Kate Smarjesse - (Author)


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The Importance of Sleep for Recovery: Make Sure You Follow These Steps

Mac Robertson, Swimming World College Intern. Going to swim practice each day can become extremely tiresome to even the world’s best. The rest and recovery that occurs out of the pool can be just as essential to fast swimming as the time spend in the pool. Many people often overlook the importance o...

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Three Ways to Improve Your Flutter Kick

Mac Robertson, Swimming World College Intern. Each time swimmers dive in the pool, they are required to coordinate and utilize an array of muscles from their head to their toes. While swimming is a sport that requires much upper body strength, one part of the sport that is often overlooked is the im...

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4 Dryland Options When Pool Time is Limited

Mac Robertson, Swimming World College Intern. Swimming is a sport that requires a a daily, relentless commitment. Although your body needs time to recover, missing practices can be detrimental to accomplishing your long-term goals. Being in the water as consistently as possible requires a lot of ded...

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5 Hair-Saving Shampoo Products

Mac Robertson, Swimming World College Intern. Swimmers know just how quickly their hair can dry out after finishing practice - it can feel like it's turning into pieces of straw. This dry, brittle hair stems from hours of chlorine exposure in the water. When the hair shafts absorb chlorine, the hair...

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Q&A With All-American and International Student Sebastian Tostado

Mac Robertson, Swimming World College Intern. The recruiting process can often be a challenging and confusing time for those looking to swim in college. Deciding where to spend the next four years of life can be a harrowing task. Now, imagine if your decision required you to move to an entirely diff...

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5 Thoracic Spine Stretching Techniques to Reduce Shoulder Pain

Mac Robertson, Swimming World College Intern. Shoulder injuries seem to be commonplace throughout a swimmer's career and can inhibit phenomenal swimmers from ever reaching their physical potential. Some even have to permanently leave the sport. Most coaches and athletes are not well-versed in proper...

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Three Ways to Mentally Edge Out Your Competition

By Mac Robertson, Swimming World College Intern. As each swimmer steps up on the block, all eyes are on one man. He flaps his arms across his body three times before he gets in a ready position. Michael Phelps has the most famous pre-race routine in all of swimming. Whether it was an Arena Pro Swim ...