5 Goals For Swimmers to Pursue in 2021

5 Goals For Swimmers to Pursue in 2021
Everyone knows the usual New Year’s resolution. Whether it be eat healthy or start exercising more, how can swimmers use this year’s long goals to improve in their sport?
Get In On Time!
Getting in for practice is probably one of the hardest things to do. It’s a cold winter morning practice and the water is just as cold as the air. You may be tempted to wait a minute or two and miss some of the warmup, but ultimately, it’s not worth it! By getting the hardest part over with and beginning the practice on time, you’re set up for success.
Dolphin Kicks
New year, new habits. Adding one or a few more dolphin kicks off each of your walls can make a big difference. This may take a while to get used to but in the end having strong kick-outs in a race can be the difference between first and second place.
Be Positive!!
A negative comment said out loud can spread unwanted complaints throughout your lane. By keeping your head up and your thoughts in your mind, you may begin to focus on swimming instead of complaining!
Don’t Get Discouraged
All swimmers know that ups and downs are seen in swimming at every meet. When you add time, don’t let it ruin a whole weekend. Take each race one by one and know that the training you’re doing is to get you where you need to be by the championship season.
Have Fun!
Swimming is a stressful sport. Do what you can to focus on the fun in and out of every practice. What crazy conversations are you and your lane mates having in between sets? Who can kick the furthest off the wall? Take these small challenges and make them into something to look forward to during a hard practice.
Now these aren’t the only changes a swimmer can make in 2021 but it’s a start. By not just focusing on the questions like “what times do I want by the end of the season,” but saying, “what’s going to help me in training to get there?” can change a swimmer’s perspective all around.
All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.