2019 Speedo Winter Junior Nationals West: Isabelle Stadden Earns Narrow Win in 200 IM (RACE VIDEOS)

The 2019 Speedo Winter Junior Nationals West continued Thursday night from Federal Way, Washington, at the King County Aquatic Center.
It is the first full finals session with individual events and the top junior swimmers from the West were on display.
Women’s 500 Free
Scottsdale Aquatic Club’s Ashley Strouse was on both winning relays on Wednesday and continued her strong performance on Thursday, winning the 500-yard freestyle.
Strouse won the event in 4:42.75, dropping more than three seconds from her prelims time.
Austin Trinity’s Jillian Cox finished second in 4:44.76, nearly identical to her prelims time of 4:44.75. It was two seconds ahead of Riverside Aquatics’ Liberty Williams, who finished in 4:46.19.
Iowa Flyer’s Aurora Roghair finished fourth (4:47.41), followed by Cypress Fairbanks’ Hayden Miller (4:49.21), Blue Tide’s Kylee Grafmiller (4:49.88), Irvine Novaquatics’ Ella Ristic (4:50.92) and Nitro’s Ana Herceg (4:59.63).
Event 5 Women 500 Yard Freestyle ================================================================== Jrs West: * 4:37.10 12/6/2018 Regan Smith, Riptide-MN SC Jrs Meet: # 4:37.10 12/6/2018 Regan Smith, Riptide-MN 13-14 NAG: 4:35.14 2016 Katie Ledecky 15-16 NAG: 4:28.71 2014 Katie Ledecky 17-18 NAG: 4:26.58 2015 Katie Ledecky Name Age Team Prelims Finals ================================================================== === Championship Final === 1 Strouse, Ashley 17 Scottsdale Aquat 4:45.01 4:42.75 25.54 53.58 (28.04) 1:21.97 (28.39) 1:50.70 (28.73) 2:19.91 (29.21) 2:48.79 (28.88) 3:16.74 (27.95) 3:45.41 (28.67) 4:14.29 (28.88) 4:42.75 (28.46) 2 Cox, Jillian 14 Austin Trinity A 4:44.75 4:44.76 25.14 52.82 (27.68) 1:21.37 (28.55) 1:50.36 (28.99) 2:19.56 (29.20) 2:48.76 (29.20) 3:17.70 (28.94) 3:47.19 (29.49) 4:16.49 (29.30) 4:44.76 (28.27) 3 Williams, Liberty 17 Riverside Aquati 4:47.64 4:46.19 27.50 56.52 (29.02) 1:25.80 (29.28) 1:55.25 (29.45) 2:23.96 (28.71) 2:52.80 (28.84) 3:21.57 (28.77) 3:50.08 (28.51) 4:18.52 (28.44) 4:46.19 (27.67) 4 Roghair, Aurora 16 Iowa Flyers Swim 4:47.58 4:47.41 26.17 54.56 (28.39) 1:23.14 (28.58) 1:51.99 (28.85) 2:20.97 (28.98) 2:50.08 (29.11) 3:19.38 (29.30) 3:48.98 (29.60) 4:18.47 (29.49) 4:47.41 (28.94) 5 Miller, Hayden 15 Cypress Fairbank 4:45.75 4:49.21 26.16 54.54 (28.38) 1:23.38 (28.84) 1:52.71 (29.33) 2:22.32 (29.61) 2:51.89 (29.57) 3:21.58 (29.69) 3:51.48 (29.90) 4:20.59 (29.11) 4:49.21 (28.62) 6 Grafmiller, Kylee 15 Blue Tide Aquati 4:49.62 4:49.88 25.66 53.83 (28.17) 1:22.71 (28.88) 1:52.15 (29.44) 2:21.84 (29.69) 2:51.74 (29.90) 3:21.62 (29.88) 3:51.73 (30.11) 4:21.44 (29.71) 4:49.88 (28.44) 7 Ristic, Ella 17 Irvine Novaquati 4:46.68 4:50.92 26.65 55.48 (28.83) 1:24.68 (29.20) 1:54.25 (29.57) 2:24.00 (29.75) 2:53.82 (29.82) 3:23.92 (30.10) 3:54.13 (30.21) 4:22.94 (28.81) 4:50.92 (27.98) 8 Herceg, Ana 16 Nitro Swimming-S 4:46.38 4:59.63 26.38 55.34 (28.96) 1:25.30 (29.96) 1:55.54 (30.24) 2:25.78 (30.24) 2:55.99 (30.21) 3:26.91 (30.92) 3:57.80 (30.89) 4:28.94 (31.14) 4:59.63 (30.69)
Men’s 500 Free
Longhorn Aquatics’ Coby Carrozza put together a quick race to win the 500 free in 4:14.95, finishing a little more than two seconds behind the National Age Group record of 4:12.33 set by Michael Phelps in 2004.
Hillsboro’s Ethan Heasley finished second in 4:17.57, three seconds off the pace, while Rockwall’s David Johnston was third in 4:19.43.
Central Iowa’s Trent Frandson was fourth in 4:20.40, followed by Lakeridge’s Luke Hobson (4:21.69), Hurricane’s Michael Bonson (4;22.03), Katy Aquatic’s Tyler Kopp (4:23.33) and Scottsdale’s Daniel Matheson (4:27.98).
Event 6 Men 500 Yard Freestyle ================================================================== Jrs West: * 4:14.40 12/7/2017 Jack Levant, North Texas Nada SC Jrs Meet: # 4:14.40 12/7/2017 Jack Levant, N Texas Nadadore 13-14 NAG: 4:24.79 2017 Lleyton Plattel 15-16 NAG: 4:15.36 2016 Drew Kibler 17-18 NAG: 4:12.33 2004 Michael Phelps Name Age Team Prelims Finals ================================================================== === Championship Final === 1 Carrozza, Coby 18 Longhorn Aquatic 4:17.04 4:14.95 23.55 49.12 (25.57) 1:14.96 (25.84) 1:40.93 (25.97) 2:06.91 (25.98) 2:32.87 (25.96) 2:58.98 (26.11) 3:24.89 (25.91) 3:50.05 (25.16) 4:14.95 (24.90) 2 Heasley, Ethan 18 Hillsboro Swim T 4:18.67 4:17.57 22.75 48.06 (25.31) 1:13.80 (25.74) 1:40.06 (26.26) 2:06.40 (26.34) 2:32.89 (26.49) 2:59.41 (26.52) 3:25.31 (25.90) 3:51.44 (26.13) 4:17.57 (26.13) 3 Johnston, David 18 Rockwall Aquatic 4:19.81 4:19.43 23.43 48.86 (25.43) 1:14.92 (26.06) 1:41.32 (26.40) 2:07.58 (26.26) 2:33.74 (26.16) 3:00.01 (26.27) 3:26.43 (26.42) 3:53.08 (26.65) 4:19.43 (26.35) 4 Frandson, Trent 17 Central Iowa Aqu 4:20.95 4:20.40 23.49 49.49 (26.00) 1:15.79 (26.30) 1:42.37 (26.58) 2:09.10 (26.73) 2:35.61 (26.51) 3:02.23 (26.62) 3:28.48 (26.25) 3:55.15 (26.67) 4:20.40 (25.25) 5 Hobson, Luke 16 Lakeridge Swim T 4:21.05 4:21.69 23.95 49.50 (25.55) 1:15.94 (26.44) 1:42.20 (26.26) 2:08.74 (26.54) 2:35.12 (26.38) 3:01.85 (26.73) 3:28.80 (26.95) 3:55.77 (26.97) 4:21.69 (25.92) 6 Bonson, Michael 17 Hurricane Swim C 4:23.05 4:22.03 23.86 50.01 (26.15) 1:16.87 (26.86) 1:43.36 (26.49) 2:09.71 (26.35) 2:36.35 (26.64) 3:03.15 (26.80) 3:29.93 (26.78) 3:56.40 (26.47) 4:22.03 (25.63) 7 Kopp, Tyler 17 Katy Aquatic Tea 4:23.19 4:23.33 24.13 50.47 (26.34) 1:16.90 (26.43) 1:43.41 (26.51) 2:10.15 (26.74) 2:36.94 (26.79) 3:03.51 (26.57) 3:30.50 (26.99) 3:57.28 (26.78) 4:23.33 (26.05) 8 Matheson, Daniel 17 Scottsdale Aquat 4:23.16 4:27.98 24.38 50.79 (26.41) 1:17.63 (26.84) 1:44.56 (26.93) 2:11.79 (27.23) 2:39.08 (27.29) 3:06.38 (27.30) 3:33.66 (27.28) 4:01.14 (27.48) 4:27.98 (26.84)
Women’s 200 IM
Aquajets’s Isabelle Stadden put together a strong 200 IM, just enough to squeak past the competition and claim the title.
Stadden won the event in 1:56.55 to edge King Aquatic’s Janelle Rudolph (1:56.65).
Stadden started with a 25.71 butterfly split before a 27.86 backstroke plyt and 35.33 breaststroke split. She close with a 27.65 freestyle.
Rudolph was ahead of Stadden after a 25.64 fly, then had splits of 28.90, 34.23 and 27.88 to finish just behind.
Both swimmers finished two seconds ahead of the rest of the field.
Bellevue’s Sam Baron finished third in 1:58.66, followed by teammate Gracie Felner (1:59.68), Fort Collins Area’s Lucy Bell (1:59.70), Hindsale’s Callahan Dunn (2:01.26) , SoCal Aquatics’ Samantha Pearson (2:01.84) and Nitro’s Jess Yeager (2:02.15).
Event 7 Women 200 Yard IM ================================================================== Jrs West: * 1:54.62 12/6/2018 Zoie Hartman, Crow Canyon Coun SC Jrs Meet: # 1:53.69 12/6/2018 Alex Walsh, Nashville Aquati 13-14 NAG: 1:56.20 2015 Alex Walsh 15-16 NAG: 1:54.02 2017 Alex Walsh 17-18 NAG: 1:51.65 2016 Ella Eastin Name Age Team Prelims Finals ================================================================== === Championship Final === 1 Stadden, Isabelle 17 Aquajets Swim Te 1:58.40 1:56.55 25.71 53.57 (27.86) 1:28.90 (35.33) 1:56.55 (27.65) 2 Rudolph, Janelle 17 King Aquatic Clu 1:57.70 1:56.65 25.64 54.54 (28.90) 1:28.77 (34.23) 1:56.65 (27.88) 3 Baron, Sam 17 Bellevue Club Sw 1:59.80 1:58.86 25.29 56.05 (30.76) 1:30.55 (34.50) 1:58.86 (28.31) 4 Felner, Gracie 18 Bellevue Club Sw 2:00.15 1:59.68 25.06 55.37 (30.31) 1:30.30 (34.93) 1:59.68 (29.38) 5 Bell, Lucy 15 Fort Collins Are 1:59.97 1:59.70 26.06 55.66 (29.60) 1:31.59 (35.93) 1:59.70 (28.11) 6 Dunn, Callahan 18 Hinsdale Swim Cl 2:00.88 2:01.26 26.43 56.52 (30.09) 1:32.16 (35.64) 2:01.26 (29.10) 7 Pearson, Samantha 18 SOCAL Aquatics A 2:00.39 2:01.84 26.00 56.16 (30.16) 1:33.42 (37.26) 2:01.84 (28.42) 8 Yeager, Jess 18 Nitro Swimming-S 2:00.81 2:02.15 25.98 57.09 (31.11) 1:32.37 (35.28) 2:02.15 (29.78)
Men’s 200 IM
Seattle Metropolis’ Tyler Lu had enough in the tank, after dropping three seconds from prelims, to earn a victory in the 200 IM, earning the unexpected victory from an outside lane.
Lu won the event in 1:44.87, holding off Sarpy County’s Luke Barr (1:46.14) and Alto Swim Club’s Jonathan Affeld (1:46.27).
Eastern Iowa’s Forrest Frazier took fourth (1:46.58), followed by Sierra Marlins’ Ben Dillard (1:46.63), Aquajets’s Hayden Zheng (1:47.05), Katy Aquatic’s Tyler Kopp (1:47.43) and Elevation’s Harrison Lierz (1:47.60).
It was Kopp’s second race of the night, already doing the 500 free.
Event 8 Men 200 Yard IM ================================================================== Jrs West: * 1:42.77 12/10/2015Michael Andrew, Indie Swimming SC Jrs Meet: # 1:42.54 12/6/2018 Carson Foster, Mason Manta Rays 13-14 NAG: 1:45.29 2014 Michael Andrew 15-16 NAG: 1:42.77 2015 Michael Andrew 17-18 NAG: 1:41.39 2011 David Nolan Name Age Team Prelims Finals ================================================================== === Championship Final === 1 Lu, Tyler 16 Seattle Metropol 1:47.48 1:44.87 23.83 49.73 (25.90) 1:19.66 (29.93) 1:44.87 (25.21) 2 Barr, Luke 16 Sarpy County Swi 1:47.17 1:46.14 22.91 49.90 (26.99) 1:20.44 (30.54) 1:46.14 (25.70) 3 Affeld, Jonathan 17 Alto Swim Club-P 1:45.38 1:46.27 22.63 48.51 (25.88) 1:20.13 (31.62) 1:46.27 (26.14) 4 Frazier, Forrest 17 Eastern Iowa Swi 1:46.82 1:46.58 22.63 50.32 (27.69) 1:20.65 (30.33) 1:46.58 (25.93) 5 Dillard, Ben 18 Sierra Marlins S 1:46.10 1:46.63 23.24 50.10 (26.86) 1:20.41 (30.31) 1:46.63 (26.22) 6 Zheng, Hayden 16 Aquajets Swim Te 1:47.38 1:47.05 23.63 50.61 (26.98) 1:20.61 (30.00) 1:47.05 (26.44) 7 Kopp, Tyler 17 Katy Aquatic Tea 1:47.24 1:47.43 23.46 49.92 (26.46) 1:21.94 (32.02) 1:47.43 (25.49) 8 Lierz, Harrison 17 Elevation Athlet 1:47.36 1:47.60 22.87 49.23 (26.36) 1:22.02 (32.79) 1:47.60 (25.58)
Women’s 50 Free
Kaitlyn Dobler and Amy Tang had strong starts and finished together in the 50 free. When both of them looked up at the scoreboard, there was a No. 1 next to their names.
Dobler, of The Dolphins, and Tang, swimming unattached, tied for the title with identical swims of 22.21.
North Texas Nadadores’ Katherine Zenick took third in 22.40, followed by Katy Aquatic’s Emma Sticklen (22.75), Gators Swim Club’s Anicka Delgado (22.88), Denver’s Anna Shaw (23.03), Quicksilver’s Kailyn Winter (23.22) and Bainbridge Island’s Eleanor Beers (23.23).
Event 9 Women 50 Yard Freestyle ================================================================== Jrs West: * 21.49 12/12/2014Abbigail Weitzeil, Canyons Aquatic SC Jrs Meet: # 21.49 12/12/2014Abbigail Weitzeil, Canyons Aquatic 13-14 NAG: 21.89 2019 Claire Curzan 15-16 NAG: 21.82 2018 Gretchen Walsh 17-18 NAG: 21.32 2015 Simone Manuel Name Age Team Prelims Finals ================================================================== === Championship Final === 1 Dobler, Kaitlyn 17 The Dolphins Por 22.47 22.21 1 Tang, Amy 16 Unattached-PN 22.06 22.21 3 Zenick, Katherine 18 North Texas Nada 22.46 22.40 4 Sticklen, Emma 17 Katy Aquatic Tea 22.67 22.75 5 Delgado, Anicka 17 Gators Swim Club 22.97 22.88 6 Shaw, Anna 16 Univ of Denver H 22.94 23.03 7 Winter, Kailyn 16 Quicksilver Swim 23.02 23.22 8 Beers, Eleanor 17 Bainbridge Islan 22.97 23.23 === Consolation Final === 9 Ervin, Lindsay 15 Irvine Novaquati 23.13 22.84 10 Pattison, Greer 16 Scottsdale Aquat 23.12 22.93 11 Kragh, Mia 16 Rancho San Diegu 23.05 22.98 12 Cook, Elizabeth 17 Tualatin Hills S 23.12 23.03 13 Fiske, Sophie 16 Madison Aquatic- 23.18 23.06 14 Hanson, Grace 16 High Tides-MN 23.19 23.14 15 Mazurek, Ella 16 Quicksilver Swim 23.19 23.31 16 Pearson, Samantha 18 SOCAL Aquatics A 23.13 23.33
Men’s 50 Free
There was no tie in the men’s 50 free, though the race was extremely close.
Sooner Swim Club’s Aiden Hayes touched the all in 19.58 to earn the championship. He was 34 hundreths off the NAG record set by Michael Andrew (19.76) in 2015.
Bellevue Swim Club’s Matt King was right with Hayes the entire race, finishing in 19.71.
Chicago Wolfpack’s Bence Szabados took third in 20.16, followed by Elevation’s Lukas Miller (20.19), Rancho’s Stephan Lukashev (20.29), Rose Bowl Aquatics’ Danny Syrkin (20.33), Spring’s Dalton Lowe (20.36) and Bellevue’s Ethan Dang (20.50).
Event 10 Men 50 Yard Freestyle ================================================================== Jrs West: * 18.71 12/8/2016 Ryan Hoffer, Scottsdale Aquat SC Jrs Meet: # 18.71 12/10/2016Ryan Hoffer, Scottsdale Aq. 13-14 NAG: 19.76 2014 Michael Andrew 15-16 NAG: 19.24 2015 Michael Andrew 17-18 NAG: 18.67 2015 Caeleb Dressel Name Age Team Prelims Finals ================================================================== === Championship Final === 1 Hayes, Aiden 16 Sooner Swim Club 19.97 19.58 2 King, Matt 17 Bellevue Club Sw 19.89 19.71 3 Szabados, Bence 18 Chicago Wolfpack 20.10 20.16 4 Miller, Lukas 17 Elevation Athlet 20.08 20.19 5 Lukashev, Stephan 18 Rancho San Diegu 20.31 20.29 6 Syrkin, Danny 17 Rose Bowl Aquati 20.32 20.33 7 Lowe, Dalton 17 Spring Swim Team 20.29 20.36 8 Dang, Ethan 17 Bellevue Club Sw 20.35 20.50 === Consolation Final === 9 Oderinde, David 17 Premier Aquatics 20.39 20.13 10 Gu, Rafael 15 Rose Bowl Aquati 20.52 20.38 11 Lou, Brian 17 Irvine Novaquati 20.52 20.40 12 Ortanes, Bryce 17 Aquawolves Swimm 20.38 20.42 13 Nolan, Parker 16 Chicago Wolfpack 20.52 20.52 14 McCarty, Quintin 16 Pikes Peak Athle 20.39 20.55 15 Green, Cameron 17 Utah Valley Aqua 20.52 20.61 16 Barr, Luke 16 Sarpy County Swi 20.45 21.26
Women’s 400 Medley Relay
Denver’s Sydney Silver, Emma Weber, Holley Dennis and Anna Shaw put together a strong relay to win in 3:38.34, a second faster than the competition.
Bellevue’s Mia Chang, Sam Baron, Jaime Chen and Gracie Felner took second in 3:39.32.
Scottsdale’s Greer Pattison, Sadie Edwards, Morgan Brophy and Ashley Strouse took third in 3:39.88.
Event 11 Women 4x100 Yard Medley Relay ==================================================================== Team Seed Finals ==================================================================== 1 Univ of Denver H-CO 'A' 3:40.07 3:38.34 1) Silver, Sydney 17 2) Weber, Emma 15 3) Dennis, Holley 17 4) Shaw, Anna 16 25.83 53.42 (53.42) 1:21.48 (28.06) 1:53.63 (1:00.21) 2:18.66 (25.03) 2:48.36 (54.73) 3:11.99 (23.63) 3:38.34 (49.98) 2 Bellevue Club Sw-PN 'A' 3:41.59 3:39.32 1) Chang, Mia 16 2) Baron, Sam 17 3) Chen, Jaime 16 4) Felner, Gracie 18 26.54 55.05 (55.05) 1:23.33 (28.28) 1:56.22 (1:01.17) 2:21.21 (24.99) 2:50.45 (54.23) 3:13.81 (23.36) 3:39.32 (48.87) 3 Scottsdale Aquat-AZ 'A' 3:41.53 3:39.88 1) Pattison, Greer 16 2) Edwards, Sadie 17 3) Brophy, Morgan 16 4) Strouse, Ashley 17 26.32 54.16 (54.16) 1:23.00 (28.84) 1:56.47 (1:02.31) 2:21.70 (25.23) 2:50.97 (54.50) 3:14.21 (23.24) 3:39.88 (48.91) 4 Palo Alto Stanfo-PC 'A' 3:43.70 3:40.66 1) Li, Kaia 16 2) Julia, Melanie 17 3) J-Cheng, Audrey 15 4) Reinstein, Sloane 18 27.37 55.79 (55.79) 1:23.79 (28.00) 1:55.79 (1:00.00) 2:21.04 (25.25) 2:50.49 (54.70) 3:14.30 (23.81) 3:40.66 (50.17) 5 Irvine Novaquati-CA 'A' 3:40.36 3:40.72 1) Ristic, Ella 17 2) Malloy, Morganne 15 3) Ristic, Mia 17 4) Ervin, Lindsay 15 26.84 55.48 (55.48) 1:24.27 (28.79) 1:56.73 (1:01.25) 2:21.46 (24.73) 2:51.00 (54.27) 3:14.83 (23.83) 3:40.72 (49.72) 6 Crow Canyon Coun-PC 'A' 3:42.78 3:40.98 1) Davis, Jessica 17 2) Jih-Schiff, Ana 16 3) Hartman, Bailey 13 4) Suppiger, Shelby 16 26.25 54.47 (54.47) 1:23.61 (29.14) 1:56.43 (1:01.96) 2:21.34 (24.91) 2:50.05 (53.62) 3:14.35 (24.30) 3:40.98 (50.93) 7 Univ of Denver H-CO 'B' 3:45.82 3:42.97 1) Storm, Abby 15 2) Bradac, Sophia 18 3) Smith, Jenna 16 4) Davison, Chase 15 26.74 54.90 (54.90) 1:23.38 (28.48) 1:57.01 (1:02.11) 2:21.90 (24.89) 2:51.73 (54.72) 3:16.11 (24.38) 3:42.97 (51.24) 8 Orinda Aquatics-PC 'A' 3:46.65 3:43.44 1) McDonald, Margaux 17 2) Hanley, Channing 17 3) Smith, Madeline 17 4) Van Meines, Amber 16 27.08 55.29 (55.29) 1:24.22 (28.93) 1:57.99 (1:02.70) 2:23.12 (25.13) 2:53.53 (55.54) 3:17.19 (23.66) 3:43.44 (49.91)
Men’s 400 Medley Relay
Peak Swimming’s Andy Huang, Jassen Yep, Ethan Hu and Dylan Hawk closed the session by winning the men’s 400 medley relay.
The quartet finished in 3:12.87, more than a second ahead of the field.
Bellevue’s Nathan Lee, Ethan Dang, Raf Barreto and Matt King took second in 3:14.26.
Rose Bowl Aquatic’s Ronald Dalmacio, Keane Alejandro, Danny Syrkin and Rafael Gu took third in 3:15.13.
Event 12 Men 4x100 Yard Medley Relay ==================================================================== Team Seed Finals ==================================================================== 1 Peak Swimming-PC 'A' 3:20.80 3:12.87 1) Huang, Andy 17 2) Yep, Jassen 17 3) Hu, Ethan 18 4) Hawk, Dylan 17 23.36 48.53 (48.53) 1:14.32 (25.79) 1:43.60 (55.07) 2:04.70 (21.10) 2:28.85 (45.25) 2:49.68 (20.83) 3:12.87 (44.02) 2 Bellevue Club Sw-PN 'A' 3:18.82 3:14.26 1) Lee, Nathan 16 2) Dang, Ethan 17 3) Barreto, Raf 18 4) King, Matt 17 24.36 50.28 (50.28) 1:14.96 (24.68) 1:43.41 (53.13) 2:05.39 (21.98) 2:31.33 (47.92) 2:51.88 (20.55) 3:14.26 (42.93) 3 Rose Bowl Aquati-CA 'A' 3:16.08 3:15.13 1) Dalmacio, Ronald 15 2) Alejandro, Keane 17 3) Syrkin, Danny 17 4) Gu, Rafael 15 23.61 49.01 (49.01) 1:14.80 (25.79) 1:44.63 (55.62) 2:06.14 (21.51) 2:31.54 (46.91) 2:52.05 (20.51) 3:15.13 (43.59) 4 Sierra Marlins S-SN 'A' 3:16.65 3:17.34 1) Gore, Cris 17 2) Dillard, Ben 18 3) Gillespie, Jack 17 4) McCormick, Evan 17 24.06 50.66 (50.66) 1:15.03 (24.37) 1:43.43 (52.77) 2:06.21 (22.78) 2:31.76 (48.33) 2:53.22 (21.46) 3:17.34 (45.58) 5 Rancho San Diegu-SI 'A' 3:22.52 3:18.11 1) Wenger, Jacque 16 2) Hildesheim, Ethan 16 3) Lukashev, Stephan 18 4) Parker, Mateo 16 23.90 49.69 (49.69) 1:15.77 (26.08) 1:45.45 (55.76) 2:07.07 (21.62) 2:33.25 (47.80) 2:54.33 (21.08) 3:18.11 (44.86) 6 Premier Aquatics-GU 'A' 3:19.94 3:18.64 1) Jones, Elliott 18 2) Fuchs, Collin 17 3) Oderinde, David 17 4) Dickerson, Thad 18 23.68 48.42 (48.42) 1:14.64 (26.22) 1:45.33 (56.91) 2:07.72 (22.39) 2:33.76 (48.43) 2:54.75 (20.99) 3:18.64 (44.88) 7 Univ of Denver H-CO 'A' 3:17.84 3:18.86 1) Griffin, Nathan 17 2) Wolff, Sebastian 16 3) Foehner, Hunter 16 4) Chavez, William 18 23.75 49.57 (49.57) 1:15.38 (25.81) 1:45.35 (55.78) 2:08.28 (22.93) 2:33.80 (48.45) 2:55.10 (21.30) 3:18.86 (45.06) 8 Golden West Swim-CA 'A' 3:21.14 3:19.19 1) Lait, Casey 17 2) Nghi, Ivan 16 3) Blair, Aidan 18 4) Rivers, Hank 16 23.79 49.99 (49.99) 1:16.37 (26.38) 1:45.49 (55.50) 2:08.23 (22.74) 2:34.64 (49.15) 2:55.84 (21.20) 3:19.19 (44.55)