2022 Big Ten Men’s Championships, Day 1 Finals: Ohio State Starts with 200 Medley Record

Hunter Armstrong. Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick

2022 Big Ten Men’s Championships: Ohio State Starts with 200 Medley Record

The 2022 Big Ten Men’s Championships rightly roared out of the gates Wednesday night at Purdue University. Two heats into the meet brought a conference record, four swims under the pool record and two DQs in a bonkers opening 200 medley relay.

Ohio State, whose women’s team won last week’s Big Ten Championships, is on top early Thursday on the first of four days in Lafayette.

2022 Big Ten Men’s Championships Links

2022 Big Ten Men’s Championships Team scoring

  1. Indiana University                120   2. Ohio State University             118
  3. Michigan, University of           110   4. Northwestern University           100
  5. Pennsylvania State University      96   6. Purdue University                  92
  7. Wisconsin, University of, Madi     52   8. University of Minnesota            50

200 medley relay

Pace yourself, boys, it’s going to be a long meet to start this chaotically.

Right out of the gate, Ohio State was all gas, no brakes. The team of Hunter Armstrong, Hudson McDaniel, Alex Quach and Sem Andreis blasted a 1:22.13 to earn gold, an NCAA A cut and down the conference record set last year by Michigan. It also downs the pool record that Michigan’s 2016 side had set.

Ohio State was out fast, nearly a half-second up at the halfway point thanks to Armstrong leading off in 20.45 and McDaniel going 23.04. The teams in second and third at that point ended up getting disqualified.

Indiana mounted a charge, with Bruno Blaskovic going 18.51 off the end, but they ended up second in 1:22.51. That, and Michigan’s third-place 1:22.90, are both A cuts, as was Northwestern in fourth in 1:23.54.

Armstrong had the fastest backstroke swim of the race. William Chan of Michigan (22.76) was the quickest breaststroker with Minnesota’s Max McHugh DQed. Tomer Frankel of Indiana delivered a 19.78 butterfly leg.

On those DQs, Minnesota had two swimmers in the negative on reaction time, while Wisconsin also got DQed. The Golden Gophers entered just .15 off the NCAA B cut. They time trialed a 1:24.56 later in the night, an NCAA B cut, with McHugh splitting 22.98.

 Event 1  Men 200 Yard Medley Relay
     B1G Meet: # 1:22.35  3/2/2021  Michigan
                          W Davis, W Chan, R Wright, L Borges
         Pool: ! 1:24.12  2016      Michigan, Michi
                          Chen, Klein, Raisky, Powers
                 1:24.22  A NCAA Qualifying
                 1:24.83  B NCAA Provisional
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Ohio St-OH  'A'               1:24.24    1:22.13#A       64  
     1) Armstrong, Joseph H JR        2) r:+0.27 McDaniel, Hudson SR  
     3) r:+0.19 Quach, Alex FR        4) r:+0.21 Andreis, Semuede SR  
             10.04        20.45 (20.45)
          30.83 (10.38)       43.49 (23.04)
           52.28 (8.79)     1:03.41 (19.92)
         1:12.21 (8.80)     1:22.13 (18.72)
  2 Indiana-IN  'A'               1:24.32    1:22.51!A       56  
     1) Fantoni, Gabriel A 5Y         2) r:+0.07 Matheny, Joshua FR   
     3) r:+0.24 Frankel, Tomer SO     4) r:+0.53 Blaskovic, Bruno 5Y  
             10.11        20.79 (20.79)
          31.10 (10.31)       44.22 (23.43)
           53.01 (8.79)     1:04.00 (19.78)
         1:12.55 (8.55)     1:22.51 (18.51)
  3 Michigan-MI  'A'              1:23.47    1:22.90!A       54  
     1) Aaronson, Nadav JR            2) r:+0.12 Chan, William SR     
     3) r:+0.09 Cohen Groumi, Gal FR  4) Peel, Cameron R JR           
             10.55        21.43 (21.43)
           31.38 (9.95)       44.19 (22.76)
                            1:04.17 (19.98)
         1:12.78 (8.61)     1:22.90 (18.73)
  4 Northwestern-IL  'A'          1:24.68    1:23.54!A       52  
     1) Martos Bacarizo, Manuel SR    2) r:+0.13 Houseman, Kevin JR   
     3) r:+0.00 Burdisso, Federico JR 4) r:+0.03 Zhang, Andrew SR     
             10.62        21.67 (21.67)
          31.88 (10.21)       44.60 (22.93)
           53.45 (8.85)     1:04.66 (20.06)
         1:13.46 (8.80)     1:23.54 (18.88)
  5 Penn St-MA  'A'               1:25.84    1:24.57 B       50  
     1) Roberson, William S 5Y        2) r:+0.20 Raisanen, Daniel JR  
     3) r:+0.24 Baganha, Victor FR    4) r:+0.55 Houck, Jacob SO      
             10.83        21.82 (21.82)
          32.14 (10.32)       45.04 (23.22)
           54.07 (9.03)       56.79 (11.75)
        1:14.36 (17.57)     1:24.57 (27.78)
  6 Purdue-IN  'A'                1:25.23    1:24.83 B       48  
     1) Juengel, Michael S JR         2) r:+0.23 Modglin, Coleman SO  
     3) r:+0.32 Samuels, Braden FR    4) r:+0.08 Acin, Nikola SR      
             10.90        21.88 (21.88)
          32.45 (10.57)       45.60 (23.72)
           54.73 (9.13)     1:05.90 (20.30)
         1:14.72 (8.82)     1:24.83 (18.93)
 -- Minnesota-MN  'A'             1:24.98 DQ 1:23.58        
     1) Stowe, Casey E SO             2) r:-0.01 McHugh, Maxwell SR   
     3) r:+0.04 Neverman, Kaiser SO   4) r:-0.01 Farrar, Lucas SO     
             10.70        21.76 (21.76)
           31.54 (9.78)       44.12 (22.36)
           53.16 (9.04)     1:04.69 (20.57)
         1:13.50 (8.81)  DQ 1:23.58 (18.89)
 -- Wisconsin-WI  'A'             1:25.83 DQ 1:23.74        
     1) Jekel, Wesley B JR            2) r:+0.64 Myhre, William JR    
     3) r:+0.11 Gessner, Erik SR      4) r:-0.09 Delaney, Dylan SR    
             10.31        21.15 (21.15)
          31.18 (10.03)       44.08 (22.93)
           52.71 (8.63)     1:04.41 (20.33)
         1:13.16 (8.75)  DQ 1:23.74 (19.33)

800 freestyle relay

Rafael Miroslaw got Indiana off to a flying start with a 1:31.89 leg to lead the Hoosiers to the victory. Frankel, Van Mathias and Brendan Burns rounded out the quartet for a winning time of 6:11.96, an NCAA A cut that erases the pool record set by Michigan in 2016.

The current Wolverines were second in 6:14.59, also a A cut. Ohio State finished third in 6:18.53, a B cut, with Wisconsin fourth. Minnesota finished fifth, with Bar Soloveychik going 1:33.56 off the front. That lowers the Minnesota school record that had stood since 2005 (1:34.24 by Terry Silkaitis).

Event 2  Men 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
     B1G Meet: # 6:09.85  2014      Michigan
                          Nielsen, Wynalda, Glanda, Jaegar
         Pool: ! 6:15.04  2016      Michigan, Michi
                          Nielsen, Al-Yamani, Mangan, Bosch
                 6:16.80  A NCAA Qualifying
                 6:21.32  B NCAA Provisional
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Indiana-IN  'A'               6:17.27    6:11.96!A       64  
     1) Miroslaw, Rafael FR           2) r:+0.12 Frankel, Tomer SO    
     3) r:+0.19 Mathias, Van SR       4) r:+0.31 Burns, Brendan JR    
    r:+0.75  20.93        43.97 (43.97)
      1:07.64 (1:07.64)   1:31.89 (1:31.89)
        1:52.52 (20.63)     2:16.11 (44.22)
      2:40.07 (1:08.18)   3:04.63 (1:32.74)
        3:25.33 (20.70)     3:49.28 (44.65)
      4:13.78 (1:09.15)   4:38.60 (1:33.97)
        4:59.91 (21.31)     5:23.38 (44.78)
      5:47.47 (1:08.87)   6:11.96 (1:33.36)
  2 Michigan-MI  'A'              6:11.02    6:14.59!A       56  
     1) Callan, Kevin P SR            2) r:+0.05 Mitchell, Jacob SO   
     3) r:+0.24 Unalmis, Bora SR      4) r:+0.26 Cohen Groumi, Gal FR 
    r:+0.70  21.29        44.49 (44.49)
      1:08.59 (1:08.59)   1:34.03 (1:34.03)
        1:54.91 (20.88)     2:18.33 (44.30)
      2:42.18 (1:08.15)   3:06.52 (1:32.49)
        3:27.86 (21.34)     3:51.97 (45.45)
      4:16.85 (1:10.33)   4:42.12 (1:35.60)
        5:02.73 (20.61)     5:25.78 (43.66)
      5:49.98 (1:07.86)   6:14.59 (1:32.47)
  3 Ohio St-OH  'A'               6:22.18    6:18.53 B       54  
     1) Gaziev, Ruslan SO             2) r:+0.14 Satterfield, John SO 
     3) r:+0.10 Ward, James JR        4) r:+0.00 Watkins, Thomas JR   
    r:+0.72  21.63        45.09 (45.09)
      1:09.29 (1:09.29)   1:33.96 (1:33.96)
        1:55.75 (21.79)     2:19.71 (45.75)
      2:43.80 (1:09.84)   3:07.93 (1:33.97)
        3:29.45 (21.52)     3:53.78 (45.85)
      4:18.41 (1:10.48)   4:43.18 (1:35.25)
        5:04.62 (21.44)     5:28.71 (45.53)
      5:53.48 (1:10.30)   6:18.53 (1:35.35)
  4 Wisconsin-WI  'A'             6:26.67    6:20.68 B       52  
     1) Newmark, Jacob Q SO           2) r:+0.43 Aslan, Yigit FR      
     3) r:+0.25 Butera, Nico FR       4) r:+0.17 Aman, Caleb SR       
    r:+0.73  21.98        45.37 (45.37)
      1:09.05 (1:09.05)   1:32.84 (1:32.84)
        1:55.43 (22.59)     2:20.06 (47.22)
      2:44.97 (1:12.13)   3:09.00 (1:36.16)
        3:30.19 (21.19)     3:54.10 (45.10)
      4:19.10 (1:10.10)   4:44.65 (1:35.65)
        5:06.86 (22.21)     5:30.97 (46.32)
      5:55.65 (1:11.00)   6:20.68 (1:36.03)
  5 Minnesota-MN  'A'             6:28.66    6:22.25         50  
     1) Soloveychik, Bar FR           2) r:+0.46 Morris, Christpher FR
     3) r:+0.22 Kelley, Cameron 5Y    4) r:NRT Donker, Tom 5Y         
    r:+0.70  21.88        45.35 (45.35)
      1:09.37 (1:09.37)   1:33.56 (1:33.56)
        1:55.98 (22.42)     2:20.23 (46.67)
      2:44.64 (1:11.08)   3:09.24 (1:35.68)
        3:31.19 (21.95)     3:55.56 (46.32)
      4:20.67 (1:11.43)   5:08.50 (1:59.26)
        5:33.20 (24.70)                    
        5:57.66 (49.16)   6:22.25 (1:13.75)
  6 Northwestern-IL  'A'          6:26.55    6:23.36         48  
     1) Burdisso, Federico JR         2) r:+0.18 Lamastra, Connor SR  
     3) r:+0.27 Forbes, Benjamin JR   4) r:+0.23 Bobar, Aleksa JR     
    r:+0.70  21.38        45.36 (45.36)
      1:10.27 (1:10.27)   1:35.63 (1:35.63)
        1:56.74 (21.11)     2:20.64 (45.01)
      2:45.78 (1:10.15)   3:10.96 (1:35.33)
        3:32.45 (21.49)     3:56.75 (45.79)
      4:21.62 (1:10.66)   4:47.08 (1:36.12)
        5:08.37 (21.29)     5:32.28 (45.20)
      5:57.54 (1:10.46)   6:23.36 (1:36.28)
  7 Penn St-MA  'A'               6:33.75    6:25.19         46  
     1) Oliviera De Moraes, Eduardo F 2) r:+0.44 Daly, Michael SR     
     3) r:+0.35 Lulek, William SR     4) r:+0.29 Byrne, Lachlan JR    
    r:+0.70  22.37        46.04 (46.04)
      1:10.58 (1:10.58)   1:35.68 (1:35.68)
        1:57.40 (21.72)     2:21.28 (45.60)
      2:46.01 (1:10.33)   3:11.22 (1:35.54)
        3:33.33 (22.11)     3:57.94 (46.72)
      4:23.54 (1:12.32)   4:49.45 (1:38.23)
        5:11.06 (21.61)     5:35.52 (46.07)
      6:00.35 (1:10.90)   6:25.19 (1:35.74)
  8 Purdue-IN  'A'                6:28.01    6:25.39         44  
     1) Sherman, Nicholas S SR        2) r:+0.40 Hart, Keelan JR      
     3) r:+0.32 Walker, Liam JR       4) r:+0.26 Shaw, Ethan SO       
    r:+0.64  21.45        45.21 (45.21)
      1:09.68 (1:09.68)   1:34.65 (1:34.65)
        1:55.84 (21.19)     2:19.68 (45.03)
      2:45.18 (1:10.53)   3:10.96 (1:36.31)
        3:32.14 (21.18)     3:56.50 (45.54)
      4:21.86 (1:10.90)   4:47.89 (1:36.93)
        5:02.50 (14.61)     5:34.05 (46.16)
      6:25.39 (1:37.50)                    
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