Brian Palaschuk - (Author)


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15 Reasons To Love (and Hate) Swimming Outdoors

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. The summer provides a unique opportunity for swimmers, as many get the chance to train and compete outdoors. The envy of all who swim indoors, outdoor swimmers love (and hate) these 15 things. 1. Air Quality For many swimmers, practicing outdoors me...

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Friday FunDay: 13 Weird Objects That Have Been Found in the Pool

13 Weird Objects That Have Been Found in the Pool Picture this: you're swimming along during practice minding your own business when suddenly, you become entangled in a web of an unidentified object floating by. You have no idea where it came from and thrash around trying to free yourself from the....

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Friday FunDAY: Six Swim Workout Sets to Try at Practice

Friday FunDAY: Six Swim Workout Sets to Try at Practice By Kelsey Mitchell For every swimmer and coach, there is that one set they always love to come back to. Whether it be for the intense speed work, high yardage, or minute attention to technique, everyone's favorite set holds a place near and dea...

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7 Time Management Tips for Student-Athletes

7 Time Management Tips for Student-Athletes By Kelsey Mitchell Time management has always been important in the world of athletics. Student-athletes are busier than ever at this time of season. Balancing academics, athletics and a social life is no walk in the park. Here are seven simple time manage...

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Five Factors to Consider When Switching Teams

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Whether you are a college, club, high school, summer league or Masters swimmer, your team can completely shape your experience with swimming. There are many reasons swimmers may debate changing teams, such as coaching style, accessibility, team cult...

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Eleven of Your Favorite Meet Snacks

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Every swimmer knows that food plays an important part in a successful meet. Fueling your body keeps you energized and helps to keep that post-race fatigue from setting in. However, foods that work for one swimmer may not work for another. Our bodies...

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5 Tips for a Successful Postseason

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Postseason is an inevitable part of every swimmer's journey. Some swimmers love it, others hate it. One thing is for certain, though: Time management and adjusting to a new schedule can be difficult for many athletes. Here are some tips to help you ...

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Four Travel Meet Tips

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. With swim meets come the inevitable obstacle of travel beforehand. Though not always obvious, traveling can take a lot out of an athlete and hinder performance, putting a damper on meets. Fear not, though - here are some tips and tricks to help you ...

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Conference Traditions and Rituals

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Every college team has special traditions and rituals they use to prepare for their big end-of-season meets. From special cheers, dances and team bonding activities, every team prepares for big meets in their own special, wacky ways. Here are a few ...

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18 Essentials to Pack for Training Trip

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Packing for your team's training trip can be difficult, especially if you are going directly from winter break to your training destination. Fear not, though! This helpful guide will help you to remain packed and prepared during the most difficult y...

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6 Tips for Teaching Swim Lessons

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Teaching swim lessons is a fun and rewarding way for swimmers to share their love of the sport while making some extra money. While the job may be fun, working with young children who are not comfortable in the water can be difficult and oftentimes ...

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Six Great Open Water Swimming Locations

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Open water swimming is a wonderful way to explore our world while also getting in a good workout. From serene lakes to the majestic oceans, there are many beautiful and memorable places to train. Here are some of our favorite open water locations. 1...

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5 Books Every Swimmer Should Read

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Reading is a wonderful way to pass time during meets and between practices. Books can also offer swimmers tips to improve and better themselves both in and out of the pool. From compelling biographies to useful training tips, there's a book for ever...

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5 Tips to Make Campus Dining Easier

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. As swimmers, fueling our bodies is one of the easiest and most crucial steps to recovery and successful performance. College athletes, however, can encounter difficulties in finding proper ways to refuel, whether due to inadequate dining facilities ...

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4 Things We Love About Preseason

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. Preseason is a crucial time to build a cohesive collegiate swim team. Through preseason workouts and bonding experiences, teams are able to get back into shape after the summer while getting to know their new teammates. It is one of the most fun and...

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Las Vegas Swim Club: A Splash In the Right Direction

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. For over 10 years, the Las Vegas Swim Club has been training age group competitors in Las Vegas, Nev. The recent years have seen the Las Vegas Swim club became more than just another swim team; it has become a place where learning is encouraged and ...

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15 Pump Up Songs Swimmers Love

Commentary By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern. When people hear the phrase "pump up song," a few legendary songs immediately come to mind. Songs such as Survivor's Eye of the Tiger, Eminem's Lose Yourself and Europe's The Final Countdown have all become motivational classics in both p...

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Santa Clara Futures Day Three: Close Finishes, Tight Races

Santa Clara Futures day three offered us many close races and tight finishes from some of the most talented young athletes in the western US. With one day left to go, the athletes will be battling not just the clock, but fatigue and exhaustion also. The meet will be held from August 2-5 in Santa Cla...

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Big Leads and Large Drops at Santa Clara Futures

By Kelsey Mitchell, Swimming World College Intern With the second day of finals complete at Santa Clara Futures, swimmers are gearing up for the back half of the four day long meet. The results from tonight's session feature many young talents, large time drops, big leads, and close finishes. The me...