Brittany Oxley - (Author)


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11 Things That Separate the Good Swimmer from the Great Swimmer

11 Things That Separate the Good Swimmer from the Great Swimmer By Brittany Oxley (Archive) “This is the difference between being good and being great.” That quote has been engrained in my head since I started swimming at 6 years old. I believe every coach I have ever swum for has said those words. ...

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Swimming: A Shared Language in the U.S.A. and Japan

By Brittany Oxley, Swimming World College Intern One thing I have learned through my swimming career is that the swimming community is small. Someone you know always knows someone else you know. Swimming has given me friends all across the country in different states. When your team travels to out-o...

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4 Do's and 2 Don'ts of Eating on Taper

By Brittany Oxley, Swimming World College Intern Taper, one little word that brings so much joy to swimmers. It’s the point of the season where your yardage significantly decreases as you rest for your end-of-season meet. You feel on top of the world. Being well-rested helps your muscles recover and...

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3 Keys to a Superior Breaststroke Kick

By Brittany Oxley, Swimming World College Intern Breaststrokers are unique in the swimming community. They have strange hip and leg flexibility that allows them to powerfully kick. Many non-breaststrokers often find breaststroke kick painful and hard to do. Non-breaststrokers often cringe when they ...

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3 Ways to Safely Improve Your Underwaters

By Brittany Oxley, Swimming World College Intern If you were to ask the best swimmers in the world what the easiest way to get faster would be, all would respond the same — improve your underwaters. Underwater kicking is considered the fifth stroke of swimming and is also the fastest. Take a look at...