COVID-19 Leads Argentina to Cancel South American Championships

Argentina flag

The global spread of COVID-19 has caused the cancellation of the South American Swimming and Diving Championships schedule for Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The executive committee of the Confederación Sudamericana de Natación (CONSANAT) announced the cancellation Wednesday. The move came after the suspension of sports activities by the Argentinian government.

The statement expressed hope that a rescheduled date could be scheduled. The biennial competition was set for March 21 through April 5.

On Sunday, Argentina announced the first death in Latin American from the respiratory virus. The country’s health ministry reported Wednesday that it has 21 confirmed cases.

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4 years ago

Temporary set back. Argentina under the direction of Gustavo and the excellent coaches of Argentina along with the passion and courage of excellence of the athletes and swimmers will only put the outcome on a temporary hold. Bill Sweetenham.

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