2019 Mountain West Conference Day 2: Nevada Keeps the Lead

Mountain West Race
Photo Courtesy: Madison Fredrick

By Kate Santilena, Swimming World College Intern.

We kicked off day two of the 2019 Mountain West Conference Championship with the first day of the individual events. Thursday night’s events consisted of the women’s 500 free, women’s 200 individual medley, women’s 50 free, women’s 3-meter diving and women’s 400 medley relay.

After the 2019 Mountain West Conference’s first full day of competition, the teams scores are as follows:

  1. University of Nevada – 530.5
  2. San Diego State University – 528
  3. Boise State University – 485
  4. University of New Mexico – 316
  5. Fresno State University – 311.5
  6. Colorado State University – 251. 5
  7. University of Wyoming – 241.5
  8. University of Nevada, Las Vegas – 213.5
  9. San Jose State University -186.5
  10. U.S. Air Force Academy – 176

With the first individual races swum and meet records broken, the 2019 Mountain West Conference is currently a tight race between the University of Nevada Wolfpack and San Diego State University Aztecs. It’s too soon to tell who will take home that conference ring but it will be an exciting meet to watch.

Day 2 Results.

Women’s 500 Free

For the meets first individual race, the University of New Mexico (UNM) took home the first win of the night with Lobo senior Adriana Palomino coming in with a final time of 4.43.63. The outside smoke from lane 7 dropped over five seconds from her seed time to take home the gold.

Following behind her was the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) freshman Carissa Armijo picking up her first individual top 3 conference finish of her college career (4.46.90). Rounding up the top three was the University of Nevada’s (NEV) sophomore Caitlyn McHugh taking home the bronze with a final time of 4.47.95. Coming in fourth was Colorado State’s Haley Rowley (4.48.62) followed by Haley Hill (4.48.82), Klara Farkas (4.49.19), Amanda Barnes (4.49.57) and Zofia Niemczak (4.50.30).

Event 4  Women 500 Yard Freestyle
  MW All Time: # 4:38.98  2/16/2017 Genevieve Miller, Air Force -CO
     MW Champ: * 4:38.98  2/16/2017 Genevieve Miller, Air Force -CO
  Pool Record: & 4:32.53  3/20/2014 Britta MacLean, Georgia
                 4:36.30  *A Standard
                 4:47.20  *B Standard
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Palomino, Adria  SR New Mexico        4:49.44    4:43.63 *B      32  
    r:+0.83  26.37        54.60 (28.23)
        1:23.19 (28.59)     1:51.71 (28.52)
        2:20.34 (28.63)     2:49.31 (28.97)
        3:18.17 (28.86)     3:46.69 (28.52)
        4:15.59 (28.90)     4:43.63 (28.04)
  2 Armijo, Carissa  FR Unlv (W)          4:48.03    4:46.90 *B      28  
    r:+0.84  26.82        55.68 (28.86)
        1:24.71 (29.03)     1:53.81 (29.10)
        2:22.68 (28.87)     2:51.45 (28.77)
        3:20.28 (28.83)     3:49.20 (28.92)
        4:18.37 (29.17)     4:46.90 (28.53)
  3 McHugh, Caitlyn  SO Nevada            4:49.22    4:47.95         27  
    r:+0.76  26.42        55.58 (29.16)
        1:24.56 (28.98)     1:53.77 (29.21)
        2:22.99 (29.22)     2:52.19 (29.20)
        3:21.52 (29.33)     3:50.82 (29.30)
        4:19.87 (29.05)     4:47.95 (28.08)
  4 Rowley, Haley C  SR Colorado St.      4:50.89    4:48.62         26  
    r:+0.69  26.24        54.68 (28.44)
        1:23.40 (28.72)     1:52.41 (29.01)
        2:21.62 (29.21)     2:51.00 (29.38)
        3:20.76 (29.76)     3:50.30 (29.54)
        4:20.03 (29.73)     4:48.62 (28.59)
  5 Hill, Hayley B   SO Boise St          4:50.68    4:48.82         25  
    r:+0.71  26.68        55.44 (28.76)
        1:24.33 (28.89)     1:53.51 (29.18)
        2:23.11 (29.60)     2:52.32 (29.21)
        3:21.53 (29.21)     3:51.16 (29.63)
        4:20.28 (29.12)     4:48.82 (28.54)
  6 Farkas, Klara    SO New Mexico        4:48.88    4:49.19         24  
    r:+0.76  26.75        55.66 (28.91)
        1:24.43 (28.77)     1:53.67 (29.24)
        2:22.79 (29.12)     2:51.97 (29.18)
        3:20.89 (28.92)     3:50.66 (29.77)
        4:19.95 (29.29)     4:49.19 (29.24)
  7 Barnes, Amanda   SR Boise St          4:51.76    4:49.57         23  
    r:+0.81  26.59        55.03 (28.44)
        1:24.05 (29.02)     1:53.30 (29.25)
        2:22.91 (29.61)     2:52.42 (29.51)
        3:21.85 (29.43)     3:51.56 (29.71)
        4:21.14 (29.58)     4:49.57 (28.43)
  8 Niemczak, Zofia  SO Fresno State      4:49.21    4:50.30         22  
    r:+0.72  27.05        55.48 (28.43)
        1:24.30 (28.82)     1:53.87 (29.57)
        2:23.25 (29.38)     2:52.35 (29.10)
        3:21.68 (29.33)     3:51.66 (29.98)
        4:21.50 (29.84)     4:50.30 (28.80)

Women’s 200 Individual Medley

In the race that utilizes all four strokes, NEV junior Andressa Lima showed off her multi-stroke diversity leading the race from start to finish. Pulling even farther ahead on the breaststroke leg of the race and keeping the lead, Lima took home the gold with a final time of 1.59.04.

A close race for the silver broke out between San Diego State University’s (SDSU) junior Courtney Vincent and Colorado State University’s (CSU) Madison Ward. At the finish, Vincent out touched Ward for the silver with a final time of 1.59.91. Ward took the bronze with a 2.00.04. Coming in fourth was BSU’s Robin Pinger (2.01.16) followed by Mckenna Myer (2.01.26), Kristina Murphy (2.01.36), Samantha Burke (2.01.60) and Laura Williams (2.03.20). 

Event 5  Women 200 Yard IM
  MW All Time: # 1:56.95  3/20/2014 Mikaela Macklin, San Diego State
     MW Champ: * 1:57.18  2/18/2016 Samantha J Wicks, Boise State-SR
  Pool Record: & 1:52.50  3/20/2014 Maya DiRado, Stanford
                 1:54.31  *A Standard
                 1:59.94  *B Standard
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Cholodovskis Li  JR Nevada            2:00.38    1:59.04 *B      32  
    r:+0.75  25.46        55.35 (29.89)
        1:30.34 (34.99)     1:59.04 (28.70)
  2 Vincent, Courtn  JR San Diego St      2:00.25    1:59.91 *B      28  
    r:+0.78  25.68        55.74 (30.06)
        1:30.87 (35.13)     1:59.91 (29.04)
  3 Ward, Madison W  SO Colorado St.      2:01.32    2:00.04         27  
    r:+0.74  26.38        57.75 (31.37)
        1:31.21 (33.46)     2:00.04 (28.83)
  4 Pinger, Robin E  JR Boise St          2:01.00    2:01.16         26  
    r:+0.72  25.99        57.05 (31.06)
        1:31.77 (34.72)     2:01.16 (29.39)
  5 Meyer, McKenna   JR San Diego St      2:01.06    2:01.26         25  
    r:+0.75  26.46        56.05 (29.59)
        1:32.78 (36.73)     2:01.26 (28.48)
  6 Murphy, Kristin  FR San Diego St      2:01.62    2:01.36         24  
    r:+0.76  26.60        57.40 (30.80)
        1:32.13 (34.73)     2:01.36 (29.23)
  7 Burke, Samantha  SR Wyoming (W)       2:01.49    2:01.60         23  
    r:+0.74  25.88        55.64 (29.76)
        1:32.35 (36.71)     2:01.60 (29.25)
  8 Williams, Laura  SR Boise St          2:01.54    2:03.20         22  
    r:+0.76  25.78        57.86 (32.08)
        1:32.93 (35.07)     2:03.20 (30.27)

Women’s 50 Free

During the infamous splash and dash, the field was as close as ever but at the touch Boise State University’s (BSU) senior Abbey Sorensen snatched the gold with a final time of 22.42. Following closely behind her, SDSU sisters Alma Thormalm took the silver (22.60) and Klara Thormalm took the bronze (22.70) rounded up the top three only a tenth of a second apart. Coming in fourth was SDSU’s Samantha Geyer (22.71) followed by Osianna McReed (22.82), Josien Wijkhuijs (22.82), Rebecca Murray (22.91) and Caitlyn Schreiber (23.00). 

Event 6  Women 50 Yard Freestyle
  MW All Time: # 21.76  2/20/2014 Anika Apostalon, San Diego State
     MW Champ: * 21.76  2/20/2014 Anika Apostalon, San Diego State
  Pool Record: & 21.53  3/20/2014 Margo Geer, Arizona
                 21.74  *A Standard
                 22.76  *B Standard
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Sorensen, Abbey  SR Boise St            22.42      22.42 *B      32  
    r:+0.63  10.99        22.42 (11.43)
  2 Thormalm, Alma   JR San Diego St        22.79      22.60 *B      28  
    r:+0.69  11.04        22.60 (11.56)
  3 Thormalm, Klara  SO San Diego St        22.78      22.70 *B      27  
    r:+0.75  10.93        22.70 (11.77)
  4 Geyer, Samantha  FR San Diego St        22.70      22.71 *B      26  
    r:+0.75  11.25        22.71 (11.46)
  5 Wijkhuijs, Josi  FR Nevada              22.85      22.82         24.5
    r:+0.72  10.97        22.82 (11.85)
  5 McReed, Osianna  SR Fresno State        23.03      22.82         24.5
    r:+0.69  10.69        22.82 (12.13)
  7 Murray, Rebecca  SR Nevada              22.98      22.91         23  
    r:+0.70  11.16        22.91 (11.75)
  8 Schreiber, Cait  SO Unlv (W)            23.04      23.00         22  
    r:+0.62  11.10        23.00 (11.90)

Women’s 3-Meter

On the other side of the pool deck, a close 3-meter dive event took place between NEV’s Isabel Vazquez and UNLV’s Montse Urzua both alternating the lead throughout the event. On the final dive, Vazquez captured the gold with a final score of 362.05 and second medal of the Mountain West Conference. Only a point behind her was Urzua with a final score of 361.20. SDSU’s Ximenia Lechuga Gonzalez took home her second medal of the Mountain West Conference with the bronze (338.70). Coming in fourth was BSU’s Martine Erlam (322.65) followed by Cassidy Bose (319.70), Victoria Rice (304.85), Skylar Williams (303.85) and Linnea Sorenson (295.35).

Event 7  Women 3 mtr Diving
  MW All Time: # 424.53  2/15/2018 Sharae Zheng, Nevada-PC
     MW Champ: * 424.53  2/15/2018 Sharae Zheng, Nevada-PC
  Pool Record: & 612.60  2/20/2004 Vera Ilina, Texas
                 280.00  *A Standard
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Vazquez, Isabel     Nevada             289.25     362.05 *A      32  
  2 Urzua, Montse       Unlv (W)           289.35     361.20 *A      28  
  3 Lechuga Gonzale     San Diego St       334.05     338.70 *A      27  
  4 Erlam, Martine      Boise St           309.30     322.65 *A      26  
  5 Bose, Cassidy       Boise St           293.20     319.70 *A      25  
  6 Rice, Victoria      Nevada             292.75     304.85 *A      24  
  7 Williams, Skyla  SO Colorado St.       295.95     303.85 *A      23  
  8 Sorenson, Linne     Nevada             285.70     295.35 *A      22

Women’s 400 Medley Relay

Similar to the 200 medley relay, BSU’s Ally Kleinsorgen led off the heat spitting a 53.16 on the backstroke leg but SDSU breastroker Klara Thormalm pulled the Aztecs to the lead splitting a 58.94. With this lead, SDSU Aztecs Elliyana Ferrin, K. Thormalm, Vincent, and A. Thormalm took home the gold (3.32.28) over BSU (3.36.58) by over a body length. On top of that, the Aztecs broke the previous Mountain West Conference record and picked up a NCAA “B” cut. Coming in third was the University of Nevada with a final time of 3.37.94. Coming in fourth was Colorado State (3.40.29) followed by Fresno State (3.41.29), San Jose State (3.41.73), UNM (3.41.95), the University of Wyoming (3.42.29) and the U.S. Air Force Academy (3.44.34).

Event 8  Women 400 Yard Medley Relay
  MW All Time: # 3:34.40  2/17/2017 Boise State, Boise
                          A Kleinsorgen, L Williams, B Aoyama, K Martin
     MW Champ: * 3:34.40  2/17/2017 Boise State, Boise
                          A Kleinsorgen, L Williams, B Aoyama, K Martin
  Pool Record: & 3:27.51  3/21/2014 Stanford, Stanford
                          M. DiRado, K. Olsen, F. Lee, L. Neal
                 3:32.20  *A Standard
                 3:34.35  *B Standard
    School                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 San Diego St  'A'             3:35.45    3:32.28#*B      64  
     1) Ferrin, Elliyana G SO         2) r:0.23 Thormalm, Klara SO    
     3) r:0.43 Vincent, Courtney JR   4) r:0.22 Thormalm, Alma JR     
             12.52        25.80 (25.80)
          39.58 (39.58)       53.33 (53.33)
        1:05.57 (12.24)     1:20.62 (27.29)
        1:36.45 (43.12)     1:52.27 (58.94)
        2:03.46 (11.19)     2:16.54 (24.27)
        2:29.98 (37.71)     2:43.72 (51.45)
        2:54.27 (10.55)     3:06.32 (22.60)
        3:19.16 (35.44)     3:32.28 (48.56)
  2 Boise St  'A'                 3:40.14    3:36.58         56  
     1) Kleinsorgen, Allyson G SR     2) r:0.23 Pinger, Robin JR      
     3) r:0.17 Jennings, Emmie JR     4) r:0.26 Sorensen, Abbey SR    
             12.40        25.38 (25.38)
          39.06 (39.06)       53.16 (53.16)
        1:05.88 (12.72)     1:21.46 (28.30)
        1:37.54 (44.38)   1:54.26 (1:01.10)
        2:05.24 (10.98)     2:18.82 (24.56)
        2:32.96 (38.70)     2:48.02 (53.76)
        2:58.59 (10.57)     3:10.77 (22.75)
        3:23.67 (35.65)     3:36.58 (48.56)
  3 Nevada  'A'                   3:39.92    3:37.94         54  
     1) Reynolds, Jamie H SR          2) r:0.28 Depolo, Donna SO      
     3) r:0.09 Wijkhuijs, Josien FR   4) r:0.33 Murray, Rebecca SR    
             12.96        26.41 (26.41)
          40.91 (40.91)       55.27 (55.27)
        1:08.37 (13.10)     1:23.90 (28.63)
        1:40.21 (44.94)   1:56.53 (1:01.26)
        2:07.23 (10.70)     2:20.51 (23.98)
        2:34.71 (38.18)     2:49.41 (52.88)
        3:00.33 (10.92)     3:12.54 (23.13)
        3:25.41 (36.00)     3:37.94 (48.53)
  4 Colorado St.  'A'             3:44.22    3:40.29         52  
     1) Thomas, Tonicia N SR          2) r:0.42 Ward, Madison SO      
     3) r:0.02 Box, Julia JR          4) r:0.24 Friedrichs, Kritina FR
             12.45        25.89 (25.89)
          39.73 (39.73)       53.76 (53.76)
        1:06.30 (12.54)     1:21.93 (28.17)
        1:37.65 (43.89)   1:54.08 (1:00.32)
        2:05.01 (10.93)     2:18.52 (24.44)
        2:33.26 (39.18)     2:49.49 (55.41)
        3:00.12 (10.63)     3:13.45 (23.96)
        3:26.82 (37.33)     3:40.29 (50.80)
  5 Fresno State  'A'             3:43.52    3:41.29         50  
     1) Mazutaityte, Ugne SR          2) r:0.25 Mendolicchio, Muela JR
     3) r:0.27 Harbert, Kimberly JR   4) r:0.36 McReed, Osianna SR    
    r:+5.12  13.02        26.42 (26.42)
          40.72 (40.72)       54.80 (54.80)
        1:08.13 (13.33)     1:24.07 (29.27)
        1:40.72 (45.92)   1:56.92 (1:02.12)
        2:08.21 (11.29)     2:21.61 (24.69)
        2:36.07 (39.15)     2:50.80 (53.88)
        3:01.67 (10.87)     3:14.37 (23.57)
        3:28.02 (37.22)     3:41.29 (50.49)
  6 San Jose St  'A'              3:44.54    3:41.73         48  
     1) Vieira, Gabriela M JR         2) r:0.29 Limargo, Chloe FR     
     3) r:0.30 Auva'A, Violani JR     4) r:0.48 Heng, Gabriella JR    
             13.19        26.75 (26.75)
          41.36 (41.36)       56.41 (56.41)
        1:09.51 (13.10)     1:25.24 (28.83)
        1:42.05 (45.64)   1:58.94 (1:02.53)
        2:10.01 (11.07)     2:23.45 (24.51)
        2:37.43 (38.49)     2:52.16 (53.22)
        3:03.23 (11.07)     3:15.81 (23.65)
        3:28.77 (36.61)     3:41.73 (49.57)
  7 New Mexico  'A'               3:44.64    3:41.95         46  
     1) Huffer, Emily L SR            2) r:0.18 Pollack, Katherine FR 
     3) r:0.22 Shinada, Konoha SR     4) r:0.52 Oritsland, Hedda FR   
             13.45        27.36 (27.36)
          41.69 (41.69)       55.53 (55.53)
        1:08.43 (12.90)     1:11.55 (16.02)
        1:41.02 (45.49)   1:58.33 (1:02.80)
        2:09.74 (11.41)     2:23.41 (25.08)
        2:37.98 (39.65)     2:52.21 (53.88)
        3:03.46 (11.25)     3:15.85 (23.64)
        3:29.08 (36.87)     3:41.95 (49.74)
  8 Wyoming (W)  'A'              3:44.71    3:42.29         44  
     1) Burke, Samantha A SR          2) r:0.31 Pilon, Rylie SO       
     3) r:0.35 McLean-Leonard,nnah SO 4) r:0.33 Ryan, Isobel SR       
             12.76        25.93 (25.93)
          40.01 (40.01)       53.61 (53.61)
        1:07.47 (13.86)     1:23.53 (29.92)
        1:41.04 (47.43)   1:58.41 (1:04.80)
        2:09.65 (11.24)     2:22.84 (24.43)
        2:37.62 (39.21)     2:53.13 (54.72)
        3:04.21 (11.08)     3:16.49 (23.36)
        3:29.52 (36.39)     3:42.29 (49.16)
  9 Air Force (W)  'A'            3:47.58    3:44.34         40  
     1) Stronko, Kylie J SO           2) r:0.28 Schellin, Heidi JR    
     3) r:0.31 Min, Esther JR         4) r:0.39 Wolfgramm, Autumn JR  
             12.81        26.07 (26.07)
          40.34 (40.34)       54.43 (54.43)
        1:07.66 (13.23)     1:23.54 (29.11)
        1:40.46 (46.03)   1:57.20 (1:02.77)
        2:08.69 (11.49)     2:22.17 (24.97)
        2:37.48 (40.28)     2:52.72 (55.52)
        3:04.08 (11.36)     3:16.80 (24.08)
        3:30.52 (37.80)     3:44.34 (51.62)
 -- Unlv (W)  'A'                 3:47.00         DQ        
     1) Kiuchi, Kacey L FR            2) r:0.28 Moore, Skylar FR      
     3) r:0.22 Afanasyeva, Katryna SO 4) r:-0.01 Filippova, Julia FR  
    r:+0.91  12.91        26.49 (26.49)
          40.72 (40.72)       55.10 (55.10)
        1:08.25 (13.15)     1:24.52 (29.42)
        1:41.23 (46.13)   1:58.66 (1:03.56)
        2:09.63 (10.97)     2:22.88 (24.22)
        2:37.32 (38.66)     2:52.89 (54.23)
        3:03.49 (10.60)     3:15.99 (23.10)
        3:29.10 (36.21)          DQ (49.39)
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