A Swimmer’s Life: Varying Offseason Workouts Can Provide a Fresh Start (Fill Out Our Survey)
A Swimmer’s Life: Varying Offseason Workouts Can Provide a Fresh Start
For athletes, there is always a prime season for your sport. Perhaps it occurs when the competitions become more substantial, or when the team gets to compete at the highest level. Swimming is unique in that you can race almost year-round, but we still have an offseason. The question is, what do we do during the offseason?
The offseason for swimming can consist of many different activities to enhance your overall swimming abilities. Weight training, cross-training with running or cycling, working on long-course swimming, or even playing another sport like water polo all qualify as offseason work. But why do we change up our training during the offseason? One reason is because lap swimming and race preparation can get a bit repetitive.
Staring at the black line year-round isn’t for everybody. Learning how to develop your physical skills in a more diverse way can benefit your primary sport. Swimming requires considerable physical endurance and mental fortitude, and an alternative experience can be helpful for returning to the grind of swimming. Some swimmers will learn how to use an erg for rowing, while others learn how to run or bike long distances. Both of these activities are likened to swimming because of the physical and mental challenge.
Many lifelong swimmers might be familiar with the term “fish out of water” when referring to swimmers attempting to brave land-sport activities. The muscles used in the water don’t always translate to the hard surfaces that so many run on each day. We’ve all noticed how much we sweat when we engage in land sports after swimming consistently. Many of us have complained: “Gosh, I can’t believe I’m drenched in sweat. I thought I was in good shape!”
Conversely, swimming is used as an offseason activity for athletes from other sports. Whether they are using swimming as rehabilitation for an injury, or simply trying to enhance their endurance, swimming is often revered as a superior offseason sport. Water polo players are often found on swim teams. This involvement is typically because they want to stay in swim-shape and get a little faster while they aren’t playing as many games. Cross country runners, track and field athletes and rowers have also been spotted on the pool deck. The fast-twitch movements and endurance training provided by swimming serve as perfect offseason options. Many athletes who are trying out swimming will shortly gain respect for what it takes to be a swimmer. Learning how to breathe, being efficient in the water, and tweaking their strokes to keep up will humble anybody trying to get into the pool in the offseason.
What kind of offseason training do you engage in? Maybe you’re learning how to pace yourself for a long-distance race, or you’re educating yourself on proper form in the weight room. Switching it up keeps things interesting. If you are going to try to play water polo or start running, lap swimming can provide a different perspective. At the end of the day, diversifying your workouts will always generate an exciting environment for athletes of any age.