SMU Women’s Swimming Announces Signing Class

DALLAS, Texas, November 23. THE SMU women's swimming & diving team announced the signing of Roxane Akradi, Candace Blackman, Jennifer Blackman, Anja Carman and Katie Roberts. The five high school

Minnesota Men Win Big in Minneapolis

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, November 23. THE Gopher men dominated the three day Swimming and Diving Invitational which concluded today at the University Aquatic Center. They topped off a great performance by

Texas A&M Men Win Fall Invite

COLLEGE STATION, Texas, November 23. THE No. 13 Texas A&M men’s swimning and diving team completed a wire-to-wire run through their own fall invitational by topping No. 23 Florida State

Oregon State Women and Stanford Men Take Speedo Cup

IRVINE, Calif., November 23. OSU’s Birte Steven set a Speedo Cup record in the 200-yard breaststroke as Oregon State (2-2 overall, 0-1 Pacific-10) cruised to a first place finish out

Lady Vols Take Charge At Houston Cougar Invitational

HOUSTON, Tex, November 23. UNIVERSITY of Tennessee Women's Head Swimming Coach Dan Colella and Diving Coach Dave Parrington's swimming and diving squad closed out the Houston Invitational in superb fashion