5 Similarities Between Your Teammates and Your Family

Photo Courtesy: Pamela Rule

By Katie Willis, Swimming World College Intern

Swimming is a very team-oriented sport. Day in and day out it’s you, the water, and your teammates. And as fellow swimmers, your teammates understand the struggles and the pain. Their presence helps push you through those rough days and celebrate your better days. And over time you grow close to your team and they become your closest friends. A true group of friends that feel like a real life family away from home.

Here are 5 fun and different ways your team takes on the roles of your family:

 1. They Are Like Your Mom


Photo Courtesy: Taylor Brien

They are your support system. They love and adore you and only want to see you do the best you can. You can always look to these teammates for advice on many things. This is also the kind of teammate that will be criticizing you for not eating before morning practice (but in the most loving way possible).

2. They Will Become A Father Figure To You

Photo Courtesy:

A father figure is usually someone with power, authority, or strength, with whom one can identify on a deeply psychological level. This teammate will predominantly be your rock. They are the ones who stick up for you and make sure that no one messes with you. They give you the best kind of tough love.

3. Grow on You Like A Little Brother/Sister

Photo Courtesy: Baker Family

Photo Courtesy: Baker Family

These teammates are typically someone younger and or someone you love dearly. They have pure and good intentions and although they might get on your nerves, they mean well. These are the type of teammates whom you can easily relate to and will constantly reach out to when you’re upset or angry.

4. Act Like Your Crazy Cousin

Photo Courtesy: Kalina DiMarco

Photo Courtesy: Kalina DiMarco

These teammates are probably the craziest people you’ve ever met (but in a good way). They are loud and proud. They are not afraid to blast some tunes and break out in dance. These teammates bring life to the pool deck. They know how to make you laugh and have fun.

5. Seem Like A Distant But Cool Relative


Photo Courtesy: Shanda Crowe/ProSwimVisuals.com

When coming to a new team, there are times when teammates can be intimidating. These teammates are almost unapproachable, but still pique your interest. You want to make a good impression and you want this person to like you. This type of teammate can be unexpectedly easy going and friendly once you get to know them. These teammates are usually the last teammate you approach as a first year, but as soon as you get to know them you finally feel at home on your team.

Coming from various backgrounds, a swim team brings a great level of diversity. It’s a wonderful way of meeting all sorts of people; all coming together for a similar passion. Your team is your strength, they are your motivation, and they are your eternal family.

So, do you see any familial similarities in your teammates?

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Ger Willis
8 years ago

Well done Katie .

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