ACC Championships, Day 1: Stanford Women, Cal Men Enter Conference With Relay Wins

Torri Huske -- Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick

ACC Championships, Day 1: Stanford Women, Cal Men Enter Conference With Relay Wins

The Stanford Cardinal and California Golden Bears are finding instant success in their new conference home. The two west coast schools now racing in the Atlantic Coast Conference each scored relay wins to open this year’s conference championship meet, with Torri Huske blasting the anchor leg for the Stanford women’s 200 medley relay to secure a win while the Cal men came out on top in a tight 200 medley relay field. Cal later secured first in the 800 free relay as well.

The Tuesday evening session also saw the four-time defending national champion University of Virginia women crush the NCAA record in the 800 free relay, and women’s 1-meter diving and men’s 3-meter diving were also contested.

In the early going, North Carolina leads the women’s competition with 187 points, followed by Virginia (153) and Stanford (138). For the men, Cal has 172 points to lead Stanford (153) and NC State (139). The meet is being held in Greensboro, N.C., and will continue through Saturday.

Women’s 200 Medley Relay

The Cal women appeared on track to open their tenure in the ACC with a win, leading through three legs of the 200 medley relay top heat, but a tremendous anchor leg by Olympic gold medalist Torri Huske was enough to put the Stanford Cardinal over the top. Huske came home in 20.60 to help Stanford reach the wall in 1:34.05, about three tenths ahead of Cal’s 1:34.05. Levenia SimLucy Thomas and Gigi Johnson joined Huske in the victorious effort.

Cal’s team of Isabelle StaddenLea PolonskyMckenna Stone and Mary-Ambre Moluh came in second in 1:34.34. Even though Moluh lost the lead coming home, the freshman still posted a very solid split of 21.38. Third went to Louisville’s team of Abby KarlCaroline LarsenGabi albiero and Julia Dennis, with Dennis splitting 20.87 coming home.

Stanford moved to No. 3 in the nation behind Virginia and Texas while Cal sits tied for fifth with Florida (with Tennessee fourth). Virginia ended up fourth here in 1:35.22, almost four seconds off the team’s season-best mark of 1:31.53, which is only two hundredths away from the NCAA record the team set in 2023. However, Virginia went with a team of Tess HowleyEmma WeberCarly Novelline and Anna Moesch while choosing to rest stars Gretchen WalshAlex Walsh and Claire Curzan for the other relays to come.

Event 3  Women 200 Yard Medley Relay
         MEET: @ 1:31.73  2/14/2023 University of Virginia, UVA-V
                          G Walsh, A Walsh, A Cuomo, K Douglass
         CONF: # 1:31.53  3/15/2023 University of Virginia, UVA-V
                          G Walsh, A Walsh, A Cuomo, K Douglass
         AMER: $ 1:31.53  3/14/2023 University of Virginia, UVA-V
                          G Walsh, A Walsh, A Cuomo, K Douglass
         USOP: % 1:31.53  3/14/2023 University of Virginia, UVA-V
                          G Walsh, A Walsh, A Cuomo, K Douglass
         NCAA: ^ 1:31.53  3/14/2023 University of Virginia, UVA-V
                          G Walsh, A Walsh, A Cuomo, K Douglass
         Pool: & 1:31.73  2/14/2023 University of Virginia, UVA-V
                          G Walsh, A Walsh, A Cuomo, K Douglass
                 1:36.24  A
                 1:36.76  B
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Stanford  'A'                 1:34.61    1:34.05 A       64  
     1) Sim, Levenia FR               2) r:0.16 Thomas, Lucy SO       
     3) r:0.23 Johnson, Garlynd JR    4) r:0.34 Huske, Victoria JR    
    r:+0.54  24.17        50.48 (26.31)
        1:13.45 (22.97)     1:34.05 (20.60)
  2 California  'A'               1:34.24    1:34.34 A       56  
     1) Stadden, Isabelle 5Y          2) r:0.07 Polonsky, Lea SR      
     3) r:0.14 Stone, Mckenna SR      4) r:0.20 Moluh, Mary-Ambre FR  
    r:+0.71  23.61        50.05 (26.44)
        1:12.96 (22.91)     1:34.34 (21.38)
  3 Louisville  'A'               1:35.30    1:34.55 A       54  
     1) Karl, Abigail SR              2) r:0.37 Larsen, Caroline FR   
     3) r:0.18 Albiero, Gabi 5Y       4) r:0.14 Dennis, Julia JR      
    r:+0.69  24.26        51.01 (26.75)
        1:13.68 (22.67)     1:34.55 (20.87)
  4 UVA  'A'                      1:31.53    1:35.18 A       52  
     1) Howley, Tess SO               2) r:0.14 Weber, Emma JR        
     3) r:0.25 Novelline, Carly JR    4) r:0.28 Moesch, Annaliesa FR  
    r:+0.71  24.75        51.21 (26.46)
        1:13.70 (22.49)     1:35.18 (21.48)
  5 NCSU  'A'                     1:34.26    1:35.22 A       50  
     1) Noble, Helen JR               2) r:0.05 Brouwer, Aubree JR    
     3) r:0.17 Shackley, Leah FR      4) r:0.21 Nel, Olivia JR        
    r:+0.59  24.15        51.12 (26.97)
        1:13.88 (22.76)     1:35.22 (21.34)
  6 FSU  'A'                      1:35.13    1:35.27 A       48  
     1) Velden, Alice FR              2) r:0.21 Huggins, Madeline SR  
     3) r:0.14 Halden, Jenny 5Y       4) r:0.37 Muzito, Gloria SR     
    r:+0.81  23.96        50.62 (26.66)
        1:13.21 (22.59)     1:35.27 (22.06)
  7 UNC  'A'                      1:35.01    1:35.48 A       46  
     1) Pattison, Greer SR            2) r:0.08 Smith, Skyler SR      
     3) r:0.16 Sowards, Elizabeth SR  4) r:0.24 Nel, Georgia SR       
    r:+0.59  23.82        49.96 (26.14)
        1:13.47 (23.51)     1:35.48 (22.01)
  8 Pitt  'A'                     1:35.81    1:36.68 B       44  
     1) Jansen, Claire JR             2) r:0.12 Viberg, Cecilia JR    
     3) r:0.25 Yendell, Sophie 5Y     4) r:0.21 Wiechertjes, Anna FR  
    r:+0.71  24.23        52.47 (28.24)
        1:14.52 (22.05)     1:36.68 (22.16)

Men’s 200 Medley Relay

The Cal men took the win in their first ACC relay by holding off a spirited outside-smoke effort from Florida State in the 200 medley. The Golden Bears used three swimmers in their final year of college eligibility along with freshman breaststroker Yamato Okadome to put together a time of 1:21.54. Bjorn Seeliger swam backstroke, and Dare Rose handled butterfly, but it took an 18.10 anchor split from Jack Alexy to secure first place. Cal’s time ranks No. 4 in the country behind times posted by Tennessee, Florida and Texas at the SEC Championships earlier in the evening. Cal’s time was under NC State’s 2022 meet record of 1:21.69.

Behind a blistering 19.10 butterfly leg from Michel Arkhangelskiy, the Seminoles briefly moved into the lead, and the efforts of Mason HerbetTommasso Baravelli and Sam Bork were enough to secure a second-place time of 1:21.98. NC State’s team of Hudson WilliamsSam HooverLuke Miller and Quintin McCarty came in third at 1:22.06.

Event 4  Men 200 Yard Medley Relay
         MEET: @ 1:21.69  3/25/2022 North Carolina State Universit, NC St
                          K. Stokowski, R. Kusto, N. Korstanje, D. Curtiss
         CONF: # 1:20.67  3/26/2023 North Carolina State Universit, NC St
                          K, Stokowski, M. Hunter, N. Korstanje, D. Curtiss
         AMER: $ 1:20.94  3/28/2024 North Carolina State Universit, NC St
                          A Hayes, S Hoover, L Miller, Q McCarty
         USOP: % 1:20.15  3/27/2024 Florida, Florida
                          A. Chaney, J. Smith, J. Liendo, M. McDuff
         NCAA: ^ 1:20.15  3/27/2024 Florida, Florida
                          A. Chaney, J. Smith, J. Liendo, M. McDuff
         Pool: & 1:21.85  11/17/2023Arizona State University, ASU-A
                          J Dolan, L Marchand, I Kharun, J Kulow
                 1:23.62  A
                 1:23.90  B
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 California  'A'               1:22.82    1:21.54@A       64  
     1) Seeliger, Bjorn 5Y            2) r:0.26 Okadome, Yamato FR    
     3) r:0.27 Rose, Oludare 5Y       4) r:0.26 Alexy, John SR        
    r:+0.78  20.85        43.76 (22.91)
        1:03.44 (19.68)     1:21.54 (18.10)
  2 FSU  'A'                      1:23.60    1:21.98 A       56  
     1) Herbet, Mason 5Y              2) r:0.20 Baravelli, Tommaso JR 
     3) r:0.00 Arkhangelskiy, Michel  4) r:0.16 Bork, Samuel JR       
    r:+0.87  20.96        44.11 (23.15)
        1:03.21 (19.10)     1:21.98 (18.77)
  3 NCSU  'A'                     1:22.75    1:22.06 A       54  
     1) Williams, Hudson SO           2) r:0.13 Hoover, Samuel SR     
     3) r:0.13 Miller, Lukas 5Y       4) r:0.24 McCarty, Quintin SO   
    r:+0.70  21.02        43.90 (22.88)
        1:03.71 (19.81)     1:22.06 (18.35)
  4 Stanford  'A'                 1:23.25    1:22.74 A       52  
     1) Sequeira, Aaron SR            2) r:0.19 Polonsky, Ron SR      
     3) r:0.30 Minakov, Andrei SR     4) r:0.19 Gu, Kaihan JR         
    r:+0.75  21.28        44.48 (23.20)
        1:04.00 (19.52)     1:22.74 (18.74)
  5 Louisville  'A'               1:22.59    1:23.02 A       50  
     1) Lowe, Dalton 5Y               2) r:0.24 Petrashov, Denis 5Y   
     3) r:0.33 Graham, Rian FR        4) r:0.33 Brooks, Guy JR        
    r:+0.84  21.07        44.05 (22.98)
        1:04.24 (20.19)     1:23.02 (18.78)
  6 UNC  'A'                      1:23.26    1:23.20 A       48  
     1) Davis, Walker SR              2) r:0.33 Delmar, Benjamin SO   
     3) r:0.26 Poelke, Boyd 5Y        4) r:0.14 Dramm, Louis JR       
    r:+0.62  20.75        44.38 (23.63)
        1:04.51 (20.13)     1:23.20 (18.69)
  7 UVA  'A'                      1:25.29    1:24.14         46  
     1) Lins, Simon SO                2) r:0.32 Gerloff, Joshua SO    
     3) r:0.04 Nicholas, Spencer FR   4) r:0.23 Boyle, Connor SR      
    r:+0.75  21.33        45.37 (24.04)
        1:05.27 (19.90)     1:24.14 (18.87)
  8 Pitt  'A'                     1:25.26    1:24.32         44  
     1) Radziszewski, Krzysztof SR    2) r:0.14 Hobson, Eli FR        
     3) r:0.20 Koch, Julian FR        4) r:0.21 Fabian, Donat SR      
    r:+0.69  21.08        44.74 (23.66)
        1:05.39 (20.65)     1:24.32 (18.93)

Women’s 1-Meter Diving

North Carolina’s Aranza Vazquez is the two-time defending national champion in 1-meter, and she cruised to a conference title with a score of 357.40. The Miami duo of Mia Vallee (349.30) and Chiara Pellacani (329.55) finished second and third, respectively.

Event 1  Women 1 mtr Diving
         MEET: @ 379.25  2/15/2023 Aranza Vazquez, UNC-NC
         CONF: # 379.98  3/3/2007  Jenna Dreyer, Miami
         Pool: & 379.25  2/15/2023 Aranza Vazquez, UNC-NC
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                             === Finals ===                              
  1 Vazquez, Aranza  5Y UNC                317.65     357.40         32  
  2 Vallee, Mia      GS Miami              296.75     349.30         28  
  3 Pellacani, Chia  JR Miami              294.45     329.55         27  
  4 Kaye, Elizabeth  SR UVA                285.20     303.75         26  
  5 Vear, Samantha   GS FSU                298.15     303.00         25  
  6 Omeara, Margo E  SR Duke               289.30     293.90         24  
  7 Joyce, Eliana    SO UNC                292.80     276.25         23  
  8 Gutch, Lanie     FR UNC                291.90     268.20         22

Men’s 800 Freestyle Relay

The Golden Bear men are two-for-two in relay wins following a comfortable first-place result in the 800 free relay, with four swimmers in their final years of eligibility all coming through with solid splits to take down Stanford. Jack Alexy faded down the stretch on his leg, coming in at 1:32.98, but Gabriel Jett took over the lead with a 1:30.66 second leg, the second-quickest mark in the field. Destin Lasco and Lucas Henveaux followed with 1:31s as Cal finished two seconds clear of the field in 6:06.66. That broke the meet record of 6:08.22 set by NC State in 2022.

Cal’s time is the fourth-fastest in the country this season, behind the sizzling swims posted by Florida, Texas and Georgia at the concurrently-held SEC Championships, while the Bears now rank just ahead of Alabama. The team of Jett, Lasco, Alexy and Robin Hanson set the NCAA record in the event at last year’s NCAA Championships, clocking 6:02.26, and Cal will surely be in the title mix again next month.

Stanford placed second in 6:08.70 with a team of Andrei MinakovAndres Dupont CabreraRon Polonsky and Henry McFadden. McFadden anchored in 1:30.64, just ahead of Jett as the fastest split of the race. Third went to NC State’s Kaii WinklerDaniel DiehlJerry Fox and Sam Hoover in 6:09.18.

Event 6  Men 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
         MEET: @ 6:08.22  3/26/2022 North Carolina State Universit, NC St
                          L. Miller, S. Hoover, B. Piszczorowicz, H. Tapp
         CONF: # 6:05.31  3/23/2018 North Carolina State Universit, NC St
                          Vazaios. Held, Molacek, C. Stewart
         AMER: $ 6:03.42  3/27/2023 Texas, Texas
                          L. Hobson, C. Corozza, P. Larson, C. Foster
         USOP: % 6:02.26  3/27/2023 California, California
                          G. Jett, D. Lasco. J. Alexy. R. Hanson
         NCAA: ^ 6:02.26  3/28/2024 California, California
                          G. Jett, D. Lasco. J. Alexy. R. Hanson
         Pool: & 6:07.25  3/24/2021 University of Texas, TEX-S
                          D Kibler, A Katz, C Foster, J Sannem
                 6:15.80  A
                 6:18.42  B
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 California  'A'               6:14.39    6:06.66@A       64  
     1) Alexy, John SR                2) r:0.41 Jett, Gabriel SR      
     3) r:0.18 Lasco, Destin 5Y       4) r:0.07 Henveaux, Lucas 5Y    
    r:+0.69  20.91        44.76 (44.76)
      1:08.69 (1:08.69)   1:32.98 (1:32.98)
        1:54.08 (21.10)     2:17.07 (44.09)
      2:40.40 (1:07.42)   3:03.64 (1:30.66)
        3:24.78 (21.14)     3:48.24 (44.60)
      4:11.74 (1:08.10)   4:35.02 (1:31.38)
        4:55.78 (20.76)     5:19.09 (44.07)
      5:42.69 (1:07.67)   6:06.66 (1:31.64)
  2 Stanford  'A'                 6:14.55    6:08.70 A       56  
     1) Minakov, Andrei SR            2) r:0.31 Dupont Cabrera,dres JR
     3) r:0.24 Polonsky, Ron SR       4) r:0.08 McFadden, Henry SO    
    r:+0.70  22.07        45.67 (45.67)
      1:08.84 (1:08.84)   1:32.38 (1:32.38)
        1:53.43 (21.05)     2:16.75 (44.37)
      2:40.86 (1:08.48)   3:04.92 (1:32.54)
        3:25.84 (20.92)     3:49.34 (44.42)
      4:13.21 (1:08.29)   4:38.06 (1:33.14)
        4:58.89 (20.83)     5:21.95 (43.89)
      5:45.52 (1:07.46)   6:08.70 (1:30.64)
  3 NCSU  'A'                     6:13.82    6:09.18 A       54  
     1) Winkler, Kaii FR              2) r:0.36 Diehl, Daniel SO      
     3) r:0.18 Fox, Jerry SO          4) r:0.21 Hoover, Samuel SR     
    r:+0.66  21.02        44.52 (44.52)
      1:07.97 (1:07.97)   1:32.59 (1:32.59)
        1:53.57 (20.98)     2:16.75 (44.16)
      2:40.24 (1:07.65)   3:04.52 (1:31.93)
        3:25.09 (20.57)     3:48.57 (44.05)
      4:12.53 (1:08.01)   4:37.49 (1:32.97)
        4:57.95 (20.46)     5:21.18 (43.69)
      5:45.06 (1:07.57)   6:09.18 (1:31.69)
  4 Louisville  'A'               6:11.09    6:11.55 A       52  
     1) Loktev, Denis SR              2) r:0.27 Sartori, Murilo SR    
     3) r:0.23 Brooks, Guy JR         4) r:0.47 Saldo, Gustavo SR     
    r:+0.65  21.18        44.80 (44.80)
      1:08.82 (1:08.82)   1:33.39 (1:33.39)
        1:54.48 (21.09)     2:18.10 (44.71)
      2:41.99 (1:08.60)   3:06.41 (1:33.02)
        3:26.81 (20.40)     3:49.95 (43.54)
      4:14.03 (1:07.62)   4:37.86 (1:31.45)
        4:58.87 (21.01)     5:22.61 (44.75)
      5:46.97 (1:09.11)   6:11.55 (1:33.69)
  5 FSU  'A'                      6:17.97    6:12.68 A       50  
     1) Yanchev, Yordan 5Y            2) r:-0.02 Kurtdere, Utku JR    
     3) r:0.29 Olsson, Gustav SO      4) r:0.22 Robinson, Logan FR    
    r:+0.73  21.43        44.71 (44.71)
      1:08.48 (1:08.48)   1:33.35 (1:33.35)
        1:54.91 (21.56)     2:18.46 (45.11)
      2:42.49 (1:09.14)   3:07.41 (1:34.06)
        3:27.70 (20.29)     3:50.88 (43.47)
      4:15.31 (1:07.90)   4:40.36 (1:32.95)
        5:00.92 (20.56)     5:24.75 (44.39)
      5:48.53 (1:08.17)   6:12.68 (1:32.32)
  6 UVA  'A'                      6:16.61    6:13.00 A       48  
     1) King, David FR                2) r:0.32 Sergile, Sebastien JR 
     3) r:0.35 Bellotti, Charles SO   4) r:0.22 Aikins, Jack JR       
    r:+0.74  21.49        45.04 (45.04)
      1:08.26 (1:08.26)   1:31.92 (1:31.92)
        1:53.54 (21.62)     2:17.20 (45.28)
      2:40.92 (1:09.00)   3:05.07 (1:33.15)
        3:26.49 (21.42)     3:50.32 (45.25)
      4:14.38 (1:09.31)   4:39.21 (1:34.14)
        4:59.63 (20.42)     5:23.12 (43.91)
      5:47.78 (1:08.57)   6:13.00 (1:33.79)
  7 UNC  'A'                      6:17.51    6:15.39 A       46  
     1) Hussey, Patrick 5Y            2) r:0.23 Dramm, Louis JR       
     3) r:0.04 Quaresma, David SO     4) r:0.07 Van Deusen, Matthew SR
    r:+0.67  21.34        44.76 (44.76)
      1:08.66 (1:08.66)   1:32.31 (1:32.31)
        1:53.42 (21.11)     2:17.02 (44.71)
      2:41.20 (1:08.89)   3:06.12 (1:33.81)
        3:27.34 (21.22)     3:50.86 (44.74)
      4:15.09 (1:08.97)   4:40.19 (1:34.07)
        5:00.99 (20.80)     5:24.53 (44.34)
      5:49.47 (1:09.28)   6:15.39 (1:35.20)
  8 SMU  'A'                      6:14.62    6:15.42 A       44  
     1) Hoagland, Jack 5Y             2) r:0.18 Forrest, Jack JR      
     3) r:0.41 Mykkanen, Chris 5Y     4) r:0.27 Lockhart, Harold SR   
    r:+0.74  21.67        45.25 (45.25)
      1:09.77 (1:09.77)   1:34.43 (1:34.43)
        1:55.58 (21.15)     2:19.28 (44.85)
      2:43.35 (1:08.92)   3:07.22 (1:32.79)
        3:28.50 (21.28)     3:52.71 (45.49)
      4:17.38 (1:10.16)   4:42.91 (1:35.69)
        5:04.23 (21.32)     5:27.52 (44.61)
      5:51.48 (1:08.57)   6:15.42 (1:32.51)

Men’s 3-Meter Diving

Georgia Tech’s Max Fowler won the first men’s diving event of the competition, scoring 421.90 points to edge out SMU’s Luke Sitz (420.50). Pitt’s Cameron Cash placed third (397.70).

Event 2  Men 3 mtr Diving
         MEET: @ 531.00
         CONF: # 531.00  2/28/2014 Nick McCrory, Duke
         Pool: & 531.00  2/20/2014 Nick McCrory, DUKE
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                             === Finals ===                              
  1 Fowler, Max      SO GT                 399.85     421.90         32  
  2 Sitz, Luke       FR SMU                394.95     420.50         28  
  3 Cash, Cameron    SR Pitt               383.80     397.70         27  
  4 Ryan, Jack       SR Stanford           389.15     394.65         26  
  5 Thai, Joshua     JR California         341.10     389.60         25  
  6 Flory, Max       GS Miami              423.35     385.10         24  
  7 Vazquez, Rodolf  SO UNC                359.00     374.25         23  
  8 Booler, Christo  FR UNC                346.65     368.90         22
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