Brennan Gravley Wins Men’s 10K at Pan American Games

USA's Brennan Gravley crosses the finish in the 10K at the 2023 Pan American Games. Photo Courtsey: Greg Eggert

Brennan Gravley made it a USA sweep in the open water events at the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago, Chile.

Gravley claimed the gold medal in the men’s 10K to end the swimming competition from Santiago. He finished in a time of 1:50.23.4.

While he was ahead for most of the race, several swimmers closed the gap on the final lap, making for an exciting finish.

“I was in the front for a long time, which I don’t usually do too much. It was peaceful out there and the conditions were really good,” Brennan Gravley said. “All the guys were really competitive at the end and I enjoyed it. I am not super confident in my finishing speed, so I just tried to keep my head down and keep my head on the finish.”

Argentina’s Franco Cassini won the silver medal just two tenths of a second behind in 1:50.23.6.

Mexico’s Paulo Strehlke Delgado was just four tenths back at 1:50.23.8 and he took the bronze.

Three seconds behind the medal winners was Gravley’s brother, Dylan Gravley, to got to the finish in 1:50.26.8.

“My brother and I just wanted to wing it and see how it went. I tried to take each lap one at a time. It made coming out here worth it and I was glad I could put out a performance like that for myself and for my country,” Brennan said.

It was the second 10K gold for the USA on Sunday.

USA swimmer Ashley Twichell won the 10K open water gold medal at the Pan American Games on Sunday. Twichell won the race in 1:57.16.4.

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Alex Wilson
Alex Wilson
7 months ago

Great swims for both Gravley brothers!

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