Berkoff, Urlando Take Two Top Seeds Each During Day Four of Juniors West Prelims

More fast swimming occurred this morning during day four prelims of the 2018 Junior National Championships West in Austin, Texas. Missoula Aquatics’ Katharine Berkoff had a strong showing and will be the top seed in the 200 back and 100 free tonight during finals while Gianluca Urlando is the top qualifier in the 200 back and 200 fly.
Click here for full results.
Finals will begin tonight at 5:00 p.m. CST (6:00 p.m. EST). Tonight’s lineup will see finals of the 200 back, 100 free, 200 breast, 200 fly, 4×100 free relay as well as the top heat of the mile.
Women’s 200 Back
After winning the women’s 100 back in meet record-setting fashion last night, Missoula Aquatics’ Katharine Berkoff will aim to complete the backstroke sweep this weekend. She will be the top seed in the 200 back tonight after posting a time of 1:52.36 this morning
Aquajets’ Isabelle Stadden will be the second seed in 1:53.88 while Beach Cities Swimming’s Alexandra Crisera will be on the other side of Berkoff in 1:56.58.
Nitro Swimming’s Ana Herceg (1:57.02), YMCA Westside’s Kennedy Noble (1:57.27), Buenaventura’s Tea Laughlin (1:57.46), DART Swimming’s Zoe Cosgrove (1:57.49) and Lakeside Aquatics’ Natalie Whalen (1:57.50) will also complete in the top eight.
Event 27 Women 200 Yard Backstroke ================================================================== Jrs West: * 1:50.59 12/14/2013Clara Smiddy, AquaKids Sharks SC Jrs Meet: # 1:50.59 12/14/2013Clara Smiddy, AquaKids Sharks- 13-14 NAG: 1:51.07 2010 Missy Franklin 15-16 NAG: 1:48.30 2018 Regan Smith 17-18 NAG: 1:48.42 2013 Missy Franklin Name Age Team Seed Prelims ================================================================== === Preliminaries === 1 Berkoff, Katharine 17 Missoula Aquatic 1:51.40 1:52.36 26.06 54.53 (28.47) 1:23.33 (28.80) 1:52.36 (29.03) 2 Stadden, Isabelle 16 Aquajets Swim Te 1:52.04 1:53.88 26.60 55.53 (28.93) 1:25.41 (29.88) 1:53.88 (28.47) 3 Crisera, Alexandra 17 Beach Cities Swi 1:54.44 1:56.58 27.76 57.45 (29.69) 1:26.85 (29.40) 1:56.58 (29.73) 4 Herceg, Ana 15 Nitro Swimming-S 1:58.84 1:57.02 28.02 57.51 (29.49) 1:27.45 (29.94) 1:57.02 (29.57) 5 Noble, Kennedy 14 YMCA Westside Si 1:57.54 1:57.27 27.74 56.96 (29.22) 1:27.08 (30.12) 1:57.27 (30.19) 6 Laughlin, Tea 16 Buenaventura Swi 1:58.57 1:57.46 27.12 56.81 (29.69) 1:26.88 (30.07) 1:57.46 (30.58) 7 Cosgrove, Zoe 17 DART Swimming-SN 1:59.80 1:57.49 27.65 56.91 (29.26) 1:26.93 (30.02) 1:57.49 (30.56) 8 Whalen, Natalie 17 Lakeside Aquatic 1:59.01 1:57.50 27.96 57.35 (29.39) 1:27.27 (29.92) 1:57.50 (30.23)
Men’s 200 Back
After setting two 15-16 National Age Group records yesterday in the 100 fly and 100 back, DART Swimming’s Gianluca Urlando will have another chance for a Junior National title in the 200 back today. He swam a lifetime best of 1:42.11 for the middle lane tonight.
Edina’s Peter Larson dropped a second from his seed time to qualify second in 1:42.48 while Foothills Swim Team’s Gavin Olson will be third in 1:43.83.
Billings Aquatics’ Ethan Harder (1:44.27), Harrison Lierz (1:45.85), Seattle Metro’s Tyler Lu (1:45.88), Sierra Marlins’ Colby Mefford (1:46.25) and Wichita Swim Club’s Ben Patton (1:46.50) will also swim in the A-final.
Event 28 Men 200 Yard Backstroke ================================================================== Jrs West: * 1:40.79 12/10/2011Jacob Pebley, Corvallis Aquati SC Jrs Meet: # 1:40.79 12/10/2011Jacob Pebley, Corvallis Aquati 13-14 NAG: 1:43.15 2014 Michael Andrew 15-16 NAG: 1:40.90 2011 Ryan Murphy 17-18 NAG: 1:37.35 2014 Ryan Murphy Name Age Team Seed Prelims ================================================================== === Preliminaries === 1 Urlando, Gianluca 16 DART Swimming-SN 1:43.37 1:42.11 23.64 48.69 (25.05) 1:14.66 (25.97) 1:42.11 (27.45) 2 Larson, Peter 17 Edina Swim Club- 1:43.51 1:42.48 23.77 49.27 (25.50) 1:16.02 (26.75) 1:42.48 (26.46) 3 Olson, Gavin 17 Foothills Swim T 1:43.40 1:43.83 24.52 50.77 (26.25) 1:17.51 (26.74) 1:43.83 (26.32) 4 Harder, Ethan 18 Billings Aquatic 1:43.04 1:44.27 24.54 50.79 (26.25) 1:17.58 (26.79) 1:44.27 (26.69) 5 Lierz, Harrison 16 Una EA-CO 1:43.76 1:45.85 24.70 51.26 (26.56) 1:18.48 (27.22) 1:45.85 (27.37) 6 Lu, Tyler 15 Seattle Metropol 1:45.54 1:45.88 24.78 51.47 (26.69) 1:18.23 (26.76) 1:45.88 (27.65) 7 Mefford, Colby 17 Sierra Marlins S 1:47.80 1:46.25 24.61 51.44 (26.83) 1:18.85 (27.41) 1:46.25 (27.40) 8 Patton, Ben 18 Wichita Swim Clu 1:47.10 1:46.50 24.62 51.06 (26.44) 1:18.22 (27.16) 1:46.50 (28.28)
Women’s 100 Free
It will be a busy night for Berkoff as she is also the top qualifier in the women’s 100 free. She swam a new lifetime best of 48.91 this morning as the only swimmer in the field to sneak under the 49-second barrier.
PRO Swimming’s Janelle Rudolph will try to chase Berkoff down as the second seed in 49.38 while Scottsdale Aquatics’ Ashley Strouse earned the third seed in 49.55.
Also vying for the Junior National title will be Arkansas’ Kobie Melton (49.57), Brea Aquatics’ Samantha Pearson (49.59), Longhorn Aquatics’ Quinn Schaedler (49.60), Bellevue’s Gracie Felner (49.73) and Crow Canyon’s Zoie Hartman (49.73).
Event 29 Women 100 Yard Freestyle ================================================================== Jrs West: * 46.29 12/13/2014Abbigail Weitzeil, Canyons Aquatic SC Jrs Meet: # 46.29 12/13/2014Abbigail Weitzeil, Canyons Aquatic 13-14 NAG: 47.94 2010 Missy Franklin 15-16 NAG: 47.73 2013 Simone Manuel 17-18 NAG: 46.09 2015 Simone Manuel Name Age Team Seed Prelims ================================================================== === Preliminaries === 1 Berkoff, Katharine 17 Missoula Aquatic 49.18 48.91 r:+0.75 23.83 48.91 (25.08) 2 Rudolph, Janelle 16 PRO Swimming-PN 49.33 49.38 r:+0.72 23.64 49.38 (25.74) 3 Strouse, Ashley 16 Scottsdale Aquat 49.24 49.55 r:+0.77 24.04 49.55 (25.51) 4 Melton, Kobie 18 Univ Arkansas Sw 49.17 49.57 r:+0.66 23.73 49.57 (25.84) 5 Pearson, Samantha 17 Brea Aquatics-CA 49.33 49.59 r:+0.75 23.86 49.59 (25.73) 6 Schaedler, Quinn 16 Longhorn Aquatic 48.84 49.60 r:+0.73 23.86 49.60 (25.74) 7 Felner, Gracie 17 Bellevue Club Sw 50.20 49.73 r:+0.74 23.90 49.73 (25.83) 7 Hartman, Zoie 17 Crow Canyon Coun 49.92 49.73 r:+0.83 23.99 49.73 (25.74)
Men’s 100 Free
Houston Bridge Bats’ Jack Armstrong threw down a personal best by nearly a full second during prelims to earn the top spot in the men’s 100 free heading into tonight. He powered home in 43.68 as the only swimmer so far under 44 seconds.
Armstrong will face tough competition from Rockwood Swim Club’s Jack Dolan who took second in 44.16 as well as Lake Country’s Lucas Farrar who is third in 44.23.
Longhorn Aquatics’ Coby Carrozza (44.25), Santa Clara Swim Club’s Max Saunders (44.25), St. Charles Swim Club’s Will Myhre (44.26), Bellevue’s Matt King (44.30) and Chicago Wolfpack’s Bence Szabados (44.54) have qualified fourth through eighth, respectively.
Event 30 Men 100 Yard Freestyle ================================================================== Jrs West: * 41.23 12/12/2015Ryan Hoffer, Scottsdale Aquat SC Jrs Meet: # 41.23 12/12/2015Ryan Hoffer, Scottsdale Aquat 13-14 NAG: 43.90 2014 Michael Andrew 15-16 NAG: 42.67 2013 Ryan Hoffer 17-18 NAG: 41.23 2015 Ryan Hoffer Name Age Team Seed Prelims ================================================================== === Preliminaries === 1 Armstrong, Jack 17 Houston Bridge B 44.52 43.68 21.11 43.68 (22.57) 2 Dolan, Jack 17 Rockwood Swim Cl 44.06 44.16 21.13 44.16 (23.03) 3 Farrar, Lucas 18 Lake Country Swi 44.37 44.23 20.97 44.23 (23.26) 4 Carrozza, Coby 17 Longhorn Aquatic 45.28 44.25 21.22 44.25 (23.03) 4 Saunders, Max 17 Santa Clara Swim 44.15 44.25 21.38 44.25 (22.87) 6 Myhre, Will 18 St Charles Swim- 52.66L 44.26 21.34 44.26 (22.92) 7 King, Matt 16 Bellevue Club Sw 44.50 44.30 21.33 44.30 (22.97) 8 Szabados, Bence 17 Chicago Wolfpack 45.23 44.54 21.54 44.54 (23.00)
Women’s 200 Breast
Boise YMCA’s Charity Pittard knocked off over a second from her previous best time to earn the top seed for finals. She will get a second swim in the middle lane with a seed time of 2:12.08.
Fort Collins’ Coleen Gillilan is close behind in 2:12.18 for the second seed while Hartman posted the third fastest time of the morning in 2:12.36.
Central Iowa’s Gillian Davey (2:12.45), North Coast Aquatics’ Tegan Preston (2:14.50), Colorado Springs’ Edena Chen (2:14.76), The Dolphins Portland’s Kaitlyn Dobler (2:14.79) and Lakeside Aquatics’ Jenna Watson (2:14.92) rounded out the top eight.
Event 31 Women 200 Yard Breaststroke ================================================================== Jrs West: * 2:07.44 12/9/2017 Zoe Bartel, Fort Collins Are SC Jrs Meet: # 2:07.44 12/9/2017 Zoe Bartel, Fort Collins 13-14 NAG: 2:10.22 2012 Allie Szekely 15-16 NAG: 2:06.45 2018 Alex Walsh 17-18 NAG: 2:05.99 2013 Annie Zhu Name Age Team Seed Prelims ================================================================== === Preliminaries === 1 Pittard, Charity 18 Boise YMCA Swim- 2:13.38 2:12.08 r:+0.71 30.27 1:03.59 (33.32) 1:37.71 (34.12) 2:12.08 (34.37) 2 Gillilan, Coleen 17 Fort Collins Are 2:09.77 2:12.18 r:+0.66 29.00 1:02.03 (33.03) 1:36.32 (34.29) 2:12.18 (35.86) 3 Hartman, Zoie 17 Crow Canyon Coun 2:08.60 2:12.36 r:+0.80 29.52 1:03.01 (33.49) 1:37.54 (34.53) 2:12.36 (34.82) 4 Davey, Gillian 17 Central Iowa Aqu 2:10.48 2:12.45 r:+0.78 30.45 1:03.80 (33.35) 1:37.92 (34.12) 2:12.45 (34.53) 5 Preston, Tegan 17 North Coast Aqua 2:17.25 2:14.50 r:+0.70 30.65 1:04.73 (34.08) 1:39.00 (34.27) 2:14.50 (35.50) 6 Chen, Edenna 17 Colorado Springs 2:15.87 2:14.76 r:+0.72 31.07 1:05.09 (34.02) 1:39.46 (34.37) 2:14.76 (35.30) 7 Dobler, Kaitlyn 16 The Dolphins Por 2:11.49 2:14.79 r:+0.73 30.40 1:04.89 (34.49) 1:39.65 (34.76) 2:14.79 (35.14) 8 Watson, Jenna 16 Lakeside Aquatic 2:19.43 2:14.92 r:+0.80 30.56 1:04.81 (34.25) 1:39.25 (34.44) 2:14.92 (35.67)
Men’s 200 Breast
It will be a close battle for the men’s 200 breast title tonight during finals as only 0.14 separate the top four qualifiers. Yesterday’s 100 breast champion Forrest Frazier of Eastern Iowa Swim Federation demolished his best time by nearly four seconds to earn the top seed in 1:56.35. This was the first time the future Cal Bear has broke two minutes.
Sitting right behind Frazier in second is King Aquatic Club’s Ethan Dang in 1:56.37 while Sierra Marlins’ Ben Dillard is also right in the mix with the third seed in 1:56.38.
Team Rebel Aquatics’ AJ Pouch (1:56.49), Myhre (1:57.37), Aquajets’ Hayden Zheng (1:58.36), Phoenix Swim Club’s Zachary Tan (1:58.52) and Mission Viejo’s Jason Schreiber (1:58.95) also broke two minutes to make up the rest of tonight’s top heat.
Event 32 Men 200 Yard Breaststroke ================================================================== Jrs West: * 1:55.08 12/9/2017 Zane Backes, Team Rebel Aquat SC Jrs Meet: # 1:52.37 12/10/2016Reece Whitley, Penn Charter AC 13-14 NAG: 1:55.52 2014 Reece Whitley 15-16 NAG: 1:52.37 2016 Reece Whitley 17-18 NAG: 1:51.43 2017 Reece Whitley Name Age Team Seed Prelims ================================================================== === Preliminaries === 1 Frazier, Forrest 16 Eastern Iowa Swi 2:00.03 1:56.35 26.03 55.48 (29.45) 1:25.56 (30.08) 1:56.35 (30.79) 2 Dang, Ethan 16 King Aquatic Clu 1:55.56 1:56.37 26.21 55.85 (29.64) 1:25.63 (29.78) 1:56.37 (30.74) 3 Dillard, Ben 17 Sierra Marlins S 1:58.08 1:56.38 25.73 54.95 (29.22) 1:25.09 (30.14) 1:56.38 (31.29) 4 Pouch, AJ 18 Team Rebel Aquat 1:56.47 1:56.49 26.11 55.50 (29.39) 1:25.63 (30.13) 1:56.49 (30.86) 5 Myhre, Will 18 St Charles Swim- 1:59.73 1:57.37 26.07 55.64 (29.57) 1:26.44 (30.80) 1:57.37 (30.93) 6 Zheng, Hayden 15 Aquajets Swim Te 1:59.84 1:58.36 27.14 57.28 (30.14) 1:27.32 (30.04) 1:58.36 (31.04) 7 Tan, Zachary 15 Phoenix Swim Clu 2:00.55 1:58.52 26.91 56.68 (29.77) 1:27.40 (30.72) 1:58.52 (31.12) 8 Schreiber, Jason 17 Mission Viejo Na 1:59.65 1:58.95 26.98 57.31 (30.33) 1:28.57 (31.26) 1:58.95 (30.38)
Women’s 200 Fly
Riptide’s Regan Smith will be tonight’s top qualifier in the women’s 200 fly after posting a time of 1:54.87. If she can hang on to the lead, this would be her third win of the weekend after taking the gold in the 200 free and 500 free earlier.
Magnolia’s Lillie Nordmann is right behind her in 1:54.91 for second while Brea Aquatics’ Zephy Koh is seeded third with a time of 1:56.73.
Katy Aquatics’ Emma Sticklen (1:57.11), Metroplex Aquatics’ Lindsa Looney (1:57.58), Mission Viejo’s Katie Crom (1:58.89), Greater Des Moines’ Berit Quass (1:58.94) and Springfield Aquatics’ Kate McCarville (1:59.11) complete the top heat for finals.
Event 33 Women 200 Yard Butterfly ================================================================== Jrs West: * 1:54.37 12/13/2014Ella Eastin, SOCAL Aquatics A SC Jrs Meet: # 1:53.49 12/9/2017 Olivia Carter, Enfinity Aquatic 13-14 NAG: 1:56.01 2013 Cassidy Bayer 15-16 NAG: 1:52.99 1981 Mary T. Meagher 17-18 NAG: 1:51.04 2016 Ella Eastin Name Age Team Seed Prelims ================================================================== === Preliminaries === 1 Smith, Regan 16 Riptide-MN 1:53.50 1:54.87 r:+0.73 25.37 54.18 (28.81) 1:24.06 (29.88) 1:54.87 (30.81) 2 Nordmann, Lillie 16 Magnolia Aquatic 1:56.28 1:54.91 r:+0.74 25.90 55.19 (29.29) 1:24.89 (29.70) 1:54.91 (30.02) 3 Koh, Zephy 17 Brea Aquatics-CA 1:54.68 1:56.73 r:+0.74 26.15 55.49 (29.34) 1:25.74 (30.25) 1:56.73 (30.99) 4 Sticklen, Emma 16 Katy Aquatic Tea 1:54.88 1:57.11 r:+0.68 25.49 54.46 (28.97) 1:24.56 (30.10) 1:57.11 (32.55) 5 Looney, Lindsay 17 Metroplex Aquati 1:58.05 1:57.58 r:+0.76 26.39 56.70 (30.31) 1:26.49 (29.79) 1:57.58 (31.09) 6 Crom, Katie 15 Mission Viejo Na 1:56.00 1:58.89 r:+0.69 26.55 57.04 (30.49) 1:28.13 (31.09) 1:58.89 (30.76) 7 Quass, Berit 16 Greater Des Moin 2:00.84 1:58.94 r:+0.80 26.89 56.91 (30.02) 1:27.17 (30.26) 1:58.94 (31.77) 8 McCarville, Kate 15 Springfield Aqua 1:58.80 1:59.11 r:+0.72 26.46 56.66 (30.20) 1:27.50 (30.84) 1:59.11 (31.61)
Men’s 200 Fly
Urlando will have yet another chance for a gold medal, this time in the men’s 200 fly after taking the top seed during prelims. He stopped the clock in 1:44.84 this morning and will be chasing the 15-16 NAG record of 1:42.10 set by Michael Phelps in 2002.
Szabados dropped over four seconds from is previous lifetime best to grab the second seed in 1:46.12 while Tigard Tualatin’s Ben Miller is close behind in 1:46.19 for third.
Carrozza (1:46.70), Palo Alto Stanford’s Brooks Taner (1:46.96), Greater Omaha’s Rush Clark (1:47.28), Mission Viejo’s Noah Brune (1:47.32) and Parkway Swim Club’s Noah Scheuermann (1:47.73) complete the top eight qualifiers.