Connor Robertson - (Author)


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5 Reasons Why Swimmers Make the Best Employees

5 Reasons Why Swimmers Make the Best Employees We all know the qualities that employers seek out in new hires. They desire candidates who have a strong work ethic, those who are team players, those who are self-motivated—the list goes on and on. You might ask, how can a job candidate possibly live u...

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The Benefits of Drinking Coffee for Swimmers

The Benefits of Drinking Coffee for Swimmers Coffee—you either love it, or you hate it. Some people will live by the powerful effects of coffee, while others are disgusted by its unique taste. Caffeine, the main stimulating chemical in coffee, provides several benefits to those who ingest it. Users ...

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Why Swimmers are Well-Prepared to Face a Pandemic

Why Swimmers are Well-Prepared to Face a Pandemic For as long as I can remember, swimming has been my number one sidekick in life. I know I can always rely on it. It complements the highs in life, and it allows me to escape from the lows. I am forever grateful for the clear headspace provided from s...

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5 Plant-Based Protein Alternatives for Swimmers

5 Plant-Based Protein Alternatives for Swimmers You have heard it countless times from doctors, parents and coaches. “Eat your greens!” Obviously, fruit and vegetable consumption is important to a well-balanced diet, but people are becoming increasingly aware of additional benefits offered by follow...

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The Benefits of Running for Swimmers

For many swimmers, running is likely not the most desirable form of land exercise. Outside of triathletes, most would rather spend hours in the pool than run for more than five minutes. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, stay-at-home orders forced swimmers out of closed pools and gyms. With that, swimmer...