Rachel Sansano - (Author)


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Swimming: A Love-Hate Relationship

Swimming: A Love-Hate Relationship By Rachel Sansano, Swimming World College Intern  To an outsider, swimmers seem to have a strange relationship with their sport. They simultaneously love and hate every aspect of it. They complain to anyone who will listen. But at the same time, they are the first ...

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Examples of Resilience From the Olympic Games

Examples of Resilience From the Olympic Games By Rachel Sansano, Swimming World College Intern  During the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the United States won an impressive 30 medals, 11 of which were gold. It was a strong showing for the American squad, which was followed by Australia (20) and Great Brit...

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Keeping Your Head Above Water: How Swimmers Can Thrive In The Grind

Keeping Your Head Above Water: How Swimmers Can Thrive In The Grind By Rachel Sansano, Swimming World College Intern  Sometimes, it's all too easy to get lost in the mental and physical grind of swimming. If you aren’t careful, your mind becomes your biggest opponent and you start to lose sight of t...

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How College Swimmers Can Stay in Shape During Summer Break

How College Swimmers Can Stay in Shape During Summer Break By Rachel Sansano, Swimming World College Intern For the majority of college swimmers, the summer is a much-needed break from insanely early mornings and grueling workouts. The only problem is, when we all go back to our typical training sch...