2021 Big Ten Women’s Championships Day 1 Recap: Ohio State Takes Medley Relay, MacNeil Swims Fastest Ever 50 Back

Photo Courtesy: Kirk Irwin Photography

The 2021 Big Ten Women’s Championships began on Tuesday with Day 1 from Minneapolis.

The first day is just an appetizer with the 200 medley relay and 800 free relay. Both events are timed finals.

Michigan’s Maggie MacNeil swam the fastest backstroke leadoff in the 200 medley relay, a DQ by Indiana might prove costly, but it was Ohio State that finished in the top three in both relays, including an opening win, and took a first-day lead in the meet.

     Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 2                      
  1. Ohio State University             118   1. Michigan, University of           118
  3. Northwestern University           106   4. Wisconsin, University of, Madi    102
  5. Pennsylvania State University      96   5. University of Minnesota            96
  7. University of Nebraska-Lincoln     92   8. Iowa, University of                84
  9. Michigan State University          70  10. Purdue University                  68
 11. University of Illinois             64  12. Indiana University                 56
 13. Rutgers University                 30                                           

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Women’s 200 Medley Relay

The opening session began with the 200 medley relay timed finals.

Ohio State took home the first win as Emily Crane, Hannah Bach, Katherine Zenick and Freya Rayner finished in 1:34.46.

The time broke the pool record and was an automatic qualifying time for NCAAs.

Meanwhile Indiana disqualified and the Hoosiers find themselves in an early hole, replicating what they did in 2020.

Northwestern surged to second behind Emma Lepisova, Sophie Angus, Miriam Guevara and Madeline Smith (1:36.20), also an “A” cut as the Wildcats are the top ranked team in the Big Ten in the CSCAA Division I poll.

Michigan finished third, also in an “A” cut as Maggie MacNeil, Claire Tuttle, Olivia Carter and Daria Pyschnenko finished in 1:36.34. MacNeil’s split of 23.02 is the fastest 50 back of all-time as she was a 23.05 last year in leading off Michigan’s medley relay at this meet.

 Event 1  Women 200 Yard Medley Relay
     B1G Meet: ! 1:34.16  2/14/2018 Indiana University, India
                          A Rockett, L King, C Jensen, G Haskett
         Pool: # 1:34.95  2014      Stanford
                          Lee, Olsen, Stafford, Schaeffer
                 1:36.40  A NCAA QUALIFYING
                 1:37.05  B NCAA PROVISIONAL
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Ohio St-OH  'A'               1:37.46    1:34.46#A       64  
     1) Crane, Emily JR               2) r:0.24 Bach, Hannah SO       
     3) r:0.43 Zenick, Katherine FR   4) r:0.27 Rayner, Freya SR      
             11.59        23.66 (23.66)
          35.35 (11.69)       49.69 (26.03)
        1:00.12 (10.43)     1:12.56 (22.87)
        1:23.01 (10.45)     1:34.46 (21.90)
  2 Northwestern-IL  'A'          1:38.02    1:36.20 A       56  
     1) Lepisova, Emma SO             2) r:0.25 Angus, Sophie SR      
     3) r:0.19 Guevara, Miriam JR     4) r:0.21 Smith, Madeline SR    
             12.22        24.54 (24.54)
          36.64 (12.10)       51.30 (26.76)
        1:01.87 (10.57)     1:14.75 (23.45)
        1:24.82 (10.07)     1:36.20 (21.45)
  3 Michigan-MI  'A'              1:39.17    1:36.34 A       54  
     1) MacNeil, Margaret J JR        2) r:0.23 Tuttle, Claire FR     
     3) r:0.31 Carter, Olivia JR      4) r:0.28 Pyshnenko, Daria SR   
             11.38        23.02 (23.02)
          35.67 (12.65)       51.35 (28.33)
        1:01.74 (10.39)     1:14.61 (23.26)
        1:25.00 (10.39)     1:36.34 (21.73)
  4 Penn St-MA  'A'               1:40.23    1:38.14         52  
     1) Schobel, Marie C JR           2) r:0.20 Hart, Carly SR        
     3) r:0.32 Markvardt, Margaret SO 4) r:0.15 Cooke, Madeleine SR   
             12.27        24.66 (24.66)
          37.37 (12.71)       52.36 (27.70)
        1:03.47 (11.11)     1:16.26 (23.90)
        1:26.59 (10.33)     1:38.14 (21.88)
  5 Wisconsin-WI  'A'             1:40.58    1:38.65         50  
     1) Schoof, Kaylyn E FR           2) r:0.11 Silvestri, Jenna JR   
     3) r:0.46 Lampre, Isabel JR      4) r:0.31 Newman, Mara JR       
             12.40        24.81 (24.81)
          37.27 (12.46)       52.34 (27.53)
        1:03.18 (10.84)     1:16.05 (23.71)
        1:26.68 (10.63)     1:38.65 (22.60)
  6 Minnesota-MN  'A'             1:39.36    1:39.08         48  
     1) Cook, Emily N SR              2) Lezer, Emma J SO             
     3) Linscott, Emma M JR           4) Jongman, Indy FR             
              37.29 ( )                    
            1:03.99 ( )                    
            1:27.16 ( )         1:39.08 ( )
  7 Nebraska-MW  'A'              1:43.79    1:39.94         46  
     1) Haebig, Autumn D SR           2) r:0.32 Stein, Ella FR        
     3) r:0.34 Cairns, Caitlin FR     4) r:0.30 Kucera, Alexa FR      
                          24.96 (24.96)
          37.48 (12.52)       53.05 (28.09)
        1:04.10 (11.05)     1:17.37 (24.32)
        1:27.83 (10.46)     1:39.94 (22.57)
  8 Iowa-IA  'A'                  1:42.11    1:40.22         44  
     1) Koluch, Julia SO              2) r:0.34 Olesiak, Aleksandra SO
     3) r:0.47 Jump, Mallory SO       4) r:0.44 Black, Madison FR     
                          25.44 (25.44)
          38.54 (13.10)       53.70 (28.26)
        1:04.57 (10.87)     1:17.24 (23.54)
        1:28.23 (10.99)     1:40.22 (22.98)
  9 MSU-MI  'A'                   1:43.44    1:40.60         40  
     1) Villani, Samantha P JR        2) r:0.36 Szara, Erin SR        
     3) r:0.42 Neveling, Abbey SR     4) r:0.15 Phalen, Sheridan FR   
                          25.77 (25.77)
          38.25 (12.48)       52.86 (27.09)
        1:03.97 (11.11)     1:17.38 (24.52)
        1:28.28 (10.90)     1:40.60 (23.22)
 10 Purdue-IN  'A'                1:43.25    1:40.84         34  
     1) Wrightson, Tessa L JR         2) r:0.15 Kishman, Riley SR     
     3) r:0.37 Kobylak, Sylvia SO     4) r:0.22 Knueppel, Jade JR     
                          25.73 (25.73)
          38.24 (12.51)       53.23 (27.50)
        1:04.45 (11.22)     1:17.99 (24.76)
        1:28.81 (10.82)     1:40.84 (22.85)
 11 Illinois-IL  'A'              1:45.81    1:41.19         32  
     1) Salafatinos, Athena P SO      2) r:0.22 Kale, Divya SO        
     3) r:0.19 Cabush, Abigail JR     4) r:0.33 Olson, Lillian FR     
                          25.36 (25.36)
          38.54 (13.18)       54.14 (28.78)
        1:05.22 (11.08)     1:18.43 (24.29)
        1:29.31 (10.88)     1:41.19 (22.76)
 12 Rutgers-NJ  'A'                    NT    1:46.29         30  
     1) Dougherty, Kathleen M JR      2) r:0.18 Carey, Delaney SR     
     3) r:0.22 Dymek, Kasja JR        4) r:0.38 Black, Lily SR        
                          26.60 (26.60)
          40.02 (13.42)       56.06 (29.46)
        1:07.37 (11.31)     1:21.06 (25.00)
        1:33.18 (12.12)     1:46.29 (25.23)
 -- Indiana-IN  'A'               1:40.48         DQ        
     1) Kovac, Bailey J SR            2) r:0.29 Weiss, Emily SO       
     3) r:0.33 Broshears, Elizbeth FR 4) r:0.08 Turak, Ashley SO      
             12.63        25.31 (25.31)
          37.47 (12.16)       52.16 (26.85)
        1:02.82 (10.66)     1:15.65 (23.49)
        1:25.83 (10.18)          DQ (21.60)

Big Ten Women’s 800 Free Relay

Michigan earned a win to cap the session as Sophie Housey, Kathryn Ackerman, Megan Glass and Sierra Schmidt won in 7:02.22.

The time was an NCAA “B” cut. The Wolverines started the relay with two freshman.

Indiana bounced back from its earlier DQ to take second in the event. Ella Ristic, Josephine Grote, Abby Kirkpatrick and Noelle Pepoloswki finished in 7:02.62.

Ohio State took third (7:03.76) behind Kristen Romano, Amy Fulmer, Katherine Zenick and Veronica Tafuto.


Event 2  Women 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
     B1G Meet: ! 6:54.58  2/20/2019 Michigan, University of, Michi
                          Y Bi, R Postoll, S Haughey, C DeLoof
         Pool: # 6:54.94  2014      California
                          Acker, Piehl, Pelton, Franklin
                 7:00.86  A NCAA QUALIFYING
                 7:05.88  B NCAA PROVISIONAL
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Michigan-MI  'A'              7:18.06    7:02.22 B       64  
     1) Housey, Sophie A FR           2) r:0.39 Ackerman, Kathryn FR  
     3) r:0.25 Glass, Megan SO        4) r:0.29 Schmidt, Sierra SR    
    r:+0.76  24.91        51.33 (51.33)
      1:18.33 (1:18.33)   1:45.46 (1:45.46)
        2:01.77 (16.31)     2:36.45 (50.99)
      3:04.04 (1:18.58)   3:31.97 (1:46.51)
        3:50.74 (18.77)     4:21.79 (49.82)
      4:48.55 (1:16.58)   5:16.21 (1:44.24)
        5:40.62 (24.41)     6:07.62 (51.41)
      6:35.01 (1:18.80)   7:02.22 (1:46.01)
  2 Indiana-IN  'A'               7:18.86    7:02.62 B       56  
     1) Ristic, Ella FR               2) r:0.21 Grote, Josephine SR   
     3) r:0.30 Kirkpatrick, Abby SR   4) r:0.44 Peplowski, Noelle JR  
    r:+0.71  25.07        51.95 (51.95)
      1:18.37 (1:18.37)   1:45.33 (1:45.33)
        2:09.59 (24.26)     2:36.10 (50.77)
      3:03.07 (1:17.74)   3:30.52 (1:45.19)
        3:55.10 (24.58)     4:21.80 (51.28)
      4:48.81 (1:18.29)   5:16.72 (1:46.20)
        5:41.33 (24.61)     6:08.40 (51.68)
      6:35.35 (1:18.63)   7:02.62 (1:45.90)
  3 Ohio St-OH  'A'               7:21.62    7:03.76 B       54  
     1) Romano, Kristen E SR          2) r:0.37 Fulmer, Amy SO        
     3) r:0.44 Zenick, Katherine FR   4) r:0.33 Tafuto, Veronica JR   
    r:+0.78  24.44        51.15 (51.15)
      1:18.18 (1:18.18)   1:45.42 (1:45.42)
        2:09.17 (23.75)     2:35.04 (49.62)
      3:02.45 (1:17.03)   3:31.20 (1:45.78)
        3:54.83 (23.63)     4:21.42 (50.22)
      4:49.08 (1:17.88)   5:16.99 (1:45.79)
        5:41.26 (24.27)     6:07.87 (50.88)
      6:35.61 (1:18.62)   7:03.76 (1:46.77)
  4 Wisconsin-WI  'A'             7:17.98    7:04.91 B       52  
     1) Hosack, Lillie A JR           2) r:0.36 Bacon, Phoebe FR      
     3) r:0.24 Palmer, Alana JR       4) r:0.35 Ecker, Emily FR       
    r:+0.75  24.49        50.89 (50.89)
      1:17.58 (1:17.58)   1:45.03 (1:45.03)
        2:09.08 (24.05)     2:35.91 (50.88)
      3:03.23 (1:18.20)   3:30.78 (1:45.75)
        3:55.29 (24.51)     4:21.83 (51.05)
      4:49.34 (1:18.56)   5:17.74 (1:46.96)
        5:42.39 (24.65)     6:09.30 (51.56)
      6:36.86 (1:19.12)   7:04.91 (1:47.17)
  5 Northwestern-IL  'A'          7:11.53    7:06.00         50  
     1) Larson, Ally D SO             2) r:0.37 Lebl, Ilektra SR      
     3) r:0.29 Wagner, Annika FR      4) r:0.67 Ozbilen, Selen FR     
    r:+0.76  24.76        51.48 (51.48)
      1:18.28 (1:18.28)   1:45.60 (1:45.60)
        2:10.46 (24.86)     2:37.39 (51.79)
      3:05.15 (1:19.55)   3:32.90 (1:47.30)
        3:57.27 (24.37)     4:23.93 (51.03)
      4:51.25 (1:18.35)   5:18.99 (1:46.09)
        5:43.54 (24.55)     6:10.63 (51.64)
      6:38.58 (1:19.59)   7:06.00 (1:47.01)
  6 Minnesota-MN  'A'             7:17.61    7:13.42         48  
     1) McGinty, Jordan N SO          2) r:0.50 Sullivan, Katherine JR
     3) r:0.33 Butler, Rachel SO      4) r:0.53 McCarthy, Kelli JR    
    r:+0.68  24.67        51.70 (51.70)
      1:18.93 (1:18.93)   1:46.86 (1:46.86)
        2:11.88 (25.02)     2:39.56 (52.70)
      3:07.95 (1:21.09)   3:36.24 (1:49.38)
        4:00.86 (24.62)     4:28.34 (52.10)
      4:56.52 (1:20.28)   5:24.92 (1:48.68)
        5:50.10 (25.18)     6:17.82 (52.90)
      6:45.75 (1:20.83)   7:13.42 (1:48.50)
  7 Nebraska-MW  'A'              7:23.76    7:14.12         46  
     1) Haebig, Autumn D SR           2) r:0.28 Coffey, Audrey JR     
     3) r:0.56 Kucera, Alexa FR       4) r:0.19 Stott, Shannon JR     
    r:+0.75  25.17        52.14 (52.14)
      1:18.76 (1:18.76)   1:45.48 (1:45.48)
        2:10.54 (25.06)     2:38.60 (53.12)
      3:07.02 (1:21.54)   3:35.57 (1:50.09)
        4:00.50 (24.93)     4:28.29 (52.72)
      4:56.71 (1:21.14)   5:24.82 (1:49.25)
        5:49.48 (24.66)     6:17.32 (52.50)
      6:45.72 (1:20.90)   7:14.12 (1:49.30)
  8 Penn St-MA  'A'               7:20.41    7:15.69         44  
     1) Schumann, Sadie J JR          2) r:0.15 Barry, Camryn SR      
     3) r:0.25 Gaspari, Elizabeth SR  4) r:0.30 Amdor, Abigail SO     
    r:+0.67  24.99        52.35 (52.35)
      1:20.52 (1:20.52)   1:48.86 (1:48.86)
        2:05.32 (16.46)     2:41.35 (52.49)
      3:09.51 (1:20.65)   3:37.48 (1:48.62)
        4:02.45 (24.97)     4:30.27 (52.79)
      4:59.02 (1:21.54)   5:27.57 (1:50.09)
        5:51.85 (24.28)     6:19.28 (51.71)
      6:47.38 (1:19.81)   7:15.69 (1:48.12)
  9 Iowa-IA  'A'                  7:27.54    7:15.89         40  
     1) Rink, Macy I SO               2) r:0.26 McDougall, Lauren JR  
     3) r:0.55 Gilbertson, Kennedy SO 4) r:0.29 Graves, Alyssa FR     
    r:+0.69  25.46        52.47 (52.47)
      1:19.57 (1:19.57)   1:46.99 (1:46.99)
        2:11.58 (24.59)     2:38.82 (51.83)
      3:07.05 (1:20.06)   3:35.42 (1:48.43)
        4:00.63 (25.21)     4:28.71 (53.29)
      4:58.02 (1:22.60)   5:26.78 (1:51.36)
        5:51.52 (24.74)     6:19.03 (52.25)
      6:47.58 (1:20.80)   7:15.89 (1:49.11)
 10 Purdue-IN  'A'                7:20.89    7:16.22         34  
     1) Hinshaw, Belle C FR           2) r:0.08 Myers, Natalie SR     
     3) r:0.63 Beavon, Kate SO        4) r:0.30 Haake, Elissa SO      
    r:+0.78  25.31        52.37 (52.37)
      1:19.81 (1:19.81)   1:47.78 (1:47.78)
        2:11.83 (24.05)     2:38.97 (51.19)
      3:07.27 (1:19.49)   3:36.50 (1:48.72)
        3:55.12 (18.62)     4:28.97 (52.47)
      4:57.59 (1:21.09)   5:26.44 (1:49.94)
        5:51.26 (24.82)     6:18.96 (52.52)
      6:47.21 (1:20.77)   7:16.22 (1:49.78)
 11 Illinois-IL  'A'              7:25.66    7:23.95         32  
     1) Bognar, Cara A FR             2) r:0.12 Cabush, Abigail JR    
     3) r:0.40 Bludgen, Laurel FR     4) r:0.15 Aegerter, Hannah SO   
    r:+0.71  25.59        53.72 (53.72)
      1:21.86 (1:21.86)   1:50.24 (1:50.24)
        2:15.25 (25.01)     2:43.27 (53.03)
      3:11.66 (1:21.42)   3:40.41 (1:50.17)
        4:06.73 (26.32)     4:35.59 (55.18)
      5:04.36 (1:23.95)   5:33.53 (1:53.12)
        5:58.91 (25.38)     6:26.94 (53.41)
      6:55.62 (1:22.09)   7:23.95 (1:50.42)
 12 MSU-MI  'A'                   7:34.52    7:33.27         30  
     1) Kelly, Sydney M FR            2) r:0.26 Haak, Allison FR      
     3) r:0.42 Chick, Olivia SR       4) r:0.30 Goit, Kylie FR        
    r:+0.83  25.81        53.36 (53.36)
      1:22.41 (1:22.41)   1:52.03 (1:52.03)
        2:17.29 (25.26)     2:46.01 (53.98)
      3:15.15 (1:23.12)   3:44.57 (1:52.54)
        4:10.40 (25.83)     4:39.01 (54.44)
      5:08.47 (1:23.90)   5:38.15 (1:53.58)
        5:56.39 (18.24)     6:33.62 (55.47)
      7:03.27 (1:25.12)   7:33.27 (1:55.12)
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