4 Ways to Dodge the Summer Swim Slumps

By Ashleigh Shanley, Swimming World College Intern
As finals finish up, and summer rolls around, the idea of going home and taking a break from college life seems like all you need. After spending endless hours in the library, studying for what seems like a million tests, the summer swim slumps can hit you hard.
After a long year of training and school, a nice comfy couch and hours of Netflix sound better than ever. Going home seems like the perfect time to take a break because no one is going to monitor your training. Enjoying the sun and forgetting all about swimming can be incredibly easy. It is no joke– the summertime swim slumps can be real.
But summer is like that third 50 in a 200. It’s the time to capitalize when others might be hurting, not slump back and let others pass you by.
And by having a game plan before you leave school, you can make training back home much easier, which will keep your motivation high getting you ready for the coming year.
1. Set Summer Goals

Photo Courtesy: Peter Bick
First, set goals for yourself. Whether they are training, health, or competition goals, if you set your sights on something, practicing becomes much easier. Once you create a final destination, make small goals throughout the summer to help you reach that end goal. By doing this, your goals will help you to stay motivated throughout the summer. Preparing you to stay committed to you future goals.
2. Share Your Goals

Photo Courtesy: Arizona Republic-USA TODAY Sports
Whether it is sharing them with your college teammates, friends at home, a parent or coaches, they can help you stay accountable and keep you directed towards completing your goals.
3. Communicate with Coach

Photo Courtesy: Scott Grant/Swimming Canada
Along with personal goals, be sure to talk to your college coaches before you leave. By doing so, you can talk over your summer goals, create a plan, and have a mutual understanding about what you are trying to get out of the summer. Not only will talking to your coaches get you on the same page, but once they know your goals, they can also keep you accountable for your summer plan.
4. Represent Your Team

Photo Courtesy: Reagan Lunn/Georgia Tech Athletics
Finally, remember whom you are doing it for. Sometimes when you are home, it can be hard to remember to work hard and make your team proud. But just remember, when practice is at its worst, and you are feeling broken down, do not just skip out. Keep in mind that your teammates are going through the same thing. Always think about the goals you and your teammates have for the coming year. And remember that you are always representing the school on your cap.
Finals may feel like they are getting the best of you now, and swimming may seem like it is more of a burden than the sport you love. But keep in mind that when it comes down to it, you only have one, two or maybe three years left with these teammates who are your family
Stay true to the goals you and your team made, make goals for yourself, and share those goals. It will make swimming back home, and the entire summer, much easier and much more enjoyable. Before you know it, you will be back at school competing for your college or university once again. And if you step up in the summer, it will work wonders in the fall.