Kate Walter - (Author)


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Adding Variety to a Swimmer's Training

By Ashleigh Scott, Swimming World College Intern. Every swimmer goes through times of feeling as though practices are redundant and stale. Walking across the pool deck day after day, jumping into the same water sometimes twice a day can get boring. However, there seems to be some type of magical sci...

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The Hidden Benefits of Swimming

By Ashleigh Scott, Swimming World College Intern. Nowadays, numerous products are marketed as having multiple secret benefits with catchy slogans, like "all hail kale!" or, "It's one simple motion: put on the lotion!" While swimming of course, is neither a cosmetic tool nor a superfood, it does yiel...

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Swimming Superstitions: The "Magic" Behind Your Success

By Ashleigh Scott, Swimming World College Intern. "Don't step on the cracks, or you'll break your mother's back!" "Be sure not to jinx it..." "Knock on wood!" We’ve all heard these lines. These are the types of things people say when they believe that doing or saying something will bring bad luck or...

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More Than Personal Bests and Competition

By Ashleigh Scott, Swimming World College Intern.  In the intense world of athletics, it is sometimes challenging to see past personal bests and competition. Swimmers focus on big and exciting goals. Every practice, every early morning, and every away meet contribute to achieving these big goals. Ho...

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How to Swerve Your Swim Meet Nerves

By Ashleigh Scott, Swimming World College Intern. Wake up early, push your body to its limits, fix small details, repeat. This is the daily routine for every competitive swimmer. It is a cycle swimmers go through in order to see the best possible results come competition time. However, oftentimes st...