Jesse Marsh - (Author)


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4 Tips for the Perfect Training Trip

By Will Manion, Swimming World College Intern Swimmers around the world are returning to their respective universities to begin class and train for the upcoming season. One of the most anticipated points in a swimmer’s season is the training trip. After fall semester and just before spring semester,...

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Applying the Lessons of Swimming to the Workforce

By Will Manion, Swimming World College Intern The impact of swimming is not limited to the pool. The sport has taught me a wealth about leadership, teamwork, and time management. The skills an athlete picks up from practice and competition are valuable and essential in the real world. While the athl...

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Staying Fit in August

By Will Manion, Swimming World College Intern It is just about that time of year again! It's a swimmer's only true off season, though it only lasts a few short weeks. With USA Swimming offering a multitude of taper meets wrapping up in late July and early August, competitive swimmers find themselves...

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Applicable Strength and Cross Training for Swimmers

By Will Manion, Swimming World College Intern Swimmers can reap major benefits in the pool from strength and cross training on land. With so many options, it is important to evaluate the type of exercise you are doing out of the pool to ensure it will best benefit your stroke rate, pull, and kick. P...

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How to Make Your Olympic Trial Goal a Reality

By Will Manion, Swimming World College Intern As we move into July, the thought of Olympic Trials being only a year away fascinates the minds of coaches and swimmers around the country. During my run up to trials in 2012, I recall several strategies my coach and I implemented in order for me to atta...

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5 Reasons Why I Chose the Small School

By Will Manion, Swimming World College Intern Leading up to college, I explored a wide array of schools with very different attributes. In the end, I was heavily recruited by large universities in the Big 10 Conference, as well as smaller institutions like William and Mary (where I ended up committi...

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An NCAA Athlete's Duty: Reflecting On Hazing

By Will Manion, Swimming World College Intern It’s fair to say American collegiate swimming has experienced one of its most trying years following a string of hazing scandals. I believe we have to evaluate our own decisions as we, NCAA athletes, commence into the fall semester. “Athletic participati...