Big Ten Women’s Championships Day 1: Indiana Holds Slight Lead on Ohio State

Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick

The Ohio State women’s swimming and diving team jumped out to an early lead in its Big Ten title defense.

The Buckeyes won the 200 medley relay to open the meet on Wednesday in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at Canham Natatorium. But Indiana finished the night with a win in the 800 free relay to take the overall lead 118-116 over the Buckeyes.

   Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 2                      
  1. Indiana University                118   2. Ohio State University             116
  3. University of Michigan            112   4. Wisconsin, University of, Madi    102
  4. Northwestern University           102   6. Pennsylvania State University      98
  7. Rutgers University Swimming        90   7. University of Minnesota            90
  9. University of Nebraska             80  10. University of Illinois             66
 11. Purdue University                  64  12. University of Iowa                 62

Here is a look a the relays on the first day:

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Big Ten Women’s 200 Medley Relay

The Buckeyes made a statement splash in the first event of the Big Ten Championships, breaking the Michigan pool record in the event to take the win, and the early lead in the meet. Ohio State won the event in 1:33.95, besting the previous pool record set by Indiana in 2016 (1:35.73).

Nyah Funderburke started with a 23.58 split to lead things off for the Buckeyes. Hannah Bach was the breaststroke split in 26.22, followed by butterflyer Katherine Zenick (22.60) and Teresa Ivan was the freestyle anchor in 21.55.

Host Michigan took second with a strong race, finishing in 1:35.96. Casey Chung (24.78), Letitia Sim (26.96), Natalie Kan (22.97) and Lindsay Flynn (21.25) comprised the Wolverines relay.

Indiana was the third Big Ten team to earn an NCAA “A” cut in the event, finishing in 1:35.98 behind Kacey McKenna (24.56), Noelle Peplowski (26.64), Elizabeth Broshears (23.45) and Ashley Turak (21.33).

Event 1  Women 200 Yard Medley Relay
     B1G Meet: # 1:33.64  2/16/2022 Ohio State University, Ohio
                          E Crane, H Bach, K Zenick, T Ivan
         Pool: ! 1:35.73  2016      Indiana University, Indiana
                          Chamberlain, King, Dalesandro, Vertigans
                 1:36.24  A NCAA Qualifying
                 1:37.02  B NCAA Provisional
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Ohio St-OH  'A'               1:34.80    1:33.95!A       64  
     1) Funderburke, Nyah A SO        2) r:0.11 Bach, Hannah SR       
     3) r:0.48 Zenick, Katherine JR   4) r:-0.25 Ivan, Teresa SO      
             11.77        23.58 (23.58)
          35.73 (12.15)       49.80 (26.22)
          59.85 (10.05)     1:12.40 (22.60)
        1:22.65 (10.25)     1:33.95 (21.55)
  2 Michigan-MI  'A'              1:37.49    1:35.96 A       56  
     1) Chung, Casey A JR             2) r:0.38 Sim, Letitia SO       
     3) r:0.28 Kan, Natalie JR        4) r:0.17 Flynn, Lindsay SO     
             12.28        24.78 (24.78)
          37.05 (12.27)       51.74 (26.96)
        1:02.23 (10.49)     1:14.71 (22.97)
        1:24.90 (10.19)     1:35.96 (21.25)
  3 IU-IN  'A'                    1:35.98    1:35.98 A       54  
     1) McKenna, Kacey S SO           2) Peplowski, Noelle C PG       
     3) Broshears, Elizabeth G JR     4) r:0.12 Turak, Ashley SR      
             12.27        24.56 (24.56)
          36.43 (11.87)       51.20 (26.64)
        1:01.54 (10.34)     1:14.65 (23.45)
        1:24.72 (10.07)     1:35.98 (21.33)
  4 Northwestern-IL  'A'          1:37.29    1:36.96 B       52  
     1) Murdock, Justine E SO         2) r:0.41 Brunzell, Hannah SR   
     3) r:-0.33 Guevara, Miriam SR    4) r:0.24 Yu, Audrey FR         
             12.37        24.74 (24.74)
          37.07 (12.33)       51.97 (27.23)
        1:02.24 (10.27)     1:14.77 (22.80)
        1:25.26 (10.49)     1:36.96 (22.19)
  5 Penn State-MA  'A'            1:38.01    1:37.51         50  
     1) Carson, Molly SO              2) r:0.10 Jack, Liv GS          
     3) r:0.24 Harvey, Emma SR        4) r:0.26 Brinker, Mary JR      
             12.38        24.91 (24.91)
          37.12 (12.21)       52.45 (27.54)
         1:02.38 (9.93)     1:15.24 (22.79)
        1:25.62 (10.38)     1:37.51 (22.27)
  6 Wisconsin-WI  'A'             1:37.49    1:38.09         48  
     1) Bacon, Phoebe M JR            2) Ozkan, Hazal FR              
     3) r:0.45 Jump, Mallory SR       4) r:0.23 Wanezek, Abby FR      
             12.32        24.67 (24.67)
          37.08 (12.41)       52.22 (27.55)
        1:02.92 (10.70)     1:15.81 (23.59)
        1:26.26 (10.45)     1:38.09 (22.28)
  7 Rutgers-NJ  'A'               1:38.95    1:38.25         46  
     1) Scarabelli, Alice GS          2) r:0.26 Kimmel, Rachel GS     
     3) r:0.26 Maksimova, Sofia SO    4) r:0.33 Chichaikina, Sofia SR 
    r:+0.98  12.29        24.85 (24.85)
          37.32 (12.47)       52.27 (27.42)
        1:02.39 (10.12)     1:15.58 (23.31)
        1:26.37 (10.79)     1:38.25 (22.67)
  8 Minnesota-MN  'A'             1:38.02    1:39.37         44  
     1) Yablonski, Ava FR             2) r:0.24 Lezer, Emma SR        
     3) r:0.10 McGinty, Jordan SR     4) r:0.31 Bloomer, Olivia SR    
             12.33        24.66 (24.66)
          37.14 (12.48)       52.33 (27.67)
        1:03.31 (10.98)     1:16.90 (24.57)
        1:27.74 (10.84)     1:39.37 (22.47)
  9 Nebraska-MW  'A'              1:40.88    1:39.55         40  
     1) Donahue, Gabriela A JR        2) r:0.34 Randby, Jojo SO       
     3) r:0.40 Cairns, Caitlin JR     4) r:0.20 Haimes, Emily SR      
    r:+0.89  25.39                     
              52.78 ( )         1:03.73 ( )
        1:17.05 (13.32)     1:27.60 (23.87)
        1:39.55 (11.95)                    
 10 ILL  'A'                      1:40.95    1:39.75         34  
     1) Salafatinos, Athena P SR      2) r:0.45 Haworth, Kaleigh SR   
     3) r:0.30 Kuehne, Logan SO       4) r:0.38 Guerra, Isabelle SR   
              53.37 ( )         1:04.15 ( )
        1:16.99 (12.84)     1:27.72 (23.57)
        1:39.75 (12.03)                    
 11 Iowa-IA  'A'                  1:40.27    1:40.79         32  
     1) Gilbertson, Kennedy E SR      2) r:0.34 Schreiber, Sheridan 5Y
     3) r:0.20 Martin, Scarlet FR     4) r:0.23 Pedersen, Molly SO    
              53.58 ( )         1:04.44 ( )
        1:17.75 (13.31)     1:28.62 (24.18)
        1:40.79 (12.17)                    
 12 Purdue-IN  'A'                1:40.46    1:40.85         30  
     1) Marcukaitis, Abby L FR        2) r:0.63 Love, Maggie SO       
     3) r:0.48 Berglund, Meredith JR  4) r:0.09 Hill, Hannah SO       
              53.91 ( )         1:05.43 ( )
        1:18.76 (13.33)     1:28.78 (23.35)
        1:40.85 (12.07)    

Big Ten Women’s 800 Free Relay

Indiana broke the pool record to win the 800 free relay. The Hoosiers finished in 6:58.44, besting the 2016 Michigan team by a tenth of a second.

Anna Peplowski led off in a 1:43.50, followed by Ching Gan (1:45.08), Mackenzie Looze (1:45.34) and Kristin Paegle (1:44.52).

Michigan finished second in both relays on Wednesday. The Wolverines touched the wall in 7:00.78. Megan Glass (1:46.52), Katie Crom (1:45.20), Riley Francis (1:44.79) and Christey Liang (1:44.27) comprised the relay in another “A” cut.

Wisconsin’s Abby Carlson, Phoebe Bacon, Mackenzie McConagha and Blair Stoneberg finished third in 7:01.39.

Event 2  Women 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
     B1G Meet: # 6:54.58  2/20/2019 University of Michigan, Michigan
                          Y Bi, R Postoll, S Haughey, C DeLoof
         Pool: ! 6:58.54  2016      University of Michigan, Michigan
                          Bi, Haughey, G. Deloof, Ryan
                 7:00.86  A NCAA Qualifying
                 7:05.88  B NCAA Provisional
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 IU-IN  'A'                    7:04.54    6:58.44!A       64  
     1) Peplowski, Anna M SO          2) Gan, Ching SO                
     3) Looze, Mac K PG               4) r:0.27 Paegle, Kristina FR   
    r:+0.77  23.79        49.66 (49.66)
      1:16.11 (1:16.11)   1:43.50 (1:43.50)
        2:07.92 (24.42)     2:34.45 (50.95)
      3:01.53 (1:18.03)   3:28.58 (1:45.08)
        3:52.63 (24.05)     4:19.16 (50.58)
      4:46.16 (1:17.58)   5:13.92 (1:45.34)
        5:37.16 (23.24)     6:03.78 (49.86)
      6:30.76 (1:16.84)   6:58.44 (1:44.52)
  2 Michigan-MI  'A'              7:04.51    7:00.78 A       56  
     1) Glass, Megan E SR             2) Crom, Katie M FR             
     3) Francis, Riley J FR           4) Liang, Christey X FR         
             24.47        50.84 (50.84)
      1:18.06 (1:18.06)   1:46.52 (1:46.52)
        2:10.69 (24.17)     2:37.93 (51.41)
      3:05.32 (1:18.80)   3:31.72 (1:45.20)
        3:55.41 (23.69)     4:21.66 (49.94)
      4:49.03 (1:17.31)   5:16.51 (1:44.79)
        5:40.44 (23.93)     6:06.69 (50.18)
      6:33.78 (1:17.27)   7:00.78 (1:44.27)
  3 Wisconsin-WI  'A'             7:05.05    7:01.39 B       54  
     1) Carlson, Abby G SO            2) r:0.30 Bacon, Phoebe JR      
     3) r:0.32 McConagha, Macknzie SO 4) r:0.44 Stoneburg, Blair FR   
    r:+0.67  24.54        50.62 (50.62)
      1:16.93 (1:16.93)   1:44.19 (1:44.19)
        2:08.36 (24.17)     2:35.19 (51.00)
      3:02.41 (1:18.22)   3:29.82 (1:45.63)
        3:54.13 (24.31)     4:21.47 (51.65)
      4:48.77 (1:18.95)   5:15.85 (1:46.03)
        5:40.12 (24.27)     6:06.55 (50.70)
      6:33.58 (1:17.73)   7:01.39 (1:45.54)
  4 Ohio St-OH  'A'               7:00.93    7:02.48 B       52  
     1) Fulmer, Amy A SR              2) r:0.47 Hall, Paige SO        
     3) r:0.32 Ivan, Teresa SO        4) r:-0.08 Pasadyn, Felicia SR  
    r:+2.28  24.28        50.07 (50.07)
      1:16.45 (1:16.45)   1:42.94 (1:42.94)
        2:06.91 (23.97)     2:33.89 (50.95)
      3:01.33 (1:18.39)   3:30.31 (1:47.37)
        3:53.44 (23.13)     4:20.34 (50.03)
      4:48.51 (1:18.20)   5:17.35 (1:47.04)
        5:40.99 (23.64)     6:07.33 (49.98)
      6:34.90 (1:17.55)   7:02.48 (1:45.13)
  5 Northwestern-IL  'A'          7:07.58    7:04.80 B       50  
     1) Strouse, Ashley P SO          2) Brennan, Jamie FR            
     3) Shimizu-Bowers, Hana FR       4) Larson, Ally D SR            
    r:+0.77  24.16        50.51 (50.51)
      1:17.54 (1:17.54)   1:44.64 (1:44.64)
        2:08.67 (24.03)     2:35.37 (50.73)
      3:02.65 (1:18.01)   3:30.68 (1:46.04)
        3:55.07 (24.39)     4:21.87 (51.19)
      4:49.95 (1:19.27)   5:17.84 (1:47.16)
        5:41.07 (23.23)     6:07.42 (49.58)
      6:35.26 (1:17.42)   7:04.80 (1:46.96)
  6 Penn State-MA  'A'            7:13.78    7:08.67         48  
     1) Meisner, Catherine FR         2) r:0.14 Stanford, Cat JR      
     3) r:0.31 Henderson, Abby JR     4) r:0.21 Amdor, Abbie SR       
    r:+0.76  24.58        51.01 (51.01)
      1:18.10 (1:18.10)   1:45.95 (1:45.95)
        2:09.99 (24.04)     2:37.15 (51.20)
      3:05.29 (1:19.34)   3:33.78 (1:47.83)
        3:58.15 (24.37)     4:24.60 (50.82)
      4:52.49 (1:18.71)   5:20.85 (1:47.07)
        5:44.61 (23.76)     6:11.80 (50.95)
      6:40.01 (1:19.16)   7:08.67 (1:47.82)
  7 Minnesota-MN  'A'             7:10.24    7:10.83         46  
     1) Sullivan, Kate A SR           2) r:0.28 Cornish, Hannah SO    
     3) r:0.13 Van Berkom, Megan JR   4) r:0.15 Summit, Maggie SR     
    r:+0.69  25.20        52.25 (52.25)
      1:20.03 (1:20.03)   1:48.55 (1:48.55)
        2:12.43 (23.88)     2:39.81 (51.26)
      3:07.96 (1:19.41)   3:36.60 (1:48.05)
        4:00.63 (24.03)     4:27.44 (50.84)
      4:55.29 (1:18.69)   5:22.76 (1:46.16)
        5:46.99 (24.23)     6:14.37 (51.61)
      6:42.60 (1:19.84)   7:10.83 (1:48.07)
  8 Rutgers-NJ  'A'               7:16.35    7:11.64         44  
     1) Scarabelli, Alice GS          2) r:0.12 Egorova, Valeria FR   
     3) r:0.34 Murtagh, Madison GR    4) r:0.38 Chichaikina, Sofia SR 
    r:+0.72  24.91        52.13 (52.13)
      1:20.02 (1:20.02)   1:48.01 (1:48.01)
        2:12.16 (24.15)     2:39.05 (51.04)
      3:06.76 (1:18.75)   3:35.27 (1:47.26)
        3:59.82 (24.55)     4:26.93 (51.66)
      4:54.59 (1:19.32)   5:23.02 (1:47.75)
        5:46.92 (23.90)     6:14.19 (51.17)
      6:42.75 (1:19.73)   7:11.64 (1:48.62)
  9 Nebraska-MW  'A'              7:14.80    7:12.14         40  
     1) Stott, Shannon J SR           2) Kucera, Alexa J JR           
     3) Jorgenson, Genevieve FR       4) Marchi, Giulia FR            
             25.07        51.91 (51.91)
      1:19.17 (1:19.17)   1:46.40 (1:46.40)
        2:11.28 (24.88)     2:38.48 (52.08)
      3:06.52 (1:20.12)   3:34.89 (1:48.49)
        3:59.41 (24.52)     4:26.68 (51.79)
      4:54.53 (1:19.64)   5:22.19 (1:47.30)
        5:46.99 (24.80)     6:14.45 (52.26)
      6:42.86 (1:20.67)   7:12.14 (1:49.95)
 10 Purdue-IN  'A'                7:20.73    7:15.25         34  
     1) Bowen, Kendra SR              2) r:0.30 Turner, Lindsay SR    
     3) r:0.50 Beavon, Kate SR        4) Mattice, Reagan G FR         
    r:+0.78  25.17        52.18 (52.18)
      1:19.65 (1:19.65)   1:47.15 (1:47.15)
        2:11.66 (24.51)     2:38.71 (51.56)
      3:06.78 (1:19.63)   3:35.68 (1:48.53)
        4:00.50 (24.82)     4:27.78 (52.10)
      4:56.30 (1:20.62)   5:37.45 (2:01.77)
                            6:17.93 (40.48)
      6:46.69 (1:09.24)   7:15.25 (1:37.80)
 11 ILL  'A'                      7:26.11    7:19.86         32  
     1) Stoll, Sydney J SO            2) r:0.44 Jass, Sara FR         
     3) r:0.51 Dorshorst, Liv FR      4) r:0.48 Bognar, Cara JR       
    r:+0.63  25.18        52.54 (52.54)
      1:20.35 (1:20.35)   1:48.77 (1:48.77)
        2:14.10 (25.33)     2:41.95 (53.18)
      3:10.07 (1:21.30)   3:38.26 (1:49.49)
        4:03.66 (25.40)     4:32.12 (53.86)
      5:00.70 (1:22.44)   5:29.12 (1:50.86)
        5:54.94 (25.82)     6:23.28 (54.16)
      6:51.79 (1:22.67)   7:19.86 (1:50.74)
 12 Iowa-IA  'A'                  7:25.15    7:24.56         30  
     1) Kupcova, Sabina FR            2) Pedersen, Molly E SO         
     3) O'Brien, Alix A SO            4) r:+0.44 Ozkazanc, Sila FR    
    r:+2.89  25.09        52.58 (52.58)
      1:20.33 (1:20.33)   1:47.93 (1:47.93)
        2:12.96 (25.03)     2:40.98 (53.05)
      3:09.65 (1:21.72)   3:38.23 (1:50.30)
        4:03.65 (25.42)     4:31.57 (53.34)
      5:00.95 (1:22.72)   5:31.26 (1:53.03)
        5:56.79 (25.53)     6:25.02 (53.76)
      6:54.56 (1:23.30)   7:24.56 (1:53.30)

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