:21.15  3/8/2018  Colin Gilbert, Denver-CO
         Pool: & 4:14.04  3/27/2014 Navy
    Name            Age Team              Prelims     Finals              
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Gilbert, Colin   19 Denver            4:21.15    4:19.86#       
                 23.79        49.96 (26.17)
        1:16.71 (26.75)     1:43.63 (26.92)
        2:10.59 (26.96)     2:36.69 (26.10)
        3:02.55 (25.86)     3:28.82 (26.27)
        3:55.24 (26.42)     4:19.86 (24.62)
  2 Ottman, Thomas   20 Army              4:22.88    4:20.66        
                 23.94        50.04 (26.10)
        1:16.46 (26.42)     1:43.08 (26.62)
        2:09.52 (26.44)     2:36.15 (26.63)
        3:03.14 (26.99)     3:29.92 (26.78)
        3:55.60 (25.68)     4:20.66 (25.06)
  3 Shvets, Kyrylo   24 Incarnate Word    4:25.50    4:21.78        
                 24.08        50.13 (26.05)
        1:16.59 (26.46)     1:43.15 (26.56)
        2:09.66 (26.51)     2:36.34 (26.68)
        3:03.18 (26.84)     3:29.91 (26.73)
        3:56.35 (26.44)     4:21.78 (25.43)
  4 Johnson, Lucas   18 Navy              4:25.55    4:24.21        
                 24.13        50.48 (26.35)
        1:17.18 (26.70)     1:44.04 (26.86)
        2:10.83 (26.79)     2:37.76 (26.93)
        3:04.54 (26.78)     3:31.46 (26.92)
        3:58.23 (26.77)     4:24.21 (25.98)
  5 Novoszath, Tama  20 South Carolina    4:25.10    4:25.78        
                 23.72        49.88 (26.16)
        1:16.10 (26.22)     1:42.40 (26.30)
        2:08.44 (26.04)     2:35.04 (26.60)
        3:02.33 (27.29)     3:30.32 (27.99)
        3:58.47 (28.15)     4:25.78 (27.31)
  6 Riggs, Will H    20 South Carolina    4:26.98    4:28.15        
                 24.29        50.95 (26.66)
        1:17.95 (27.00)     1:45.09 (27.14)
        2:12.58 (27.49)     2:39.83 (27.25)
        3:07.32 (27.49)     3:34.59 (27.27)
        4:01.73 (27.14)     4:28.15 (26.42)
  7 Fath, Moritz D   21 GW                4:30.14    4:29.74        
                 24.35        50.81 (26.46)
        1:17.90 (27.09)     1:45.20 (27.30)
        2:12.78 (27.58)     2:40.44 (27.66)
        3:08.17 (27.73)     3:35.75 (27.58)
        4:03.28 (27.53)     4:29.74 (26.46)
  8 Cadigan, Willia  20 Navy              4:27.44    4:29.83        
                 24.29        51.03 (26.74)
        1:18.01 (26.98)     1:44.76 (26.75)
        2:11.82 (27.06)     2:38.86 (27.04)
        3:06.34 (27.48)     3:34.14 (27.80)
        4:02.22 (28.08)     4:29.83 (27.61)

Women’s 200 IM

Rice went 1-2 in the women’s 200 IM final with Kaitlyn Swinney (1:59.86) just out-touching teammate Jaecey Parham (1:59.87) as they were the only swimmers under two minutes in the final. George Washington’s Emily Zhang (2:00.56), Duquesne’s Emma Brinton (2:01.26), Tulane’s Kate McDonald (2:01.35), George Washington’s Jacqueline Torrez (2:02.26), San Jose State’s Colleen Humel (2:02.32) and South Carolina’s Emma Otten (2:05.90) also swam in the A-final.

 Event 11  Women 200 Yard IM
        CSCAA: # 1:58.36  3/23/2015 Hannah Kastigar, Grand Canyon
         Pool: & 1:53.77  2007      Katie Hoff, NBAC
    Name            Age Team              Prelims     Finals              
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Swinney, Kaitly  22 Rice              2:01.00    1:59.86        
                 26.61        56.87 (30.26)
        1:31.95 (35.08)     1:59.86 (27.91)
  2 Parham, Jaecey   22 Rice              2:01.23    1:59.87        
                 26.51        55.88 (29.37)
        1:31.00 (35.12)     1:59.87 (28.87)
  3 Zhang, Emily     21 GW                2:01.62    2:00.56        
                 26.55        57.18 (30.63)
        1:32.66 (35.48)     2:00.56 (27.90)
  4 Brinton, Emma E  19 Duquesne          2:01.95    2:01.26        
                 26.67        56.33 (29.66)
        1:32.78 (36.45)     2:01.26 (28.48)
  5 McDonald, Kathe  19 Tulane            2:01.08    2:01.35        
                 26.81        57.42 (30.61)
        1:32.08 (34.66)     2:01.35 (29.27)
  6 Torrez, Jacquel  20 GW                2:02.20    2:02.26        
                 26.71        56.94 (30.23)
        1:32.73 (35.79)     2:02.26 (29.53)
  7 Humel, Colleen   21 San Jose St       2:01.79    2:02.32        
                 26.38        55.56 (29.18)
        1:33.76 (38.20)     2:02.32 (28.56)
  8 Otten, Emma R    18 South Carolina    2:02.88    2:05.90        
                 25.85        55.76 (29.91)
        1:35.74 (39.98)     2:05.90 (30.16)

Men’s 200 IM

Another meet record went down in the men’s 200 IM at the hands of Army’s Peter Mikheyev (1:45.48), breaking his 1:46.14 he set this morning. Mikheyev originally broke the meet record that was held by Daniel Torres of Incarnate Word from 2014 at 1:47.00.

Mikheyev pulled away from South Carolina’s Jackson Smith (1:47.08) and La Salle’s Fabian Bergman (1:47.37). Incarnate Word’s Hector Ruvalcaba Cruz (1:49.40), George Washington’s Tommi Wolst (1:49.74), George Washington’s Maximilian Forstenhaeusler (1:49.83), Army’s Brian McKenrick (1:50.71) and CSUB’s Justice Kramer (1:51.09) also competed in the final.

 Event 12  Men 200 Yard IM
        CSCAA: # 1:46.14  3/8/2018  Peter P Mikheyev, Army-MR
         Pool: & 1:44.49  2/26/2009 Navy
    Name            Age Team              Prelims     Finals              
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Mikheyev, Peter  20 Army              1:46.14    1:45.48#       
                 23.27        49.88 (26.61)
        1:20.57 (30.69)     1:45.48 (24.91)
  2 Smith, Jackson   21 South Carolina    1:47.88    1:47.08        
                 23.19        49.76 (26.57)
        1:20.41 (30.65)     1:47.08 (26.67)
  3 Bergman, Fabian  23 La Salle          1:48.84    1:47.37        
                 23.21        49.79 (26.58)
        1:21.50 (31.71)     1:47.37 (25.87)
  4 Ruvalcaba Cruz,  20 Incarnate Word    1:49.62    1:49.40        
                 23.38        51.52 (28.14)
        1:23.49 (31.97)     1:49.40 (25.91)
  5 Wolst, Tommi     21 GW                1:49.38    1:49.74        
                 24.26        52.07 (27.81)
        1:23.29 (31.22)     1:49.74 (26.45)
  6 Forstenhaeusler  21 GW                1:49.68    1:49.83        
                 23.38        51.60 (28.22)
        1:24.36 (32.76)     1:49.83 (25.47)
  7 McKenrick, Bria  18 Army              1:48.74    1:50.71        
                 24.58        52.23 (27.65)
        1:24.69 (32.46)     1:50.71 (26.02)
  8 Kramer, Justice  20 CSUB              1:49.53    1:51.09        
                 23.15        51.39 (28.24)
        1:24.01 (32.62)     1:51.09 (27.08)

Women’s 50 Free

New Hampshire got its first win of the meet from Liza Baykova in the 50 free as she won in a 22.60 just ahead of Christina Lappin (22.63) and Brittany Heng (22.70) in the final. Lappin broke the meet record this morning at 22.39 but ultimately came up short in the final.

Florida International’s Letizia Bertelli (22.85), Rice’s Lauren Rhodes (22.91), Grand Canyon’s Diana Jaruseviciute (23.09), Florida International’s Alexandra Mayhew (23.18) and Grand Canyon’s Samiha Mohsen (23.42) also competed in the A-final.

 Event 13  Women 50 Yard Freestyle
        CSCAA: # 22.39  3/8/2018  Christina M Lappin, South Carolina-S
         Pool: & 22.37  2008      Thuy-Mi Dinh, Navy
    Name            Age Team              Prelims     Finals              
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Baykova, Elizav  21 New Hampshire       22.91      22.60        
  2 Lappin, Christi  19 South Carolina      22.39      22.63        
  3 Heng, Brittany   21 San Jose St         22.93      22.70        
  4 Bertelli, Letiz  23 Florida Int'l       22.57      22.85        
  5 Rhodes, Lauren   21 Rice                22.88      22.91        
  6 Jaruseviciute,   18 Grand Canyon        23.18      23.09        
  7 Mayhew, Alexand  22 Florida Int'l       23.16      23.18        
  8 Mohsen, Samiha   19 Grand Canyon        23.05      23.42

Men’s 50 Free

South Carolina’s Allen Ross won the 50 final at 20.36 ahead of La Salle’s Marcus Forsgren (20.37) and Gardner-Webb’s Eli Coan (20.47) in the 50 free final. Maclean Crossley (20.62), Alexander Auster (20.63), Jackson Gainer (20.67), Viktor Kertesz (20.76) and Colton Hall (20.77) also swam in the A-final.

 Event 14  Men 50 Yard Freestyle
        CSCAA: # 19.85  3/24/2014 Illya Glazunov, Grand Canyon
         Pool: & 19.73  2/20/2014 Navy
    Name            Age Team              Prelims     Finals              
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Ross, Allen J    19 South Carolina      20.40      20.36        
  2 Forsgren, Marcu  21 La Salle            20.53      20.37        
  3 Coan, Eli P      19 Gardner-Webb        20.48      20.47        
  4 Crossley, Macle  18 Navy                20.55      20.62        
  5 Auster, Alexand  20 GW                  20.61      20.63        
  6 Gainer, Jackson  18 Denver              20.70      20.67        
  7 Kertesz, Viktor  21 Grand Canyon        20.77      20.76        
  8 Hall, Colton M   19 Colgate             20.75      20.77

Women’s 400 medley relay

Denver broke another meet record in the women’s 400 medley relay with a 3:39.65 on Thursday night in Annapolis. Heidi Bradley (55.15), Courtney Laird (1:02.26), Kylie Cronin (52.96) and Aysia Leckie (49.28) swam for Denver as they broke the meet record set by Western Kentucky (3:40.08) in 2014. They finished just ahead of Florida International (3:39.86) and Boise State (3:40.38).

San Jose State (3:40.78), Navy (3:43.01), Rice (3:43.42), South Carolina (3:43.60) and San Diego (3:44.84) also placed in the top eight.

 Event 15  Women 400 Yard Medley Relay
        CSCAA: # 3:40.08  3/23/2014 Western Kentucky, Weste
                          Laemmler, Conlon, Marx, Marquess
         Pool: & 3:38.45  2/15/2018 U.S. Naval Academy, U.S.
                          K O'Reilly, L Barber, D Walz, C Lawson
    Team                             Seed     Finals              
  1 Denver  'A'                   3:37.43    3:39.65#       
     1) Bradley, Heidi M 21           2) Laird, Courtney R 21         
     3) Cronin, Kylie E 19            4) Leckie, Aysia 19             
                 26.62        55.15 (55.15)
        1:24.28 (29.13)   1:57.41 (1:02.26)
        2:21.40 (23.99)     2:50.37 (52.96)
        3:13.66 (23.29)     3:39.65 (49.28)
  2 Florida Int'l  'A'            3:35.94    3:39.86#       
     1) Carey, Skye A 21              2) Luukkanen, Carita 21         
     3) Mayhew, Alexandra C 22        4) Bertelli, Letizia 23         
                 26.67        55.20 (55.20)
        1:23.77 (28.57)   1:56.69 (1:01.49)
        2:21.06 (24.37)     2:50.21 (53.52)
        3:13.64 (23.43)     3:39.86 (49.65)
  3 Boise State Swim  'A'         3:36.03    3:40.38        
     1) Kleinsorgen, Allyson G 20     2) Mathis, Emily D 21           
     3) Jennings, Emmie T 20          4) Evans, Cody C 21             
                 26.20        54.31 (54.31)
        1:23.80 (29.49)   1:57.43 (1:03.12)
        2:22.09 (24.66)     2:51.16 (53.73)
        3:14.78 (23.62)     3:40.38 (49.22)
  4 San Jose St  'A'              3:39.43    3:40.78        
     1) Humel, Colleen V 21           2) Hanf, Katelyn R 20           
     3) Bushey, Brenna M 21           4) Heng, Brittany R 21          
                 25.85        53.34 (53.34)
        1:23.47 (30.13)   1:58.27 (1:04.93)
        2:22.62 (24.35)     2:51.26 (52.99)
        3:14.97 (23.71)     3:40.78 (49.52)
  5 Navy  'A'                     3:38.45    3:43.01        
     1) Miller, Jamie C 19            2) Macisaac, Elyse K 19         
     3) Walz, Delaney R 19            4) Lawson, Casey J 20           
                 26.66        54.77 (54.77)
        1:23.82 (29.05)   1:57.75 (1:02.98)
        2:23.15 (25.40)     2:52.86 (55.11)
        3:16.72 (23.86)     3:43.01 (50.15)
  6 Rice  'A'                     3:41.95    3:43.42        
     1) Beall, Kiley E 21             2) Renken, Cailey A 18          
     3) Bui, Brittany M 18            4) Rhodes, Lauren E 21          
                 26.63        54.73 (54.73)
        1:24.24 (29.51)   1:58.24 (1:03.51)
        2:24.00 (25.76)     2:53.07 (54.83)
        3:16.83 (23.76)     3:43.42 (50.35)
  7 South Carolina  'A'           3:35.50    3:43.60        
     1) Otten, Emma R 18              2) Menendez Nava, Ana 19        
     3) Shannahan, Kathleen M 21      4) Lappin, Christina M 19       
                 26.44        55.37 (55.37)
        1:24.47 (29.10)   1:59.12 (1:03.75)
        2:24.34 (25.22)     2:54.55 (55.43)
        3:17.93 (23.38)     3:43.60 (49.05)
  8 San Diego  'A'                3:43.97    3:44.84        
     1) Taylor, Danielle M 20         2) Evans, Kailyn E 18           
     3) Hubel, Alexandria R 20        4) Briggs, Mackenna L 20        
                 27.90        58.17 (58.17)
        1:26.94 (28.77)   2:00.38 (1:02.21)
        2:25.34 (24.96)     2:54.27 (53.89)
        3:18.31 (24.04)     3:44.84 (50.57)

Men’s 400 medley relay

La Salle closed out the night with a win in the men’s 400 medley relay at 3:14.84 with Fabian Bergman (47.28), Marcus Forsgren (54.16), Jakub Batosiewicz (48.38) and Norman Gregory (45.02) winning for the Explorers. Denver was second at 3:15.00 and Incarnate Word finished third at 3:16.74.

Cal State Bakersfield (3:17.04), South Carolina (3:17.77), George Washington (3:17.88), Navy (3:17.92) and Army (3:18.43) also placed in the top eight.

 Event 16  Men 400 Yard Medley Relay
        CSCAA: # 3:14.03  3/23/2015 Grand Canyon, Grand
                          Lytvenok, El Kamash, Glazunov, El Kamash
         Pool: & 3:09.84  2014      Navy, Navy
                          Walsh, Murphy, Debaugh, Bomberger
    Team                             Seed     Finals              
  1 La Salle  'A'                 3:15.52    3:14.84        
     1) Bergman, Fabian A 23          2) Forsgren, Marcus 21          
     3) Batosiewicz, Jakub 22         4) Gregory, Norman L 20         
                 22.72        47.28 (47.28)
        1:12.28 (25.00)     1:41.44 (54.16)
        2:03.73 (22.29)     2:29.82 (48.38)
        2:51.13 (21.31)     3:14.84 (45.02)
  2 Denver  'A'                   3:09.36    3:15.00        
     1) Wachtler, Neil T 19           2) Jager, Cy T 19               
     3) Webster, Peter 20             4) Sykes, Hugo J 19             
                 23.15        48.11 (48.11)
        1:12.87 (24.76)     1:42.43 (54.32)
        2:04.49 (22.06)     2:30.80 (48.37)
        2:51.57 (20.77)     3:15.00 (44.20)
  3 Incarnate Word  'A'           3:15.57    3:16.74        
     1) Shvets, Kyrylo 24             2) Karpenko, Oleksandr 22       
     3) Kuchan, Bryce M 20            4) Lestage, Christopher D 20    
                 23.74        49.03 (49.03)
        1:14.08 (25.05)     1:42.83 (53.80)
        2:05.47 (22.64)     2:31.93 (49.10)
        2:52.97 (21.04)     3:16.74 (44.81)
  4 CSUB  'A'                     3:17.70    3:17.04        
     1) Rogic, Kristofer M 18         2) Chir, Jake A 20              
     3) Kramer, Justice D 20          4) Gillilan, Loren 19           
                 23.47        48.70 (48.70)
        1:13.88 (25.18)     1:43.39 (54.69)
        2:05.73 (22.34)     2:32.23 (48.84)
        2:53.26 (21.03)     3:17.04 (44.81)
  5 South Carolina  'A'           3:10.42    3:17.77        
     1) Liu, Kevin H 19               2) Smith, Jackson C 21          
     3) Rose, Justin S 20             4) Ross, Allen J 19             
                 23.80        49.25 (49.25)
        1:15.17 (25.92)     1:44.41 (55.16)
        2:06.98 (22.57)     2:33.22 (48.81)
        2:54.63 (21.41)     3:17.77 (44.55)
  6 GW  'A'                       3:12.46    3:17.88        
     1) Pone, Emils 20                2) Wolst, Tommi 21              
     3) Forstenhaeusler, Maximilian 2 4) Auster, Alexander G 20       
                 23.99        49.68 (49.68)
        1:15.23 (25.55)     1:44.68 (55.00)
        2:07.02 (22.34)     2:33.14 (48.46)
        2:54.22 (21.08)     3:17.88 (44.74)
  7 Navy  'A'                     3:11.66    3:17.92        
     1) Wilson, James T 20            2) Nguyen, Dean D 19            
     3) Everman, Vincent P 21         4) Macgregor, Andrew R 19       
                 23.48        49.26 (49.26)
        1:14.88 (25.62)     1:43.98 (54.72)
        2:06.29 (22.31)     2:33.80 (49.82)
        2:54.83 (21.03)     3:17.92 (44.12)
  8 Army  'A'                     3:15.01    3:18.43        
     1) McKenrick, Brian C 18         2) Mikheyev, Peter P 20         
     3) Doo, Kevin D 19               4) Martin, Sean A 21            
                 24.52        49.62 (49.62)
        1:15.77 (26.15)     1:45.23 (55.61)
        2:07.88 (22.65)     2:33.39 (48.16)
        2:54.69 (21.30)     3:18.43 (45.04)
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Sharon Ottman
6 years ago

What a great opportunity for these athletes to shine!

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