2019 Mountain West Conference Championship Day 3: Aztecs Dominates

By Kate Santilena, Swimming World College Intern.
Night 3 of the 2019 Mountain West Conference Championships turned out to be an exciting night full of many tight races, a few upsets and the San Diego State Aztecs capturing multiple top 3 spots to take over the lead for the Mountain West Conference title.
Team Scores After Night 3:
- San Diego State University (924)
- University of Nevada (862.5)
- Boise State University (740)
- University of New Mexico (537)
- Fresno State University (516.5)
- University of Wyoming (456.5)
- Colorado State University (433)
- San Jose State University (383.5)
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas (367)
- U.S. Air Force Academy (284)
Women’s 400 Individual Medley
What could arguably be one of the hardest races in swimming, a tight race for the gold broke out between San Deigo State University (SDSU) junior McKenna Meyer and Colorado State University (CSU) senior Haley Rowley. Meyers took over the lead on the backstroke leg of the race with Rowley right on her heels. During the freestyle, Meyers extended her lead by a body length and held it (4.12.41). Rowley came in second with a final time of 4.14.77.
Third place was up for grabs and came down to the final touch between University of New Mexico’s (UNM) sophomore Matea Sumajstorcic and University of Nevada’s (NEV) freshman Julia Adamczyk. In the end, Sumajstorcic took home the bronze (4.16.01) over Adamczyk (4.16.29).
Rounding up the top 8 was Air Force Academy’s (AF) Emma Strom (4.17.34), University of Nevada’s Carissa Armijo (4.17.66), Fresno State’s (FS) Brenda Diaz (4.19.40) and CSU’s Marie Goodwyn (4.23.48).
Event 9 Women 400 Yard IM ========================================================================= MW All Time: # 4:05.56 3/20/2015 Yawen Li, Nevada MW Champ: * 4:06.70 2/27/2009 Zsuzanna Jakabos, UNLV Pool Record: & 3:58.12 3/21/2014 Maya DiRado, Stanford 4:04.16 *A Standard 4:17.30 *B Standard Name Year School Prelims Finals Points ========================================================================= === A - Final === 1 Meyer, McKenna JR San Diego St 4:17.89 4:12.41 *B 32 r:+0.78 27.15 57.63 (30.48) 1:29.04 (31.41) 2:00.28 (31.24) 2:36.86 (36.58) 3:13.70 (36.84) 3:43.40 (29.70) 4:12.41 (29.01) 2 Rowley, Haley C SR Colorado St. 4:16.18 4:14.77 *B 28 r:+0.69 27.25 58.29 (31.04) 1:29.91 (31.62) 2:00.64 (30.73) 2:37.76 (37.12) 3:15.80 (38.04) 3:45.80 (30.00) 4:14.77 (28.97) 3 Sumajstorcic, M SO New Mexico 4:18.28 4:16.01 *B 27 r:+0.85 27.49 57.94 (30.45) 1:31.67 (33.73) 2:04.05 (32.38) 2:40.78 (36.73) 3:17.69 (36.91) 3:47.30 (29.61) 4:16.01 (28.71) 4 Adamczyk, Julia FR Nevada 4:18.68 4:16.29 *B 26 r:+0.77 27.52 58.96 (31.44) 1:31.87 (32.91) 2:04.06 (32.19) 2:40.44 (36.38) 3:17.24 (36.80) 3:47.37 (30.13) 4:16.29 (28.92) 5 Strom, Emma R SR Air Force (W) 4:20.57 4:17.34 25 r:+0.61 27.27 59.19 (31.92) 1:32.07 (32.88) 2:04.48 (32.41) 2:41.32 (36.84) 3:19.21 (37.89) 3:48.47 (29.26) 4:17.34 (28.87) 6 Armijo, Carissa FR Unlv (W) 4:19.64 4:17.66 24 r:+0.78 27.76 58.39 (30.63) 1:31.80 (33.41) 2:04.85 (33.05) 2:41.86 (37.01) 3:19.52 (37.66) 3:48.80 (29.28) 4:17.66 (28.86) 7 Diaz, Brenda FR Fresno State 4:20.33 4:19.40 23 r:+0.71 27.76 59.20 (31.44) 1:31.87 (32.67) 2:03.88 (32.01) 2:41.14 (37.26) 3:19.62 (38.48) 3:50.21 (30.59) 4:19.40 (29.19) 8 Goodwyn, Marie JR Colorado St. 4:20.14 4:23.48 22 r:+0.82 27.54 58.64 (31.10) 1:31.84 (33.20) 2:04.38 (32.54) 2:42.64 (38.26) 3:21.30 (38.66) 3:52.82 (31.52) 4:23.48 (30.66)
Women’s 100 Fly
The women’s 100 fly was a close race until the final turn where SDSU’s Courtney Vincent pulled ahead of the heat with an incredible final underwater off the wall for the win with a time of 52.04.
Following Vincent, a battle for the silver between University of Wyoming’s (WYO) Hannah McLean-Leonard and UNM Lobo Konoha Shinada took place. At the finish, McLean-Leonard got her hand on the wall first (53.21) over Shinada who took the bronze (53.37).
Coming in fourth was San Jose State’s (SJSU) Brenna Bushey (53.62), followed by FS’s Zofia Niemczak (54.02), NEV’s Josien Wijkhuijs (54.04), UNM’s Hedda Oritsland (54.05) and SDSU’s Elizabeth Menzmer (54.11).
Event 10 Women 100 Yard Butterfly ========================================================================= MW All Time: # 51.48 2/21/2014 Katelyne Herrington, UNLV MW Champ: * 51.48 2/21/2014 Katelyne Herrington, UNLV Pool Record: & 50.69 3/9/2007 Dana Volmer, California 51.03 *A Standard 53.76 *B Standard Name Year School Prelims Finals Points ========================================================================= === A - Final === 1 Vincent, Courtn JR San Diego St 52.41 52.04 *B 32 r:+0.75 11.36 24.34 (12.98) 38.16 (13.82) 52.04 (13.88) 2 McLean-Leonard, SO Wyoming (W) 52.96 53.21 *B 28 r:+0.71 11.25 24.70 (13.45) 38.69 (13.99) 53.21 (14.52) 3 Shinada, Konoha SR New Mexico 53.69 53.37 *B 27 r:+0.64 11.90 24.65 (12.75) 39.51 (14.86) 53.37 (13.86) 4 Bushey, Brenna SR San Jose St 52.76 53.62 *B 26 r:+0.79 11.36 24.73 (13.37) 39.13 (14.40) 53.62 (14.49) 5 Niemczak, Zofia SO Fresno State 54.19 54.02 25 r:+0.76 11.90 25.36 (13.46) 39.49 (14.13) 54.02 (14.53) 6 Wijkhuijs, Josi FR Nevada 53.73 54.04 24 r:+0.78 11.29 24.97 (13.68) 39.22 (14.25) 54.04 (14.82) 7 Oritsland, Hedd FR New Mexico 54.35 54.05 23 r:+0.71 10.98 24.81 (13.83) 38.84 (14.03) 54.05 (15.21) 8 Menzmer, Elizab FR San Diego St 54.41 54.11 22 r:+0.70 11.51 25.06 (13.55) 39.57 (14.51) 54.11 (14.54)
Women’s 200 Free
The top three in the women’s 200 free was up for grabs and Boise State’s Cody Evans was the Bronco to beat after prelims but UNM’s Adriana Palomino and NEV Andressa Cholodovkis Lima went for it! Each woman battled for the gold but on the last 50 Palomino pulled ahead for the win (1.47.03).
Following her was Lima with a final time of 1.47.40 and taking home the bronze was Evans (1.47.81). Rounding up the top 8 was UNM’s Klara Farkas (1.47.97), NEV’s Rebecca Murray, WYO’s Lainee Jones (1.48.71), BSU’s Lauren Vitort (1.48.86) and NEV’s Caitlyn Richardson (1.49.76).
Event 11 Women 200 Yard Freestyle ========================================================================= MW All Time: # 1:45.11 2/17/2016 Emma J Chard, Boise State-SR MW Champ: * 1:45.11 2/17/2016 Emma J Chard, Boise State-SR Pool Record: & 1:40.31 3/21/2014 Misy Franklin, California 1:43.17 *A Standard 1:47.12 *B Standard Name Year School Prelims Finals Points ========================================================================= === A - Final === 1 Palomino, Adria SR New Mexico 1:47.64 1:47.03 *B 32 r:+0.80 25.56 52.74 (27.18) 1:20.05 (27.31) 1:47.03 (26.98) 2 Cholodovskis Li JR Nevada 1:47.68 1:47.40 28 r:+0.74 25.53 52.84 (27.31) 1:20.20 (27.36) 1:47.40 (27.20) 3 Evans, Cody C SR Boise St 1:47.61 1:47.81 27 r:+0.75 25.81 53.33 (27.52) 1:20.86 (27.53) 1:47.81 (26.95) 4 Farkas, Klara SO New Mexico 1:48.14 1:47.97 26 r:+0.72 25.50 53.05 (27.55) 1:20.66 (27.61) 1:47.97 (27.31) 5 Murray, Rebecca SR Nevada 1:48.35 1:48.14 25 r:+0.74 25.28 52.82 (27.54) 1:20.50 (27.68) 1:48.14 (27.64) 6 Jones, Lainee R FR Wyoming (W) 1:48.58 1:48.71 24 r:+0.68 25.22 53.05 (27.83) 1:20.94 (27.89) 1:48.71 (27.77) 7 Vitort, Lauren FR Boise St 1:49.01 1:48.86 23 r:+0.72 25.69 53.60 (27.91) 1:21.31 (27.71) 1:48.86 (27.55) 8 Richardson, Cai SR Nevada 1:48.89 1:49.76 22 r:+0.87 25.15 52.45 (27.30) 1:20.51 (28.06) 1:49.76 (29.25)
Women’s 100 Breast
The SDSU Aztecs conquered the women’s 100 breast taking home both the gold and the silver! Aztecs Morgann McKennan and Klara Thormalm put forth a close race with McKennan out-touching Thormalm at the finish by 2 hundredths of a second for the gold (59.50). Thormalm took the silver with a final time of 59.52.
With the Aztecs swooping the top two spots, the race for third was on. CSU’s Madison Ward took that spot with a final time of 1.00.02. Rounding up the top 8 was NEV’s Wiktoria Samula (1.00.07), BSU’s Robin Pinger (1.00.97), NEV’s Donna Depolo (1.01.34), SDSU’s Larisa Tam (1.02.08) and BSU’s Laura Williams (1.02.31).
Event 12 Women 100 Yard Breaststroke ========================================================================= MW All Time: # 59.85 2/17/2017 Maria Harutjunjan, Wyoming-WY MW Champ: * 59.85 2/17/2017 Maria Harutjunjan, Wyoming-WY Pool Record: & 57.23 3/21/2014 Breeja Larson, Texas A&M 58.79 *A Standard 1:01.84 *B Standard Name Year School Prelims Finals Points ========================================================================= === A - Final === 1 McKennan, Morga JR San Diego St 1:00.56 59.50#*B 32 r:+0.72 13.00 27.73 (14.73) 43.61 (15.88) 59.50 (15.89) 2 Thormalm, Klara SO San Diego St 1:00.36 59.52#*B 28 r:+0.78 12.76 27.80 (15.04) 43.81 (16.01) 59.52 (15.71) 3 Ward, Madison W SO Colorado St. 1:00.70 1:00.02 *B 27 r:+0.74 13.00 28.28 (15.28) 43.99 (15.71) 1:00.02 (16.03) 4 Samula, Wiktori FR Nevada 1:01.25 1:00.77 *B 26 r:+0.79 13.42 28.76 (15.34) 44.72 (15.96) 1:00.77 (16.05) 5 Pinger, Robin E JR Boise St 1:01.45 1:00.97 *B 25 r:+0.71 12.66 28.33 (15.67) 44.16 (15.83) 1:00.97 (16.81) 6 Depolo, Donna L SO Nevada 1:01.46 1:01.34 *B 24 r:+0.67 13.41 28.79 (15.38) 44.94 (16.15) 1:01.34 (16.40) 7 Tam, Larisa L SO San Diego St 1:01.90 1:02.08 23 r:+0.70 13.40 29.10 (15.70) 45.52 (16.42) 1:02.08 (16.56) 8 Williams, Laura SR Boise St 1:01.89 1:02.31 22 r:+0.73 13.05 29.03 (15.98) 45.31 (16.28) 1:02.31 (17.00)
Women’s 100 Back
Wyoming Cowgirl Isobel Ryan roped in the Broncos to take the gold in the women’s 100 back with an incredible finish and last underwater off the final turn (52.66). Broncos Abbey Sorensen (52.74) and Allyson Kleinsorgan (53.24) put up a good fight taking home the silver and bronze for Boise State University.
Rounding up the top 8 was SDSU’s Elliyanan Ferrin (53.67), FS’s Ugne Mazutaityte (53.93), WYO’s Samantha Burke (54.12), NEV’s Josien Wijkhuijis (54.31) and CSU’s Tonicia Thomas (54.74).
Event 13 Women 100 Yard Backstroke ========================================================================= MW All Time: # 51.92 2/21/2014 Anika Apostalon, San Diego State MW Champ: * 51.92 2/21/2014 Anika Apostalon, San Diego State Pool Record: & 50.77 3/21/2014 Paige Miller, Texas A&M 50.99 *A Standard 53.94 *B Standard Name Year School Prelims Finals Points ========================================================================= === A - Final === 1 Ryan, Isobel M SR Wyoming (W) 52.96 52.66 *B 32 12.58 25.39 (12.81) 39.18 (13.79) 52.66 (13.48) 2 Sorensen, Abbey SR Boise St 52.87 52.74 *B 28 12.48 25.52 (13.04) 39.27 (13.75) 52.74 (13.47) 3 Kleinsorgen, Al SR Boise St 53.29 53.24 *B 27 12.65 26.22 (13.57) 39.77 (13.55) 53.24 (13.47) 4 Ferrin, Elliyan SO San Diego St 54.08 53.67 *B 26 12.32 25.84 (13.52) 39.51 (13.67) 53.67 (14.16) 5 Mazutaityte, Ug SR Fresno State 54.21 53.93 *B 25 12.79 26.14 (13.35) 40.11 (13.97) 53.93 (13.82) 6 Burke, Samantha SR Wyoming (W) 53.91 54.12 24 12.89 26.39 (13.50) 40.48 (14.09) 54.12 (13.64) 7 Wijkhuijs, Josi FR Nevada 54.21 54.31 23 12.47 26.20 (13.73) 40.13 (13.93) 54.31 (14.18) 8 Thomas, Tonicia SR Colorado St. 54.22 54.74 22 13.06 26.64 (13.58) 40.96 (14.32) 54.74 (13.78)
Women’s 200 Free Relay
The women’s 200 free relay became an unexpected change of events with the SDSU Aztecs taking home the gold after a disqualification from the Boise State Bronco’s who led the race the entire way. Both teams were about a half a body length a head of the field but with a member of BSU leaving a hair too early, SDSU took home the gold with a final time of 1.29.80.
The University of Nevada Wolfpack took home the silver (1.31.22) over the San Jose State Spartans (1.31.75) who captured the bronze. Rounding up the top 8 was the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (1.32.20), UNM (1.32.36), WYO (1.32.39), Fresno State (1.32.60) and CSU (1.34.27).
Event 14 Women 200 Yard Freestyle Relay ================================================================================== MW All Time: # 1:28.43 2/16/2017 Boise State, Boise B Aoyama, A Sorensen, K Martin, A Kleinsorgen MW Champ: * 1:28.43 2/16/2017 Boise State, Boise B Aoyama, A Sorensen, K Martin, A Kleinsorgen Pool Record: & 1:26.23 3/20/2014 Stanford, Stanford M. Schaefer, L. Neal, F. Lee, K. Olsen 1:28.61 *A Standard 1:29.36 *B Standard School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================== 1 San Diego St 'A' 1:30.82 1:29.80 64 1) Geyer, Samantha L FR 2) r:0.32 Thormalm, Alma JR 3) r:0.38 Menzmer, Elizabeth FR 4) r:0.44 Thormalm, Klara SO r:+0.76 11.30 22.94 (22.94) 33.61 (10.67) 45.15 (22.21) 55.80 (10.65) 1:07.33 (22.18) 1:18.03 (10.70) 1:29.80 (22.47) 2 Nevada 'A' 1:31.10 1:31.22 56 1) Wijkhuijs, Josien FR 2) r:0.33 Murray, Rebecca SR 3) r:0.56 Cholodovskis Liessa JR 4) r:0.14 Reynolds, Jamie SR r:+8.94 11.27 23.09 (23.09) 33.87 (10.78) 45.62 (22.53) 56.73 (11.11) 1:08.63 (23.01) 1:19.17 (10.54) 1:31.22 (22.59) 3 San Jose St 'A' 1:32.63 1:31.75 54 1) Loya, Antoinette M JR 2) r:0.19 Sailors, Madelyn FR 3) r:0.32 Lehr, Taylor SR 4) r:0.38 Bushey, Brenna SR r:+7.62 11.07 23.21 (23.21) 33.77 (10.56) 45.88 (22.67) 56.65 (10.77) 1:08.84 (22.96) 1:19.64 (10.80) 1:31.75 (22.91) 4 Unlv (W) 'A' 1:31.85 1:32.20 52 1) Schreiber, Caitlyn A SO 2) r:0.21 Kim, Eva SO 3) r:0.38 Filippova, Julia FR 4) r:0.01 Haase, Ava FR r:+7.64 11.14 23.11 (23.11) 34.14 (11.03) 46.09 (22.98) 57.27 (11.18) 1:09.09 (23.00) 1:20.06 (10.97) 1:32.20 (23.11) 5 New Mexico 'A' 1:33.08 1:32.36 50 1) Oritsland, Hedda FR 2) r:0.21 Shinada, Konoha SR 3) r:0.33 De Groote Tavarline SR 4) r:0.09 Palomino, Adriana SR r:+4.94 11.25 23.32 (23.32) 34.06 (10.74) 45.91 (22.59) 57.25 (11.34) 1:09.57 (23.66) 1:20.44 (10.87) 1:32.36 (22.79) 6 Wyoming (W) 'A' 1:34.20 1:32.39 48 1) Ryan, Isobel M SR 2) r:0.45 McLean-Leonard,nnah SO 3) r:0.18 Carsrud, Sani FR 4) r:0.41 Burke, Samantha SR r:+2.50 11.56 23.32 (23.32) 34.66 (11.34) 46.56 (23.24) 57.48 (10.92) 1:09.53 (22.97) 1:20.71 (11.18) 1:32.39 (22.86) 7 Fresno State 'A' 1:34.88 1:32.60 46 1) Harbert, Kimberly E JR 2) r:0.33 McReed, Osianna SR 3) r:0.53 Monnich, Emma SR 4) r:0.43 Cutler, Emily SO r:+5.21 11.51 23.87 (23.87) 34.27 (10.40) 46.09 (22.22) 57.62 (11.53) 1:09.78 (23.69) 1:20.76 (10.98) 1:32.60 (22.82) 8 Colorado St. 'A' 1:34.79 1:34.27 44 1) Litteken, Elsa M FR 2) r:0.46 Friedrichs, Kritina FR 3) r:0.37 Chatman, Olivia SO 4) r:0.37 Thomas, Tonicia SR r:+0.71 11.80 24.08 (24.08) 35.08 (11.00) 47.09 (23.01) 58.51 (11.42) 1:10.91 (23.82) 1:22.17 (11.26) 1:34.27 (23.36) 9 Air Force (W) 'A' 1:35.40 1:34.52 40 1) Wolfgramm, Autumn E JR 2) r:0.18 Min, Esther JR 3) r:0.42 Chen, Jessica SR 4) r:0.41 Campbell, Alicia FR r:+7.44 11.65 23.96 (23.96) 35.20 (11.24) 47.63 (23.67) 59.05 (11.42) 1:11.15 (23.52) 1:22.38 (11.23) 1:34.52 (23.37) -- Boise St 'A' 1:30.76 DQ 1) Sorensen, Abbey C SR 2) r:0.28 Jennings, Emmie JR 3) r:0.22 Pinger, Robin JR 4) r:-0.02 Kleinsorgen, Ayson SR r:+0.64 10.92 22.25 (22.25) 33.06 (10.81) 44.88 (22.63) 55.50 (10.62) 1:07.12 (22.24) 1:17.55 (10.43) DQ (22.09)
Where is the meet being held? Makes a huge difference as San Diego is barely above sea level and Wyoming is nearly 7000 feet.
University of Minnesota (800 ft above sea level, any altitude has a negligible effect and causes no time-conversion)
Thank you,
Found it “We are starting off this years 2019 Mountain West Conference Championship with Wednesday night relays at the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center located in chilly Minneapolis.”
Long way from the nearest conference school.
Swam at that pool a couple of times. I could not understand as a lot of this conference pools (6) are at altitude above 5000 feet. UNLV has only 2800 feet but has issues of very low humidity. This is really misunderstood, easy to get dehydrated in a 400 IM or 200 breast with 5% humidity.