ASCA Opens Applications for CEO Position

ASCA World Clinic

The American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) on Thursday listed an opening for its CEO position, looking for someone, “who will provide vision, leadership and management for the leading association of professional swimming coaches in the world.”

The position will entail management and business development responsibility over ASCA’s many programs, compliance with its structures, fiscal responsibilities over the budget, management of personnel and maintaining relationships with the board.

From the listing:

The American Swimming Coaches Association CEO is a passionate swimming leader who will provide vision, leadership, and management for the leading association of professional swimming coaches in the world. The CEO represents and advocates for the interest of improving the quality of coaching for the benefit of athletes regionally, nationally and internationally. The ASCA CEO coordinates the work of the ASCA staff and committees to create educational programs, services and publications for the coaching community, including the annual World Clinic, regional and international clinics. The ASCA CEO leads the ASCA to promote and distribute best practices as well as identifying, forming and delivering cutting edge knowledge in the development of swimmers and coaches.

The CEO strives to create cohesion within the coaching community for the betterment of the athletes and the sport; in doing so increases membership, effective communication between groups, relationship building and collaborative initiatives. The CEO maintains a business and financial plan that allows the professional staff to develop and the organization to grow. The CEO reports to the Board of Directors.

The ASCA CEO is responsible for the overall administration and management of the ASCA, including service programs, fundraising, and business operations. The job description outlines the areas of responsibility, including planning and evaluation, policy development and administration, personnel and fiscal management, and public relations. The CEO position is a full-time position and is hired by and directly accountable to the board of directors through its elected board chair. The CEO hires all staff and the staff is accountable only to the CEO.

The full job listing can be found here on the ASCA’s website. The period of applications is open through Feb. 11, 2021.

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