19 Things Non-Swimmers Say to You When You’re Leaving for Training Trip
Photo Courtesy: Erin Himes
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It’s that time of year when collegiate swimmers travel across (or even outside) the country to train at the next level. Most people look at you in awe when you tell them what tropical location you’re headed to to soak up the sun. However, they never really interpret the true purpose of training trip.
Here are 19 things non-swimmers might say when you’re leaving for training trip.
1. “You’re going to (insert location here)? You’re so lucky!”
2. “Why do you go to (insert location here)?
3. “Isn’t this like a tease for spring break?”
4. “Why do you swim in a longer pool?”
5. “Why don’t you swim in a longer pool all the time?”
6. “Is the pool outside?
7. “Does the sun get in your eyes while you swim?”
8. “I went to (insert location here) once; it was so fun!”
9. “You’re gonna get so tan!”
10. “Do you wear bikinis?”
11. “Do you swim in the ocean?”
12. “Are you going to a competition?”
13. “Do you get to go to parties?
14. “I’m so jealous!”
15. “You make it sound so awful!”
16. “How long do you actually practice for?”
17. “Do you spend all day at the beach?”
18. “Why do you have to go back to school early?”
19. “That sounds so fun!”
Although training trip is a great time to focus on training and bond with teammates, it can be a trying time for athletes that non-swimmers might never understand.
All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff
Caitlin Campbell