Miguel Caballero - (Author)


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11 Defining Milestones In the Career of a Swimmer

11 Defining Milestones In the Career of a Swimmer By Josie Wise There are thousands of swimmers around the globe, and even though everyone's swimming journey looks a little different, there are certain milestones that many swimmers share. The first swim practice you attend and the first meet you rac...

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Tricks of the Trade: 5 Swimming Hacks That Will Prove Useful

Tricks of the Trade: 5 Swimming Hacks That Will Prove Useful In swimming, the little tricks and hacks learned over the years are an essential part of the sport. When swimmers face their first official swim practice, it may be stressful for them: Figuring out how to get a cap on, understanding circle...

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Growing Up Through the Eyes of an Age Group Swimmer

Growing Up Through the Eyes of an Age Group Swimmer By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern Swimming begins at different ages for everyone, with some people being thrown in the water at 3 years old and others not joining the sport until high school. For those that do start out at a young age, there is ...

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Six Amazing Pools Across America: The Unique and Unforgettable

Six Amazing Pools Across America: Competitive Swimmer Edition By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern Many swimmers are likely familiar with the struggle of finding a lap pool that is capable of accommodating a full swimming workout while out of town. While other athletes may be able to run down any ol...

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Wild Swimming Injuries: Inspired by True Stories

Wild Swimming Injuries: Inspired by True Stories By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern People are familiar with sore shoulders and faulty knees as common and serious swimming injuries. However, there can be more unusual, maybe a little bit embarrassing swimming injuries as well. These injuries may no...

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Swimming With Your Siblings: A Unique Experience

Swimming With Your Siblings: A Unique Experience With the NCAA Championships occupying much of the past two weeks, some people might have noticed last names repeating themselves in the results: Gretchen Walsh and Alex Walsh, Jake Foster and Carson Foster... Having siblings who swim with you is a com...

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Role of Technology in Swimming: The Good and Bad

Role of Technology in Swimming: The Good and Bad By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern Touchpads, meet management software, heart rate monitoring, underwater cameras... all are technological advancements that have been brought to swimming. As with anything in the world, swimming has not remained a st...

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The Build-Up to Championship Season: What Goes Into the Preparation

The Build-Up to Championship Season: What Goes Into the Preparation By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern For many people, February, March and April are associated with melting snow, chirping birds and blossoming flowers. For swimmers, however, the coming months promise something a little more gritty...

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Why Small Swim Meets Have Major Value

Why Small Swim Meets Have Major Value By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern Everyone loves to talk about the huge meets in swimming: The Olympics, NCAAs, World Championships, state meets. However, those meets are only once a year, or once every four years. The majority of a swimmers racing experience...

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Does Hard Work Always Pay Off? It Depends On the View

Does Hard Work Always Pay Off? It Depends On the View By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern Growing up, most athletes hear the words “hard work pays off” often. However, sometimes when you work hard and you’re not reaching the goals you want, this statement can feel untrue. There's no straightforward...

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6 Ways Swimmers Pass Time at Meets

6 Ways Swimmers Pass Time at Meets Anyone who's attended a swim meet (swimmer or otherwise) knows the struggle of finding activities to keep themselves busy in between races. A swimmer may spend three days, five sessions, and twenty hours within the walls of a natatorium in one weekend. During that ...

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What's Your Preference? Swim Practice with Teammates vs. Alone

What's Your Preference? Swim Practice with Teammates vs. Alone By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern Swimming is overwhelmingly a team sport at the scholastic and collegiate levels, but that doesn't mean you don't find yourself in the pool alone on some occasions. It may be that you're on a vacation,...

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Balancing the Big and Little Things in Swimming

Balancing the Big and Little Things in Swimming By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern The Monday after a meet, your coach has the team huddled up to talk about some things she noticed over the weekend. She says that everyone seemed to be in pretty good shape and was able to keep up with the competiti...

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Is there a Swimmer in the House? Some Clues Provide the Answer

Is there a Swimmer in the House? Some Subtle Clues Provide the Answer Much like little Easter Eggs left in movies, the contents of a house can give glimpses into the activities of its inhabitants. If you look closely enough while watching a film, you might notice a painting that foreshadows the main...

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What Makes Swimmers Amazing Athletes?

Swimmers love to take jabs at their own athletic abilities, like catching a ball or trying to run without twisting an ankle. However, at the end of the day, we all know that swimmers are some of the best athletes out there. Why is that? Aerobics and Cardio The first area of great strength for swimme...

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9 Jobs for Swimmers That You've Never Considered

9 Jobs for Swimmers That You've Never Considered When searching for a job, people want to find something that relates to what they are good at and what they enjoy. If they've been swimming long enough, or love swimming enough, logically they may want to look into jobs related to swimming! However, n...

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Commentary: The Values Found in YMCA Swimming

Commentary: The Values Found in YMCA Swimming By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern The National YMCA Competitive Swimming program is a long-standing pillar of competitive swimming that should not be underestimated when looking at the sport. YMCA swimming stands out in its ability to produce athletes...

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Relays Rule: Why These Team Events Elevate Excitement In the Sport

Relays Rule: Why These Team Events Elevate Excitement In the Sport By Josie Wise, Swimming World Intern From the famous 4x100 freestyle relay with Jason Lezak in Beijing all the way to a tiny high school showdown, relay swims are capable of getting an entire natatorium of people screaming at the top...