Bruce Gemmell and Pete Morgan Feel “Lucky” At Current Posts At Nation’s Capital Swim Club (Video)
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JACKSONVILLE, Florida, September 12. THE highly successful Nation’s Capital Swim Club had two major reasons to celebrate tonight, as Bruce Gemmell was named the Coach of the Year by the American Swim Coaches Association and Pete Morgan was inducted into the ASCA Hall of Fame.
In both of their speeches, the coaches spoke of being lucky, in either working with the right coaches or athletes that have helped them achieve the success they have attained in their careers. They spoke with SwimmingWorld.TV after the ceremony to talk more about the environment at NCAP that fosters success for the coaching staff.
Rick Curl….REALLY?
Get over it and yourself emelyn. He was a great coach. People like you trolling around and posting on such a positive event as this is just plain sad