25 Things Every Swimmer Wants for Christmas

Photo Courtesy: Alan Cleaver
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By Erin Himes, Swimming World College Intern
Tis the season for searching for the best gift! As swimmer’s head off to holiday training, there are plenty of ways to make their Christmas everything they have ever wanted. Here’s a perfect, although maybe unrealistic, list of things every swimmer wants for Christmas, this year and ever year.
1. No morning practice
2. A racing suit that’s easy to put on

Photo Courtesy: Speedo
3. Infinite naps
4. Food, food, and more food
5. To not smell like chlorine
6. All new personal bests

Photo Courtesy: Brian Jenkins-UVM Athletics
7. Teammates who leave 5 seconds apart
8. Better underwaters
9. A warmer pool

Photo Courtesy: Emily Weil/YouTube
10. Perfect turns
11. A get-out swim
12. Underwater speakers

Photo Courtesy: Taylor Brien
13. A recovery day
14. A new foam roller
15. Your own lane at practice
16. Getting to wear fins for the main set

Photo Courtesy: Delly Carr / Swimming Australia Ltd.
17. Caps that don’t rip (and a cute Christmas cap)
18. Movies and shows to watch between practice
19. A heated blanket for those sore muscles
20. A game of sharks and minnows

Photo Courtesy: Delly Carr / Swimming Australia Ltd.
21. Daily massages
22. No more butterfly
23. A tan (if they’re swimming inside)

Photo Courtesy: Christa Weaver
24. To never have the lap counter shake in a distance race
25. Tons of team bonding!
All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.
Lindsey Clark
number 5 is what i want Danny Moon Shea Huntington Maaike Van Willegen Sasha Duncan Kasia Kotowska
I totally agree with Miguel 5 it is
9 definitely doesn’t apply to our pool or else we’d boil
6, 12, 18, 19, 21 lets goo
i cant smell shit so…
Underwater speakers and daily massages please
really want the underwater speaker
Sample had one ???
all conclusion ends with needing semple back
Proofread before publishing! It is funny and true! LOL
Joshua Seltz !
Love it
Trevan Rafter #7
Yasmin Thomeo
So cute!
#12 would be awesome
Lucy Bailey – number 5?
Definitely! At least 20 out of 25 for me)
And to never have your goggles leak.
Sara Knutson
Lol, that is great
Alexandria Marie
Amber Head 1 to 5.
Nichole Schultz #3