B1G Men’s Championship Day 3 Prelims Recap

The B1G men’s championship meet continued with the Day 3 morning session of preliminaries for individual events.
Ohio State’s Matt McHugh took the top seed in both the 100-yard butterfly and 100 backstroke.
Here is a look at who made the finals:
400 IM
Michigan freshman Charles Swanson took the top seed in the 400 IM, finishing in 3:44.99 — nearly two seconds ahead of teammate PJ Ransford (3:46.48).
Ohio State’s Ching Lim took the third seed (3:46.66), followed by Michigan’s Cameron Stitt (3:47.15), Minnesota’s Jakub Maly (3:47.54), Purdue’s Adam Noens (3:48.03), Michigan’s Stephen Holmquist (3:48.10) and Purdue’s Josh Brooks (3:48.39).
1 Swanson, Charles A FR Michigan-MI 3:46.06 3:44.99 23.91 51.21 (27.30) 1:20.18 (28.97) 1:48.82 (28.64) 2:19.65 (30.83) 2:51.55 (31.90) 3:18.90 (27.35) 3:44.99 (26.09) 2 Ransford, Patrick J JR Michigan-MI 3:58.17 3:46.48 24.91 52.85 (27.94) 1:21.38 (28.53) 1:49.71 (28.33) 2:21.66 (31.95) 2:54.59 (32.93) 3:20.89 (26.30) 3:46.48 (25.59) 3 Lim, Ching H JR Ohio St-OH 3:46.16 3:46.66 23.73 50.73 (27.00) 1:19.96 (29.23) 1:48.69 (28.73) 2:20.91 (32.22) 2:53.85 (32.94) 3:20.93 (27.08) 3:46.66 (25.73) 4 Stitt, Cameron R SR Michigan-MI 3:50.36 3:47.15 24.72 52.72 (28.00) 1:21.98 (29.26) 1:50.13 (28.15) 2:22.68 (32.55) 2:55.53 (32.85) 3:21.82 (26.29) 3:47.15 (25.33) 5 Maly, Jakub SR Minnesota-MN 3:46.01 3:47.54 23.92 51.37 (27.45) 1:20.32 (28.95) 1:48.04 (27.72) 2:19.29 (31.25) 2:50.67 (31.38) 3:19.34 (28.67) 3:47.54 (28.20) 6 Noens, Adam T JR Purdue-IN 3:55.44 3:48.03 23.84 51.66 (27.82) 1:21.27 (29.61) 1:50.51 (29.24) 2:21.91 (31.40) 2:54.11 (32.20) 3:21.39 (27.28) 3:48.03 (26.64) 7 Holmquist, Stephen C SO Michigan-MI 3:52.42 3:48.10 24.44 52.36 (27.92) 1:22.03 (29.67) 1:51.04 (29.01) 2:22.79 (31.75) 2:54.95 (32.16) 3:22.04 (27.09) 3:48.10 (26.06) 8 Brooks, Joshua B SR Purdue-IN 3:59.10 3:48.39 24.08 51.44 (27.36) 1:20.63 (29.19) 1:49.66 (29.03) 2:22.74 (33.08) 2:56.00 (33.26) 3:22.40 (26.40) 3:48.39 (25.99)
100 butterfly
Ohio State’s Matt McHugh took the top seed in the 100 butterfly with a time of 45.29.
Right on his heels is Indiana’s Vinicius Lanza (45.56) and Ohio State’s Noah Lense (45.71).
Wisconsin’s Cannon Clifton took the fourth seed (46.27), followed by Minnesota’s Tuomas Pokkinen (46.28), Michigan’s Miles Smachlo (46.30), Iowa’s Jerzy Twarowski (46.43) and Michigan’s Evan White (46.53).
1 McHugh, Matt J SR Ohio St-OH 46.78 45.29 9.50 20.84 (11.34) 32.91 (12.07) 45.29 (12.38) 2 Lanza, Vinicius M SO Indiana-IN 45.56 45.56 9.81 21.66 (11.85) 33.45 (11.79) 45.56 (12.11) 3 Lense, Noah J FR Ohio St-OH 46.91 45.71 9.83 21.42 (11.59) 33.41 (11.99) 45.71 (12.30) 4 Clifton, Cannon J SR Wisconsin-WI 46.83 46.27 9.69 21.24 (11.55) 33.23 (11.99) 46.27 (13.04) 5 Pokkinen, Tuomas J FR Minnesota-MN 47.53 46.28 9.89 21.63 (11.74) 33.60 (11.97) 46.28 (12.68) 6 Smachlo, Miles A FR Michigan-MI 46.88 46.30 9.71 21.44 (11.73) 33.64 (12.20) 46.30 (12.66) 7 Twarowski, Jerzy M JR Iowa-IA 47.77 46.43 9.74 21.50 (11.76) 33.84 (12.34) 46.43 (12.59) 8 White, Evan S JR Michigan-MI 47.60 46.53 10.12 21.86 (11.74) 33.95 (12.09) 46.53 (12.58) -----------------------------------------------------------------
200 freestyle
Indiana’s Marwan El Kamash took the top seed in the 200 freestyle in 1:33.25, finishing just three tenths ahead of teammate Mohamed Samy (1:33.55).
Ohio State’s Josh Fleagle took the third seed (1:33.63), followed by Michigan’s Felix Auboeck (1:33.70), Indiana’s Blake Pieroni (1:33.72), Wisconsin’s Brett Pinfold (1:34.03), Indiana’s Jackson Miller (1:34.07), and Wisconsin’s Matthew Hutchins (1:34.32).
1 El Kamash, Marw SR Indiana-IN 1:34.10 1:33.25 qB 21.96 45.44 (23.48) 1:09.29 (23.85) 1:33.25 (23.96) 2 Samy, Mohamed E SO Indiana-IN 1:36.43 1:33.55 qB 22.04 45.35 (23.31) 1:09.23 (23.88) 1:33.55 (24.32) 3 Fleagle, Joshua SR Ohio St-OH 1:34.91 1:33.63 qB 21.44 44.77 (23.33) 1:08.98 (24.21) 1:33.63 (24.65) 4 Auboeck, Felix FR Michigan-MI 1:36.18 1:33.70 qB 22.19 45.84 (23.65) 1:09.79 (23.95) 1:33.70 (23.91) 5 Pieroni, Blake JR Indiana-IN 1:33.43 1:33.72 qB 21.69 45.21 (23.52) 1:09.67 (24.46) 1:33.72 (24.05) 6 Pinfold, Brett SR Wisconsin-WI 1:34.41 1:34.03 qB 22.38 46.20 (23.82) 1:10.23 (24.03) 1:34.03 (23.80) 7 Miller, Jackson SR Indiana-IN 1:35.51 1:34.07 qB 22.17 45.88 (23.71) 1:09.91 (24.03) 1:34.07 (24.16) 8 Hutchins, Matth SR Wisconsin-WI 1:36.10 1:34.32 qB 22.32 46.15 (23.83) 1:10.00 (23.85) 1:34.32 (24.32)
100 breaststroke
Indiana’s Ian Finnerty took the top seed in the 100 breaststroke, finishing in 52.05.
Michigan’s Chris Klein took the second seed (52.62), followed by Ohio State’s Jack Barone (52.67), Minnesota’s Conner McHugh (52.73), Michigan’s Jacob Montague (52.82), Indiana’s Levi Brock (52.88), Minnesota’s Eric Sande (53.03) and Penn State’s Gunther Cassell (53.41).
1 Finnerty, Ian J SO Indiana-IN 52.68 52.05 11.06 24.43 (13.37) 37.91 (13.48) 52.05 (14.14) 2 Klein, Christopher A SR Michigan-MI 53.43 52.62 11.08 24.70 (13.62) 38.51 (13.81) 52.62 (14.11) 3 Barone, Jack J JR Ohio St-OH 54.41 52.67 11.28 24.67 (13.39) 38.43 (13.76) 52.67 (14.24) 4 McHugh, Conner A JR Minnesota-MN 53.23 52.73 11.24 24.81 (13.57) 38.66 (13.85) 52.73 (14.07) 5 Montague, Jacob R FR Michigan-MI 53.51 52.82 11.12 24.68 (13.56) 38.67 (13.99) 52.82 (14.15) 6 Brock, Levi B JR Indiana-IN 54.12 52.88 11.34 24.79 (13.45) 38.83 (14.04) 52.88 (14.05) 7 Sande, Eric G SR Minnesota-MN 54.01 53.03 11.24 24.55 (13.31) 38.56 (14.01) 53.03 (14.47) 8 Cassell, Gunther A SO Penn St-MA 55.82 53.41 11.48 25.07 (13.59) 39.10 (14.03) 53.41 (14.31)
100 backstroke
Ohio State’s Matt McHugh took the top seed in the 100 backstroke, finishing in 45.25, nearly a second ahead of the rest of the field.
Penn State’s Shane Ryan was second (46.08), followed by Indiana’s Robert Glover (46.32), Michigan’s Tristan Sanders (46.68). Ohio State’s Thomas Trace (46.72), Michigan’s Luke Papendick (47.10), Ohio State’s Mark Belanger (47.11) and Ohio State’s Andrew Appleby (47.19).
1 McHugh, Matt J SR Ohio St-OH 46.42 45.25 10.73 21.93 (11.20) 33.67 (11.74) 45.25 (11.58) 2 Ryan, Shane P SR Penn St-MA 45.75 46.08 10.70 21.94 (11.24) 33.95 (12.01) 46.08 (12.13) 3 Glover, Robert S SR Indiana-IN 46.08 46.32 10.79 22.17 (11.38) 34.23 (12.06) 46.32 (12.09) 4 Sanders, Tristan M JR Michigan-MI 47.11 46.68 10.93 22.50 (11.57) 34.57 (12.07) 46.68 (12.11) 5 Trace, Thomas E JR Ohio St-OH 48.27 46.72 11.08 22.63 (11.55) 34.65 (12.02) 46.72 (12.07) 6 Papendick, Luke A SR Michigan-MI 47.41 47.10 11.09 22.78 (11.69) 35.01 (12.23) 47.10 (12.09) 7 Belanger, Mark R JR Ohio St-OH 47.17 47.11 11.49 23.15 (11.66) 35.14 (11.99) 47.11 (11.97) 8 Appleby, Andrew J SR Ohio St-OH 49.11 47.19 10.91 22.65 (11.74) 34.90 (12.25) 47.19 (12.29)
This meet is really deep. That 200 free is insane, 1:34.2 for an 8th place tie, and 1:33.9 to win the swim off.