Emma Foster - (Author)


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Dear College Freshmen: As You Begin Your First Season...

By Taylor Byers (From the Archive) Dear Incoming Freshmen, Welcome to the family! You may have finally settled into your dorm room and organized it just how you need. You may have finally settled into a daily routine - when to leave for class or practice, and perhaps as precise as what time you need...

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The Importance of Strength Training in Swimming

The Importance of Strength Training in Swimming By Taylor Byers Strength training comes in all sorts of variations depending on the age and level of the swimmers. For beginners, swimmers need some dryland exercises to start building athleticism. As they age, athletes need weights gradually added in ...

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The Power of the Mind Through Visualization

The Power of the Mind Through Visualization By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. You are behind the blocks, staring down the end of your lane. The warm, chlorine air is strong. Coaches, teammates and parents are cheering and whistling for the swimmers currently racing in the water who are...

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What Your Swim Bag Reveals About Your Personality

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. There are countless different brands, styles, sizes and colors of swim bags. Swim bags are indestructible, surviving anything from the hot summer sun, a winter storm, the puddles of water on the pool deck and the soaring splashes of water from a swimme...

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Breaking the Ice on an Emerging Extreme Sport

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. Swimmers tend to share the common trait of dragging their feet behind the blocks, prolonging the inevitable shock of the seemingly frigid water at the crack of dawn. They may shiver for the first lap, but they warm up rather quickly during the grueling...

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The Final Step of a Season: Reflection

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. The championship meet season is in full effect. The end is almost here, and for some, it is here. Even when you touch the wall for the final time, the season is not quite over yet. The final step to a swim season is reflection. This is a time to look b...

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Heather Bureau Restores The Love For Swimming At Mitchell High

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. Swimming is a unique sport; once you find your love for it, it's hard to get away. Heather Bureau, a current eleventh and twelfth grade English teacher Mitchell High School located in Colorado Springs, is the prime example. Bureau was hired this year a...

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The Truth About Lactate Threshold

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. Swimmers often encounter lactate sets throughout their training, yet several misconceptions exist about the body's production of lactic acid and experiences of fatigue. Let's start off with getting our definitions straight. The term "lactate thre....

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Winter Training: Why Is It So Intense?

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. Winter training is a famous one or two weeks during the swim season that every swimmer either dreads or looks forward to. One positive is that there is a break from school, so swimmers have more time to relax and spend time with family and friends. How...

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The 12 Days of Christmas Through a Swimmer’s Eyes

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. ‘Tis the holiday season. This time of the year brings on the dreaded winter training week; however, this season is one swimmers look forward to the most. It comes with lots of food and some time off of school. This holiday season also brings many merit...

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Q&A with Physical Therapist, Dr. Angela Tate on Swimmer's Shoulders

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. Shoulders are the most commonly injured area of the body in competitive swimmers. The constant overhead motion that swimmers do every day puts a lot of stress on the shoulders. Angela Tate, PT, PhD, Cert. MDT is a physical therapist at Apex Physical Th...

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A Turn That Is Ever-Changing: The Back To Breast Transition

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. Transition turns in the individual medley are crucial to a successful swim. Within the past couple of years, the backstroke to breaststroke transition turn has stirred up a lot conversation. Coaches and swimmers are constantly testing different ways to...

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4 Crucial Goals to Set for Your Best Season Yet

By Taylor Byers, Swimming World College Intern. For most swimmers, summer has come to an end and school is back in session. This means the swim season has begun or will shortly begin. While physically getting back in shape is a first priority for most, swimmers should also get their minds back into ...