2007 TYR Swim Meet of Champions - Meet Results

6/14/2007 - 6/17/2007   Mission Viejo, California, United States
Licensed to Mission Viejo Nadadores                       Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
              TYR Swim Meet of Champions - 6/14/2007 to 6/17/2007              
                              Sanction #: 07-059                               
Women Open 50 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 25.89   6/16/2007 Britta Steffen, Germany-                     
 Pool Record: P 25.61        1989 Dara Torres - MVN                            
   US Record: A 24.63        2000 Dara Torres                                  
World Record: W 24.13        2000 Inge de Bruijn - NED                         
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Steffen, Britta              Germany                26.63      25.89M  20  
  2 Dallmann, Petra              Germany                26.33      26.18   17  
  3 Buschschulte, Antje          Germany                26.51      26.25   16  
  4 Hardy, Jessica            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA    26.67      26.41   15  
  5 Schreiber, Daniela           Germany                26.69      26.45   14  
  6 Andrew, Caitlin           21 Sun Devil-AZ           26.69      26.48   13  
  7 Cashion, Courtney         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       26.51      26.58   12  
  8 Turner, Anna              20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       26.66      26.61   11  
Consolation Final
  9 Jackson, Lara             20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       26.92      26.61    9  
 10 Nymeyer, Lacey            21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       26.78      26.69    7  
 11 Perazzo, Jess             19 Sun Devil-AZ           27.04      26.98    6  
 12 Raatz, Katherine          18 Golden West-CA         26.76      27.08    5  
 13 Thompson, Beckie          17 Waukesha Express-WI    27.18      27.19    3.5
 13 Bowman, Kimberly          16 Pac Sea Wolves         27.06      27.19    3.5
 15 Kelly, Lindsey            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.09      27.31    2  
 16 Komisarz, Rachel          30 Lakeside-KY            27.21      27.52    1  
Bonus Final
 17 Dwelley, Kate             18 Terrapins-PC           27.22      26.86  
 18 Darlington, Emma          17 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.34      27.14  
 19 Schober, Sonja               Germany                27.24      27.17  
 20 Krakoski, Haley           15 Sun Devil-AZ           27.34      27.20  
 21 Prunte, Seraina              Switzerland            27.25      27.28  
 22 Ziegler, Kate             18 The FISH-PV            27.27      27.40  
 23 Schluntz, Justine         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.35      27.42  
 24 McCarthy, Meridith        19 Minnesota-MN           27.33      27.54  
 17 Thomas, Tara              17 Novaquatics-CA         27.22             
 26 Baughman, Taylor          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.37             
 27 Collins, Brandy           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.44             
 28 Bates, Melissa            14 SoCal Aquatics-CA      27.48             
 29 Busack, Stacy             20 Minnesota-MN           27.49             
 30 Waller, Rachael           20 Trojan Swim Club-CA    27.51             
 31 Andelson, Emily           15 Piranhas-CA            27.59             
 32 Sandback, Marina          22 Team Rebel-CA          27.60             
 33 Brown, Lindsey            21 Sun Devil-AZ           27.61             
 33 Geerdes, Sarah            17 Escondido-SI           27.61             
 35 Chandler, Annie           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.69             
 36 Akradi, Roxane            21 Minnesota-MN           27.73             
 37 Browning, Lauren          22 Reno Aquatic Clu-PC    27.74             
 38 Nagata, Chelsea           21 Unattached-CA/AZOT     27.77             
 39 Dinh, Thuy-Mi             19 FAST-CA                27.78             
 40 Vorster, Leone'           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.84             
 41 Hunt-Higgins, Megan       20 Team Rebel-CA          27.88             
 42 Agy, Ana                  19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.90             
 43 Tse, Katherine            15 Rose Bowl-CA           28.04             
 44 Tanaka, Hiro              18 Team Rebel-CA          28.06             
 45 Van Hout, Aja             14 Badger Aquatics-WI     28.08             
 45 Murez, Andi               15 Santa Monica-CA        28.08             
 47 Caldwell, Samantha        18 Unattached-AZ/SDA      28.09             
 47 Grothe, Alexis            17 BCH Heatwave-CA        28.09             
 49 Amundsen, Kelsey          16 The Woodlands-GU       28.10             
 49 Bruington, Chelsey        17 NGSV Gators-CA         28.10             
 51 Schmid, Kristin           16 Colorado Stars-CO      28.11             
 52 Etem, Elise               18 Novaquatics-CA         28.12             
 53 Haven, Angie              16 Monrovia-CA            28.13             
 53 DePaul, Lyndsay           18 Aquazots-CA            28.13             
 55 Dole, Jenni               17 Spokane Area-IE        28.14             
 55 Bank, Mary                14 Clippers-OH            28.14             
 55 Fascella, Cynthia         15 Unattached-GWSC-CA     28.14             
 58 Dean, Hailey              19 North Coast-SI         28.15             
 58 Brousseau, Jacqueline     16 Class Aquatics-CA      28.15             
 60 Grimes, Kylsie            18 Unattached-SI/WEST     28.16             
 60 Armstrong, Stephanie      15 Waukesha Express-WI    28.16             
 60 Stipe, Mikkel-Ane         14 North Coast-SI         28.16             
 63 Leksono, Felicia          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA     28.17             
 64 Delurgio, Rosanna         23 Unattached-SI/UCSD     28.22             
 64 Menezes, Michelle         18 Colorado Stars-CO      28.22             
 66 Gorenc, Arianna           16 Waukesha Express-WI    28.29             
 67 Klatt, Kelsey             16 Fresno Dolphins-CC     28.32             
 67 McDaniel, Sara            19 Sun Devil-AZ           28.32             
 69 Walker, Amber             21 Team Rebel-CA          28.36             
 70 Murphy, Kathryn           14 Marin Pirates-PC       28.37             
 71 Adamczyk, Emily           16 Rose Bowl-CA           28.38             
 72 Wong, Catherine           19 Westside-CA            28.40             
 72 Zimmer, Meghan            17 Santa Maria-CA         28.40             
 72 Coffman, Cheyenne         17 Unattached-CC/SNBRD    28.40             
 75 Hopp, Camille             16 Mission Viejo-CA       28.43             
 75 Ripley, Rachel            16 Rio-AZ                 28.43             
 75 Christiansen, Emily       15 Sun Devil-AZ           28.43             
 78 Stefanec, Annie           16 CCAT Swimming-CA       28.44             
 79 Baham, Sarah              26 Unattached-CA          28.50             
 80 DeGolia, Hailey           20 Pleasanton-PC          28.55             
 81 Davis, Jessica            17 Rio-AZ                 28.56             
 82 Hegazy, Dina              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA    28.59             
 83 Payne, Amanda             17 Chena                  28.73             
 84 Wells, Stef               16 Ford Aquatics-AZ       28.76             
 85 Morales, Amy              17 Inland Coastal-SI      28.77             
 85 Young, Kelly              17 Trojan Swim Club-CA    28.77             
 87 Bellinger, Sally          17 Marin Pirates-PC       28.78             
 88 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ     28.79             
 89 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ       28.80             
 90 Priess, Katie             16 Unattached-CA/AZOT     28.83             
 91 McIntyre, Melissa         20 Rose Bowl-CA           28.84             
 92 Tran, Cindy               15 Golden West-CA         28.86             
 92 Fotsch, Colleen           17 Palo Alto-PC           28.86             
 94 Engel, Kelsey             14 Coto de Caza-CA        28.87             
 95 Kardasevic, Mirela        20 Sun Devil-AZ           28.89             
 96 Lesch, Ilene              20 Sun Devil-AZ           28.90             
 97 Howard, Katie             15 Palo Alto-PC           28.98             
 98 Barton, Emily             17 Sun Devil-AZ           29.01             
 99 Krattiger, Jill           17 Waukesha Express-WI    29.02             
100 Graves, Carter            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ     29.03             
101 Eberwein, Chelsey         15 The Woodlands-GU       29.05             
102 Caldwell, Danielle        16 Sun Devil-AZ           29.07             
103 Perez, Mariana            16 SoCal Aquatics-CA      29.16             
104 Andrews, Tinsley          14 Sun Devil-AZ           29.19             
104 Kirkpatrick, Michelle     18 Elite Aquatics-CA      29.19             
106 Stevens, Lindsey          17 Arizona Marlins-AZ     29.20             
107 Elgamal, Noel             15 North Coast-SI         29.21             
108 Stouffer, Lara            17 Aquazots-CA            29.23             
109 Theissen, Katie           20 Clippers-OH            29.24             
110 Sherrard, Jackie          16 Clippers-OH            29.25             
111 Kidd, Chelsie             15 Blue Tide-GU           29.27             
112 Plume, Olivia             17 Palo Alto-PC           29.32             
113 McCue, Mary               22 Unattached-MR/TMC      29.34             
114 Sprosty, Morgan           15 Aquazots-CA            29.41             
114 Kurniawan, Ira            24 Santa Barbara-CA       29.41             
116 Parmenter, Nicole         14 North Coast-SI         29.43             
117 Gean, Michelle            15 Blue Tide-GU           29.44             
118 Dawson, Jenah             17 Marin Pirates-PC       29.45             
119 Gillespie, Ally           13 Golden West-CA         29.48             
120 Foster, Erin              14 The Woodlands-GU       29.50             
121 Forelli, Krissy           19 Trojan Swim Club-CA    29.58             
122 Lawrenz, Emma             14 Twin Cities-MN         29.62             
123 Schumacher, Katelyn       19 Novaquatics-CA         29.64             
124 Summers, Kim              16 Blue Tide-GU           29.71             
125 Wahl, Kelly               17 North Coast-SI         29.72             
126 Webb, Sarah               16 Santa Barbara-CA       29.76             
127 Doran, Meredith           17 The Woodlands-GU       29.77             
128 Cisar, Jamie              17 Santa Clara-PC         30.04             
129 Stacey, Johanna           19 Unattached-CA/ROSE     30.54             
130 Ozer, Hannah              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA    30.61             
131 Fellows, Staci            16 Rio-AZ                 30.97             
 -- Riggins, Christa          19 Golden West-CA           DQ              
 -- Payne, Lindsay            24 Trojan Swim Club-CA      DQ              
 -- Pike, Chelsea             18 Novaquatics-CA           DQ              
 -- Schieman, Ellis           20 Lake Erie-LE            DFS              
 -- Jennings, Christine       20 Minnesota-MN            DFS              
 -- Parrish, Lindsay          16 Santa Barbara-CA         NS              
Women Open 100 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 56.25   6/15/2007 Britta Steffen, Germany-                     
 Pool Record: P 56.21        1987 Jill Johnson - IHAC                          
   US Record: A 53.40        2007 Natalie Couglin                              
World Record: W 53.30        2006 Britta Steffen - GER                         
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Steffen, Britta              Germany                57.09      56.25M  20  
                  27.74       56.25 (28.51)                                        
  2 Freitag, Meike               Germany                57.28      56.72   16  
                  27.70       56.72 (29.02)                                        
  2 Buschschulte, Antje          Germany                56.99      56.72   16  
                  27.47       56.72 (29.25)                                        
  2 Nymeyer, Lacey            21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       57.03      56.72   16  
                  27.77       56.72 (28.95)                                        
  5 Ziegler, Kate             18 The FISH-PV            56.60      56.76   14  
                  28.36       56.76 (28.40)                                        
  6 Hardy, Jessica            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA    57.89      57.18   13  
                  27.84       57.18 (29.34)                                        
  7 Raatz, Katherine          18 Golden West-CA         58.20      58.19   12  
                  28.05       58.19 (30.14)                                        
  8 Turner, Anna              20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       57.99      58.73   11  
                  28.33       58.73 (30.40)                                        
Consolation Final
  9 Dallmann, Petra              Germany                58.36      56.28    9  
                  27.43       56.28 (28.85)                                        
 10 Schreiber, Daniela           Germany                58.56      56.98    7  
                  27.58       56.98 (29.40)                                        
 11 Komisarz, Rachel          30 Lakeside-KY            58.61      57.39    6  
                  28.10       57.39 (29.29)                                        
 12 Dwelley, Kate             18 Terrapins-PC           58.99      58.04    5  
                  28.17       58.04 (29.87)                                        
 13 Cashion, Courtney         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       58.72      58.41    4  
                  28.13       58.41 (30.28)                                        
 14 Vorster, Leone'           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       58.99      58.78    3  
                  28.30       58.78 (30.48)                                        
 15 Waller, Rachael           20 Trojan Swim Club-CA    58.67      58.85    2  
                  28.69       58.85 (30.16)                                        
 16 Sandback, Marina          22 Team Rebel-CA          58.87      59.26    1  
                  28.78       59.26 (30.48)                                        
Bonus Final
 17 Andrew, Caitlin           21 Sun Devil-AZ           59.22      58.07  
                  28.26       58.07 (29.81)                                        
 18 Darlington, Emma          17 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.30      58.52  
                  28.30       58.52 (30.22)                                        
 19 Prunte, Seraina              Switzerland            59.01      58.68  
                  28.29       58.68 (30.39)                                        
 20 Bowman, Kimberly          16 Pac Sea Wolves         59.22      58.99  
                  28.54       58.99 (30.45)                                        
 21 Baughman, Taylor          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.01      59.16  
                  28.41       59.16 (30.75)                                        
 22 Brown, Lindsey            21 Sun Devil-AZ           59.30      59.20  
                  28.70       59.20 (30.50)                                        
 23 Wiegersma, Joyce          19 New Zealand            59.26      59.21  
                  29.20       59.21 (30.01)                                        
 24 Busack, Stacy             20 Minnesota-MN           59.47      59.91  
                  28.66       59.91 (31.25)                                        
 25 Riggins, Christa          19 Golden West-CA         59.47         J   
                  28.59       59.47 (30.88)                                        
 26 Chandler, Annie           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.51             
                  28.57       59.51 (30.94)                                        
 27 Collins, Brandy           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.55             
                  29.01       59.55 (30.54)                                        
 27 Boritzke, Andrea          19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.55         J   
                  29.08       59.55 (30.47)                                        
 29 Kelly, Lindsey            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.61             
                  28.91       59.61 (30.70)                                        
 30 Schluntz, Justine         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.68             
                  29.48       59.68 (30.20)                                        
 31 Krakoski, Haley           15 Sun Devil-AZ           59.69             
                  29.06       59.69 (30.63)                                        
 32 Geerdes, Sarah            17 Escondido-SI           59.79             
                  29.25       59.79 (30.54)                                        
 33 Kobayashi, Yuen           21 Minnesota-MN           59.81             
                  29.73       59.81 (30.08)                                        
 34 Klatt, Kelsey             16 Fresno Dolphins-CC     59.88             
                  28.97       59.88 (30.91)                                        
 35 McCarthy, Meridith        19 Minnesota-MN           59.91             
                  28.58       59.91 (31.33)                                        
 36 Schober, Sonja               Germany              1:00.01             
                  28.79     1:00.01 (31.22)                                        
 37 Agy, Ana                  19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:00.10             
                  29.13     1:00.10 (30.97)                                        
 38 Tanaka, Hiro              18 Team Rebel-CA        1:00.19             
                  29.01     1:00.19 (31.18)                                        
 39 Wise, Rian                21 Unattached-CA        1:00.23             
                  29.16     1:00.23 (31.07)                                        
 40 Lahey, Kristen            19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:00.28             
                  28.62     1:00.28 (31.66)                                        
 41 Grothe, Alexis            17 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:00.29             
                  29.01     1:00.29 (31.28)                                        
 42 Thompson, Beckie          17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:00.31             
                  29.15     1:00.31 (31.16)                                        
 43 Landry, Taryne            15 Chena                1:00.35             
                  28.99     1:00.35 (31.36)                                        
 44 Bruington, Chelsey        17 NGSV Gators-CA       1:00.38             
                  29.57     1:00.38 (30.81)                                        
 44 Amundsen, Kelsey          16 The Woodlands-GU     1:00.38             
                  29.74     1:00.38 (30.64)                                        
 46 Baham, Sarah              26 Unattached-CA        1:00.39             
                  29.09     1:00.39 (31.30)                                        
 47 Shaughnessy, Jenny        20 Minnesota-MN         1:00.41             
                  29.57     1:00.41 (30.84)                                        
 48 Andrews, Tinsley          14 Sun Devil-AZ         1:00.44             
                  29.34     1:00.44 (31.10)                                        
 49 Montgomery, Olivia        16 Chena                1:00.45             
                  29.24     1:00.45 (31.21)                                        
 50 Stephenson, Whitney       18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:00.51             
                  29.42     1:00.51 (31.09)                                        
 51 Christiansen, Emily       15 Sun Devil-AZ         1:00.55             
                  29.30     1:00.55 (31.25)                                        
 52 Grimes, Kylsie            18 Unattached-SI/WEST   1:00.67             
                  29.07     1:00.67 (31.60)                                        
 53 Haven, Angie              16 Monrovia-CA          1:00.70             
                  29.55     1:00.70 (31.15)                                        
 54 Lelli, Leticia            13 Scottsdale-AZ        1:00.71             
                  29.58     1:00.71 (31.13)                                        
 55 Hunt-Higgins, Megan       20 Team Rebel-CA        1:00.78             
                  29.16     1:00.78 (31.62)                                        
 56 Helms, Susana             18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:00.81             
                  29.75     1:00.81 (31.06)                                        
 57 Menezes, Michelle         18 Colorado Stars-CO    1:00.82             
                  29.79     1:00.82 (31.03)                                        
 58 Browning, Lauren          22 Reno Aquatic Clu-PC  1:00.90             
                  29.03     1:00.90 (31.87)                                        
 59 Howard, Katie             15 Palo Alto-PC         1:00.91             
                  29.19     1:00.91 (31.72)                                        
 60 Stefanec, Annie           16 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:01.06             
                  29.67     1:01.06 (31.39)                                        
 61 Panis, Aubrey             20 Unattached-SI        1:01.07             
                  29.58     1:01.07 (31.49)                                        
 62 Leksono, Felicia          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   1:01.17             
                  29.24     1:01.17 (31.93)                                        
 62 Dole, Jenni               17 Spokane Area-IE      1:01.17             
                  29.39     1:01.17 (31.78)                                        
 64 Tran, Cindy               15 Golden West-CA       1:01.18             
                  29.36     1:01.18 (31.82)                                        
 64 Caldwell, Samantha        18 Unattached-AZ/SDA    1:01.18             
                  29.43     1:01.18 (31.75)                                        
 66 Hegazy, Dina              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:01.24             
                  30.34     1:01.24 (30.90)                                        
 67 Volcan, Erin              23 Aquazots-CA          1:01.25             
                  29.70     1:01.25 (31.55)                                        
 68 Rogers, Rebecca           21 Unattached-PN/WCAB   1:01.26             
                  29.53     1:01.26 (31.73)                                        
 69 Maxwell, Samantha         18 Rio-AZ               1:01.27             
                  28.89     1:01.27 (32.38)                                        
 69 Jackson, Lara             20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:01.27             
                  29.25     1:01.27 (32.02)                                        
 71 Urubhurow, Delghi         18 Unattached-MR/TMC    1:01.31             
                  29.79     1:01.31 (31.52)                                        
 72 Van Hout, Aja             14 Badger Aquatics-WI   1:01.38             
                  29.47     1:01.38 (31.91)                                        
 73 Wong, Catherine           19 Westside-CA          1:01.39             
                  29.87     1:01.39 (31.52)                                        
 74 Perazzo, Jess             19 Sun Devil-AZ         1:01.46             
                  29.68     1:01.46 (31.78)                                        
 75 Diener, Kelsy             17 Unattached-AZ/SAC    1:01.54             
                  29.87     1:01.54 (31.67)                                        
 76 Godbe, Alison             17 Mission Viejo-CA     1:01.55             
                  29.63     1:01.55 (31.92)                                        
 77 Ripley, Rachel            16 Rio-AZ               1:01.58             
                  29.69     1:01.58 (31.89)                                        
 77 Klaren, Melanie           14 Mission Viejo-CA     1:01.58             
                  30.18     1:01.58 (31.40)                                        
 79 Dornick, Monica           13 North Coast-SI       1:01.62             
                  29.73     1:01.62 (31.89)                                        
 80 Barton, Emily             17 Sun Devil-AZ         1:01.74             
                  30.03     1:01.74 (31.71)                                        
 81 Gorenc, Arianna           16 Waukesha Express-WI  1:01.77             
                  30.06     1:01.77 (31.71)                                        
 81 Armstrong, Stephanie      15 Waukesha Express-WI  1:01.77             
                  29.97     1:01.77 (31.80)                                        
 83 Wells, Stef               16 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:01.79             
                  30.24     1:01.79 (31.55)                                        
 84 Fascella, Cynthia         15 Unattached-GWSC-CA   1:01.81             
                  29.86     1:01.81 (31.95)                                        
 85 Theissen, Katie           20 Clippers-OH          1:01.85             
                  30.02     1:01.85 (31.83)                                        
 86 McIntyre, Melissa         20 Rose Bowl-CA         1:01.86             
                  29.25     1:01.86 (32.61)                                        
 87 Landgrebe, Shannon        16 Piranhas-CA          1:01.97             
                  29.97     1:01.97 (32.00)                                        
 88 Craft, Jacquelyn          21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:02.03             
                  29.89     1:02.03 (32.14)                                        
 89 Gillespie, Ally           13 Golden West-CA       1:02.05             
                  30.35     1:02.05 (31.70)                                        
 90 Schmid, Kristin           16 Colorado Stars-CO    1:02.12             
                  30.19     1:02.12 (31.93)                                        
 91 Dinh, Thuy-Mi             19 FAST-CA              1:02.13             
                  29.49     1:02.13 (32.64)                                        
 92 Stevens, Lindsey          17 Arizona Marlins-AZ   1:02.20             
                  30.30     1:02.20 (31.90)                                        
 93 Plume, Olivia             17 Palo Alto-PC         1:02.25             
                  30.24     1:02.25 (32.01)                                        
 94 Kardasevic, Mirela        20 Sun Devil-AZ         1:02.28             
                  29.91     1:02.28 (32.37)                                        
 95 Stipe, Mikkel-Ane         14 North Coast-SI       1:02.31             
                  29.89     1:02.31 (32.42)                                        
 96 Forelli, Krissy           19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:02.35             
                  30.29     1:02.35 (32.06)                                        
 97 Gean, Michelle            15 Blue Tide-GU         1:02.36             
                  29.81     1:02.36 (32.55)                                        
 98 Bonney, Kim               21 Team Rebel-CA        1:02.37             
                  29.84     1:02.37 (32.53)                                        
 99 Murphy, Kathryn           14 Marin Pirates-PC     1:02.43             
                  30.10     1:02.43 (32.33)                                        
100 Russenberger, Lindsey     21 Sun Devil-AZ         1:02.46             
                  30.19     1:02.46 (32.27)                                        
101 Seaman, Lani              22 Team Rebel-CA        1:02.57             
                  30.69     1:02.57 (31.88)                                        
102 Hopp, Camille             16 Mission Viejo-CA     1:02.60             
                  30.37     1:02.60 (32.23)                                        
103 Zimmer, Meghan            17 Santa Maria-CA       1:02.65             
                  30.18     1:02.65 (32.47)                                        
103 Payne, Amanda             17 Chena                1:02.65             
                  30.16     1:02.65 (32.49)                                        
103 Sarandos, Stephanie       17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:02.65             
                  30.13     1:02.65 (32.52)                                        
106 McDaniel, Sara            19 Sun Devil-AZ         1:02.68             
                  30.25     1:02.68 (32.43)                                        
107 Yamada, Sachiko           24 Mission Viejo-CA     1:02.69             
                  30.44     1:02.69 (32.25)                                        
108 Webb, Sarah               16 Santa Barbara-CA     1:02.70             
                  30.53     1:02.70 (32.17)                                        
109 Engel, Kelsey             14 Coto de Caza-CA      1:02.71             
                  30.18     1:02.71 (32.53)                                        
110 Bank, Mary                14 Clippers-OH          1:02.77             
                  29.05     1:02.77 (33.72)                                        
110 Fotsch, Colleen           17 Palo Alto-PC         1:02.77             
                  30.28     1:02.77 (32.49)                                        
112 Zimmerman, Joni           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:02.82             
                  30.85     1:02.82 (31.97)                                        
113 Doran, Meredith           17 The Woodlands-GU     1:02.84             
                  30.44     1:02.84 (32.40)                                        
114 Davis, Jessica            17 Rio-AZ               1:02.90             
                  30.85     1:02.90 (32.05)                                        
115 Kidd, Chelsie             15 Blue Tide-GU         1:02.92             
                  29.86     1:02.92 (33.06)                                        
116 Krattiger, Jill           17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:02.98             
                  30.58     1:02.98 (32.40)                                        
117 Lawrenz, Emma             14 Twin Cities-MN       1:02.99             
                  30.30     1:02.99 (32.69)                                        
118 Moore, Brittney           17 Spokane Area-IE      1:03.04             
                  30.42     1:03.04 (32.62)                                        
119 Parker, Emiliy            21 Unattached-PC/MP     1:03.12             
                  30.83     1:03.12 (32.29)                                        
120 Brannon, Erica            14 Santa Maria-CA       1:03.16             
                  30.28     1:03.16 (32.88)                                        
121 Gabert, Stephanie         17 Aquazots-CA          1:03.26             
                  30.83     1:03.26 (32.43)                                        
122 Hanson, Maggie            15 Canyons-CA           1:03.29             
                  29.90     1:03.29 (33.39)                                        
123 Morford, Lauren           22 Unattached-MR/TMC    1:03.30             
                  30.81     1:03.30 (32.49)                                        
123 Foster, Erin              14 The Woodlands-GU     1:03.30             
                  30.31     1:03.30 (32.99)                                        
125 Thompson, Maggie          15 Spokane Area-IE      1:03.37             
                  30.48     1:03.37 (32.89)                                        
126 Smalling, Aislinn         17 Class Aquatics-CA    1:03.51             
                  30.85     1:03.51 (32.66)                                        
127 Lougee, Sam               18 Santa Maria-CA       1:03.52             
                  30.61     1:03.52 (32.91)                                        
128 Parmenter, Nicole         14 North Coast-SI       1:03.57             
                  30.08     1:03.57 (33.49)                                        
129 Nelson, Liz               16 The Woodlands-GU     1:03.66             
                  31.14     1:03.66 (32.52)                                        
130 Schumacher, Katelyn       19 Novaquatics-CA       1:03.67             
                  30.54     1:03.67 (33.13)                                        
131 Finley, Sarah             20 Team Rebel-CA        1:03.70             
                  30.72     1:03.70 (32.98)                                        
132 Jones, Silken             14 NGSV Gators-CA       1:03.79             
                  31.14     1:03.79 (32.65)                                        
133 Peters, Meghan            21 North Coast-SI       1:04.11             
                  30.57     1:04.11 (33.54)                                        
134 Olsen, Katie              14 Sun Devil-AZ         1:04.22             
                  30.63     1:04.22 (33.59)                                        
135 Kime, Katherine           18 CA Aquatics-CA       1:04.26             
                  31.05     1:04.26 (33.21)                                        
136 Coffman, Cheyenne         17 Unattached-CC/SNBRD  1:04.32             
                  30.92     1:04.32 (33.40)                                        
137 McCue, Mary               22 Unattached-MR/TMC    1:04.33             
                  31.26     1:04.33 (33.07)                                        
138 Fraley, Lauren            20 Unattached-MR/TMC    1:04.46             
                  31.03     1:04.46 (33.43)                                        
139 Spence, Danielle          15 Pacific Swim-SI      1:04.53             
                  31.20     1:04.53 (33.33)                                        
140 Chuk, Karima              15 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:04.59             
                  31.39     1:04.59 (33.20)                                        
141 Walker, Amber             21 Team Rebel-CA        1:04.67             
                  30.70     1:04.67 (33.97)                                        
142 Eberwein, Chelsey         15 The Woodlands-GU     1:05.50             
                  31.05     1:05.50 (34.45)                                        
143 Taylor, Kasey             14 Scottsdale-AZ        1:05.85             
                  31.38     1:05.85 (34.47)                                        
144 Parsons, Kristina         16 Marin Pirates-PC     1:06.00             
                  31.07     1:06.00 (34.93)                                        
145 Darwin, Kristin           17 The Woodlands-GU     1:06.25             
                  31.79     1:06.25 (34.46)                                        
146 Lesch, Ilene              20 Sun Devil-AZ         1:06.58             
                  31.15     1:06.58 (35.43)                                        
 -- Clarke, Alexandra         18 Golden West-CA           DQ              
 -- Schieman, Ellis           20 Lake Erie-LE             DQ              
 -- Pietsch, Janine              Germany                  NS              
 -- Young, Kelly              17 Trojan Swim Club-CA      NS              
 -- Hougan, Karlyn            18 Tacoma-PN                NS              
 -- Caldwell, Hilary          16 Pac Sea Wolves           NS              
 -- Bates, Melissa            14 SoCal Aquatics-CA        NS              
 -- Bowen, Kristen            17 Yucaipa-CA               NS              
 -- Iversen, Caitlin          18 Ford Aquatics-AZ         NS              
 -- Hartsock, Kasey           17 CA Aquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Poindexter, Oriana        17 Novaquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Hiatt, Jessi              16 Sun Devil-AZ             NS              
 -- Evans, Ashley             19 Sun Devil-AZ             NS              
Women Open 100 LC Meter Freestyle Swim-off
 Meet Record: M 56.62        2001 Gabrielle Rose - NOVA                        
 Pool Record: P 56.21        1987 Jill Johnson - IHAC                          
   US Record: A 53.99        2002 Natalie Couglin                              
World Record: W 53.77   9/20/2000 Inge de Bruijn - NED                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
Preliminaries - Swim-off
  1 Busack, Stacy             20 Minnesota-MN              NT      58.20  
                  28.15       58.20 (30.05)                                        
  2 Riggins, Christa          19 Golden West-CA            NT      58.37  
                  28.33       58.37 (30.04)                                        
Women Open 200 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 1:58.80   6/16/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                  
 Pool Record: P 1:58.80   6/16/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                  
   US Record: A 1:56.43        2007 Natalie Couglin                            
World Record: W 1:55.52        2007 Laure Manadou - FRA                        
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Ziegler, Kate             18 The FISH-PV          2:01.29    1:58.80M  20  
                  28.85       59.36 (30.51)     1:29.80 (30.44)     1:58.80 (29.00)
  2 Freitag, Meike               Germany              2:02.18    2:02.46   17  
                  28.50       59.65 (31.15)     1:31.40 (31.75)     2:02.46 (31.06)
  3 Komisarz, Rachel          30 Lakeside-KY          2:03.51    2:02.47   16  
                  29.09     1:00.15 (31.06)     1:31.28 (31.13)     2:02.47 (31.19)
  4 Dallmann, Petra              Germany              2:04.95    2:02.95   15  
                  28.39       59.80 (31.41)     1:32.06 (32.26)     2:02.95 (30.89)
  5 Jennings, Christine       20 Minnesota-MN         2:05.18    2:04.25   14  
                  29.98     1:01.58 (31.60)     1:33.29 (31.71)     2:04.25 (30.96)
  6 Montgomery, Olivia        16 Chena                2:05.82    2:05.82   13  
                  30.12     1:01.80 (31.68)     1:33.83 (32.03)     2:05.82 (31.99)
  7 Schieman, Ellis           20 Lake Erie-LE         2:05.87    2:05.94   12  
                  29.07     1:00.95 (31.88)     1:33.06 (32.11)     2:05.94 (32.88)
  8 Raatz, Katherine          18 Golden West-CA       2:05.37    2:07.08   11  
                  28.71     1:00.21 (31.50)     1:33.48 (33.27)     2:07.08 (33.60)
Consolation Final
  9 Dwelley, Kate             18 Terrapins-PC         2:06.79    2:04.66    9  
                  29.55     1:00.94 (31.39)     1:32.81 (31.87)     2:04.66 (31.85)
 10 Vorster, Leone'           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:06.82    2:04.97    7  
                  29.64     1:01.64 (32.00)     1:33.43 (31.79)     2:04.97 (31.54)
 11 Perrotta, Mattea          16 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:06.83    2:05.46    6  
                  29.40     1:00.63 (31.23)     1:33.17 (32.54)     2:05.46 (32.29)
 12 Wei, Stephanie            16 Santa Clara-PC       2:06.98    2:05.49    5  
                  30.08     1:01.82 (31.74)     1:33.60 (31.78)     2:05.49 (31.89)
 13 Nymeyer, Lacey            21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:06.09    2:05.59    4  
                  28.93     1:00.05 (31.12)     1:32.91 (32.86)     2:05.59 (32.68)
 14 Kobayashi, Yuen           21 Minnesota-MN         2:07.02    2:05.90    3  
                  30.49     1:02.59 (32.10)     1:34.40 (31.81)     2:05.90 (31.50)
 15 Turner, Anna              20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:06.17    2:07.30    2  
                  29.96     1:02.29 (32.33)     1:35.12 (32.83)     2:07.30 (32.18)
 16 Myers, Whitney            22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:06.85    2:09.68    1  
                  30.39     1:03.10 (32.71)     1:36.67 (33.57)     2:09.68 (33.01)
Bonus Final
 17 Riggins, Christa          19 Golden West-CA       2:07.34    2:04.11  
                  28.95       59.73 (30.78)     1:31.56 (31.83)     2:04.11 (32.55)
 18 Volcan, Erin              23 Aquazots-CA          2:08.04    2:05.62  
                  29.55     1:01.14 (31.59)     1:33.44 (32.30)     2:05.62 (32.18)
 19 Forster, Jenny            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:07.17    2:06.69  
                  30.35     1:02.73 (32.38)     1:34.90 (32.17)     2:06.69 (31.79)
 20 Wiegersma, Joyce          19 New Zealand          2:07.14    2:06.70  
                  29.78     1:01.63 (31.85)     1:34.41 (32.78)     2:06.70 (32.29)
 21 Veerman, Courtney         18 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:07.10    2:07.80  
                  30.07     1:02.16 (32.09)     1:34.96 (32.80)     2:07.80 (32.84)
 22 Lim, Lynette              15 Piranhas-CA          2:07.62    2:07.91  
                  30.26     1:02.60 (32.34)     1:35.15 (32.55)     2:07.91 (32.76)
 23 Waller, Rachael           20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:07.63    2:07.95  
                  29.73     1:01.84 (32.11)     1:35.34 (33.50)     2:07.95 (32.61)
 24 Dwyer, Meghan             16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:07.87    2:09.67  
                  30.97     1:03.95 (32.98)     1:37.17 (33.22)     2:09.67 (32.50)
  9 DePaul, Lyndsay           18 Aquazots-CA          2:05.91             
                  29.82     1:01.77 (31.95)     1:34.40 (32.63)     2:05.91 (31.51)
 24 Shaughnessy, Jenny        20 Minnesota-MN         2:07.80             
                  29.81     1:01.98 (32.17)     1:34.93 (32.95)     2:07.80 (32.87)
 27 Clarke, Alexandra         18 Golden West-CA       2:08.12             
                  30.08     1:02.39 (32.31)     1:35.22 (32.83)     2:08.12 (32.90)
 28 Brown, Julianne           17 Chena                2:08.15             
                  30.00     1:02.44 (32.44)     1:35.32 (32.88)     2:08.15 (32.83)
 29 Lopus, Whitney            16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:08.17             
                  30.00     1:01.94 (31.94)     1:34.86 (32.92)     2:08.17 (33.31)
 30 Brown, Lindsey            21 Sun Devil-AZ         2:08.32             
                  30.01     1:02.66 (32.65)     1:35.72 (33.06)     2:08.32 (32.60)
 31 Helms, Susana             18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:08.36             
                  30.63     1:03.22 (32.59)     1:36.11 (32.89)     2:08.36 (32.25)
 32 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:08.44             
                  30.24     1:02.67 (32.43)     1:35.50 (32.83)     2:08.44 (32.94)
 33 Zimmerman, Joni           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:08.46             
                  30.53     1:02.77 (32.24)     1:35.85 (33.08)     2:08.46 (32.61)
 34 Klatt, Kelsey             16 Fresno Dolphins-CC   2:08.47             
                  30.42     1:02.96 (32.54)     1:35.62 (32.66)     2:08.47 (32.85)
 35 Rogers, Rebecca           21 Unattached-PN/WCAB   2:08.57             
                  30.40     1:02.54 (32.14)     1:35.64 (33.10)     2:08.57 (32.93)
 36 Wiegersma, Natalie        17 New Zealand          2:08.71             
                  30.54     1:02.73 (32.19)     1:35.90 (33.17)     2:08.71 (32.81)
 37 Thompson, Kathryn         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:08.81             
                  30.53     1:03.20 (32.67)     1:36.14 (32.94)     2:08.81 (32.67)
 38 Dickmann, Claire          17 Clippers-OH          2:08.90             
                  30.05     1:02.98 (32.93)     1:36.71 (33.73)     2:08.90 (32.19)
 39 Tanaka, Hiro              18 Team Rebel-CA        2:09.04             
                  29.86     1:02.07 (32.21)     1:35.53 (33.46)     2:09.04 (33.51)
 40 Menezes, Michelle         18 Colorado Stars-CO    2:09.12             
                  30.57     1:03.32 (32.75)     1:36.70 (33.38)     2:09.12 (32.42)
 41 Hall, Kelsey              16 North Coast-SI       2:09.28             
                  30.38     1:02.91 (32.53)     1:36.62 (33.71)     2:09.28 (32.66)
 41 Iversen, Caitlin          18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:09.28             
                  30.57     1:03.40 (32.83)     1:36.51 (33.11)     2:09.28 (32.77)
 43 Geerdes, Sarah            17 Escondido-SI         2:09.35             
                  30.55     1:03.38 (32.83)     1:36.61 (33.23)     2:09.35 (32.74)
 44 Yamada, Sachiko           24 Mission Viejo-CA     2:09.38             
                  30.95     1:03.38 (32.43)     1:36.27 (32.89)     2:09.38 (33.11)
 44 McCarthy, Meridith        19 Minnesota-MN         2:09.38             
                  29.16     1:01.63 (32.47)     1:35.43 (33.80)     2:09.38 (33.95)
 46 Benefield, Gloria         17 North Coast-SI       2:09.60             
                  30.75     1:03.65 (32.90)     1:36.59 (32.94)     2:09.60 (33.01)
 47 Stouffer, Lara            17 Aquazots-CA          2:09.61             
                  30.70     1:03.81 (33.11)     1:36.90 (33.09)     2:09.61 (32.71)
 48 McAndrew, Nicole          18 Sun Devil-AZ         2:09.65             
                  31.21     1:03.64 (32.43)     1:36.78 (33.14)     2:09.65 (32.87)
 49 Marshall, Penelope        17 New Zealand          2:09.67             
                  30.24     1:03.12 (32.88)     1:36.48 (33.36)     2:09.67 (33.19)
 50 O'Brien, Rachel           16 Terrapins-PC         2:09.72             
                  31.09     1:03.79 (32.70)     1:37.41 (33.62)     2:09.72 (32.31)
 51 Thomas, Tara              17 Novaquatics-CA       2:09.77             
                  29.64     1:02.75 (33.11)     1:36.03 (33.28)     2:09.77 (33.74)
 52 Boritzke, Andrea          19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:09.97             
                  30.91     1:04.18 (33.27)     1:37.25 (33.07)     2:09.97 (32.72)
 53 Stephenson, Whitney       18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:10.03             
                  30.09     1:02.90 (32.81)     1:36.78 (33.88)     2:10.03 (33.25)
 54 Games, Annika             17 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:10.07             
                  31.17     1:04.11 (32.94)     1:37.42 (33.31)     2:10.07 (32.65)
 55 Agy, Ana                  19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:10.18             
                  31.13     1:04.49 (33.36)     1:37.70 (33.21)     2:10.18 (32.48)
 56 Krakoski, Haley           15 Sun Devil-AZ         2:10.33             
                  30.98     1:03.81 (32.83)     1:37.33 (33.52)     2:10.33 (33.00)
 57 Furgatch, Sarah           15 Aquazots-CA          2:10.39             
                  31.50     1:05.53 (34.03)     1:38.90 (33.37)     2:10.39 (31.49)
 58 Beckwith, Danielle        17 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:10.51             
                  29.99     1:02.42 (32.43)     1:36.30 (33.88)     2:10.51 (34.21)
 59 Klaren, Melanie           14 Mission Viejo-CA     2:10.63             
                  30.98     1:04.07 (33.09)     1:37.79 (33.72)     2:10.63 (32.84)
 60 Smalling, Aislinn         17 Class Aquatics-CA    2:10.66             
                  31.11     1:04.66 (33.55)     1:38.34 (33.68)     2:10.66 (32.32)
 61 Amundsen, Kelsey          16 The Woodlands-GU     2:10.82             
                  30.26     1:02.77 (32.51)     1:36.81 (34.04)     2:10.82 (34.01)
 62 Bruington, Chelsey        17 NGSV Gators-CA       2:10.96             
                  31.18     1:04.03 (32.85)     1:37.70 (33.67)     2:10.96 (33.26)
 63 Ambridge, Katie           17 Hatfield             2:11.03             
                  31.35     1:04.62 (33.27)     1:37.96 (33.34)     2:11.03 (33.07)
 64 Seaman, Lani              22 Team Rebel-CA        2:11.19             
                  31.40     1:04.35 (32.95)     1:37.88 (33.53)     2:11.19 (33.31)
 65 Andelson, Emily           15 Piranhas-CA          2:11.31             
                  30.34     1:03.29 (32.95)     1:38.22 (34.93)     2:11.31 (33.09)
 66 Milligan, Danielle        18 Scottsdale-AZ        2:11.35             
                  30.91     1:03.54 (32.63)     1:37.37 (33.83)     2:11.35 (33.98)
 67 Baxter, Tristin           15 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:11.38             
                  31.35     1:05.01 (33.66)     1:39.04 (34.03)     2:11.38 (32.34)
 68 Jones, Silken             14 NGSV Gators-CA       2:11.41             
                  31.72     1:05.34 (33.62)     1:39.08 (33.74)     2:11.41 (32.33)
 69 Zimmer, Meghan            17 Santa Maria-CA       2:11.50             
                  31.05     1:04.33 (33.28)     1:38.27 (33.94)     2:11.50 (33.23)
 70 Loper, Ally               14 Scottsdale-AZ        2:11.51             
                  31.19     1:04.50 (33.31)     1:38.32 (33.82)     2:11.51 (33.19)
 71 Cashion, Courtney         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:11.52             
                  30.24     1:03.24 (33.00)     1:37.68 (34.44)     2:11.52 (33.84)
 72 Jahanshahi, Yasi          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:11.61             
                  30.87     1:04.41 (33.54)     1:38.73 (34.32)     2:11.61 (32.88)
 73 Duckworth, Angela         16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:11.62             
                  31.45     1:04.42 (32.97)     1:38.34 (33.92)     2:11.62 (33.28)
 74 Collins, Brandy           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:11.70             
                  30.12     1:02.90 (32.78)     1:37.44 (34.54)     2:11.70 (34.26)
 75 Foster, Mary              16 The Woodlands-GU     2:11.72             
                  30.87     1:04.11 (33.24)     1:38.17 (34.06)     2:11.72 (33.55)
 75 Cox, Sarah                16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:11.72             
                  31.36     1:04.67 (33.31)     1:38.00 (33.33)     2:11.72 (33.72)
 77 Christiansen, Emily       15 Sun Devil-AZ         2:11.73             
                  30.55     1:04.33 (33.78)     1:38.45 (34.12)     2:11.73 (33.28)
 77 Darlington, Emma          17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:11.73             
                  30.01     1:02.63 (32.62)     1:37.37 (34.74)     2:11.73 (34.36)
 79 Marsh, Jessica            14 The Armada-CA        2:11.74             
                  31.48     1:04.95 (33.47)     1:38.52 (33.57)     2:11.74 (33.22)
 80 Marsilii, Caitlin         17 The FISH-PV          2:11.78             
                  31.46     1:04.83 (33.37)     1:38.76 (33.93)     2:11.78 (33.02)
 81 Howard, Katie             15 Palo Alto-PC         2:11.86             
                  30.73     1:03.93 (33.20)     1:38.03 (34.10)     2:11.86 (33.83)
 82 Schauer, Alexis           17 Novaquatics-CA       2:11.88             
                  31.37     1:05.19 (33.82)     1:39.10 (33.91)     2:11.88 (32.78)
 83 Carter, Stacy             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:11.90             
                  30.86     1:04.13 (33.27)     1:37.93 (33.80)     2:11.90 (33.97)
 84 Swanson, Nuffy            16 The Woodlands-GU     2:12.01             
                  31.10     1:04.84 (33.74)     1:38.77 (33.93)     2:12.01 (33.24)
 85 Clark, Kayla              14 Claremont-CA         2:12.06             
                  31.00     1:04.71 (33.71)     1:39.05 (34.34)     2:12.06 (33.01)
 86 Pold, Anna                16 North Coast-SI       2:12.11             
                  31.65     1:05.15 (33.50)     1:38.99 (33.84)     2:12.11 (33.12)
 87 Diener, Kelsy             17 Unattached-AZ/SAC    2:12.23             
                  30.69     1:04.14 (33.45)     1:38.60 (34.46)     2:12.23 (33.63)
 88 Sher, Katalina            15 Rose Bowl-CA         2:12.27             
                  30.97     1:04.60 (33.63)     1:38.72 (34.12)     2:12.27 (33.55)
 89 Forelli, Krissy           19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:12.32             
                  31.01     1:04.11 (33.10)     1:38.27 (34.16)     2:12.32 (34.05)
 90 Tursick, Emlynn           20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:12.34             
                  31.15     1:04.50 (33.35)     1:38.82 (34.32)     2:12.34 (33.52)
 91 Taylor, Samantha          14 Novaquatics-CA       2:12.36             
                  30.82     1:04.71 (33.89)     1:39.20 (34.49)     2:12.36 (33.16)
 92 Nelson, Liz               16 The Woodlands-GU     2:12.44             
                  31.62     1:05.02 (33.40)     1:39.01 (33.99)     2:12.44 (33.43)
 93 Lelli, Leticia            13 Scottsdale-AZ        2:12.51             
                  31.58     1:04.99 (33.41)     1:38.64 (33.65)     2:12.51 (33.87)
 94 Wild, Chelsea             16 Novaquatics-CA       2:12.57             
                  30.39     1:03.17 (32.78)     1:37.71 (34.54)     2:12.57 (34.86)
 95 Brown, Meagan             17 Mission Viejo-CA     2:12.58             
                  31.72     1:04.84 (33.12)     1:39.19 (34.35)     2:12.58 (33.39)
 96 Elgamal, Noel             15 North Coast-SI       2:12.62             
                  31.26     1:05.48 (34.22)     1:39.13 (33.65)     2:12.62 (33.49)
 97 Baughman, Taylor          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:12.72             
                  30.56     1:03.76 (33.20)     1:38.48 (34.72)     2:12.72 (34.24)
 98 Vaughn, Rheanna           15 Aquazots-CA          2:12.73             
                  31.27     1:04.70 (33.43)     1:38.94 (34.24)     2:12.73 (33.79)
 99 Delaney, Alexandra        15 Aquazots-CA          2:12.76             
                  31.68     1:05.10 (33.42)     1:39.30 (34.20)     2:12.76 (33.46)
100 Chuk, Karima              15 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:12.77             
                  31.73     1:05.30 (33.57)     1:39.62 (34.32)     2:12.77 (33.15)
101 Justice, Lizzie           15 The Woodlands-GU     2:12.90             
                  32.09     1:05.37 (33.28)     1:39.72 (34.35)     2:12.90 (33.18)
102 Thompson, Beckie          17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:12.93             
                  31.46     1:05.15 (33.69)     1:39.22 (34.07)     2:12.93 (33.71)
103 Murez, Andi               15 Santa Monica-CA      2:12.94             
                  29.98     1:02.86 (32.88)     1:37.54 (34.68)     2:12.94 (35.40)
104 Sarandos, Stephanie       17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:13.04             
                  31.27     1:05.43 (34.16)     1:39.33 (33.90)     2:13.04 (33.71)
105 Garcia, Monica            15 Palo Alto-PC         2:13.07             
                  31.36     1:04.97 (33.61)     1:38.80 (33.83)     2:13.07 (34.27)
106 Armstrong, Stephanie      15 Waukesha Express-WI  2:13.13             
                  31.14     1:05.60 (34.46)     1:40.06 (34.46)     2:13.13 (33.07)
107 Grimes, Kylsie            18 Unattached-SI/WEST   2:13.17             
                  31.11     1:04.74 (33.63)     1:39.21 (34.47)     2:13.17 (33.96)
108 Nettenstrom, Kari         21 Team Rebel-CA        2:13.21             
                  31.13     1:04.81 (33.68)     1:38.98 (34.17)     2:13.21 (34.23)
109 Gabert, Stephanie         17 Aquazots-CA          2:13.26             
                  31.46     1:05.33 (33.87)     1:39.48 (34.15)     2:13.26 (33.78)
110 Bowman, Kimberly          16 Pac Sea Wolves       2:13.33             
                  30.85     1:04.60 (33.75)     1:38.82 (34.22)     2:13.33 (34.51)
111 Wells, Stef               16 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:13.40             
                  32.09     1:06.08 (33.99)     1:39.78 (33.70)     2:13.40 (33.62)
112 Parker, Emiliy            21 Unattached-PC/MP     2:13.51             
                  31.70     1:05.29 (33.59)     1:39.39 (34.10)     2:13.51 (34.12)
113 Chan, Nakayla             16 Tacoma-PN            2:13.53             
                  30.92     1:04.12 (33.20)     1:38.95 (34.83)     2:13.53 (34.58)
114 Caldwell, Danielle        16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:13.54             
                  31.11     1:04.74 (33.63)     1:39.22 (34.48)     2:13.54 (34.32)
115 Morford, Lauren           22 Unattached-MR/TMC    2:13.60             
                  31.50     1:05.20 (33.70)     1:40.23 (35.03)     2:13.60 (33.37)
116 Brunner, Rikka            20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:13.63             
                  31.13     1:04.89 (33.76)     1:39.83 (34.94)     2:13.63 (33.80)
117 Cobau, Stephanie          17 The Armada-CA        2:13.73             
                  31.05     1:04.38 (33.33)     1:38.69 (34.31)     2:13.73 (35.04)
118 Flynn, Kelly              16 The Woodlands-GU     2:13.74             
                  29.89     1:03.12 (33.23)     1:37.30 (34.18)     2:13.74 (36.44)
119 Blundell, Jessie          16 New Zealand          2:13.76             
                  31.83     1:05.62 (33.79)     1:39.93 (34.31)     2:13.76 (33.83)
120 Landgrebe, Shannon        16 Piranhas-CA          2:13.82             
                  31.75     1:05.00 (33.25)     1:39.45 (34.45)     2:13.82 (34.37)
121 Stachowski, Alyssa        17 Aquazots-CA          2:13.88             
                  32.24     1:06.06 (33.82)     1:40.16 (34.10)     2:13.88 (33.72)
121 Kelly, Lindsey            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:13.88             
                  30.56     1:04.84 (34.28)     1:39.55 (34.71)     2:13.88 (34.33)
123 Lavery, Danielle          16 Aquazots-CA          2:13.96             
                  31.78     1:05.56 (33.78)     1:40.02 (34.46)     2:13.96 (33.94)
124 Urubhurow, Delghi         18 Unattached-MR/TMC    2:14.14             
                  32.00     1:06.13 (34.13)     1:39.99 (33.86)     2:14.14 (34.15)
125 Pearson, Siân             16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:14.38             
                  31.94     1:06.03 (34.09)     1:40.43 (34.40)     2:14.38 (33.95)
126 Kiefer, Katie             18 Scottsdale-AZ        2:14.44             
                  31.58     1:05.66 (34.08)     1:40.34 (34.68)     2:14.44 (34.10)
127 Cummings, Kelsey          14 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:14.68             
                  31.80     1:06.36 (34.56)     1:41.58 (35.22)     2:14.68 (33.10)
128 Stevens, Lindsey          17 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:14.79             
                  31.88     1:06.14 (34.26)     1:41.08 (34.94)     2:14.79 (33.71)
129 Taylor, Bonnie            18 Desert Storm-CA      2:14.89             
                  31.48     1:06.25 (34.77)     1:41.05 (34.80)     2:14.89 (33.84)
130 Crowley, Julia            14 NGSV Gators-CA       2:14.99             
                  32.18     1:06.10 (33.92)     1:40.70 (34.60)     2:14.99 (34.29)
131 Murphy, Kathryn           14 Marin Pirates-PC     2:15.09             
                  31.74     1:06.19 (34.45)     1:41.01 (34.82)     2:15.09 (34.08)
132 Schumacher, Katelyn       19 Novaquatics-CA       2:15.10             
                  31.98     1:06.00 (34.02)     1:40.46 (34.46)     2:15.10 (34.64)
133 Bauernfeind, Paige        16 Twin Cities-MN       2:15.30             
                  32.42     1:06.84 (34.42)     1:41.36 (34.52)     2:15.30 (33.94)
134 Plume, Olivia             17 Palo Alto-PC         2:15.35             
                  31.00     1:05.51 (34.51)     1:40.13 (34.62)     2:15.35 (35.22)
135 Dinh, Thuy-Mi             19 FAST-CA              2:15.39             
                  30.87     1:04.53 (33.66)     1:39.72 (35.19)     2:15.39 (35.67)
136 Reigel, Andrea            15 NGSV Gators-CA       2:15.58             
                  32.67     1:06.84 (34.17)     1:41.57 (34.73)     2:15.58 (34.01)
137 Nguyen, Rayanne           16 Santa Barbara-CA     2:15.70             
                  32.09     1:06.34 (34.25)     1:41.02 (34.68)     2:15.70 (34.68)
138 Eacret, Valerie           17 Santa Barbara-CA     2:15.94             
                  32.45     1:07.18 (34.73)     1:42.21 (35.03)     2:15.94 (33.73)
139 Currie, Kristen           15 Desert Storm-CA      2:15.99             
                  31.69     1:06.45 (34.76)     1:41.91 (35.46)     2:15.99 (34.08)
140 Wong, Catherine           19 Westside-CA          2:16.12             
                  30.92     1:05.11 (34.19)     1:40.89 (35.78)     2:16.12 (35.23)
141 Doran, Meredith           17 The Woodlands-GU     2:16.21             
                  31.59     1:05.79 (34.20)     1:41.02 (35.23)     2:16.21 (35.19)
142 Bellinger, Sally          17 Marin Pirates-PC     2:16.36             
                  31.43     1:05.77 (34.34)     1:41.24 (35.47)     2:16.36 (35.12)
143 Martin, Clair             17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:16.39             
                  32.19     1:06.74 (34.55)     1:41.69 (34.95)     2:16.39 (34.70)
144 Cisar, Jamie              17 Santa Clara-PC       2:16.40             
                  31.85     1:06.78 (34.93)     1:41.94 (35.16)     2:16.40 (34.46)
144 Martin, Rylie             12 Team Rebel-CA        2:16.40             
                  32.35     1:06.96 (34.61)     1:42.10 (35.14)     2:16.40 (34.30)
146 Cheung-Lau, Chrysanthia   18 Claremont-CA         2:16.58             
                  31.73     1:05.84 (34.11)     1:41.45 (35.61)     2:16.58 (35.13)
146 Lougee, Sam               18 Santa Maria-CA       2:16.58             
                  31.84     1:06.18 (34.34)     1:41.70 (35.52)     2:16.58 (34.88)
148 Tse, Katherine            15 Rose Bowl-CA         2:16.78             
                  30.87     1:05.14 (34.27)     1:40.89 (35.75)     2:16.78 (35.89)
149 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:16.82             
                  31.18     1:05.29 (34.11)     1:41.43 (36.14)     2:16.82 (35.39)
150 Finley, Sarah             20 Team Rebel-CA        2:16.88             
                  32.03     1:06.12 (34.09)     1:41.06 (34.94)     2:16.88 (35.82)
151 Roggensack, Kelsey        16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:17.02             
                  31.79     1:06.05 (34.26)     1:41.47 (35.42)     2:17.02 (35.55)
152 Fascella, Cynthia         15 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:17.03             
                  31.05     1:05.85 (34.80)     1:41.79 (35.94)     2:17.03 (35.24)
153 Brewer, Ashley            15 Sun Devil-AZ         2:17.09             
                  31.95     1:06.28 (34.33)     1:41.85 (35.57)     2:17.09 (35.24)
154 Belk, Molly               17 Twin Cities-MN       2:17.21             
                  31.75     1:06.30 (34.55)     1:41.95 (35.65)     2:17.21 (35.26)
155 Summers, Kim              16 Blue Tide-GU         2:17.46             
                  31.17     1:05.93 (34.76)     1:41.99 (36.06)     2:17.46 (35.47)
156 VanNatta, Tara            18 The Woodlands-GU     2:17.48             
                  31.79     1:06.15 (34.36)     1:41.94 (35.79)     2:17.48 (35.54)
157 Borowitz, Brittany        17 SoCal Aquatics-CA    2:17.63             
                  32.45     1:07.74 (35.29)     1:43.38 (35.64)     2:17.63 (34.25)
158 Oswald, Addie             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:17.89             
                  32.12     1:07.08 (34.96)     1:42.83 (35.75)     2:17.89 (35.06)
159 Bougrab, Nassira          15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:17.91             
                  32.67     1:07.77 (35.10)     1:43.18 (35.41)     2:17.91 (34.73)
160 Fraley, Lauren            20 Unattached-MR/TMC    2:17.98             
                  32.05     1:07.16 (35.11)     1:42.85 (35.69)     2:17.98 (35.13)
161 Weigand, Courtney         17 North Coast-SI       2:18.01             
                  31.91     1:06.50 (34.59)     1:42.12 (35.62)     2:18.01 (35.89)
162 Foster, Erin              14 The Woodlands-GU     2:18.26             
                  30.84     1:05.24 (34.40)     1:41.43 (36.19)     2:18.26 (36.83)
163 Stefanec, Annie           16 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:19.01             
                  31.39     1:06.02 (34.63)     1:43.23 (37.21)     2:19.01 (35.78)
164 Schmid, Kristin           16 Colorado Stars-CO    2:19.10             
                  31.73     1:06.22 (34.49)     1:42.56 (36.34)     2:19.10 (36.54)
165 Skenandore, Kayla         13 Waukesha Express-WI  2:19.37             
                  31.88     1:06.29 (34.41)     1:42.67 (36.38)     2:19.37 (36.70)
166 Brandenburg, Krissie      15 Clippers-OH          2:19.72             
                  31.23     1:06.54 (35.31)     1:43.24 (36.70)     2:19.72 (36.48)
167 McClain, Rachell          18 Desert Storm-CA      2:19.96             
                  32.68     1:07.48 (34.80)     1:43.46 (35.98)     2:19.96 (36.50)
168 Krattiger, Jill           17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:20.08             
                  32.25     1:07.33 (35.08)     1:43.94 (36.61)     2:20.08 (36.14)
169 Mertel, Alix              15 Desert Storm-CA      2:20.17             
                  32.32     1:07.95 (35.63)     1:44.39 (36.44)     2:20.17 (35.78)
170 Jackson, Lara             20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:20.24             
                  30.98     1:06.01 (35.03)     1:43.62 (37.61)     2:20.24 (36.62)
171 Miesfeld, Noelle          18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:20.53             
                  32.79     1:08.11 (35.32)     1:44.58 (36.47)     2:20.53 (35.95)
172 Miller, Joy               21 North Coast-SI       2:21.36             
                  33.06     1:08.49 (35.43)     1:45.08 (36.59)     2:21.36 (36.28)
173 Stedman, Lindsay          16 Waukesha Express-WI  2:21.54             
                  33.10     1:08.98 (35.88)     1:45.41 (36.43)     2:21.54 (36.13)
174 Darwin, Kristin           17 The Woodlands-GU     2:23.06             
                  32.64     1:08.12 (35.48)     1:45.38 (37.26)     2:23.06 (37.68)
175 Nguyen, Vi                15 The Armada-CA        2:23.36             
                  33.00     1:08.83 (35.83)     1:46.33 (37.50)     2:23.36 (37.03)
176 Coffman, Cheyenne         17 Unattached-CC/SNBRD  2:27.50             
                  31.45     1:08.29 (36.84)     1:48.02 (39.73)     2:27.50 (39.48)
 -- Andrew, Caitlin           21 Sun Devil-AZ             DQ              
 -- Shellem, Samantha         15 The Armada-CA            DQ              
 -- Pike, Chelsea             18 Novaquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Imagane, Julie            19 The Armada-CA            NS              
Women Open 400 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 4:05.44   6/15/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                  
 Pool Record: P 4:05.44   6/15/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                  
   US Record: A 4:03.85        1988 Janet Evans                                
World Record: W 4:02.13        2006 Laure Manadou - FRA                        
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Ziegler, Kate             18 The FISH-PV          4:13.20    4:05.44M  20  
                  29.14       59.61 (30.47)     1:30.90 (31.29)     2:02.36 (31.46)
        2:33.68 (31.32)     3:05.05 (31.37)     3:36.72 (31.67)     4:05.44 (28.72)
  2 Jennings, Christine       20 Minnesota-MN         4:18.50    4:15.91   17  
                  30.29     1:01.83 (31.54)     1:34.23 (32.40)     2:06.95 (32.72)
        2:40.03 (33.08)     3:12.52 (32.49)     3:44.81 (32.29)     4:15.91 (31.10)
  3 Komisarz, Rachel          30 Lakeside-KY          4:20.17    4:17.59   16  
                  30.44     1:03.15 (32.71)     1:35.66 (32.51)     2:08.47 (32.81)
        2:41.03 (32.56)     3:13.70 (32.67)     3:46.16 (32.46)     4:17.59 (31.43)
  4 Freitag, Meike               Germany              4:21.28    4:19.65   15  
                  30.24     1:03.62 (33.38)     1:35.95 (32.33)     2:08.70 (32.75)
        2:41.32 (32.62)     3:14.18 (32.86)     3:47.72 (33.54)     4:19.65 (31.93)
  5 Kobayashi, Yuen           21 Minnesota-MN         4:22.69    4:20.50   14  
                  30.81     1:03.27 (32.46)     1:36.19 (32.92)     2:09.01 (32.82)
        2:42.15 (33.14)     3:15.47 (33.32)     3:48.59 (33.12)     4:20.50 (31.91)
  6 Nymeyer, Lacey            21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:20.35    4:21.71   13  
                  30.57     1:02.45 (31.88)     1:34.61 (32.16)     2:07.43 (32.82)
        2:40.59 (33.16)     3:13.94 (33.35)     3:47.94 (34.00)     4:21.71 (33.77)
  7 Lim, Lynette              15 Piranhas-CA          4:22.41    4:22.97   12  
                  31.38     1:03.67 (32.29)     1:36.82 (33.15)     2:09.91 (33.09)
        2:43.31 (33.40)     3:17.18 (33.87)     3:50.52 (33.34)     4:22.97 (32.45)
  8 Helms, Susana             18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:23.19    4:23.22   11  
                  31.34     1:04.13 (32.79)     1:37.60 (33.47)     2:10.69 (33.09)
        2:43.95 (33.26)     3:17.50 (33.55)     3:50.72 (33.22)     4:23.22 (32.50)
Consolation Final
  9 Yamada, Sachiko           24 Mission Viejo-CA     4:24.05    4:21.30    9  
                  31.33     1:04.39 (33.06)     1:37.58 (33.19)     2:10.87 (33.29)
        2:44.03 (33.16)     3:16.88 (32.85)     3:49.92 (33.04)     4:21.30 (31.38)
 10 Zimmerman, Joni           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:24.78    4:21.79    7  
                  30.80     1:03.34 (32.54)     1:36.60 (33.26)     2:09.97 (33.37)
        2:43.18 (33.21)     3:16.38 (33.20)     3:49.70 (33.32)     4:21.79 (32.09)
 11 Vorster, Leone'           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:24.65    4:23.76    6  
                  29.78     1:03.11 (33.33)     1:37.09 (33.98)     2:11.46 (34.37)
        2:44.66 (33.20)     3:18.67 (34.01)     3:51.88 (33.21)     4:23.76 (31.88)
 12 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:25.91    4:24.25    5  
                  31.51     1:04.83 (33.32)     1:38.28 (33.45)     2:12.08 (33.80)
        2:45.24 (33.16)     3:18.76 (33.52)     3:51.94 (33.18)     4:24.25 (32.31)
 13 Wiegersma, Natalie        17 New Zealand          4:25.28    4:25.17    4  
                  31.18     1:04.39 (33.21)     1:37.96 (33.57)     2:12.07 (34.11)
        2:45.50 (33.43)     3:19.68 (34.18)     3:52.71 (33.03)     4:25.17 (32.46)
 14 Veerman, Courtney         18 Badger Aquatics-WI   4:25.62    4:25.43    3  
                  31.12     1:04.13 (33.01)     1:37.56 (33.43)     2:11.38 (33.82)
        2:45.46 (34.08)     3:19.10 (33.64)     3:52.58 (33.48)     4:25.43 (32.85)
 15 Wiegersma, Joyce          19 New Zealand          4:26.41    4:26.14    2  
                  31.12     1:04.48 (33.36)     1:38.37 (33.89)     2:12.25 (33.88)
        2:46.24 (33.99)     3:19.99 (33.75)     3:53.84 (33.85)     4:26.14 (32.30)
 16 Duckworth, Angela         16 Sun Devil-AZ         4:26.19    4:26.74    1  
                  31.88     1:04.84 (32.96)     1:38.41 (33.57)     2:12.09 (33.68)
        2:45.65 (33.56)     3:19.32 (33.67)     3:53.23 (33.91)     4:26.74 (33.51)
Bonus Final
 17 Dallmann, Petra              Germany              4:27.24    4:22.00  
                  30.77     1:03.62 (32.85)     1:37.21 (33.59)     2:10.46 (33.25)
        2:43.93 (33.47)     3:17.15 (33.22)     3:50.33 (33.18)     4:22.00 (31.67)
 18 Lopus, Whitney            16 Sun Devil-AZ         4:26.44    4:25.52  
                  31.39     1:04.57 (33.18)     1:38.34 (33.77)     2:12.16 (33.82)
        2:45.90 (33.74)     3:19.40 (33.50)     3:52.71 (33.31)     4:25.52 (32.81)
 19 Clarke, Alexandra         18 Golden West-CA       4:26.65    4:26.46  
                  31.07     1:04.10 (33.03)     1:37.74 (33.64)     2:11.53 (33.79)
        2:45.23 (33.70)     3:19.22 (33.99)     3:52.96 (33.74)     4:26.46 (33.50)
 20 Hegazy, Dina              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:27.96    4:26.99  
                  30.94     1:04.13 (33.19)     1:38.04 (33.91)     2:11.87 (33.83)
        2:46.04 (34.17)     3:20.32 (34.28)     3:54.55 (34.23)     4:26.99 (32.44)
 21 Montgomery, Olivia        16 Chena                4:28.03    4:27.52  
                  31.29     1:05.04 (33.75)     1:38.86 (33.82)     2:12.83 (33.97)
        2:46.92 (34.09)     3:20.63 (33.71)     3:54.72 (34.09)     4:27.52 (32.80)
 22 Marsilii, Caitlin         17 The FISH-PV          4:28.50    4:28.26  
                  31.69     1:04.95 (33.26)     1:39.06 (34.11)     2:12.73 (33.67)
        2:47.05 (34.32)     3:21.24 (34.19)     3:55.74 (34.50)     4:28.26 (32.52)
 23 Schieman, Ellis           20 Lake Erie-LE         4:28.29    4:31.02  
                  31.19     1:05.02 (33.83)     1:39.74 (34.72)     2:13.87 (34.13)
        2:47.87 (34.00)     3:22.42 (34.55)     3:56.54 (34.12)     4:31.02 (34.48)
 24 Maffris, Amanda           15 Unattached-GWSC-CA   4:28.20    4:32.75  
                  31.41     1:05.07 (33.66)     1:39.01 (33.94)     2:13.71 (34.70)
        2:48.11 (34.40)     3:22.93 (34.82)     3:57.87 (34.94)     4:32.75 (34.88)
 19 Shellem, Samantha         15 The Armada-CA        4:27.10             
                  30.34     1:03.60 (33.26)     1:37.12 (33.52)     2:11.17 (34.05)
        2:44.97 (33.80)     3:19.22 (34.25)     3:53.42 (34.20)     4:27.10 (33.68)
 26 Eads, Courtney            20 Claremont-CA         4:28.54             
                  31.43     1:04.96 (33.53)     1:38.71 (33.75)     2:12.58 (33.87)
        2:46.80 (34.22)     3:20.86 (34.06)     3:55.19 (34.33)     4:28.54 (33.35)
 27 Smalling, Aislinn         17 Class Aquatics-CA    4:29.04             
                  31.41     1:04.78 (33.37)     1:38.76 (33.98)     2:12.99 (34.23)
        2:47.60 (34.61)     3:21.82 (34.22)     3:56.27 (34.45)     4:29.04 (32.77)
 28 Jones, Silken             14 NGSV Gators-CA       4:29.18             
                  32.35     1:06.44 (34.09)     1:40.34 (33.90)     2:14.64 (34.30)
        2:48.55 (33.91)     3:22.71 (34.16)     3:56.82 (34.11)     4:29.18 (32.36)
 29 Morford, Lauren           22 Unattached-MR/TMC    4:29.68             
                  31.95     1:05.25 (33.30)     1:39.15 (33.90)     2:13.17 (34.02)
        2:47.40 (34.23)   4:29.68 (1:42.28)                                        
 30 Strickland, Kait          20 Minnesota-MN         4:29.72             
                  32.33     1:07.10 (34.77)     1:41.41 (34.31)     2:15.75 (34.34)
        2:49.89 (34.14)   4:29.72 (1:39.83)                                        
 31 Hall, Kelsey              16 North Coast-SI       4:29.81             
                  31.23     1:05.12 (33.89)     1:39.24 (34.12)     2:13.38 (34.14)
        2:47.57 (34.19)     3:21.90 (34.33)     3:55.97 (34.07)     4:29.81 (33.84)
 32 Brown, Julianne           17 Chena                4:30.01             
                  31.39     1:05.14 (33.75)     1:39.06 (33.92)     2:13.67 (34.61)
        2:48.22 (34.55)     3:23.09 (34.87)     3:56.87 (33.78)     4:30.01 (33.14)
 33 Perrotta, Mattea          16 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:30.03             
                  31.00     1:04.37 (33.37)     1:38.78 (34.41)     2:12.99 (34.21)
        2:47.00 (34.01)     3:20.90 (33.90)     3:55.66 (34.76)     4:30.03 (34.37)
 34 Dwyer, Meghan             16 Mission Viejo-CA     4:30.12             
                  32.75     1:07.38 (34.63)     1:41.92 (34.54)     2:16.51 (34.59)
        2:50.50 (33.99)     3:24.37 (33.87)     3:58.09 (33.72)     4:30.12 (32.03)
 35 Chuk, Karima              15 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:30.18             
                  31.97     1:05.62 (33.65)     1:39.59 (33.97)     2:13.69 (34.10)
        2:48.05 (34.36)     3:22.31 (34.26)     3:56.65 (34.34)     4:30.18 (33.53)
 36 Menezes, Michelle         18 Colorado Stars-CO    4:30.19             
                  31.83     1:05.36 (33.53)     1:39.35 (33.99)     2:13.01 (33.66)
        2:46.84 (33.83)     3:21.07 (34.23)     3:56.06 (34.99)     4:30.19 (34.13)
 37 Nelson, Liz               16 The Woodlands-GU     4:30.65             
                  32.09     1:06.07 (33.98)     1:40.15 (34.08)     2:14.43 (34.28)
        2:48.42 (33.99)     3:22.87 (34.45)     3:57.35 (34.48)     4:30.65 (33.30)
 38 Jahanshahi, Yasi          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   4:30.95             
                  31.60     1:05.39 (33.79)     1:39.92 (34.53)     2:14.27 (34.35)
        2:48.70 (34.43)     3:23.55 (34.85)     3:57.92 (34.37)     4:30.95 (33.03)
 39 McLane, Julianne          19 Terrapins-PC         4:30.99             
                  31.35     1:04.87 (33.52)     1:38.55 (33.68)     2:12.98 (34.43)
        2:47.94 (34.96)     3:22.92 (34.98)     3:57.12 (34.20)     4:30.99 (33.87)
 40 Dickmann, Claire          17 Clippers-OH          4:31.15             
                  30.84     1:04.67 (33.83)     1:38.70 (34.03)     2:12.82 (34.12)
        2:47.19 (34.37)   4:31.15 (1:43.96)                                        
 41 Rogers, Rebecca           21 Unattached-PN/WCAB   4:31.33             
                  31.88     1:05.85 (33.97)     1:39.92 (34.07)     2:14.09 (34.17)
        2:48.07 (33.98)     3:22.47 (34.40)     3:57.35 (34.88)     4:31.33 (33.98)
 42 Riggins, Christa          19 Golden West-CA       4:31.93             
                  30.47     1:03.61 (33.14)     1:37.77 (34.16)     2:12.45 (34.68)
        2:47.16 (34.71)     3:22.29 (35.13)     3:57.54 (35.25)     4:31.93 (34.39)
 43 Milligan, Danielle        18 Scottsdale-AZ        4:32.70             
                  31.71     1:04.80 (33.09)     1:38.79 (33.99)     2:12.77 (33.98)
        2:47.37 (34.60)     3:22.62 (35.25)     3:58.08 (35.46)     4:32.70 (34.62)
 44 Loper, Torrey             17 Scottsdale-AZ        4:33.19             
                  32.09     1:06.52 (34.43)     1:40.76 (34.24)     2:15.63 (34.87)
        2:50.19 (34.56)   4:33.19 (1:43.00)                                        
 45 Loper, Ally               14 Scottsdale-AZ        4:33.66             
                  32.58     1:06.69 (34.11)     1:41.11 (34.42)     2:15.87 (34.76)
        2:50.58 (34.71)     3:25.62 (35.04)     4:00.15 (34.53)     4:33.66 (33.51)
 46 Baxter, Tristin           15 Clovis Swim Club-CC  4:33.93             
                  31.86     1:05.78 (33.92)     1:40.30 (34.52)     2:15.27 (34.97)
        2:50.02 (34.75)     3:25.20 (35.18)     4:00.36 (35.16)     4:33.93 (33.57)
 47 Klaren, Melanie           14 Mission Viejo-CA     4:34.00             
                  32.64     1:07.00 (34.36)     1:41.62 (34.62)     2:16.30 (34.68)
        2:50.88 (34.58)     3:25.77 (34.89)     4:00.21 (34.44)     4:34.00 (33.79)
 48 Marshall, Penelope        17 New Zealand          4:34.01             
                  31.45     1:06.15 (34.70)     1:40.80 (34.65)     2:15.74 (34.94)
        2:50.71 (34.97)     3:25.90 (35.19)     4:00.36 (34.46)     4:34.01 (33.65)
 49 Gabert, Stephanie         17 Aquazots-CA          4:34.20             
                  31.96     1:05.79 (33.83)     1:40.58 (34.79)     2:15.21 (34.63)
        2:50.29 (35.08)     3:25.29 (35.00)     4:00.34 (35.05)     4:34.20 (33.86)
 50 McAndrew, Nicole          18 Sun Devil-AZ         4:34.53             
                  32.13     1:05.95 (33.82)     1:40.12 (34.17)     2:14.57 (34.45)
        2:49.08 (34.51)     3:24.34 (35.26)     3:59.63 (35.29)     4:34.53 (34.90)
 51 Blundell, Jessie          16 New Zealand          4:34.94             
                  32.11     1:07.00 (34.89)     1:41.71 (34.71)     2:16.83 (35.12)
        2:50.96 (34.13)   4:34.94 (1:43.98)                                        
 52 Brown, Meagan             17 Mission Viejo-CA     4:35.07             
                  32.51     1:06.82 (34.31)     1:41.57 (34.75)     2:16.11 (34.54)
        2:51.14 (35.03)     3:26.04 (34.90)     4:01.08 (35.04)     4:35.07 (33.99)
 53 Chan, Nakayla             16 Tacoma-PN            4:35.73             
                  32.08     1:05.89 (33.81)     1:40.91 (35.02)     2:16.17 (35.26)
        2:51.31 (35.14)     3:26.67 (35.36)     4:02.06 (35.39)     4:35.73 (33.67)
 54 Wilde, Courtney           14 NGSV Gators-CA       4:35.83             
                  33.28     1:08.31 (35.03)     1:42.64 (34.33)     2:17.23 (34.59)
        2:51.80 (34.57)     3:26.56 (34.76)     4:01.77 (35.21)     4:35.83 (34.06)
 55 Cummings, Kelsey          14 Unattached-GWSC-CA   4:35.87             
                  32.37     1:07.07 (34.70)     1:41.89 (34.82)     2:16.90 (35.01)
        2:52.31 (35.41)     3:27.35 (35.04)     4:01.93 (34.58)     4:35.87 (33.94)
 56 Wahl, Rachael             19 Santa Maria-CA       4:35.97             
                  32.15     1:06.71 (34.56)     1:41.53 (34.82)     2:16.61 (35.08)
        2:51.90 (35.29)     3:27.10 (35.20)     4:02.10 (35.00)     4:35.97 (33.87)
 57 Beckwith, Danielle        17 Badger Aquatics-WI   4:36.03             
                  32.26     1:06.33 (34.07)     1:41.12 (34.79)     2:15.83 (34.71)
        2:50.76 (34.93)     3:26.09 (35.33)     4:01.41 (35.32)     4:36.03 (34.62)
 58 Greene, Chelsea           18 The Armada-CA        4:36.13             
                  32.69     1:07.36 (34.67)     1:42.35 (34.99)     2:17.09 (34.74)
        2:52.10 (35.01)     3:26.98 (34.88)     4:02.08 (35.10)     4:36.13 (34.05)
 59 Flynn, Kelly              16 The Woodlands-GU     4:36.21             
                  31.36     1:05.27 (33.91)     1:39.78 (34.51)     2:14.60 (34.82)
        2:49.62 (35.02)     3:25.45 (35.83)     4:01.01 (35.56)     4:36.21 (35.20)
 60 Wild, Chelsea             16 Novaquatics-CA       4:36.29             
                  31.54     1:05.08 (33.54)     1:39.48 (34.40)     2:14.13 (34.65)
        2:49.31 (35.18)     3:25.14 (35.83)     4:01.07 (35.93)     4:36.29 (35.22)
 60 Sher, Katalina            15 Rose Bowl-CA         4:36.29             
                  32.09     1:06.58 (34.49)     1:41.20 (34.62)     2:16.41 (35.21)
        2:51.01 (34.60)     3:26.21 (35.20)     4:01.55 (35.34)     4:36.29 (34.74)
 62 Justice, Lizzie           15 The Woodlands-GU     4:36.43             
                  32.76     1:07.09 (34.33)     1:42.39 (35.30)     2:17.46 (35.07)
        2:52.92 (35.46)     3:28.09 (35.17)     4:03.20 (35.11)     4:36.43 (33.23)
 63 Krager, Rachael           16 Rose Bowl-CA         4:36.56             
                  32.39     1:07.65 (35.26)     1:42.68 (35.03)     2:17.46 (34.78)
        2:52.75 (35.29)     3:27.87 (35.12)     4:02.75 (34.88)     4:36.56 (33.81)
 64 Seaman, Lani              22 Team Rebel-CA        4:37.04             
                  32.71     1:07.39 (34.68)     1:42.41 (35.02)     2:17.46 (35.05)
        2:52.38 (34.92)     3:27.42 (35.04)     4:02.51 (35.09)     4:37.04 (34.53)
 65 Pearson, Siân             16 Mission Viejo-CA     4:37.05             
                  32.58     1:06.76 (34.18)     1:41.67 (34.91)     2:16.94 (35.27)
        2:52.40 (35.46)     3:27.82 (35.42)     4:03.02 (35.20)     4:37.05 (34.03)
 65 Clark, Kayla              14 Claremont-CA         4:37.05             
                  31.98     1:06.51 (34.53)     1:41.48 (34.97)     2:16.66 (35.18)
        2:51.92 (35.26)     3:27.38 (35.46)     4:02.64 (35.26)     4:37.05 (34.41)
 67 Cobau, Stephanie          17 The Armada-CA        4:37.12             
                  31.66     1:06.01 (34.35)     1:40.81 (34.80)     2:15.78 (34.97)
        2:50.82 (35.04)     3:26.01 (35.19)     4:02.01 (36.00)     4:37.12 (35.11)
 68 Deardorf, Erika           16 The Woodlands-GU     4:37.73             
                  32.43     1:07.65 (35.22)     1:43.39 (35.74)     2:18.87 (35.48)
        2:54.49 (35.62)     3:29.85 (35.36)     4:04.34 (34.49)     4:37.73 (33.39)
 68 McCarthy, Meridith        19 Minnesota-MN         4:37.73             
                  32.58     1:08.11 (35.53)     1:43.45 (35.34)     2:18.82 (35.37)
        2:53.83 (35.01)   4:37.73 (1:43.90)                                        
 70 Blair, Lolo               15 Santa Barbara-CA     4:37.99             
                  32.96     1:07.53 (34.57)     1:42.81 (35.28)     2:18.15 (35.34)
        2:53.36 (35.21)     3:28.39 (35.03)     4:03.63 (35.24)     4:37.99 (34.36)
 71 Doran, Meredith           17 The Woodlands-GU     4:38.64             
                  32.17     1:06.91 (34.74)     1:42.14 (35.23)     2:17.30 (35.16)
        2:52.82 (35.52)     3:28.34 (35.52)     4:04.59 (36.25)     4:38.64 (34.05)
 72 Forelli, Krissy           19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:38.77             
                  32.95     1:08.04 (35.09)     1:43.47 (35.43)     2:18.81 (35.34)
        2:53.82 (35.01)   4:38.77 (1:44.95)                                        
 73 Grimes, Kylsie            18 Unattached-SI/WEST   4:39.13             
                  32.25     1:06.64 (34.39)     1:41.69 (35.05)     2:16.91 (35.22)
        2:52.61 (35.70)     3:28.08 (35.47)     4:03.65 (35.57)     4:39.13 (35.48)
 73 Stachowski, Alyssa        17 Aquazots-CA          4:39.13             
                  33.13     1:07.87 (34.74)     1:42.43 (34.56)     2:17.41 (34.98)
        2:52.33 (34.92)     3:27.81 (35.48)     4:03.77 (35.96)     4:39.13 (35.36)
 75 Kiefer, Allison           16 Scottsdale-AZ        4:39.20             
                  32.92     1:08.57 (35.65)     1:44.19 (35.62)     2:19.90 (35.71)
        2:54.94 (35.04)     3:29.96 (35.02)     4:04.70 (34.74)     4:39.20 (34.50)
 76 Zimmer, Meghan            17 Santa Maria-CA       4:39.48             
                  31.47     1:05.70 (34.23)     1:40.90 (35.20)     2:16.09 (35.19)
        2:52.29 (36.20)     3:27.73 (35.44)     4:04.30 (36.57)     4:39.48 (35.18)
 77 Moore, Emri               13 Spokane Area-IE      4:40.06             
                  31.21     1:05.30 (34.09)     1:39.81 (34.51)     2:15.17 (35.36)
        2:51.44 (36.27)     3:28.12 (36.68)     4:04.64 (36.52)     4:40.06 (35.42)
 78 O'Brien, Rachel           16 Terrapins-PC         4:40.29             
                  32.92     1:08.13 (35.21)     1:43.55 (35.42)     2:19.22 (35.67)
        2:54.50 (35.28)     3:30.21 (35.71)     4:05.32 (35.11)     4:40.29 (34.97)
 79 Boring, Christina         16 Novaquatics-CA       4:40.55             
                  33.37     1:08.91 (35.54)     1:44.35 (35.44)     2:19.70 (35.35)
        2:55.08 (35.38)     3:30.95 (35.87)     4:06.19 (35.24)     4:40.55 (34.36)
 80 Currie, Kristen           15 Desert Storm-CA      4:40.59             
                  32.53     1:08.47 (35.94)     1:43.34 (34.87)     2:19.01 (35.67)
        2:54.59 (35.58)     3:30.91 (36.32)     4:06.57 (35.66)     4:40.59 (34.02)
 81 Morris, Chelsea           15 Mission Viejo-CA     4:40.99             
                  32.21     1:06.41 (34.20)     1:41.34 (34.93)     2:16.62 (35.28)
        2:52.44 (35.82)     3:28.73 (36.29)     4:05.50 (36.77)     4:40.99 (35.49)
 82 Landgrebe, Shannon        16 Piranhas-CA          4:41.20             
                  33.95     1:08.64 (34.69)     1:44.71 (36.07)     2:20.73 (36.02)
        2:55.43 (34.70)     3:30.57 (35.14)     4:06.40 (35.83)     4:41.20 (34.80)
 83 Tadano, Kristin           17 Scottsdale-AZ        4:41.21             
                  33.11     1:09.10 (35.99)     1:45.31 (36.21)     2:21.72 (36.41)
        2:57.10 (35.38)     3:32.62 (35.52)     4:07.74 (35.12)     4:41.21 (33.47)
 84 Lawson, Audrey            16 Clippers-OH          4:41.46             
                  33.47     1:08.92 (35.45)     1:44.81 (35.89)     2:20.45 (35.64)
        2:56.26 (35.81)     3:31.89 (35.63)     4:07.42 (35.53)     4:41.46 (34.04)
 85 Boreyko, Kelsey           14 Pacific Swim-SI      4:41.47             
                  33.24     1:08.11 (34.87)     1:43.98 (35.87)     2:20.10 (36.12)
        2:55.85 (35.75)     3:31.55 (35.70)     4:06.95 (35.40)     4:41.47 (34.52)
 86 Howard, Katie             15 Palo Alto-PC         4:41.97             
                  32.85     1:09.05 (36.20)     1:45.80 (36.75)     2:22.10 (36.30)
        2:57.98 (35.88)     3:33.57 (35.59)     4:08.33 (34.76)     4:41.97 (33.64)
 87 Spence, Danielle          15 Pacific Swim-SI      4:42.06             
                  33.31     1:09.66 (36.35)     1:45.44 (35.78)     2:21.39 (35.95)
        2:57.16 (35.77)     3:32.63 (35.47)     4:07.78 (35.15)     4:42.06 (34.28)
 88 Garcia, Monica            15 Palo Alto-PC         4:42.17             
                  32.71     1:08.21 (35.50)     1:43.91 (35.70)     2:19.42 (35.51)
        2:55.02 (35.60)     3:30.71 (35.69)     4:06.54 (35.83)     4:42.17 (35.63)
 89 Milligan, Kacey           13 Scottsdale-AZ        4:42.56             
                  33.62     1:09.33 (35.71)     1:44.80 (35.47)     2:20.61 (35.81)
        2:56.15 (35.54)     3:31.68 (35.53)     4:07.34 (35.66)     4:42.56 (35.22)
 90 Stevens, Lindsey          17 Arizona Marlins-AZ   4:43.76             
                  33.09     1:08.34 (35.25)     1:43.84 (35.50)     2:19.63 (35.79)
        2:55.44 (35.81)     3:31.33 (35.89)     4:08.03 (36.70)     4:43.76 (35.73)
 91 Parker, Emiliy            21 Unattached-PC/MP     4:43.78             
                  33.02     1:07.99 (34.97)     1:43.52 (35.53)     2:19.26 (35.74)
        2:55.36 (36.10)   4:43.78 (1:48.42)                                        
 92 Thompson, Beckie          17 Waukesha Express-WI  4:43.95             
                  32.44     1:08.25 (35.81)     1:44.16 (35.91)     2:20.01 (35.85)
        2:55.67 (35.66)     3:31.74 (36.07)     4:08.35 (36.61)     4:43.95 (35.60)
 93 Ankeny, Chelsea           16 Elite Aquatics-CA    4:44.16             
                  33.55     1:09.32 (35.77)     1:45.34 (36.02)     2:21.31 (35.97)
        2:57.78 (36.47)     3:34.06 (36.28)     4:09.14 (35.08)     4:44.16 (35.02)
 94 Foster, Mary              16 The Woodlands-GU     4:44.27             
                  32.68     1:08.02 (35.34)     1:43.94 (35.92)     2:20.31 (36.37)
        2:56.58 (36.27)     3:32.37 (35.79)     4:08.33 (35.96)     4:44.27 (35.94)
 95 Summers, Kim              16 Blue Tide-GU         4:44.56             
                  31.79     1:06.65 (34.86)     1:42.22 (35.57)     2:18.38 (36.16)
        2:54.92 (36.54)     3:31.65 (36.73)     4:09.08 (37.43)     4:44.56 (35.48)
 96 Mastrup, Madeline         15 Santa Maria-CA       4:44.58             
                  33.60     1:09.23 (35.63)     1:45.14 (35.91)     2:21.24 (36.10)
        2:57.43 (36.19)     3:33.39 (35.96)     4:09.24 (35.85)     4:44.58 (35.34)
 97 Caldwell, Danielle        16 Sun Devil-AZ         4:44.76             
                  32.93     1:07.81 (34.88)     1:43.24 (35.43)     2:19.29 (36.05)
        2:55.96 (36.67)     3:32.80 (36.84)     4:09.60 (36.80)     4:44.76 (35.16)
 98 Schwabe, Emily            14 Waukesha Express-WI  4:45.25             
                  32.91     1:08.57 (35.66)     1:45.47 (36.90)     2:21.58 (36.11)
        2:58.06 (36.48)     3:34.28 (36.22)     4:10.59 (36.31)     4:45.25 (34.66)
 99 Kiefer, Katie             18 Scottsdale-AZ        4:45.35             
                  33.65     1:09.12 (35.47)     1:44.89 (35.77)     2:20.90 (36.01)
        2:56.75 (35.85)     3:33.24 (36.49)     4:09.44 (36.20)     4:45.35 (35.91)
100 Carter, Stacy             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  4:46.37             
                  32.85     1:07.96 (35.11)     1:44.27 (36.31)     2:20.71 (36.44)
        2:57.14 (36.43)     3:33.70 (36.56)     4:10.41 (36.71)     4:46.37 (35.96)
101 Weigand, Courtney         17 North Coast-SI       4:49.35             
                  32.65     1:08.12 (35.47)     1:44.34 (36.22)     2:20.96 (36.62)
        2:57.73 (36.77)     3:34.93 (37.20)     4:12.39 (37.46)     4:49.35 (36.96)
102 Naze, Kelly               13 Colorado Stars-CO    4:49.76             
                  33.92     1:10.25 (36.33)     1:46.92 (36.67)     2:23.67 (36.75)
        3:00.21 (36.54)     3:36.94 (36.73)     4:13.44 (36.50)     4:49.76 (36.32)
103 Salovich, Kaitlyn         15 CA Aquatics-CA       4:49.91             
                  32.98     1:08.91 (35.93)     1:45.41 (36.50)     2:21.82 (36.41)
        2:59.15 (37.33)     3:36.24 (37.09)     4:13.74 (37.50)     4:49.91 (36.17)
104 Lougee, Lora              15 Santa Maria-CA       4:50.43             
                  34.04     1:10.35 (36.31)     1:47.05 (36.70)     2:23.58 (36.53)
        3:00.41 (36.83)     3:37.08 (36.67)     4:14.34 (37.26)     4:50.43 (36.09)
105 Biery, Laura              16 Twin Cities-MN       4:52.84             
                  33.12     1:08.93 (35.81)     1:45.97 (37.04)     2:23.45 (37.48)
        3:00.46 (37.01)     3:38.25 (37.79)     4:16.21 (37.96)     4:52.84 (36.63)
106 Oswald, Addie             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:53.30             
                  33.35     1:09.00 (35.65)     1:46.11 (37.11)     2:23.45 (37.34)
        3:01.24 (37.79)     3:38.88 (37.64)     4:16.54 (37.66)     4:53.30 (36.76)
107 Eberwein, Chelsey         15 The Woodlands-GU     4:54.16             
                  33.01     1:09.26 (36.25)     1:46.46 (37.20)     2:24.21 (37.75)
        3:01.72 (37.51)     3:39.45 (37.73)     4:17.24 (37.79)     4:54.16 (36.92)
108 Stedman, Lindsay          16 Waukesha Express-WI  5:00.95             
                  34.56     1:11.70 (37.14)     1:50.22 (38.52)     2:28.66 (38.44)
        3:07.06 (38.40)     3:45.48 (38.42)     4:24.20 (38.72)     5:00.95 (36.75)
 -- Hougan, Karlyn            18 Tacoma-PN               DFS              
 -- Poindexter, Oriana        17 Novaquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Games, Annika             17 Unattached-GWSC-CA       NS              
Women Open 800 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 8:24.40   6/14/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                  
 Pool Record: P 8:24.40   6/14/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                  
   US Record: A 8:16.22        1989 Janet Evans                                
World Record: W 8:16.22        1989 Janet Evans - USA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Ziegler, Kate             18 The FISH-PV          8:18.52    8:24.40M  20  
                  29.36     1:00.64 (31.28)     1:32.09 (31.45)     2:03.43 (31.34)
        2:35.07 (31.64)     3:06.69 (31.62)     3:38.36 (31.67)     4:10.29 (31.93)
        4:42.09 (31.80)     5:14.25 (32.16)     5:46.28 (32.03)     6:18.59 (32.31)
        6:50.56 (31.97)     7:22.81 (32.25)     7:54.70 (31.89)     8:24.40 (29.70)
  2 Yamada, Sachiko           24 Mission Viejo-CA     8:41.54    8:45.54   17  
                  31.14     1:03.98 (32.84)     1:37.16 (33.18)     2:10.39 (33.23)
        2:43.17 (32.78)     3:16.13 (32.96)     3:48.79 (32.66)     4:21.90 (33.11)
        4:54.89 (32.99)     5:28.18 (33.29)     6:01.11 (32.93)     6:34.39 (33.28)
        7:07.25 (32.86)     7:40.52 (33.27)     8:13.34 (32.82)     8:45.54 (32.20)
  3 Kobayashi, Yuen           21 Minnesota-MN         8:52.07    8:46.65   16  
                  31.45     1:04.20 (32.75)     1:37.19 (32.99)     2:10.58 (33.39)
        2:43.84 (33.26)     3:16.91 (33.07)     3:49.72 (32.81)     4:22.98 (33.26)
        4:55.69 (32.71)     5:29.07 (33.38)     6:02.08 (33.01)     6:35.40 (33.32)
        7:08.59 (33.19)     7:41.96 (33.37)     8:14.72 (32.76)     8:46.65 (31.93)
  4 Lim, Lynette              15 Piranhas-CA          8:58.35    8:55.43   15  
                  31.95     1:05.42 (33.47)     1:39.50 (34.08)     2:13.92 (34.42)
        2:47.89 (33.97)     3:21.63 (33.74)     3:55.24 (33.61)     4:28.70 (33.46)
        5:02.16 (33.46)     5:35.50 (33.34)     6:09.14 (33.64)     6:42.54 (33.40)
        7:16.36 (33.82)     7:49.53 (33.17)     8:22.94 (33.41)     8:55.43 (32.49)
  5 Zimmerman, Joni           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     9:04.98    8:58.54   14  
                  31.54     1:05.15 (33.61)     1:39.11 (33.96)     2:13.01 (33.90)
        2:46.93 (33.92)     3:20.73 (33.80)     3:54.58 (33.85)     4:28.26 (33.68)
        5:02.16 (33.90)     5:35.89 (33.73)     6:10.04 (34.15)     6:43.87 (33.83)
        7:17.75 (33.88)     7:51.76 (34.01)     8:25.63 (33.87)     8:58.54 (32.91)
  6 Wiegersma, Natalie        17 New Zealand          9:15.18    8:59.72   13  
                  30.59     1:03.50 (32.91)     1:36.74 (33.24)     2:10.24 (33.50)
        2:44.08 (33.84)     3:18.20 (34.12)     3:52.12 (33.92)     4:26.69 (34.57)
        5:00.48 (33.79)     5:35.16 (34.68)     6:09.45 (34.29)     6:43.74 (34.29)
        7:17.73 (33.99)     7:52.12 (34.39)     8:26.28 (34.16)     8:59.72 (33.44)
  7 Jennings, Christine       20 Minnesota-MN         8:53.99    9:00.64   12  
                  31.93     1:05.43 (33.50)     1:39.07 (33.64)     2:13.21 (34.14)
        2:46.74 (33.53)     3:20.95 (34.21)     3:54.85 (33.90)     4:29.21 (34.36)
        5:03.35 (34.14)     5:37.43 (34.08)     6:11.68 (34.25)     6:45.91 (34.23)
        7:20.01 (34.10)     7:54.27 (34.26)     8:28.18 (33.91)     9:00.64 (32.46)
  8 Helms, Susana             18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     9:02.34    9:01.34   11  
                  31.30     1:05.44 (34.14)     1:39.56 (34.12)     2:14.06 (34.50)
        2:48.18 (34.12)     3:22.52 (34.34)     3:56.52 (34.00)     4:31.10 (34.58)
        5:05.00 (33.90)     5:39.05 (34.05)     6:13.20 (34.15)     6:47.13 (33.93)
        7:21.07 (33.94)     7:55.01 (33.94)     8:28.63 (33.62)     9:01.34 (32.71)
  9 Clarke, Alexandra         18 Golden West-CA       8:50.43    9:03.08    9  
                  31.35     1:05.14 (33.79)     1:38.76 (33.62)     2:13.30 (34.54)
        2:47.28 (33.98)     3:21.57 (34.29)     3:55.15 (33.58)     4:29.48 (34.33)
        5:03.59 (34.11)     5:38.08 (34.49)     6:12.21 (34.13)     6:46.76 (34.55)
        7:21.06 (34.30)     7:55.88 (34.82)     8:29.32 (33.44)     9:03.08 (33.76)
 10 Lopus, Whitney            16 Sun Devil-AZ         9:00.90    9:03.93    7  
                  31.60     1:05.35 (33.75)     1:39.74 (34.39)     2:13.80 (34.06)
        2:47.81 (34.01)     3:21.81 (34.00)     3:55.93 (34.12)     4:30.37 (34.44)
        5:04.53 (34.16)     5:38.96 (34.43)     6:13.42 (34.46)     6:47.78 (34.36)
        7:21.81 (34.03)     7:56.19 (34.38)     8:30.54 (34.35)     9:03.93 (33.39)
 11 Jones, Silken             14 NGSV Gators-CA      10:18.40Y   9:06.00    6  
                  33.20     1:08.62 (35.42)     1:42.84 (34.22)     2:17.23 (34.39)
        2:52.05 (34.82)     3:26.52 (34.47)     4:00.48 (33.96)     4:34.78 (34.30)
        5:09.03 (34.25)     5:43.00 (33.97)     6:17.35 (34.35)     6:51.36 (34.01)
        7:25.30 (33.94)     7:59.40 (34.10)     8:33.54 (34.14)     9:06.00 (32.46)
 12 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     8:56.70    9:06.30    5  
                  31.39     1:04.23 (32.84)     1:37.48 (33.25)     2:10.62 (33.14)
        2:44.35 (33.73)     3:18.17 (33.82)     3:52.74 (34.57)     4:27.36 (34.62)
        5:02.18 (34.82)     5:36.65 (34.47)     6:11.57 (34.92)     6:46.58 (35.01)
        7:21.66 (35.08)     7:56.57 (34.91)     8:32.19 (35.62)     9:06.30 (34.11)
 13 Marshall, Penelope        17 New Zealand          9:18.03    9:08.13    4  
                  30.80     1:04.31 (33.51)     1:38.36 (34.05)     2:12.57 (34.21)
        2:46.63 (34.06)     3:21.37 (34.74)     3:56.21 (34.84)     4:31.41 (35.20)
        5:05.80 (34.39)     5:40.70 (34.90)     6:15.61 (34.91)     6:50.79 (35.18)
        7:25.25 (34.46)     8:00.38 (35.13)     8:35.24 (34.86)     9:08.13 (32.89)
 14 Duckworth, Angela         16 Sun Devil-AZ         9:04.05    9:08.49    3  
                  32.56     1:06.62 (34.06)     1:41.03 (34.41)     2:15.31 (34.28)
        2:49.31 (34.00)     3:23.52 (34.21)     3:57.87 (34.35)     4:32.12 (34.25)
        5:06.39 (34.27)     5:40.89 (34.50)     6:15.50 (34.61)     6:50.16 (34.66)
        7:24.62 (34.46)     7:59.32 (34.70)   9:08.49 (1:09.17)                    
 15 Wiegersma, Joyce          19 New Zealand          9:03.71    9:08.51    2  
                  31.34     1:05.06 (33.72)     1:39.41 (34.35)     2:13.89 (34.48)
        2:48.44 (34.55)     3:23.09 (34.65)     3:57.84 (34.75)     4:32.59 (34.75)
        5:07.42 (34.83)     5:41.75 (34.33)     6:16.41 (34.66)     6:51.09 (34.68)
        7:25.66 (34.57)     8:00.33 (34.67)     8:34.76 (34.43)     9:08.51 (33.75)
 16 Menezes, Michelle         18 Colorado Stars-CO    9:06.43    9:08.54    1  
                  32.77     1:06.99 (34.22)     1:41.42 (34.43)     2:15.71 (34.29)
        2:50.05 (34.34)     3:24.47 (34.42)     3:58.92 (34.45)     4:33.10 (34.18)
        5:07.10 (34.00)     5:41.38 (34.28)     6:15.88 (34.50)     6:50.35 (34.47)
        7:25.08 (34.73)     7:59.71 (34.63)     8:34.51 (34.80)     9:08.54 (34.03)
 17 Montgomery, Olivia        16 Chena                9:16.33    9:08.90  
                  31.87     1:05.65 (33.78)     1:39.83 (34.18)     2:14.00 (34.17)
        2:48.02 (34.02)     3:22.51 (34.49)     3:57.04 (34.53)     4:31.71 (34.67)
        5:06.70 (34.99)     5:41.21 (34.51)     6:16.02 (34.81)     6:50.76 (34.74)
        7:25.56 (34.80)     8:00.22 (34.66)     8:35.29 (35.07)     9:08.90 (33.61)
 18 Dickmann, Claire          17 Clippers-OH          9:13.42    9:09.05  
                  31.31     1:05.32 (34.01)     1:39.82 (34.50)     2:14.48 (34.66)
        2:49.29 (34.81)     3:24.04 (34.75)     3:58.98 (34.94)     4:33.96 (34.98)
        5:08.61 (34.65)     5:43.51 (34.90)     6:18.30 (34.79)     6:53.33 (35.03)
        7:28.11 (34.78)     8:02.39 (34.28)     8:36.33 (33.94)     9:09.05 (32.72)
 19 Marsilii, Caitlin         17 The FISH-PV          9:11.94    9:09.14  
                  31.75     1:05.49 (33.74)     1:39.24 (33.75)     2:13.35 (34.11)
        2:47.46 (34.11)     3:21.99 (34.53)     3:56.59 (34.60)     4:31.45 (34.86)
        5:06.24 (34.79)     5:41.29 (35.05)     6:16.15 (34.86)     6:51.26 (35.11)
        7:26.27 (35.01)     8:01.31 (35.04)     8:36.29 (34.98)     9:09.14 (32.85)
 20 Brown, Julianne           17 Chena                9:17.12    9:09.27  
                  31.64     1:05.53 (33.89)     1:39.83 (34.30)     2:14.40 (34.57)
        2:48.94 (34.54)     3:23.69 (34.75)     3:58.42 (34.73)     4:33.22 (34.80)
        5:08.03 (34.81)     5:43.21 (35.18)     6:17.70 (34.49)     6:52.76 (35.06)
        7:27.09 (34.33)     8:01.95 (34.86)     8:36.23 (34.28)     9:09.27 (33.04)
 21 Morford, Lauren           22 Unattached-MR/TMC   10:11.98Y   9:10.99  
                  32.88     1:07.51 (34.63)     1:41.94 (34.43)     2:16.49 (34.55)
        2:50.82 (34.33)     3:25.38 (34.56)     4:00.00 (34.62)     4:34.68 (34.68)
        5:09.12 (34.44)     5:43.98 (34.86)     6:18.83 (34.85)     6:53.72 (34.89)
        7:28.20 (34.48)     8:02.99 (34.79)     8:37.42 (34.43)     9:10.99 (33.57)
 22 Smalling, Aislinn         17 Class Aquatics-CA    9:04.86    9:11.01  
                  32.08     1:05.37 (33.29)     1:39.34 (33.97)     2:13.50 (34.16)
        2:47.76 (34.26)     3:22.43 (34.67)     3:56.81 (34.38)     4:31.64 (34.83)
        5:06.31 (34.67)     5:41.14 (34.83)     6:16.22 (35.08)     6:51.44 (35.22)
        7:26.62 (35.18)     8:01.99 (35.37)     8:37.24 (35.25)     9:11.01 (33.77)
 23 Nelson, Liz               16 The Woodlands-GU     9:00.00    9:11.14  
                  31.91     1:05.58 (33.67)     1:39.77 (34.19)     2:14.15 (34.38)
        2:48.57 (34.42)     3:23.05 (34.48)     3:57.76 (34.71)     4:32.56 (34.80)
        5:07.34 (34.78)     5:41.96 (34.62)     6:16.94 (34.98)     6:52.07 (35.13)
        7:27.12 (35.05)     8:02.48 (35.36)     8:37.23 (34.75)     9:11.14 (33.91)
 24 McAndrew, Nicole          18 Sun Devil-AZ         8:57.56    9:11.45  
                  32.23     1:06.21 (33.98)     1:40.52 (34.31)     2:15.11 (34.59)
                                3:24.20 ( )                             4:33.07 ( )
        5:07.60 (34.53)     5:41.83 (34.23)     6:16.59 (34.76)     6:51.63 (35.04)
        7:26.82 (35.19)     8:01.83 (35.01)     8:37.08 (35.25)     9:11.45 (34.37)
 25 Perrotta, Mattea          16 Trojan Swim Club-CA  9:10.94    9:12.72  
                  31.19     1:05.16 (33.97)     1:39.64 (34.48)     2:14.04 (34.40)
        2:48.74 (34.70)     3:23.42 (34.68)     3:58.69 (35.27)     4:33.78 (35.09)
        5:08.99 (35.21)     5:44.49 (35.50)     6:19.88 (35.39)     6:55.13 (35.25)
        7:29.94 (34.81)     8:05.16 (35.22)     8:39.59 (34.43)     9:12.72 (33.13)
 26 Strickland, Kait          20 Minnesota-MN         9:18.46    9:12.77  
                  32.85     1:08.24 (35.39)     1:43.64 (35.40)     2:19.04 (35.40)
        2:53.53 (34.49)     3:28.37 (34.84)     4:03.02 (34.65)     4:37.69 (34.67)
        5:12.07 (34.38)     5:46.65 (34.58)     6:20.98 (34.33)     6:55.60 (34.62)
        7:30.37 (34.77)     8:04.77 (34.40)     8:39.19 (34.42)     9:12.77 (33.58)
 27 Baxter, Tristin           15 Clovis Swim Club-CC  9:06.90    9:12.88  
                  31.52     1:05.52 (34.00)     1:40.13 (34.61)     2:14.93 (34.80)
        2:49.73 (34.80)     3:24.75 (35.02)     3:59.74 (34.99)     4:34.79 (35.05)
        5:09.76 (34.97)     5:44.96 (35.20)     6:20.25 (35.29)     6:55.43 (35.18)
        7:30.71 (35.28)     8:05.78 (35.07)     8:40.64 (34.86)     9:12.88 (32.24)
 28 Dwyer, Meghan             16 Mission Viejo-CA    10:15.46Y   9:15.32  
                  32.21     1:06.74 (34.53)     1:42.22 (35.48)     2:17.30 (35.08)
        2:52.56 (35.26)     3:27.18 (34.62)     4:02.09 (34.91)     4:37.01 (34.92)
        5:11.75 (34.74)     5:46.71 (34.96)     6:21.65 (34.94)     6:56.76 (35.11)
        7:31.74 (34.98)     8:06.96 (35.22)     8:42.10 (35.14)     9:15.32 (33.22)
 29 Soni, Rebecca             20 Trojan Swim Club-CA 10:13.28Y   9:15.45  
                  31.89     1:05.93 (34.04)     1:40.18 (34.25)     2:14.59 (34.41)
        2:49.22 (34.63)     3:24.06 (34.84)     3:58.84 (34.78)     4:33.97 (35.13)
        5:09.12 (35.15)     5:44.38 (35.26)     6:19.49 (35.11)     6:54.78 (35.29)
        7:30.19 (35.41)     8:05.81 (35.62)     8:41.45 (35.64)     9:15.45 (34.00)
 30 Brown, Meagan             17 Mission Viejo-CA    10:16.91Y   9:16.03  
                  31.89     1:06.11 (34.22)     1:40.72 (34.61)     2:15.42 (34.70)
        2:50.33 (34.91)     3:25.10 (34.77)     4:00.29 (35.19)     4:35.35 (35.06)
        5:10.69 (35.34)     5:45.94 (35.25)     6:21.22 (35.28)     6:56.40 (35.18)
        7:31.67 (35.27)     8:07.05 (35.38)     8:42.04 (34.99)     9:16.03 (33.99)
 31 Loper, Torrey             17 Scottsdale-AZ        9:12.41    9:16.22  
                  32.70     1:07.56 (34.86)     1:42.51 (34.95)     2:17.43 (34.92)
        2:52.57 (35.14)     3:27.54 (34.97)     4:02.71 (35.17)     4:37.96 (35.25)
        5:12.39 (34.43)     5:46.93 (34.54)     6:21.65 (34.72)     6:56.49 (34.84)
        7:31.37 (34.88)     8:06.58 (35.21)     8:41.68 (35.10)     9:16.22 (34.54)
 32 Seaman, Lani              22 Team Rebel-CA        9:07.02    9:18.47  
                  33.00     1:07.88 (34.88)     1:43.15 (35.27)     2:18.38 (35.23)
        2:53.63 (35.25)     3:29.06 (35.43)     4:04.41 (35.35)     4:39.56 (35.15)
        5:14.64 (35.08)     5:49.81 (35.17)     6:24.68 (34.87)     6:59.43 (34.75)
        7:34.60 (35.17)     8:09.63 (35.03)     8:44.38 (34.75)     9:18.47 (34.09)
 33 Baker, Lauren             14 Ford Aquatics-AZ    10:19.69Y   9:19.20  
                  32.42     1:06.80 (34.38)     1:41.30 (34.50)     2:16.13 (34.83)
        2:51.16 (35.03)     3:26.42 (35.26)     4:01.69 (35.27)     4:37.17 (35.48)
        5:12.07 (34.90)     5:47.30 (35.23)     6:22.64 (35.34)     6:58.04 (35.40)
        7:33.30 (35.26)     8:08.79 (35.49)     8:44.36 (35.57)     9:19.20 (34.84)
 34 Games, Annika             17 Unattached-GWSC-CA   9:16.91    9:19.32  
                  31.35     1:05.19 (33.84)     1:39.62 (34.43)     2:14.93 (35.31)
        2:50.01 (35.08)     3:25.33 (35.32)     4:00.63 (35.30)     4:35.87 (35.24)
        5:11.33 (35.46)     5:46.56 (35.23)     6:22.15 (35.59)     6:57.83 (35.68)
        7:33.55 (35.72)     8:09.66 (36.11)     8:45.07 (35.41)     9:19.32 (34.25)
 35 Loper, Ally               14 Scottsdale-AZ        9:17.82    9:22.62  
                  32.63     1:07.18 (34.55)     1:42.49 (35.31)     2:17.44 (34.95)
        2:52.96 (35.52)     3:28.21 (35.25)     4:03.46 (35.25)     4:38.40 (34.94)
        5:13.91 (35.51)     5:49.15 (35.24)     6:25.04 (35.89)     7:00.60 (35.56)
        7:36.45 (35.85)     8:12.08 (35.63)     8:48.18 (36.10)     9:22.62 (34.44)
 36 Chuk, Karima              15 Ford Aquatics-AZ     9:10.95    9:22.94  
                  32.56     1:07.59 (35.03)     1:42.83 (35.24)     2:17.98 (35.15)
        2:53.46 (35.48)     3:28.98 (35.52)     4:04.43 (35.45)     4:40.19 (35.76)
        5:15.69 (35.50)     5:51.50 (35.81)     6:27.10 (35.60)     7:02.76 (35.66)
        7:38.05 (35.29)     8:13.63 (35.58)     8:48.77 (35.14)     9:22.94 (34.17)
 37 Weedman, Chelsea          14 Pacific Swim-SI     10:24.91Y   9:22.96  
                  33.14     1:08.63 (35.49)     1:44.10 (35.47)     2:19.46 (35.36)
        2:54.87 (35.41)     3:30.16 (35.29)     4:05.59 (35.43)     4:40.94 (35.35)
        5:16.40 (35.46)     5:51.57 (35.17)     6:26.94 (35.37)     7:02.35 (35.41)
        7:37.80 (35.45)     8:13.24 (35.44)     8:48.62 (35.38)     9:22.96 (34.34)
 38 Justice, Lizzie           15 The Woodlands-GU     9:06.00    9:24.59  
                  32.09     1:06.28 (34.19)     1:40.83 (34.55)     2:15.92 (35.09)
        2:51.31 (35.39)     3:26.84 (35.53)     4:02.12 (35.28)     4:38.10 (35.98)
        5:14.23 (36.13)     5:50.09 (35.86)     6:26.20 (36.11)     7:02.00 (35.80)
        7:38.09 (36.09)     8:14.09 (36.00)     8:49.81 (35.72)     9:24.59 (34.78)
 39 Milligan, Danielle        18 Scottsdale-AZ        8:58.37    9:24.66  
                  32.23     1:06.41 (34.18)     1:40.98 (34.57)     2:15.84 (34.86)
        2:51.11 (35.27)     3:26.49 (35.38)     4:01.79 (35.30)     4:37.04 (35.25)
        5:12.32 (35.28)     5:48.11 (35.79)     6:24.22 (36.11)     7:00.29 (36.07)
        7:36.51 (36.22)     8:12.88 (36.37)     8:41.78 (28.90)     9:24.66 (42.88)
 40 Marsh, Jessica            14 The Armada-CA       10:25.43Y   9:26.21  
                  32.61     1:08.04 (35.43)     1:43.62 (35.58)     2:19.30 (35.68)
        2:55.06 (35.76)     3:30.73 (35.67)     4:06.67 (35.94)     4:42.71 (36.04)
        5:18.60 (35.89)     5:54.47 (35.87)     6:30.10 (35.63)     7:05.62 (35.52)
        7:41.28 (35.66)     8:16.55 (35.27)     8:52.04 (35.49)     9:26.21 (34.17)
 41 Gabert, Stephanie         17 Aquazots-CA          9:05.96    9:27.04  
                  32.44     1:07.55 (35.11)     1:42.64 (35.09)     2:18.00 (35.36)
        2:53.41 (35.41)     3:28.98 (35.57)     4:04.69 (35.71)     4:40.19 (35.50)
        5:16.19 (36.00)     5:52.02 (35.83)     6:28.23 (36.21)     7:04.16 (35.93)
        7:40.25 (36.09)     8:16.17 (35.92)     8:52.27 (36.10)     9:27.04 (34.77)
 42 Cobau, Stephanie          17 The Armada-CA        9:17.61    9:27.58  
                  31.59     1:06.57 (34.98)     1:41.21 (34.64)     2:16.38 (35.17)
        2:51.53 (35.15)     3:27.11 (35.58)     4:02.37 (35.26)     4:37.99 (35.62)
        5:13.56 (35.57)     5:49.81 (36.25)     6:25.79 (35.98)     7:02.35 (36.56)
        7:38.58 (36.23)     8:15.08 (36.50)     8:51.84 (36.76)     9:27.58 (35.74)
 43 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   9:13.89    9:28.30  
                  31.74     1:06.36 (34.62)     1:41.42 (35.06)     2:16.79 (35.37)
        2:52.65 (35.86)     3:28.56 (35.91)     4:04.21 (35.65)     4:40.40 (36.19)
        5:16.53 (36.13)     5:52.69 (36.16)     6:28.97 (36.28)     7:05.11 (36.14)
        7:41.11 (36.00)     8:17.05 (35.94)     8:52.93 (35.88)     9:28.30 (35.37)
 44 Greene, Chelsea           18 The Armada-CA       10:26.01Y   9:28.62  
                  32.53     1:07.50 (34.97)     1:43.15 (35.65)     2:18.68 (35.53)
        2:54.37 (35.69)     3:29.61 (35.24)     4:05.13 (35.52)     4:40.89 (35.76)
        5:17.05 (36.16)     5:53.25 (36.20)     6:29.17 (35.92)     7:05.53 (36.36)
        7:41.91 (36.38)     8:18.06 (36.15)     8:54.12 (36.06)     9:28.62 (34.50)
 45 Cummings, Kelsey          14 Unattached-GWSC-CA   9:17.55    9:28.63  
                  32.31     1:06.83 (34.52)     1:42.28 (35.45)     2:17.14 (34.86)
        2:52.72 (35.58)     3:28.49 (35.77)     4:03.74 (35.25)     4:39.83 (36.09)
        5:16.04 (36.21)     5:52.35 (36.31)     6:28.48 (36.13)     7:05.35 (36.87)
        7:41.89 (36.54)     8:18.93 (37.04)     8:54.54 (35.61)     9:28.63 (34.09)
 46 Wilde, Courtney           14 NGSV Gators-CA      10:34.01Y   9:29.16  
                  33.57     1:08.53 (34.96)     1:43.13 (34.60)     2:18.37 (35.24)
        2:53.05 (34.68)     3:28.51 (35.46)     4:03.65 (35.14)     4:38.84 (35.19)
        5:14.55 (35.71)     5:50.38 (35.83)     6:26.08 (35.70)     7:02.79 (36.71)
        7:39.38 (36.59)     8:16.48 (37.10)     8:53.38 (36.90)     9:29.16 (35.78)
 47 Lawson, Audrey            16 Clippers-OH          9:32.81    9:29.23  
                  32.96     1:08.34 (35.38)     1:44.11 (35.77)     2:19.66 (35.55)
        2:55.55 (35.89)     3:31.43 (35.88)     4:07.16 (35.73)     4:42.83 (35.67)
        5:13.19 (30.36)     5:54.78 (41.59)     6:31.37 (36.59)     7:07.26 (35.89)
                                8:19.36 ( )   9:29.23 (1:09.87)                    
 48 Milligan, Kacey           13 Scottsdale-AZ       10:19.42Y   9:29.71  
                  32.89     1:08.39 (35.50)     1:44.06 (35.67)     2:19.57 (35.51)
        2:55.31 (35.74)     3:31.10 (35.79)     4:06.86 (35.76)     4:42.67 (35.81)
        5:18.45 (35.78)     5:54.64 (36.19)     6:30.64 (36.00)     7:06.67 (36.03)
        7:42.84 (36.17)     8:18.76 (35.92)     8:54.58 (35.82)     9:29.71 (35.13)
 49 Decker, Callie            15 Scottsdale-AZ       10:22.07Y   9:30.16  
                  33.31     1:09.22 (35.91)     1:44.90 (35.68)     2:20.41 (35.51)
        2:56.03 (35.62)     3:31.53 (35.50)     4:07.26 (35.73)     4:43.29 (36.03)
        5:19.41 (36.12)     5:55.00 (35.59)     6:31.04 (36.04)     7:06.75 (35.71)
        7:42.81 (36.06)     8:18.93 (36.12)     8:55.12 (36.19)     9:30.16 (35.04)
 50 Wild, Chelsea             16 Novaquatics-CA       9:01.44    9:30.78  
                  31.66     1:05.63 (33.97)     1:40.18 (34.55)     2:14.99 (34.81)
        2:49.97 (34.98)     3:25.64 (35.67)     4:01.53 (35.89)     4:37.86 (36.33)
        5:14.65 (36.79)     5:51.30 (36.65)     6:28.38 (37.08)     7:05.09 (36.71)
        7:42.05 (36.96)     8:18.85 (36.80)     8:55.36 (36.51)     9:30.78 (35.42)
 51 Krager, Rachael           16 Rose Bowl-CA        10:31.88Y   9:31.39  
                  31.69     1:06.21 (34.52)     1:41.59 (35.38)     2:17.09 (35.50)
        2:52.78 (35.69)     3:28.62 (35.84)     4:04.58 (35.96)     4:40.72 (36.14)
        5:16.96 (36.24)     5:53.53 (36.57)     6:30.27 (36.74)     7:07.02 (36.75)
        7:43.69 (36.67)     8:20.23 (36.54)     8:56.25 (36.02)     9:31.39 (35.14)
 52 Parker, Emiliy            21 Unattached-PC/MP    10:28.00Y   9:31.44  
                  33.14     1:08.37 (35.23)     1:43.82 (35.45)     2:19.35 (35.53)
        2:55.09 (35.74)     3:30.94 (35.85)     4:06.77 (35.83)     4:42.89 (36.12)
        5:18.99 (36.10)     5:55.45 (36.46)     6:31.72 (36.27)     7:08.05 (36.33)
        7:44.22 (36.17)     8:20.44 (36.22)     8:56.10 (35.66)     9:31.44 (35.34)
 53 Sher, Katalina            15 Rose Bowl-CA        10:25.06Y   9:32.11  
                  31.90     1:06.36 (34.46)     1:41.36 (35.00)     2:16.41 (35.05)
        2:52.04 (35.63)     3:27.77 (35.73)     4:03.77 (36.00)     4:39.66 (35.89)
        5:16.34 (36.68)     5:52.52 (36.18)     6:29.28 (36.76)     7:06.23 (36.95)
        7:43.15 (36.92)     8:20.08 (36.93)     8:57.12 (37.04)     9:32.11 (34.99)
 54 Chan, Nakayla             16 Tacoma-PN            9:18.98    9:32.13  
                  32.15     1:07.01 (34.86)     1:42.48 (35.47)     2:18.19 (35.71)
        2:54.04 (35.85)     3:29.75 (35.71)     4:05.87 (36.12)     4:41.83 (35.96)
        5:18.05 (36.22)     5:54.13 (36.08)     6:30.62 (36.49)     7:07.12 (36.50)
        7:43.93 (36.81)     8:20.66 (36.73)     8:57.07 (36.41)     9:32.13 (35.06)
 55 Lougee, Lora              15 Santa Maria-CA      10:19.93Y   9:32.75  
                  33.74     1:09.49 (35.75)     1:45.17 (35.68)     2:20.35 (35.18)
        2:56.31 (35.96)     3:31.99 (35.68)     4:07.80 (35.81)     4:44.06 (36.26)
        5:20.07 (36.01)     5:55.26 (35.19)     6:31.63 (36.37)     7:07.78 (36.15)
        7:44.44 (36.66)     8:21.22 (36.78)     8:57.75 (36.53)     9:32.75 (35.00)
 56 Oswald, Addie             16 BCH Heatwave-CA     10:24.94Y   9:33.00  
                  33.39     1:09.24 (35.85)     1:45.66 (36.42)     2:22.03 (36.37)
        2:58.48 (36.45)     3:34.95 (36.47)     4:11.66 (36.71)     4:48.10 (36.44)
        5:23.76 (35.66)     5:59.82 (36.06)     6:35.82 (36.00)     7:11.86 (36.04)
        7:47.89 (36.03)     8:23.65 (35.76)     8:59.22 (35.57)     9:33.00 (33.78)
 57 Currie, Kristen           15 Desert Storm-CA     10:34.25Y   9:34.77  
                  32.74     1:08.51 (35.77)     1:44.70 (36.19)     2:20.89 (36.19)
        2:57.20 (36.31)     3:33.53 (36.33)     4:09.94 (36.41)     4:46.37 (36.43)
        5:22.44 (36.07)     5:58.89 (36.45)     6:35.11 (36.22)     7:11.48 (36.37)
        7:47.57 (36.09)     8:24.35 (36.78)     8:49.03 (24.68)     9:34.77 (45.74)
 58 Morales, Allison          13 Canyons-CA          10:34.57Y   9:34.99  
                  32.88     1:08.98 (36.10)     1:45.31 (36.33)     2:21.46 (36.15)
        2:58.03 (36.57)     3:33.85 (35.82)     4:10.34 (36.49)     4:46.82 (36.48)
        5:23.28 (36.46)     5:59.88 (36.60)     6:36.00 (36.12)     7:12.69 (36.69)
        7:49.05 (36.36)     8:25.69 (36.64)     9:01.43 (35.74)     9:34.99 (33.56)
 59 Hilber, Alex              18 Unattached-SI        9:04.46    9:35.65  
                  32.12     1:07.66 (35.54)     1:43.07 (35.41)     2:18.65 (35.58)
        2:54.65 (36.00)     3:30.81 (36.16)     4:06.65 (35.84)     4:42.92 (36.27)
        5:19.59 (36.67)     5:55.87 (36.28)     6:32.66 (36.79)     7:09.06 (36.40)
        7:46.07 (37.01)     8:22.53 (36.46)     8:59.68 (37.15)     9:35.65 (35.97)
 60 Morris, Chelsea           15 Mission Viejo-CA    10:28.77Y   9:40.60  
                  32.23     1:07.35 (35.12)     1:42.94 (35.59)     2:19.19 (36.25)
        2:55.24 (36.05)     3:31.60 (36.36)     4:07.60 (36.00)     4:44.25 (36.65)
        5:21.67 (37.42)     5:58.72 (37.05)     6:35.48 (36.76)     7:12.49 (37.01)
        7:49.69 (37.20)     8:27.24 (37.55)     9:04.85 (37.61)     9:40.60 (35.75)
 61 Kiefer, Katie             18 Scottsdale-AZ       10:19.32Y   9:41.27  
                  33.59     1:09.74 (36.15)     1:46.09 (36.35)     2:22.52 (36.43)
        2:59.30 (36.78)     3:36.11 (36.81)     4:13.26 (37.15)     4:49.90 (36.64)
        5:25.89 (35.99)     6:02.09 (36.20)     6:38.55 (36.46)     7:15.10 (36.55)
        7:52.01 (36.91)     8:28.70 (36.69)     9:05.12 (36.42)     9:41.27 (36.15)
 62 Nguyen, Vi                15 The Armada-CA        9:18.65    9:42.94  
                  33.31     1:08.69 (35.38)     1:44.09 (35.40)     2:20.18 (36.09)
        2:56.17 (35.99)     3:32.64 (36.47)     4:09.41 (36.77)     4:46.57 (37.16)
        5:23.30 (36.73)     6:00.53 (37.23)     6:37.49 (36.96)     7:14.60 (37.11)
        7:51.86 (37.26)     8:29.41 (37.55)     9:06.71 (37.30)     9:42.94 (36.23)
 63 Godbe, Alison             17 Mission Viejo-CA    10:30.01Y   9:47.52  
                  33.08     1:08.33 (35.25)     1:43.85 (35.52)     2:19.81 (35.96)
        2:55.84 (36.03)     3:31.87 (36.03)     4:08.19 (36.32)     4:44.60 (36.41)
        5:20.89 (36.29)     5:57.55 (36.66)     6:35.18 (37.63)     7:13.54 (38.36)
        7:51.83 (38.29)     8:30.73 (38.90)     9:09.50 (38.77)     9:47.52 (38.02)
 64 Carter, Stacy             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC 10:28.05Y   9:48.51  
                  33.35     1:09.06 (35.71)     1:45.40 (36.34)     2:21.69 (36.29)
        2:57.99 (36.30)     3:34.67 (36.68)     4:11.29 (36.62)     4:48.62 (37.33)
        5:26.13 (37.51)     6:03.48 (37.35)     6:40.85 (37.37)     7:18.44 (37.59)
        7:56.11 (37.67)     8:33.86 (37.75)     9:11.76 (37.90)     9:48.51 (36.75)
 65 Mastrup, Madeline         15 Santa Maria-CA      10:24.74Y   9:48.92  
                  33.71     1:09.37 (35.66)     1:45.85 (36.48)     2:21.67 (35.82)
        2:58.33 (36.66)     3:34.48 (36.15)     4:11.33 (36.85)     4:48.33 (37.00)
        5:25.09 (36.76)     6:02.52 (37.43)     6:40.03 (37.51)     7:17.88 (37.85)
        7:55.92 (38.04)     8:34.37 (38.45)     9:12.04 (37.67)     9:48.92 (36.88)
 66 Stevens, Lindsey          17 Arizona Marlins-AZ   9:18.53    9:51.49  
                  33.60     1:09.57 (35.97)     1:46.37 (36.80)     2:23.48 (37.11)
        3:01.03 (37.55)     3:38.63 (37.60)     4:16.67 (38.04)     4:54.36 (37.69)
        5:32.10 (37.74)     6:09.49 (37.39)     6:47.16 (37.67)     7:23.91 (36.75)
        8:01.21 (37.30)     8:37.92 (36.71)     9:15.29 (37.37)     9:51.49 (36.20)
Women Open 1500 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 15:42.54   6/17/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                 
 Pool Record: P 15:42.54   6/17/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                 
   US Record: A 15:42.54   6/17/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                 
World Record: W 15:42.54   6/17/2007 Kate Ziegler, The FISH-PV                 
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Ziegler, Kate             18 The FISH-PV         15:53.05   15:42.54M  20  
                  29.23     1:00.49 (31.26)     1:32.09 (31.60)     2:03.46 (31.37)
        2:35.17 (31.71)     3:06.74 (31.57)     3:38.34 (31.60)     4:09.87 (31.53)
        4:41.41 (31.54)     5:13.01 (31.60)     5:44.80 (31.79)     6:16.48 (31.68)
        6:48.07 (31.59)     7:19.63 (31.56)     7:51.06 (31.43)     8:22.57 (31.51)
        8:53.91 (31.34)     9:25.42 (31.51)     9:57.07 (31.65)    10:28.74 (31.67)
       11:00.19 (31.45)    11:31.70 (31.51)    12:03.42 (31.72)    12:35.17 (31.75)
       13:06.55 (31.38)    13:38.54 (31.99)    14:10.13 (31.59)    14:41.85 (31.72)
       15:13.27 (31.42)    15:42.54 (29.27)                                        
  2 Zimmerman, Joni           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ    16:53.76   16:54.60   17  
                  31.18     1:04.48 (33.30)     1:38.38 (33.90)     2:12.13 (33.75)
        2:45.98 (33.85)     3:19.88 (33.90)     3:53.76 (33.88)     4:27.64 (33.88)
        5:01.48 (33.84)     5:35.27 (33.79)     6:09.30 (34.03)     6:43.18 (33.88)
        7:17.38 (34.20)     7:51.22 (33.84)     8:25.19 (33.97)     8:58.97 (33.78)
        9:33.14 (34.17)    10:06.72 (33.58)    10:40.98 (34.26)    11:14.72 (33.74)
       11:48.85 (34.13)    12:22.84 (33.99)    12:57.08 (34.24)    13:31.11 (34.03)
       14:05.25 (34.14)    14:39.29 (34.04)    15:13.37 (34.08)    15:47.19 (33.82)
       16:21.37 (34.18)    16:54.60 (33.23)                                        
  3 Lim, Lynette              15 Piranhas-CA         17:15.27   17:08.63   16  
                  32.11     1:05.78 (33.67)     1:40.31 (34.53)     2:14.58 (34.27)
        2:49.17 (34.59)     3:23.53 (34.36)     3:58.03 (34.50)     4:32.44 (34.41)
        5:06.64 (34.20)     5:40.51 (33.87)     6:14.85 (34.34)     6:49.23 (34.38)
        7:23.65 (34.42)     7:58.10 (34.45)     8:32.52 (34.42)     9:07.02 (34.50)
        9:41.84 (34.82)    10:16.43 (34.59)    10:51.00 (34.57)    11:25.80 (34.80)
       12:00.42 (34.62)    12:34.82 (34.40)    13:09.32 (34.50)    13:43.64 (34.32)
       14:18.26 (34.62)    14:52.73 (34.47)    15:26.90 (34.17)    16:01.50 (34.60)
       16:35.39 (33.89)    17:08.63 (33.24)                                        
  4 Helms, Susana             18 Ford Aquatics-AZ    17:28.99   17:13.45   15  
                1:05.92   2:15.18 (1:09.26)   3:24.74 (1:09.56)   4:34.06 (1:09.32)
      5:43.51 (1:09.45)   6:52.94 (1:09.43)   8:02.57 (1:09.63)   9:12.13 (1:09.56)
     10:21.29 (1:09.16)  11:30.61 (1:09.32)  12:39.62 (1:09.01)  13:48.69 (1:09.07)
     14:58.08 (1:09.39)  16:06.68 (1:08.60)  17:13.45 (1:06.77)                    
  5 Clarke, Alexandra         18 Golden West-CA      16:53.35   17:15.47   14  
                  31.88     1:05.38 (33.50)     1:39.94 (34.56)     2:14.44 (34.50)
        2:49.28 (34.84)     3:23.72 (34.44)     3:57.43 (33.71)     4:31.33 (33.90)
        5:05.65 (34.32)     5:39.97 (34.32)     6:14.34 (34.37)     6:48.97 (34.63)
        7:23.78 (34.81)     7:58.46 (34.68)     8:33.27 (34.81)     9:08.03 (34.76)
        9:42.57 (34.54)    10:17.34 (34.77)    10:52.31 (34.97)    11:27.19 (34.88)
       12:02.02 (34.83)    12:36.56 (34.54)    13:11.24 (34.68)    13:46.00 (34.76)
       14:20.94 (34.94)    14:56.09 (35.15)    15:30.44 (34.35)    16:05.61 (35.17)
       16:40.71 (35.10)    17:15.47 (34.76)                                        
  6 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ    17:12.92   17:24.35   13  
                  31.51     1:05.52 (34.01)     1:39.87 (34.35)     2:14.55 (34.68)
        2:49.36 (34.81)     3:24.28 (34.92)     3:59.25 (34.97)     4:34.06 (34.81)
        5:09.11 (35.05)     5:44.22 (35.11)     6:19.27 (35.05)     6:54.00 (34.73)
        7:28.84 (34.84)     8:03.10 (34.26)     8:37.85 (34.75)     9:12.47 (34.62)
        9:47.67 (35.20)    10:22.32 (34.65)    10:57.21 (34.89)    11:32.03 (34.82)
       12:07.08 (35.05)    12:42.29 (35.21)    13:17.18 (34.89)    13:52.20 (35.02)
       14:27.57 (35.37)    15:02.85 (35.28)    15:38.45 (35.60)    16:14.18 (35.73)
       16:50.20 (36.02)    17:24.35 (34.15)                                        
  7 McAndrew, Nicole          18 Sun Devil-AZ        17:19.04   17:24.56   12  
                  31.77     1:06.08 (34.31)     1:40.63 (34.55)     2:15.48 (34.85)
        2:50.29 (34.81)     3:25.33 (35.04)     4:00.32 (34.99)     4:35.40 (35.08)
        5:10.50 (35.10)     5:45.79 (35.29)     6:20.53 (34.74)     6:55.24 (34.71)
        7:29.92 (34.68)     8:04.57 (34.65)     8:39.49 (34.92)     9:14.69 (35.20)
        9:49.79 (35.10)    10:24.89 (35.10)    11:00.26 (35.37)    11:35.90 (35.64)
       12:11.23 (35.33)    12:46.72 (35.49)    13:21.91 (35.19)    13:57.37 (35.46)
       14:32.61 (35.24)    15:07.73 (35.12)    15:42.73 (35.00)    16:17.72 (34.99)
       16:52.36 (34.64)    17:24.56 (32.20)                                        
  8 Nelson, Liz               16 The Woodlands-GU    17:05.30   17:28.76   11  
                  32.03     1:05.86 (33.83)     1:40.43 (34.57)     2:14.73 (34.30)
        2:49.50 (34.77)     3:23.63 (34.13)     3:58.14 (34.51)     4:32.77 (34.63)
        5:07.54 (34.77)     5:42.09 (34.55)     6:17.17 (35.08)     6:51.97 (34.80)
        7:27.18 (35.21)     8:02.24 (35.06)     8:37.78 (35.54)     9:12.88 (35.10)
        9:48.39 (35.51)    10:23.68 (35.29)    10:59.03 (35.35)    11:34.20 (35.17)
       12:09.70 (35.50)    12:45.12 (35.42)    13:21.00 (35.88)    13:56.45 (35.45)
       14:32.11 (35.66)    15:07.79 (35.68)    15:43.71 (35.92)    16:19.25 (35.54)
       16:54.41 (35.16)    17:28.76 (34.35)                                        
  9 Duckworth, Angela         16 Sun Devil-AZ        17:28.27   17:30.46    9  
                1:08.89   2:19.73 (1:10.84)   3:30.66 (1:10.93)   4:41.56 (1:10.90)
      5:52.63 (1:11.07)   7:02.57 (1:09.94)   8:12.51 (1:09.94)   9:22.69 (1:10.18)
     10:32.85 (1:10.16)  11:43.22 (1:10.37)  12:53.29 (1:10.07)  14:02.75 (1:09.46)
     15:12.32 (1:09.57)  16:21.71 (1:09.39)  17:30.46 (1:08.75)                    
 10 Veerman, Courtney         18 Badger Aquatics-WI  17:30.71   17:32.16    7  
                1:06.71   2:16.50 (1:09.79)   3:26.37 (1:09.87)   4:36.76 (1:10.39)
      5:47.39 (1:10.63)   6:58.03 (1:10.64)   8:09.18 (1:11.15)   9:20.26 (1:11.08)
     10:31.17 (1:10.91)  11:42.43 (1:11.26)  12:53.08 (1:10.65)  14:04.25 (1:11.17)
     15:14.29 (1:10.04)  16:24.47 (1:10.18)  17:32.16 (1:07.69)                    
 11 Loper, Torrey             17 Scottsdale-AZ       17:42.82   17:34.46    6  
                1:08.34   2:19.89 (1:11.55)   3:31.06 (1:11.17)   4:42.69 (1:11.63)
      5:53.09 (1:10.40)   7:03.11 (1:10.02)   8:13.09 (1:09.98)   9:23.15 (1:10.06)
     10:33.11 (1:09.96)  11:43.18 (1:10.07)  12:53.22 (1:10.04)  14:03.59 (1:10.37)
     15:14.04 (1:10.45)  16:24.79 (1:10.75)  17:34.46 (1:09.67)                    
 12 Wiegersma, Joyce          19 New Zealand         17:27.46   17:34.91    5  
                  31.87     1:06.16 (34.29)     1:41.06 (34.90)     2:15.71 (34.65)
        2:50.91 (35.20)     3:25.86 (34.95)     4:01.18 (35.32)     4:36.10 (34.92)
        5:11.69 (35.59)     5:46.80 (35.11)     6:22.30 (35.50)     6:57.37 (35.07)
        7:33.04 (35.67)     8:07.94 (34.90)     8:43.38 (35.44)     9:18.52 (35.14)
        9:54.24 (35.72)    10:29.51 (35.27)    11:05.04 (35.53)    11:40.29 (35.25)
       12:15.96 (35.67)    12:51.51 (35.55)    13:27.46 (35.95)    14:03.21 (35.75)
       14:38.88 (35.67)    15:13.98 (35.10)    15:49.69 (35.71)    16:24.69 (35.00)
       17:00.31 (35.62)    17:34.91 (34.60)                                        
 13 Games, Annika             17 Unattached-GWSC-CA  17:14.51Y  17:35.73    4  
                1:06.67   2:16.52 (1:09.85)   3:26.51 (1:09.99)   4:36.95 (1:10.44)
      5:47.39 (1:10.44)   6:58.18 (1:10.79)   8:08.96 (1:10.78)   9:20.08 (1:11.12)
     10:30.86 (1:10.78)  11:41.34 (1:10.48)  12:52.28 (1:10.94)  14:03.89 (1:11.61)
     15:15.39 (1:11.50)  16:26.79 (1:11.40)  17:35.73 (1:08.94)                    
 14 Morford, Lauren           22 Unattached-MR/TMC   16:58.54Y  17:41.95    3  
                1:07.96   2:18.18 (1:10.22)   3:28.97 (1:10.79)   4:40.00 (1:11.03)
      5:51.43 (1:11.43)   7:02.34 (1:10.91)   8:13.56 (1:11.22)   9:24.62 (1:11.06)
     10:35.87 (1:11.25)  11:47.02 (1:11.15)  12:58.34 (1:11.32)  14:10.13 (1:11.79)
     15:21.06 (1:10.93)  16:32.23 (1:11.17)  17:41.95 (1:09.72)                    
 15 Baxter, Tristin           15 Clovis Swim Club-CC 17:31.83   17:48.80    2  
                1:07.76   2:18.21 (1:10.45)   3:29.14 (1:10.93)   4:40.42 (1:11.28)
      5:52.20 (1:11.78)   7:03.89 (1:11.69)   8:16.00 (1:12.11)   9:27.87 (1:11.87)
     10:40.07 (1:12.20)  11:52.56 (1:12.49)  13:04.72 (1:12.16)  14:16.55 (1:11.83)
     15:28.54 (1:11.99)  16:40.35 (1:11.81)  17:48.80 (1:08.45)                    
 16 Marsh, Jessica            14 The Armada-CA       17:27.53Y  17:50.05    1  
                1:08.15   2:19.27 (1:11.12)   3:30.31 (1:11.04)   4:41.88 (1:11.57)
      5:53.38 (1:11.50)   7:05.14 (1:11.76)   8:17.08 (1:11.94)   9:29.22 (1:12.14)
     10:41.67 (1:12.45)  11:53.98 (1:12.31)  13:06.40 (1:12.42)  14:18.16 (1:11.76)
     15:30.37 (1:12.21)  16:41.61 (1:11.24)  17:50.05 (1:08.44)                    
 17 Marsilii, Caitlin         17 The FISH-PV         17:40.26   17:51.05  
                1:06.95   2:17.07 (1:10.12)   3:27.71 (1:10.64)   4:27.99 (1:00.28)
      5:49.52 (1:21.53)   7:01.02 (1:11.50)   8:12.50 (1:11.48)   9:24.33 (1:11.83)
     10:36.58 (1:12.25)  11:49.10 (1:12.52)  13:01.47 (1:12.37)  14:14.42 (1:12.95)
     15:26.68 (1:12.26)  16:39.23 (1:12.55)  17:51.05 (1:11.82)                    
 18 Hall, Kelsey              16 North Coast-SI      17:58.54   17:53.29  
                1:05.81   2:15.83 (1:10.02)   3:25.32 (1:09.49)   4:35.23 (1:09.91)
      5:45.48 (1:10.25)   6:55.81 (1:10.33)   8:07.21 (1:11.40)   9:19.08 (1:11.87)
     10:31.61 (1:12.53)  11:44.17 (1:12.56)  12:56.78 (1:12.61)  14:10.29 (1:13.51)
     15:24.09 (1:13.80)  16:38.75 (1:14.66)  17:53.29 (1:14.54)                    
 19 Seaman, Lani              22 Team Rebel-CA       17:29.80   17:55.52  
                1:07.99   2:19.53 (1:11.54)   3:31.90 (1:12.37)   4:44.03 (1:12.13)
      5:55.88 (1:11.85)   7:07.00 (1:11.12)   8:18.52 (1:11.52)   9:30.07 (1:11.55)
     10:42.28 (1:12.21)  11:54.37 (1:12.09)  13:06.47 (1:12.10)  14:18.78 (1:12.31)
     15:31.54 (1:12.76)  16:44.11 (1:12.57)  17:55.52 (1:11.41)                    
 20 Beckwith, Danielle        17 Badger Aquatics-WI  17:52.57   17:56.28  
                1:07.08   2:18.70 (1:11.62)   3:30.74 (1:12.04)   4:42.89 (1:12.15)
      5:55.24 (1:12.35)   7:07.41 (1:12.17)   8:19.46 (1:12.05)   9:31.85 (1:12.39)
     10:44.38 (1:12.53)  11:56.67 (1:12.29)  13:08.69 (1:12.02)  14:21.00 (1:12.31)
     15:33.38 (1:12.38)  16:45.75 (1:12.37)  17:56.28 (1:10.53)                    
 21 Chuk, Karima              15 Ford Aquatics-AZ    17:42.68   18:01.48  
                1:08.87   2:21.39 (1:12.52)   3:33.83 (1:12.44)   4:46.51 (1:12.68)
      5:58.76 (1:12.25)   7:11.25 (1:12.49)   8:23.09 (1:11.84)   9:35.47 (1:12.38)
     10:48.28 (1:12.81)  12:01.50 (1:13.22)  13:13.43 (1:11.93)  14:25.87 (1:12.44)
     15:38.44 (1:12.57)  16:50.58 (1:12.14)  18:01.48 (1:10.90)                    
 22 Sher, Katalina            15 Rose Bowl-CA        17:20.18Y  18:02.81  
                1:08.70   2:21.37 (1:12.67)   3:34.01 (1:12.64)   4:46.48 (1:12.47)
      5:59.03 (1:12.55)   7:11.47 (1:12.44)   8:23.96 (1:12.49)   9:36.31 (1:12.35)
     10:48.75 (1:12.44)  12:01.54 (1:12.79)  13:14.00 (1:12.46)  14:26.99 (1:12.99)
     15:39.61 (1:12.62)  16:51.82 (1:12.21)  18:02.81 (1:10.99)                    
 23 Justice, Lizzie           15 The Woodlands-GU    17:30.91   18:03.16  
                1:07.31   2:18.02 (1:10.71)   3:29.02 (1:11.00)   4:40.64 (1:11.62)
      5:52.38 (1:11.74)   7:04.40 (1:12.02)   8:16.97 (1:12.57)   9:30.30 (1:13.33)
     10:43.07 (1:12.77)  11:56.19 (1:13.12)  13:09.08 (1:12.89)  14:22.60 (1:13.52)
     15:36.29 (1:13.69)  16:50.04 (1:13.75)  18:03.16 (1:13.12)                    
 24 Benefield, Grace          16 North Coast-SI      17:39.06Y  18:03.81  
                1:09.32   2:20.40 (1:11.08)   3:31.91 (1:11.51)   4:43.71 (1:11.80)
      5:56.18 (1:12.47)   7:08.33 (1:12.15)   8:21.22 (1:12.89)   9:34.41 (1:13.19)
     10:47.97 (1:13.56)  12:00.95 (1:12.98)  13:14.51 (1:13.56)  14:27.88 (1:13.37)
     15:41.08 (1:13.20)  16:54.01 (1:12.93)  18:03.81 (1:09.80)                    
 25 Milligan, Kacey           13 Scottsdale-AZ       17:17.60Y  18:05.22  
                1:08.59   2:21.46 (1:12.87)   3:34.70 (1:13.24)   4:48.42 (1:13.72)
      6:01.57 (1:13.15)   7:13.80 (1:12.23)   8:26.27 (1:12.47)   9:39.08 (1:12.81)
     10:52.07 (1:12.99)  12:04.97 (1:12.90)  13:17.77 (1:12.80)  14:30.61 (1:12.84)
     15:43.13 (1:12.52)  16:54.75 (1:11.62)  18:05.22 (1:10.47)                    
 26 Krager, Rachael           16 Rose Bowl-CA        17:44.97Y  18:05.33  
                1:08.33   2:20.11 (1:11.78)   3:32.02 (1:11.91)   4:43.95 (1:11.93)
      5:56.30 (1:12.35)   7:08.65 (1:12.35)   8:21.47 (1:12.82)   9:34.68 (1:13.21)
     10:48.04 (1:13.36)  12:01.30 (1:13.26)  13:14.67 (1:13.37)  14:28.05 (1:13.38)
     15:41.33 (1:13.28)  16:54.64 (1:13.31)  18:05.33 (1:10.69)                    
 27 Baker, Lauren             14 Ford Aquatics-AZ    17:27.66Y  18:06.01  
                1:08.10   2:19.98 (1:11.88)   3:31.99 (1:12.01)   4:44.31 (1:12.32)
      5:56.65 (1:12.34)   7:08.77 (1:12.12)   8:21.52 (1:12.75)   9:34.28 (1:12.76)
     10:47.15 (1:12.87)  12:00.29 (1:13.14)  13:13.06 (1:12.77)  14:26.70 (1:13.64)
     15:40.40 (1:13.70)  16:53.92 (1:13.52)  18:06.01 (1:12.09)                    
 28 Imagane, Julie            19 The Armada-CA       17:27.47   18:06.25  
                1:08.04   2:19.66 (1:11.62)   3:31.45 (1:11.79)   4:43.41 (1:11.96)
      5:56.15 (1:12.74)   7:08.56 (1:12.41)   8:21.50 (1:12.94)   9:34.30 (1:12.80)
     10:47.91 (1:13.61)  12:01.57 (1:13.66)  14:29.67 (2:28.10)                    
           15:42.14 ( )  18:06.25 (2:24.11)                                        
 29 Brown, Meagan             17 Mission Viejo-CA    17:51.64   18:08.36  
                1:08.27   2:20.24 (1:11.97)   3:32.13 (1:11.89)   4:44.25 (1:12.12)
      5:56.97 (1:12.72)   7:10.19 (1:13.22)   8:22.95 (1:12.76)   9:35.83 (1:12.88)
     10:48.79 (1:12.96)  12:02.46 (1:13.67)  13:15.96 (1:13.50)  14:29.17 (1:13.21)
     15:42.68 (1:13.51)  16:56.43 (1:13.75)  18:08.36 (1:11.93)                    
 30 Greene, Chelsea           18 The Armada-CA       17:32.98Y  18:17.14  
                1:08.09   2:20.37 (1:12.28)   3:32.72 (1:12.35)   4:45.17 (1:12.45)
      5:58.23 (1:13.06)   7:11.09 (1:12.86)   8:24.81 (1:13.72)   9:39.10 (1:14.29)
     10:53.51 (1:14.41)  12:08.73 (1:15.22)  13:22.39 (1:13.66)  14:37.42 (1:15.03)
     15:51.71 (1:14.29)  17:04.79 (1:13.08)  18:17.14 (1:12.35)                    
 31 Gabert, Stephanie         17 Aquazots-CA         17:31.66   18:18.80  
                1:09.53   2:22.27 (1:12.74)   3:35.23 (1:12.96)   4:48.34 (1:13.11)
      6:01.87 (1:13.53)   7:15.06 (1:13.19)   8:27.96 (1:12.90)                    
                               12:08.07 ( )  13:22.05 (1:13.98)  14:36.40 (1:14.35)
     15:51.15 (1:14.75)  17:05.43 (1:14.28)  18:18.80 (1:13.37)                    
 32 Cummings, Kelsey          14 Unattached-GWSC-CA  18:05.62   18:21.83  
                1:08.37   2:22.03 (1:13.66)   3:35.71 (1:13.68)   4:49.49 (1:13.78)
      6:03.09 (1:13.60)   7:17.31 (1:14.22)   8:32.03 (1:14.72)   9:46.49 (1:14.46)
     11:00.88 (1:14.39)  12:15.39 (1:14.51)  13:30.07 (1:14.68)  14:43.34 (1:13.27)
     15:57.42 (1:14.08)  17:11.24 (1:13.82)  18:21.83 (1:10.59)                    
 33 Parker, Emiliy            21 Unattached-PC/MP    17:32.80Y  18:23.02  
                1:09.57   2:22.73 (1:13.16)   3:36.25 (1:13.52)   4:49.89 (1:13.64)
      6:03.85 (1:13.96)   7:17.27 (1:13.42)   8:31.45 (1:14.18)   9:46.48 (1:15.03)
     11:00.91 (1:14.43)  12:15.73 (1:14.82)  13:29.25 (1:13.52)  14:42.90 (1:13.65)
     15:56.88 (1:13.98)  17:10.63 (1:13.75)  18:23.02 (1:12.39)                    
 34 Breitrick, Pamela         13 Waukesha Express-WI 17:36.98Y  18:26.67  
                1:08.48   2:22.63 (1:14.15)   3:36.76 (1:14.13)   4:50.84 (1:14.08)
      6:04.76 (1:13.92)   7:18.84 (1:14.08)   8:32.83 (1:13.99)   9:47.42 (1:14.59)
     11:01.60 (1:14.18)  12:15.85 (1:14.25)  13:29.96 (1:14.11)  14:44.40 (1:14.44)
     15:58.89 (1:14.49)  17:13.35 (1:14.46)  18:26.67 (1:13.32)                    
 35 Nguyen, Vi                15 The Armada-CA       17:55.37   18:32.97  
                1:10.72   2:27.35 (1:16.63)   3:42.79 (1:15.44)   4:58.44 (1:15.65)
      6:14.31 (1:15.87)   7:30.55 (1:16.24)   8:45.86 (1:15.31)  10:00.68 (1:14.82)
     11:15.09 (1:14.41)  12:29.22 (1:14.13)  13:43.29 (1:14.07)  14:56.69 (1:13.40)
     16:09.40 (1:12.71)  17:22.48 (1:13.08)  18:32.97 (1:10.49)                    
 36 Cobau, Stephanie          17 The Armada-CA       17:57.25   18:36.00  
                1:07.81   2:19.47 (1:11.66)   3:31.71 (1:12.24)   4:44.15 (1:12.44)
      5:58.02 (1:13.87)   7:13.06 (1:15.04)   8:28.30 (1:15.24)   9:44.08 (1:15.78)
     11:00.16 (1:16.08)  12:16.38 (1:16.22)  13:32.75 (1:16.37)  14:49.76 (1:17.01)
     16:06.37 (1:16.61)  17:23.01 (1:16.64)  18:36.00 (1:12.99)                    
 37 Kiefer, Katie             18 Scottsdale-AZ       18:02.93   18:37.83  
                1:08.63   2:21.84 (1:13.21)   3:35.85 (1:14.01)   4:49.89 (1:14.04)
      6:03.90 (1:14.01)   7:18.23 (1:14.33)   8:32.73 (1:14.50)   9:47.54 (1:14.81)
     11:02.58 (1:15.04)  12:17.50 (1:14.92)  13:32.72 (1:15.22)  14:48.67 (1:15.95)
     16:05.00 (1:16.33)  17:21.77 (1:16.77)  18:37.83 (1:16.06)                    
 38 Weigand, Courtney         17 North Coast-SI      17:19.86Y  18:40.63  
                1:08.69   2:20.96 (1:12.27)   3:33.60 (1:12.64)   4:46.86 (1:13.26)
      6:00.73 (1:13.87)   7:15.41 (1:14.68)   8:30.59 (1:15.18)   9:46.16 (1:15.57)
     11:02.34 (1:16.18)  12:19.07 (1:16.73)  13:35.65 (1:16.58)  14:52.63 (1:16.98)
     16:08.99 (1:16.36)  17:25.21 (1:16.22)  18:40.63 (1:15.42)                    
 39 Lougee, Lora              15 Santa Maria-CA      17:48.03   18:42.20  
                                2:37.30 ( )   3:41.36 (1:04.06)   4:55.76 (1:14.40)
      6:11.32 (1:15.56)   7:26.93 (1:15.61)   8:42.11 (1:15.18)   9:57.11 (1:15.00)
     11:12.32 (1:15.21)  12:27.84 (1:15.52)  13:43.12 (1:15.28)  14:58.50 (1:15.38)
     16:13.73 (1:15.23)  17:28.52 (1:14.79)  18:42.20 (1:13.68)                    
 40 Morris, Chelsea           15 Mission Viejo-CA    18:53.28   18:47.74  
                1:08.40   2:21.14 (1:12.74)   3:34.57 (1:13.43)   4:48.95 (1:14.38)
      6:03.16 (1:14.21)   7:18.64 (1:15.48)   8:34.02 (1:15.38)   9:50.35 (1:16.33)
     11:06.93 (1:16.58)  12:23.24 (1:16.31)  13:39.99 (1:16.75)  14:57.19 (1:17.20)
     16:14.74 (1:17.55)  17:31.08 (1:16.34)  18:47.74 (1:16.66)                    
 41 Mastrup, Madeline         15 Santa Maria-CA      17:22.10Y  18:48.33  
                1:10.31   2:23.05 (1:12.74)   3:35.66 (1:12.61)   4:48.78 (1:13.12)
      6:02.83 (1:14.05)   7:17.77 (1:14.94)   8:32.93 (1:15.16)   9:49.21 (1:16.28)
     11:05.51 (1:16.30)  12:22.81 (1:17.30)  13:39.88 (1:17.07)  14:57.14 (1:17.26)
     16:15.03 (1:17.89)  17:32.24 (1:17.21)  18:48.33 (1:16.09)                    
 42 Decker, Callie            15 Scottsdale-AZ       17:24.81Y  18:53.14  
                1:11.14   2:25.18 (1:14.04)   3:40.39 (1:15.21)   4:55.40 (1:15.01)
      6:10.98 (1:15.58)   7:26.92 (1:15.94)   8:42.90 (1:15.98)   9:59.51 (1:16.61)
     11:16.37 (1:16.86)  12:33.08 (1:16.71)  13:50.63 (1:17.55)  15:07.73 (1:17.10)
     16:22.90 (1:15.17)  17:38.47 (1:15.57)  18:53.14 (1:14.67)                    
 43 Stevens, Lindsey          17 Arizona Marlins-AZ  17:19.69Y  19:07.70  
                1:10.11   2:24.49 (1:14.38)   3:39.32 (1:14.83)   4:54.63 (1:15.31)
      6:07.94 (1:13.31)   7:26.81 (1:18.87)   8:34.05 (1:07.24)  10:01.32 (1:27.27)
     11:19.92 (1:18.60)  12:38.42 (1:18.50)  13:56.69 (1:18.27)  15:14.38 (1:17.69)
     16:32.51 (1:18.13)  17:50.42 (1:17.91)  19:07.70 (1:17.28)                    
Women Open 100 LC Meter Backstroke
 Meet Record: M 1:01.47        2000 Noriko Inada - JPN                         
 Pool Record: P 1:01.47        2000 Moriko Inada - JPN                         
   US Record: A   59.44        2007 Natalie Coughlin                           
World Record: W   59.44        2007 Natalie Coughlin - USA                     
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Akradi, Roxane            21 Minnesota-MN         1:04.82    1:04.16   20  
                  31.61     1:04.16 (32.55)                                        
  2 Turner, Anna              20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:04.38    1:04.47   17  
                  32.14     1:04.47 (32.33)                                        
  3 Volcan, Erin              23 Aquazots-CA          1:05.58    1:05.42   16  
                  31.93     1:05.42 (33.49)                                        
  4 Thompson, Kathryn         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:05.82    1:05.66   15  
                  32.45     1:05.66 (33.21)                                        
  5 Taylor, Samantha          14 Novaquatics-CA       1:06.73    1:06.31   14  
                  31.96     1:06.31 (34.35)                                        
  6 DeGolia, Hailey           20 Pleasanton-PC        1:06.72    1:06.40   13  
                  32.12     1:06.40 (34.28)                                        
  7 Pease, Lara               20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:06.66    1:06.41   12  
                  32.62     1:06.41 (33.79)                                        
  8 Hegazy, Dina              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:06.67    1:06.77   11  
                  32.60     1:06.77 (34.17)                                        
Consolation Final
  9 Wells, Stef               16 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:06.90    1:06.29    9  
                  32.49     1:06.29 (33.80)                                        
 10 Blundell, Jessie          16 New Zealand          1:06.78    1:06.59    7  
                  32.13     1:06.59 (34.46)                                        
 11 Wei, Stephanie            16 Santa Clara-PC       1:07.00    1:06.67    6  
                  32.71     1:06.67 (33.96)                                        
 12 Dwyer, Meghan             16 Mission Viejo-CA     1:07.01    1:06.74    5  
                  32.69     1:06.74 (34.05)                                        
 13 Forster, Jenny            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:07.01    1:06.87    4  
                  33.16     1:06.87 (33.71)                                        
 14 Sarandos, Stephanie       17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:06.92    1:06.88    3  
                  32.62     1:06.88 (34.26)                                        
 15 Marshall, Penelope        17 New Zealand          1:06.76    1:07.08    2  
                  32.59     1:07.08 (34.49)                                        
 16 Stephenson, Whitney       18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:07.05    1:07.12    1  
                  32.74     1:07.12 (34.38)                                        
Bonus Final
 17 Myers, Whitney            22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:07.12    1:06.19  
                  32.47     1:06.19 (33.72)                                        
 18 Caldwell, Hilary          16 Pac Sea Wolves       1:07.32    1:06.83  
                  32.68     1:06.83 (34.15)                                        
 19 Tran, Cindy               15 Golden West-CA       1:07.93    1:06.91  
                  32.64     1:06.91 (34.27)                                        
 20 Games, Annika             17 Unattached-GWSC-CA   1:07.49    1:06.92  
                  33.06     1:06.92 (33.86)                                        
 21 Thomas, Tara              17 Novaquatics-CA       1:07.52    1:07.00  
                  32.51     1:07.00 (34.49)                                        
 22 Yamada, Sachiko           24 Mission Viejo-CA     1:07.73    1:07.54  
                  33.57     1:07.54 (33.97)                                        
 23 Andelson, Emily           15 Piranhas-CA          1:07.82    1:07.81  
                  32.82     1:07.81 (34.99)                                        
 24 Andrew, Caitlin           21 Sun Devil-AZ         1:07.93    1:07.82  
                  33.19     1:07.82 (34.63)                                        
  7 DeWall, Deirdre           19 Minnesota-MN         1:06.70             
                  32.85     1:06.70 (33.85)                                        
 17 Boritzke, Andrea          19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:07.04             
                  33.01     1:07.04 (34.03)                                        
 19 Forster, Erin             21 Minnesota-MN         1:07.09             
                  32.66     1:07.09 (34.43)                                        
 22 Klatt, Kelsey             16 Fresno Dolphins-CC   1:07.40             
                  33.05     1:07.40 (34.35)                                        
 27 DePaul, Lyndsay           18 Aquazots-CA          1:07.83             
                  33.46     1:07.83 (34.37)                                        
 30 Hunt-Higgins, Megan       20 Team Rebel-CA        1:07.99             
                  32.68     1:07.99 (35.31)                                        
 31 Kardasevic, Mirela        20 Sun Devil-AZ         1:08.24             
                  32.86     1:08.24 (35.38)                                        
 32 Benefield, Gloria         17 North Coast-SI       1:08.28             
                  33.80     1:08.28 (34.48)                                        
 33 Schluntz, Justine         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:08.30             
                  33.13     1:08.30 (35.17)                                        
 34 Kelly, Lindsey            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:08.39             
                  33.05     1:08.39 (35.34)                                        
 35 Brunner, Rikka            20 Sun Devil-AZ         1:08.49             
                  33.57     1:08.49 (34.92)                                        
 36 Wind, Katie               22 Minnesota-MN         1:08.55             
                  33.23     1:08.55 (35.32)                                        
 37 Murez, Andi               15 Santa Monica-CA      1:08.59             
                  33.69     1:08.59 (34.90)                                        
 38 Klaren, Melanie           14 Mission Viejo-CA     1:08.73             
                  33.73     1:08.73 (35.00)                                        
 39 Tanaka, Hiro              18 Team Rebel-CA        1:08.76             
                  33.07     1:08.76 (35.69)                                        
 40 Loper, Ally               14 Scottsdale-AZ        1:08.82             
                  33.61     1:08.82 (35.21)                                        
 41 Brannon, Erica            14 Santa Maria-CA       1:08.83             
                  33.83     1:08.83 (35.00)                                        
 41 Stouffer, Lara            17 Aquazots-CA          1:08.83             
                  33.80     1:08.83 (35.03)                                        
 43 Judy, Frankie             20 Sun Devil-AZ         1:08.98             
 43 Crowley, Julia            14 NGSV Gators-CA       1:08.98             
                  34.18     1:08.98 (34.80)                                        
 45 Pold, Anna                16 North Coast-SI       1:09.04             
                  33.88     1:09.04 (35.16)                                        
 46 Vorster, Leone'           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:09.06             
                  33.97     1:09.06 (35.09)                                        
 47 Griffiths, Chelsea        16 Canyons-CA           1:09.08             
                  33.51     1:09.08 (35.57)                                        
 48 Panis, Aubrey             20 Unattached-SI        1:09.18             
                  33.92     1:09.18 (35.26)                                        
 49 Cox, Sarah                16 Sun Devil-AZ         1:09.21             
                  33.84     1:09.21 (35.37)                                        
 50 Grimes, Kylsie            18 Unattached-SI/WEST   1:09.32             
                  33.88     1:09.32 (35.44)                                        
 51 Bruington, Chelsey        17 NGSV Gators-CA       1:09.33             
                  34.18     1:09.33 (35.15)                                        
 52 Tursick, Emlynn           20 Sun Devil-AZ         1:09.35             
                  34.11     1:09.35 (35.24)                                        
 53 Brewer, Ashley            15 Sun Devil-AZ         1:09.38             
                  33.97     1:09.38 (35.41)                                        
 54 Fraley, Lauren            20 Unattached-MR/TMC    1:09.48             
                  33.90     1:09.48 (35.58)                                        
 55 Landry, Taryne            15 Chena                1:09.51             
                  34.06     1:09.51 (35.45)                                        
 56 Reigel, Andrea            15 NGSV Gators-CA       1:09.56             
                  34.07     1:09.56 (35.49)                                        
 57 Lougee, Sam               18 Santa Maria-CA       1:09.68             
                  33.95     1:09.68 (35.73)                                        
 58 Leksono, Felicia          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   1:09.74             
                  34.03     1:09.74 (35.71)                                        
 59 Bowman, Kimberly          16 Pac Sea Wolves       1:09.76             
                  33.36     1:09.76 (36.40)                                        
 60 Sprosty, Morgan           15 Aquazots-CA          1:09.81             
                  34.01     1:09.81 (35.80)                                        
 60 Morales, Amy              17 Inland Coastal-SI    1:09.81             
                  33.93     1:09.81 (35.88)                                        
 62 O'Brien, Rachel           16 Terrapins-PC         1:09.82             
                  34.09     1:09.82 (35.73)                                        
 63 Ah-Quah, Stephanie        15 South Pasadena-CA    1:09.83             
                  34.10     1:09.83 (35.73)                                        
 64 Choy, Tammy               17 Palo Alto-PC         1:09.88             
 65 Schmid, Kristin           16 Colorado Stars-CO    1:09.90             
                  34.02     1:09.90 (35.88)                                        
 66 Henley, Alex              16 Class Aquatics-CA    1:10.05             
                  34.69     1:10.05 (35.36)                                        
 67 Fox, Megan                15 Novi Sturgeons-MI    1:10.07             
                  34.20     1:10.07 (35.87)                                        
 68 Gean, Michelle            15 Blue Tide-GU         1:10.08             
                  33.51     1:10.08 (36.57)                                        
 69 Brandenburg, Krissie      15 Clippers-OH          1:10.13             
                  33.58     1:10.13 (36.55)                                        
 70 Lelli, Leticia            13 Scottsdale-AZ        1:10.15             
                  34.81     1:10.15 (35.34)                                        
 71 Riggins, Christa          19 Golden West-CA       1:10.17             
                  33.29     1:10.17 (36.88)                                        
 72 Williamson, Ellen         14 Clippers-OH          1:10.18             
                  34.50     1:10.18 (35.68)                                        
 73 Diener, Kelsy             17 Unattached-AZ/SAC    1:10.29             
                  33.85     1:10.29 (36.44)                                        
 74 Montgomery, Olivia        16 Chena                1:10.34             
                  34.01     1:10.34 (36.33)                                        
 75 VanNatta, Tara            18 The Woodlands-GU     1:10.35             
                  34.33     1:10.35 (36.02)                                        
 76 Lutz, Rachel              16 Inland Coastal-SI    1:10.46             
                  34.37     1:10.46 (36.09)                                        
 76 Spach, Margaret           16 Aquazots-CA          1:10.46             
                  34.80     1:10.46 (35.66)                                        
 78 Payne, Amanda             17 Chena                1:10.47             
                  34.74     1:10.47 (35.73)                                        
 79 Stipe, Mikkel-Ane         14 North Coast-SI       1:10.58             
                  33.95     1:10.58 (36.63)                                        
 80 Krakoski, Haley           15 Sun Devil-AZ         1:10.74             
                  35.04     1:10.74 (35.70)                                        
 81 Stefanec, Annie           16 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:10.76             
                  34.31     1:10.76 (36.45)                                        
 82 Mertel, Alix              15 Desert Storm-CA      1:10.77             
                  34.18     1:10.77 (36.59)                                        
 83 Fotsch, Colleen           17 Palo Alto-PC         1:10.80             
                  34.01     1:10.80 (36.79)                                        
 84 Ankeny, Chelsea           16 Elite Aquatics-CA    1:10.95             
                  35.10     1:10.95 (35.85)                                        
 85 Busack, Stacy             20 Minnesota-MN         1:11.00             
                  34.52     1:11.00 (36.48)                                        
 86 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   1:11.06             
                  34.66     1:11.06 (36.40)                                        
 87 Parmenter, Nicole         14 North Coast-SI       1:11.11             
                  33.77     1:11.11 (37.34)                                        
 87 Livingstone, K.T.         14 Canyons-CA           1:11.11             
                  34.89     1:11.11 (36.22)                                        
 89 O'Donnell, Kylie          18 Colorado Stars-CO    1:11.13             
                  34.34     1:11.13 (36.79)                                        
 90 Bolton, Melinda           18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:11.23             
                  35.01     1:11.23 (36.22)                                        
 91 McCarthy, Meridith        19 Minnesota-MN         1:11.35             
                  34.60     1:11.35 (36.75)                                        
 92 Bates, Melissa            14 SoCal Aquatics-CA    1:11.38             
                  35.65     1:11.38 (35.73)                                        
 93 Carter, Stacy             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:11.41             
                  34.68     1:11.41 (36.73)                                        
 94 Bank, Mary                14 Clippers-OH          1:11.43             
                  34.27     1:11.43 (37.16)                                        
 95 Goodman, Kary             21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:11.48             
                  35.05     1:11.48 (36.43)                                        
 96 Opatrny, Lauren           15 Santa Clara-PC       1:11.54             
                  34.90     1:11.54 (36.64)                                        
 97 Schauer, Alexis           17 Novaquatics-CA       1:11.55             
                  35.39     1:11.55 (36.16)                                        
 98 Hilber, Alex              18 Unattached-SI        1:11.69             
                  34.77     1:11.69 (36.92)                                        
 99 Eacret, Valerie           17 Santa Barbara-CA     1:11.72             
                  35.20     1:11.72 (36.52)                                        
100 Graves, Carter            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   1:11.97             
                  34.81     1:11.97 (37.16)                                        
101 Martin, Clair             17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:11.99             
                  34.95     1:11.99 (37.04)                                        
102 Thompson, Maggie          15 Spokane Area-IE      1:12.09             
                  35.34     1:12.09 (36.75)                                        
103 Martin, Rylie             12 Team Rebel-CA        1:12.18             
                  35.59     1:12.18 (36.59)                                        
103 McClain, Rachell          18 Desert Storm-CA      1:12.18             
                  35.29     1:12.18 (36.89)                                        
105 Oscarson, Berklie         15 Rose Bowl-CA         1:12.20             
                  35.09     1:12.20 (37.11)                                        
106 Morales, Adria            13 Canyons-CA           1:12.22             
                  35.54     1:12.22 (36.68)                                        
107 Ochotorena, Claudia       16 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:12.31             
                  35.20     1:12.31 (37.11)                                        
108 Darlington, Emma          17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:12.32             
                  35.28     1:12.32 (37.04)                                        
109 Breitrick, Pamela         13 Waukesha Express-WI  1:12.46             
                  35.49     1:12.46 (36.97)                                        
110 Van Hout, Aja             14 Badger Aquatics-WI   1:12.52             
                  36.11     1:12.52 (36.41)                                        
111 Caldwell, Danielle        16 Sun Devil-AZ         1:12.63             
                  35.61     1:12.63 (37.02)                                        
112 Theissen, Katie           20 Clippers-OH          1:12.68             
                  35.52     1:12.68 (37.16)                                        
113 Zimmer, Meghan            17 Santa Maria-CA       1:12.77             
                  35.41     1:12.77 (37.36)                                        
114 Brown, Julianne           17 Chena                1:12.87             
                  35.02     1:12.87 (37.85)                                        
115 Engel, Kelsey             14 Coto de Caza-CA      1:13.23             
                  35.00     1:13.23 (38.23)                                        
116 Armstrong, Stephanie      15 Waukesha Express-WI  1:13.38             
                  35.83     1:13.38 (37.55)                                        
116 Nalevanko, Alexandra      18 Team Bruin-CA        1:13.38             
                  36.05     1:13.38 (37.33)                                        
116 Larson, Kelsey            15 Aquazots-CA          1:13.38             
                  35.78     1:13.38 (37.60)                                        
119 Caro, Andrea              16 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:13.58             
                  35.69     1:13.58 (37.89)                                        
120 Perez, Mariana            16 SoCal Aquatics-CA    1:13.81             
                  35.58     1:13.81 (38.23)                                        
121 Summers, Kim              16 Blue Tide-GU         1:14.20             
                  35.25     1:14.20 (38.95)                                        
122 Henderson, Jasmine        16 Canyons-CA           1:14.60             
                  36.33     1:14.60 (38.27)                                        
123 Rynveld, Chrissy          16 Mission Viejo-CA     1:14.63             
                  36.42     1:14.63 (38.21)                                        
124 Benefield, Grace          16 North Coast-SI       1:14.74             
                  37.16     1:14.74 (37.58)                                        
125 Fujimura, Aya             16 Aquazots-CA          1:14.90             
                  36.50     1:14.90 (38.40)                                        
126 Walker, Amber             21 Team Rebel-CA        1:15.66             
                  36.60     1:15.66 (39.06)                                        
127 Cheung-Lau, Chrysanthia   18 Claremont-CA         1:15.71             
                  36.48     1:15.71 (39.23)                                        
128 Foster, Mary              16 The Woodlands-GU     1:15.74             
                  36.97     1:15.74 (38.77)                                        
129 Rogers, Xan               23 Unattached-CA        1:15.75             
                  36.86     1:15.75 (38.89)                                        
130 Young, Kelly              17 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:16.03             
                  36.86     1:16.03 (39.17)                                        
131 Ozer, Hannah              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:16.54             
                  37.11     1:16.54 (39.43)                                        
132 Wahl, Kelly               17 North Coast-SI       1:17.92             
                  37.99     1:17.92 (39.93)                                        
 -- Dole, Jenni               17 Spokane Area-IE          DQ              
 -- Baughman, Taylor          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ        DFS              
 -- McCue, Mary               22 Unattached-MR/TMC        NS              
 -- Cashion, Courtney         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ         NS              
 -- Caldwell, Samantha        18 Unattached-AZ/SDA        NS              
 -- Iversen, Caitlin          18 Ford Aquatics-AZ         NS              
 -- Berkay, Melissa           16 Unattached-CA            NS              
 -- Blair, Lolo               15 Santa Barbara-CA         NS              
 -- Jackson, Lara             20 Ford Aquatics-AZ         NS              
Women Open 200 LC Meter Backstroke
 Meet Record: M 2:11.27        2000 Tomoko Hagiwara - JPN                      
 Pool Record: P 2:11.27        2000 Tomoko Hagiwara - JPN                      
   US Record: A 2:07.16        2007 Margaret Hoelzer                           
World Record: W 2:06.62        1991 Krisztina Egerszegi - HUN                  
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Marshall, Penelope        17 New Zealand          2:18.23    2:18.04   20  
                  33.03     1:08.03 (35.00)     1:43.33 (35.30)     2:18.04 (34.71)
  2 Iversen, Caitlin          18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:21.43    2:18.24   17  
                  32.30     1:06.79 (34.49)     1:42.52 (35.73)     2:18.24 (35.72)
  3 Thompson, Kathryn         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:18.92    2:18.68   16  
                  33.06     1:07.75 (34.69)     1:42.91 (35.16)     2:18.68 (35.77)
  4 McLane, Julianne          19 Terrapins-PC         2:20.12    2:18.92   14.5
                  32.60     1:07.36 (34.76)     1:42.97 (35.61)     2:18.92 (35.95)
  4 Yamada, Sachiko           24 Mission Viejo-CA     2:19.63    2:18.92   14.5
                  33.66     1:08.66 (35.00)     1:44.01 (35.35)     2:18.92 (34.91)
  6 Blundell, Jessie          16 New Zealand          2:19.66    2:20.30   13  
                  33.21     1:08.63 (35.42)     1:44.80 (36.17)     2:20.30 (35.50)
  7 Dwyer, Meghan             16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:21.32    2:21.16   12  
                  33.13     1:08.63 (35.50)     1:45.35 (36.72)     2:21.16 (35.81)
  8 Akradi, Roxane            21 Minnesota-MN         2:19.68    2:24.21   11  
                  32.56     1:08.37 (35.81)     1:45.85 (37.48)     2:24.21 (38.36)
Consolation Final
  9 Volcan, Erin              23 Aquazots-CA          2:21.51    2:16.86    9  
                  32.84     1:07.01 (34.17)     1:41.95 (34.94)     2:16.86 (34.91)
 10 Forster, Jenny            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:22.02    2:19.64    7  
                  34.15     1:09.36 (35.21)     1:45.02 (35.66)     2:19.64 (34.62)
 11 Turner, Anna              20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:21.43    2:20.46    6  
                  34.35     1:10.16 (35.81)     1:46.17 (36.01)     2:20.46 (34.29)
 12 Myers, Whitney            22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:23.08    2:21.30    5  
                  33.71     1:09.55 (35.84)     1:45.90 (36.35)     2:21.30 (35.40)
 13 Games, Annika             17 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:22.82    2:22.79    4  
                  33.79     1:09.51 (35.72)     1:46.56 (37.05)     2:22.79 (36.23)
 14 Wind, Katie               22 Minnesota-MN         2:23.46    2:23.01    3  
                  33.72     1:10.49 (36.77)     1:47.10 (36.61)     2:23.01 (35.91)
 15 Forster, Erin             21 Minnesota-MN         2:22.13    2:24.23    2  
                  33.51     1:09.87 (36.36)     1:46.80 (36.93)     2:24.23 (37.43)
 16 Caldwell, Hilary          16 Pac Sea Wolves       2:23.37    2:24.49    1  
                  33.90     1:10.29 (36.39)     1:47.97 (37.68)     2:24.49 (36.52)
Bonus Final
 17 Shaughnessy, Jenny        20 Minnesota-MN         2:23.86    2:22.34  
                  33.79     1:09.51 (35.72)     1:46.08 (36.57)     2:22.34 (36.26)
 18 Sarandos, Stephanie       17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:23.99    2:22.70  
                  33.86     1:10.25 (36.39)     1:46.53 (36.28)     2:22.70 (36.17)
 19 Dole, Jenni               17 Spokane Area-IE      2:24.95    2:22.86  
                  33.14     1:09.27 (36.13)     1:46.10 (36.83)     2:22.86 (36.76)
 20 Brannon, Erica            14 Santa Maria-CA       2:24.26    2:23.02  
                  34.07     1:10.20 (36.13)     1:47.00 (36.80)     2:23.02 (36.02)
 21 Brunner, Rikka            20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:24.15    2:23.20  
                  34.13     1:10.31 (36.18)     1:47.33 (37.02)     2:23.20 (35.87)
 22 Tursick, Emlynn           20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:23.86    2:25.22  
                  34.27     1:10.94 (36.67)     1:48.41 (37.47)     2:25.22 (36.81)
 23 DeWall, Deirdre           19 Minnesota-MN         2:23.86    2:25.37  
                  34.38     1:10.73 (36.35)     1:48.24 (37.51)     2:25.37 (37.13)
 24 Williamson, Ellen         14 Clippers-OH          2:24.93    2:28.69  
                  34.37     1:10.99 (36.62)     1:49.75 (38.76)     2:28.69 (38.94)
 13 Hegazy, Dina              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:22.82             
                  33.57     1:09.17 (35.60)     1:46.19 (37.02)     2:22.82 (36.63)
 26 Klatt, Kelsey             16 Fresno Dolphins-CC   2:25.00             
                  34.72     1:10.10 (35.38)     1:48.06 (37.96)     2:25.00 (36.94)
 27 Dwelley, Kate             18 Terrapins-PC         2:25.02             
                  35.00     1:11.42 (36.42)     1:48.66 (37.24)     2:25.02 (36.36)
 28 Cox, Sarah                16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:25.41             
                  35.24     1:11.74 (36.50)     1:48.57 (36.83)     2:25.41 (36.84)
 29 Loper, Ally               14 Scottsdale-AZ        2:25.77             
                  34.49     1:11.03 (36.54)     1:48.24 (37.21)     2:25.77 (37.53)
 30 Boritzke, Andrea          19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:25.95             
                  35.17     1:12.29 (37.12)     1:49.50 (37.21)     2:25.95 (36.45)
 31 Stephenson, Whitney       18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:25.98             
                  34.67     1:11.54 (36.87)     1:49.48 (37.94)     2:25.98 (36.50)
 32 Blair, Lolo               15 Santa Barbara-CA     2:26.02             
                  35.18     1:12.43 (37.25)     1:49.57 (37.14)     2:26.02 (36.45)
 33 Hanson, Andrea            19 Minnesota-MN         2:26.20             
                  34.46     1:11.94 (37.48)     1:49.28 (37.34)     2:26.20 (36.92)
 34 Bruington, Chelsey        17 NGSV Gators-CA       2:26.21             
                  36.15     1:12.61 (36.46)     1:49.42 (36.81)     2:26.21 (36.79)
 35 Pold, Anna                16 North Coast-SI       2:26.22             
                  34.41     1:11.44 (37.03)     1:49.34 (37.90)     2:26.22 (36.88)
 36 Diener, Kelsy             17 Unattached-AZ/SAC    2:26.44             
                  34.18     1:10.91 (36.73)     1:48.56 (37.65)     2:26.44 (37.88)
 37 Choy, Tammy               17 Palo Alto-PC         2:26.88             
                  35.75     1:13.38 (37.63)     1:50.60 (37.22)     2:26.88 (36.28)
 38 Crowley, Julia            14 NGSV Gators-CA       2:26.96             
                  35.09     1:12.18 (37.09)     1:49.62 (37.44)     2:26.96 (37.34)
 39 Reigel, Andrea            15 NGSV Gators-CA       2:27.19             
                  35.98     1:13.20 (37.22)     1:50.95 (37.75)     2:27.19 (36.24)
 40 O'Brien, Rachel           16 Terrapins-PC         2:27.41             
                  34.43     1:11.56 (37.13)     1:49.96 (38.40)     2:27.41 (37.45)
 41 Weinbrecht, Amanda        19 North Coast-SI       2:27.45             
                  34.15     1:11.10 (36.95)     1:49.64 (38.54)     2:27.45 (37.81)
 42 Wilde, Courtney           14 NGSV Gators-CA       2:27.48             
                  36.04     1:13.05 (37.01)     1:50.52 (37.47)     2:27.48 (36.96)
 43 Klaren, Melanie           14 Mission Viejo-CA     2:27.52             
                  34.54     1:10.78 (36.24)     1:49.25 (38.47)     2:27.52 (38.27)
 43 Amundsen, Kelsey          16 The Woodlands-GU     2:27.52             
                  35.49     1:12.62 (37.13)     1:50.84 (38.22)     2:27.52 (36.68)
 45 Lelli, Leticia            13 Scottsdale-AZ        2:27.63             
                  36.76     1:14.21 (37.45)     1:51.02 (36.81)     2:27.63 (36.61)
 46 Judy, Frankie             20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:27.66             
                  36.23     1:13.36 (37.13)     1:50.81 (37.45)     2:27.66 (36.85)
 47 Wells, Stef               16 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:27.93             
                  34.12     1:11.04 (36.92)     1:49.16 (38.12)     2:27.93 (38.77)
 48 Payne, Amanda             17 Chena                2:28.06             
                  34.93     1:12.12 (37.19)     1:50.35 (38.23)     2:28.06 (37.71)
 49 Fox, Megan                15 Novi Sturgeons-MI    2:28.35             
                  35.37     1:12.65 (37.28)     1:51.15 (38.50)     2:28.35 (37.20)
 50 Zimmer, Meghan            17 Santa Maria-CA       2:28.39             
                  35.08     1:11.97 (36.89)     1:50.48 (38.51)     2:28.39 (37.91)
 51 Ankeny, Chelsea           16 Elite Aquatics-CA    2:28.51             
                  36.21     1:12.97 (36.76)     1:50.94 (37.97)     2:28.51 (37.57)
 52 Landry, Taryne            15 Chena                2:28.52             
                  34.55     1:12.02 (37.47)     1:50.66 (38.64)     2:28.52 (37.86)
 53 Spach, Margaret           16 Aquazots-CA          2:28.53             
                  34.98     1:12.77 (37.79)     1:51.38 (38.61)     2:28.53 (37.15)
 54 Urubhurow, Delghi         18 Unattached-MR/TMC    2:28.64             
                  36.64     1:15.64 (39.00)     1:52.08 (36.44)     2:28.64 (36.56)
 55 Taylor, Bonnie            18 Desert Storm-CA      2:29.04             
                  35.65     1:13.87 (38.22)     1:51.41 (37.54)     2:29.04 (37.63)
 56 Montgomery, Olivia        16 Chena                2:29.35             
                  35.02     1:12.27 (37.25)     1:51.01 (38.74)     2:29.35 (38.34)
 57 DeGolia, Hailey           20 Pleasanton-PC        2:29.46             
                  34.89     1:12.92 (38.03)     1:51.70 (38.78)     2:29.46 (37.76)
 58 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:29.71             
                  35.34     1:13.16 (37.82)     1:51.67 (38.51)     2:29.71 (38.04)
 59 Kardasevic, Mirela        20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:30.01             
                  35.51     1:13.36 (37.85)     1:52.43 (39.07)     2:30.01 (37.58)
 60 Parmenter, Nicole         14 North Coast-SI       2:30.02             
                  34.75     1:12.27 (37.52)     1:51.21 (38.94)     2:30.02 (38.81)
 61 Schluntz, Justine         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:30.04             
                  34.40     1:11.83 (37.43)     1:51.45 (39.62)     2:30.04 (38.59)
 61 Pease, Lara               20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:30.04             
                  33.74     1:10.91 (37.17)     1:50.66 (39.75)     2:30.04 (39.38)
 63 Sprosty, Morgan           15 Aquazots-CA          2:30.11             
                  35.78     1:13.89 (38.11)     1:52.38 (38.49)     2:30.11 (37.73)
 64 Hopp, Camille             16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:30.38             
                  36.70     1:14.64 (37.94)     1:53.42 (38.78)     2:30.38 (36.96)
 65 Mertel, Alix              15 Desert Storm-CA      2:30.51             
                  35.29     1:13.23 (37.94)     1:52.23 (39.00)     2:30.51 (38.28)
 66 Baker, Lauren             14 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:30.56             
                  36.32     1:13.70 (37.38)     1:52.51 (38.81)     2:30.56 (38.05)
 67 Dornick, Monica           13 North Coast-SI       2:30.57             
                  36.37     1:13.92 (37.55)     1:52.27 (38.35)     2:30.57 (38.30)
 68 Marsilii, Caitlin         17 The FISH-PV          2:30.58             
                  36.04     1:14.26 (38.22)     1:52.94 (38.68)     2:30.58 (37.64)
 69 Goodman, Kary             21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:30.66             
                  35.71     1:12.90 (37.19)     1:51.45 (38.55)     2:30.66 (39.21)
 70 Brewer, Ashley            15 Sun Devil-AZ         2:30.67             
                  35.95     1:13.75 (37.80)     1:52.66 (38.91)     2:30.67 (38.01)
 71 Leksono, Felicia          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:30.76             
                  35.26     1:13.31 (38.05)     1:52.80 (39.49)     2:30.76 (37.96)
 72 Hunt-Higgins, Megan       20 Team Rebel-CA        2:30.85             
                  35.52     1:13.42 (37.90)     1:52.56 (39.14)     2:30.85 (38.29)
 73 Mattern, Jordan           14 Colorado Stars-CO    2:30.91             
                  35.07     1:12.83 (37.76)     1:51.69 (38.86)     2:30.91 (39.22)
 74 Martin, Clair             17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:30.98             
                  35.25     1:12.87 (37.62)     1:52.04 (39.17)     2:30.98 (38.94)
 75 Loper, Torrey             17 Scottsdale-AZ        2:31.06             
                  35.94     1:14.13 (38.19)     1:52.62 (38.49)     2:31.06 (38.44)
 76 Naze, Katie               15 Colorado Stars-CO    2:31.14             
                  36.38     1:15.15 (38.77)     1:54.09 (38.94)     2:31.14 (37.05)
 77 Stipe, Mikkel-Ane         14 North Coast-SI       2:31.27             
                  35.73     1:13.76 (38.03)     1:52.88 (39.12)     2:31.27 (38.39)
 78 Lougee, Sam               18 Santa Maria-CA       2:31.32             
                  36.06     1:13.68 (37.62)     1:52.68 (39.00)     2:31.32 (38.64)
 79 Demichele, Jenna          17 North Coast-SI       2:31.60             
                  36.35     1:13.58 (37.23)     1:52.71 (39.13)     2:31.60 (38.89)
 80 Summers, Kim              16 Blue Tide-GU         2:31.98             
                  34.73     1:12.99 (38.26)     1:52.77 (39.78)     2:31.98 (39.21)
 81 Livingstone, K.T.         14 Canyons-CA           2:32.01             
                  35.49     1:13.31 (37.82)     1:52.74 (39.43)     2:32.01 (39.27)
 82 Oswald, Addie             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:32.13             
                  37.12     1:15.59 (38.47)     1:54.11 (38.52)     2:32.13 (38.02)
 83 Carter, Stacy             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:32.16             
                  35.41     1:13.17 (37.76)     1:52.50 (39.33)     2:32.16 (39.66)
 84 Lougee, Lora              15 Santa Maria-CA       2:32.20             
                  36.12     1:14.43 (38.31)     1:53.03 (38.60)     2:32.20 (39.17)
 85 Hanson, Maggie            15 Canyons-CA           2:32.68             
                  36.50     1:15.02 (38.52)     1:54.12 (39.10)     2:32.68 (38.56)
 86 Graves, Carter            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:32.82             
                  36.07     1:14.60 (38.53)     1:53.87 (39.27)     2:32.82 (38.95)
 87 Ah-Quah, Stephanie        15 South Pasadena-CA    2:32.98             
                  36.34     1:15.82 (39.48)     1:54.56 (38.74)     2:32.98 (38.42)
 88 Martin, Rylie             12 Team Rebel-CA        2:33.02             
                  36.09     1:15.19 (39.10)     1:54.88 (39.69)     2:33.02 (38.14)
 89 O'Donnell, Kylie          18 Colorado Stars-CO    2:33.22             
                  35.29     1:13.56 (38.27)     1:53.54 (39.98)     2:33.22 (39.68)
 90 Nettenstrom, Kari         21 Team Rebel-CA        2:33.30             
                  35.99     1:14.08 (38.09)     1:53.72 (39.64)     2:33.30 (39.58)
 91 Hall, Kelsey              16 North Coast-SI       2:33.39             
                  36.95     1:15.70 (38.75)     1:54.48 (38.78)     2:33.39 (38.91)
 92 Eacret, Valerie           17 Santa Barbara-CA     2:33.40             
                  36.23     1:14.98 (38.75)     1:54.46 (39.48)     2:33.40 (38.94)
 92 Bolton, Melinda           18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:33.40             
                  35.74     1:13.52 (37.78)     1:53.03 (39.51)     2:33.40 (40.37)
 94 Breitrick, Pamela         13 Waukesha Express-WI  2:33.49             
                  36.21     1:14.92 (38.71)     1:54.64 (39.72)     2:33.49 (38.85)
 95 VanNatta, Tara            18 The Woodlands-GU     2:33.53             
                  34.66     1:12.57 (37.91)     1:52.83 (40.26)     2:33.53 (40.70)
 96 McClain, Rachell          18 Desert Storm-CA      2:33.82             
                  36.00     1:14.64 (38.64)     1:54.57 (39.93)     2:33.82 (39.25)
 97 Brandenburg, Krissie      15 Clippers-OH          2:33.84             
                  35.10     1:13.54 (38.44)     1:53.85 (40.31)     2:33.84 (39.99)
 98 Van Hout, Aja             14 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:34.02             
                  36.65     1:14.99 (38.34)     1:54.71 (39.72)     2:34.02 (39.31)
 99 Fraley, Lauren            20 Unattached-MR/TMC    2:34.12             
                  35.92     1:15.59 (39.67)     1:55.17 (39.58)     2:34.12 (38.95)
 99 Caldwell, Danielle        16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:34.12             
                  35.99     1:13.86 (37.87)     1:53.75 (39.89)     2:34.12 (40.37)
101 Panis, Aubrey             20 Unattached-SI        2:34.39             
                  35.89     1:14.70 (38.81)     1:54.54 (39.84)     2:34.39 (39.85)
102 Caldwell, Samantha        18 Unattached-AZ/SDA    2:34.47             
                  36.64     1:15.32 (38.68)     1:54.96 (39.64)     2:34.47 (39.51)
103 Fotsch, Colleen           17 Palo Alto-PC         2:34.81             
                  37.07     1:16.68 (39.61)     1:56.08 (39.40)     2:34.81 (38.73)
104 Landgrebe, Shannon        16 Piranhas-CA          2:34.83             
                  36.37     1:14.85 (38.48)     1:55.11 (40.26)     2:34.83 (39.72)
105 Schmid, Kristin           16 Colorado Stars-CO    2:35.35             
                  37.00     1:15.64 (38.64)     1:56.23 (40.59)     2:35.35 (39.12)
106 Gean, Michelle            15 Blue Tide-GU         2:36.28             
                  34.92     1:13.75 (38.83)     1:54.77 (41.02)     2:36.28 (41.51)
107 Neff, Jenna               21 Team Rebel-CA        2:36.37             
                  36.79     1:15.55 (38.76)     1:56.13 (40.58)     2:36.37 (40.24)
108 Fujimura, Aya             16 Aquazots-CA          2:37.93             
                  37.26     1:17.00 (39.74)     1:57.50 (40.50)     2:37.93 (40.43)
109 Thompson, Maggie          15 Spokane Area-IE      2:38.75             
                  37.12     1:16.84 (39.72)     1:58.39 (41.55)     2:38.75 (40.36)
110 Krawczyk, Merritt         16 Blue Tide-GU         2:39.00             
                  38.17     1:18.24 (40.07)     1:58.57 (40.33)     2:39.00 (40.43)
111 Armstrong, Stephanie      15 Waukesha Express-WI  2:39.64             
                  37.95     1:17.48 (39.53)     1:58.77 (41.29)     2:39.64 (40.87)
112 Rogers, Xan               23 Unattached-CA        2:41.60             
                  39.02     1:20.19 (41.17)     2:01.21 (41.02)     2:41.60 (40.39)
113 Streight, Crystal         19 Desert Storm-CA      2:44.41             
                  38.93     1:20.16 (41.23)     2:02.36 (42.20)     2:44.41 (42.05)
 -- Krisman, Tanya            17 North Coast-SI           DQ              
                  37.74     1:15.71 (37.97)     1:53.58 (37.87)          DQ (36.80)
 -- Embick, Jessica           20 Mt. Hood-OR              NS              
Women Open 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
 Meet Record: M 1:08.80   6/17/2007 Rebecca Soni, Trojan Swim Club             
 Pool Record: P 1:08.80   6/17/2007 Rebecca Soni, Trojan Swim Club             
   US Record: A 1:06.20        2005 Jessica Hardy                              
World Record: W 1:05.09        2006 Liesel Jones - AUS                         
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Soni, Rebecca             20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:10.71    1:08.80M  20  
                  32.95     1:08.80 (35.85)                                        
  2 Hehn, Keri                26 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:10.48    1:09.48   17  
                  33.17     1:09.48 (36.31)                                        
  3 Chandler, Annie           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:11.15    1:10.31   16  
                  33.62     1:10.31 (36.69)                                        
  4 Hardy, Jessica            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:11.26    1:10.36   15  
                  32.59     1:10.36 (37.77)                                        
  5 Schober, Sonja               Germany              1:12.29    1:11.98   14  
                  33.91     1:11.98 (38.07)                                        
  6 Craft, Jacquelyn          21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:13.49    1:13.27   13  
                  34.80     1:13.27 (38.47)                                        
  7 Delurgio, Rosanna         23 Unattached-SI/UCSD   1:14.06    1:13.32   12  
                  34.18     1:13.32 (39.14)                                        
  8 Weiler, Simone               Germany              1:13.96    1:13.43   11  
                  34.24     1:13.43 (39.19)                                        
Consolation Final
  9 Maxwell, Samantha         18 Rio-AZ               1:14.55    1:12.51    9  
                  34.49     1:12.51 (38.02)                                        
 10 Payne, Lindsay            24 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:14.41    1:13.15    7  
                  35.19     1:13.15 (37.96)                                        
 11 Carey, Annabelle          18 New Zealand          1:14.13    1:13.43    6  
                  34.23     1:13.43 (39.20)                                        
 12 Marmolejo, Adriana        25 Mexico               1:14.27    1:13.90    5  
                  34.91     1:13.90 (38.99)                                        
 13 Danny, Jordan             15 Canyons-CA           1:15.07    1:14.00    4  
                  35.20     1:14.00 (38.80)                                        
 14 Schmitt, Jessie           16 North Coast-SI       1:14.34    1:14.59    3  
                  35.65     1:14.59 (38.94)                                        
 15 Olsen, Katie              14 Sun Devil-AZ         1:15.33    1:16.20    2  
                  35.85     1:16.20 (40.35)                                        
 16 McDaniel, Sara            19 Sun Devil-AZ         1:16.02    1:16.47    1  
                  35.28     1:16.47 (41.19)                                        
Bonus Final
 17 Houston, Katy             19 Reno Aquatic Clu-PC  1:16.20    1:14.35  
                  34.61     1:14.35 (39.74)                                        
 18 Mims, Casey               14 Novaquatics-CA       1:16.14    1:15.16  
                  35.93     1:15.16 (39.23)                                        
 19 Utami, Lina               25 Novaquatics-CA       1:16.28    1:15.70  
                  35.92     1:15.70 (39.78)                                        
 20 Bates, Melissa            14 SoCal Aquatics-CA    1:16.53    1:15.80  
                  34.59     1:15.80 (41.21)                                        
 21 Ripley, Rachel            16 Rio-AZ               1:16.52    1:15.88  
                  35.70     1:15.88 (40.18)                                        
 22 Brousseau, Jacqueline     16 Class Aquatics-CA    1:16.10    1:15.96  
                  36.14     1:15.96 (39.82)                                        
 23 Geerdes, Sarah            17 Escondido-SI         1:16.58    1:18.13  
                  36.91     1:18.13 (41.22)                                        
 24 Taylor, Samantha          14 Novaquatics-CA       1:16.34    1:20.37  
                  37.67     1:20.37 (42.70)                                        
 25 Russenberger, Lindsey     21 Sun Devil-AZ         1:16.87             
                  35.69     1:16.87 (41.18)                                        
 26 McIntyre, Melissa         20 Rose Bowl-CA         1:17.37             
                  35.27     1:17.37 (42.10)                                        
 27 Adamczyk, Emily           16 Rose Bowl-CA         1:17.48             
                  36.49     1:17.48 (40.99)                                        
 28 Naze, Kelly               13 Colorado Stars-CO    1:17.51             
                  36.82     1:17.51 (40.69)                                        
 29 Belk, Molly               17 Twin Cities-MN       1:17.55             
                  37.01     1:17.55 (40.54)                                        
 30 Lopez, Sandra             27 Unattached-SI        1:17.60             
                  36.50     1:17.60 (41.10)                                        
 31 Biery, Laura              16 Twin Cities-MN       1:17.65             
                  37.08     1:17.65 (40.57)                                        
 32 Furgatch, Sarah           15 Aquazots-CA          1:17.66             
                  36.87     1:17.66 (40.79)                                        
 33 Haven, Angie              16 Monrovia-CA          1:17.71             
                  36.57     1:17.71 (41.14)                                        
 34 Gillespie, Ally           13 Golden West-CA       1:17.82             
                  36.42     1:17.82 (41.40)                                        
 35 Taylor, Erica             14 NGSV Gators-CA       1:18.10             
                  37.69     1:18.10 (40.41)                                        
 36 Weedman, Chelsea          14 Pacific Swim-SI      1:18.22             
                  37.12     1:18.22 (41.10)                                        
 37 Fellows, Staci            16 Rio-AZ               1:18.42             
                  36.54     1:18.42 (41.88)                                        
 38 Dockendorf, Michelle      15 Santa Barbara-CA     1:18.49             
                  37.17     1:18.49 (41.32)                                        
 39 Schwabe, Emily            14 Waukesha Express-WI  1:18.66             
                  37.32     1:18.66 (41.34)                                        
 40 Hopp, Camille             16 Mission Viejo-CA     1:18.78             
                  37.50     1:18.78 (41.28)                                        
 41 Kirkpatrick, Michelle     18 Elite Aquatics-CA    1:18.83             
                  37.73     1:18.83 (41.10)                                        
 42 Lesch, Ilene              20 Sun Devil-AZ         1:18.90             
                  37.12     1:18.90 (41.78)                                        
 43 Alanis, Valerie           16 North Coast-SI       1:19.01             
                  37.53     1:19.01 (41.48)                                        
 44 Alvarez, Liliana          15 Marin Pirates-PC     1:19.10             
                  37.72     1:19.10 (41.38)                                        
 45 Peters, Meghan            21 North Coast-SI       1:19.23             
                  37.78     1:19.23 (41.45)                                        
 46 Krawczyk, Merritt         16 Blue Tide-GU         1:19.41             
                  37.53     1:19.41 (41.88)                                        
 47 Lutz, Rachel              16 Inland Coastal-SI    1:19.42             
                  37.41     1:19.42 (42.01)                                        
 48 Davis, Jessica            17 Rio-AZ               1:19.43             
                  37.47     1:19.43 (41.96)                                        
 49 Dean, Hailey              19 North Coast-SI       1:19.50             
                  37.22     1:19.50 (42.28)                                        
 50 Morrissey, Ellie          13 Novaquatics-CA       1:19.65             
                  37.60     1:19.65 (42.05)                                        
 51 Marksbury, Holly          14 Yucaipa-CA           1:19.79             
                  37.16     1:19.79 (42.63)                                        
 52 Malthaner, Lauren         17 Spokane Area-IE      1:19.82             
                  37.53     1:19.82 (42.29)                                        
 53 Sa-Nguansap, New          14 Claremont-CA         1:19.93             
                  37.45     1:19.93 (42.48)                                        
 54 Larson, Kelsey            15 Aquazots-CA          1:20.10             
                  37.94     1:20.10 (42.16)                                        
 55 Bonney, Kim               21 Team Rebel-CA        1:20.15             
                  36.81     1:20.15 (43.34)                                        
 56 Thurman, Melissa          15 Clippers-OH          1:20.34             
                  38.58     1:20.34 (41.76)                                        
 57 Oscarson, Berklie         15 Rose Bowl-CA         1:20.35             
                  38.16     1:20.35 (42.19)                                        
 58 Priess, Katie             16 Unattached-CA/AZOT   1:20.42             
                  38.15     1:20.42 (42.27)                                        
 59 Godbe, Alison             17 Mission Viejo-CA     1:20.56             
                  38.20     1:20.56 (42.36)                                        
 60 Simpson, Tess             14 Scottsdale-AZ        1:20.76             
                  38.08     1:20.76 (42.68)                                        
 61 Browning, Lauren          22 Reno Aquatic Clu-PC  1:20.77             
                  37.74     1:20.77 (43.03)                                        
 62 Delaney, Katherine        14 Aquazots-CA          1:20.85             
                  38.38     1:20.85 (42.47)                                        
 63 Gorenc, Arianna           16 Waukesha Express-WI  1:20.99             
                  37.61     1:20.99 (43.38)                                        
 64 Flynn, Kelly              16 The Woodlands-GU     1:21.19             
                  38.07     1:21.19 (43.12)                                        
 65 Deardorf, Erika           16 The Woodlands-GU     1:21.26             
                  38.77     1:21.26 (42.49)                                        
 66 Pagett, Valerie           17 Unattached-MR        1:21.31             
                  38.98     1:21.31 (42.33)                                        
 67 Lee, Angela               15 Aquazots-CA          1:21.49             
                  39.00     1:21.49 (42.49)                                        
 68 Naze, Katie               15 Colorado Stars-CO    1:21.54             
                  39.12     1:21.54 (42.42)                                        
 69 Chen, Angella             13 Royal-CA             1:21.60             
                  39.35     1:21.60 (42.25)                                        
 70 Taylor, Kasey             14 Scottsdale-AZ        1:21.72             
                  39.01     1:21.72 (42.71)                                        
 71 Tadano, Kristin           17 Scottsdale-AZ        1:21.91             
                  39.19     1:21.91 (42.72)                                        
 72 Streight, Crystal         19 Desert Storm-CA      1:21.98             
                  38.84     1:21.98 (43.14)                                        
 73 Opatrny, Lauren           15 Santa Clara-PC       1:22.17             
                  39.52     1:22.17 (42.65)                                        
 74 Bellinger, Sally          17 Marin Pirates-PC     1:22.21             
                  39.34     1:22.21 (42.87)                                        
 75 Myers, Whitney            22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:22.49             
                  39.22     1:22.49 (43.27)                                        
 76 Borowitz, Brittany        17 SoCal Aquatics-CA    1:22.66             
                  39.11     1:22.66 (43.55)                                        
 77 Duckworth, Claire         14 Sun Devil-AZ         1:22.78             
                  40.00     1:22.78 (42.78)                                        
 78 Henderson, Jasmine        16 Canyons-CA           1:22.85             
                  38.85     1:22.85 (44.00)                                        
 79 Brown, Lindsey            21 Sun Devil-AZ         1:23.16             
                  39.34     1:23.16 (43.82)                                        
 80 Indahl, Taylor            15 Tacoma-PN            1:23.22             
                  39.40     1:23.22 (43.82)                                        
 81 Decker, Callie            15 Scottsdale-AZ        1:23.48             
                  39.19     1:23.48 (44.29)                                        
 82 Adams, Casey              15 Mission Viejo-CA     1:23.74             
                  40.56     1:23.74 (43.18)                                        
 83 Tridle, Kari              18 Spokane Area-IE      1:24.39             
                  40.15     1:24.39 (44.24)                                        
 84 Gean, Michelle            15 Blue Tide-GU         1:25.83             
                  40.98     1:25.83 (44.85)                                        
 85 Blom, Alison              16 Marin Pirates-PC     1:28.90             
                  42.57     1:28.90 (46.33)                                        
 -- Kime, Katherine           18 CA Aquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Krattli, Caroline         45 Wind-N-Sea-SI            NS              
Women Open 200 LC Meter Breaststroke
 Meet Record: M 2:27.10   6/16/2007 Rebecca Soni, Trojan Swim Club             
 Pool Record: P 2:27.10   6/16/2007 Rebecca Soni, Trojan Swim Club             
   US Record: A 2:22.44        2004 Amanda Beard                               
World Record: W 2:20.54        2006 Liesel Jones - AUS                         
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Soni, Rebecca             20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:31.33    2:27.10M  20  
                  34.13     1:11.27 (37.14)     1:48.78 (37.51)     2:27.10 (38.32)
  2 Hehn, Keri                26 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:33.69    2:27.88   17  
                  34.15     1:11.89 (37.74)     1:49.83 (37.94)     2:27.88 (38.05)
  3 Schmitt, Jessie           16 North Coast-SI       2:34.76    2:33.77   16  
                  35.70     1:14.76 (39.06)     1:53.99 (39.23)     2:33.77 (39.78)
  4 Weiler, Simone               Germany              2:35.27    2:34.38   15  
                  34.95     1:14.11 (39.16)     1:54.47 (40.36)     2:34.38 (39.91)
  5 Marmolejo, Adriana        25 Mexico               2:37.75    2:34.95   14  
                  36.12     1:15.70 (39.58)     1:55.50 (39.80)     2:34.95 (39.45)
  6 Chandler, Annie           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:36.55    2:36.03   13  
                  35.60     1:14.59 (38.99)     1:54.95 (40.36)     2:36.03 (41.08)
  7 Danny, Jordan             15 Canyons-CA           2:39.87    2:36.98   12  
                  35.74     1:15.73 (39.99)     1:56.54 (40.81)     2:36.98 (40.44)
  8 Maxwell, Samantha         18 Rio-AZ               2:38.63    2:39.48   11  
                  36.08     1:15.55 (39.47)     1:56.92 (41.37)     2:39.48 (42.56)
Consolation Final
  9 Craft, Jacquelyn          21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:39.89    2:36.75    9  
                  36.15     1:16.08 (39.93)     1:56.26 (40.18)     2:36.75 (40.49)
 10 Adamczyk, Emily           16 Rose Bowl-CA         2:40.68    2:39.21    7  
                  38.29     1:18.72 (40.43)     1:58.93 (40.21)     2:39.21 (40.28)
 11 Schober, Sonja               Germany              2:40.45    2:39.74    6  
                  35.13     1:16.01 (40.88)     1:58.42 (42.41)     2:39.74 (41.32)
 12 Dockendorf, Michelle      15 Santa Barbara-CA     2:41.94    2:40.54    5  
                  37.61     1:18.96 (41.35)     1:59.92 (40.96)     2:40.54 (40.62)
 13 Utami, Lina               25 Novaquatics-CA       2:41.79    2:41.07    4  
                  36.34     1:17.74 (41.40)     2:00.02 (42.28)     2:41.07 (41.05)
 14 Chen, Kirstie             14 The Armada-CA        2:42.23    2:42.71    3  
                  37.12     1:18.92 (41.80)     2:00.70 (41.78)     2:42.71 (42.01)
 15 Houston, Katy             19 Reno Aquatic Clu-PC  2:42.66    2:42.91    2  
                  36.93     1:18.31 (41.38)     2:00.14 (41.83)     2:42.91 (42.77)
 16 Strickland, Kait          20 Minnesota-MN         2:42.32    2:45.04    1  
                  38.01     1:19.71 (41.70)     2:02.21 (42.50)     2:45.04 (42.83)
Bonus Final
 17 Mims, Casey               14 Novaquatics-CA       2:43.86    2:40.32  
                  36.57     1:17.55 (40.98)     1:58.33 (40.78)     2:40.32 (41.99)
 18 Bates, Melissa            14 SoCal Aquatics-CA    2:43.49    2:40.97  
                  36.21     1:17.58 (41.37)     1:59.15 (41.57)     2:40.97 (41.82)
 19 Haven, Angie              16 Monrovia-CA          2:44.02    2:41.45  
                  36.35     1:16.84 (40.49)     1:58.39 (41.55)     2:41.45 (43.06)
 20 Naze, Kelly               13 Colorado Stars-CO    2:43.60    2:41.53  
                  37.64     1:18.55 (40.91)     2:00.31 (41.76)     2:41.53 (41.22)
 21 Tarazona, Noelle          14 Claremont-CA         2:45.66    2:43.47  
                  37.76     1:18.78 (41.02)     2:00.97 (42.19)     2:43.47 (42.50)
 22 Furgatch, Sarah           15 Aquazots-CA          2:45.73    2:46.28  
                  37.48     1:19.45 (41.97)     2:02.90 (43.45)     2:46.28 (43.38)
 23 Olsen, Katie              14 Sun Devil-AZ         2:42.91    2:46.62  
                  37.07     1:19.11 (42.04)     2:02.71 (43.60)     2:46.62 (43.91)
 24 Carey, Annabelle          18 New Zealand          2:45.78    2:46.97  
                  36.41     1:18.54 (42.13)     2:02.36 (43.82)     2:46.97 (44.61)
 10 Hardy, Jessica            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:40.43             
                  35.57     1:15.30 (39.73)     1:57.66 (42.36)     2:40.43 (42.77)
 26 Taylor, Erica             14 NGSV Gators-CA       2:46.30             
                  39.09     1:20.96 (41.87)     2:03.47 (42.51)     2:46.30 (42.83)
 27 Lopez, Sandra             27 Unattached-SI        2:46.34             
                  36.89     1:18.00 (41.11)     2:01.95 (43.95)     2:46.34 (44.39)
 28 McIntyre, Melissa         20 Rose Bowl-CA         2:46.41             
                  37.18     1:19.08 (41.90)     2:02.60 (43.52)     2:46.41 (43.81)
 29 Brousseau, Jacqueline     16 Class Aquatics-CA    2:46.87             
                  38.75     1:21.73 (42.98)     2:04.18 (42.45)     2:46.87 (42.69)
 30 Ripley, Rachel            16 Rio-AZ               2:46.93             
                  36.91     1:18.76 (41.85)     2:02.29 (43.53)     2:46.93 (44.64)
 31 Delurgio, Rosanna         23 Unattached-SI/UCSD   2:46.98             
                  37.63     1:19.41 (41.78)     2:02.22 (42.81)     2:46.98 (44.76)
 32 Pagett, Valerie           17 Unattached-MR        2:47.63             
                  39.08     1:21.33 (42.25)     2:04.51 (43.18)     2:47.63 (43.12)
 33 Taylor, Samantha          14 Novaquatics-CA       2:47.79             
                  38.53     1:20.94 (42.41)     2:04.78 (43.84)     2:47.79 (43.01)
 34 Godbe, Alison             17 Mission Viejo-CA     2:47.84             
                  38.42     1:20.23 (41.81)     2:03.83 (43.60)     2:47.84 (44.01)
 35 Priess, Katie             16 Unattached-CA/AZOT   2:47.95             
                  38.18     1:20.45 (42.27)     2:04.23 (43.78)     2:47.95 (43.72)
 36 McDaniel, Sara            19 Sun Devil-AZ         2:48.57             
                  36.52     1:18.98 (42.46)     2:03.37 (44.39)     2:48.57 (45.20)
 37 Alanis, Valerie           16 North Coast-SI       2:48.84             
                  38.31     1:20.70 (42.39)     2:04.62 (43.92)     2:48.84 (44.22)
 38 Biery, Laura              16 Twin Cities-MN       2:48.94             
                  38.58     1:21.62 (43.04)     2:05.46 (43.84)     2:48.94 (43.48)
 39 Larson, Kelsey            15 Aquazots-CA          2:49.02             
                  39.12     1:21.79 (42.67)     2:05.40 (43.61)     2:49.02 (43.62)
 40 Kirkpatrick, Michelle     18 Elite Aquatics-CA    2:49.12             
                  38.24     1:20.78 (42.54)     2:04.76 (43.98)     2:49.12 (44.36)
 41 Spach, Margaret           16 Aquazots-CA          2:49.21             
                  38.69     1:21.87 (43.18)     2:05.58 (43.71)     2:49.21 (43.63)
 42 DeGolia, Hailey           20 Pleasanton-PC        2:49.23             
                  38.04     1:21.63 (43.59)     2:05.50 (43.87)     2:49.23 (43.73)
 43 Bonney, Kim               21 Team Rebel-CA        2:49.26             
                  37.56     1:20.72 (43.16)     2:04.58 (43.86)     2:49.26 (44.68)
 44 Thurman, Melissa          15 Clippers-OH          2:49.32             
                  38.66     1:21.51 (42.85)     2:05.49 (43.98)     2:49.32 (43.83)
 45 Flynn, Kelly              16 The Woodlands-GU     2:49.37             
                  39.07     1:21.83 (42.76)     2:05.88 (44.05)     2:49.37 (43.49)
 46 Schwabe, Emily            14 Waukesha Express-WI  2:49.51             
                  39.14     1:21.77 (42.63)     2:05.76 (43.99)     2:49.51 (43.75)
 47 Taylor, Kasey             14 Scottsdale-AZ        2:49.75             
                  39.12     1:22.41 (43.29)     2:06.93 (44.52)     2:49.75 (42.82)
 48 Sotiropoulos, Anastasia   18 Novaquatics-CA       2:49.82             
                  39.29     1:22.00 (42.71)     2:05.80 (43.80)     2:49.82 (44.02)
 49 Adams, Casey              15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:50.28             
                  40.02     1:22.80 (42.78)     2:06.95 (44.15)     2:50.28 (43.33)
 50 Russenberger, Lindsey     21 Sun Devil-AZ         2:50.60             
                  38.23     1:21.28 (43.05)     2:05.58 (44.30)     2:50.60 (45.02)
 51 Morrissey, Ellie          13 Novaquatics-CA       2:50.72             
                  38.47     1:21.08 (42.61)     2:05.24 (44.16)     2:50.72 (45.48)
 52 Deardorf, Erika           16 The Woodlands-GU     2:50.74             
                  38.80     1:22.28 (43.48)     2:06.62 (44.34)     2:50.74 (44.12)
 53 Oscarson, Berklie         15 Rose Bowl-CA         2:50.77             
                  38.69     1:22.69 (44.00)     2:07.36 (44.67)     2:50.77 (43.41)
 54 Naze, Katie               15 Colorado Stars-CO    2:50.80             
                  39.60     1:23.12 (43.52)     2:06.79 (43.67)     2:50.80 (44.01)
 55 Alvarez, Liliana          15 Marin Pirates-PC     2:51.10             
                  37.98     1:21.41 (43.43)     2:06.43 (45.02)     2:51.10 (44.67)
 55 Streight, Crystal         19 Desert Storm-CA      2:51.10             
                  38.45     1:21.43 (42.98)     2:05.63 (44.20)     2:51.10 (45.47)
 57 Krawczyk, Merritt         16 Blue Tide-GU         2:51.45             
                  38.59     1:21.38 (42.79)     2:06.09 (44.71)     2:51.45 (45.36)
 58 Hopp, Camille             16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:51.57             
                  38.69     1:22.45 (43.76)     2:07.55 (45.10)     2:51.57 (44.02)
 59 Henley, Alex              16 Class Aquatics-CA    2:51.74             
                  40.28     1:23.98 (43.70)     2:08.17 (44.19)     2:51.74 (43.57)
 60 Urias, Sandrine           14 The Armada-CA        2:51.89             
                  39.09     1:22.85 (43.76)     2:07.38 (44.53)     2:51.89 (44.51)
 61 Wahl, Rachael             19 Santa Maria-CA       2:51.90             
                  40.62     1:24.34 (43.72)     2:08.21 (43.87)     2:51.90 (43.69)
 62 Indahl, Taylor            15 Tacoma-PN            2:52.55             
                  38.98     1:22.56 (43.58)     2:07.87 (45.31)     2:52.55 (44.68)
 63 Duckworth, Claire         14 Sun Devil-AZ         2:52.68             
                  39.59     1:23.20 (43.61)     2:07.51 (44.31)     2:52.68 (45.17)
 64 Krisman, Tanya            17 North Coast-SI       2:52.75             
                  41.15     1:25.27 (44.12)     2:08.92 (43.65)     2:52.75 (43.83)
 65 Gillespie, Ally           13 Golden West-CA       2:52.77             
                  37.92     1:21.53 (43.61)     2:07.23 (45.70)     2:52.77 (45.54)
 66 Dean, Hailey              19 North Coast-SI       2:52.80             
                  38.94     1:22.67 (43.73)     2:07.42 (44.75)     2:52.80 (45.38)
 67 Lee, Angela               15 Aquazots-CA          2:52.88             
                  40.19     1:23.55 (43.36)     2:08.36 (44.81)     2:52.88 (44.52)
 68 Delaney, Katherine        14 Aquazots-CA          2:52.89             
                  39.02     1:22.53 (43.51)     2:07.62 (45.09)     2:52.89 (45.27)
 69 McBroom, Jessica          17 The Woodlands-GU     2:52.91             
                  40.45     1:24.53 (44.08)     2:08.81 (44.28)     2:52.91 (44.10)
 70 Peters, Meghan            21 North Coast-SI       2:53.60             
                  40.62     1:24.49 (43.87)     2:09.27 (44.78)     2:53.60 (44.33)
 71 Lesch, Ilene              20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:53.65             
                  38.42     1:21.79 (43.37)     2:07.69 (45.90)     2:53.65 (45.96)
 72 Tadano, Kristin           17 Scottsdale-AZ        2:53.74             
                  40.60     1:24.15 (43.55)     2:08.61 (44.46)     2:53.74 (45.13)
 73 Decker, Callie            15 Scottsdale-AZ        2:54.15             
                  40.73     1:25.16 (44.43)     2:09.36 (44.20)     2:54.15 (44.79)
 74 Difrancisca, Laura        16 Scottsdale-AZ        2:54.46             
                  40.74     1:25.10 (44.36)     2:09.61 (44.51)     2:54.46 (44.85)
 75 Chen, Angella             13 Royal-CA             2:55.42             
                  39.38     1:23.98 (44.60)     2:09.28 (45.30)     2:55.42 (46.14)
 76 Tridle, Kari              18 Spokane Area-IE      2:55.85             
                  40.72     1:24.79 (44.07)     2:09.86 (45.07)     2:55.85 (45.99)
 77 Simpson, Tess             14 Scottsdale-AZ        2:56.87             
                  40.36     1:25.80 (45.44)     2:11.50 (45.70)     2:56.87 (45.37)
 78 Marksbury, Holly          14 Yucaipa-CA           2:56.95             
                  38.95     1:23.50 (44.55)     2:09.76 (46.26)     2:56.95 (47.19)
 79 Boreyko, Kelsey           14 Pacific Swim-SI      2:57.17             
                  41.99     1:27.02 (45.03)     2:12.19 (45.17)     2:57.17 (44.98)
 80 Nguyen, Vi                15 The Armada-CA        2:57.26             
                  40.35     1:24.55 (44.20)     2:10.68 (46.13)     2:57.26 (46.58)
 81 Borowitz, Brittany        17 SoCal Aquatics-CA    2:57.41             
                  39.90     1:24.78 (44.88)     2:11.17 (46.39)     2:57.41 (46.24)
 82 Kime, Katherine           18 CA Aquatics-CA       2:57.50             
                  39.76     1:24.46 (44.70)     2:09.89 (45.43)     2:57.50 (47.61)
 83 Gean, Michelle            15 Blue Tide-GU         2:58.38             
                  39.98     1:24.38 (44.40)     2:10.54 (46.16)     2:58.38 (47.84)
 84 Fellows, Staci            16 Rio-AZ               2:58.63             
                  39.28     1:23.38 (44.10)     2:10.46 (47.08)     2:58.63 (48.17)
 85 Bellinger, Sally          17 Marin Pirates-PC     2:58.78             
                  40.37     1:24.58 (44.21)     2:11.38 (46.80)     2:58.78 (47.40)
 86 Malthaner, Lauren         17 Spokane Area-IE      2:58.81             
                  39.19     1:22.79 (43.60)     2:09.54 (46.75)     2:58.81 (49.27)
 87 Salovich, Kaitlyn         15 CA Aquatics-CA       2:59.41             
                  40.12     1:24.82 (44.70)     2:11.96 (47.14)     2:59.41 (47.45)
 -- Stacey, Johanna           19 Unattached-CA/ROSE       DQ              
                  41.00     1:26.71 (45.71)     2:13.90 (47.19)          DQ (46.46)
 -- Payne, Lindsay            24 Trojan Swim Club-CA      DQ              
 -- DiPalma, Alex             19 Unattached-MR/TMC       DFS              
 -- Junita, Desak             18 Novaquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Embick, Jessica           20 Mt. Hood-OR              NS              
Women Open 100 LC Meter Butterfly
 Meet Record: M 59.25        1997 Misty Hyman - AFOX                           
 Pool Record: P 59.25        1997 Misty Hyman, AFOX                            
   US Record: A 57.34        2007 Natalie Couglin                              
World Record: W 56.61        2000 Inge de Bruijn - NED                         
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Komisarz, Rachel          30 Lakeside-KY          1:00.50      59.98   20  
                  28.31       59.98 (31.67)                                        
  2 Andrew, Caitlin           21 Sun Devil-AZ         1:02.32    1:01.12   17  
                  28.79     1:01.12 (32.33)                                        
  3 Buschschulte, Antje          Germany              1:02.49    1:01.58   16  
                  28.75     1:01.58 (32.83)                                        
  4 Krisman, Tanya            17 North Coast-SI       1:01.98    1:02.35   15  
                  29.70     1:02.35 (32.65)                                        
  5 Eads, Courtney            20 Claremont-CA         1:03.51    1:03.21   14  
                  29.66     1:03.21 (33.55)                                        
  6 Wiegersma, Natalie        17 New Zealand          1:03.33    1:03.27   13  
                  30.14     1:03.27 (33.13)                                        
  7 Raatz, Katherine          18 Golden West-CA       1:03.12    1:03.32   12  
                  29.54     1:03.32 (33.78)                                        
  8 Dickmann, Claire          17 Clippers-OH          1:03.54    1:03.63   11  
                  29.79     1:03.63 (33.84)                                        
Consolation Final
  9 Thomas, Tara              17 Novaquatics-CA       1:03.68    1:01.82    9  
                  29.04     1:01.82 (32.78)                                        
 10 Dwelley, Kate             18 Terrapins-PC         1:03.99    1:02.07    7  
                  29.54     1:02.07 (32.53)                                        
 11 Nagata, Chelsea           21 Unattached-CA/AZOT   1:04.24    1:02.50    6  
                  29.72     1:02.50 (32.78)                                        
 12 Lopus, Whitney            16 Sun Devil-AZ         1:04.13    1:03.88    5  
                  30.50     1:03.88 (33.38)                                        
 13 Forster, Jenny            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:04.34    1:04.33    4  
                  30.48     1:04.33 (33.85)                                        
 14 DePaul, Lyndsay           18 Aquazots-CA          1:04.66    1:04.37    3  
                  30.72     1:04.37 (33.65)                                        
 15 Agy, Ana                  19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:04.44    1:05.17    2  
                  30.76     1:05.17 (34.41)                                        
 16 Andelson, Emily           15 Piranhas-CA          1:04.82    1:05.20    1  
                  30.49     1:05.20 (34.71)                                        
Bonus Final
 17 Baham, Sarah              26 Unattached-CA        1:04.83    1:04.91  
                  30.26     1:04.91 (34.65)                                        
 18 Swanson, Nuffy            16 The Woodlands-GU     1:05.08    1:05.07  
                  31.10     1:05.07 (33.97)                                        
 19 Geerdes, Sarah            17 Escondido-SI         1:05.21    1:05.28  
                  30.41     1:05.28 (34.87)                                        
 20 Prunte, Seraina              Switzerland          1:05.08    1:05.93  
                  30.93     1:05.93 (35.00)                                        
 21 Garcia, Kylie             14 The Armada-CA        1:05.21    1:06.22  
                  31.77     1:06.22 (34.45)                                        
 22 Wise, Rian                21 Unattached-CA        1:05.04    1:06.35  
                  31.07     1:06.35 (35.28)                                        
 23 Schieman, Ellis           20 Lake Erie-LE         1:05.22    1:06.76  
                  31.34     1:06.76 (35.42)                                        
 24 Belk, Molly               17 Twin Cities-MN       1:04.89    1:06.84  
                  30.97     1:06.84 (35.87)                                        
 11 Ziegler, Kate             18 The FISH-PV          1:04.07             
                  30.01     1:04.07 (34.06)                                        
 26 Kurniawan, Ira            24 Santa Barbara-CA     1:05.31             
                  31.54     1:05.31 (33.77)                                        
 27 Baughman, Taylor          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:05.31         J   
                  30.56     1:05.31 (34.75)                                        
 28 Jahanshahi, Yasi          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   1:05.36             
                  31.02     1:05.36 (34.34)                                        
 29 Dole, Jenni               17 Spokane Area-IE      1:05.39             
                  30.25     1:05.39 (35.14)                                        
 30 Sandback, Marina          22 Team Rebel-CA        1:05.42             
                  30.47     1:05.42 (34.95)                                        
 31 Ambridge, Katie           17 Hatfield             1:05.50             
                  31.48     1:05.50 (34.02)                                        
 31 Cashion, Courtney         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:05.50             
                  30.47     1:05.50 (35.03)                                        
 33 Jackson, Lara             20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:05.52             
                  30.24     1:05.52 (35.28)                                        
 34 Klatt, Kelsey             16 Fresno Dolphins-CC   1:05.54             
                  30.62     1:05.54 (34.92)                                        
 35 Murez, Andi               15 Santa Monica-CA      1:05.56             
                  31.09     1:05.56 (34.47)                                        
 36 Myers, Whitney            22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:05.59             
                  31.17     1:05.59 (34.42)                                        
 37 Greene, Chelsea           18 The Armada-CA        1:05.62             
                  30.60     1:05.62 (35.02)                                        
 38 Schreiber, Daniela           Germany              1:05.71             
                  30.20     1:05.71 (35.51)                                        
 38 Tarazona, Noelle          14 Claremont-CA         1:05.71             
                  30.94     1:05.71 (34.77)                                        
 40 Williamson, Ellen         14 Clippers-OH          1:05.74             
                  30.76     1:05.74 (34.98)                                        
 41 Sims, Jennifer            20 Unattached-PC/UCSD   1:05.83             
                  31.06     1:05.83 (34.77)                                        
 42 Vaughn, Rheanna           15 Aquazots-CA          1:05.95             
                  30.80     1:05.95 (35.15)                                        
 43 Livingstone, K.T.         14 Canyons-CA           1:06.04             
                  30.71     1:06.04 (35.33)                                        
 44 Benefield, Gloria         17 North Coast-SI       1:06.05             
                  31.44     1:06.05 (34.61)                                        
 45 Collins, Brandy           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:06.07             
                  30.75     1:06.07 (35.32)                                        
 46 Lim, Lynette              15 Piranhas-CA          1:06.08             
                  31.86     1:06.08 (34.22)                                        
 47 Nymeyer, Lacey            21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:06.22             
                  30.90     1:06.22 (35.32)                                        
 48 DeGolia, Hailey           20 Pleasanton-PC        1:06.23             
                  30.92     1:06.23 (35.31)                                        
 49 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:06.24             
                  31.73     1:06.24 (34.51)                                        
 50 Stachowski, Alyssa        17 Aquazots-CA          1:06.38             
                  31.62     1:06.38 (34.76)                                        
 51 Bowman, Kimberly          16 Pac Sea Wolves       1:06.49             
                  30.92     1:06.49 (35.57)                                        
 52 Bruington, Chelsey        17 NGSV Gators-CA       1:06.50             
                  31.44     1:06.50 (35.06)                                        
 53 Knight, Allison           15 North Coast-SI       1:06.57             
                  31.61     1:06.57 (34.96)                                        
 54 Goodman, Kary             21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:06.60             
                  31.29     1:06.60 (35.31)                                        
 55 Etem, Elise               18 Novaquatics-CA       1:06.77             
                  29.97     1:06.77 (36.80)                                        
 56 Wahl, Rachael             19 Santa Maria-CA       1:06.78             
                  31.38     1:06.78 (35.40)                                        
 57 Nguyen, Rayanne           16 Santa Barbara-CA     1:06.79             
                  31.58     1:06.79 (35.21)                                        
 58 Fujimura, Aya             16 Aquazots-CA          1:06.83             
                  31.43     1:06.83 (35.40)                                        
 58 Williamson, Vanessa       24 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:06.83             
                  31.86     1:06.83 (34.97)                                        
 60 Chandler, Annie           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:06.86             
                  30.51     1:06.86 (36.35)                                        
 61 Darlington, Emma          17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:06.89             
                  31.00     1:06.89 (35.89)                                        
 62 Graves, Carter            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   1:06.93             
                  30.86     1:06.93 (36.07)                                        
 63 Lawson, Audrey            16 Clippers-OH          1:06.99             
                  31.72     1:06.99 (35.27)                                        
 64 Fotsch, Colleen           17 Palo Alto-PC         1:07.10             
                  30.95     1:07.10 (36.15)                                        
 65 Difrancisca, Laura        16 Scottsdale-AZ        1:07.12             
                  31.78     1:07.12 (35.34)                                        
 66 Maffris, Amanda           15 Unattached-GWSC-CA   1:07.15             
                  31.73     1:07.15 (35.42)                                        
 67 Schauer, Alexis           17 Novaquatics-CA       1:07.28             
                  31.70     1:07.28 (35.58)                                        
 68 Beckwith, Danielle        17 Badger Aquatics-WI   1:07.33             
                  31.69     1:07.33 (35.64)                                        
 69 Grothe, Alexis            17 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:07.37             
                  31.04     1:07.37 (36.33)                                        
 70 Lelli, Leticia            13 Scottsdale-AZ        1:07.38             
                  32.27     1:07.38 (35.11)                                        
 71 Baxter, Tristin           15 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:07.40             
                  32.21     1:07.40 (35.19)                                        
 72 Veerman, Courtney         18 Badger Aquatics-WI   1:07.41             
                  32.09     1:07.41 (35.32)                                        
 73 Cox, Sarah                16 Sun Devil-AZ         1:07.45             
                  31.60     1:07.45 (35.85)                                        
 74 Elgamal, Noel             15 North Coast-SI       1:07.48             
                  31.59     1:07.48 (35.89)                                        
 75 O'Brien, Rachel           16 Terrapins-PC         1:07.67             
                  31.74     1:07.67 (35.93)                                        
 76 Sherrard, Jackie          16 Clippers-OH          1:07.71             
                  31.19     1:07.71 (36.52)                                        
 77 Krakoski, Haley           15 Sun Devil-AZ         1:07.76             
                  31.12     1:07.76 (36.64)                                        
 78 Amundsen, Kelsey          16 The Woodlands-GU     1:07.79             
                  31.60     1:07.79 (36.19)                                        
 79 Leksono, Felicia          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   1:07.81             
                  31.52     1:07.81 (36.29)                                        
 80 Simpson, Tess             14 Scottsdale-AZ        1:07.82             
                  31.65     1:07.82 (36.17)                                        
 81 Krager, Rachael           16 Rose Bowl-CA         1:07.84             
                  32.30     1:07.84 (35.54)                                        
 82 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   1:07.89             
 83 Baker, Lauren             14 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:07.90             
                  31.92     1:07.90 (35.98)                                        
 84 Thompson, Beckie          17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:07.92             
                  31.65     1:07.92 (36.27)                                        
 85 Dowell, Ana               21 College Area-SI      1:07.98             
                  32.10     1:07.98 (35.88)                                        
 86 Helms, Susana             18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:08.08             
                  32.47     1:08.08 (35.61)                                        
 86 Cisar, Jamie              17 Santa Clara-PC       1:08.08             
                  32.45     1:08.08 (35.63)                                        
 88 Choy, Tammy               17 Palo Alto-PC         1:08.21             
                  32.57     1:08.21 (35.64)                                        
 89 Chetto, Ebony             16 Novaquatics-CA       1:08.25             
                  32.17     1:08.25 (36.08)                                        
 89 Miller, Joy               21 North Coast-SI       1:08.25             
                  32.42     1:08.25 (35.83)                                        
 91 Ah-Quah, Stephanie        15 South Pasadena-CA    1:08.33             
                  32.43     1:08.33 (35.90)                                        
 92 Lougee, Sam               18 Santa Maria-CA       1:08.34             
                  32.26     1:08.34 (36.08)                                        
 93 Haven, Angie              16 Monrovia-CA          1:08.35             
                  32.42     1:08.35 (35.93)                                        
 94 Nalevanko, Alexandra      18 Team Bruin-CA        1:08.43             
                  32.23     1:08.43 (36.20)                                        
 95 Barton, Emily             17 Sun Devil-AZ         1:08.56             
                  32.23     1:08.56 (36.33)                                        
 96 Stefanec, Annie           16 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:08.64             
                  31.78     1:08.64 (36.86)                                        
 97 Andrews, Tinsley          14 Sun Devil-AZ         1:08.66             
                  31.50     1:08.66 (37.16)                                        
 98 Chen, Angella             13 Royal-CA             1:08.67             
                  32.82     1:08.67 (35.85)                                        
 99 Lavery, Danielle          16 Aquazots-CA          1:08.78             
                  32.08     1:08.78 (36.70)                                        
100 Medina, Kimberly          18 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:08.86             
                  33.13     1:08.86 (35.73)                                        
101 Kiefer, Allison           16 Scottsdale-AZ        1:08.89             
                  32.15     1:08.89 (36.74)                                        
102 Wilde, Courtney           14 NGSV Gators-CA       1:08.94             
                  31.88     1:08.94 (37.06)                                        
103 Tyler, Kristen            19 Torrance-CA          1:08.96             
                  31.58     1:08.96 (37.38)                                        
104 Enguidanos, Belen         13 Scottsdale-AZ        1:08.98             
                  32.52     1:08.98 (36.46)                                        
104 McBroom, Jessica          17 The Woodlands-GU     1:08.98             
                  32.58     1:08.98 (36.40)                                        
106 Neff, Jenna               21 Team Rebel-CA        1:08.99             
                  32.07     1:08.99 (36.92)                                        
107 Caro, Andrea              16 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:09.00             
                  32.63     1:09.00 (36.37)                                        
108 Dawson, Jenah             17 Marin Pirates-PC     1:09.03             
                  32.26     1:09.03 (36.77)                                        
109 Van Hout, Aja             14 Badger Aquatics-WI   1:09.06             
                  31.45     1:09.06 (37.61)                                        
110 Howard, Katie             15 Palo Alto-PC         1:09.10             
                  32.15     1:09.10 (36.95)                                        
110 Garcia, Monica            15 Palo Alto-PC         1:09.10             
                  32.16     1:09.10 (36.94)                                        
112 Foster, Erin              14 The Woodlands-GU     1:09.11             
                  32.78     1:09.11 (36.33)                                        
113 Taylor, Bonnie            18 Desert Storm-CA      1:09.12             
                  31.95     1:09.12 (37.17)                                        
114 Berkay, Melissa           16 Unattached-CA        1:09.18             
                  32.83     1:09.18 (36.35)                                        
115 Skenandore, Kayla         13 Waukesha Express-WI  1:09.22             
                  32.88     1:09.22 (36.34)                                        
116 Miesfeld, Noelle          18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:09.24             
                  32.92     1:09.24 (36.32)                                        
117 Bougrab, Nassira          15 Mission Viejo-CA     1:09.26             
                  32.62     1:09.26 (36.64)                                        
118 Morales, Adria            13 Canyons-CA           1:09.28             
                  32.79     1:09.28 (36.49)                                        
119 Fox, Megan                15 Novi Sturgeons-MI    1:09.29             
                  32.58     1:09.29 (36.71)                                        
120 Eberwein, Chelsey         15 The Woodlands-GU     1:09.34             
                  32.77     1:09.34 (36.57)                                        
121 Golison, Maddie           14 Unattached-CA        1:09.37             
                  33.01     1:09.37 (36.36)                                        
122 Perez, Mariana            16 SoCal Aquatics-CA    1:09.39             
                  31.71     1:09.39 (37.68)                                        
123 Rynveld, Chrissy          16 Mission Viejo-CA     1:09.40             
                  32.99     1:09.40 (36.41)                                        
124 O'Neill, Trinity          19 Claremont-CA         1:09.41             
                  31.65     1:09.41 (37.76)                                        
125 Yamaguchi, Emi            15 Mission Viejo-CA     1:09.49             
                  33.12     1:09.49 (36.37)                                        
126 Marsh, Jessica            14 The Armada-CA        1:09.51             
                  32.46     1:09.51 (37.05)                                        
127 Parsons, Kristina         16 Marin Pirates-PC     1:09.56             
                  32.48     1:09.56 (37.08)                                        
128 Foster, Mary              16 The Woodlands-GU     1:09.69             
                  32.18     1:09.69 (37.51)                                        
129 Nettenstrom, Kari         21 Team Rebel-CA        1:09.75             
                  32.60     1:09.75 (37.15)                                        
130 Kidd, Chelsie             15 Blue Tide-GU         1:09.79             
                  31.97     1:09.79 (37.82)                                        
131 Bauernfeind, Paige        16 Twin Cities-MN       1:09.90             
                  32.50     1:09.90 (37.40)                                        
132 Roggensack, Kelsey        16 Sun Devil-AZ         1:09.92             
                  32.94     1:09.92 (36.98)                                        
133 Doran, Meredith           17 The Woodlands-GU     1:10.11             
                  33.35     1:10.11 (36.76)                                        
134 Cheung-Lau, Chrysanthia   18 Claremont-CA         1:10.12             
                  32.88     1:10.12 (37.24)                                        
135 Adamczyk, Emily           16 Rose Bowl-CA         1:10.13             
                  31.89     1:10.13 (38.24)                                        
136 Sotiropoulos, Anastasia   18 Novaquatics-CA       1:10.16             
                  33.11     1:10.16 (37.05)                                        
137 Ochotorena, Claudia       16 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:10.26             
                  33.59     1:10.26 (36.67)                                        
137 Finley, Sarah             20 Team Rebel-CA        1:10.26             
                  32.01     1:10.26 (38.25)                                        
137 Morales, Allison          13 Canyons-CA           1:10.26             
                  33.13     1:10.26 (37.13)                                        
140 Tran, Cindy               15 Golden West-CA       1:10.46             
                  31.86     1:10.46 (38.60)                                        
141 Plume, Olivia             17 Palo Alto-PC         1:10.79             
                  33.09     1:10.79 (37.70)                                        
142 DiPalma, Alex             19 Unattached-MR/TMC    1:10.90             
                  33.44     1:10.90 (37.46)                                        
143 Blom, Alison              16 Marin Pirates-PC     1:10.93             
                  32.76     1:10.93 (38.17)                                        
144 Lawrenz, Emma             14 Twin Cities-MN       1:11.28             
                  33.01     1:11.28 (38.27)                                        
145 Ozer, Hannah              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:11.61             
                  33.32     1:11.61 (38.29)                                        
146 Barra, Jessie             13 Desert Storm-CA      1:11.95             
                  33.81     1:11.95 (38.14)                                        
147 Tse, Katherine            15 Rose Bowl-CA         1:12.14             
                  32.92     1:12.14 (39.22)                                        
148 Jones, Silken             14 NGSV Gators-CA       1:12.28             
                  33.93     1:12.28 (38.35)                                        
149 Borowitz, Brittany        17 SoCal Aquatics-CA    1:12.68             
                  33.92     1:12.68 (38.76)                                        
150 Darwin, Kristin           17 The Woodlands-GU     1:15.14             
                  34.30     1:15.14 (40.84)                                        
 -- Perrotta, Mattea          16 Trojan Swim Club-CA      DQ              
                  31.13          DQ (35.35)                                        
 -- Freitag, Meike               Germany                 DFS              
 -- Theissen, Katie           20 Clippers-OH             DFS              
 -- Krawczyk, Merritt         16 Blue Tide-GU            DFS              
 -- Bank, Mary                14 Clippers-OH             DFS              
 -- Parrish, Lindsay          16 Santa Barbara-CA         NS              
 -- Kime, Katherine           18 CA Aquatics-CA           NS              
Women Open 200 LC Meter Butterfly
 Meet Record: M 2:09.08        1985 Mart T Meagher - Lakeside, WI              
 Pool Record: P 2:06.09        1985 Mary T Meagher - Lakeside, WI              
   US Record: A 2:05.88        2000 Misty Hyman                                
World Record: W 2:05.40        2006 Jessica Schipper - AUS                     
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Krisman, Tanya            17 North Coast-SI       2:14.62    2:13.54   20  
                  30.72     1:04.83 (34.11)     1:39.20 (34.37)     2:13.54 (34.34)
  2 DePaul, Lyndsay           18 Aquazots-CA          2:16.24    2:14.40   17  
                  30.66     1:04.62 (33.96)     1:39.90 (35.28)     2:14.40 (34.50)
  3 Eads, Courtney            20 Claremont-CA         2:18.99    2:14.87   16  
                  30.03     1:03.92 (33.89)     1:39.26 (35.34)     2:14.87 (35.61)
  4 Belk, Molly               17 Twin Cities-MN       2:17.42    2:15.45   15  
                  30.78     1:04.50 (33.72)     1:39.44 (34.94)     2:15.45 (36.01)
  5 Tarazona, Noelle          14 Claremont-CA         2:17.83    2:16.06   14  
                  30.86     1:05.15 (34.29)     1:40.30 (35.15)     2:16.06 (35.76)
  6 Swanson, Nuffy            16 The Woodlands-GU     2:17.32    2:16.14   13  
                  31.03     1:05.15 (34.12)     1:40.59 (35.44)     2:16.14 (35.55)
  7 Jahanshahi, Yasi          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:19.23    2:18.57   12  
                  31.40     1:06.24 (34.84)     1:42.54 (36.30)     2:18.57 (36.03)
  8 Forster, Jenny            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:19.29    2:19.86   11  
                  31.58     1:06.67 (35.09)     1:42.48 (35.81)     2:19.86 (37.38)
Consolation Final
  9 Dickmann, Claire          17 Clippers-OH          2:20.95    2:16.06    9  
                  30.63     1:05.20 (34.57)     1:40.94 (35.74)     2:16.06 (35.12)
 10 Ambridge, Katie           17 Hatfield             2:20.18    2:18.47    7  
                  31.79     1:06.64 (34.85)     1:42.56 (35.92)     2:18.47 (35.91)
 11 Wiegersma, Natalie        17 New Zealand          2:21.16    2:18.91    6  
                  32.11     1:07.31 (35.20)     1:43.17 (35.86)     2:18.91 (35.74)
 12 Myers, Whitney            22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:22.20    2:19.43    5  
                  31.41     1:06.67 (35.26)     1:42.84 (36.17)     2:19.43 (36.59)
 13 Wahl, Rachael             19 Santa Maria-CA       2:21.79    2:19.53    4  
                  31.97     1:07.71 (35.74)     1:43.70 (35.99)     2:19.53 (35.83)
 14 Stachowski, Alyssa        17 Aquazots-CA          2:21.38    2:21.05    3  
                  32.19     1:07.72 (35.53)     1:44.23 (36.51)     2:21.05 (36.82)
 15 Veerman, Courtney         18 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:21.20    2:21.62    2  
                  31.83     1:07.56 (35.73)     1:44.31 (36.75)     2:21.62 (37.31)
 16 Lawson, Audrey            16 Clippers-OH          2:21.34    2:25.24    1  
                  32.64     1:09.11 (36.47)     1:46.91 (37.80)     2:25.24 (38.33)
Bonus Final
 17 Lopus, Whitney            16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:23.91    2:20.62  
                  31.39     1:06.89 (35.50)     1:43.12 (36.23)     2:20.62 (37.50)
 18 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:22.97    2:20.73  
                  32.11     1:07.80 (35.69)     1:44.26 (36.46)     2:20.73 (36.47)
 19 Lim, Lynette              15 Piranhas-CA          2:24.80    2:21.43  
                  32.43     1:08.39 (35.96)     1:44.93 (36.54)     2:21.43 (36.50)
 20 Vaughn, Rheanna           15 Aquazots-CA          2:23.09    2:22.20  
                  31.44     1:07.02 (35.58)     1:44.36 (37.34)     2:22.20 (37.84)
 21 Schieman, Ellis           20 Lake Erie-LE         2:24.54    2:22.79  
                  31.43     1:07.36 (35.93)     1:44.22 (36.86)     2:22.79 (38.57)
 22 Goodman, Kary             21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:23.47    2:23.30  
                  31.71     1:07.79 (36.08)     1:45.48 (37.69)     2:23.30 (37.82)
 23 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:23.27    2:23.95  
                  31.42     1:07.61 (36.19)     1:45.24 (37.63)     2:23.95 (38.71)
 24 Kurniawan, Ira            24 Santa Barbara-CA     2:24.78    2:25.24  
                  33.56     1:10.42 (36.86)     1:48.03 (37.61)     2:25.24 (37.21)
 22 Andrew, Caitlin           21 Sun Devil-AZ         2:23.94             
                  32.07     1:08.58 (36.51)     1:46.25 (37.67)     2:23.94 (37.69)
 26 Greene, Chelsea           18 The Armada-CA        2:24.81             
                  31.77     1:08.30 (36.53)     1:46.61 (38.31)     2:24.81 (38.20)
 27 Schauer, Alexis           17 Novaquatics-CA       2:24.92             
                  33.20     1:09.76 (36.56)     1:47.28 (37.52)     2:24.92 (37.64)
 28 O'Brien, Rachel           16 Terrapins-PC         2:24.93             
                  32.94     1:09.40 (36.46)     1:47.12 (37.72)     2:24.93 (37.81)
 29 Maffris, Amanda           15 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:24.95             
                  32.98     1:08.95 (35.97)     1:46.46 (37.51)     2:24.95 (38.49)
 30 Baker, Lauren             14 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:25.12             
                  32.52     1:09.28 (36.76)     1:46.98 (37.70)     2:25.12 (38.14)
 31 Bruington, Chelsey        17 NGSV Gators-CA       2:25.27             
                  33.54     1:11.08 (37.54)     1:47.72 (36.64)     2:25.27 (37.55)
 32 Fujimura, Aya             16 Aquazots-CA          2:25.30             
                  32.74     1:09.34 (36.60)     1:47.23 (37.89)     2:25.30 (38.07)
 33 Wild, Chelsea             16 Novaquatics-CA       2:25.34             
                  32.89     1:09.50 (36.61)     1:47.70 (38.20)     2:25.34 (37.64)
 34 Milligan, Kacey           13 Scottsdale-AZ        2:25.40             
                  33.34     1:09.92 (36.58)     1:47.76 (37.84)     2:25.40 (37.64)
 35 Williamson, Vanessa       24 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:25.51             
                  32.20     1:08.59 (36.39)     1:46.55 (37.96)     2:25.51 (38.96)
 36 Lelli, Leticia            13 Scottsdale-AZ        2:25.52             
                  33.11     1:10.13 (37.02)     1:47.56 (37.43)     2:25.52 (37.96)
 37 McBroom, Jessica          17 The Woodlands-GU     2:25.68             
                  32.85     1:09.57 (36.72)     1:47.36 (37.79)     2:25.68 (38.32)
 38 Nguyen, Rayanne           16 Santa Barbara-CA     2:25.90             
                  33.18     1:09.92 (36.74)     1:47.70 (37.78)     2:25.90 (38.20)
 39 Livingstone, K.T.         14 Canyons-CA           2:26.08             
                  32.22     1:08.49 (36.27)     1:47.32 (38.83)     2:26.08 (38.76)
 40 Enguidanos, Belen         13 Scottsdale-AZ        2:26.28             
                  33.62     1:10.34 (36.72)     1:48.25 (37.91)     2:26.28 (38.03)
 41 Baxter, Tristin           15 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:26.55             
                  32.91     1:10.15 (37.24)     1:49.04 (38.89)     2:26.55 (37.51)
 42 Difrancisca, Laura        16 Scottsdale-AZ        2:26.94             
                  33.20     1:10.15 (36.95)     1:48.35 (38.20)     2:26.94 (38.59)
 43 Agy, Ana                  19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:26.97             
                  32.48     1:08.34 (35.86)     1:46.63 (38.29)     2:26.97 (40.34)
 44 Golison, Maddie           14 Unattached-CA        2:27.60             
                  33.79     1:10.65 (36.86)     1:48.56 (37.91)     2:27.60 (39.04)
 45 Krager, Rachael           16 Rose Bowl-CA         2:27.81             
                  32.82     1:09.10 (36.28)     1:47.62 (38.52)     2:27.81 (40.19)
 46 McAndrew, Nicole          18 Sun Devil-AZ         2:27.95             
                  33.20     1:10.43 (37.23)     1:49.08 (38.65)     2:27.95 (38.87)
 47 Yamaguchi, Emi            15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:28.00             
                  34.38     1:11.77 (37.39)     1:50.17 (38.40)     2:28.00 (37.83)
 47 Miesfeld, Noelle          18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:28.00             
                  33.56     1:10.58 (37.02)     1:49.11 (38.53)     2:28.00 (38.89)
 49 Fox, Megan                15 Novi Sturgeons-MI    2:28.10             
                  32.56     1:10.11 (37.55)     1:49.05 (38.94)     2:28.10 (39.05)
 50 Rynveld, Chrissy          16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:28.49             
                  33.12     1:10.22 (37.10)     1:48.99 (38.77)     2:28.49 (39.50)
 51 Kiefer, Allison           16 Scottsdale-AZ        2:28.51             
                  33.09     1:10.63 (37.54)     1:49.36 (38.73)     2:28.51 (39.15)
 52 Sims, Jennifer            20 Unattached-PC/UCSD   2:28.64             
                  33.21     1:10.99 (37.78)     1:50.03 (39.04)     2:28.64 (38.61)
 53 Grothe, Alexis            17 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:28.70             
                  32.00     1:08.92 (36.92)     1:48.48 (39.56)     2:28.70 (40.22)
 54 Beckwith, Danielle        17 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:28.74             
                  32.69     1:09.85 (37.16)     1:48.81 (38.96)     2:28.74 (39.93)
 55 Bougrab, Nassira          15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:29.12             
                  33.65     1:11.37 (37.72)     1:50.05 (38.68)     2:29.12 (39.07)
 56 Foster, Mary              16 The Woodlands-GU     2:29.89             
                  33.18     1:10.99 (37.81)     1:50.03 (39.04)     2:29.89 (39.86)
 57 Roggensack, Kelsey        16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:30.04             
                  34.60     1:12.38 (37.78)     1:50.98 (38.60)     2:30.04 (39.06)
 58 Barton, Emily             17 Sun Devil-AZ         2:30.11             
                  32.76     1:10.34 (37.58)     1:49.88 (39.54)     2:30.11 (40.23)
 59 Sherrard, Jackie          16 Clippers-OH          2:30.24             
                  33.11     1:11.06 (37.95)     1:49.77 (38.71)     2:30.24 (40.47)
 60 Medina, Kimberly          18 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:30.42             
                  33.79     1:11.38 (37.59)     1:50.32 (38.94)     2:30.42 (40.10)
 61 Cox, Sarah                16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:30.43             
                  34.12     1:11.29 (37.17)     1:50.25 (38.96)     2:30.43 (40.18)
 62 Boring, Christina         16 Novaquatics-CA       2:30.68             
                  33.90     1:12.35 (38.45)     1:51.35 (39.00)     2:30.68 (39.33)
 63 Berkay, Melissa           16 Unattached-CA        2:30.73             
                  33.41     1:10.53 (37.12)     1:49.77 (39.24)     2:30.73 (40.96)
 64 Barra, Jessie             13 Desert Storm-CA      2:31.17             
                  33.76     1:11.24 (37.48)     1:50.84 (39.60)     2:31.17 (40.33)
 65 Dockendorf, Michelle      15 Santa Barbara-CA     2:31.23             
                  33.22     1:10.87 (37.65)     1:50.27 (39.40)     2:31.23 (40.96)
 66 Graves, Carter            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:31.43             
                  32.70     1:10.56 (37.86)     1:50.61 (40.05)     2:31.43 (40.82)
 67 O'Neill, Trinity          19 Claremont-CA         2:31.56             
                  33.21     1:11.25 (38.04)     1:51.04 (39.79)     2:31.56 (40.52)
 68 Breitrick, Pamela         13 Waukesha Express-WI  2:31.58             
                  34.23     1:12.43 (38.20)     1:51.57 (39.14)     2:31.58 (40.01)
 69 Van Hout, Aja             14 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:31.68             
                  33.21     1:11.67 (38.46)     1:51.23 (39.56)     2:31.68 (40.45)
 70 Garcia, Monica            15 Palo Alto-PC         2:31.73             
                  34.36     1:12.54 (38.18)     1:51.16 (38.62)     2:31.73 (40.57)
 70 Miller, Joy               21 North Coast-SI       2:31.73             
                  34.07     1:11.95 (37.88)     1:52.42 (40.47)     2:31.73 (39.31)
 72 Pearson, Siân             16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:31.79             
                  34.25     1:12.46 (38.21)     1:51.67 (39.21)     2:31.79 (40.12)
 73 Schumacher, Katelyn       19 Novaquatics-CA       2:32.03             
                  33.81     1:11.14 (37.33)     1:51.32 (40.18)     2:32.03 (40.71)
 73 Simpson, Tess             14 Scottsdale-AZ        2:32.03             
                  32.42     1:09.80 (37.38)     1:50.06 (40.26)     2:32.03 (41.97)
 75 Justice, Lizzie           15 The Woodlands-GU     2:32.30             
                  34.83     1:13.04 (38.21)     1:52.58 (39.54)     2:32.30 (39.72)
 76 Krawczyk, Merritt         16 Blue Tide-GU         2:33.62             
                  34.54     1:12.81 (38.27)     1:52.62 (39.81)     2:33.62 (41.00)
 77 Adamczyk, Emily           16 Rose Bowl-CA         2:34.23             
                  33.03     1:11.68 (38.65)     1:53.31 (41.63)     2:34.23 (40.92)
 78 Skenandore, Kayla         13 Waukesha Express-WI  2:34.30             
                  34.03     1:11.62 (37.59)     1:52.22 (40.60)     2:34.30 (42.08)
 79 Decker, Callie            15 Scottsdale-AZ        2:34.32             
                  34.04     1:13.22 (39.18)     1:53.55 (40.33)     2:34.32 (40.77)
 80 Dawson, Jenah             17 Marin Pirates-PC     2:34.57             
                  33.84     1:12.67 (38.83)     1:52.90 (40.23)     2:34.57 (41.67)
 81 Chetto, Ebony             16 Novaquatics-CA       2:34.87             
                  32.84     1:10.53 (37.69)     1:51.78 (41.25)     2:34.87 (43.09)
 82 Andrews, Tinsley          14 Sun Devil-AZ         2:35.49             
                  34.41     1:13.62 (39.21)     1:54.33 (40.71)     2:35.49 (41.16)
 83 Bauernfeind, Paige        16 Twin Cities-MN       2:35.84             
                  33.82     1:12.54 (38.72)     1:53.25 (40.71)     2:35.84 (42.59)
 84 Kidd, Chelsie             15 Blue Tide-GU         2:36.03             
                  32.87     1:10.63 (37.76)     1:52.48 (41.85)     2:36.03 (43.55)
 85 DiPalma, Alex             19 Unattached-MR/TMC    2:40.77             
                  34.41     1:14.31 (39.90)     1:57.37 (43.06)     2:40.77 (43.40)
 86 Blom, Alison              16 Marin Pirates-PC     2:44.10             
                  34.78     1:15.58 (40.80)     1:59.08 (43.50)     2:44.10 (45.02)
 -- Darwin, Kristin           17 The Woodlands-GU        DFS              
 -- Ridder, Danielle          20 Minnesota-MN             NS              
 -- Plume, Olivia             17 Palo Alto-PC             NS              
 -- Hiatt, Jessi              16 Sun Devil-AZ             NS              
 -- Chen, Angella             13 Royal-CA                 NS              
Women Open 200 LC Meter IM
 Meet Record: M 2:14.18        1979 Tracy Caulkins - Nashville                 
 Pool Record: P 2:14.18        1979 Tracy Caulkins - Nashville                 
   US Record: A 2:10.41        2005 Katie Hoff                                 
World Record: W 2:09.72        1997 Yanyan Wu - CHN                            
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Wiegersma, Natalie        17 New Zealand          2:19.75    2:17.71   20  
                  30.80     1:05.81 (35.01)     1:45.88 (40.07)     2:17.71 (31.83)
  2 DePaul, Lyndsay           18 Aquazots-CA          2:21.45    2:19.08   17  
                  30.78     1:06.22 (35.44)     1:47.13 (40.91)     2:19.08 (31.95)
  3 Soni, Rebecca             20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:22.85    2:19.47   16  
                  31.19     1:09.81 (38.62)     1:46.54 (36.73)     2:19.47 (32.93)
  4 Eads, Courtney            20 Claremont-CA         2:24.34    2:21.66   15  
                  30.36     1:06.85 (36.49)     1:49.93 (43.08)     2:21.66 (31.73)
  5 Schmitt, Jessie           16 North Coast-SI       2:22.31    2:21.81   14  
                  31.59     1:09.28 (37.69)     1:49.14 (39.86)     2:21.81 (32.67)
  6 Chandler, Annie           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:23.36    2:23.24   13  
                  30.19     1:09.53 (39.34)     1:49.27 (39.74)     2:23.24 (33.97)
  7 Forster, Jenny            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:23.18    2:23.62   12  
                  30.77     1:07.44 (36.67)     1:50.71 (43.27)     2:23.62 (32.91)
  8 Tarazona, Noelle          14 Claremont-CA         2:24.46    2:24.40   11  
                  30.40     1:07.59 (37.19)     1:50.35 (42.76)     2:24.40 (34.05)
Consolation Final
  9 Volcan, Erin              23 Aquazots-CA          2:24.56    2:22.18    9  
                  31.62     1:06.74 (35.12)     1:50.33 (43.59)     2:22.18 (31.85)
 10 Houston, Katy             19 Reno Aquatic Clu-PC  2:25.09    2:24.23    7  
                  30.38     1:08.54 (38.16)     1:51.02 (42.48)     2:24.23 (33.21)
 11 Milligan, Danielle        18 Scottsdale-AZ        2:25.11    2:24.79    6  
                  32.09     1:09.24 (37.15)     1:51.89 (42.65)     2:24.79 (32.90)
 12 Lopus, Whitney            16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:24.50    2:24.81    5  
                  31.03     1:07.58 (36.55)     1:52.37 (44.79)     2:24.81 (32.44)
 13 Maffris, Amanda           15 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:25.12    2:25.04    4  
                  31.52     1:09.02 (37.50)     1:52.58 (43.56)     2:25.04 (32.46)
 14 Thompson, Kathryn         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:24.67    2:25.28    3  
                  31.63     1:07.48 (35.85)     1:51.76 (44.28)     2:25.28 (33.52)
 15 Amundsen, Kelsey          16 The Woodlands-GU     2:26.40    2:25.61    2  
                  30.98     1:08.18 (37.20)     1:52.43 (44.25)     2:25.61 (33.18)
 16 Dickmann, Claire          17 Clippers-OH          2:25.00    2:26.60    1  
                  30.44     1:08.84 (38.40)     1:53.34 (44.50)     2:26.60 (33.26)
Bonus Final
 17 Pold, Anna                16 North Coast-SI       2:26.79    2:24.34  
                  31.23     1:07.84 (36.61)     1:50.83 (42.99)     2:24.34 (33.51)
 18 Weedman, Chelsea          14 Pacific Swim-SI      2:27.57    2:25.62  
                  32.73     1:10.58 (37.85)     1:52.52 (41.94)     2:25.62 (33.10)
 19 Brunner, Rikka            20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:27.68    2:25.75  
                  32.58     1:09.73 (37.15)     1:51.85 (42.12)     2:25.75 (33.90)
 20 Waller, Rachael           20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:27.46    2:26.59  
                  30.89     1:09.80 (38.91)     1:55.70 (45.90)     2:26.59 (30.89)
 21 Ripley, Rachel            16 Rio-AZ               2:27.28    2:27.04  
                  31.60     1:11.15 (39.55)     1:53.51 (42.36)     2:27.04 (33.53)
 22 Agy, Ana                  19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:27.67    2:27.68  
                  29.76     1:07.33 (37.57)     1:52.87 (45.54)     2:27.68 (34.81)
 23 Maxwell, Samantha         18 Rio-AZ               2:27.35    2:31.66  
                  32.04     1:12.50 (40.46)     1:55.72 (43.22)     2:31.66 (35.94)
 24 Olsen, Katie              14 Sun Devil-AZ         2:27.95    2:35.41  
                  33.54     1:15.79 (42.25)     1:58.01 (42.22)     2:35.41 (37.40)
  5 Dwelley, Kate             18 Terrapins-PC         2:23.05             
                  30.92     1:08.04 (37.12)     1:51.27 (43.23)     2:23.05 (31.78)
  7 Steffen, Britta              Germany              2:23.33             
                  31.06     1:10.63 (39.57)     1:53.80 (43.17)     2:23.33 (29.53)
  9 Shaughnessy, Jenny        20 Minnesota-MN         2:23.47             
                  31.28     1:08.34 (37.06)     1:51.03 (42.69)     2:23.47 (32.44)
 11 DeWall, Deirdre           19 Minnesota-MN         2:24.36             
                  31.91     1:08.14 (36.23)     1:50.68 (42.54)     2:24.36 (33.68)
 21 Menezes, Michelle         18 Colorado Stars-CO    2:26.50             
                  32.28     1:09.86 (37.58)     1:53.13 (43.27)     2:26.50 (33.37)
 27 Wahl, Rachael             19 Santa Maria-CA       2:27.61             
                  31.36     1:10.69 (39.33)     1:55.00 (44.31)     2:27.61 (32.61)
 30 Knight, Allison           15 North Coast-SI       2:27.73             
                  31.41     1:08.85 (37.44)     1:53.66 (44.81)     2:27.73 (34.07)
 32 Jahanshahi, Yasi          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:28.01             
                  30.98     1:09.41 (38.43)     1:54.69 (45.28)     2:28.01 (33.32)
 33 Schluntz, Justine         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:28.06             
                  31.02     1:08.90 (37.88)     1:52.86 (43.96)     2:28.06 (35.20)
 34 Adamczyk, Emily           16 Rose Bowl-CA         2:28.12             
                  32.08     1:13.41 (41.33)     1:54.30 (40.89)     2:28.12 (33.82)
 35 Wei, Stephanie            16 Santa Clara-PC       2:28.22             
                  33.06     1:10.02 (36.96)     1:55.67 (45.65)     2:28.22 (32.55)
 36 DeGolia, Hailey           20 Pleasanton-PC        2:28.23             
                  32.07     1:10.62 (38.55)     1:53.94 (43.32)     2:28.23 (34.29)
 37 Brousseau, Jacqueline     16 Class Aquatics-CA    2:28.39             
                  32.68     1:13.71 (41.03)     1:54.84 (41.13)     2:28.39 (33.55)
 38 Craft, Jacquelyn          21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:28.41             
                  32.70     1:13.70 (41.00)     1:54.24 (40.54)     2:28.41 (34.17)
 39 Furgatch, Sarah           15 Aquazots-CA          2:28.45             
                  33.83     1:13.80 (39.97)     1:56.31 (42.51)     2:28.45 (32.14)
 40 Yamada, Sachiko           24 Mission Viejo-CA     2:28.62             
                  33.10     1:09.13 (36.03)     1:55.52 (46.39)     2:28.62 (33.10)
 40 Ambridge, Katie           17 Hatfield             2:28.62             
                  32.33     1:11.00 (38.67)     1:54.73 (43.73)     2:28.62 (33.89)
 42 Diener, Kelsy             17 Unattached-AZ/SAC    2:28.63             
                  32.55     1:10.12 (37.57)     1:55.46 (45.34)     2:28.63 (33.17)
 43 Cox, Sarah                16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:28.80             
                  31.99     1:08.92 (36.93)     1:54.52 (45.60)     2:28.80 (34.28)
 44 Landry, Taryne            15 Chena                2:28.98             
                  32.96     1:11.09 (38.13)     1:55.75 (44.66)     2:28.98 (33.23)
 45 Caldwell, Hilary          16 Pac Sea Wolves       2:29.04             
                  32.54     1:09.94 (37.40)     1:54.65 (44.71)     2:29.04 (34.39)
 46 Bates, Melissa            14 SoCal Aquatics-CA    2:29.15             
                  33.27     1:13.87 (40.60)     1:55.37 (41.50)     2:29.15 (33.78)
 47 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:29.21             
                  32.49     1:11.49 (39.00)     1:56.57 (45.08)     2:29.21 (32.64)
 48 Duckworth, Angela         16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:29.23             
                  33.17     1:11.77 (38.60)     1:55.86 (44.09)     2:29.23 (33.37)
 49 Urubhurow, Delghi         18 Unattached-MR/TMC    2:29.48             
                  32.39     1:10.96 (38.57)     1:55.42 (44.46)     2:29.48 (34.06)
 50 Crowley, Julia            14 NGSV Gators-CA       2:29.57             
                  33.02     1:10.47 (37.45)     1:55.20 (44.73)     2:29.57 (34.37)
 51 Vorster, Leone'           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:29.66             
                  31.77     1:10.92 (39.15)     1:57.26 (46.34)     2:29.66 (32.40)
 52 Taylor, Samantha          14 Novaquatics-CA       2:29.83             
                  32.38     1:11.33 (38.95)     1:55.57 (44.24)     2:29.83 (34.26)
 53 Loper, Ally               14 Scottsdale-AZ        2:29.86             
                  32.84     1:10.62 (37.78)     1:55.98 (45.36)     2:29.86 (33.88)
 54 Reigel, Andrea            15 NGSV Gators-CA       2:30.02             
                  33.49     1:11.06 (37.57)     1:55.27 (44.21)     2:30.02 (34.75)
 54 Spach, Margaret           16 Aquazots-CA          2:30.02             
                  33.44     1:12.54 (39.10)     1:55.70 (43.16)     2:30.02 (34.32)
 56 Stouffer, Lara            17 Aquazots-CA          2:30.12             
                  32.39     1:10.64 (38.25)     1:55.57 (44.93)     2:30.12 (34.55)
 57 Henley, Alex              16 Class Aquatics-CA    2:30.14             
                  32.44     1:11.05 (38.61)     1:55.63 (44.58)     2:30.14 (34.51)
 58 Chan, Nakayla             16 Tacoma-PN            2:30.23             
                  33.03     1:12.33 (39.30)     1:56.47 (44.14)     2:30.23 (33.76)
 59 Fox, Megan                15 Novi Sturgeons-MI    2:30.25             
                  32.84     1:10.98 (38.14)     1:55.26 (44.28)     2:30.25 (34.99)
 60 Haven, Angie              16 Monrovia-CA          2:30.37             
                  33.34     1:14.20 (40.86)     1:55.36 (41.16)     2:30.37 (35.01)
 60 Sarandos, Stephanie       17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:30.37             
                  32.46     1:10.87 (38.41)     1:55.88 (45.01)     2:30.37 (34.49)
 62 Zimmer, Meghan            17 Santa Maria-CA       2:30.45             
                  32.68     1:10.32 (37.64)     1:56.15 (45.83)     2:30.45 (34.30)
 63 Krisman, Tanya            17 North Coast-SI       2:30.83             
                  31.57     1:11.40 (39.83)     1:55.55 (44.15)     2:30.83 (35.28)
 64 Dole, Jenni               17 Spokane Area-IE      2:30.89             
                  31.38     1:08.78 (37.40)     1:56.01 (47.23)     2:30.89 (34.88)
 65 Stachowski, Alyssa        17 Aquazots-CA          2:30.96             
                  31.63     1:10.93 (39.30)     1:56.21 (45.28)     2:30.96 (34.75)
 66 Mattern, Jordan           14 Colorado Stars-CO    2:30.99             
                  32.32     1:11.20 (38.88)     1:55.56 (44.36)     2:30.99 (35.43)
 67 Marsh, Jessica            14 The Armada-CA        2:31.05             
                  32.57     1:13.56 (40.99)     1:58.15 (44.59)     2:31.05 (32.90)
 68 Grothe, Alexis            17 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:31.07             
                  31.19     1:10.61 (39.42)     1:58.37 (47.76)     2:31.07 (32.70)
 69 Naze, Kelly               13 Colorado Stars-CO    2:31.10             
                  33.51     1:13.30 (39.79)     1:55.97 (42.67)     2:31.10 (35.13)
 70 Barton, Emily             17 Sun Devil-AZ         2:31.15             
                  32.78     1:13.02 (40.24)     1:55.90 (42.88)     2:31.15 (35.25)
 71 Russenberger, Lindsey     21 Sun Devil-AZ         2:31.26             
                  32.36     1:13.83 (41.47)     1:55.82 (41.99)     2:31.26 (35.44)
 72 Hanson, Andrea            19 Minnesota-MN         2:31.30             
                  33.32     1:10.93 (37.61)     1:56.60 (45.67)     2:31.30 (34.70)
 73 McBroom, Jessica          17 The Woodlands-GU     2:31.50             
                  32.79     1:13.96 (41.17)     1:58.05 (44.09)     2:31.50 (33.45)
 74 Stefanec, Annie           16 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:31.53             
                  32.74     1:12.48 (39.74)     1:56.73 (44.25)     2:31.53 (34.80)
 75 Priess, Katie             16 Unattached-CA/AZOT   2:31.58             
                  33.16     1:12.88 (39.72)     1:56.56 (43.68)     2:31.58 (35.02)
 76 Swanson, Nuffy            16 The Woodlands-GU     2:31.62             
                  31.51     1:10.86 (39.35)     1:56.54 (45.68)     2:31.62 (35.08)
 77 Naze, Katie               15 Colorado Stars-CO    2:31.72             
                  33.80     1:13.04 (39.24)     1:57.66 (44.62)     2:31.72 (34.06)
 78 Godbe, Alison             17 Mission Viejo-CA     2:31.83             
                  33.16     1:13.83 (40.67)     1:57.11 (43.28)     2:31.83 (34.72)
 79 Andrews, Tinsley          14 Sun Devil-AZ         2:31.89             
                  32.24     1:11.94 (39.70)     1:58.25 (46.31)     2:31.89 (33.64)
 79 Baker, Lauren             14 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:31.89             
                  32.58     1:10.94 (38.36)     1:57.37 (46.43)     2:31.89 (34.52)
 81 Lee, Angela               15 Aquazots-CA          2:32.23             
                  32.59     1:13.01 (40.42)     1:57.63 (44.62)     2:32.23 (34.60)
 82 Foster, Erin              14 The Woodlands-GU     2:32.24             
                  32.82     1:12.63 (39.81)     1:59.27 (46.64)     2:32.24 (32.97)
 83 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:32.29             
                  32.14     1:10.79 (38.65)     1:57.28 (46.49)     2:32.29 (35.01)
 84 Oscarson, Berklie         15 Rose Bowl-CA         2:32.31             
                  33.18     1:13.39 (40.21)     1:55.55 (42.16)     2:32.31 (36.76)
 85 Danny, Jordan             15 Canyons-CA           2:32.46             
                  33.38     1:13.42 (40.04)     1:57.55 (44.13)     2:32.46 (34.91)
 86 McIntyre, Melissa         20 Rose Bowl-CA         2:32.57             
                  31.85     1:12.69 (40.84)     1:56.01 (43.32)     2:32.57 (36.56)
 87 Theissen, Katie           20 Clippers-OH          2:32.67             
                  32.49     1:11.51 (39.02)     1:58.16 (46.65)     2:32.67 (34.51)
 88 Nguyen, Vi                15 The Armada-CA        2:32.68             
                  33.73     1:15.09 (41.36)     1:59.05 (43.96)     2:32.68 (33.63)
 89 Brannon, Erica            14 Santa Maria-CA       2:32.79             
                  33.13     1:11.41 (38.28)     1:56.65 (45.24)     2:32.79 (36.14)
 90 Sa-Nguansap, New          14 Claremont-CA         2:33.13             
                  33.32     1:15.04 (41.72)     1:56.91 (41.87)     2:33.13 (36.22)
 91 Livingstone, K.T.         14 Canyons-CA           2:33.60             
                  32.86     1:12.34 (39.48)     1:58.80 (46.46)     2:33.60 (34.80)
 92 Van Hout, Aja             14 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:33.74             
                  32.66     1:12.33 (39.67)     1:57.80 (45.47)     2:33.74 (35.94)
 93 Nguyen, Rayanne           16 Santa Barbara-CA     2:33.75             
                  32.99     1:13.38 (40.39)     1:59.30 (45.92)     2:33.75 (34.45)
 93 Krawczyk, Merritt         16 Blue Tide-GU         2:33.75             
                  34.10     1:14.16 (40.06)     1:56.70 (42.54)     2:33.75 (37.05)
 95 Alanis, Valerie           16 North Coast-SI       2:33.94             
                  33.72     1:14.66 (40.94)     1:58.52 (43.86)     2:33.94 (35.42)
 96 Lougee, Sam               18 Santa Maria-CA       2:34.30             
                  33.04     1:13.13 (40.09)     1:59.65 (46.52)     2:34.30 (34.65)
 97 Difrancisca, Laura        16 Scottsdale-AZ        2:34.31             
                  32.97     1:13.54 (40.57)     1:59.00 (45.46)     2:34.31 (35.31)
 98 Morrissey, Ellie          13 Novaquatics-CA       2:34.54             
                  32.68     1:13.05 (40.37)     1:57.87 (44.82)     2:34.54 (36.67)
 99 Kiefer, Allison           16 Scottsdale-AZ        2:34.55             
                  33.05     1:14.23 (41.18)     1:59.25 (45.02)     2:34.55 (35.30)
100 Bauernfeind, Paige        16 Twin Cities-MN       2:34.74             
                  32.94     1:13.55 (40.61)     1:59.30 (45.75)     2:34.74 (35.44)
101 Vaughn, Rheanna           15 Aquazots-CA          2:34.90             
                  31.55     1:12.89 (41.34)     2:00.22 (47.33)     2:34.90 (34.68)
102 Sherrard, Jackie          16 Clippers-OH          2:35.10             
                  31.60     1:12.25 (40.65)     2:00.55 (48.30)     2:35.10 (34.55)
103 Hilber, Alex              18 Unattached-SI        2:35.15             
                  33.11     1:13.18 (40.07)     1:59.91 (46.73)     2:35.15 (35.24)
104 Bonney, Kim               21 Team Rebel-CA        2:35.19             
                  33.92     1:16.43 (42.51)     1:58.90 (42.47)     2:35.19 (36.29)
105 Schwabe, Emily            14 Waukesha Express-WI  2:35.27             
                  35.48     1:16.68 (41.20)     2:00.30 (43.62)     2:35.27 (34.97)
106 Caldwell, Danielle        16 Sun Devil-AZ         2:35.42             
                  34.09     1:14.03 (39.94)     2:01.00 (46.97)     2:35.42 (34.42)
107 Gillespie, Ally           13 Golden West-CA       2:35.63             
                  34.10     1:15.63 (41.53)     2:00.35 (44.72)     2:35.63 (35.28)
108 Graves, Carter            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:35.77             
                  32.04     1:11.38 (39.34)     1:59.73 (48.35)     2:35.77 (36.04)
109 Etem, Elise               18 Novaquatics-CA       2:35.78             
                  31.29     1:13.45 (42.16)     2:01.49 (48.04)     2:35.78 (34.29)
110 Dean, Hailey              19 North Coast-SI       2:36.00             
                  33.81     1:14.80 (40.99)     2:00.29 (45.49)     2:36.00 (35.71)
111 Judy, Frankie             20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:36.08             
                  35.14     1:14.40 (39.26)     2:01.04 (46.64)     2:36.08 (35.04)
112 Delaney, Alexandra        15 Aquazots-CA          2:36.11             
                  33.66     1:15.92 (42.26)     2:01.99 (46.07)     2:36.11 (34.12)
112 Moore, Brittney           17 Spokane Area-IE      2:36.11             
                  32.63     1:14.01 (41.38)     2:00.50 (46.49)     2:36.11 (35.61)
114 McClain, Rachell          18 Desert Storm-CA      2:36.40             
                  34.30     1:13.18 (38.88)     2:00.42 (47.24)     2:36.40 (35.98)
115 Caro, Andrea              16 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:36.43             
                  33.35     1:13.55 (40.20)     2:02.05 (48.50)     2:36.43 (34.38)
116 Dockendorf, Michelle      15 Santa Barbara-CA     2:36.51             
                  33.98     1:16.36 (42.38)     2:00.33 (43.97)     2:36.51 (36.18)
117 Flynn, Kelly              16 The Woodlands-GU     2:36.71             
                  33.21     1:15.66 (42.45)     2:01.17 (45.51)     2:36.71 (35.54)
118 Cheung-Lau, Chrysanthia   18 Claremont-CA         2:36.88             
                  34.08     1:15.40 (41.32)     2:01.74 (46.34)     2:36.88 (35.14)
119 Dawson, Jenah             17 Marin Pirates-PC     2:37.14             
                  33.14     1:14.86 (41.72)     2:00.74 (45.88)     2:37.14 (36.40)
120 Neff, Jenna               21 Team Rebel-CA        2:37.17             
                  32.69     1:12.40 (39.71)     2:00.68 (48.28)     2:37.17 (36.49)
121 Leksono, Felicia          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:37.21             
                  32.59     1:12.53 (39.94)     2:03.04 (50.51)     2:37.21 (34.17)
122 Delaney, Katherine        14 Aquazots-CA          2:37.37             
                  35.76     1:16.38 (40.62)     2:02.65 (46.27)     2:37.37 (34.72)
123 Tadano, Kristin           17 Scottsdale-AZ        2:37.64             
                  34.18     1:16.52 (42.34)     2:02.04 (45.52)     2:37.64 (35.60)
124 Brewer, Ashley            15 Sun Devil-AZ         2:37.74             
                  33.71     1:13.90 (40.19)     2:01.69 (47.79)     2:37.74 (36.05)
125 Eberwein, Chelsey         15 The Woodlands-GU     2:37.75             
                  33.61     1:14.88 (41.27)     2:01.75 (46.87)     2:37.75 (36.00)
126 Borowitz, Brittany        17 SoCal Aquatics-CA    2:38.28             
                  34.18     1:17.69 (43.51)     2:02.21 (44.52)     2:38.28 (36.07)
127 Larson, Kelsey            15 Aquazots-CA          2:38.30             
                  36.35     1:17.84 (41.49)     2:03.24 (45.40)     2:38.30 (35.06)
128 Bellinger, Sally          17 Marin Pirates-PC     2:38.33             
                  33.44     1:17.08 (43.64)     2:02.05 (44.97)     2:38.33 (36.28)
129 Medina, Kimberly          18 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:38.51             
                  33.76     1:14.80 (41.04)     2:00.50 (45.70)     2:38.51 (38.01)
130 Ochotorena, Claudia       16 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:38.59             
                  34.19     1:14.17 (39.98)     2:02.19 (48.02)     2:38.59 (36.40)
131 Adams, Casey              15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:38.61             
                  37.60     1:19.20 (41.60)     2:03.94 (44.74)     2:38.61 (34.67)
132 Opatrny, Lauren           15 Santa Clara-PC       2:38.82             
                  34.37     1:16.15 (41.78)     2:02.37 (46.22)     2:38.82 (36.45)
133 O'Neill, Trinity          19 Claremont-CA         2:38.93             
                  33.27     1:14.48 (41.21)     2:02.39 (47.91)     2:38.93 (36.54)
134 Alvarez, Liliana          15 Marin Pirates-PC     2:38.98             
                  35.81     1:17.01 (41.20)     2:01.70 (44.69)     2:38.98 (37.28)
135 O'Donnell, Kylie          18 Colorado Stars-CO    2:39.10             
                  33.88     1:12.70 (38.82)     2:00.97 (48.27)     2:39.10 (38.13)
136 Utami, Lina               25 Novaquatics-CA       2:39.61             
                  35.07     1:20.04 (44.97)     2:02.37 (42.33)     2:39.61 (37.24)
137 Parsons, Kristina         16 Marin Pirates-PC     2:39.71             
                  33.24     1:15.91 (42.67)     2:03.23 (47.32)     2:39.71 (36.48)
138 Kidd, Chelsie             15 Blue Tide-GU         2:40.81             
                  32.54     1:13.73 (41.19)     2:04.09 (50.36)     2:40.81 (36.72)
139 Gean, Michelle            15 Blue Tide-GU         2:43.89             
                  35.02     1:17.82 (42.80)     2:06.68 (48.86)     2:43.89 (37.21)
140 Marksbury, Holly          14 Yucaipa-CA           2:44.37             
                  35.09     1:19.61 (44.52)     2:05.83 (46.22)     2:44.37 (38.54)
141 Wahl, Kelly               17 North Coast-SI       2:44.45             
                  34.66     1:18.33 (43.67)     2:10.03 (51.70)     2:44.45 (34.42)
 -- Oswald, Addie             16 BCH Heatwave-CA          DQ              
                  36.50     1:16.27 (39.77)     2:02.64 (46.37)          DQ (33.64)
 -- Boritzke, Andrea          19 Ford Aquatics-AZ         DQ              
 -- Berkay, Melissa           16 Unattached-CA            DQ              
                  33.19     1:13.48 (40.29)     2:03.93 (50.45)          DQ (35.44)
 -- Andelson, Emily           15 Piranhas-CA              DQ              
                  31.17     1:09.03 (37.86)     1:53.88 (44.85)          DQ (33.15)
 -- Caldwell, Samantha        18 Unattached-AZ/SDA        DQ              
                  32.43     1:11.59 (39.16)     1:55.65 (44.06)          DQ (33.31)
 -- Collins, Brandy           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ        DFS              
 -- Darwin, Kristin           17 The Woodlands-GU        DFS              
 -- Choy, Tammy               17 Palo Alto-PC            DFS              
 -- Hardy, Jessica            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA     DFS              
 -- Dwyer, Meghan             16 Mission Viejo-CA        DFS              
 -- Turner, Anna              20 Ford Aquatics-AZ        DFS              
 -- Rogers, Xan               23 Unattached-CA           DFS              
 -- Deardorf, Erika           16 The Woodlands-GU        DFS              
 -- McAndrew, Nicole          18 Sun Devil-AZ             NS              
 -- Dowell, Ana               21 College Area-SI          NS              
 -- Sotiropoulos, Anastasia   18 Novaquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Shellem, Samantha         15 The Armada-CA            NS              
 -- Parrish, Lindsay          16 Santa Barbara-CA         NS              
Women Open 400 LC Meter IM
 Meet Record: M 4:43.73        2004 Kristen Caverly - AZOT                     
 Pool Record: P 4:43.32        1992 Kristine Quance - CLSS                     
   US Record: A 4:32.89        2007 Katie Hoff                                 
World Record: W 4:32.89        2007 Katie Hoff - USA                           
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 DePaul, Lyndsay           18 Aquazots-CA          4:55.18    4:52.28   20  
                  31.47     1:07.10 (35.63)     1:44.72 (37.62)     2:21.31 (36.59)
        3:03.28 (41.97)     3:45.48 (42.20)     4:19.18 (33.70)     4:52.28 (33.10)
  2 Tarazona, Noelle          14 Claremont-CA         4:58.63    4:55.65   17  
                  31.05     1:06.04 (34.99)     1:44.19 (38.15)     2:21.55 (37.36)
        3:03.99 (42.44)     3:47.34 (43.35)     4:22.41 (35.07)     4:55.65 (33.24)
  3 Forster, Jenny            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:58.39    4:55.69   16  
                  32.16     1:07.70 (35.54)     1:46.45 (38.75)     2:23.51 (37.06)
        3:07.08 (43.57)     3:50.18 (43.10)     4:23.74 (33.56)     4:55.69 (31.95)
  4 Schmitt, Jessie           16 North Coast-SI       4:58.15    4:55.72   15  
                  31.75     1:08.39 (36.64)     1:47.71 (39.32)     2:26.80 (39.09)
        3:07.49 (40.69)     3:48.13 (40.64)     4:22.31 (34.18)     4:55.72 (33.41)
  5 Eads, Courtney            20 Claremont-CA         5:00.50    4:56.62   14  
                  30.66     1:05.47 (34.81)     1:44.70 (39.23)     2:23.51 (38.81)
        3:07.00 (43.49)     3:50.85 (43.85)     4:24.73 (33.88)     4:56.62 (31.89)
  6 Shaughnessy, Jenny        20 Minnesota-MN         5:00.47    4:59.15   13  
                  32.56     1:09.11 (36.55)     1:47.63 (38.52)     2:25.21 (37.58)
        3:09.10 (43.89)     3:52.93 (43.83)     4:26.28 (33.35)     4:59.15 (32.87)
  7 Chen, Kirstie             14 The Armada-CA        5:02.30    5:02.06   12  
                  32.13     1:09.29 (37.16)     1:49.13 (39.84)     2:27.22 (38.09)
        3:09.69 (42.47)     3:52.53 (42.84)     4:27.28 (34.75)     5:02.06 (34.78)
  8 Strickland, Kait          20 Minnesota-MN         5:03.60    5:11.00   11  
                  33.87     1:12.70 (38.83)     1:54.30 (41.60)     2:35.17 (40.87)
        3:18.04 (42.87)     4:01.36 (43.32)     4:36.86 (35.50)     5:11.00 (34.14)
Consolation Final
  9 Milligan, Danielle        18 Scottsdale-AZ        5:04.31    5:00.70    9  
                  32.74     1:09.33 (36.59)     1:48.85 (39.52)     2:27.72 (38.87)
        3:10.51 (42.79)     3:53.60 (43.09)     4:27.87 (34.27)     5:00.70 (32.83)
 10 Pold, Anna                16 North Coast-SI       5:04.69    5:00.95    7  
                  31.72     1:08.50 (36.78)     1:47.89 (39.39)     2:25.77 (37.88)
        3:09.83 (44.06)     3:53.42 (43.59)     4:27.80 (34.38)     5:00.95 (33.15)
 11 DeWall, Deirdre           19 Minnesota-MN         5:06.43    5:04.00    6  
                  32.05     1:08.57 (36.52)     1:48.10 (39.53)     2:26.49 (38.39)
        3:10.24 (43.75)     3:54.79 (44.55)     4:30.10 (35.31)     5:04.00 (33.90)
 12 Myers, Whitney            22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     5:07.37    5:04.09    5  
                  32.03     1:08.89 (36.86)     1:48.08 (39.19)     2:26.49 (38.41)
        3:10.45 (43.96)     3:55.54 (45.09)     4:30.16 (34.62)     5:04.09 (33.93)
 13 Wahl, Rachael             19 Santa Maria-CA       5:04.82    5:04.14    4  
                  32.06     1:08.54 (36.48)     1:48.82 (40.28)     2:27.61 (38.79)
        3:12.19 (44.58)     3:56.69 (44.50)     4:30.99 (34.30)     5:04.14 (33.15)
 14 Krisman, Tanya            17 North Coast-SI       5:06.81    5:04.77    3  
                  32.18     1:07.47 (35.29)     1:48.00 (40.53)     2:27.84 (39.84)
        3:12.10 (44.26)     3:56.20 (44.10)     4:31.16 (34.96)     5:04.77 (33.61)
 15 Benefield, Gloria         17 North Coast-SI       5:06.95    5:06.33    2  
                  32.20     1:07.67 (35.47)     1:47.41 (39.74)     2:25.59 (38.18)
        3:11.21 (45.62)     3:56.91 (45.70)     4:32.11 (35.20)     5:06.33 (34.22)
 16 Yamada, Sachiko           24 Mission Viejo-CA     5:06.28    5:07.42    1  
                  33.39     1:11.09 (37.70)     1:48.71 (37.62)     2:24.67 (35.96)
        3:12.66 (47.99)     4:00.14 (47.48)     4:34.52 (34.38)     5:07.42 (32.90)
Bonus Final
 17 Thompson, Kathryn         20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     5:07.38    5:01.42  
                  32.37     1:08.96 (36.59)     1:47.11 (38.15)     2:24.20 (37.09)
        3:07.95 (43.75)     3:52.60 (44.65)     4:27.54 (34.94)     5:01.42 (33.88)
 18 Duckworth, Angela         16 Sun Devil-AZ         5:08.44    5:06.41  
                  32.78     1:10.62 (37.84)     1:50.59 (39.97)     2:29.60 (39.01)
        3:14.55 (44.95)     3:59.84 (45.29)     4:33.73 (33.89)     5:06.41 (32.68)
 19 Jahanshahi, Yasi          16 Unattached-GWSC-CA   5:07.69    5:06.54  
                  31.32     1:06.71 (35.39)     1:47.51 (40.80)     2:27.06 (39.55)
        3:12.53 (45.47)     3:58.53 (46.00)     4:33.45 (34.92)     5:06.54 (33.09)
 20 Reigel, Andrea            15 NGSV Gators-CA       5:08.78    5:07.26  
                  33.64     1:10.93 (37.29)     1:49.72 (38.79)     2:28.78 (39.06)
        3:13.56 (44.78)     3:58.87 (45.31)     4:33.90 (35.03)     5:07.26 (33.36)
 21 Adamczyk, Emily           16 Rose Bowl-CA         5:08.25    5:07.31  
                  33.14     1:11.50 (38.36)     1:53.78 (42.28)     2:35.35 (41.57)
        3:16.22 (40.87)     3:58.22 (42.00)     4:33.27 (35.05)     5:07.31 (34.04)
 22 Maffris, Amanda           15 Unattached-GWSC-CA   5:08.47    5:07.95  
                  32.80     1:09.62 (36.82)     1:50.22 (40.60)     2:29.75 (39.53)
        3:15.02 (45.27)     4:00.72 (45.70)     4:35.66 (34.94)     5:07.95 (32.29)
 23 McAndrew, Nicole          18 Sun Devil-AZ         5:09.20    5:11.16  
                  32.32     1:09.27 (36.95)     1:50.03 (40.76)     2:29.91 (39.88)
        3:15.94 (46.03)     4:03.02 (47.08)     4:37.52 (34.50)     5:11.16 (33.64)
 24 Dwyer, Meghan             16 Mission Viejo-CA     5:08.85    5:12.13  
                  33.09     1:10.93 (37.84)     1:50.03 (39.10)     2:28.43 (38.40)
        3:16.60 (48.17)     4:04.19 (47.59)     4:39.09 (34.90)     5:12.13 (33.04)
  9 Iversen, Caitlin          18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     5:04.31             
                  32.54     1:09.44 (36.90)     1:47.35 (37.91)     2:24.41 (37.06)
        3:10.11 (45.70)     3:55.59 (45.48)     4:30.24 (34.65)     5:04.31 (34.07)
 20 Ambridge, Katie           17 Hatfield             5:08.10             
                  32.30     1:08.79 (36.49)     1:49.57 (40.78)     2:29.06 (39.49)
        3:13.03 (43.97)     3:57.61 (44.58)     4:33.23 (35.62)     5:08.10 (34.87)
 27 Swanson, Nuffy            16 The Woodlands-GU     5:09.44             
                  31.82     1:07.24 (35.42)     1:47.64 (40.40)     2:26.71 (39.07)
        3:11.98 (45.27)     3:58.20 (46.22)     4:34.64 (36.44)     5:09.44 (34.80)
 28 Crowley, Julia            14 NGSV Gators-CA       5:09.61             
                  33.10     1:10.73 (37.63)     1:49.20 (38.47)     2:27.66 (38.46)
        3:13.79 (46.13)     3:59.67 (45.88)     4:35.29 (35.62)     5:09.61 (34.32)
 29 Knight, Allison           15 North Coast-SI       5:09.69             
                  32.27     1:09.22 (36.95)     1:49.50 (40.28)     2:28.66 (39.16)
        3:13.97 (45.31)     3:59.42 (45.45)     4:35.42 (36.00)     5:09.69 (34.27)
 30 Fox, Megan                15 Novi Sturgeons-MI    5:10.06             
                  33.42     1:11.28 (37.86)     1:51.07 (39.79)     2:30.29 (39.22)
        3:14.60 (44.31)     3:59.14 (44.54)     4:35.55 (36.41)     5:10.06 (34.51)
 31 Dickmann, Claire          17 Clippers-OH          5:10.50             
                  31.36     1:07.28 (35.92)     1:47.85 (40.57)     2:26.48 (38.63)
        3:13.47 (46.99)     4:02.10 (48.63)     4:36.81 (34.71)     5:10.50 (33.69)
 32 Henley, Alex              16 Class Aquatics-CA    5:10.74             
                  33.59     1:10.68 (37.09)     1:50.93 (40.25)     2:29.71 (38.78)
        3:15.55 (45.84)     4:01.17 (45.62)     4:36.81 (35.64)     5:10.74 (33.93)
 33 Lim, Lynette              15 Piranhas-CA          5:11.08             
                  33.28     1:09.48 (36.20)     1:51.24 (41.76)     2:31.31 (40.07)
        3:17.21 (45.90)     4:04.28 (47.07)     4:38.17 (33.89)     5:11.08 (32.91)
 34 Helms, Susana             18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     5:11.31             
                  33.81     1:11.52 (37.71)     1:53.38 (41.86)     2:33.52 (40.14)
        3:19.91 (46.39)     4:05.04 (45.13)     4:39.25 (34.21)     5:11.31 (32.06)
 35 McBroom, Jessica          17 The Woodlands-GU     5:11.44             
                  32.94     1:10.17 (37.23)     1:52.19 (42.02)     2:32.27 (40.08)
        3:16.10 (43.83)     4:00.36 (44.26)     4:36.91 (36.55)     5:11.44 (34.53)
 36 Furgatch, Sarah           15 Aquazots-CA          5:11.68             
                  34.86     1:13.94 (39.08)     1:55.82 (41.88)     2:37.24 (41.42)
        3:21.08 (43.84)     4:04.60 (43.52)     4:39.61 (35.01)     5:11.68 (32.07)
 37 Milligan, Kacey           13 Scottsdale-AZ        5:11.74             
                  33.70     1:11.24 (37.54)     1:51.46 (40.22)     2:30.70 (39.24)
        3:16.05 (45.35)     4:03.00 (46.95)     4:37.73 (34.73)     5:11.74 (34.01)
 38 Priess, Katie             16 Unattached-CA/AZOT   5:11.81             
                  33.57     1:11.78 (38.21)     1:52.09 (40.31)     2:33.02 (40.93)
        3:16.50 (43.48)     4:00.70 (44.20)     4:36.78 (36.08)     5:11.81 (35.03)
 39 Smalling, Aislinn         17 Class Aquatics-CA    5:12.54             
                  34.51     1:12.68 (38.17)     1:54.56 (41.88)     2:33.69 (39.13)
        3:20.28 (46.59)     4:06.00 (45.72)     4:40.24 (34.24)     5:12.54 (32.30)
 40 Rogers, Rebecca           21 Unattached-PN/WCAB   5:12.59             
                  32.94     1:10.46 (37.52)     1:51.65 (41.19)     2:31.41 (39.76)
        3:18.45 (47.04)     4:05.00 (46.55)     4:39.66 (34.66)     5:12.59 (32.93)
 41 Doran, Ellie              18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     5:12.71             
                  32.99     1:09.70 (36.71)     1:51.33 (41.63)     2:31.12 (39.79)
        3:17.32 (46.20)     4:03.66 (46.34)     4:39.09 (35.43)     5:12.71 (33.62)
 42 Sher, Katalina            15 Rose Bowl-CA         5:13.64             
                  32.92     1:09.56 (36.64)     1:51.67 (42.11)     2:32.42 (40.75)
        3:18.58 (46.16)     4:05.70 (47.12)     4:39.96 (34.26)     5:13.64 (33.68)
 43 Urubhurow, Delghi         18 Unattached-MR/TMC    5:13.96             
                  33.21     1:12.21 (39.00)     1:52.77 (40.56)     2:32.33 (39.56)
        3:18.12 (45.79)     4:04.77 (46.65)     4:41.16 (36.39)     5:13.96 (32.80)
 44 Caldwell, Hilary          16 Pac Sea Wolves       5:14.23             
                  33.79     1:12.80 (39.01)     1:52.49 (39.69)     2:30.95 (38.46)
        3:16.25 (45.30)     4:02.33 (46.08)     4:38.49 (36.16)     5:14.23 (35.74)
 45 Alanis, Valerie           16 North Coast-SI       5:14.31             
                  34.00     1:12.74 (38.74)     1:54.58 (41.84)     2:35.39 (40.81)
        3:20.36 (44.97)     4:04.32 (43.96)     4:39.93 (35.61)     5:14.31 (34.38)
 46 Naze, Kelly               13 Colorado Stars-CO    5:14.37             
                  34.39     1:15.02 (40.63)     1:57.46 (42.44)     2:37.61 (40.15)
        3:20.42 (42.81)     4:02.96 (42.54)     4:39.65 (36.69)     5:14.37 (34.72)
 47 Houston, Katy             19 Reno Aquatic Clu-PC  5:14.83             
                  32.10     1:09.34 (37.24)     1:49.96 (40.62)     2:30.95 (40.99)
        3:15.18 (44.23)     4:00.92 (45.74)     4:38.34 (37.42)     5:14.83 (36.49)
 48 Naze, Katie               15 Colorado Stars-CO    5:14.90             
                  35.39     1:16.26 (40.87)     1:56.45 (40.19)     2:36.32 (39.87)
        3:21.01 (44.69)     4:06.17 (45.16)     4:41.23 (35.06)     5:14.90 (33.67)
 49 Baker, Lauren             14 Ford Aquatics-AZ     5:14.98             
                  32.83     1:10.28 (37.45)     1:49.74 (39.46)     2:28.70 (38.96)
        3:15.87 (47.17)     4:03.60 (47.73)     4:39.86 (36.26)     5:14.98 (35.12)
 50 Diener, Kelsy             17 Unattached-AZ/SAC    5:15.03             
                  33.72     1:12.09 (38.37)     1:52.23 (40.14)     2:31.83 (39.60)
        3:18.13 (46.30)     4:05.20 (47.07)     4:40.91 (35.71)     5:15.03 (34.12)
 51 Stachowski, Alyssa        17 Aquazots-CA          5:15.62             
                  32.03     1:08.18 (36.15)     1:50.13 (41.95)     2:30.84 (40.71)
        3:17.06 (46.22)     4:04.09 (47.03)     4:40.22 (36.13)     5:15.62 (35.40)
 52 Baxter, Tristin           15 Clovis Swim Club-CC  5:15.91             
                  32.83     1:10.40 (37.57)     1:52.24 (41.84)     2:33.49 (41.25)
        3:19.92 (46.43)     4:06.76 (46.84)     4:42.22 (35.46)     5:15.91 (33.69)
 53 Hall, Kelsey              16 North Coast-SI       5:16.27             
                  33.59     1:11.47 (37.88)     1:52.01 (40.54)     2:31.17 (39.16)
        3:18.60 (47.43)     4:06.23 (47.63)     4:41.85 (35.62)     5:16.27 (34.42)
 54 Van Hout, Aja             14 Badger Aquatics-WI   5:16.36             
                  33.22     1:11.26 (38.04)     1:51.84 (40.58)     2:31.58 (39.74)
        3:17.98 (46.40)     4:04.58 (46.60)     4:41.16 (36.58)     5:16.36 (35.20)
 55 Landry, Taryne            15 Chena                5:16.45             
                  33.53     1:13.46 (39.93)     1:53.02 (39.56)     2:31.83 (38.81)
        3:19.09 (47.26)     4:05.96 (46.87)     4:41.88 (35.92)     5:16.45 (34.57)
 56 Spach, Margaret           16 Aquazots-CA          5:16.46             
                  35.07     1:15.54 (40.47)     1:56.50 (40.96)     2:36.36 (39.86)
        3:21.16 (44.80)     4:05.57 (44.41)     4:41.41 (35.84)     5:16.46 (35.05)
 57 Dockendorf, Michelle      15 Santa Barbara-CA     5:16.51             
                  33.84     1:13.70 (39.86)     1:57.89 (44.19)     2:39.46 (41.57)
        3:22.49 (43.03)     4:05.61 (43.12)     4:41.66 (36.05)     5:16.51 (34.85)
 58 Mattern, Jordan           14 Colorado Stars-CO    5:16.63             
                  31.85     1:09.43 (37.58)     1:51.47 (42.04)     2:31.32 (39.85)
        3:16.38 (45.06)     4:02.92 (46.54)     4:39.84 (36.92)     5:16.63 (36.79)
 59 Brown, Meagan             17 Mission Viejo-CA     5:16.85             
                  34.27     1:12.46 (38.19)     1:53.24 (40.78)     2:33.51 (40.27)
        3:20.53 (47.02)     4:07.32 (46.79)     4:42.80 (35.48)     5:16.85 (34.05)
 60 Vaughn, Rheanna           15 Aquazots-CA          5:17.06             
                  31.57     1:07.97 (36.40)     1:51.31 (43.34)     2:33.61 (42.30)
        3:20.17 (46.56)     4:06.83 (46.66)     4:42.89 (36.06)     5:17.06 (34.17)
 61 Dornick, Monica           13 North Coast-SI       5:17.35             
                  32.75     1:11.29 (38.54)     1:51.88 (40.59)     2:31.26 (39.38)
        3:18.81 (47.55)     4:07.51 (48.70)     4:42.65 (35.14)     5:17.35 (34.70)
 62 Choy, Tammy               17 Palo Alto-PC         5:17.38             
                  33.16     1:11.19 (38.03)     1:51.06 (39.87)     2:30.73 (39.67)
        3:17.31 (46.58)     4:04.30 (46.99)     4:41.29 (36.99)     5:17.38 (36.09)
 62 Taylor, Bonnie            18 Desert Storm-CA      5:17.38             
                  33.05     1:10.30 (37.25)     1:52.00 (41.70)     2:32.90 (40.90)
        3:18.28 (45.38)     4:04.40 (46.12)     4:41.36 (36.96)     5:17.38 (36.02)
 64 Andrews, Tinsley          14 Sun Devil-AZ         5:17.85             
                  32.64     1:10.36 (37.72)     1:52.11 (41.75)     2:33.36 (41.25)
        3:20.41 (47.05)     4:07.34 (46.93)     4:42.85 (35.51)     5:17.85 (35.00)
 65 Pickard, Katherine        18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   5:17.86             
                  32.38     1:09.68 (37.30)     1:51.04 (41.36)     2:31.06 (40.02)
        3:18.26 (47.20)     4:05.85 (47.59)     4:42.04 (36.19)     5:17.86 (35.82)
 66 Barton, Emily             17 Sun Devil-AZ         5:18.41             
                  33.02     1:11.31 (38.29)     1:52.84 (41.53)     2:33.36 (40.52)
        3:18.08 (44.72)     4:03.89 (45.81)     4:41.96 (38.07)     5:18.41 (36.45)
 67 Hanson, Andrea            19 Minnesota-MN         5:18.55             
                  34.75     1:14.77 (40.02)     1:55.18 (40.41)     2:34.07 (38.89)
        3:19.87 (45.80)     4:06.66 (46.79)     4:44.03 (37.37)     5:18.55 (34.52)
 68 Boreyko, Kelsey           14 Pacific Swim-SI      5:18.82             
                  34.76     1:14.07 (39.31)     1:55.91 (41.84)     2:37.79 (41.88)
        3:23.02 (45.23)     4:08.49 (45.47)     4:44.04 (35.55)     5:18.82 (34.78)
 69 Kiefer, Allison           16 Scottsdale-AZ        5:18.91             
                  33.62     1:10.95 (37.33)     1:52.66 (41.71)     2:33.49 (40.83)
        3:19.74 (46.25)     4:06.59 (46.85)     4:42.91 (36.32)     5:18.91 (36.00)
 70 Chan, Nakayla             16 Tacoma-PN            5:19.05             
                  33.98     1:13.19 (39.21)     1:55.45 (42.26)     2:36.56 (41.11)
        3:21.20 (44.64)     4:08.07 (46.87)     4:44.97 (36.90)     5:19.05 (34.08)
 71 Deardorf, Erika           16 The Woodlands-GU     5:19.23             
                  34.75     1:14.47 (39.72)     1:56.07 (41.60)     2:36.86 (40.79)
        3:21.83 (44.97)     4:07.97 (46.14)     4:45.49 (37.52)     5:19.23 (33.74)
 72 Lawson, Audrey            16 Clippers-OH          5:19.53             
                  32.69     1:09.60 (36.91)     1:51.16 (41.56)     2:31.79 (40.63)
        3:20.22 (48.43)     4:09.25 (49.03)     4:45.36 (36.11)     5:19.53 (34.17)
 72 Loper, Torrey             17 Scottsdale-AZ        5:19.53             
                  34.75     1:13.71 (38.96)     1:54.04 (40.33)     2:32.84 (38.80)
        3:20.78 (47.94)     4:08.83 (48.05)     4:44.95 (36.12)     5:19.53 (34.58)
 74 Difrancisca, Laura        16 Scottsdale-AZ        5:19.54             
                  33.17     1:10.56 (37.39)     1:53.52 (42.96)     2:35.51 (41.99)
        3:22.17 (46.66)     4:08.26 (46.09)     4:44.18 (35.92)     5:19.54 (35.36)
 75 Sotiropoulos, Anastasia   18 Novaquatics-CA       5:20.05             
                  33.20     1:10.57 (37.37)     1:56.60 (46.03)     2:39.44 (42.84)
        3:22.86 (43.42)     4:07.59 (44.73)     4:45.01 (37.42)     5:20.05 (35.04)
 76 Fujimura, Aya             16 Aquazots-CA          5:20.19             
                  32.67     1:10.14 (37.47)     1:52.73 (42.59)     2:33.58 (40.85)
        3:19.79 (46.21)     4:06.63 (46.84)     4:44.08 (37.45)     5:20.19 (36.11)
 77 Olsen, Katie              14 Sun Devil-AZ         5:20.27             
                  34.08     1:14.46 (40.38)     1:58.24 (43.78)     2:40.00 (41.76)
        3:23.14 (43.14)     4:06.15 (43.01)     4:43.19 (37.04)     5:20.27 (37.08)
 78 Belk, Molly               17 Twin Cities-MN       5:20.46             
                  32.87     1:10.51 (37.64)     1:53.30 (42.79)     2:35.51 (42.21)
        3:20.59 (45.08)     4:06.81 (46.22)     4:43.90 (37.09)     5:20.46 (36.56)
 79 Godbe, Alison             17 Mission Viejo-CA     5:20.55             
                  33.48     1:12.41 (38.93)     1:55.06 (42.65)     2:36.69 (41.63)
        3:21.97 (45.28)     4:06.86 (44.89)     4:44.02 (37.16)     5:20.55 (36.53)
 80 Clark, Kayla              14 Claremont-CA         5:20.83             
                  33.62     1:11.44 (37.82)     1:54.36 (42.92)     2:35.95 (41.59)
        3:21.63 (45.68)     4:08.52 (46.89)     4:45.46 (36.94)     5:20.83 (35.37)
 80 Chen, Angella             13 Royal-CA             5:20.83             
                  34.16     1:12.93 (38.77)     1:56.53 (43.60)     2:38.35 (41.82)
        3:23.69 (45.34)     4:08.62 (44.93)     4:45.07 (36.45)     5:20.83 (35.76)
 82 Hilber, Alex              18 Unattached-SI        5:20.92             
                  33.33     1:11.00 (37.67)     1:52.09 (41.09)     2:33.24 (41.15)
        3:19.80 (46.56)     4:07.17 (47.37)     4:44.17 (37.00)     5:20.92 (36.75)
 83 Lee, Angela               15 Aquazots-CA          5:21.08             
                  34.59     1:14.38 (39.79)     1:57.07 (42.69)     2:37.88 (40.81)
        3:22.90 (45.02)     4:09.01 (46.11)     4:45.29 (36.28)     5:21.08 (35.79)
 84 Lougee, Lora              15 Santa Maria-CA       5:21.25             
                  35.08     1:15.45 (40.37)     1:55.62 (40.17)     2:35.05 (39.43)
        3:22.74 (47.69)     4:11.44 (48.70)     4:47.01 (35.57)     5:21.25 (34.24)
 85 Breitrick, Pamela         13 Waukesha Express-WI  5:21.26             
                  34.16     1:13.16 (39.00)     1:54.28 (41.12)     2:34.44 (40.16)
        3:20.73 (46.29)     4:07.49 (46.76)     4:45.38 (37.89)     5:21.26 (35.88)
 86 Larson, Kelsey            15 Aquazots-CA          5:21.74             
                  35.59     1:16.30 (40.71)     1:57.84 (41.54)     2:39.09 (41.25)
        3:23.23 (44.14)     4:08.21 (44.98)     4:45.11 (36.90)     5:21.74 (36.63)
 87 Simpson, Tess             14 Scottsdale-AZ        5:22.25             
                  32.51     1:09.66 (37.15)     1:54.27 (44.61)     2:35.30 (41.03)
        3:21.79 (46.49)     4:08.95 (47.16)     4:46.36 (37.41)     5:22.25 (35.89)
 88 Duckworth, Claire         14 Sun Devil-AZ         5:22.55             
                  35.29     1:15.18 (39.89)     1:56.97 (41.79)     2:37.72 (40.75)
        3:23.10 (45.38)     4:09.75 (46.65)     4:46.70 (36.95)     5:22.55 (35.85)
 89 Demichele, Jenna          17 North Coast-SI       5:23.02             
                  33.43     1:11.18 (37.75)     1:50.87 (39.69)     2:29.78 (38.91)
        3:20.23 (50.45)     4:10.62 (50.39)     4:47.40 (36.78)     5:23.02 (35.62)
 90 Garcia, Monica            15 Palo Alto-PC         5:23.07             
                  34.06     1:12.13 (38.07)     1:55.90 (43.77)     2:38.68 (42.78)
        3:25.05 (46.37)     4:11.03 (45.98)     4:47.10 (36.07)     5:23.07 (35.97)
 91 Brewer, Ashley            15 Sun Devil-AZ         5:23.61             
                  34.81     1:14.26 (39.45)     1:54.71 (40.45)     2:34.64 (39.93)
        3:22.99 (48.35)     4:11.51 (48.52)     4:48.78 (37.27)     5:23.61 (34.83)
 92 Tadano, Kristin           17 Scottsdale-AZ        5:23.65             
                  35.43     1:15.04 (39.61)     1:58.48 (43.44)     2:40.67 (42.19)
        3:26.08 (45.41)     4:11.55 (45.47)     4:47.96 (36.41)     5:23.65 (35.69)
 93 Graves, Carter            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   5:23.70             
                  32.11     1:09.42 (37.31)     1:49.65 (40.23)     2:30.23 (40.58)
        3:18.96 (48.73)     4:09.07 (50.11)     4:46.52 (37.45)     5:23.70 (37.18)
 94 Parmenter, Nicole         14 North Coast-SI       5:25.42             
                  33.56     1:13.25 (39.69)     1:52.91 (39.66)     2:32.10 (39.19)
        3:20.86 (48.76)     4:10.21 (49.35)     4:47.83 (37.62)     5:25.42 (37.59)
 95 Moore, Emri               13 Spokane Area-IE      5:25.54             
                  33.65     1:12.25 (38.60)     1:54.62 (42.37)     2:35.38 (40.76)
        3:23.42 (48.04)     4:12.33 (48.91)     4:49.65 (37.32)     5:25.54 (35.89)
 96 Nguyen, Rayanne           16 Santa Barbara-CA     5:25.55             
                  33.51     1:11.49 (37.98)     1:55.43 (43.94)     2:37.53 (42.10)
        3:24.93 (47.40)     4:13.09 (48.16)     4:49.62 (36.53)     5:25.55 (35.93)
 97 Brannon, Erica            14 Santa Maria-CA       5:25.71             
                  34.97     1:13.47 (38.50)     1:54.37 (40.90)     2:33.15 (38.78)
        3:22.54 (49.39)     4:11.45 (48.91)     4:49.25 (37.80)     5:25.71 (36.46)
 98 Nguyen, Vi                15 The Armada-CA        5:26.34             
                  35.25     1:16.29 (41.04)     2:00.99 (44.70)     2:42.83 (41.84)
        3:27.39 (44.56)     4:13.49 (46.10)     4:50.49 (37.00)     5:26.34 (35.85)
 99 Barra, Jessie             13 Desert Storm-CA      5:26.50             
                  34.53     1:13.46 (38.93)     1:55.58 (42.12)     2:36.22 (40.64)
        3:23.53 (47.31)     4:12.21 (48.68)     4:49.66 (37.45)     5:26.50 (36.84)
100 Sherrard, Jackie          16 Clippers-OH          5:26.71             
                  33.69     1:12.65 (38.96)     1:57.81 (45.16)     2:39.86 (42.05)
        3:27.93 (48.07)     4:16.17 (48.24)     4:52.33 (36.16)     5:26.71 (34.38)
101 Krawczyk, Merritt         16 Blue Tide-GU         5:27.13             
                  35.43     1:14.54 (39.11)     1:57.34 (42.80)     2:39.02 (41.68)
        3:23.33 (44.31)     4:08.88 (45.55)     4:48.45 (39.57)     5:27.13 (38.68)
102 Boring, Christina         16 Novaquatics-CA       5:27.70             
                  35.07     1:14.53 (39.46)     1:59.74 (45.21)     2:44.03 (44.29)
        3:30.46 (46.43)     4:17.07 (46.61)     4:53.33 (36.26)     5:27.70 (34.37)
103 McClain, Rachell          18 Desert Storm-CA      5:27.84             
                  35.06     1:14.64 (39.58)     1:55.81 (41.17)     2:35.89 (40.08)
        3:24.78 (48.89)     4:13.89 (49.11)     4:51.14 (37.25)     5:27.84 (36.70)
104 Klaren, Melanie           14 Mission Viejo-CA     5:28.14             
                  35.16     1:15.14 (39.98)     1:55.08 (39.94)     2:33.91 (38.83)
        3:26.82 (52.91)     4:18.69 (51.87)     4:54.44 (35.75)     5:28.14 (33.70)
105 Bauernfeind, Paige        16 Twin Cities-MN       5:28.40             
                  33.33     1:12.23 (38.90)     1:55.59 (43.36)     2:37.39 (41.80)
        3:25.35 (47.96)     4:14.25 (48.90)     4:51.53 (37.28)     5:28.40 (36.87)
106 Delaney, Alexandra        15 Aquazots-CA          5:28.45             
                  33.53     1:12.46 (38.93)     1:56.73 (44.27)     2:38.55 (41.82)
        3:26.11 (47.56)     4:14.59 (48.48)     4:52.49 (37.90)     5:28.45 (35.96)
107 Decker, Callie            15 Scottsdale-AZ        5:28.55             
                  34.73     1:15.11 (40.38)     1:58.96 (43.85)     2:41.44 (42.48)
        3:27.70 (46.26)     4:14.72 (47.02)     4:52.58 (37.86)     5:28.55 (35.97)
108 Cheung-Lau, Chrysanthia   18 Claremont-CA         5:28.72             
                  34.23     1:13.31 (39.08)     1:57.60 (44.29)     2:39.52 (41.92)
        3:26.95 (47.43)     4:15.05 (48.10)     4:52.04 (36.99)     5:28.72 (36.68)
109 Dawson, Jenah             17 Marin Pirates-PC     5:28.83             
                  33.67     1:12.59 (38.92)     1:55.75 (43.16)     2:37.37 (41.62)
        3:24.47 (47.10)     4:12.28 (47.81)     4:51.15 (38.87)     5:28.83 (37.68)
110 Moore, Brittney           17 Spokane Area-IE      5:29.01             
                  33.91     1:12.58 (38.67)     1:56.91 (44.33)     2:38.67 (41.76)
        3:25.97 (47.30)     4:13.62 (47.65)     4:51.73 (38.11)     5:29.01 (37.28)
111 Schwabe, Emily            14 Waukesha Express-WI  5:29.59             
                  36.26     1:16.40 (40.14)     2:00.02 (43.62)     2:42.83 (42.81)
        3:28.12 (45.29)     4:14.27 (46.15)     4:52.69 (38.42)     5:29.59 (36.90)
112 Neff, Jenna               21 Team Rebel-CA        5:30.07             
                  34.07     1:13.48 (39.41)     1:55.63 (42.15)     2:36.83 (41.20)
        3:25.49 (48.66)     4:15.19 (49.70)     4:53.28 (38.09)     5:30.07 (36.79)
113 Taylor, Erica             14 NGSV Gators-CA       5:30.17             
                  36.21     1:16.87 (40.66)     2:00.52 (43.65)     2:42.44 (41.92)
        3:26.62 (44.18)     4:11.83 (45.21)     4:52.18 (40.35)     5:30.17 (37.99)
114 Streight, Crystal         19 Desert Storm-CA      5:30.86             
                  36.18     1:18.61 (42.43)     2:02.01 (43.40)     2:44.36 (42.35)
        3:29.18 (44.82)     4:14.22 (45.04)     4:52.93 (38.71)     5:30.86 (37.93)
115 Oscarson, Berklie         15 Rose Bowl-CA         5:31.73             
                  33.78     1:12.53 (38.75)     1:55.86 (43.33)     2:38.46 (42.60)
        3:24.17 (45.71)     4:12.20 (48.03)     4:52.65 (40.45)     5:31.73 (39.08)
116 Webb, Sarah               16 Santa Barbara-CA     5:31.80             
                  35.75     1:15.99 (40.24)     1:59.86 (43.87)     2:42.37 (42.51)
        3:29.99 (47.62)     4:18.77 (48.78)     4:56.11 (37.34)     5:31.80 (35.69)
117 Eberwein, Chelsey         15 The Woodlands-GU     5:32.51             
                  34.59     1:13.53 (38.94)     1:57.20 (43.67)     2:39.44 (42.24)
        3:27.84 (48.40)     4:16.36 (48.52)     4:54.86 (38.50)     5:32.51 (37.65)
118 Medina, Kimberly          18 BCH Heatwave-CA      5:32.52             
                  33.91     1:11.53 (37.62)     1:55.07 (43.54)     2:37.16 (42.09)
        3:26.01 (48.85)     4:15.16 (49.15)     4:54.58 (39.42)     5:32.52 (37.94)
119 Yamaguchi, Emi            15 Mission Viejo-CA     5:33.41             
                  34.88     1:13.33 (38.45)     1:57.75 (44.42)     2:40.44 (42.69)
        3:31.31 (50.87)     4:22.08 (50.77)     4:58.25 (36.17)     5:33.41 (35.16)
120 Indahl, Taylor            15 Tacoma-PN            5:36.75             
                  38.02     1:23.16 (45.14)     2:06.55 (43.39)     2:48.18 (41.63)
        3:33.62 (45.44)     4:20.02 (46.40)     4:58.65 (38.63)     5:36.75 (38.10)
121 Thurman, Melissa          15 Clippers-OH          5:36.90             
                  37.07     1:20.43 (43.36)     2:04.70 (44.27)     2:47.74 (43.04)
        3:33.95 (46.21)     4:20.65 (46.70)     4:59.60 (38.95)     5:36.90 (37.30)
122 Berkay, Melissa           16 Unattached-CA        5:38.24             
                  35.02     1:13.00 (37.98)     1:57.31 (44.31)     2:39.05 (41.74)
        3:32.01 (52.96)     4:23.72 (51.71)     5:02.49 (38.77)     5:38.24 (35.75)
 -- Williamson, Ellen         14 Clippers-OH              DQ              
                  31.82     1:08.71 (36.89)     1:48.17 (39.46)     2:26.81 (38.64)
        3:12.74 (45.93)     3:59.22 (46.48)     4:34.50 (35.28)          DQ (33.41)
 -- Wiegersma, Natalie        17 New Zealand             DFS              
 -- Lopus, Whitney            16 Sun Devil-AZ            DFS              
 -- Urias, Sandrine           14 The Armada-CA            NS              
 -- Imagane, Julie            19 The Armada-CA            NS              
Women Open 400 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
 Meet Record: M 3:50.02        2006 Queensland - AUS                           
 Pool Record: P 3:50.02        2006 Queensland - AUS                           
   US Record: A 3:35.68        2007 USA World Champ Team                       
World Record: W 3:35.22        2006 Germany                                    
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'A'              3:49.00    3:52.79   40  
     1) Turner, Anna 20                 2) Cashion, Courtney 21           
     3) Darlington, Emma 17             4) Nymeyer, Lacey 21              
                  28.46       57.86 (57.86)                         1:56.21 (58.35)
        2:24.04 (27.83)     2:54.33 (58.12)     3:22.29 (27.96)     3:52.79 (58.46)
  2 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'A'                        3:52.00    3:55.10   34  
     1) Lopus, Whitney 16               2) Krakoski, Haley 15             
     3) Brown, Lindsey 21               4) Andrew, Caitlin 21             
                  29.26   1:00.48 (1:00.48)     1:28.61 (28.13)     1:59.15 (58.67)
        2:27.02 (27.87)     2:58.22 (59.07)     3:25.50 (27.28)     3:55.10 (56.88)
  3 Trojan Swim Club-CA  'A'                          3:55.32    3:55.57   32  
     1) Hardy, Jessica 20               2) Waller, Rachael 20             
     3) Lahey, Kristen 19               4) Perrotta, Mattea 16            
                  27.96       57.84 (57.84)     1:25.60 (27.76)     1:56.23 (58.39)
        2:24.64 (28.41)     2:55.76 (59.53)     3:23.86 (28.10)     3:55.57 (59.81)
  4 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'B'              3:54.00    3:56.14   30  
     1) Baughman, Taylor 20             2) Vorster, Leone' 19             
     3) Chandler, Annie 19              4) Myers, Whitney 22              
                  29.09   1:00.52 (1:00.52)     1:28.26 (27.74)     1:58.47 (57.95)
        2:26.35 (27.88)     2:57.41 (58.94)     3:25.79 (28.38)     3:56.14 (58.73)
  5 Minnesota Aquatic-MN  'A'                         3:59.97    3:56.28   28  
     1) Akradi, Roxane 21               2) Busack, Stacy 20               
     3) McCarthy, Meridith 19           4) Jennings, Christine 20         
                  29.24   1:00.27 (1:00.27)     1:28.42 (28.15)     1:59.42 (59.15)
        2:27.06 (27.64)     2:58.04 (58.62)     3:26.46 (28.42)     3:56.28 (58.24)
  6 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'C'              3:56.00    3:59.11   26  
     1) Kelly, Lindsey 20               2) Collins, Brandy 21             
     3) Boritzke, Andrea 19             4) Helms, Susana 18               
                  28.39       59.30 (59.30)     1:27.96 (28.66)   1:59.41 (1:00.11)
        2:27.61 (28.20)     2:58.77 (59.36)     3:28.10 (29.33)   3:59.11 (1:00.34)
  7 Piranha Swim Team-CA  'A'                         3:59.62    3:59.30   24  
     1) Andelson, Emily 15              2) Lim, Lynette 15                
     3) Landgrebe, Shannon 16           4) Lim, Elaine 16                 
                  28.34       58.30 (58.30)     1:26.71 (28.41)     1:57.50 (59.20)
        2:26.42 (28.92)   2:58.28 (1:00.78)     3:27.40 (29.12)   3:59.30 (1:01.02)
  8 New Zealand  'A'                                  3:55.68    3:59.85   22  
     1) Wiegersma, Natalie 17           2) Marshall, Penelope 17          
     3) Wiegersma, Joyce 19             4) Blundell, Jessie 16            
                  29.03       59.62 (59.62)     1:28.35 (28.73)     1:59.50 (59.88)
        2:28.23 (28.73)     2:58.35 (58.85)     3:27.53 (29.18)   3:59.85 (1:01.50)
  9 Chena - North Shore Swim Team  'A'                4:00.19    4:00.69   18  
     1) Landry, Taryne 15               2) Payne, Amanda 17               
     3) Brown, Julianne 17              4) Montgomery, Olivia 16          
                  29.18   1:00.44 (1:00.44)     1:29.47 (29.03)   2:01.36 (1:00.92)
        2:29.82 (28.46)   3:01.51 (1:00.15)     3:30.06 (28.55)     4:00.69 (59.18)
 10 Golden West Swim Club-CA  'A'                     3:58.00    4:00.70   14  
     1) Clarke, Alexandra 18            2) Riggins, Christa 19            
     3) Raatz, Katherine 18             4) Tran, Cindy 15                 
                  29.37   1:00.77 (1:00.77)     1:28.78 (28.01)     1:59.51 (58.74)
        2:27.80 (28.29)   2:59.79 (1:00.28)     3:28.45 (28.66)   4:00.70 (1:00.91)
 11 Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'A'                       4:02.00    4:01.02   12  
     1) Sandback, Marina 22             2) Tanaka, Hiro 18                
     3) Bonney, Kim 21                  4) Hunt-Higgins, Megan 20         
                  28.96       59.61 (59.61)     1:28.52 (28.91)   1:59.80 (1:00.19)
        2:29.39 (29.59)   3:01.60 (1:01.80)     3:30.10 (28.50)     4:01.02 (59.42)
 12 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'E'              4:05.00    4:01.71   10  
     1) Schluntz, Justine 20            2) Wells, Stef 16                 
     3) Agy, Ana 19                     4) Chuk, Karima 15                
                  28.84       59.18 (59.18)     1:28.52 (29.34)   1:59.73 (1:00.55)
        2:27.93 (28.20)     2:59.49 (59.76)   4:01.71 (1:02.22)                    
 13 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'D'              3:59.00    4:02.09    8  
     1) Jackson, Lara 20                2) Doran, Ellie 18                
     3) Iversen, Caitlin 18             4) Thompson, Kathryn 20           
                  28.89   1:00.99 (1:00.99)     1:30.18 (29.19)     2:00.72 (59.73)
        2:30.28 (29.56)   3:02.24 (1:01.52)     3:31.09 (28.85)     4:02.09 (59.85)
 14 NGSV Gators-CA  'A'                               4:05.79    4:02.27    6  
     1) Reigel, Andrea 15               2) Wilde, Courtney 14             
     3) Jones, Silken 14                4) Bruington, Chelsey 17          
                  29.50   1:00.71 (1:00.71)     1:30.13 (29.42)   2:01.76 (1:01.05)
        2:31.44 (29.68)   3:02.79 (1:01.03)     3:31.63 (28.84)     4:02.27 (59.48)
 15 Trojan Swim Club-CA  'B'                          3:58.88    4:02.50    4  
     1) Stephenson, Whitney 18          2) Hegazy, Dina 18                
     3) Forelli, Krissy 19              4) Soni, Rebecca 20               
                  29.41   1:00.85 (1:00.85)     1:29.72 (28.87)     2:00.80 (59.95)
        2:29.83 (29.03)   3:01.31 (1:00.51)     3:30.68 (29.37)   4:02.50 (1:01.19)
 16 Minnesota Aquatic-MN  'B'                         4:07.79    4:02.74    2  
     1) Shaughnessy, Jenny 20           2) Kobayashi, Yuen 21             
     3) DeWall, Deirdre 19              4) Hanson, Andrea 19              
                  29.19       59.80 (59.80)     1:29.37 (29.57)     1:59.76 (59.96)
        2:29.04 (29.28)   3:01.60 (1:01.84)     3:30.87 (29.27)   4:02.74 (1:01.14)
 17 Irvine Aquazots-CA  'A'                           4:04.50    4:02.87  
     1) Volcan, Erin 23                 2) Gabert, Stephanie 17           
     3) Lavery, Danielle 16             4) Furgatch, Sarah 15             
                  28.54       58.79 (58.79)     1:28.75 (29.96)   2:01.10 (1:02.31)
        2:30.33 (29.23)   3:02.56 (1:01.46)     3:32.06 (29.50)   4:02.87 (1:00.31)
 18 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'A'                   4:05.04    4:03.12  
     1) Peters, Alex 19                 2) Yamada, Sachiko 24             
     3) Dwyer, Meghan 16                4) Godbe, Alison 17               
                  29.04   1:00.10 (1:00.10)     1:30.26 (30.16)   2:02.32 (1:02.22)
        2:31.13 (28.81)   3:02.38 (1:00.06)     3:31.72 (29.34)   4:03.12 (1:00.74)
 19 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'B'                        3:59.17    4:03.90  
     1) Perazzo, Jess 19                2) Andrews, Tinsley 14            
     3) Christiansen, Emily 15          4) Cox, Sarah 16                  
                  29.12   1:00.02 (1:00.02)     1:29.58 (29.56)   2:02.05 (1:02.03)
        2:31.42 (29.37)   3:03.23 (1:01.18)     3:32.28 (29.05)   4:03.90 (1:00.67)
 20 Rose Bowl Aquatics-CA  'A'                        4:07.82    4:06.09  
     1) Tse, Katherine 15               2) McIntyre, Melissa 20           
     3) Adamczyk, Emily 16              4) Sher, Katalina 15              
                  29.53   1:02.34 (1:02.34)     1:30.81 (28.47)   2:02.79 (1:00.45)
        2:31.93 (29.14)   3:04.85 (1:02.06)     3:33.77 (28.92)   4:06.09 (1:01.24)
 21 The Woodlands Swim Team-GU  'A'                   3:55.96    4:08.34  
     1) Amundsen, Kelsey 16             2) Flynn, Kelly 16                
     3) Foster, Erin 14                 4) Doran, Meredith 17             
                  29.03   1:00.47 (1:00.47)     1:30.05 (29.58)   2:02.57 (1:02.10)
        2:31.86 (29.29)   3:04.90 (1:02.33)     3:35.32 (30.42)   4:08.34 (1:03.44)
 22 Santa Maria Swim Club-CA  'A'                     4:03.30    4:08.99  
     1) Brannon, Erica 14               2) Wahl, Rachael 19               
     3) Lougee, Sam 18                  4) Zimmer, Meghan 17              
                  29.63   1:02.64 (1:02.64)     1:32.40 (29.76)   2:04.88 (1:02.24)
        2:34.96 (30.08)   3:07.50 (1:02.62)     3:36.40 (28.90)   4:08.99 (1:01.49)
 23 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'B'                   4:13.94    4:10.03  
     1) Hopp, Camille 16                2) Gordon, Breanna                
     3) Brown, Meagan 17                4) Klaren, Melanie 14             
                  30.66   1:02.71 (1:02.71)     1:32.67 (29.96)   2:04.77 (1:02.06)
        2:36.02 (31.25)   3:08.95 (1:04.18)     3:38.48 (29.53)   4:10.03 (1:01.08)
 24 Northern Kentucky Clippers-OH  'A'                4:06.14    4:10.35  
     1) Theissen, Katie 20              2) Dickmann, Claire 17            
     3) Sherrard, Jackie 16             4) Williamson, Ellen 14           
                  30.35   1:02.90 (1:02.90)     1:32.28 (29.38)   2:04.26 (1:01.36)
        2:35.11 (30.85)   3:08.54 (1:04.28)     3:38.51 (29.97)   4:10.35 (1:01.81)
 25 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'D'                        4:08.90    4:10.88  
     1) Brunner, Rikka 20               2) McDaniel, Sara 19              
     3) Roggensack, Kelsey 16           4) Russenberger, Lindsey 21       
                  29.88   1:02.48 (1:02.48)     1:31.99 (29.51)   2:04.75 (1:02.27)
        2:34.76 (30.01)   3:08.34 (1:03.59)     3:38.31 (29.97)   4:10.88 (1:02.54)
 26 Spokane Area Swimming-SpokaneY-IE  'A'            4:09.28    4:11.05  
     1) Dole, Jenni 17                  2) Thompson, Maggie 15            
     3) Moore, Emri 13                  4) Moore, Brittney 17             
                  29.44   1:01.47 (1:01.47)                       2:04.21 (1:02.74)
        2:34.22 (30.01)   3:07.36 (1:03.15)     3:37.93 (30.57)   4:11.05 (1:03.69)
 27 Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'B'                       4:06.55    4:11.10  
     1) Nettenstrom, Kari 21            2) Neff, Jenna 21                 
     3) Seaman, Lani 22                 4) Walker, Amber 21               
                  30.18   1:02.73 (1:02.73)     1:32.37 (29.64)   2:05.21 (1:02.48)
        2:34.95 (29.74)   3:07.61 (1:02.40)     3:37.09 (29.48)   4:11.10 (1:03.49)
 28 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'E'                        4:14.99    4:11.42  
     1) Kardasevic, Mirela 20           2) Lesch, Ilene 20                
     3) Olsen, Katie 14                 4) Tursick, Emlynn 20             
                  29.34   1:01.42 (1:01.42)     1:31.10 (29.68)   2:06.00 (1:04.58)
        2:35.74 (29.74)   3:09.82 (1:03.82)     3:39.37 (29.55)   4:11.42 (1:01.60)
 29 Colorado Stars-CO  'A'                            4:09.18    4:11.64  
     1) Schmid, Kristin 16              2) Menezes, Michelle 18           
     3) Naze, Kelly 13                  4) Mattern, Jordan 14             
                  30.14   1:03.19 (1:03.19)     1:32.79 (29.60)   2:04.89 (1:01.70)
        2:35.67 (30.78)   3:08.78 (1:03.89)     3:39.14 (30.36)   4:11.64 (1:02.86)
 30 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'C'                        4:05.50    4:11.69  
     1) Barton, Emily 17                2) Caldwell, Danielle 16          
     3) Brewer, Ashley 15               4) McAndrew, Nicole 18            
                  29.54   1:01.50 (1:01.50)     1:32.22 (30.72)   2:04.77 (1:03.27)
        2:35.72 (30.95)   3:09.24 (1:04.47)     3:39.42 (30.18)   4:11.69 (1:02.45)
 31 The Woodlands Swim Team-GU  'B'                   4:02.41    4:12.36  
     1) Eberwein, Chelsey 15            2) Nelson, Liz 16                 
     3) Foster, Mary 16                 4) Swanson, Nuffy 16              
                  30.29   1:03.60 (1:03.60)     1:33.79 (30.19)   2:06.47 (1:02.87)
        2:36.63 (30.16)   3:09.35 (1:02.88)     3:39.42 (30.07)   4:12.36 (1:03.01)
 32 Rio Salado Swim Club-AZ  'A'                      4:11.87    4:14.07  
     1) Maxwell, Samantha 18            2) Ripley, Rachel 16              
     3) Davis, Jessica 17               4) Fellows, Staci 16              
                  30.17   1:01.39 (1:01.39)     1:30.24 (28.85)   2:02.26 (1:00.87)
        2:32.62 (30.36)   3:05.68 (1:03.42)     3:37.53 (31.85)   4:14.07 (1:08.39)
 33 Twin Cities Swim Team-MN  'A'                     4:08.50    4:15.75  
     1) Lawrenz, Emma 14                2) Bauernfeind, Paige 16          
     3) Biery, Laura 16                 4) Belk, Molly 17                 
                  30.46   1:03.62 (1:03.62)     1:33.92 (30.30)   2:08.46 (1:04.84)
        2:39.64 (31.18)   3:12.45 (1:03.99)     3:42.59 (30.14)   4:15.75 (1:03.30)
 34 Marin PIrates Swim Team-PC  'A'                   4:11.14    4:17.27  
     1) Murphy, Kathryn 14              2) Bellinger, Sally 17            
     3) Dawson, Jenah 17                4) Parsons, Kristina 16           
                  30.10   1:02.45 (1:02.45)     1:32.20 (29.75)   2:04.77 (1:02.32)
        2:37.02 (32.25)   3:11.65 (1:06.88)     3:42.72 (31.07)   4:17.27 (1:05.62)
 35 The Woodlands Swim Team-GU  'C'                   4:06.01    4:18.84  
     1) Darwin, Kristin 17              2) Justice, Lizzie 15             
     3) Deardorf, Erika 16              4) McBroom, Jessica 17            
                  31.27   1:05.89 (1:05.89)     1:36.88 (30.99)   2:10.95 (1:05.06)
        2:41.43 (30.48)   3:15.24 (1:04.29)     3:45.86 (30.62)   4:18.84 (1:03.60)
 36 Blue Tide Aquatics-GU  'A'                        4:03.12    4:21.37  
     1) Gean, Michelle 15               2) Kidd, Chelsie 15               
     3) Summers, Kim 16                 4) Krawczyk, Merritt 16           
                  30.24   1:04.08 (1:04.08)     1:34.42 (30.34)   2:08.39 (1:04.31)
        2:39.84 (31.45)   3:15.10 (1:06.71)     3:47.00 (31.90)   4:21.37 (1:06.27)
 -- Northern Kentucky Clippers-OH  'B'                4:22.77         DQ  
      Declared false start
     1) Brandenburg, Krissie 15         2) Bank, Mary 14                  
     3) Lawson, Audrey 16               4) Thurman, Melissa 15            
Women Open 800 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
 Meet Record: M 8:11.88        2005 Japan Swim Federation                      
 Pool Record: P 8:11.88        2005 Japan Swim Federation                      
   US Record: A 7:50.09        2007 USA World Champ Team                       
World Record: W 7:50.09        2007 USA World Champ Team                       
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'A'              8:19.00    8:26.69   40  
     1) Turner, Anna 20                 2) Vorster, Leone' 19             
     3) Myers, Whitney 22               4) Nymeyer, Lacey 21              
                  30.20   1:02.94 (1:02.94)   1:35.99 (1:35.99)   2:08.69 (2:08.69)
        2:37.39 (28.70)   3:09.38 (1:00.69)   3:41.37 (1:32.68)   4:12.61 (2:03.92)
        4:42.58 (29.97)   5:15.75 (1:03.14)   5:49.57 (1:36.96)   6:22.49 (2:09.88)
        6:50.98 (28.49)     7:22.08 (59.59)   7:54.16 (1:31.67)   8:26.69 (2:04.20)
  2 Minnesota Aquatic-MN  'A'                         8:27.98    8:27.82   34  
     1) Jennings, Christine 20          2) Shaughnessy, Jenny 20          
     3) McCarthy, Meridith 19           4) Busack, Stacy 20               
                  29.76   1:00.96 (1:00.96)   1:32.76 (1:32.76)   2:03.63 (2:03.63)
        2:33.41 (29.78)   3:05.78 (1:02.15)   3:38.64 (1:35.01)   4:11.47 (2:07.84)
        4:39.90 (28.43)   5:12.32 (1:00.85)   5:45.92 (1:34.45)   6:19.85 (2:08.38)
        6:48.61 (28.76)   7:20.98 (1:01.13)   7:54.43 (1:34.58)   8:27.82 (2:07.97)
  3 Trojan Swim Club-CA  'A'                          8:32.00    8:29.05   32  
     1) Perrotta, Mattea 16             2) Hegazy, Dina 18                
     3) Hardy, Jessica 20               4) Waller, Rachael 20             
                  29.20   1:00.29 (1:00.29)   1:32.56 (1:32.56)   2:05.00 (2:05.00)
        2:34.14 (29.14)   3:06.24 (1:01.24)   3:39.26 (1:34.26)   4:11.84 (2:06.84)
        4:40.93 (29.09)   5:13.35 (1:01.51)   5:47.55 (1:35.71)   6:22.07 (2:10.23)
        6:50.97 (28.90)   7:23.08 (1:01.01)   7:56.57 (1:34.50)   8:29.05 (2:06.98)
  4 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'A'                        8:28.00    8:29.80   30  
     1) Lopus, Whitney 16               2) Andrew, Caitlin 21             
     3) Krakoski, Haley 15              4) Brown, Lindsey 21              
                  30.24   1:02.42 (1:02.42)   1:34.66 (1:34.66)   2:07.04 (2:07.04)
        2:35.63 (28.59)   3:07.80 (1:00.76)   3:40.65 (1:33.61)   4:13.21 (2:06.17)
        4:42.53 (29.32)   5:15.00 (1:01.79)   5:48.34 (1:35.13)   6:21.44 (2:08.23)
        6:50.78 (29.34)   7:23.30 (1:01.86)   7:56.84 (1:35.40)   8:29.80 (2:08.36)
  5 Piranha Swim Team-CA  'A'                         8:35.86    8:37.98   28  
     1) Lim, Lynette 15                 2) Andelson, Emily 15             
     3) Lim, Elaine 16                  4) Landgrebe, Shannon 16          
                  29.83   1:01.03 (1:01.03)   1:33.42 (1:33.42)   2:05.64 (2:05.64)
        2:34.11 (28.47)   3:06.03 (1:00.39)   3:39.00 (1:33.36)   4:12.41 (2:06.77)
        4:42.80 (30.39)   5:16.67 (1:04.26)   5:51.38 (1:38.97)   6:25.64 (2:13.23)
        6:55.59 (29.95)   7:28.85 (1:03.21)   8:03.58 (1:37.94)   8:37.98 (2:12.34)
  6 Irvine Aquazots-CA  'A'                           8:42.50    8:40.12   26  
     1) Volcan, Erin 23                 2) Furgatch, Sarah 15             
     3) Vaughn, Rheanna 15              4) Stouffer, Lara 17              
                  29.47   1:01.02 (1:01.02)   1:33.03 (1:33.03)   2:04.91 (2:04.91)
        2:36.07 (31.16)   3:10.18 (1:05.27)   3:44.10 (1:39.19)   4:16.35 (2:11.44)
        4:47.04 (30.69)   5:20.28 (1:03.93)   5:54.26 (1:37.91)   6:27.92 (2:11.57)
        6:57.95 (30.03)   7:31.49 (1:03.57)   8:06.14 (1:38.22)   8:40.12 (2:12.20)
  7 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'B'              8:30.00    8:40.29   24  
     1) Doran, Ellie 18                 2) Cashion, Courtney 21           
     3) Zimmerman, Joni 19              4) Forster, Jenny 19              
                  30.39   1:02.41 (1:02.41)   1:34.78 (1:34.78)   2:07.05 (2:07.05)
        2:37.17 (30.12)   3:10.73 (1:03.68)   3:46.15 (1:39.10)   4:20.01 (2:12.96)
        4:50.23 (30.22)   5:22.88 (1:02.87)   5:56.61 (1:36.60)   6:29.60 (2:09.59)
        7:00.52 (30.92)   7:34.22 (1:04.62)   8:07.58 (1:37.98)   8:40.29 (2:10.69)
  8 Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'A'                       8:48.69    8:41.82   22  
     1) Tanaka, Hiro 18                 2) Sandback, Marina 22            
     3) Nettenstrom, Kari 21            4) Seaman, Lani 22                
                  29.29   1:01.04 (1:01.04)   1:34.05 (1:34.05)   2:07.51 (2:07.51)
        2:36.37 (28.86)   3:08.52 (1:01.01)   3:42.33 (1:34.82)   4:17.26 (2:09.75)
        4:47.68 (30.42)   5:21.39 (1:04.13)   5:56.15 (1:38.89)   6:30.72 (2:13.46)
        7:00.79 (30.07)   7:34.16 (1:03.44)   8:07.99 (1:37.27)   8:41.82 (2:11.10)
  9 NGSV Gators-CA  'A'                               8:45.70    8:42.24   18  
     1) Wilde, Courtney 14              2) Reigel, Andrea 15              
     3) Jones, Silken 14                4) Bruington, Chelsey 17          
                  30.84   1:03.37 (1:03.37)   1:36.91 (1:36.91)   2:10.65 (2:10.65)
        2:41.53 (30.88)   3:15.31 (1:04.66)   3:48.74 (1:38.09)   4:21.96 (2:11.31)
        4:52.88 (30.92)   5:26.02 (1:04.06)   6:00.10 (1:38.14)   6:33.54 (2:11.58)
        7:03.82 (30.28)   7:36.48 (1:02.94)   8:09.55 (1:36.01)   8:42.24 (2:08.70)
 10 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'A'                   8:37.09    8:43.33   14  
     1) Yamada, Sachiko 24              2) Dwyer, Meghan 16               
     3) Klaren, Melanie 14              4) Brown, Meagan 17               
                  31.36   1:04.56 (1:04.56)   1:38.15 (1:38.15)   2:11.39 (2:11.39)
        2:41.59 (30.20)   3:14.56 (1:03.17)   3:48.10 (1:36.71)   4:20.71 (2:09.32)
        4:51.41 (30.70)   5:24.30 (1:03.59)   5:58.10 (1:37.39)   6:31.39 (2:10.68)
        7:02.28 (30.89)   7:35.58 (1:04.19)   8:09.83 (1:38.44)   8:43.33 (2:11.94)
 11 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'B'                        8:39.00    8:43.41   12  
     1) McAndrew, Nicole 18             2) Duckworth, Angela 16           
     3) Christiansen, Emily 15          4) Cox, Sarah 16                  
                  30.52   1:03.08 (1:03.08)   1:36.87 (1:36.87)   2:10.03 (2:10.03)
        2:41.16 (31.13)   3:14.28 (1:04.25)   3:47.75 (1:37.72)   4:20.95 (2:10.92)
        4:50.76 (29.81)   5:24.68 (1:03.73)   5:58.97 (1:38.02)   6:33.30 (2:12.35)
        7:03.53 (30.23)   7:36.18 (1:02.88)   8:09.58 (1:36.28)   8:43.41 (2:10.11)
 12 The Woodlands Swim Team-GU  'A'                   8:45.00    8:43.73   10  
     1) Flynn, Kelly 16                 2) Nelson, Liz 16                 
     3) Amundsen, Kelsey 16             4) Foster, Mary 16                
                  30.51   1:03.33 (1:03.33)   1:37.24 (1:37.24)   2:11.12 (2:11.12)
        2:41.44 (30.32)   3:14.91 (1:03.79)   3:49.31 (1:38.19)   4:23.19 (2:12.07)
        4:52.39 (29.20)   5:24.66 (1:01.47)   5:58.53 (1:35.34)   6:32.19 (2:09.00)
        7:02.08 (29.89)   7:34.98 (1:02.79)   8:09.30 (1:37.11)   8:43.73 (2:11.54)
 13 Minnesota Aquatic-MN  'B'                         8:47.11    8:44.55    8  
     1) Akradi, Roxane 21               2) Wind, Katie 22                 
     3) Strickland, Kait 20             4) DeWall, Deirdre 19             
                  30.10   1:02.99 (1:02.99)   1:36.96 (1:36.96)   2:11.26 (2:11.26)
        2:41.49 (30.23)   3:15.74 (1:04.48)   3:49.36 (1:38.10)   4:22.32 (2:11.06)
        4:52.54 (30.22)   5:26.08 (1:03.76)   5:59.59 (1:37.27)   6:32.34 (2:10.02)
        7:02.85 (30.51)   7:36.51 (1:04.17)   8:10.57 (1:38.23)   8:44.55 (2:12.21)
 14 Golden West Swim Club-CA  'A'                     8:33.00    8:47.92    6  
     1) Clarke, Alexandra 18            2) Riggins, Christa 19            
     3) Gillespie, Ally 13              4) Raatz, Katherine 18            
                  30.03   1:01.85 (1:01.85)   1:35.29 (1:35.29)   2:08.82 (2:08.82)
        2:37.22 (28.40)   3:09.26 (1:00.44)   3:43.03 (1:34.21)   4:16.88 (2:08.06)
        4:48.31 (31.43)   5:23.32 (1:06.44)   6:00.89 (1:44.01)   6:36.90 (2:20.02)
        7:06.58 (29.68)   7:39.54 (1:02.64)   8:14.07 (1:37.17)   8:47.92 (2:11.02)
 15 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'D'              8:44.00    8:47.96    4  
     1) Collins, Brandy 21              2) Baughman, Taylor 20            
     3) Darlington, Emma 17             4) Chuk, Karima 15                
                  29.57   1:02.67 (1:02.67)   1:36.96 (1:36.96)   2:11.09 (2:11.09)
                          3:14.20 (1:03.11)   3:48.36 (1:37.27)   4:22.49 (2:11.40)
        4:52.75 (30.26)   5:26.79 (1:04.30)   6:01.51 (1:39.02)   6:36.01 (2:13.52)
        7:06.59 (30.58)   7:40.25 (1:04.24)   8:14.32 (1:38.31)   8:47.96 (2:11.95)
 16 Northern Kentucky Clippers-OH  'A'                8:54.94    8:51.56    2  
     1) Dickmann, Claire 17             2) Theissen, Katie 20             
     3) Lawson, Audrey 16               4) Williamson, Ellen 14           
                  29.79   1:02.56 (1:02.56)   1:35.91 (1:35.91)   2:08.26 (2:08.26)
        2:38.90 (30.64)   3:12.48 (1:04.22)   3:47.48 (1:39.22)   4:23.65 (2:15.39)
        4:54.82 (31.17)   5:29.59 (1:05.94)   6:04.61 (1:40.96)   6:39.56 (2:15.91)
        7:09.56 (30.00)   7:43.04 (1:03.48)   8:17.53 (1:37.97)   8:51.56 (2:12.00)
 17 Rose Bowl Aquatics-CA  'A'                        9:05.22    8:54.06  
     1) Krager, Rachael 16              2) Sher, Katalina 15              
     3) McIntyre, Melissa 20            4) Adamczyk, Emily 16             
                  30.38   1:03.30 (1:03.30)   1:37.62 (1:37.62)   2:11.88 (2:11.88)
        2:42.02 (30.14)   3:16.06 (1:04.18)   3:50.84 (1:38.96)   4:24.86 (2:12.98)
        4:53.92 (29.06)   5:27.42 (1:02.56)   6:03.31 (1:38.45)   6:39.52 (2:14.66)
        7:11.68 (32.16)   7:45.28 (1:05.76)   8:20.12 (1:40.60)   8:54.06 (2:14.54)
 18 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'E'              8:50.00    8:54.76  
     1) Chandler, Annie 19              2) Wells, Stef 16                 
     3) Baker, Lauren 14                4) Kelly, Lindsey 20              
                  30.39   1:03.04 (1:03.04)   1:36.61 (1:36.61)   2:09.89 (2:09.89)
        2:41.18 (31.29)   3:15.59 (1:05.70)   3:50.84 (1:40.95)   4:26.58 (2:16.69)
        4:57.41 (30.83)   5:31.45 (1:04.87)   6:06.68 (1:40.10)   6:41.51 (2:14.93)
        7:10.87 (29.36)   7:43.93 (1:02.42)   8:19.35 (1:37.84)   8:54.76 (2:13.25)
 19 Santa Maria Swim Club-CA  'A'                     8:19.64Y   8:55.43  
     1) Wahl, Rachael 19                2) Lougee, Lora 15                
     3) Brannon, Erica 14               4) Zimmer, Meghan 17              
                  30.84   1:04.59 (1:04.59)   1:38.44 (1:38.44)   2:11.71 (2:11.71)
        2:44.96 (33.25)   3:19.65 (1:07.94)   3:54.89 (1:43.18)   4:29.64 (2:17.93)
        5:00.22 (30.58)   5:35.12 (1:05.48)   6:10.44 (1:40.80)   6:45.33 (2:15.69)
        7:15.10 (29.77)   7:48.00 (1:02.67)   8:21.81 (1:36.48)   8:55.43 (2:10.10)
 20 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'C'                        8:46.00    8:57.53  
     1) Andrews, Tinsley 14             2) Tursick, Emlynn 20             
     3) Russenberger, Lindsey 21        4) Brunner, Rikka 20              
                  30.99   1:04.44 (1:04.44)   1:39.04 (1:39.04)   2:13.60 (2:13.60)
        2:44.23 (30.63)   3:17.96 (1:04.36)   3:52.36 (1:38.76)   4:26.66 (2:13.06)
        4:58.14 (31.48)   5:33.34 (1:06.68)   6:09.65 (1:42.99)   6:45.22 (2:18.56)
        7:14.71 (29.49)   7:48.12 (1:02.90)   8:22.99 (1:37.77)   8:57.53 (2:12.31)
 21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  'B'                          8:40.00    8:57.54  
     1) Stephenson, Whitney 18          2) Forelli, Krissy 19             
     3) Soni, Rebecca 20                4) Ozer, Hannah 18                
                  30.17   1:02.95 (1:02.95)   1:36.85 (1:36.85)   2:09.66 (2:09.66)
        2:39.98 (30.32)   3:13.20 (1:03.54)   3:47.65 (1:37.99)   4:21.83 (2:12.17)
        4:52.53 (30.70)   5:25.99 (1:04.16)   6:00.19 (1:38.36)   6:34.17 (2:12.34)
        7:05.06 (30.89)   7:41.40 (1:07.23)   8:20.42 (1:46.25)   8:57.54 (2:23.37)
 22 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'B'                   8:57.38    8:58.13  
     1) Godbe, Alison 17                2) Peters, Alex 19                
     3) Gordon, Breanna                 4) Willment, Tyla                 
                  31.74   1:05.37 (1:05.37)   1:39.80 (1:39.80)   2:14.71 (2:14.71)
        2:44.44 (29.73)   3:17.35 (1:02.64)   3:51.78 (1:37.07)   4:25.33 (2:10.62)
        4:56.22 (30.89)   5:30.02 (1:04.69)   6:05.68 (1:40.35)   6:42.12 (2:16.79)
        7:13.80 (31.68)   7:48.11 (1:05.99)   8:23.08 (1:40.96)   8:58.13 (2:16.01)
 23 The Woodlands Swim Team-GU  'B'                   8:50.30    9:01.37  
     1) Foster, Erin 14                 2) Doran, Meredith 17             
     3) Swanson, Nuffy 16               4) Justice, Lizzie 15             
                  31.26   1:05.49 (1:05.49)   1:41.11 (1:41.11)   2:16.39 (2:16.39)
        2:47.56 (31.17)   3:22.12 (1:05.73)   3:58.28 (1:41.89)   4:34.15 (2:17.76)
        5:04.71 (30.56)   5:38.59 (1:04.44)   6:12.56 (1:38.41)   6:45.98 (2:11.83)
        7:18.31 (32.33)   7:52.41 (1:06.43)   8:27.55 (1:41.57)   9:01.37 (2:15.39)
 24 The Woodlands Swim Team-GU  'C'                        NT    9:06.57  
     1) Deardorf, Erika 16              2) VanNatta, Tara 18              
     3) Eberwein, Chelsey 15            4) McBroom, Jessica 17            
                  31.73   1:06.54 (1:06.54)   1:41.69 (1:41.69)   2:16.07 (2:16.07)
        2:46.78 (30.71)   3:20.93 (1:04.86)   3:56.70 (1:40.63)   4:33.12 (2:17.05)
        5:03.39 (30.27)   5:38.02 (1:04.90)   6:14.04 (1:40.92)   6:50.45 (2:17.33)
        7:21.80 (31.35)   7:56.84 (1:06.39)   8:32.10 (1:41.65)   9:06.57 (2:16.12)
 25 Twin Cities Swim Team-MN  'A'                     8:59.99    9:08.58  
     1) Bauernfeind, Paige 16           2) Belk, Molly 17                 
     3) Biery, Laura 16                 4) Lawrenz, Emma 14               
                  32.09   1:06.67 (1:06.67)   1:42.72 (1:42.72)   2:18.56 (2:18.56)
        2:49.46 (30.90)   3:23.92 (1:05.36)   3:58.75 (1:40.19)   4:33.72 (2:15.16)
        5:06.09 (32.37)   5:41.60 (1:07.88)   6:17.46 (1:43.74)   6:51.04 (2:17.32)
        7:22.00 (30.96)   7:56.56 (1:05.52)   8:33.17 (1:42.13)   9:08.58 (2:17.54)
 26 Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'B'                       9:00.23    9:16.32  
     1) Hunt-Higgins, Megan 20          2) Neff, Jenna 21                 
     3) Finley, Sarah 20                4) Walker, Amber 21               
                  30.11   1:03.22 (1:03.22)   1:38.12 (1:38.12)   2:13.07 (2:13.07)
        2:44.06 (30.99)   3:19.24 (1:06.17)   3:55.34 (1:42.27)   4:30.54 (2:17.47)
        5:02.25 (31.71)   5:36.86 (1:06.32)   6:12.06 (1:41.52)   6:47.18 (2:16.64)
        7:19.32 (32.14)   7:56.76 (1:09.58)   8:36.63 (1:49.45)   9:16.32 (2:29.14)
 27 Blue Tide Aquatics-GU  'A'                        9:00.13    9:18.93  
     1) Summers, Kim 16                 2) Krawczyk, Merritt 16           
     3) Kidd, Chelsie 15                4) Gean, Michelle 15              
                  31.88   1:06.20 (1:06.20)   1:42.04 (1:42.04)   2:17.43 (2:17.43)
        2:50.34 (32.91)   3:26.60 (1:09.17)   4:03.54 (1:46.11)   4:39.96 (2:22.53)
        5:10.60 (30.64)   5:45.40 (1:05.44)   6:21.93 (1:41.97)   6:58.65 (2:18.69)
        7:28.41 (29.76)   8:03.89 (1:05.24)   8:41.69 (1:43.04)   9:18.93 (2:20.28)
 -- Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'C'              8:30.00         DQ  
      Early take-off swimmer #3
     1) Helms, Susana 18                2) Boritzke, Andrea 19            
     3) Thompson, Kathryn 20            4) Agy, Ana 19                    
                  30.85   1:03.14 (1:03.14)   1:35.72 (1:35.72)   2:07.78 (2:07.78)
        2:37.73 (29.95)   3:10.82 (1:03.04)   3:44.72 (1:36.94)   4:17.70 (2:09.92)
        4:47.02 (29.32)   5:20.05 (1:02.35)   5:53.83 (1:36.13)   6:27.02 (2:09.32)
        6:57.05 (30.03)   7:31.08 (1:04.06)   8:05.12 (1:38.10)        DQ (2:11.29)
Women Open 400 LC Meter Medley Relay
 Meet Record: M 4:09.03        2005 Japan Swim Federation                      
 Pool Record: P 4:09.03        2005 Japan Swim Federation                      
   US Record: A 3:58.30        2000 USA Olympic Team                           
World Record: W 3:55.74        2007 AUS World Champ Team                       
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 New Zealand  'A'                                  4:14.70    4:26.14   40  
     1) Blundell, Jessie 16             2) Carey, Annabelle 18            
     3) Wiegersma, Natalie 17           4) Marshall, Penelope 17          
                  32.84   1:08.15 (1:08.15)     1:42.17 (34.02)   2:21.84 (1:13.69)
        2:51.93 (30.09)   3:26.17 (1:04.33)     3:55.22 (29.05)     4:26.14 (59.97)
  2 Golden West Swim Club-CA  'A'                     4:35.00    4:27.58   34  
     1) Tran, Cindy 15                  2) Gillespie, Ally 13             
     3) Raatz, Katherine 18             4) Riggins, Christa 19            
                  32.49   1:07.29 (1:07.29)     1:43.70 (36.41)   2:25.91 (1:18.62)
        2:55.13 (29.22)   3:29.43 (1:03.52)     3:57.02 (27.59)     4:27.58 (58.15)
  3 Irvine Aquazots-CA  'A'                           4:30.55    4:30.43   32  
     1) Volcan, Erin 23                 2) Furgatch, Sarah 15             
     3) Vaughn, Rheanna 15              4) Lavery, Danielle 16            
                  32.78   1:06.35 (1:06.35)     1:42.06 (35.71)   2:22.42 (1:16.07)
        2:53.44 (31.02)   3:28.85 (1:06.43)     3:58.08 (29.23)   4:30.43 (1:01.58)
  4 Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'A'                       4:25.00    4:33.20   30  
     1) Hunt-Higgins, Megan 20          2) Bonney, Kim 21                 
     3) Sandback, Marina 22             4) Tanaka, Hiro 18                
                  33.05   1:09.02 (1:09.02)     1:44.78 (35.76)   2:29.31 (1:20.29)
        2:59.33 (30.02)   3:34.51 (1:05.20)     4:02.47 (27.96)     4:33.20 (58.69)
  5 NGSV Gators-CA  'A'                               4:35.17    4:33.22   28  
     1) Crowley, Julia 14               2) Taylor, Erica 14               
     3) Bruington, Chelsey 17           4) Reigel, Andrea 15              
                  34.09   1:09.12 (1:09.12)     1:45.95 (36.83)   2:26.32 (1:17.20)
        2:57.06 (30.74)   3:32.22 (1:05.90)     4:02.24 (30.02)   4:33.22 (1:01.00)
  6 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'A'                   4:29.33    4:36.31   26  
     1) Dwyer, Meghan 16                2) Hopp, Camille 16               
     3) Bougrab, Nassira 15             4) Peters, Alex 19                
                  33.32   1:07.79 (1:07.79)     1:44.12 (36.33)   2:26.21 (1:18.42)
        2:58.49 (32.28)   3:36.61 (1:10.40)     4:04.99 (28.38)     4:36.31 (59.70)
  7 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'B'                   4:35.31    4:36.78   24  
     1) Yamada, Sachiko 24              2) Godbe, Alison 17               
     3) Rynveld, Chrissy 16             4) Klaren, Melanie 14             
                  33.44   1:07.44 (1:07.44)     1:44.79 (37.35)   2:26.88 (1:19.44)
        2:58.84 (31.96)   3:35.92 (1:09.04)     4:05.34 (29.42)   4:36.78 (1:00.86)
  8 Colorado Stars-CO  'A'                            4:38.12    4:37.12   22  
     1) Schmid, Kristin 16              2) Naze, Kelly 13                 
     3) Mattern, Jordan 14              4) Menezes, Michelle 18           
                  34.01   1:10.30 (1:10.30)     1:46.37 (36.07)   2:26.47 (1:16.17)
        2:58.54 (32.07)   3:36.70 (1:10.23)     4:05.98 (29.28)   4:37.12 (1:00.42)
  9 Northern Kentucky Clippers-OH  'A'                4:34.86    4:39.25   18  
     1) Brandenburg, Krissie 15         2) Thurman, Melissa 15            
     3) Dickmann, Claire 17             4) Theissen, Katie 20             
                  33.75   1:09.74 (1:09.74)     1:46.61 (36.87)   2:30.36 (1:20.62)
        3:00.58 (30.22)   3:34.92 (1:04.56)     4:05.53 (30.61)   4:39.25 (1:04.33)
 10 Rose Bowl Aquatics-CA  'A'                        4:33.54    4:40.68   14  
     1) Oscarson, Berklie 15            2) McIntyre, Melissa 20           
     3) Adamczyk, Emily 16              4) Tse, Katherine 15              
                  34.77   1:13.04 (1:13.04)     1:47.99 (34.95)   2:30.33 (1:17.29)
        3:01.71 (31.38)   3:39.21 (1:08.88)     4:08.23 (29.02)   4:40.68 (1:01.47)
 11 Blue Tide Aquatics-GU  'A'                        4:35.12    4:44.23   12  
     1) Gean, Michelle 15               2) Krawczyk, Merritt 16           
     3) Kidd, Chelsie 15                4) Summers, Kim 16                
                  34.44   1:11.11 (1:11.11)     1:48.57 (37.46)   2:29.77 (1:18.66)
        3:01.81 (32.04)   3:39.90 (1:10.13)     4:10.28 (30.38)   4:44.23 (1:04.33)
 12 Santa Maria Swim Club-CA  'A'                     4:11.65Y   4:45.05   10  
     1) Zimmer, Meghan 17               2) Brannon, Erica 14              
     3) Wahl, Rachael 19                4) Lougee, Sam 18                 
                  35.33   1:12.42 (1:12.42)     1:51.62 (39.20)   2:35.82 (1:23.40)
        3:07.22 (31.40)   3:43.39 (1:07.57)     4:12.26 (28.87)   4:45.05 (1:01.66)
 13 Marin PIrates Swim Team-PC  'A'                   4:47.44    4:48.92    8  
     1) Dawson, Jenah 17                2) Alvarez, Liliana 15            
     3) Blom, Alison 16                 4) Bellinger, Sally 17            
                  36.75   1:15.28 (1:15.28)     1:53.07 (37.79)   2:36.48 (1:21.20)
        3:08.61 (32.13)   3:46.70 (1:10.22)     4:16.88 (30.18)   4:48.92 (1:02.22)
 14 Twin Cities Swim Team-MN  'A'                     4:39.99    4:49.65    6  
     1) Belk, Molly 17                  2) Biery, Laura 16                
     3) Bauernfeind, Paige 16           4) Lawrenz, Emma 14               
                  37.71   1:16.39 (1:16.39)     1:54.79 (38.40)   2:36.40 (1:20.01)
        3:08.72 (32.32)   3:45.64 (1:09.24)     4:17.36 (31.72)   4:49.65 (1:04.01)
 15 Northern Kentucky Clippers-OH  'B'                4:42.50    4:50.57    4  
     1) Williamson, Ellen 14            2) Bank, Mary 14                  
     3) Lawson, Audrey 16               4) Sherrard, Jackie 16            
                  33.81   1:10.61 (1:10.61)     1:49.97 (39.36)   2:37.12 (1:26.51)
        3:08.97 (31.85)   3:46.03 (1:08.91)     4:16.64 (30.61)   4:50.57 (1:04.54)
 -- Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'B'                       4:34.08         DQ  
      Early take-off swimmer #2
     1) Neff, Jenna 21                  2) Seaman, Lani 22                
     3) Finley, Sarah 20                4) Nettenstrom, Kari 21           
                  34.94   1:12.82 (1:12.82)     1:52.32 (39.50)   2:38.26 (1:25.44)
        3:10.81 (32.55)   3:49.33 (1:11.07)     4:19.98 (30.65)        DQ (1:04.46)
 -- Spokane Area Swimming-SpokaneY-IE  'A'            4:35.08         DQ  
      Early take-off swimmer #4
     1) Dole, Jenni 17                  2) Malthaner, Lauren 17           
     3) Moore, Brittney 17              4) Thompson, Maggie 15            
                  32.83   1:09.93 (1:09.93)     1:45.31 (35.38)   2:27.42 (1:17.49)
        2:59.17 (31.75)   3:37.58 (1:10.16)     4:06.88 (29.30)        DQ (1:02.48)
 -- Minnesota Aquatic-MN  'A'                              NT        DFS  
      Declared false start - Misc
     1) Akradi, Roxane 21               2) Strickland, Kait 20            
     3) DeWall, Deirdre 19              4) Busack, Stacy 20               
Men Open 50 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 22.53        2001 Jason Lezak - NOVA                           
 Pool Record: P 22.53        2001 Jason Lezak - NOVA                           
   US Record: A 21.76        2000 Gary Hall Jr.                                
World Record: W 21.64        2000 Alexander Popov - RUS                        
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Brunelli, Nick            25 Sun Devil-AZ           23.41      22.70   20  
  2 Woodward, Gabe            27 Bakersfield-CC         23.11      22.79   17  
  3 Schoeman, Roland          26 Ford Aquatics-AZ       23.27      22.94   16  
  4 Ferns, Lyndon             23 Ford Aquatics-AZ       23.49      22.97   15  
  5 Whittington, Joe          20 Bakersfield-CC         23.93      23.19   14  
  6 Neuwert, Steve            22 Sun Devil-AZ           23.70      23.21   13  
  7 Vencill, Kicker           28 Trojan Swim Club-CA    23.92      23.67   12  
  8 Oliveira, Nicolas         19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       23.94      23.75   11  
Consolation Final
  9 Subirats, Albert          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       24.04      23.67    9  
 10 Kishida, Masayuki         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       24.12      23.77    7  
 11 Smith, Jordan             19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       24.32      23.78    6  
 12 Ritter, Adam              22 Ford Aquatics-AZ       24.24      24.08    5  
 13 Poseria, Ankur            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA    24.43      24.17    4  
 14 Madwa, Mohammed           20 Sun Devil-AZ/SDA       24.34      24.31    3  
 15 Small, Adam               17 Sun Devil-AZ           24.31      24.36    2  
 16 Spees, Oliver             24 Santa Clara-PC         24.42      24.69    1  
Bonus Final
 17 Krug, Karl                17 Unattached-CA/RST      24.53      24.29  
 18 Kerpelman, Adam           25 Canyons-CA             24.43      24.32  
 19 Kjellberg, Magnus         22 Sun Devil-AZ           24.54      24.43  
 20 Perdew, Daniel            20 Unattached-SI          24.54      24.47  
 21 Nelms, Brandon            22 Team Rebel-CA          24.44      24.54  
 22 Turner, Buddy             18 Unattached-AZ/SDA      24.52      24.56  
 23 Hale, Joseph              17 Redlands-CA            24.58      24.57  
 24 Richardson, Ryan          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       24.44      24.62  
 25 Engel, Matthew            21 Minnesota-MN           24.58         J   
 26 Kuhn, Kevin               17 Rose Bowl-CA           24.60             
 27 Marshall, Peter           25 Stanford-PC            24.66             
 28 Wood, Joseph              19 Unattached-GWSC-CA     24.69             
 29 Tolmachoff, Eric          25 Trojan Swim Club-CA    24.82             
 30 Smith, Matt               26 Santa Clara-PC         24.85             
 30 Daniels, Jeff             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC    24.85             
 32 Hart, Jeff                21 Trojan Swim Club-CA    24.86             
 33 Simpkins, Patrick         19 CCAT Swimming-CA       24.87             
 34 Tapp, Jake                18 Ford Aquatics-AZ       24.89             
 35 Rollins, Dave             22 Ford Aquatics-AZ       24.91             
 36 Daniels, Josh             18 Clovis Swim Club-CC    24.95             
 36 Morozov, Vladim           14 Torrance-CA            24.95             
 38 Solfelt, Mark             19 Minnesota-MN           25.02             
 39 Lagerhausen, Wes          17 Waukesha Express-WI    25.03             
 40 Marshall, Mario           25 Unattached-CA/TROJ     25.04             
 41 Shores, Kyle              21 Sun Devil-AZ           25.15             
 42 Svendsen, Tyler           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       25.16             
 42 Behm, Herbie              16 Unattached-FORD-AZ     25.16             
 44 Godbe, Andrew             18 Mission Viejo-CA       25.21             
 45 Giddens, Jeff             19 Inland Coastal-SI      25.26             
 46 Barnes, Ivan              21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       25.27             
 47 Curran, Tim               21 Rose Bowl-CA           25.31             
 48 Criste, John              18 Unattached-MVN-CA      25.32             
 49 Hunter, Richard           21 Mission Viejo-CA       25.33             
 50 Saeta, Andrew             16 CA Aquatics-CA         25.34             
 50 Ho, Brian                 21 Novaquatics-CA         25.34             
 52 Terzic, Miran             18 Palm Springs-CA        25.35             
 53 Perry, Michael            17 Unattached-CA          25.36             
 53 Schifferer, Josh          18 Rio-AZ                 25.36             
 55 Willets, Roman            16 Greater Toledo-OH      25.39             
 55 Shilling, Brandon         16 Santa Clara-PC         25.39             
 57 Steninger, Bart           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       25.41             
 57 Aaberg, Ben               18 Ford Aquatics-AZ       25.41             
 59 Selts, Brandon            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       25.45             
 60 Naranca, Marin            19 Sun Devil-AZ           25.47             
 60 Rowland, Zane             16 Clippers-OH            25.47             
 62 Westby, Nelson            19 Unattached-MINN-MN     25.48             
 63 Yerian, Aaron             18 Palm Springs-CA        25.49             
 64 Law, Adrian               22 Team Rebel-CA          25.52             
 64 Byers, John               21 Team Rebel-CA          25.52             
 66 McClary, Danny            18 Inland Coastal-SI      25.54             
 67 Smith, Sean               19 BCH Heatwave-CA        25.55             
 68 Arreguin, Josh            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       25.56             
 69 Phillips, Devin           22 Edmonton  Keyano       25.62             
 70 Swander, Kevin            23 Unattached-MVN-CA      25.65             
 70 Embacher, Toni               Germany                25.65             
 72 Basson, Jean              19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       25.66             
 72 Thivierge, James          17 Palo Alto-PC           25.66             
 74 Moore, Ryan               19 UCSD-SI/NCA            25.68             
 75 Hofstedt, Daniel          17 Mission Viejo-CA       25.72             
 76 Stitts, Josef             16 Inland Coastal-SI      25.74             
 77 DeShon, Tyler             16 Mission Viejo-CA       25.77             
 78 Jackson, Scott            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       25.78             
 79 Montgomery, Brandon       16 Golden West-CA         25.87             
 79 Graner, Kevin             19 Unattached-CA/USC      25.87             
 81 Whaley, Wil               19 Mission Viejo-CA       25.88             
 82 Owens, Daniel             18 Mission Viejo-CA       25.89             
 83 Kim, Paul                 16 Santa Clara-PC         25.90             
 84 Decker, Ben               17 Blue Tide-GU           25.91             
 85 Butler, James             18 Desert Storm-CA        25.92             
 86 Elser, Bryce              22 Trojan Swim Club-CA    25.93             
 87 McArthur, David           16 Lakewood-CA            25.95             
 88 Roverud, Brock            20 CCAT Swimming-CA       25.97             
 89 Merrill, Mike             18 BCH Heatwave-CA        25.98             
 90 Anderson, Brian           19 Sun Devil-AZ           26.00             
 91 Arnold, David             16 Claremont-CA           26.07             
 92 Martinez, Brian           15 Desert Storm-CA        26.12             
 93 Benecki, Steven           19 The FISH-PV            26.17             
 94 Dragon, James             20 Mission Viejo-CA       26.18             
 95 Dwelley, John             21 Terrapins-PC           26.23             
 96 Yamashita, Yutaro         17 Novaquatics-CA         26.24             
 97 Baxter, Trent             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC    26.29             
 98 Zarasua, Bronson          19 Golden West-CA         26.30             
 99 Locatell, Weston          18 Monrovia-CA            26.31             
100 Haney, Brian              15 Yucaipa-CA             26.32             
101 Gillette, James           16 Rose Bowl-CA           26.36             
102 Plume, Joe                19 Palo Alto-PC           26.40             
103 Uncanin, Christopher      16 Novaquatics-CA         26.45             
104 Yslas, Blas               16 Colorado Stars-CO      26.48             
105 Hadinger, Nick            17 Ford Aquatics-AZ       26.50             
106 Gayman, Brett             18 Marin Pirates-PC       26.56             
107 Gonzalez, Felix           17 Commerce-CA            26.57             
108 Harris, Nui               15 Canyons-CA             26.58             
109 Currie, Kyle              18 Desert Storm-CA        26.64             
110 Funk, Johnny              16 BCH Heatwave-CA        26.69             
111 Walker, Camron            17 BCH Heatwave-CA        26.88             
112 Kidder, Nathan            15 Waukesha Express-WI    26.94             
112 Reinhardt, Alex           16 Colorado Stars-CO      26.94             
114 Baier, Chris              17 CCAT Swimming-CA       26.97             
115 Robinson, Josh            18 Clippers-OH            26.98             
116 Graham, Justin            16 BCH Heatwave-CA        27.09             
117 Goldsmith, Kendrick       19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       27.13             
118 Shoemaker, Forrest        17 Tacoma-PN              27.22             
119 Hotard, David             18 The Woodlands-GU       27.29             
120 Girdley, Ian              17 Badger Aquatics-WI     27.39             
121 Oberst, Eric              15 Waukesha Express-WI    27.67             
122 Robinson, Brandt          18 Santa Clara-PC         28.65             
 -- Bassett, Kurt             17 New Zealand             DFS              
 -- Boyle, Sean               20 Sun Devil-AZ            DFS              
 -- Malasky, Martin           18 Marin Pirates-PC        DFS              
 -- Woods, Aaron              15 Claremont-CA             NS              
Men Open 50 LC Meter Freestyle Swim-off
 Meet Record: M 22.53        2001 Jason Lezak - NOVA                           
 Pool Record: P 22.53        2001 Jason Lezak - NOVA                           
   US Record: A 21.76        2000 Gary Hall Jr.                                
World Record: W 21.64    6/1/2000 Alexander Popov - RUS                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals Points 
  - Swim-off
  1 Hale, Joseph              17 Redlands-CA               NT      24.18  
  2 Engel, Matthew            21 Minnesota-MN              NT      24.35  
Men Open 100 LC Meter Freestyle Swim-off
 Meet Record: M 49.74        2001 Jason Lezak - NOVA                           
 Pool Record: P 48.95        1985 Matt Biondi - Golden Bear                    
   US Record: A 48.33        2001 Anthony Ervin                                
World Record: W 47.84   9/19/2000 Pieter Van Den Hoogenband - NE               
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Ritter, Adam              22 Ford Aquatics-AZ          NT      51.11  
                  24.90       51.11 (26.21)                                        
  2 Neuwert, Steve            22 Sun Devil-AZ              NT      51.16  
                  24.46       51.16 (26.70)                                        
Men Open 100 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 49.74        2001 Jason Lezak - NOVA                           
 Pool Record: P 48.95        1985 Matt Biondi - Golden Bear                    
   US Record: A 48.33        2001 Anthony Ervin                                
World Record: W 47.84   9/19/2000 Pieter Van Den Hoogenband - NE               
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Lezak, Jason              31 Unattached-CA          51.36      49.90   20  
                  23.60       49.90 (26.30)                                        
  2 Brunelli, Nick            25 Sun Devil-AZ           51.48      50.26   17  
                  24.35       50.26 (25.91)                                        
  3 Ferns, Lyndon             23 Ford Aquatics-AZ       51.31      50.59   16  
                  24.35       50.59 (26.24)                                        
  4 Woodward, Gabe            27 Bakersfield-CC         51.24      50.75   15  
                  24.20       50.75 (26.55)                                        
  5 Starke, Benjamin             Germany                51.11      50.95   14  
                  24.64       50.95 (26.31)                                        
  6 Schoeman, Roland          26 Ford Aquatics-AZ       51.60      51.25   13  
                  24.37       51.25 (26.88)                                        
  7 Biedermann, Paul             Germany                51.91      51.42   12  
                  25.58       51.42 (25.84)                                        
  8 Ritter, Adam              22 Ford Aquatics-AZ       51.97      51.47   11  
                  24.94       51.47 (26.53)                                        
Consolation Final
  9 Oliveira, Nicolas         19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       52.05      51.17    9  
                  25.02       51.17 (26.15)                                        
 10 Subirats, Albert          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       52.11      51.91    7  
                  25.40       51.91 (26.51)                                        
 11 Neuwert, Steve            22 Sun Devil-AZ           51.97      52.17    6  
                  24.78       52.17 (27.39)                                        
 12 Vencill, Kicker           28 Trojan Swim Club-CA    52.48      52.19    5  
                  25.00       52.19 (27.19)                                        
 13 Smith, Jordan             19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       53.05      52.58    4  
                  25.21       52.58 (27.37)                                        
 14 Elser, Bryce              22 Trojan Swim Club-CA    52.42      52.64    3  
                  25.29       52.64 (27.35)                                        
 15 Turner, Buddy             18 Unattached-AZ/SDA      52.60      52.65    2  
                  25.26       52.65 (27.39)                                        
 16 Dorr, John                23 Unattached-PC          52.93      52.76    1  
                  25.49       52.76 (27.27)                                        
Bonus Final
 17 Whittington, Joe          20 Bakersfield-CC         53.14      52.15  
                  25.21       52.15 (26.94)                                        
 18 Kjellberg, Magnus         22 Sun Devil-AZ           53.55      52.58  
                  25.09       52.58 (27.49)                                        
 19 Poseria, Ankur            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA    53.09      53.23  
                  25.64       53.23 (27.59)                                        
 20 Engel, Matthew            21 Minnesota-MN           53.17      53.42  
                  25.82       53.42 (27.60)                                        
 21 Kerpelman, Adam           25 Canyons-CA             53.43      53.51  
                  25.84       53.51 (27.67)                                        
 22 Svendsen, Tyler           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       53.97      53.57  
                  26.07       53.57 (27.50)                                        
 23 Koehler, J.K.             21 IUCP-IN                53.95      55.12  
                  26.60       55.12 (28.52)                                        
 -- Basson, Jean              19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       53.41         DQ  
      False start
                  25.67          DQ (27.27)                                        
 18 Boyle, Sean               20 Sun Devil-AZ           53.14             
                  25.48       53.14 (27.66)                                        
 21 Margalis, Robert          25 St. Petersburg-FL      53.36             
                  26.19       53.36 (27.17)                                        
 25 Krug, Karl                17 Unattached-CA/RST      53.80             
                  25.81       53.80 (27.99)                                        
 28 Kishida, Masayuki         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       54.08             
                  25.92       54.08 (28.16)                                        
 29 Nelms, Brandon            22 Team Rebel-CA          54.15             
                  25.63       54.15 (28.52)                                        
 30 Wattles, Frank            36 Unattached-CA/TROJ     54.18             
                  25.73       54.18 (28.45)                                        
 31 Titus, Marcus ###         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       54.28             
                  26.31       54.28 (27.97)                                        
 32 Wood, Joseph              19 Unattached-GWSC-CA     54.29             
                  26.08       54.29 (28.21)                                        
 33 Harris, Drew              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA    54.35             
                  26.71       54.35 (27.64)                                        
 34 Madwa, Mohammed           20 Sun Devil-AZ/SDA       54.41             
                  26.04       54.41 (28.37)                                        
 35 Lagerhausen, Wes          17 Waukesha Express-WI    54.52             
                  26.28       54.52 (28.24)                                        
 36 Solfelt, Mark             19 Minnesota-MN           54.66             
                  26.33       54.66 (28.33)                                        
 37 Daniels, Jeff             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC    54.67             
                  26.77       54.67 (27.90)                                        
 38 Naranca, Marin            19 Sun Devil-AZ           54.70             
                  26.95       54.70 (27.75)                                        
 39 Willets, Roman            16 Greater Toledo-OH      54.76             
                  26.53       54.76 (28.23)                                        
 39 Whaley, Wil               19 Mission Viejo-CA       54.76             
                  26.85       54.76 (27.91)                                        
 41 Hale, Joseph              17 Redlands-CA            54.78             
                  26.48       54.78 (28.30)                                        
 42 Criste, John              18 Unattached-MVN-CA      54.82             
                  26.47       54.82 (28.35)                                        
 42 Daniels, Josh             18 Clovis Swim Club-CC    54.82             
                  26.56       54.82 (28.26)                                        
 44 Godbe, Andrew             18 Mission Viejo-CA       54.86             
                  26.57       54.86 (28.29)                                        
 45 Shores, Kyle              21 Sun Devil-AZ           54.87             
                  25.78       54.87 (29.09)                                        
 46 Dwelley, John             21 Terrapins-PC           54.92             
                  26.65       54.92 (28.27)                                        
 47 Ho, Brian                 21 Novaquatics-CA         55.01             
                  26.56       55.01 (28.45)                                        
 48 Richardson, Ryan          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.03             
                  26.23       55.03 (28.80)                                        
 49 Hunter, Richard           21 Mission Viejo-CA       55.10             
                  26.91       55.10 (28.19)                                        
 50 Kuhn, Kevin               17 Rose Bowl-CA           55.13             
                  26.59       55.13 (28.54)                                        
 51 Perry, Michael            17 Unattached-CA          55.14             
                  26.35       55.14 (28.79)                                        
 52 Aaberg, Ben               18 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.16             
                  26.87       55.16 (28.29)                                        
 53 Gatfield, John            16 New Zealand            55.17             
                  26.93       55.17 (28.24)                                        
 54 Jackson, Scott            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.24             
                  26.37       55.24 (28.87)                                        
 55 Marshall, Peter           25 Stanford-PC            55.35             
                  26.58       55.35 (28.77)                                        
 56 Tapp, Jake                18 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.39             
                  26.83       55.39 (28.56)                                        
 57 Byers, John               21 Team Rebel-CA          55.41             
                  26.52       55.41 (28.89)                                        
 58 Rowland, Zane             16 Clippers-OH            55.44             
                  26.70       55.44 (28.74)                                        
 59 Smith, Sean               19 BCH Heatwave-CA        55.62             
                  26.75       55.62 (28.87)                                        
 60 Hofstedt, Daniel          17 Mission Viejo-CA       55.65             
                  27.04       55.65 (28.61)                                        
 61 Hart, Jeff                21 Trojan Swim Club-CA    55.68             
                  26.72       55.68 (28.96)                                        
 62 Morozov, Vladim           14 Torrance-CA            55.70             
                  26.74       55.70 (28.96)                                        
 63 Kent, Steven              19 New Zealand            55.71             
                  26.82       55.71 (28.89)                                        
 64 Behm, Herbie              16 Unattached-FORD-AZ     55.79             
                  26.92       55.79 (28.87)                                        
 64 Perdew, Daniel            20 Unattached-SI          55.79             
                  26.81       55.79 (28.98)                                        
 64 Steninger, Bart           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.79             
                  26.48       55.79 (29.31)                                        
 67 Bosnyak, Tamas            21 Team Rebel-CA          55.80             
                  26.65       55.80 (29.15)                                        
 68 Barber, Matt              15 Blue Tide-GU           55.82             
                  27.24       55.82 (28.58)                                        
 69 Westby, Nelson            19 Unattached-MINN-MN     55.86             
                  26.44       55.86 (29.42)                                        
 70 Decker, Ben               17 Blue Tide-GU           55.90             
                  26.68       55.90 (29.22)                                        
 70 Martinez, Brian           15 Desert Storm-CA        55.90             
                  26.71       55.90 (29.19)                                        
 72 Schifferer, Josh          18 Rio-AZ                 55.95             
                  26.15       55.95 (29.80)                                        
 73 Terzic, Miran             18 Palm Springs-CA        55.96             
                  26.67       55.96 (29.29)                                        
 74 Arreguin, Josh            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       56.00             
                  26.97       56.00 (29.03)                                        
 75 Carter, Michael           20 Novaquatics-CA         56.13             
                  27.52       56.13 (28.61)                                        
 76 Koubratoff, Bobby         17 Ford Aquatics-AZ       56.15             
                  27.60       56.15 (28.55)                                        
 77 Locatell, Weston          18 Monrovia-CA            56.23             
                  27.59       56.23 (28.64)                                        
 78 Gillette, James           16 Rose Bowl-CA           56.27             
                  27.29       56.27 (28.98)                                        
 78 Chen, David               17 Claremont-CA           56.27             
                  27.13       56.27 (29.14)                                        
 80 Zarasua, Bronson          19 Golden West-CA         56.31             
                  27.08       56.31 (29.23)                                        
 81 Nelson, Lee               19 Spokane Area-IE        56.43             
                  27.25       56.43 (29.18)                                        
 82 Benecki, Steven           19 The FISH-PV            56.50             
                  27.26       56.50 (29.24)                                        
 83 Dentone, Matthew          17 Terrapins-PC           56.55             
                  27.79       56.55 (28.76)                                        
 83 Merrill, Mike             18 BCH Heatwave-CA        56.55             
                  26.79       56.55 (29.76)                                        
 85 Owens, Daniel             18 Mission Viejo-CA       56.59             
                  27.76       56.59 (28.83)                                        
 86 Shoemaker, Forrest        17 Tacoma-PN              56.66             
                  27.74       56.66 (28.92)                                        
 87 Giometti, Danny           20 Aquazots-CA            56.67             
                  27.82       56.67 (28.85)                                        
 88 Tusup, Shane              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA    56.71             
                  27.37       56.71 (29.34)                                        
 89 Butler, James             18 Desert Storm-CA        56.76             
                  27.26       56.76 (29.50)                                        
 90 Muller, Andrew            17 Rose Bowl-CA           56.79             
                  27.64       56.79 (29.15)                                        
 91 Saeta, Andrew             16 CA Aquatics-CA         56.80             
                  27.76       56.80 (29.04)                                        
 92 Poehler, Marcus           18 Unattached-RIO-AZ      56.82             
                  27.54       56.82 (29.28)                                        
 92 Curran, Tim               21 Rose Bowl-CA           56.82             
                  26.44       56.82 (30.38)                                        
 92 Baier, Chris              17 CCAT Swimming-CA       56.82             
                  27.66       56.82 (29.16)                                        
 95 Thivierge, James          17 Palo Alto-PC           56.84             
                  27.20       56.84 (29.64)                                        
 96 Baxter, Trent             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC    56.89             
                  27.68       56.89 (29.21)                                        
 97 Small, Adam               17 Sun Devil-AZ           56.95             
                  27.02       56.95 (29.93)                                        
 98 Wollkind, Spencer         15 Mission Viejo-CA       56.99             
                  27.90       56.99 (29.09)                                        
 99 Furber, Jamie             18 Santa Maria-CA         57.01             
                  27.99       57.01 (29.02)                                        
100 Morris, Jeff              17 Clippers-OH            57.02             
                  27.48       57.02 (29.54)                                        
101 Plume, Joe                19 Palo Alto-PC           57.03             
                  27.12       57.03 (29.91)                                        
102 Moore, Ryan               19 UCSD-SI/NCA            57.07             
                  27.05       57.07 (30.02)                                        
102 Carpenter, Elden          18 Golden West-CA         57.07             
104 Haney, Brian              15 Yucaipa-CA             57.12             
                  27.75       57.12 (29.37)                                        
105 Hadinger, Nick            17 Ford Aquatics-AZ       57.13             
                  28.12       57.13 (29.01)                                        
105 Simonian, Aram            17 CA Aquatics-CA         57.13             
                  27.65       57.13 (29.48)                                        
107 Crismon, Eric             16 Novaquatics-CA         57.15             
                  27.71       57.15 (29.44)                                        
107 Didio, Spencer            16 North Coast-SI         57.15             
                  27.51       57.15 (29.64)                                        
109 Mayfield, Michael         14 Torrance-CA            57.21             
                  27.29       57.21 (29.92)                                        
110 Magner, Sheldon           18 Unattached-CA/NOVA     57.23             
                  27.83       57.23 (29.40)                                        
111 Anderson, Lewis           15 North Coast-SI         57.25             
                  27.95       57.25 (29.30)                                        
112 Selts, Brandon            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       57.26             
                  26.63       57.26 (30.63)                                        
112 Marshburn, Tucker         17 Novaquatics-CA         57.26             
                  27.59       57.26 (29.67)                                        
114 Barnes, Ivan              21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       57.27             
                  27.62       57.27 (29.65)                                        
115 Graner, Kevin             19 Unattached-CA/USC      57.34             
                  27.07       57.34 (30.27)                                        
116 Currie, Kyle              18 Desert Storm-CA        57.40             
                  28.23       57.40 (29.17)                                        
117 Provonsha, A.J.           18 Redlands-CA            57.47             
                  28.17       57.47 (29.30)                                        
118 Smidlein, Scott           17 The Woodlands-GU       57.48             
                  27.81       57.48 (29.67)                                        
119 Sullivan, Robbie          17 NGSV Gators-CA         57.51             
                  27.77       57.51 (29.74)                                        
120 Arnold, David             16 Claremont-CA           57.52             
                  27.69       57.52 (29.83)                                        
121 Zimmer, Jared             19 Santa Maria-CA         57.85             
                  28.15       57.85 (29.70)                                        
122 Chin, Andrew              17 Greater Toledo-OH      57.87             
                  27.27       57.87 (30.60)                                        
123 Reinhardt, Alex           16 Colorado Stars-CO      58.01             
                  27.76       58.01 (30.25)                                        
124 Chiaro, Anthony           16 Ford Aquatics-AZ       58.03             
                  28.12       58.03 (29.91)                                        
125 Graham, Justin            16 BCH Heatwave-CA        58.07             
                  28.39       58.07 (29.68)                                        
126 Jardine, Sam              14 Claremont-CA           58.12             
                  28.00       58.12 (30.12)                                        
127 Montgomery, Brandon       16 Golden West-CA         58.24             
                  27.52       58.24 (30.72)                                        
128 Anderson, Brian           19 Sun Devil-AZ           58.27             
                  27.51       58.27 (30.76)                                        
129 Weber, Chris              15 CA Aquatics-CA         58.28             
                  27.78       58.28 (30.50)                                        
130 O'Neill, Gavin            17 Terrapins-PC           58.60             
                  28.68       58.60 (29.92)                                        
131 Woods, Aaron              15 Claremont-CA           58.62             
                  28.32       58.62 (30.30)                                        
132 Hotard, David             18 The Woodlands-GU       58.99             
                  27.82       58.99 (31.17)                                        
133 Miller, Michael           14 Clippers-OH            59.05             
                  27.55       59.05 (31.50)                                        
134 Kaden, Collin             16 Blue Tide-GU           59.13             
                  28.00       59.13 (31.13)                                        
135 Lager, Jordan             16 Marin Pirates-PC       59.19             
                  28.71       59.19 (30.48)                                        
136 Boval, Brett              17 Coto de Caza-CA        59.33             
                  28.71       59.33 (30.62)                                        
137 Kidder, Nathan            15 Waukesha Express-WI    59.34             
                  27.90       59.34 (31.44)                                        
138 Gilbert, Jared            19 Unattached-CC/SNBRD    59.46             
                  28.13       59.46 (31.33)                                        
139 Wilson, Rickey            18 Mission Viejo-CA       59.56             
                  28.63       59.56 (30.93)                                        
140 Dupere, Jason             19 Santa Maria-CA         59.68             
                  29.07       59.68 (30.61)                                        
141 Goldsmith, Kendrick       19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.87             
                  28.61       59.87 (31.26)                                        
142 O'Connor, Jayson          17 Waukesha Express-WI    59.93             
                  29.06       59.93 (30.87)                                        
143 Oberst, Ryan              18 Waukesha Express-WI  1:00.04             
                  30.04     1:00.04 (30.00)                                        
144 Vukich, Matt              18 Badger Aquatics-WI   1:00.21             
                  28.26     1:00.21 (31.95)                                        
145 Myers, Keith              17 Rio-AZ               1:02.03             
                  28.87     1:02.03 (33.16)                                        
 -- Schlenker, Tyler          19 Orinda Aquatics-PC       NS              
 -- Greenshields, Joel        19 Ford Aquatics-AZ         NS              
 -- Choi, Lugar               19 Aquazots-CA              NS              
 -- Uncanin, Christopher      16 Novaquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Tichy, Jan                25 Trojan Swim Club-CA      NS              
 -- Brady, Devin              24 Santa Monica-CA          NS              
 -- Gonder, Ted               17 CA Aquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Chamberlain, Brett        19 Mission Viejo-CA         NS              
 -- Sator, Ricky              24 Palm Springs-CA          NS              
 -- Kruppa, Jens                 Germany                  NS              
 -- Roe, Spencer              18 Scottsdale-AZ            NS              
 -- Pedrini, John             16 CA Aquatics-CA           NS              
 -- DiCarli, Marco               Germany                  NS              
Men Open 200 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 1:49.03        2006 Brent Hayden - CAN                         
 Pool Record: P 1:47.89        1985 Matt Biondi - Golden Bear                  
   US Record: A 1:43.86        2007 Michael  Phelps                            
World Record: W 1:43.86        2007 Michael Phelps - USA                       
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Biedermann, Paul             Germany              1:52.55    1:49.90   20  
                  26.62       55.26 (28.64)     1:23.06 (27.80)     1:49.90 (26.84)
  2 Margalis, Robert          25 St. Petersburg-FL    1:52.94    1:51.94   17  
                  26.68       54.97 (28.29)     1:23.53 (28.56)     1:51.94 (28.41)
  3 Ritter, Adam              22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:54.30    1:51.95   16  
                  26.18       54.26 (28.08)     1:23.00 (28.74)     1:51.95 (28.95)
  4 Starke, Benjamin             Germany              1:53.53    1:52.20   15  
                  26.63       55.69 (29.06)     1:24.75 (29.06)     1:52.20 (27.45)
  5 Oliveira, Nicolas         19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:54.45    1:52.85   14  
                  26.87       55.99 (29.12)     1:25.31 (29.32)     1:52.85 (27.54)
  6 Kerekjarto, Tamas         27 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:54.10    1:53.41   13  
                  26.72       55.36 (28.64)     1:24.50 (29.14)     1:53.41 (28.91)
  7 Basson, Jean              19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:54.23    1:53.81   12  
                  26.90       55.76 (28.86)     1:24.83 (29.07)     1:53.81 (28.98)
  8 Keller, Klete             25 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:54.90    1:55.45   11  
                  26.80       55.73 (28.93)     1:25.69 (29.96)     1:55.45 (29.76)
Consolation Final
  9 Kubusch, Christian           Germany              1:56.30    1:52.33    9  
                  26.67       55.38 (28.71)     1:24.35 (28.97)     1:52.33 (27.98)
 10 Koehler, J.K.             21 IUCP-IN              1:56.32    1:54.06    7  
                  27.22       55.70 (28.48)     1:25.02 (29.32)     1:54.06 (29.04)
 11 Shields, Tom              15 Novaquatics-CA       1:55.03    1:54.39    6  
                  26.72       55.62 (28.90)     1:25.03 (29.41)     1:54.39 (29.36)
 12 Molina, Miguel            22 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:55.50    1:54.40    5  
                  27.21       55.74 (28.53)     1:24.97 (29.23)     1:54.40 (29.43)
 13 Koucheravy, Tom           22 Unattached-PV/GMU    1:56.23    1:54.70    4  
                  26.85       55.66 (28.81)     1:25.34 (29.68)     1:54.70 (29.36)
 14 Boyle, Sean               20 Sun Devil-AZ         1:55.50    1:56.33    3  
                  26.48       55.19 (28.71)     1:25.28 (30.09)     1:56.33 (31.05)
 15 Cooper, Todd              23 Stirling             1:56.71    1:57.48    2  
                  27.85       57.80 (29.95)     1:27.62 (29.82)     1:57.48 (29.86)
 16 Solfelt, Mark             19 Minnesota-MN         1:56.34    1:59.04    1  
                  27.34       57.10 (29.76)     1:27.91 (30.81)     1:59.04 (31.13)
Bonus Final
 17 Dorr, John                23 Unattached-PC        1:56.77    1:54.14  
                  26.66       55.20 (28.54)     1:24.40 (29.20)     1:54.14 (29.74)
 18 Bassett, Kurt             17 New Zealand          1:56.87    1:55.92  
                  26.94       56.35 (29.41)     1:26.05 (29.70)     1:55.92 (29.87)
 19 Veloz, Juan               24 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:56.77    1:56.00  
                  27.45       56.89 (29.44)     1:26.43 (29.54)     1:56.00 (29.57)
 20 Welton, Erich             21 Minnesota-MN         1:56.84    1:56.12  
                  27.05       56.55 (29.50)     1:26.42 (29.87)     1:56.12 (29.70)
 21 Subirats, Albert          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:56.79    1:56.52  
                  26.96       56.47 (29.51)     1:26.14 (29.67)     1:56.52 (30.38)
 22 Morris, Jeff              17 Clippers-OH          1:56.96    1:57.11  
                  27.47       56.89 (29.42)     1:27.14 (30.25)     1:57.11 (29.97)
 23 Smith, Jordan             19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:57.52    1:57.42  
                  27.30       56.80 (29.50)     1:26.98 (30.18)     1:57.42 (30.44)
 24 Kent, Steven              19 New Zealand          1:57.21    2:01.19  
                  27.10       57.01 (29.91)     1:28.81 (31.80)     2:01.19 (32.38)
  8 Brunelli, Nick            25 Sun Devil-AZ         1:54.56             
                  26.76       56.02 (29.26)     1:25.45 (29.43)     1:54.56 (29.11)
 26 Smith, Taylor             18 Santa Clara-PC       1:57.63             
                  27.85       58.35 (30.50)     1:28.81 (30.46)     1:57.63 (28.82)
 27 La Tourette, Chad         18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:57.75             
                  27.84       57.42 (29.58)     1:27.85 (30.43)     1:57.75 (29.90)
 28 Biel, Matt                20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:57.98             
                  27.60       57.08 (29.48)     1:27.60 (30.52)     1:57.98 (30.38)
 29 Nasution, Akbar           24 Elite Aquatics-CA    1:58.01             
                  28.10       58.13 (30.03)     1:28.49 (30.36)     1:58.01 (29.52)
 30 Svendsen, Tyler           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:58.03             
                  27.11       56.74 (29.63)     1:27.40 (30.66)     1:58.03 (30.63)
 31 Bonse, Julian             17 Novaquatics-CA       1:58.30             
                  27.77       57.89 (30.12)     1:28.26 (30.37)     1:58.30 (30.04)
 32 Navarro, Alex             16 Palo Alto-PC         1:58.42             
                  28.00       58.09 (30.09)     1:28.95 (30.86)     1:58.42 (29.47)
 33 Radford, Kane             16 New Zealand          1:58.54             
                  28.36       58.34 (29.98)     1:28.64 (30.30)     1:58.54 (29.90)
 34 Engel, Matthew            21 Minnesota-MN         1:58.61             
                  27.56       57.79 (30.23)     1:28.37 (30.58)     1:58.61 (30.24)
 35 Tolmachoff, Eric          25 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:58.74             
                  28.66       59.14 (30.48)     1:29.81 (30.67)     1:58.74 (28.93)
 36 Elser, Bryce              22 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:58.86             
                  27.39       57.17 (29.78)     1:28.33 (31.16)     1:58.86 (30.53)
 37 Grothe, Zane              15 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:58.95             
                  27.84       57.87 (30.03)     1:28.98 (31.11)     1:58.95 (29.97)
 38 Whaley, Wil               19 Mission Viejo-CA     1:59.04             
                  28.39       58.29 (29.90)     1:28.80 (30.51)     1:59.04 (30.24)
 39 Kikuchi, Ryan             18 Aquazots-CA          1:59.10             
                  28.77       59.19 (30.42)     1:29.51 (30.32)     1:59.10 (29.59)
 40 Godbe, Andrew             18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:59.18             
                  28.83       59.94 (31.11)     1:29.33 (29.39)     1:59.18 (29.85)
 41 Yribarren, Bobby          21 Fresno Dolphins-CC   1:59.22             
                  28.13       58.37 (30.24)     1:28.67 (30.30)     1:59.22 (30.55)
 42 Yamashita, Yutaro         17 Novaquatics-CA       1:59.38             
                  28.76       59.26 (30.50)     1:29.73 (30.47)     1:59.38 (29.65)
 43 Barber, Matt              15 Blue Tide-GU         1:59.42             
                  28.24       58.90 (30.66)     1:29.41 (30.51)     1:59.42 (30.01)
 44 Rimkus, Charlie           16 Mission Viejo-CA     1:59.45             
                  28.61       59.28 (30.67)     1:29.84 (30.56)     1:59.45 (29.61)
 45 Kishida, Masayuki         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:59.53             
                  27.66       58.16 (30.50)     1:28.98 (30.82)     1:59.53 (30.55)
 46 O'Connor, Bryan           18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:59.55             
                  27.11       57.29 (30.18)     1:28.37 (31.08)     1:59.55 (31.18)
 47 Thompson, Kyle            18 Waukesha Express-WI  1:59.57             
                  27.81       57.64 (29.83)     1:28.54 (30.90)     1:59.57 (31.03)
 48 Yano, Rikiya              17 Aquazots-CA          1:59.68             
                  27.86       58.06 (30.20)     1:28.91 (30.85)     1:59.68 (30.77)
 49 Krug, Karl                17 Unattached-CA/RST    1:59.83             
                  28.85       59.64 (30.79)     1:30.80 (31.16)     1:59.83 (29.03)
 50 Turner, Buddy             18 Unattached-AZ/SDA    1:59.92             
                  28.13       59.08 (30.95)     1:29.25 (30.17)     1:59.92 (30.67)
 51 Benecki, Steven           19 The FISH-PV          1:59.97             
                  28.68       59.21 (30.53)     1:29.82 (30.61)     1:59.97 (30.15)
 52 Holmes, Mike              19 Minnesota-MN         2:00.07             
                  28.17       58.83 (30.66)     1:29.59 (30.76)     2:00.07 (30.48)
 53 Little, Kevin             17 Novaquatics-CA       2:00.13             
                  28.80       59.46 (30.66)     1:30.49 (31.03)     2:00.13 (29.64)
 54 Zoldos, Michael           17 Scottsdale-AZ        2:00.14             
                  28.76       59.57 (30.81)     1:30.15 (30.58)     2:00.14 (29.99)
 55 Deters, Andrew            19 Novaquatics-CA       2:00.22             
                  28.73       59.19 (30.46)     1:30.05 (30.86)     2:00.22 (30.17)
 56 Wood, Joseph              19 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:00.28             
                  28.35       58.80 (30.45)     1:29.83 (31.03)     2:00.28 (30.45)
 57 Aaberg, Ben               18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:00.43             
                  28.04       58.15 (30.11)     1:29.24 (31.09)     2:00.43 (31.19)
 58 Casillas, Phillip         18 Unattached-CA        2:00.54             
                  27.96       58.22 (30.26)     1:28.83 (30.61)     2:00.54 (31.71)
 59 Embacher, Toni               Germany              2:00.61             
                  28.04       58.58 (30.54)     1:29.36 (30.78)     2:00.61 (31.25)
 60 Gregory, Jeremy           19 Tacoma-PN            2:00.66             
                  28.48       58.96 (30.48)     1:30.38 (31.42)     2:00.66 (30.28)
 61 Chamoures, Michael        16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:00.76             
                  29.42       59.97 (30.55)     1:30.51 (30.54)     2:00.76 (30.25)
 62 Schmidt, Gunnar           20 Scottsdale-AZ        2:00.81             
                  28.31       58.68 (30.37)     1:29.80 (31.12)     2:00.81 (31.01)
 63 Koubratoff, Bobby         17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:00.82             
                  28.54       59.05 (30.51)     1:30.21 (31.16)     2:00.82 (30.61)
 64 Duran, Israel                Unattached-MEX       2:00.85             
                  27.67       58.35 (30.68)     1:29.72 (31.37)     2:00.85 (31.13)
 65 McBroom, Michael          16 The Woodlands-GU     2:00.95             
                  28.61       59.44 (30.83)     1:30.68 (31.24)     2:00.95 (30.27)
 66 Harris, Drew              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:00.98             
                  28.79       59.28 (30.49)     1:30.34 (31.06)     2:00.98 (30.64)
 66 Simpkins, Patrick         19 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:00.98             
                  29.05       59.61 (30.56)     1:30.50 (30.89)     2:00.98 (30.48)
 68 Yntema, Douwe             18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:00.99             
                  29.16     1:00.26 (31.10)     1:30.89 (30.63)     2:00.99 (30.10)
 69 Muller, Andrew            17 Rose Bowl-CA         2:01.06             
                  28.21       58.41 (30.20)     1:30.19 (31.78)     2:01.06 (30.87)
 70 Hofstedt, Daniel          17 Mission Viejo-CA     2:01.08             
                  28.68       59.88 (31.20)     1:30.59 (30.71)     2:01.08 (30.49)
 71 Mosk, Brady               16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:01.17             
                  28.72       59.42 (30.70)     1:30.27 (30.85)     2:01.17 (30.90)
 71 Kerpelman, Adam           25 Canyons-CA           2:01.17             
                  27.74       57.98 (30.24)     1:29.94 (31.96)     2:01.17 (31.23)
 73 Willets, Roman            16 Greater Toledo-OH    2:01.22             
                  28.62       58.75 (30.13)     1:29.95 (31.20)     2:01.22 (31.27)
 74 Baier, Chris              17 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:01.34             
                  28.55       59.23 (30.68)     1:30.38 (31.15)     2:01.34 (30.96)
 74 Smith, Sean               19 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:01.34             
                  28.53       59.76 (31.23)     1:31.30 (31.54)     2:01.34 (30.04)
 76 Kim, Paul                 16 Santa Clara-PC       2:01.37             
                  28.48       58.94 (30.46)     1:29.87 (30.93)     2:01.37 (31.50)
 77 Ho, Brian                 21 Novaquatics-CA       2:01.44             
                  28.89       59.39 (30.50)     1:30.59 (31.20)     2:01.44 (30.85)
 78 Tapp, Jake                18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:01.45             
                  27.60       57.84 (30.24)     1:29.73 (31.89)     2:01.45 (31.72)
 79 Laney, Max                19 Sun Devil-AZ         2:01.47             
                  29.40       59.48 (30.08)     1:30.08 (30.60)     2:01.47 (31.39)
 80 Plume, Joe                19 Palo Alto-PC         2:01.49             
                  28.23       58.49 (30.26)     1:29.89 (31.40)     2:01.49 (31.60)
 81 Utomo, Donny              28 Novaquatics-CA       2:01.61             
                  27.98       58.75 (30.77)     1:30.23 (31.48)     2:01.61 (31.38)
 81 Naranca, Marin            19 Sun Devil-AZ         2:01.61             
                  28.42       59.42 (31.00)     1:30.71 (31.29)     2:01.61 (30.90)
 83 Howard, Jon               17 Mission Viejo-CA     2:01.86             
                  29.15     1:00.16 (31.01)     1:31.51 (31.35)     2:01.86 (30.35)
 84 Chen, David               17 Claremont-CA         2:01.87             
                  28.43       59.49 (31.06)     1:30.27 (30.78)     2:01.87 (31.60)
 85 Hinshaw, Ryan             17 Santa Clara-PC       2:01.96             
                  28.73       59.60 (30.87)     1:30.95 (31.35)     2:01.96 (31.01)
 86 Barnett-Woods, Jereme     19 Aquazots-CA          2:02.06             
                  28.87       59.06 (30.19)     1:30.61 (31.55)     2:02.06 (31.45)
 86 Vanek, Martin             16 NGSV Gators-CA       2:02.06             
                  29.18       59.98 (30.80)     1:31.48 (31.50)     2:02.06 (30.58)
 88 Zarasua, Bronson          19 Golden West-CA       2:02.07             
                  28.59       59.51 (30.92)     1:31.19 (31.68)     2:02.07 (30.88)
 89 Kybartas, Tyler           17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:02.14             
                  28.44       59.07 (30.63)     1:31.14 (32.07)     2:02.14 (31.00)
 90 Hanna, Colin              17 Terrapins-PC         2:02.23             
                  29.26     1:00.61 (31.35)     1:32.47 (31.86)     2:02.23 (29.76)
 91 Chamberlain, Brett        19 Mission Viejo-CA     2:02.24             
                  28.77       59.73 (30.96)     1:31.38 (31.65)     2:02.24 (30.86)
 92 Jackson, Scott            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:02.25             
                  27.71       57.72 (30.01)     1:29.87 (32.15)     2:02.25 (32.38)
 93 Vanis, Martin             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:02.31             
                  29.06     1:00.27 (31.21)     1:31.85 (31.58)     2:02.31 (30.46)
 94 Richardson, Ryan          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:02.34             
                  27.46       58.19 (30.73)     1:30.44 (32.25)     2:02.34 (31.90)
 94 Gatfield, John            16 New Zealand          2:02.34             
                  27.97       59.16 (31.19)     1:30.36 (31.20)     2:02.34 (31.98)
 96 Tusup, Shane              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:02.38             
                  29.10     1:00.67 (31.57)     1:32.77 (32.10)     2:02.38 (29.61)
 97 Norman, Lucas             14 Mission Viejo-CA     2:02.40             
                  28.69       59.34 (30.65)     1:30.81 (31.47)     2:02.40 (31.59)
 98 Gillette, James           16 Rose Bowl-CA         2:02.45             
                  28.60       58.78 (30.18)     1:30.42 (31.64)     2:02.45 (32.03)
 99 Shoemaker, Forrest        17 Tacoma-PN            2:02.46             
                  29.30     1:00.04 (30.74)     1:30.94 (30.90)     2:02.46 (31.52)
100 Nelson, Lee               19 Spokane Area-IE      2:02.47             
                  28.73       59.60 (30.87)     1:30.49 (30.89)     2:02.47 (31.98)
101 Roverud, Brock            20 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:02.50             
                  29.10     1:00.18 (31.08)     1:31.19 (31.01)     2:02.50 (31.31)
102 Baier, William            20 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:02.59             
                  29.04     1:00.30 (31.26)     1:31.39 (31.09)     2:02.59 (31.20)
103 Baxter, Trent             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:02.61             
                  28.89     1:00.30 (31.41)     1:31.97 (31.67)     2:02.61 (30.64)
104 Lagerhausen, Wes          17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:02.71             
                  28.62     1:00.28 (31.66)     1:32.03 (31.75)     2:02.71 (30.68)
105 Weissman, Tyler           15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:02.72             
                  28.85       59.99 (31.14)     1:31.77 (31.78)     2:02.72 (30.95)
106 Martinez, Brian           15 Desert Storm-CA      2:02.89             
                  28.02       58.57 (30.55)     1:30.76 (32.19)     2:02.89 (32.13)
107 Iemmola, Marco            18 Clippers-OH          2:03.09             
                  29.24     1:00.13 (30.89)     1:32.21 (32.08)     2:03.09 (30.88)
108 Brigman, Ryan             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:03.20             
                  28.88       59.56 (30.68)     1:31.22 (31.66)     2:03.20 (31.98)
109 Daniels, Josh             18 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:03.59             
                  28.61       59.93 (31.32)     1:32.01 (32.08)     2:03.59 (31.58)
110 Casier, Drew              16 Santa Barbara-CA     2:03.62             
                  28.98     1:00.18 (31.20)     1:32.10 (31.92)     2:03.62 (31.52)
111 Mendoza, John             19 The Armada-CA        2:03.67             
                  28.21       58.68 (30.47)     1:31.04 (32.36)     2:03.67 (32.63)
112 Deedrick, Jack            15 Tacoma-PN            2:03.79             
                  28.59     1:00.18 (31.59)     1:32.13 (31.95)     2:03.79 (31.66)
113 Rocca, Nicholas           18 Fresno Dolphins-CC   2:04.09             
                  28.66       59.43 (30.77)     1:31.84 (32.41)     2:04.09 (32.25)
114 Saeta, Andrew             16 CA Aquatics-CA       2:04.13             
                  28.89       59.96 (31.07)     1:31.90 (31.94)     2:04.13 (32.23)
115 Wolf, Dylan               13 Desert Storm-CA      2:04.15             
                  28.59       59.53 (30.94)     1:31.61 (32.08)     2:04.15 (32.54)
116 Didio, Spencer            16 North Coast-SI       2:04.18             
                  28.58       59.95 (31.37)     1:32.00 (32.05)     2:04.18 (32.18)
117 Poehler, Marcus           18 Unattached-RIO-AZ    2:04.33             
                  28.80     1:00.28 (31.48)     1:32.33 (32.05)     2:04.33 (32.00)
118 Owens, Daniel             18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:04.39             
                  29.26     1:00.68 (31.42)     1:32.41 (31.73)     2:04.39 (31.98)
119 Smit-Anseeuw, Nils        15 Pac Sea Wolves       2:04.40             
                  29.05     1:00.46 (31.41)     1:32.61 (32.15)     2:04.40 (31.79)
119 Terwilliger, Brad         20 Redlands-CA/RST      2:04.40             
                  28.87     1:00.56 (31.69)     1:33.05 (32.49)     2:04.40 (31.35)
119 Harris, Nui               15 Canyons-CA           2:04.40             
                  29.78     1:01.19 (31.41)     1:32.89 (31.70)     2:04.40 (31.51)
122 Hart, Jeff                21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:04.41             
                  28.69       59.86 (31.17)     1:32.60 (32.74)     2:04.41 (31.81)
123 Currie, Kyle              18 Desert Storm-CA      2:04.42             
                  29.56     1:00.94 (31.38)     1:33.45 (32.51)     2:04.42 (30.97)
124 Madwa, Mohammed           20 Sun Devil-AZ/SDA     2:04.48             
                  29.04     1:00.82 (31.78)     1:32.92 (32.10)     2:04.48 (31.56)
125 Stipek, Jesse             18 Tacoma-PN            2:04.65             
                  29.42     1:00.71 (31.29)     1:33.16 (32.45)     2:04.65 (31.49)
126 Chiaro, Anthony           16 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:04.71             
                  29.59     1:00.89 (31.30)     1:32.56 (31.67)     2:04.71 (32.15)
127 Tovar, Kevin              17 Rose Bowl-CA         2:04.72             
                  29.42     1:01.12 (31.70)     1:33.00 (31.88)     2:04.72 (31.72)
128 Zimmer, Jared             19 Santa Maria-CA       2:04.77             
                  29.67     1:01.37 (31.70)     1:33.29 (31.92)     2:04.77 (31.48)
129 Benecki, Matthew          16 The FISH-PV          2:04.81             
                  29.08     1:00.75 (31.67)     1:33.15 (32.40)     2:04.81 (31.66)
130 O'Neill, Gavin            17 Terrapins-PC         2:04.85             
                  28.65       59.55 (30.90)     1:31.66 (32.11)     2:04.85 (33.19)
131 Krause, Robert            20 San Ramon Valley-PC  2:04.90             
                  29.35     1:00.68 (31.33)     1:33.18 (32.50)     2:04.90 (31.72)
132 Horrell, Max              16 Marin Pirates-PC     2:04.92             
                  29.26     1:01.09 (31.83)     1:33.56 (32.47)     2:04.92 (31.36)
133 Furber, Jamie             18 Santa Maria-CA       2:05.01             
                  29.60     1:01.27 (31.67)     1:33.43 (32.16)     2:05.01 (31.58)
134 Begovich, Kyle            17 Torrance-CA          2:05.06             
                  29.77     1:01.37 (31.60)     1:34.16 (32.79)     2:05.06 (30.90)
135 Anderson, Lewis           15 North Coast-SI       2:05.12             
                  29.64     1:00.53 (30.89)     1:32.76 (32.23)     2:05.12 (32.36)
136 Yada, Woogie              17 Fresno Dolphins-CC   2:05.14             
                  29.44     1:01.29 (31.85)     1:33.55 (32.26)     2:05.14 (31.59)
137 Pulotu, Sione             16 Desert Storm-CA      2:05.25             
                  28.81     1:00.38 (31.57)     1:32.99 (32.61)     2:05.25 (32.26)
138 Broadbent, Douglas        21 Unattached-CA/CAT    2:05.27             
                  29.12     1:00.45 (31.33)     1:33.29 (32.84)     2:05.27 (31.98)
139 Nilsson, Bryce            17 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:05.28             
                  29.61     1:00.52 (30.91)     1:33.25 (32.73)     2:05.28 (32.03)
140 Locatell, Weston          18 Monrovia-CA          2:05.30             
                  28.13       58.74 (30.61)     1:31.55 (32.81)     2:05.30 (33.75)
141 Lewkowitz, Blake          18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:05.39             
                  29.55     1:01.28 (31.73)     1:32.90 (31.62)     2:05.39 (32.49)
142 Blank, Nick               18 Spokane Area-IE      2:05.41             
                  29.53     1:01.41 (31.88)     1:33.93 (32.52)     2:05.41 (31.48)
143 Nelson, Alex              16 Torrance-CA          2:05.43             
                  29.08     1:00.55 (31.47)     1:33.14 (32.59)     2:05.43 (32.29)
144 Giometti, Danny           20 Aquazots-CA          2:05.45             
                  29.18     1:00.09 (30.91)     1:32.68 (32.59)     2:05.45 (32.77)
145 Behm, Herbie              16 Unattached-FORD-AZ   2:05.46             
                  28.68     1:00.96 (32.28)     1:33.55 (32.59)     2:05.46 (31.91)
146 Kuhn, Kevin               17 Rose Bowl-CA         2:05.50             
                  28.95     1:00.34 (31.39)     1:32.85 (32.51)     2:05.50 (32.65)
147 Sullivan, Robbie          17 NGSV Gators-CA       2:05.62             
                  29.02     1:00.58 (31.56)     1:32.57 (31.99)     2:05.62 (33.05)
148 Reinhardt, Alex           16 Colorado Stars-CO    2:05.67             
                  28.53     1:00.42 (31.89)     1:33.69 (33.27)     2:05.67 (31.98)
149 Pierson, Brandon          19 Mission Viejo-CA     2:05.73             
                  29.06     1:01.15 (32.09)     1:33.63 (32.48)     2:05.73 (32.10)
150 Petersen, Samuel          16 Berkeley Aq Club-NJ  2:05.96             
                  29.03     1:01.38 (32.35)     1:33.60 (32.22)     2:05.96 (32.36)
151 Cobau, William            14 The Armada-CA        2:05.98             
                  28.80     1:00.35 (31.55)     1:33.28 (32.93)     2:05.98 (32.70)
152 Thivierge, James          17 Palo Alto-PC         2:06.03             
                  30.03     1:01.88 (31.85)     1:34.51 (32.63)     2:06.03 (31.52)
153 Salvatierra, Ian          15 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:06.17             
                  30.41     1:02.33 (31.92)     1:34.74 (32.41)     2:06.17 (31.43)
154 Smidlein, Scott           17 The Woodlands-GU     2:06.21             
                  28.82     1:00.45 (31.63)     1:33.31 (32.86)     2:06.21 (32.90)
155 Dupere, Jason             19 Santa Maria-CA       2:06.22             
                  29.33     1:00.50 (31.17)     1:33.33 (32.83)     2:06.22 (32.89)
156 Dos Reis, Alejandro       17 Unattached-CA/STOP   2:06.43             
                  30.03     1:02.19 (32.16)     1:34.94 (32.75)     2:06.43 (31.49)
157 Perry, Michael            17 Unattached-CA        2:06.44             
                  30.00     1:02.53 (32.53)     1:34.39 (31.86)     2:06.44 (32.05)
158 Dentone, Matthew          17 Terrapins-PC         2:06.48             
                  29.29     1:00.97 (31.68)     1:33.70 (32.73)     2:06.48 (32.78)
159 Moore, Ryan               19 UCSD-SI/NCA          2:06.59             
                  28.90     1:00.75 (31.85)     1:33.51 (32.76)     2:06.59 (33.08)
160 Neff, Spencer             15 Tacoma-PN            2:06.62             
                  29.40     1:01.64 (32.24)     1:34.48 (32.84)     2:06.62 (32.14)
161 Crismon, Eric             16 Novaquatics-CA       2:06.67             
                  28.95     1:00.74 (31.79)     1:33.56 (32.82)     2:06.67 (33.11)
162 Haney, Brian              15 Yucaipa-CA           2:06.68             
                  29.38     1:01.60 (32.22)     1:34.11 (32.51)     2:06.68 (32.57)
163 Goodell, Greg             19 Unattached-CA        2:06.71             
                  29.14     1:01.19 (32.05)     1:34.05 (32.86)     2:06.71 (32.66)
164 Hadinger, Nick            17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:06.76             
                  29.02     1:00.23 (31.21)     1:33.04 (32.81)     2:06.76 (33.72)
165 Clarke, Danny             15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:06.86             
                  29.59     1:01.16 (31.57)     1:34.18 (33.02)     2:06.86 (32.68)
166 Shores, Kyle              21 Sun Devil-AZ         2:06.89             
                  27.51       59.44 (31.93)     1:32.92 (33.48)     2:06.89 (33.97)
167 Arnold, David             16 Claremont-CA         2:07.03             
                  28.46     1:00.19 (31.73)     1:33.70 (33.51)     2:07.03 (33.33)
168 McArthur, David           16 Lakewood-CA          2:07.19             
                  29.64     1:02.13 (32.49)     1:34.98 (32.85)     2:07.19 (32.21)
169 Oberlander, Kenji         14 Elite Aquatics-CA    2:07.23             
                  30.43     1:02.71 (32.28)     1:35.71 (33.00)     2:07.23 (31.52)
170 Gutsche, Daniel           17 Santa Barbara-CA     2:07.26             
                  29.81     1:02.00 (32.19)     1:35.10 (33.10)     2:07.26 (32.16)
171 Cheung-Lau, Cedric        20 Claremont-CA         2:07.30             
                  30.34     1:03.32 (32.98)     1:35.29 (31.97)     2:07.30 (32.01)
172 Caporale, Rick            18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:07.31             
                  30.02     1:02.67 (32.65)     1:35.11 (32.44)     2:07.31 (32.20)
173 Simonian, Aram            17 CA Aquatics-CA       2:07.54             
                  28.51       59.65 (31.14)     1:32.33 (32.68)     2:07.54 (35.21)
174 Ellingsen, Michael        20 Team Rebel-CA        2:08.19             
                  29.13     1:00.93 (31.80)     1:34.03 (33.10)     2:08.19 (34.16)
175 Langdon, Michael          16 Santa Clara-PC       2:08.30             
                  29.38     1:02.11 (32.73)     1:35.82 (33.71)     2:08.30 (32.48)
176 Gonzalez, Felix           17 Commerce-CA          2:09.30             
                  30.13     1:02.19 (32.06)     1:35.92 (33.73)     2:09.30 (33.38)
177 Goldsmith, Kendrick       19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:10.89             
                  30.19     1:02.37 (32.18)     1:35.91 (33.54)     2:10.89 (34.98)
178 Gilbert, Jared            19 Unattached-CC/SNBRD  2:12.03             
                  30.21     1:03.15 (32.94)     1:37.35 (34.20)     2:12.03 (34.68)
179 Schick, Ben               19 Waukesha Express-WI  2:15.29             
                  30.21     1:04.83 (34.62)     1:40.41 (35.58)     2:15.29 (34.88)
 -- Wold, Alex                19 Minnesota-MN             DQ              
 -- Ferns, Lyndon             23 Ford Aquatics-AZ         DQ              
 -- Chitwood, Cory            18 Clippers-OH              DQ              
 -- Jensen, Larsen            21 Trojan Swim Club-CA      DQ              
 -- Schoeman, Roland          26 Ford Aquatics-AZ         DQ              
 -- Neuwert, Steve            22 Sun Devil-AZ             DQ              
 -- Gabayeron, P.J.           15 Cerritos-CA              NS              
 -- Yap, Ee Seng              19 Torrance-CA              NS              
Men Open 400 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 3:51.44        2005 Ous Mellouli - TROJ                        
 Pool Record: P 3:51.44        2005 Ous Mellouli - TROJ                        
   US Record: A 3:44.11        2004 Klete Keller                               
World Record: W 3:40.08        2002 Ian Thorpe - AUS                           
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Biedermann, Paul             Germany              3:57.17    3:53.11   20  
                  27.67       56.97 (29.30)     1:26.95 (29.98)     1:57.20 (30.25)
        2:26.41 (29.21)     2:55.91 (29.50)     3:25.38 (29.47)     3:53.11 (27.73)
  2 Margalis, Robert          25 St. Petersburg-FL    3:58.98    3:54.96   17  
                  27.39       57.06 (29.67)     1:27.06 (30.00)     1:57.31 (30.25)
        2:27.27 (29.96)     2:57.39 (30.12)     3:26.36 (28.97)     3:54.96 (28.60)
  3 La Tourette, Chad         18 Mission Viejo-CA     3:58.77    3:56.28   16  
                  27.74       57.10 (29.36)     1:27.26 (30.16)     1:57.52 (30.26)
        2:27.70 (30.18)     2:57.81 (30.11)     3:27.83 (30.02)     3:56.28 (28.45)
  4 Koucheravy, Tom           22 Unattached-PV/GMU    3:57.72    3:58.51   15  
                  27.07       56.57 (29.50)     1:26.78 (30.21)     1:57.08 (30.30)
        2:27.37 (30.29)     2:57.75 (30.38)     3:28.34 (30.59)     3:58.51 (30.17)
  5 Biel, Matt                20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:03.94    4:00.66   14  
                  28.26       58.41 (30.15)     1:29.16 (30.75)     2:00.11 (30.95)
        2:30.31 (30.20)     3:00.60 (30.29)     3:31.02 (30.42)     4:00.66 (29.64)
  6 Koehler, J.K.             21 IUCP-IN              4:04.71    4:02.00   13  
                  27.70       57.27 (29.57)     1:27.94 (30.67)     1:58.66 (30.72)
        2:29.52 (30.86)     3:00.33 (30.81)     3:31.68 (31.35)     4:02.00 (30.32)
  7 Basson, Jean              19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:04.26    4:03.08   12  
                  27.97       57.79 (29.82)     1:27.93 (30.14)     1:58.73 (30.80)
        2:29.54 (30.81)     3:00.71 (31.17)     3:32.43 (31.72)     4:03.08 (30.65)
  8 Kerekjarto, Tamas         27 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:03.14    4:04.73   11  
                  28.32       58.51 (30.19)     1:28.98 (30.47)     1:59.61 (30.63)
        2:30.14 (30.53)     3:01.82 (31.68)     3:33.51 (31.69)     4:04.73 (31.22)
Consolation Final
  9 Kubusch, Christian           Germany              4:07.36    3:57.74    9  
                  27.25       56.51 (29.26)     1:26.66 (30.15)     1:56.91 (30.25)
        2:27.20 (30.29)     2:57.64 (30.44)     3:28.22 (30.58)     3:57.74 (29.52)
 10 Radford, Kane             16 New Zealand          4:05.95    4:03.40    7  
                  28.07       57.89 (29.82)     1:28.32 (30.43)     1:59.31 (30.99)
        2:30.18 (30.87)     3:01.73 (31.55)     3:33.13 (31.40)     4:03.40 (30.27)
 11 Rimkus, Charlie           16 Mission Viejo-CA     4:08.17    4:06.67    6  
                  28.88     1:00.21 (31.33)     1:31.40 (31.19)     2:02.81 (31.41)
        2:34.03 (31.22)     3:05.57 (31.54)     3:37.06 (31.49)     4:06.67 (29.61)
 12 Holmes, Mike              19 Minnesota-MN         4:07.40    4:06.80    5  
                  28.49       59.47 (30.98)     1:31.38 (31.91)     2:03.12 (31.74)
        2:34.58 (31.46)     3:06.06 (31.48)     3:37.52 (31.46)     4:06.80 (29.28)
 13 Morris, Jeff              17 Clippers-OH          4:08.96    4:07.62    4  
                  28.25       58.76 (30.51)     1:29.87 (31.11)     2:01.45 (31.58)
        2:33.06 (31.61)     3:04.99 (31.93)     3:36.98 (31.99)     4:07.62 (30.64)
 14 Wold, Alex                19 Minnesota-MN         4:07.44    4:07.89    3  
                  29.08     1:00.12 (31.04)     1:31.54 (31.42)     2:03.13 (31.59)
        2:34.43 (31.30)     3:06.09 (31.66)     3:37.84 (31.75)     4:07.89 (30.05)
 15 Yano, Rikiya              17 Aquazots-CA          4:06.28    4:08.11    2  
                  28.17       59.06 (30.89)     1:30.38 (31.32)     2:01.98 (31.60)
        2:33.62 (31.64)     3:05.79 (32.17)     3:37.62 (31.83)     4:08.11 (30.49)
 16 Zoldos, Michael           17 Scottsdale-AZ        4:08.58    4:08.73    1  
                  29.48     1:00.59 (31.11)     1:31.95 (31.36)     2:03.71 (31.76)
        2:35.59 (31.88)     3:07.06 (31.47)     3:38.61 (31.55)     4:08.73 (30.12)
Bonus Final
 17 Mendoza, John             19 The Armada-CA        4:09.26    4:04.72  
                  29.95     1:00.96 (31.01)     1:32.09 (31.13)     2:03.16 (31.07)
        2:33.06 (29.90)     3:03.32 (30.26)     3:34.40 (31.08)     4:04.72 (30.32)
 18 Casey, Aaron              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:11.62    4:08.35  
                  28.54       59.47 (30.93)     1:30.90 (31.43)     2:02.29 (31.39)
        2:33.70 (31.41)     3:05.54 (31.84)     3:37.20 (31.66)     4:08.35 (31.15)
 19 Barber, Matt              15 Blue Tide-GU         4:10.53    4:09.14  
                  29.42     1:00.61 (31.19)     1:32.10 (31.49)     2:03.63 (31.53)
        2:35.01 (31.38)     3:06.36 (31.35)     3:38.21 (31.85)     4:09.14 (30.93)
 20 Kent, Steven              19 New Zealand          4:10.15    4:10.07  
                  28.36       59.54 (31.18)     1:31.23 (31.69)     2:03.06 (31.83)
        2:34.86 (31.80)     3:06.94 (32.08)     3:39.14 (32.20)     4:10.07 (30.93)
 21 Daniec, Jon               14 Mission Viejo-CA     4:11.84    4:10.69  
                  29.64     1:01.06 (31.42)     1:32.60 (31.54)     2:04.53 (31.93)
        2:36.09 (31.56)     3:07.89 (31.80)     3:39.94 (32.05)     4:10.69 (30.75)
 22 Schmidt, Gunnar           20 Scottsdale-AZ        4:10.15    4:10.84  
                  29.39     1:00.34 (30.95)     1:31.50 (31.16)     2:03.12 (31.62)
        2:34.72 (31.60)     3:06.80 (32.08)     3:39.09 (32.29)     4:10.84 (31.75)
 23 McBroom, Michael          16 The Woodlands-GU     4:09.54    4:12.40  
                  29.56     1:01.17 (31.61)     1:33.27 (32.10)     2:05.25 (31.98)
        2:36.89 (31.64)     3:09.26 (32.37)     3:41.31 (32.05)     4:12.40 (31.09)
 24 Pursley, David            20 Mission Viejo-CA     4:12.52    4:14.47  
                  28.77       59.87 (31.10)     1:31.55 (31.68)     2:04.08 (32.53)
        2:36.43 (32.35)     3:08.92 (32.49)     3:42.34 (33.42)     4:14.47 (32.13)
  9 Keller, Klete             25 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:04.93             
                  27.97       58.56 (30.59)     1:29.57 (31.01)     2:00.53 (30.96)
        2:31.82 (31.29)     3:02.97 (31.15)     3:34.40 (31.43)     4:04.93 (30.53)
 26 Iemmola, Marco            18 Clippers-OH          4:12.57             
                  29.06     1:00.23 (31.17)     1:32.32 (32.09)     2:04.83 (32.51)
        2:37.03 (32.20)     3:09.35 (32.32)     3:41.66 (32.31)     4:12.57 (30.91)
 27 Navarro, Alex             16 Palo Alto-PC         4:12.71             
                  29.14     1:00.67 (31.53)     1:33.07 (32.40)     2:05.73 (32.66)
        2:38.23 (32.50)     3:10.77 (32.54)     3:41.75 (30.98)     4:12.71 (30.96)
 28 Zebley, Nico              20 Minnesota-MN         4:13.15             
                  29.27     1:00.31 (31.04)     1:31.84 (31.53)     2:03.99 (32.15)
        2:36.12 (32.13)     3:08.71 (32.59)     3:41.23 (32.52)     4:13.15 (31.92)
 29 Kim, Jay                  17 Colorado Stars-CO    4:13.32             
                  28.03       58.74 (30.71)     1:30.31 (31.57)     2:02.23 (31.92)
        2:34.72 (32.49)     3:07.64 (32.92)     3:41.22 (33.58)     4:13.32 (32.10)
 30 Yribarren, Bobby          21 Fresno Dolphins-CC   4:13.33             
                  30.66     1:03.03 (32.37)     1:35.00 (31.97)     2:07.42 (32.42)
        2:39.17 (31.75)     3:11.64 (32.47)     3:42.37 (30.73)     4:13.33 (30.96)
 31 Deters, Andrew            19 Novaquatics-CA       4:13.51             
                  29.35     1:01.05 (31.70)     1:33.04 (31.99)     2:05.07 (32.03)
        2:37.10 (32.03)     3:09.53 (32.43)     3:41.85 (32.32)     4:13.51 (31.66)
 32 Grothe, Zane              15 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:13.77             
                  29.91     1:01.78 (31.87)     1:34.29 (32.51)     2:06.72 (32.43)
        2:39.03 (32.31)     3:11.16 (32.13)     3:43.53 (32.37)     4:13.77 (30.24)
 33 Oliveira, Nicolas         19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:13.91             
                  28.12       59.70 (31.58)     1:31.46 (31.76)     2:03.60 (32.14)
        2:36.17 (32.57)     3:08.89 (32.72)     3:41.93 (33.04)     4:13.91 (31.98)
 34 Bonse, Julian             17 Novaquatics-CA       4:14.22             
                  29.57     1:01.73 (32.16)     1:34.12 (32.39)     2:06.61 (32.49)
        2:39.26 (32.65)     3:11.92 (32.66)     3:43.66 (31.74)     4:14.22 (30.56)
 35 Koubratoff, Bobby         17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:14.34             
                  29.01       59.76 (30.75)     1:31.48 (31.72)     2:03.78 (32.30)
        2:36.36 (32.58)     3:09.22 (32.86)     3:42.17 (32.95)     4:14.34 (32.17)
 36 Benecki, Steven           19 The FISH-PV          4:14.56             
                                                                        2:05.21 ( )
        2:37.74 (32.53)     3:10.48 (32.74)     3:43.15 (32.67)     4:14.56 (31.41)
 37 Baier, Chris              17 CCAT Swimming-CA     4:14.71             
                  29.66     1:01.44 (31.78)     1:33.60 (32.16)     2:06.06 (32.46)
        2:38.35 (32.29)     3:10.83 (32.48)     3:43.48 (32.65)     4:14.71 (31.23)
 38 Mosk, Brady               16 Mission Viejo-CA     4:14.72             
                  30.05     1:02.14 (32.09)     1:34.76 (32.62)     2:06.95 (32.19)
        2:39.34 (32.39)     3:11.44 (32.10)     3:43.46 (32.02)     4:14.72 (31.26)
 39 Chen, David               17 Claremont-CA         4:14.91             
                  29.67     1:01.93 (32.26)     1:34.19 (32.26)     2:07.07 (32.88)
        2:40.13 (33.06)     3:12.87 (32.74)     3:43.99 (31.12)     4:14.91 (30.92)
 40 Telep, Nate               19 Scottsdale-AZ        4:14.99             
                  29.90     1:01.78 (31.88)     1:33.34 (31.56)     2:05.22 (31.88)
        2:37.38 (32.16)     3:09.98 (32.60)     3:42.97 (32.99)     4:14.99 (32.02)
 41 Cullom, Deni              15 Unattached-MVN-CA    4:15.06             
                  30.65     1:03.11 (32.46)     1:35.62 (32.51)     2:08.01 (32.39)
        2:40.29 (32.28)     3:12.51 (32.22)     3:44.43 (31.92)     4:15.06 (30.63)
 42 Kline, Peter              17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  4:15.13             
                  29.48     1:01.37 (31.89)     1:33.75 (32.38)     2:05.87 (32.12)
        2:38.27 (32.40)     3:10.81 (32.54)     3:43.14 (32.33)     4:15.13 (31.99)
 43 Antoniuk, Konrad          15 Canyons-CA           4:15.44             
                  29.13     1:00.99 (31.86)     1:33.20 (32.21)     2:05.26 (32.06)
        2:37.19 (31.93)     3:09.72 (32.53)     3:42.87 (33.15)     4:15.44 (32.57)
 44 Welton, Erich             21 Minnesota-MN         4:15.81             
                  29.63     1:01.46 (31.83)     1:33.56 (32.10)     2:06.20 (32.64)
        2:39.02 (32.82)     3:11.76 (32.74)     3:44.46 (32.70)     4:15.81 (31.35)
 45 Mahoney, Sean             18 Terrapins-PC         4:16.12             
                  30.67     1:03.97 (33.30)     1:37.29 (33.32)     2:10.53 (33.24)
        2:42.10 (31.57)     3:14.22 (32.12)     3:45.13 (30.91)     4:16.12 (30.99)
 46 Redondo, Brock            15 Mission Viejo-CA     4:16.42             
                  29.45     1:01.09 (31.64)     1:33.51 (32.42)     2:06.34 (32.83)
        2:39.27 (32.93)     3:12.21 (32.94)     3:44.82 (32.61)     4:16.42 (31.60)
 47 Weissman, Tyler           15 Mission Viejo-CA     4:16.49             
                  29.25     1:01.40 (32.15)     1:34.45 (33.05)     2:07.44 (32.99)
        2:40.42 (32.98)     3:13.11 (32.69)     3:45.30 (32.19)     4:16.49 (31.19)
 48 Kybartas, Tyler           17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:16.51             
                  29.48     1:01.43 (31.95)     1:34.32 (32.89)     2:06.81 (32.49)
        2:39.46 (32.65)     3:12.18 (32.72)     3:45.29 (33.11)     4:16.51 (31.22)
 49 Whaley, Wil               19 Mission Viejo-CA     4:17.01             
                  29.46     1:00.58 (31.12)     1:32.79 (32.21)     2:05.92 (33.13)
        2:39.07 (33.15)     3:12.25 (33.18)     3:45.30 (33.05)     4:17.01 (31.71)
 50 Lewkowitz, Blake          18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   4:17.17             
                  29.11     1:00.48 (31.37)     1:32.25 (31.77)     2:04.92 (32.67)
        2:38.28 (33.36)     3:12.25 (33.97)     3:45.07 (32.82)     4:17.17 (32.10)
 51 Simpkins, Patrick         19 CCAT Swimming-CA     4:17.83             
                  29.88     1:01.81 (31.93)     1:34.50 (32.69)     2:07.25 (32.75)
        2:39.97 (32.72)     3:12.87 (32.90)     3:45.43 (32.56)     4:17.83 (32.40)
 52 Norman, Lucas             14 Mission Viejo-CA     4:17.95             
                  30.42     1:02.71 (32.29)     1:34.92 (32.21)     2:07.69 (32.77)
        2:40.77 (33.08)     3:13.98 (33.21)     3:45.97 (31.99)     4:17.95 (31.98)
 53 Hanna, Colin              17 Terrapins-PC         4:18.10             
                  29.46     1:01.81 (32.35)     1:34.24 (32.43)     2:07.85 (33.61)
        2:40.36 (32.51)     3:13.35 (32.99)     3:46.07 (32.72)     4:18.10 (32.03)
 54 Benecki, Matthew          16 The FISH-PV          4:18.27             
                  29.84     1:02.08 (32.24)     1:34.99 (32.91)     2:08.01 (33.02)
        2:40.75 (32.74)     3:13.78 (33.03)     3:46.21 (32.43)     4:18.27 (32.06)
 55 Smith, Sean               19 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:18.36             
                  29.78     1:02.42 (32.64)     1:35.13 (32.71)     2:08.27 (33.14)
        2:41.01 (32.74)     3:13.96 (32.95)     3:46.73 (32.77)     4:18.36 (31.63)
 56 Vanis, Martin             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:18.39             
                  30.88     1:03.33 (32.45)     1:36.04 (32.71)     2:08.94 (32.90)
        2:41.85 (32.91)     3:14.97 (33.12)     3:47.84 (32.87)     4:18.39 (30.55)
 57 Salvatierra, Ian          15 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:18.51             
                  29.77     1:01.45 (31.68)     1:34.35 (32.90)     2:07.38 (33.03)
        2:40.84 (33.46)     3:14.26 (33.42)     3:47.18 (32.92)     4:18.51 (31.33)
 58 Petersen, Samuel          16 Berkeley Aq Club-NJ  4:18.66             
                  29.24     1:01.23 (31.99)     1:33.72 (32.49)     2:06.97 (33.25)
        2:40.18 (33.21)     3:13.60 (33.42)     3:46.80 (33.20)     4:18.66 (31.86)
 59 Byrd, Jeff                18 Desert Storm-CA      4:18.94             
                  29.73     1:02.25 (32.52)     1:35.08 (32.83)     2:08.25 (33.17)
        2:41.36 (33.11)     3:14.59 (33.23)     3:47.32 (32.73)     4:18.94 (31.62)
 60 Reinhardt, Alex           16 Colorado Stars-CO    4:19.47             
                  29.38     1:01.75 (32.37)     1:34.97 (33.22)     2:07.97 (33.00)
        2:41.12 (33.15)     3:14.59 (33.47)     3:47.77 (33.18)     4:19.47 (31.70)
 61 Thompson, Kyle            18 Waukesha Express-WI  4:20.11             
                  29.51     1:01.86 (32.35)     1:34.56 (32.70)     2:07.72 (33.16)
        2:41.28 (33.56)     3:15.12 (33.84)     3:48.67 (33.55)     4:20.11 (31.44)
 62 Hoyt, Trevor              16 Yucaipa-CA           4:20.26             
                  30.19     1:02.80 (32.61)     1:35.75 (32.95)     2:09.11 (33.36)
        2:42.24 (33.13)     3:15.85 (33.61)     3:48.48 (32.63)     4:20.26 (31.78)
 63 Plume, Joe                19 Palo Alto-PC         4:20.46             
                  29.74     1:01.97 (32.23)     1:34.72 (32.75)     2:07.73 (33.01)
        2:41.47 (33.74)     3:14.32 (32.85)     3:47.43 (33.11)     4:20.46 (33.03)
 64 Yap, Ee Seng              19 Torrance-CA          4:20.49             
                  29.73     1:01.37 (31.64)     1:33.64 (32.27)     2:06.66 (33.02)
        2:40.09 (33.43)     3:13.63 (33.54)     3:47.59 (33.96)     4:20.49 (32.90)
 65 Anderson, Lewis           15 North Coast-SI       4:20.52             
                  30.12     1:03.15 (33.03)     1:35.70 (32.55)     2:08.65 (32.95)
        2:40.99 (32.34)     3:13.67 (32.68)     3:47.62 (33.95)     4:20.52 (32.90)
 66 Yeo, Cody                 17 The Armada-CA        4:20.79             
                  30.60     1:03.47 (32.87)     1:36.75 (33.28)     2:09.96 (33.21)
        2:42.84 (32.88)     3:16.35 (33.51)     3:49.73 (33.38)     4:20.79 (31.06)
 67 Baier, William            20 CCAT Swimming-CA     4:20.91             
                  30.08     1:02.60 (32.52)     1:35.61 (33.01)     2:08.98 (33.37)
        2:42.53 (33.55)     3:16.36 (33.83)     3:48.93 (32.57)     4:20.91 (31.98)
 68 Gregory, Jeremy           19 Tacoma-PN            4:20.92             
                  29.51     1:00.95 (31.44)     1:33.04 (32.09)     2:05.81 (32.77)
        2:39.42 (33.61)     3:13.19 (33.77)     3:47.33 (34.14)     4:20.92 (33.59)
 69 Krause, Robert            20 San Ramon Valley-PC  4:20.98             
                  30.33     1:02.80 (32.47)     1:35.95 (33.15)     2:09.46 (33.51)
        2:43.42 (33.96)     3:17.05 (33.63)     3:50.24 (33.19)     4:20.98 (30.74)
 70 Dupere, Jason             19 Santa Maria-CA       4:21.03             
                  30.42     1:03.11 (32.69)     1:36.42 (33.31)     2:09.87 (33.45)
        2:43.08 (33.21)     3:16.38 (33.30)     3:48.72 (32.34)     4:21.03 (32.31)
 71 Jardine, Sam              14 Claremont-CA         4:21.41             
                  30.35     1:02.34 (31.99)     1:35.32 (32.98)     2:08.00 (32.68)
        2:41.52 (33.52)     3:14.99 (33.47)     3:48.44 (33.45)     4:21.41 (32.97)
 72 Vanek, Martin             16 NGSV Gators-CA       4:21.50             
                  30.04     1:02.37 (32.33)     1:35.76 (33.39)     2:09.10 (33.34)
        2:42.56 (33.46)     3:15.95 (33.39)     3:49.65 (33.70)     4:21.50 (31.85)
 73 Deedrick, Jack            15 Tacoma-PN            4:22.18             
                  28.77     1:01.61 (32.84)     1:34.84 (33.23)     2:08.35 (33.51)
        2:41.91 (33.56)     3:15.80 (33.89)     3:50.01 (34.21)     4:22.18 (32.17)
 74 Wollkind, Spencer         15 Mission Viejo-CA     4:22.21             
                  29.70     1:01.69 (31.99)     1:34.52 (32.83)     2:07.91 (33.39)
        2:41.34 (33.43)     3:15.29 (33.95)     3:49.18 (33.89)     4:22.21 (33.03)
 75 Carter, Justin            16 Clovis Swim Club-CC  4:22.23             
                  31.22     1:04.54 (33.32)     1:37.81 (33.27)     2:11.28 (33.47)
        2:45.31 (34.03)     3:18.24 (32.93)     3:51.38 (33.14)     4:22.23 (30.85)
 76 Zimmer, Jared             19 Santa Maria-CA       4:22.38             
                  29.64     1:01.84 (32.20)     1:34.66 (32.82)     2:07.73 (33.07)
        2:41.63 (33.90)     3:15.76 (34.13)     3:50.01 (34.25)     4:22.38 (32.37)
 76 Harris, Drew              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:22.38             
                  29.80     1:01.98 (32.18)     1:34.86 (32.88)     2:08.26 (33.40)
        2:42.06 (33.80)     3:15.74 (33.68)     3:49.85 (34.11)     4:22.38 (32.53)
 78 Bateman, Casey            16 Santa Maria-CA       4:22.41             
                  30.71     1:02.76 (32.05)     1:35.82 (33.06)     2:08.89 (33.07)
        2:42.42 (33.53)     3:16.07 (33.65)     3:49.51 (33.44)     4:22.41 (32.90)
 79 Yntema, Douwe             18 Mission Viejo-CA     4:22.61             
                  30.14     1:02.44 (32.30)     1:35.32 (32.88)     2:08.72 (33.40)
        2:42.09 (33.37)     3:15.59 (33.50)     3:49.77 (34.18)     4:22.61 (32.84)
 80 Neff, Spencer             15 Tacoma-PN            4:22.62             
                  29.97     1:02.38 (32.41)     1:35.68 (33.30)     2:09.53 (33.85)
        2:42.99 (33.46)     3:17.02 (34.03)     3:51.44 (34.42)     4:22.62 (31.18)
 81 Chanin, David             17 CCAT Swimming-CA     4:22.79             
                  30.81     1:03.48 (32.67)     1:36.74 (33.26)     2:09.20 (32.46)
        2:42.70 (33.50)     3:16.45 (33.75)     3:50.02 (33.57)     4:22.79 (32.77)
 82 Blank, Nick               18 Spokane Area-IE      4:22.99             
                  30.01     1:02.15 (32.14)     1:35.33 (33.18)     2:08.92 (33.59)
        2:42.57 (33.65)     3:16.24 (33.67)     3:50.28 (34.04)     4:22.99 (32.71)
 83 Rocca, Nicholas           18 Fresno Dolphins-CC   4:23.25             
                  30.55     1:02.95 (32.40)     1:35.90 (32.95)     2:09.32 (33.42)
        2:42.89 (33.57)     3:16.63 (33.74)     3:50.49 (33.86)     4:23.25 (32.76)
 84 Hauck, Eric               17 Claremont-CA         4:23.35             
                  29.37     1:01.78 (32.41)     1:35.33 (33.55)     2:09.15 (33.82)
        2:43.15 (34.00)     3:17.28 (34.13)     3:50.64 (33.36)     4:23.35 (32.71)
 85 Saeta, Andrew             16 CA Aquatics-CA       4:23.52             
                  30.05     1:03.09 (33.04)     1:37.00 (33.91)     2:10.93 (33.93)
        2:44.23 (33.30)     3:17.94 (33.71)     3:52.04 (34.10)     4:23.52 (31.48)
 86 Johnson, Tyler            15 Scottsdale-AZ        4:23.55             
                  30.74     1:03.60 (32.86)     1:36.95 (33.35)     2:10.47 (33.52)
        2:43.94 (33.47)     3:17.64 (33.70)     3:51.23 (33.59)     4:23.55 (32.32)
 87 Smit-Anseeuw, Nils        15 Pac Sea Wolves       4:23.57             
                  30.76     1:03.79 (33.03)     1:37.28 (33.49)     2:10.51 (33.23)
        2:43.90 (33.39)     3:17.71 (33.81)     3:51.08 (33.37)     4:23.57 (32.49)
 88 Nelson, Alex              16 Torrance-CA          4:23.72             
                  30.85     1:03.82 (32.97)     1:37.34 (33.52)     2:11.17 (33.83)
        2:44.70 (33.53)     3:18.59 (33.89)     3:51.51 (32.92)     4:23.72 (32.21)
 89 Barnett-Woods, Jereme     19 Aquazots-CA          4:23.76             
                  29.61     1:01.84 (32.23)     1:35.62 (33.78)     2:08.61 (32.99)
        2:42.36 (33.75)     3:15.98 (33.62)     3:50.24 (34.26)     4:23.76 (33.52)
 90 Hofstedt, Daniel          17 Mission Viejo-CA     4:24.00             
                  29.70     1:01.98 (32.28)     1:34.32 (32.34)     2:07.10 (32.78)
        2:40.43 (33.33)     3:14.91 (34.48)     3:49.56 (34.65)     4:24.00 (34.44)
 91 Behm, Herbie              16 Unattached-FORD-AZ   4:24.52             
                  29.24     1:01.68 (32.44)     1:35.72 (34.04)     2:09.61 (33.89)
        2:43.96 (34.35)     3:18.95 (34.99)     3:53.89 (34.94)     4:24.52 (30.63)
 92 Chiaro, Anthony           16 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:24.85             
                  30.31     1:03.79 (33.48)     1:37.88 (34.09)     2:11.75 (33.87)
        2:45.35 (33.60)     3:19.01 (33.66)     3:52.37 (33.36)     4:24.85 (32.48)
 93 Muller, Andrew            17 Rose Bowl-CA         4:24.94             
                  30.21     1:02.62 (32.41)     1:36.03 (33.41)     2:09.62 (33.59)
        2:43.38 (33.76)     3:17.45 (34.07)     3:51.70 (34.25)     4:24.94 (33.24)
 94 Nilsson, Bryce            17 CCAT Swimming-CA     4:24.97             
                  30.17     1:02.33 (32.16)     1:35.47 (33.14)     2:09.31 (33.84)
        2:43.25 (33.94)     3:17.41 (34.16)     3:51.47 (34.06)     4:24.97 (33.50)
 95 Giometti, Danny           20 Aquazots-CA          4:25.15             
                  30.84     1:03.36 (32.52)     1:36.97 (33.61)     2:10.65 (33.68)
        2:44.59 (33.94)     3:18.40 (33.81)     3:52.27 (33.87)     4:25.15 (32.88)
 96 Pierson, Brandon          19 Mission Viejo-CA     4:25.19             
                  29.75     1:01.79 (32.04)     1:34.92 (33.13)     2:08.56 (33.64)
        2:42.09 (33.53)     3:16.72 (34.63)     3:51.35 (34.63)     4:25.19 (33.84)
 97 Gutsche, Daniel           17 Santa Barbara-CA     4:25.38             
                  30.02     1:02.79 (32.77)     1:36.29 (33.50)     2:10.02 (33.73)
        2:44.10 (34.08)     3:18.20 (34.10)     3:52.35 (34.15)     4:25.38 (33.03)
 98 Furber, Jamie             18 Santa Maria-CA       4:26.60             
                  30.99     1:03.83 (32.84)     1:38.05 (34.22)     2:12.32 (34.27)
        2:46.12 (33.80)     3:20.31 (34.19)     3:54.59 (34.28)     4:26.60 (32.01)
 99 Dentone, Matthew          17 Terrapins-PC         4:27.12             
                  30.51     1:03.92 (33.41)     1:38.04 (34.12)     2:12.23 (34.19)
        2:46.83 (34.60)     3:20.90 (34.07)     3:55.31 (34.41)     4:27.12 (31.81)
100 Poehler, Marcus           18 Unattached-RIO-AZ    4:27.72             
                  29.19     1:00.94 (31.75)     1:33.69 (32.75)     2:07.60 (33.91)
        2:42.24 (34.64)     3:17.34 (35.10)     3:52.80 (35.46)     4:27.72 (34.92)
101 Brigman, Ryan             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:28.14             
                  30.79     1:03.88 (33.09)     1:37.42 (33.54)     2:11.24 (33.82)
        2:45.06 (33.82)     3:19.50 (34.44)     3:54.39 (34.89)     4:28.14 (33.75)
102 Kosmo, Trevor             16 Santa Barbara-CA     4:32.98             
                  31.51     1:05.58 (34.07)     1:40.35 (34.77)     2:14.75 (34.40)
        2:49.71 (34.96)     3:24.59 (34.88)     3:59.45 (34.86)     4:32.98 (33.53)
103 Sullivan, Robbie          17 NGSV Gators-CA       4:36.90             
                  32.27     1:08.11 (35.84)     1:43.39 (35.28)     2:18.61 (35.22)
        2:49.99 (31.38)     3:24.07 (34.08)     4:00.06 (35.99)     4:36.90 (36.84)
 -- Chamberlain, Brett        19 Mission Viejo-CA         DQ              
 -- Jensen, Larsen            21 Trojan Swim Club-CA     DFS              
 -- Boyle, Sean               20 Sun Devil-AZ            DFS              
 -- Choi, Lugar               19 Aquazots-CA              NS              
 -- Zarasua, Bronson          19 Golden West-CA           NS              
 -- Alders, Alec              18 Rose Bowl-CA             NS              
 -- Shields, Tom              15 Novaquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Wiesner, Dillon           16 Waukesha Express-WI      NS              
 -- Mendoza, Paul             18 The Armada-CA            NS              
 -- Greenshields, Joel        19 Ford Aquatics-AZ         NS              
 -- Wasfy, Walid              17 Unattached-CA            NS              
 -- Begovich, Kyle            17 Torrance-CA              NS              
Men Open 800 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 7:59.02        2004 Chad Carvin - MVN                          
 Pool Record: P 7:58.71        1985 Dan Jorgensen - MVN                        
   US Record: A 7:45.63        2005 Larsen Jensen                              
World Record: W 7:38.65        2005 Grant Hackett - AUS                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Koucheravy, Tom           22 Unattached-PV/GMU    8:05.54    8:01.62   20  
                  28.57       58.73 (30.16)     1:28.97 (30.24)     1:59.19 (30.22)
        2:29.62 (30.43)     2:59.89 (30.27)     3:30.21 (30.32)     4:00.46 (30.25)
        4:30.56 (30.10)     5:00.61 (30.05)     5:30.90 (30.29)     6:01.35 (30.45)
        6:31.87 (30.52)     7:02.17 (30.30)     7:32.28 (30.11)     8:01.62 (29.34)
  2 Margalis, Robert          25 St. Petersburg-FL    8:02.13    8:01.91   17  
                  28.30       58.51 (30.21)     1:28.62 (30.11)     1:59.08 (30.46)
        2:29.38 (30.30)     2:59.85 (30.47)     3:30.33 (30.48)     4:00.97 (30.64)
        4:31.21 (30.24)     5:01.61 (30.40)     5:32.19 (30.58)     6:02.64 (30.45)
        6:33.18 (30.54)     7:03.54 (30.36)     7:34.06 (30.52)     8:01.91 (27.85)
  3 La Tourette, Chad         18 Mission Viejo-CA     8:01.75    8:07.43   16  
                  28.16       58.02 (29.86)     1:28.41 (30.39)     1:58.95 (30.54)
        2:29.65 (30.70)     3:00.26 (30.61)     3:31.02 (30.76)     4:01.78 (30.76)
        4:32.52 (30.74)     5:03.37 (30.85)     5:34.19 (30.82)     6:05.03 (30.84)
        6:35.84 (30.81)     7:06.61 (30.77)     7:37.62 (31.01)     8:07.43 (29.81)
  4 Koehler, J.K.             21 IUCP-IN              8:24.43    8:10.65   15  
                  28.83       59.83 (31.00)     1:31.10 (31.27)     2:01.83 (30.73)
        2:32.72 (30.89)     3:03.71 (30.99)     3:34.58 (30.87)     4:05.41 (30.83)
        4:36.40 (30.99)     5:07.26 (30.86)     5:37.81 (30.55)     6:08.55 (30.74)
        6:39.44 (30.89)     7:10.38 (30.94)     7:40.75 (30.37)     8:10.65 (29.90)
  5 Jensen, Larsen            21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  8:03.49    8:12.52   14  
                  28.06       58.05 (29.99)     1:28.50 (30.45)     1:58.69 (30.19)
        2:29.39 (30.70)     2:59.78 (30.39)     3:30.87 (31.09)     4:01.77 (30.90)
        4:33.00 (31.23)     5:04.49 (31.49)     5:36.46 (31.97)     6:08.24 (31.78)
        6:39.73 (31.49)     7:11.05 (31.32)     7:42.60 (31.55)     8:12.52 (29.92)
  6 Biedermann, Paul             Germany              8:00.96    8:18.12   13  
                  28.53       58.99 (30.46)     1:29.38 (30.39)     2:00.09 (30.71)
        2:30.63 (30.54)     3:01.35 (30.72)     3:32.04 (30.69)     4:03.22 (31.18)
        4:34.38 (31.16)     5:06.02 (31.64)     5:38.48 (32.46)     6:10.23 (31.75)
        6:42.16 (31.93)     7:14.44 (32.28)     7:46.68 (32.24)     8:18.12 (31.44)
  7 Radford, Kane             16 New Zealand          8:17.97    8:18.95   12  
                  28.77       59.52 (30.75)     1:30.59 (31.07)     2:01.73 (31.14)
        2:32.98 (31.25)     3:04.36 (31.38)     3:35.88 (31.52)     4:07.65 (31.77)
        4:39.42 (31.77)     5:11.22 (31.80)     5:42.74 (31.52)     6:14.29 (31.55)
        6:45.98 (31.69)     7:17.65 (31.67)     7:48.99 (31.34)     8:18.95 (29.96)
  8 Biel, Matt                20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     8:20.00    8:21.44   11  
                  29.16     1:00.71 (31.55)     1:32.18 (31.47)     2:04.03 (31.85)
        2:35.57 (31.54)     3:07.09 (31.52)     3:38.90 (31.81)     4:10.68 (31.78)
        4:41.67 (30.99)     5:12.75 (31.08)     5:44.28 (31.53)     6:16.08 (31.80)
        6:48.07 (31.99)     7:19.73 (31.66)     7:51.64 (31.91)     8:21.44 (29.80)
  9 Rimkus, Charlie           16 Mission Viejo-CA     8:24.61    8:21.99    9  
                  30.35     1:02.23 (31.88)     1:33.49 (31.26)     2:04.87 (31.38)
        2:36.47 (31.60)     3:07.85 (31.38)     3:39.38 (31.53)     4:10.80 (31.42)
        4:42.06 (31.26)     5:13.38 (31.32)     5:44.85 (31.47)     6:16.54 (31.69)
        6:47.88 (31.34)     7:19.91 (32.03)     7:52.06 (32.15)     8:21.99 (29.93)
 10 McBroom, Michael          16 The Woodlands-GU     8:32.00    8:28.08    7  
                  29.34     1:00.87 (31.53)     1:32.64 (31.77)     2:04.70 (32.06)
        2:36.68 (31.98)     3:08.81 (32.13)     3:41.11 (32.30)     4:13.01 (31.90)
        4:45.32 (32.31)     5:17.52 (32.20)     5:49.78 (32.26)     6:21.77 (31.99)
        6:53.71 (31.94)     7:25.75 (32.04)     7:57.54 (31.79)     8:28.08 (30.54)
 11 Kubusch, Christian           Germany              8:01.74    8:28.90    6  
                  28.74       59.56 (30.82)     1:30.79 (31.23)     2:02.29 (31.50)
        2:33.71 (31.42)     3:05.77 (32.06)     3:37.97 (32.20)     4:10.36 (32.39)
        4:42.57 (32.21)     5:15.22 (32.65)     5:47.94 (32.72)     6:20.63 (32.69)
        6:53.31 (32.68)     7:25.82 (32.51)     7:57.83 (32.01)     8:28.90 (31.07)
 12 Zoldos, Michael           17 Scottsdale-AZ        8:25.42    8:30.01    5  
                  30.04     1:02.80 (32.76)     1:35.28 (32.48)     2:07.70 (32.42)
        2:39.77 (32.07)     3:12.15 (32.38)     3:44.65 (32.50)     4:17.23 (32.58)
        4:49.38 (32.15)     5:21.33 (31.95)     5:53.11 (31.78)     6:24.85 (31.74)
        6:56.65 (31.80)     7:28.34 (31.69)     7:59.46 (31.12)     8:30.01 (30.55)
 13 Keller, Klete             25 Trojan Swim Club-CA  8:45.29    8:30.34    4  
                  29.00     1:00.45 (31.45)     1:32.17 (31.72)     2:03.93 (31.76)
        2:35.86 (31.93)     3:08.00 (32.14)     3:40.53 (32.53)     4:12.81 (32.28)
        4:45.35 (32.54)     5:17.68 (32.33)     5:49.98 (32.30)     6:22.47 (32.49)
        6:54.91 (32.44)     7:27.44 (32.53)     7:59.07 (31.63)     8:30.34 (31.27)
 14 Chitwood, Cory            18 Clippers-OH          9:39.68Y   8:34.22    3  
                  29.25     1:01.22 (31.97)     1:33.52 (32.30)     2:05.68 (32.16)
        2:38.07 (32.39)     3:10.40 (32.33)     3:42.94 (32.54)     4:15.40 (32.46)
        4:46.16 (30.76)     5:20.89 (34.73)     5:53.70 (32.81)     6:26.34 (32.64)
        6:59.31 (32.97)     7:31.82 (32.51)     8:04.01 (32.19)     8:34.22 (30.21)
 15 Zebley, Nico              20 Minnesota-MN         8:34.06    8:35.40    2  
                  29.11     1:00.00 (30.89)     1:31.55 (31.55)     2:03.37 (31.82)
        2:35.66 (32.29)     3:07.96 (32.30)     3:40.72 (32.76)     4:13.47 (32.75)
        4:46.40 (32.93)     5:19.58 (33.18)     5:52.84 (33.26)     6:26.19 (33.35)
        6:59.03 (32.84)     7:31.85 (32.82)     8:04.87 (33.02)     8:35.40 (30.53)
 16 Morris, Jeff              17 Clippers-OH          8:35.45    8:35.73    1  
                  29.56     1:01.59 (32.03)     1:33.62 (32.03)     2:05.61 (31.99)
        2:37.81 (32.20)     3:10.14 (32.33)     3:42.60 (32.46)     4:15.21 (32.61)
        4:48.06 (32.85)     5:20.81 (32.75)     5:53.87 (33.06)     6:26.71 (32.84)
        6:59.43 (32.72)     7:32.16 (32.73)     8:04.62 (32.46)     8:35.73 (31.11)
 17 Yano, Rikiya              17 Aquazots-CA          8:19.61    8:36.00  
                  28.40       59.88 (31.48)     1:32.00 (32.12)     2:04.47 (32.47)
        2:36.79 (32.32)     3:09.51 (32.72)     3:42.82 (33.31)     4:16.24 (33.42)
        4:49.57 (33.33)     5:22.52 (32.95)     5:54.81 (32.29)     6:27.20 (32.39)
        7:00.18 (32.98)     7:32.49 (32.31)     8:04.86 (32.37)     8:36.00 (31.14)
 18 Grothe, Zane              15 BCH Heatwave-CA      9:32.64Y   8:36.23  
                  29.20     1:00.85 (31.65)     1:33.15 (32.30)     2:05.54 (32.39)
        2:38.45 (32.91)     3:10.83 (32.38)     3:44.00 (33.17)     4:16.34 (32.34)
        4:48.93 (32.59)     5:21.95 (33.02)     5:54.48 (32.53)     6:27.01 (32.53)
        6:59.77 (32.76)     7:32.08 (32.31)     8:04.98 (32.90)     8:36.23 (31.25)
 19 Daniec, Jon               14 Mission Viejo-CA     9:32.69Y   8:37.23  
                  31.11     1:03.66 (32.55)     1:36.76 (33.10)     2:09.79 (33.03)
        2:42.42 (32.63)     3:14.82 (32.40)     3:47.34 (32.52)     4:19.95 (32.61)
        4:52.30 (32.35)     5:24.81 (32.51)     5:57.31 (32.50)     6:29.51 (32.20)
        7:01.82 (32.31)     7:34.10 (32.28)     8:06.32 (32.22)     8:37.23 (30.91)
 20 Antoniuk, Konrad          15 Canyons-CA           9:41.15Y   8:37.46  
                  29.25     1:01.20 (31.95)     1:33.53 (32.33)     2:05.91 (32.38)
        2:37.96 (32.05)     3:10.29 (32.33)     3:42.78 (32.49)     4:15.30 (32.52)
        4:47.82 (32.52)     5:20.60 (32.78)     5:53.34 (32.74)     6:26.24 (32.90)
        6:59.19 (32.95)     7:32.09 (32.90)     8:05.17 (33.08)     8:37.46 (32.29)
 21 Schmidt, Gunnar           20 Scottsdale-AZ        8:19.58    8:38.10  
                  29.28     1:00.82 (31.54)     1:32.48 (31.66)     2:04.82 (32.34)
        2:36.77 (31.95)     3:09.17 (32.40)     3:41.69 (32.52)     4:14.51 (32.82)
        4:46.85 (32.34)     5:20.01 (33.16)     5:53.10 (33.09)     6:26.50 (33.40)
        6:59.71 (33.21)     7:33.13 (33.42)     8:06.02 (32.89)     8:38.10 (32.08)
 22 Pursley, David            20 Mission Viejo-CA     8:37.13    8:39.08  
                  30.22     1:02.30 (32.08)     1:34.60 (32.30)     2:07.12 (32.52)
        2:40.31 (33.19)     3:13.00 (32.69)     3:46.39 (33.39)     4:18.73 (32.34)
        4:51.37 (32.64)     5:23.93 (32.56)     5:56.98 (33.05)     6:30.53 (33.55)
        7:02.10 (31.57)     7:34.77 (32.67)     8:07.49 (32.72)     8:39.08 (31.59)
 23 Mendoza, John             19 The Armada-CA        8:34.55    8:39.42  
                  30.00     1:01.65 (31.65)     1:33.71 (32.06)     2:05.91 (32.20)
        2:38.37 (32.46)     3:10.57 (32.20)     3:43.02 (32.45)     4:15.65 (32.63)
        4:48.88 (33.23)     5:22.38 (33.50)     5:55.98 (33.60)     6:28.94 (32.96)
        7:01.77 (32.83)     7:34.92 (33.15)     8:07.68 (32.76)     8:39.42 (31.74)
 24 Barber, Matt              15 Blue Tide-GU         8:35.38    8:40.08  
                                                                        6:29.02 ( )
        7:02.22 (33.20)     7:35.41 (33.19)     8:08.19 (32.78)     8:40.08 (31.89)
 25 Deters, Andrew            19 Novaquatics-CA       8:25.34    8:40.16  
                  29.94     1:02.21 (32.27)     1:34.63 (32.42)     2:07.18 (32.55)
        2:39.45 (32.27)     3:11.90 (32.45)     3:44.22 (32.32)     4:16.91 (32.69)
        4:49.27 (32.36)     5:21.94 (32.67)     5:55.02 (33.08)     6:28.35 (33.33)
        7:01.92 (33.57)     7:35.56 (33.64)     8:08.39 (32.83)     8:40.16 (31.77)
 26 Redondo, Brock            15 Mission Viejo-CA     8:34.87    8:40.24  
                  29.71     1:01.70 (31.99)     1:34.17 (32.47)     2:06.42 (32.25)
        2:38.52 (32.10)     3:10.64 (32.12)     3:43.01 (32.37)     4:15.61 (32.60)
        4:48.10 (32.49)     5:21.25 (33.15)     5:54.49 (33.24)     6:27.96 (33.47)
        7:00.99 (33.03)     7:34.69 (33.70)     8:08.17 (33.48)     8:40.24 (32.07)
 27 Johnson, Tyler            15 Scottsdale-AZ        9:47.91Y   8:40.72  
                  30.81     1:03.21 (32.40)     1:36.26 (33.05)     2:09.02 (32.76)
        2:41.25 (32.23)     3:14.03 (32.78)     3:46.88 (32.85)     4:19.56 (32.68)
        4:52.21 (32.65)     5:25.14 (32.93)     5:57.83 (32.69)     6:30.71 (32.88)
        7:03.40 (32.69)     7:36.15 (32.75)     8:08.65 (32.50)     8:40.72 (32.07)
 28 Navarro, Alex             16 Palo Alto-PC         8:39.29    8:41.03  
                  28.90     1:00.69 (31.79)     1:32.90 (32.21)     2:05.14 (32.24)
        2:37.57 (32.43)     3:10.40 (32.83)     3:43.52 (33.12)     4:16.70 (33.18)
        4:50.13 (33.43)     5:23.69 (33.56)     5:57.07 (33.38)     6:30.20 (33.13)
        7:03.80 (33.60)     7:37.00 (33.20)     8:09.99 (32.99)     8:41.03 (31.04)
 29 Weissman, Tyler           15 Mission Viejo-CA     9:49.86Y   8:41.56  
                  29.71     1:02.17 (32.46)     1:34.90 (32.73)     2:07.66 (32.76)
        2:40.64 (32.98)     3:13.43 (32.79)     3:46.56 (33.13)     4:19.36 (32.80)
        4:52.59 (33.23)     5:25.80 (33.21)     5:59.05 (33.25)     6:32.06 (33.01)
        7:05.01 (32.95)     7:37.86 (32.85)     8:10.59 (32.73)     8:41.56 (30.97)
 30 Benecki, Matthew          16 The FISH-PV          8:43.78    8:42.01  
                  29.48     1:01.02 (31.54)     1:33.10 (32.08)     2:05.23 (32.13)
        2:37.79 (32.56)     3:10.30 (32.51)     3:43.30 (33.00)     4:16.39 (33.09)
        4:49.78 (33.39)     5:22.96 (33.18)     5:56.24 (33.28)     6:29.14 (32.90)
        7:02.66 (33.52)     7:36.12 (33.46)     8:09.33 (33.21)     8:42.01 (32.68)
 31 Benecki, Steven           19 The FISH-PV          9:11.59    8:45.01  
                  29.53     1:01.87 (32.34)     1:34.65 (32.78)     2:07.51 (32.86)
        2:40.69 (33.18)     3:13.88 (33.19)     3:47.29 (33.41)     4:20.54 (33.25)
        4:54.27 (33.73)     5:27.53 (33.26)     6:00.80 (33.27)     6:34.03 (33.23)
        7:07.44 (33.41)     7:40.90 (33.46)     8:14.03 (33.13)     8:45.01 (30.98)
 32 Mosk, Brady               16 Mission Viejo-CA     9:38.48Y   8:45.22  
                  30.32     1:03.02 (32.70)     1:35.32 (32.30)     2:08.11 (32.79)
        2:40.99 (32.88)     3:13.90 (32.91)     3:47.03 (33.13)     4:20.14 (33.11)
        4:53.56 (33.42)     5:26.95 (33.39)     6:00.31 (33.36)     6:33.91 (33.60)
        7:07.00 (33.09)     7:40.48 (33.48)     8:13.76 (33.28)     8:45.22 (31.46)
 33 Bonse, Julian             17 Novaquatics-CA       9:48.20Y   8:45.69  
                  29.83     1:02.20 (32.37)     1:35.08 (32.88)     2:08.35 (33.27)
        2:41.20 (32.85)     3:14.39 (33.19)     3:47.51 (33.12)     4:20.92 (33.41)
        4:53.41 (32.49)     5:26.83 (33.42)     5:59.90 (33.07)     6:33.16 (33.26)
        7:06.11 (32.95)     7:39.82 (33.71)     8:12.88 (33.06)     8:45.69 (32.81)
 34 Yribarren, Bobby          21 Fresno Dolphins-CC   8:49.73    8:45.83  
                  31.25     1:03.83 (32.58)     1:36.39 (32.56)     2:08.92 (32.53)
        2:41.88 (32.96)     3:14.06 (32.18)     3:47.19 (33.13)     4:20.25 (33.06)
        4:54.25 (34.00)     5:27.28 (33.03)     6:01.58 (34.30)     6:34.83 (33.25)
        7:10.01 (35.18)     7:42.15 (32.14)     8:14.57 (32.42)     8:45.83 (31.26)
 35 Koubratoff, Bobby         17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     8:33.44    8:46.27  
                  29.60     1:01.40 (31.80)     1:33.49 (32.09)     2:05.72 (32.23)
        2:38.73 (33.01)     3:11.81 (33.08)     3:45.37 (33.56)     4:18.78 (33.41)
        4:52.78 (34.00)     5:26.69 (33.91)     6:00.15 (33.46)     6:33.57 (33.42)
        7:06.84 (33.27)     7:40.45 (33.61)     8:13.83 (33.38)     8:46.27 (32.44)
 36 Flach, Michael            16 The FISH-PV         10:04.22Y   8:47.21  
                  30.22     1:02.73 (32.51)     1:35.59 (32.86)     2:08.73 (33.14)
        2:41.94 (33.21)     3:15.28 (33.34)     3:48.67 (33.39)     4:22.15 (33.48)
        4:56.12 (33.97)     5:29.15 (33.03)     6:02.41 (33.26)     6:35.75 (33.34)
        7:08.99 (33.24)     7:42.25 (33.26)     8:15.49 (33.24)     8:47.21 (31.72)
 37 Cullom, Deni              15 Unattached-MVN-CA    8:40.45    8:49.24  
                  31.25     1:04.40 (33.15)     1:38.09 (33.69)     2:11.88 (33.79)
        2:45.97 (34.09)     3:19.67 (33.70)     3:53.42 (33.75)     4:26.80 (33.38)
        4:59.91 (33.11)     5:32.93 (33.02)     6:06.01 (33.08)     6:38.93 (32.92)
        7:11.55 (32.62)     7:44.41 (32.86)     8:17.43 (33.02)     8:49.24 (31.81)
 38 Baier, Chris              17 CCAT Swimming-CA     9:42.82Y   8:49.33  
                  31.14     1:04.22 (33.08)     1:37.47 (33.25)     2:10.74 (33.27)
        2:44.01 (33.27)     3:17.13 (33.12)     3:50.38 (33.25)     4:23.84 (33.46)
        4:57.09 (33.25)     5:30.43 (33.34)     6:04.04 (33.61)     6:37.81 (33.77)
        7:11.25 (33.44)     7:44.50 (33.25)     8:17.63 (33.13)     8:49.33 (31.70)
 39 Iemmola, Marco            18 Clippers-OH          8:37.17    8:51.29  
                  30.19     1:03.29 (33.10)     1:36.71 (33.42)     2:09.93 (33.22)
        2:43.57 (33.64)     3:17.25 (33.68)     3:51.18 (33.93)     4:25.08 (33.90)
        4:58.93 (33.85)     5:32.92 (33.99)     6:07.44 (34.52)     6:41.13 (33.69)
        7:14.66 (33.53)     7:47.58 (32.92)     8:20.32 (32.74)     8:51.29 (30.97)
 40 Hentzen, Kit              17 The Armada-CA        8:33.20    8:51.78  
                  29.87     1:02.26 (32.39)     1:35.22 (32.96)     2:08.21 (32.99)
        2:40.89 (32.68)     3:14.53 (33.64)     3:47.89 (33.36)     4:21.71 (33.82)
        4:55.61 (33.90)     5:29.79 (34.18)     6:03.67 (33.88)     6:37.98 (34.31)
        7:11.63 (33.65)     7:45.48 (33.85)     8:19.05 (33.57)     8:51.78 (32.73)
 41 Salvatierra, Ian          15 BCH Heatwave-CA      9:48.92Y   8:51.80  
                  30.27     1:02.50 (32.23)     1:35.73 (33.23)     2:08.72 (32.99)
        2:41.86 (33.14)     3:15.21 (33.35)     3:48.78 (33.57)     4:22.46 (33.68)
        4:56.10 (33.64)     5:29.75 (33.65)     6:03.60 (33.85)     6:37.45 (33.85)
        7:11.28 (33.83)     7:44.79 (33.51)     8:18.58 (33.79)     8:51.80 (33.22)
 42 Petersen, Samuel          16 Berkeley Aq Club-NJ  8:36.43    8:51.98  
                  30.04     1:03.31 (33.27)     1:36.97 (33.66)     2:09.97 (33.00)
        2:43.39 (33.42)     3:16.99 (33.60)     3:50.72 (33.73)     4:24.00 (33.28)
        4:57.99 (33.99)     5:31.74 (33.75)     6:05.75 (34.01)     6:39.93 (34.18)
        7:13.70 (33.77)     7:47.68 (33.98)     8:20.56 (32.88)     8:51.98 (31.42)
 43 Hauck, Eric               17 Claremont-CA         9:53.61Y   8:53.21  
                  30.16     1:02.79 (32.63)     1:35.83 (33.04)     2:09.14 (33.31)
        2:42.63 (33.49)     3:16.09 (33.46)     3:49.80 (33.71)     4:23.47 (33.67)
        4:57.59 (34.12)     5:31.64 (34.05)     6:06.01 (34.37)     6:40.23 (34.22)
        7:14.43 (34.20)     7:48.51 (34.08)     8:22.22 (33.71)     8:53.21 (30.99)
 44 Lewkowitz, Blake          18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   8:25.58    8:53.62  
                  30.52     1:02.56 (32.04)     1:35.12 (32.56)     2:07.50 (32.38)
        2:40.43 (32.93)     3:13.18 (32.75)     3:46.28 (33.10)     4:19.65 (33.37)
        4:53.25 (33.60)     5:27.21 (33.96)     6:01.71 (34.50)     6:36.22 (34.51)
        7:11.05 (34.83)     7:45.55 (34.50)     8:20.40 (34.85)     8:53.62 (33.22)
 45 Brigman, Ryan             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      9:52.78Y   8:53.65  
                  31.08     1:04.72 (33.64)     1:38.44 (33.72)     2:12.17 (33.73)
        2:46.35 (34.18)     3:20.34 (33.99)     3:54.57 (34.23)     4:28.80 (34.23)
        5:02.14 (33.34)     5:36.22 (34.08)     6:09.44 (33.22)     6:43.28 (33.84)
        7:16.18 (32.90)     7:49.81 (33.63)     8:22.56 (32.75)     8:53.65 (31.09)
 46 Byrd, Jeff                18 Desert Storm-CA      9:44.72Y   8:54.34  
                  31.06     1:04.27 (33.21)     1:37.84 (33.57)     2:11.49 (33.65)
        2:45.05 (33.56)     3:18.77 (33.72)     3:52.26 (33.49)     4:26.21 (33.95)
        5:00.03 (33.82)     5:34.05 (34.02)     6:07.70 (33.65)     6:42.12 (34.42)
        7:12.36 (30.24)     7:49.48 (37.12)     8:22.74 (33.26)     8:54.34 (31.60)
 47 Zimmer, Jared             19 Santa Maria-CA       9:35.26Y   8:54.57  
                  30.45     1:03.36 (32.91)     1:36.76 (33.40)     2:10.34 (33.58)
        2:44.08 (33.74)     3:17.61 (33.53)     3:51.19 (33.58)     4:24.92 (33.73)
        4:58.93 (34.01)     5:33.03 (34.10)     6:06.95 (33.92)     6:41.23 (34.28)
        7:15.03 (33.80)     7:49.06 (34.03)     8:23.03 (33.97)     8:54.57 (31.54)
 48 Dupere, Jason             19 Santa Maria-CA       8:42.19    8:55.54  
                  30.81     1:04.30 (33.49)     1:38.37 (34.07)     2:12.27 (33.90)
        2:46.04 (33.77)     3:20.05 (34.01)     3:53.97 (33.92)     4:28.14 (34.17)
        5:01.57 (33.43)     5:35.50 (33.93)     6:09.27 (33.77)     6:43.37 (34.10)
        7:16.98 (33.61)     7:50.36 (33.38)     8:23.23 (32.87)     8:55.54 (32.31)
 49 Neff, Spencer             15 Tacoma-PN            9:39.12Y   8:55.97  
                  30.70     1:03.51 (32.81)     1:37.07 (33.56)     2:10.64 (33.57)
        2:44.41 (33.77)     3:17.94 (33.53)     3:52.28 (34.34)     4:25.55 (33.27)
        5:00.04 (34.49)     5:33.71 (33.67)     6:07.88 (34.17)     6:41.95 (34.07)
        7:15.95 (34.00)     7:49.81 (33.86)     8:24.05 (34.24)     8:55.97 (31.92)
 50 Vanis, Martin             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      9:58.92Y   8:57.37  
                  30.92     1:04.64 (33.72)     1:38.60 (33.96)     2:12.62 (34.02)
        2:46.26 (33.64)     3:20.15 (33.89)     3:54.18 (34.03)     4:28.06 (33.88)
        5:02.04 (33.98)     5:35.91 (33.87)     6:09.97 (34.06)     6:44.26 (34.29)
        7:18.15 (33.89)     7:51.99 (33.84)     8:25.14 (33.15)     8:57.37 (32.23)
 51 Wollkind, Spencer         15 Mission Viejo-CA     9:54.60Y   8:57.71  
                  31.12     1:04.59 (33.47)     1:38.80 (34.21)     2:12.32 (33.52)
        2:46.26 (33.94)     3:20.21 (33.95)     3:53.95 (33.74)     4:28.08 (34.13)
        5:02.07 (33.99)     5:36.04 (33.97)     6:09.98 (33.94)     6:44.08 (34.10)
        7:17.83 (33.75)     7:52.00 (34.17)     8:25.86 (33.86)     8:57.71 (31.85)
 52 Krause, Robert            20 San Ramon Valley-PC  8:37.50    8:58.14  
                  31.07     1:04.90 (33.83)     1:38.75 (33.85)     2:12.45 (33.70)
        2:46.72 (34.27)     3:20.41 (33.69)     3:54.64 (34.23)     4:28.51 (33.87)
        5:02.72 (34.21)     5:36.60 (33.88)     6:10.77 (34.17)     6:44.63 (33.86)
        7:18.84 (34.21)     7:52.98 (34.14)     8:26.97 (33.99)     8:58.14 (31.17)
 52 Trotter, Gage             15 The Woodlands-GU     8:51.00    8:58.14  
                  31.04     1:04.72 (33.68)     1:38.50 (33.78)     2:12.12 (33.62)
        2:45.83 (33.71)     3:19.19 (33.36)     3:53.14 (33.95)     4:27.03 (33.89)
        4:59.87 (32.84)     5:32.67 (32.80)     6:07.39 (34.72)     6:41.52 (34.13)
        7:16.11 (34.59)     7:50.67 (34.56)     8:25.07 (34.40)     8:58.14 (33.07)
 54 Deedrick, Jack            15 Tacoma-PN           10:01.87Y   8:58.22  
                  30.67     1:05.22 (34.55)     1:35.03 (29.81)     2:12.77 (37.74)
        2:41.16 (28.39)     3:20.34 (39.18)     3:54.48 (34.14)     4:28.35 (33.87)
        5:02.48 (34.13)     5:36.14 (33.66)     6:10.08 (33.94)     6:44.25 (34.17)
        7:18.37 (34.12)     7:52.41 (34.04)     8:26.45 (34.04)     8:58.22 (31.77)
 55 Taylor, Zack              15 CA Aquatics-CA      10:01.38Y   8:58.26  
                  30.45     1:03.73 (33.28)     1:37.46 (33.73)     2:11.42 (33.96)
        2:45.45 (34.03)     3:19.44 (33.99)     3:53.34 (33.90)     4:27.45 (34.11)
        5:01.49 (34.04)     5:35.69 (34.20)     6:10.33 (34.64)     6:44.14 (33.81)
        7:17.78 (33.64)     7:52.51 (34.73)     8:26.05 (33.54)     8:58.26 (32.21)
 56 Yeo, Cody                 17 The Armada-CA        8:35.69    8:58.52  
                  31.21     1:04.68 (33.47)     1:38.76 (34.08)     2:13.16 (34.40)
        2:46.33 (33.17)     3:19.53 (33.20)     3:53.00 (33.47)     4:26.89 (33.89)
        5:00.53 (33.64)     5:34.89 (34.36)     6:09.59 (34.70)     6:43.81 (34.22)
        7:17.96 (34.15)     7:52.44 (34.48)     8:26.47 (34.03)     8:58.52 (32.05)
 57 Saeta, Andrew             16 CA Aquatics-CA       9:46.03Y   8:59.38  
                  30.02     1:03.12 (33.10)     1:36.54 (33.42)     2:10.15 (33.61)
        2:43.98 (33.83)     3:17.59 (33.61)     3:51.90 (34.31)     4:26.58 (34.68)
        5:00.77 (34.19)     5:34.91 (34.14)     6:09.35 (34.44)     6:44.45 (35.10)
        7:18.88 (34.43)     7:53.86 (34.98)     8:28.10 (34.24)     8:59.38 (31.28)
 58 Norman, Lucas             14 Mission Viejo-CA     9:52.34Y   9:00.03  
                  31.35     1:05.07 (33.72)     1:38.72 (33.65)     2:12.43 (33.71)
        2:46.15 (33.72)     3:19.99 (33.84)     3:53.93 (33.94)     4:28.03 (34.10)
        5:02.17 (34.14)     5:36.67 (34.50)     6:10.97 (34.30)     6:45.62 (34.65)
        7:19.68 (34.06)     7:54.04 (34.36)     8:27.04 (33.00)     9:00.03 (32.99)
 59 Bateman, Casey            16 Santa Maria-CA       9:55.10Y   9:00.23  
                  31.45     1:04.48 (33.03)     1:38.19 (33.71)     2:11.66 (33.47)
        2:45.17 (33.51)     3:18.38 (33.21)     3:51.82 (33.44)     4:25.33 (33.51)
        4:59.29 (33.96)     5:33.54 (34.25)     6:08.00 (34.46)     6:42.34 (34.34)
        7:17.26 (34.92)     7:51.69 (34.43)     8:26.66 (34.97)     9:00.23 (33.57)
 60 Barnett-Woods, Jereme     19 Aquazots-CA          8:30.35    9:01.81  
                  30.72     1:03.76 (33.04)     1:37.16 (33.40)     2:10.60 (33.44)
        2:44.47 (33.87)     3:17.90 (33.43)     3:51.72 (33.82)     4:26.00 (34.28)
        5:00.69 (34.69)     5:35.03 (34.34)     6:10.18 (35.15)     6:44.84 (34.66)
        7:19.55 (34.71)     7:53.89 (34.34)     8:28.93 (35.04)     9:01.81 (32.88)
 61 Furber, Jamie             18 Santa Maria-CA       9:30.08Y   9:04.95  
                  31.38     1:04.33 (32.95)     1:38.16 (33.83)     2:11.59 (33.43)
        2:45.12 (33.53)     3:18.44 (33.32)     3:52.51 (34.07)     4:26.60 (34.09)
        5:00.66 (34.06)     5:35.78 (35.12)     6:10.28 (34.50)     6:45.20 (34.92)
        7:20.26 (35.06)     7:55.83 (35.57)     8:30.63 (34.80)     9:04.95 (34.32)
 62 Gutsche, Daniel           17 Santa Barbara-CA     9:49.19Y   9:05.13  
                  30.94     1:04.62 (33.68)     1:38.88 (34.26)     2:12.74 (33.86)
        2:46.49 (33.75)     3:20.50 (34.01)     3:54.35 (33.85)     4:28.50 (34.15)
        5:02.53 (34.03)     5:37.00 (34.47)     6:11.37 (34.37)     6:46.20 (34.83)
        7:21.08 (34.88)     7:56.13 (35.05)     8:31.11 (34.98)     9:05.13 (34.02)
 63 Smith, Sean               19 BCH Heatwave-CA      9:43.19Y   9:05.16  
                  30.46     1:04.89 (34.43)     1:38.67 (33.78)     2:12.98 (34.31)
        2:47.22 (34.24)     3:21.54 (34.32)     3:55.99 (34.45)     4:30.43 (34.44)
        5:04.61 (34.18)     5:39.20 (34.59)     6:13.49 (34.29)     6:48.52 (35.03)
        7:22.96 (34.44)     7:57.90 (34.94)     8:31.95 (34.05)     9:05.16 (33.21)
 64 Nelson, Alex              16 Torrance-CA         10:01.07Y   9:06.34  
                  30.77     1:05.01 (34.24)     1:39.09 (34.08)     2:13.33 (34.24)
        2:47.43 (34.10)     3:22.00 (34.57)     3:56.52 (34.52)     4:31.30 (34.78)
        5:05.68 (34.38)     5:40.56 (34.88)     6:15.30 (34.74)     6:50.26 (34.96)
        7:25.22 (34.96)     8:00.20 (34.98)     8:34.48 (34.28)     9:06.34 (31.86)
 65 Chamoures, Michael        16 Mission Viejo-CA     9:29.82Y   9:06.62  
                  31.57     1:05.76 (34.19)     1:39.68 (33.92)     2:13.69 (34.01)
        2:47.20 (33.51)     3:21.43 (34.23)     3:55.47 (34.04)     4:29.65 (34.18)
        5:03.80 (34.15)     5:38.52 (34.72)     6:12.95 (34.43)     6:47.73 (34.78)
        7:22.55 (34.82)     7:57.50 (34.95)     8:32.42 (34.92)     9:06.62 (34.20)
 66 Motley, James             19 Santa Maria-CA      10:02.25Y   9:06.84  
                  32.05     1:06.16 (34.11)     1:40.43 (34.27)     2:15.15 (34.72)
        2:49.70 (34.55)     3:24.74 (35.04)     3:59.38 (34.64)     4:34.54 (35.16)
        5:08.63 (34.09)     5:43.46 (34.83)     6:18.36 (34.90)     6:53.28 (34.92)
        7:28.10 (34.82)     8:02.84 (34.74)     8:36.54 (33.70)     9:06.84 (30.30)
 67 Chiaro, Anthony           16 Ford Aquatics-AZ    10:03.40Y   9:06.87  
                  30.93     1:04.95 (34.02)     1:38.86 (33.91)     2:12.98 (34.12)
        2:47.32 (34.34)     3:21.53 (34.21)     3:55.93 (34.40)     4:30.84 (34.91)
        5:05.05 (34.21)     5:39.89 (34.84)     6:14.62 (34.73)     6:49.98 (35.36)
        7:24.79 (34.81)     7:59.99 (35.20)     8:34.47 (34.48)     9:06.87 (32.40)
 68 Begovich, Kyle            17 Torrance-CA          9:40.66Y   9:10.73  
                  31.65     1:05.26 (33.61)     1:39.46 (34.20)     2:13.84 (34.38)
        2:48.46 (34.62)     3:23.11 (34.65)     3:57.88 (34.77)     4:32.88 (35.00)
        5:07.98 (35.10)     5:43.00 (35.02)     6:18.05 (35.05)     6:53.14 (35.09)
        7:28.12 (34.98)     8:02.95 (34.83)     8:38.28 (35.33)     9:10.73 (32.45)
 69 Nilsson, Bryce            17 CCAT Swimming-CA     9:59.27Y   9:10.76  
                  30.90     1:04.04 (33.14)     1:37.96 (33.92)     2:12.19 (34.23)
        2:46.61 (34.42)     3:21.41 (34.80)     3:56.25 (34.84)     4:31.23 (34.98)
        5:06.35 (35.12)     5:41.79 (35.44)     6:16.96 (35.17)     6:52.33 (35.37)
        7:27.29 (34.96)     8:02.47 (35.18)     8:36.94 (34.47)     9:10.76 (33.82)
 70 Baier, William            20 CCAT Swimming-CA     9:35.17Y   9:11.55  
                  31.46     1:06.71 (35.25)     1:41.79 (35.08)     2:16.37 (34.58)
        2:50.50 (34.13)     3:24.93 (34.43)     3:59.37 (34.44)     4:34.66 (35.29)
        5:09.33 (34.67)     5:44.08 (34.75)     6:19.46 (35.38)     6:54.04 (34.58)
        7:28.97 (34.93)     8:03.91 (34.94)     8:38.09 (34.18)     9:11.55 (33.46)
 71 Glander, Ryan             15 Blue Tide-GU         9:53.63Y   9:12.51  
                  30.42     1:04.15 (33.73)     1:38.37 (34.22)     2:12.68 (34.31)
        2:47.23 (34.55)     3:21.60 (34.37)     3:56.55 (34.95)     4:31.36 (34.81)
        5:06.45 (35.09)     5:41.55 (35.10)     6:16.93 (35.38)     6:52.28 (35.35)
        7:27.80 (35.52)     8:03.24 (35.44)     8:38.79 (35.55)     9:12.51 (33.72)
 72 Yap, Ee Seng              19 Torrance-CA          9:54.34Y   9:12.73  
                  30.82     1:03.80 (32.98)     1:37.59 (33.79)     2:11.60 (34.01)
        2:46.10 (34.50)     3:20.93 (34.83)     3:56.36 (35.43)     4:31.48 (35.12)
        5:06.81 (35.33)     5:42.30 (35.49)     6:17.34 (35.04)     6:51.20 (33.86)
        7:27.14 (35.94)     8:02.48 (35.34)     8:39.02 (36.54)     9:12.73 (33.71)
 73 Cobau, William            14 The Armada-CA        9:58.99Y   9:13.17  
                  30.26     1:03.54 (33.28)     1:37.27 (33.73)     2:11.30 (34.03)
        2:45.62 (34.32)     3:20.41 (34.79)     3:55.13 (34.72)     4:30.55 (35.42)
        5:05.78 (35.23)     5:41.67 (35.89)     6:16.62 (34.95)     6:52.30 (35.68)
        7:27.46 (35.16)     8:03.28 (35.82)     8:38.41 (35.13)     9:13.17 (34.76)
 74 Rocca, Nicholas           18 Fresno Dolphins-CC  10:03.17Y   9:16.34  
                  31.21     1:05.53 (34.32)     1:40.18 (34.65)     2:13.99 (33.81)
        2:48.48 (34.49)     3:23.39 (34.91)     3:58.69 (35.30)     4:33.69 (35.00)
        5:09.00 (35.31)     5:44.15 (35.15)     6:20.11 (35.96)     6:55.75 (35.64)
        7:31.31 (35.56)     8:06.55 (35.24)     8:42.03 (35.48)     9:16.34 (34.31)
 75 Caporale, Rick            18 Mission Viejo-CA     9:53.22Y   9:23.59  
                  32.11     1:06.16 (34.05)     1:40.98 (34.82)     2:15.67 (34.69)
        2:50.79 (35.12)     3:25.96 (35.17)     4:01.56 (35.60)     4:36.87 (35.31)
        5:12.92 (36.05)     5:48.85 (35.93)     6:25.32 (36.47)     7:01.33 (36.01)
        7:37.73 (36.40)     8:13.57 (35.84)     8:49.73 (36.16)     9:23.59 (33.86)
Men Open 1500 LC Meter Freestyle
 Meet Record: M 15:05.03        2004 Larsen Jensen - MVN                       
 Pool Record: P 15:05.03        2004 Larsen Jensen - MVN                       
   US Record: A 14:45.29        2004 Larsen Jensen                             
World Record: W 14:34.56        2001 Grant Hackett - USA                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals Points 
  1 La Tourette, Chad         18 Mission Viejo-CA    15:13.17   15:21.42   20  
                  28.42       58.43 (30.01)     1:29.03 (30.60)     1:59.55 (30.52)
        2:30.21 (30.66)     3:00.68 (30.47)     3:31.53 (30.85)     4:01.95 (30.42)
        4:32.74 (30.79)     5:03.23 (30.49)     5:34.14 (30.91)     6:04.72 (30.58)
        6:35.63 (30.91)     7:06.20 (30.57)     7:37.10 (30.90)     8:07.74 (30.64)
        8:38.63 (30.89)     9:09.44 (30.81)     9:40.49 (31.05)    10:11.27 (30.78)
       10:42.46 (31.19)    11:13.47 (31.01)    11:44.72 (31.25)    12:15.63 (30.91)
       12:46.72 (31.09)    13:17.65 (30.93)    13:49.12 (31.47)    14:20.20 (31.08)
       14:51.54 (31.34)    15:21.42 (29.88)                                        
  2 Koucheravy, Tom           22 Unattached-PV/GMU   15:17.09   15:28.56   17  
                  28.10       58.20 (30.10)     1:28.83 (30.63)     1:59.47 (30.64)
        2:30.29 (30.82)     3:01.12 (30.83)     3:31.82 (30.70)     4:02.60 (30.78)
        4:33.53 (30.93)     5:04.37 (30.84)     5:34.98 (30.61)     6:05.75 (30.77)
        6:36.56 (30.81)     7:07.38 (30.82)     7:38.17 (30.79)     8:08.96 (30.79)
        8:39.88 (30.92)     9:11.06 (31.18)     9:42.28 (31.22)    10:13.50 (31.22)
       10:45.18 (31.68)    11:16.44 (31.26)    11:47.89 (31.45)    12:19.14 (31.25)
       12:50.70 (31.56)    13:22.35 (31.65)    13:54.10 (31.75)    14:25.89 (31.79)
       14:57.68 (31.79)    15:28.56 (30.88)                                        
  3 Koehler, J.K.             21 IUCP-IN             15:52.76   15:41.46   16  
                  28.92       59.82 (30.90)     1:31.34 (31.52)     2:02.37 (31.03)
        2:33.42 (31.05)     3:04.28 (30.86)     3:35.75 (31.47)     4:07.19 (31.44)
        4:38.40 (31.21)     5:09.65 (31.25)     5:41.38 (31.73)     6:12.56 (31.18)
        6:44.19 (31.63)     7:15.66 (31.47)     7:47.59 (31.93)     8:19.28 (31.69)
        8:50.28 (31.00)     9:21.46 (31.18)     9:52.90 (31.44)    10:24.44 (31.54)
       10:55.96 (31.52)    11:27.41 (31.45)    11:59.13 (31.72)    12:30.87 (31.74)
       13:03.05 (32.18)    13:35.16 (32.11)    14:07.19 (32.03)    14:39.20 (32.01)
       15:11.27 (32.07)    15:41.46 (30.19)                                        
  4 Biel, Matt                20 Ford Aquatics-AZ    15:40.00   15:59.42   15  
                  29.14     1:00.50 (31.36)     1:32.35 (31.85)     2:04.21 (31.86)
        2:36.30 (32.09)     3:08.14 (31.84)     3:40.18 (32.04)     4:12.07 (31.89)
        4:44.46 (32.39)     5:16.75 (32.29)     5:48.80 (32.05)     6:20.65 (31.85)
        6:52.62 (31.97)     7:24.45 (31.83)     7:56.63 (32.18)     8:28.50 (31.87)
        9:00.90 (32.40)     9:33.02 (32.12)    10:05.42 (32.40)    10:37.62 (32.20)
       11:09.83 (32.21)    11:42.21 (32.38)    12:14.96 (32.75)    12:47.56 (32.60)
       13:20.20 (32.64)    13:52.26 (32.06)    14:24.76 (32.50)    14:56.42 (31.66)
       15:28.75 (32.33)    15:59.42 (30.67)                                        
  5 Holmes, Mike              19 Minnesota-MN        16:21.94   16:00.88   14  
                1:01.75   2:06.48 (1:04.73)   3:10.76 (1:04.28)   4:15.10 (1:04.34)
      5:19.23 (1:04.13)                             7:28.68 ( )   8:30.31 (1:01.63)
      9:37.38 (1:07.07)  10:41.40 (1:04.02)  11:45.72 (1:04.32)  12:49.61 (1:03.89)
     13:53.53 (1:03.92)  14:58.20 (1:04.67)  16:00.88 (1:02.68)                    
  6 Smith, Taylor             18 Santa Clara-PC      15:58.06   16:04.39   13  
                1:01.40   2:05.87 (1:04.47)   3:09.51 (1:03.64)   4:13.42 (1:03.91)
      5:17.13 (1:03.71)   6:21.54 (1:04.41)   7:25.77 (1:04.23)   8:31.19 (1:05.42)
      9:36.16 (1:04.97)  10:41.40 (1:05.24)  11:47.44 (1:06.04)  12:52.57 (1:05.13)
     13:57.52 (1:04.95)  15:02.74 (1:05.22)  16:04.39 (1:01.65)                    
  7 Margalis, Robert          25 St. Petersburg-FL   15:16.74   16:05.90   12  
                  29.30     1:00.90 (31.60)     1:33.11 (32.21)     2:04.89 (31.78)
        2:37.22 (32.33)     3:09.06 (31.84)     3:41.41 (32.35)     4:13.50 (32.09)
        4:45.88 (32.38)     5:18.20 (32.32)     5:50.74 (32.54)     6:22.99 (32.25)
        6:55.81 (32.82)     7:28.02 (32.21)     8:01.04 (33.02)     8:33.52 (32.48)
        9:06.68 (33.16)     9:39.02 (32.34)    10:12.27 (33.25)    10:45.06 (32.79)
       11:17.49 (32.43)    11:49.63 (32.14)    12:21.87 (32.24)    12:54.31 (32.44)
       13:26.68 (32.37)    13:58.38 (31.70)    14:30.32 (31.94)    15:02.19 (31.87)
       15:34.26 (32.07)    16:05.90 (31.64)                                        
  8 Rimkus, Charlie           16 Mission Viejo-CA    15:54.07   16:06.97   11  
                  29.60     1:01.42 (31.82)     1:32.95 (31.53)     2:04.73 (31.78)
        2:36.57 (31.84)     3:08.18 (31.61)     3:40.18 (32.00)     4:12.05 (31.87)
        4:44.20 (32.15)     5:16.23 (32.03)     5:48.54 (32.31)     6:20.63 (32.09)
        6:52.61 (31.98)     7:24.97 (32.36)     7:57.42 (32.45)     8:29.76 (32.34)
        9:02.25 (32.49)     9:34.38 (32.13)    10:06.98 (32.60)    10:39.56 (32.58)
       11:12.18 (32.62)    11:45.12 (32.94)    12:18.05 (32.93)    12:50.90 (32.85)
       13:23.94 (33.04)    13:56.85 (32.91)    14:29.93 (33.08)    15:02.92 (32.99)
       15:35.59 (32.67)    16:06.97 (31.38)                                        
  9 Radford, Kane             16 New Zealand         15:46.54   16:11.91    9  
                  29.73     1:01.53 (31.80)     1:33.09 (31.56)     2:04.46 (31.37)
        2:36.04 (31.58)     3:07.53 (31.49)     3:39.18 (31.65)     4:11.04 (31.86)
        4:43.02 (31.98)     5:15.16 (32.14)     5:47.42 (32.26)     6:19.82 (32.40)
        6:52.50 (32.68)     7:25.24 (32.74)     7:58.33 (33.09)     8:30.84 (32.51)
        9:03.78 (32.94)     9:36.59 (32.81)    10:09.71 (33.12)    10:42.95 (33.24)
       11:15.74 (32.79)    11:49.64 (33.90)    12:22.88 (33.24)    12:56.34 (33.46)
       13:29.69 (33.35)    14:03.15 (33.46)    14:35.55 (32.40)    15:08.52 (32.97)
       15:40.96 (32.44)    16:11.91 (30.95)                                        
 10 Zoldos, Michael           17 Scottsdale-AZ       16:04.81   16:13.36    7  
                1:02.86   2:08.61 (1:05.75)   3:14.33 (1:05.72)   4:19.87 (1:05.54)
      5:25.55 (1:05.68)   6:30.89 (1:05.34)   7:35.94 (1:05.05)   8:40.92 (1:04.98)
      9:46.15 (1:05.23)  10:50.98 (1:04.83)  11:56.02 (1:05.04)  13:01.17 (1:05.15)
     14:06.16 (1:04.99)  15:10.57 (1:04.41)  16:13.36 (1:02.79)                    
 11 McBroom, Michael          16 The Woodlands-GU    16:20.41   16:18.69    6  
                1:01.83   2:07.30 (1:05.47)   3:12.52 (1:05.22)   4:18.24 (1:05.72)
      5:23.56 (1:05.32)   6:28.12 (1:04.56)   7:34.46 (1:06.34)   8:40.43 (1:05.97)
      9:46.23 (1:05.80)  10:51.89 (1:05.66)  11:57.51 (1:05.62)  13:03.34 (1:05.83)
     14:09.31 (1:05.97)  15:14.85 (1:05.54)  16:18.69 (1:03.84)                    
 12 Antoniuk, Konrad          15 Canyons-CA          16:06.12Y  16:25.93    5  
                1:02.13   2:07.55 (1:05.42)   3:13.17 (1:05.62)   4:18.12 (1:04.95)
      5:23.09 (1:04.97)   6:28.92 (1:05.83)   7:35.17 (1:06.25)   8:41.53 (1:06.36)
      9:47.76 (1:06.23)  10:54.67 (1:06.91)  12:01.09 (1:06.42)  13:07.81 (1:06.72)
     14:14.43 (1:06.62)  15:20.66 (1:06.23)  16:25.93 (1:05.27)                    
 13 Zebley, Nico              20 Minnesota-MN        16:26.49   16:28.77    4  
                1:01.67   2:06.60 (1:04.93)   3:11.69 (1:05.09)   4:16.59 (1:04.90)
      5:21.99 (1:05.40)                             7:33.85 ( )   8:40.33 (1:06.48)
      9:47.34 (1:07.01)  10:54.21 (1:06.87)  12:02.03 (1:07.82)  13:09.34 (1:07.31)
     14:17.34 (1:08.00)  15:24.21 (1:06.87)  16:28.77 (1:04.56)                    
 14 Schmidt, Gunnar           20 Scottsdale-AZ       15:58.52   16:29.32    3  
                1:01.94   2:06.92 (1:04.98)   3:11.65 (1:04.73)   4:16.75 (1:05.10)
      5:22.41 (1:05.66)   6:27.60 (1:05.19)   7:33.54 (1:05.94)   8:39.36 (1:05.82)
      9:45.73 (1:06.37)  10:52.30 (1:06.57)  11:58.28 (1:05.98)  13:06.18 (1:07.90)
     14:13.67 (1:07.49)  15:21.50 (1:07.83)  16:29.32 (1:07.82)                    
 15 Grothe, Zane              15 BCH Heatwave-CA     16:27.06   16:35.83    2  
                1:00.53   2:06.16 (1:05.63)   3:12.33 (1:06.17)   4:19.37 (1:07.04)
      5:25.51 (1:06.14)   6:32.61 (1:07.10)   7:39.97 (1:07.36)   8:47.14 (1:07.17)
      9:54.29 (1:07.15)  11:01.62 (1:07.33)  12:08.66 (1:07.04)  13:15.85 (1:07.19)
     14:22.96 (1:07.11)  15:29.61 (1:06.65)  16:35.83 (1:06.22)                    
 16 Yribarren, Bobby          21 Fresno Dolphins-CC  16:52.40   16:38.26    1  
                1:04.63   2:12.39 (1:07.76)   3:20.27 (1:07.88)   4:27.02 (1:06.75)
      5:34.45 (1:07.43)   6:41.77 (1:07.32)   7:47.99 (1:06.22)   8:54.43 (1:06.44)
     10:01.08 (1:06.65)  11:07.53 (1:06.45)  12:13.36 (1:05.83)  13:20.04 (1:06.68)
     14:27.12 (1:07.08)    15:23.35 (56.23)  16:38.26 (1:14.91)                    
 17 Iemmola, Marco            18 Clippers-OH         16:40.64   16:40.51  
                1:03.06   2:10.01 (1:06.95)   3:17.25 (1:07.24)   4:24.32 (1:07.07)
      5:31.18 (1:06.86)   6:38.30 (1:07.12)   7:45.39 (1:07.09)   8:52.54 (1:07.15)
     10:00.32 (1:07.78)  11:07.91 (1:07.59)  12:14.90 (1:06.99)  13:15.21 (1:00.31)
                               15:35.87 ( )  16:40.51 (1:04.64)                    
 18 Hinshaw, Ryan             17 Santa Clara-PC      16:35.05   16:41.90  
                1:03.51   2:10.91 (1:07.40)   3:17.73 (1:06.82)   4:24.64 (1:06.91)
      5:31.22 (1:06.58)   6:38.06 (1:06.84)   7:44.90 (1:06.84)   8:52.10 (1:07.20)
      9:58.90 (1:06.80)  11:06.22 (1:07.32)  12:13.90 (1:07.68)  13:20.96 (1:07.06)
     14:29.09 (1:08.13)  15:36.98 (1:07.89)  16:41.90 (1:04.92)                    
 19 Deters, Andrew            19 Novaquatics-CA      16:03.16   16:42.79  
                1:03.51   2:09.40 (1:05.89)   3:14.94 (1:05.54)   4:21.01 (1:06.07)
      5:27.70 (1:06.69)   6:34.75 (1:07.05)   7:41.78 (1:07.03)   8:48.66 (1:06.88)
      9:55.89 (1:07.23)  11:03.39 (1:07.50)  12:10.99 (1:07.60)  13:18.54 (1:07.55)
     14:26.77 (1:08.23)  15:35.03 (1:08.26)  16:42.79 (1:07.76)                    
 20 Mendoza, John             19 The Armada-CA       16:24.74   16:43.55  
                1:03.09   2:08.69 (1:05.60)   3:13.75 (1:05.06)   4:18.94 (1:05.19)
      5:25.28 (1:06.34)   6:32.63 (1:07.35)   7:40.98 (1:08.35)   8:47.66 (1:06.68)
      9:54.52 (1:06.86)  11:02.11 (1:07.59)  12:10.58 (1:08.47)  13:18.87 (1:08.29)
     14:27.59 (1:08.72)  15:36.04 (1:08.45)  16:43.55 (1:07.51)                    
 21 Little, Kevin             17 Novaquatics-CA      16:43.01   16:44.13  
                1:06.38   2:15.37 (1:08.99)   3:23.32 (1:07.95)   4:30.98 (1:07.66)
      5:38.26 (1:07.28)   6:45.41 (1:07.15)   7:52.68 (1:07.27)   8:59.27 (1:06.59)
     10:06.05 (1:06.78)  11:12.84 (1:06.79)  12:19.86 (1:07.02)  13:27.28 (1:07.42)
     14:34.26 (1:06.98)  15:41.14 (1:06.88)  16:44.13 (1:02.99)                    
 22 Cullom, Deni              15 Unattached-MVN-CA   16:48.48   16:44.80  
                1:04.32   2:11.65 (1:07.33)   3:18.98 (1:07.33)   4:25.82 (1:06.84)
      5:32.42 (1:06.60)   6:37.98 (1:05.56)   7:44.66 (1:06.68)   8:51.87 (1:07.21)
      9:59.40 (1:07.53)  11:07.00 (1:07.60)  12:14.28 (1:07.28)  13:22.17 (1:07.89)
     14:30.41 (1:08.24)  15:39.18 (1:08.77)  16:44.80 (1:05.62)                    
 23 Barber, Matt              15 Blue Tide-GU        16:37.51   16:45.98  
                1:03.81   2:10.94 (1:07.13)   3:17.96 (1:07.02)   4:24.42 (1:06.46)
      5:31.36 (1:06.94)   6:38.41 (1:07.05)   7:45.26 (1:06.85)   8:52.03 (1:06.77)
      9:59.24 (1:07.21)  11:07.36 (1:08.12)  12:14.64 (1:07.28)  13:22.86 (1:08.22)
     14:31.45 (1:08.59)  15:39.78 (1:08.33)  16:45.98 (1:06.20)                    
 24 Daniec, Jon               14 Mission Viejo-CA    16:41.62   16:46.22  
                1:03.51   2:10.03 (1:06.52)   3:16.68 (1:06.65)   4:23.55 (1:06.87)
      5:30.69 (1:07.14)   6:37.92 (1:07.23)   7:45.19 (1:07.27)   8:52.65 (1:07.46)
     10:00.07 (1:07.42)  11:07.75 (1:07.68)  12:15.36 (1:07.61)  13:23.16 (1:07.80)
     14:31.55 (1:08.39)  15:40.00 (1:08.45)  16:46.22 (1:06.22)                    
 25 Yano, Rikiya              17 Aquazots-CA         16:09.84   16:47.93  
                1:01.90   2:08.87 (1:06.97)   3:16.74 (1:07.87)   4:24.45 (1:07.71)
      5:32.39 (1:07.94)   6:41.77 (1:09.38)   7:50.19 (1:08.42)   8:58.98 (1:08.79)
     10:05.53 (1:06.55)  11:12.63 (1:07.10)  12:19.72 (1:07.09)  13:27.21 (1:07.49)
     15:42.16 (2:14.95)  16:47.93 (1:05.77)                                        
 26 Stavros, Ian              16 Pacific Swim-SI     16:31.43   16:50.48  
                1:02.38   2:09.88 (1:07.50)   3:18.21 (1:08.33)   4:26.85 (1:08.64)
      5:35.94 (1:09.09)   6:44.13 (1:08.19)   7:52.07 (1:07.94)   9:00.14 (1:08.07)
     10:07.95 (1:07.81)  11:15.49 (1:07.54)  12:22.97 (1:07.48)  13:30.75 (1:07.78)
     14:37.85 (1:07.10)  15:45.21 (1:07.36)  16:50.48 (1:05.27)                    
 27 Kikuchi, Ryan             18 Aquazots-CA         16:24.01   16:52.39  
                1:04.19   2:11.86 (1:07.67)   3:19.35 (1:07.49)   4:26.93 (1:07.58)
      5:34.55 (1:07.62)   6:41.93 (1:07.38)   7:49.54 (1:07.61)   8:57.66 (1:08.12)
     10:05.62 (1:07.96)  11:14.20 (1:08.58)  12:22.67 (1:08.47)  13:31.50 (1:08.83)
     14:39.88 (1:08.38)  15:47.21 (1:07.33)  16:52.39 (1:05.18)                    
 27 Morris, Jeff              17 Clippers-OH         16:23.29   16:52.39  
                1:02.66   2:09.50 (1:06.84)   3:16.50 (1:07.00)   4:24.23 (1:07.73)
      5:32.77 (1:08.54)   6:41.04 (1:08.27)   7:49.19 (1:08.15)     8:44.28 (55.09)
     10:05.67 (1:21.39)  11:14.38 (1:08.71)  12:22.96 (1:08.58)  13:32.03 (1:09.07)
     14:39.38 (1:07.35)  15:46.55 (1:07.17)  16:52.39 (1:05.84)                    
 29 Koubratoff, Bobby         17 Ford Aquatics-AZ    16:42.81   16:54.71  
                1:03.17   2:09.97 (1:06.80)   3:17.44 (1:07.47)   4:24.99 (1:07.55)
      5:32.40 (1:07.41)   6:40.02 (1:07.62)   7:47.68 (1:07.66)   8:55.50 (1:07.82)
     10:03.96 (1:08.46)  11:12.14 (1:08.18)                            13:29.55 ( )
     14:38.49 (1:08.94)  15:47.57 (1:09.08)  16:54.71 (1:07.14)                    
 30 Benecki, Matthew          16 The FISH-PV         16:35.82   16:55.14  
                1:01.98   2:07.92 (1:05.94)   3:15.08 (1:07.16)   4:22.69 (1:07.61)
      5:30.50 (1:07.81)   6:38.44 (1:07.94)   7:45.92 (1:07.48)   8:53.01 (1:07.09)
     10:01.30 (1:08.29)  11:09.79 (1:08.49)  12:18.88 (1:09.09)  13:27.62 (1:08.74)
       14:26.96 (59.34)  15:46.79 (1:19.83)  16:55.14 (1:08.35)                    
 31 Salvatierra, Ian          15 BCH Heatwave-CA     16:59.72   16:55.20  
                1:04.03   2:11.10 (1:07.07)   3:19.11 (1:08.01)   4:26.90 (1:07.79)
      5:34.64 (1:07.74)   6:42.72 (1:08.08)   7:50.81 (1:08.09)   8:59.00 (1:08.19)
     10:07.29 (1:08.29)  11:15.89 (1:08.60)  12:24.08 (1:08.19)  13:32.20 (1:08.12)
     14:40.42 (1:08.22)  15:49.02 (1:08.60)  16:55.20 (1:06.18)                    
 32 Neff, Spencer             15 Tacoma-PN           16:01.63Y  16:55.87  
                1:04.39   2:11.75 (1:07.36)   3:19.08 (1:07.33)   4:26.42 (1:07.34)
      5:35.07 (1:08.65)   6:43.36 (1:08.29)   7:51.41 (1:08.05)   8:59.61 (1:08.20)
     10:07.87 (1:08.26)  11:16.20 (1:08.33)  12:24.74 (1:08.54)  13:33.29 (1:08.55)
     14:41.51 (1:08.22)  15:50.58 (1:09.07)  16:55.87 (1:05.29)                    
 33 Pursley, David            20 Mission Viejo-CA    16:03.80   16:56.18  
                1:05.16   2:13.38 (1:08.22)   3:21.69 (1:08.31)   4:29.37 (1:07.68)
      5:38.21 (1:08.84)   6:44.88 (1:06.67)   7:53.45 (1:08.57)   9:02.21 (1:08.76)
     10:10.34 (1:08.13)  11:18.59 (1:08.25)  12:27.40 (1:08.81)  13:35.53 (1:08.13)
     14:42.85 (1:07.32)  15:50.56 (1:07.71)  16:56.18 (1:05.62)                    
 34 Redondo, Brock            15 Mission Viejo-CA    16:13.97   16:57.97  
                1:03.32   2:09.82 (1:06.50)   3:16.56 (1:06.74)   4:23.27 (1:06.71)
      5:30.22 (1:06.95)   6:37.24 (1:07.02)   7:44.96 (1:07.72)   8:52.93 (1:07.97)
     10:01.54 (1:08.61)  11:10.55 (1:09.01)  12:19.92 (1:09.37)  13:29.42 (1:09.50)
     14:39.98 (1:10.56)  15:50.21 (1:10.23)  16:57.97 (1:07.76)                    
 35 Johnson, Tyler            15 Scottsdale-AZ       16:42.71   17:01.77  
                1:04.26   2:11.14 (1:06.88)   3:18.45 (1:07.31)   4:25.58 (1:07.13)
      5:32.83 (1:07.25)   6:40.53 (1:07.70)   7:48.54 (1:08.01)   8:56.81 (1:08.27)
     10:05.63 (1:08.82)  11:14.73 (1:09.10)  12:23.57 (1:08.84)  13:33.24 (1:09.67)
     14:42.88 (1:09.64)  15:53.30 (1:10.42)  17:01.77 (1:08.47)                    
 36 Weissman, Tyler           15 Mission Viejo-CA    17:59.63   17:03.52  
                1:02.97   2:11.06 (1:08.09)   3:19.11 (1:08.05)   4:20.58 (1:01.47)
                                6:44.15 ( )   7:52.73 (1:08.58)   9:01.36 (1:08.63)
     10:10.14 (1:08.78)  11:19.88 (1:09.74)  12:29.08 (1:09.20)  13:39.00 (1:09.92)
     14:48.61 (1:09.61)  15:57.88 (1:09.27)  17:03.52 (1:05.64)                    
 37 Mita, Riley               13 Canyons-CA          16:33.22Y  17:04.56  
                1:03.09   2:10.39 (1:07.30)   3:18.23 (1:07.84)   4:26.63 (1:08.40)
      5:34.99 (1:08.36)   6:43.43 (1:08.44)   7:51.62 (1:08.19)   9:00.03 (1:08.41)
     10:09.03 (1:09.00)  11:17.53 (1:08.50)  12:27.02 (1:09.49)  13:36.92 (1:09.90)
     14:46.77 (1:09.85)  15:56.04 (1:09.27)  17:04.56 (1:08.52)                    
 38 Dupere, Jason             19 Santa Maria-CA      16:53.99   17:06.02  
                1:05.36   2:13.61 (1:08.25)   3:21.24 (1:07.63)   4:29.11 (1:07.87)
      5:37.35 (1:08.24)   6:45.83 (1:08.48)   7:54.30 (1:08.47)   9:03.20 (1:08.90)
     10:12.36 (1:09.16)  11:21.72 (1:09.36)  12:31.12 (1:09.40)  13:40.20 (1:09.08)
     14:49.54 (1:09.34)  15:58.48 (1:08.94)  17:06.02 (1:07.54)                    
 39 Yntema, Douwe             18 Mission Viejo-CA    16:00.57   17:08.49  
                1:05.25   2:13.65 (1:08.40)   3:21.76 (1:08.11)   4:29.79 (1:08.03)
      5:38.18 (1:08.39)   7:53.39 (2:15.21)                             9:02.71 ( )
     10:12.57 (1:09.86)  11:22.05 (1:09.48)  12:31.87 (1:09.82)  13:42.09 (1:10.22)
     14:52.45 (1:10.36)  16:01.68 (1:09.23)  17:08.49 (1:06.81)                    
 40 Hauck, Eric               17 Claremont-CA        16:31.10Y  17:08.96  
                1:02.03   2:08.50 (1:06.47)   3:15.86 (1:07.36)   4:23.79 (1:07.93)
                                6:42.76 ( )   7:52.83 (1:10.07)   9:02.62 (1:09.79)
     10:12.78 (1:10.16)  11:23.03 (1:10.25)  12:32.78 (1:09.75)  13:42.29 (1:09.51)
     14:51.86 (1:09.57)  16:01.07 (1:09.21)  17:08.96 (1:07.89)                    
 41 Zimmer, Jared             19 Santa Maria-CA      16:29.35   17:14.07  
                1:02.95   2:10.99 (1:08.04)   3:19.85 (1:08.86)   4:29.60 (1:09.75)
      5:39.03 (1:09.43)   6:48.36 (1:09.33)   7:57.74 (1:09.38)   9:07.31 (1:09.57)
     10:16.22 (1:08.91)  11:25.83 (1:09.61)  12:35.54 (1:09.71)  13:45.69 (1:10.15)
                               16:05.35 ( )  17:14.07 (1:08.72)                    
 42 Petersen, Samuel          16 Berkeley Aq Club-NJ 16:13.52   17:15.62  
                1:03.32   2:11.69 (1:08.37)   3:21.22 (1:09.53)   4:30.42 (1:09.20)
      5:41.64 (1:11.22)   6:50.64 (1:09.00)   8:01.09 (1:10.45)   9:11.46 (1:10.37)
     10:21.27 (1:09.81)  11:28.46 (1:07.19)  12:40.26 (1:11.80)  13:49.85 (1:09.59)
     14:59.46 (1:09.61)  16:08.88 (1:09.42)  17:15.62 (1:06.74)                    
 43 Brigman, Ryan             16 BCH Heatwave-CA     16:56.39   17:20.22  
                1:06.03   2:15.36 (1:09.33)   3:24.95 (1:09.59)   4:33.46 (1:08.51)
      5:42.94 (1:09.48)   6:52.78 (1:09.84)   8:02.56 (1:09.78)   9:13.36 (1:10.80)
     10:23.20 (1:09.84)  11:33.45 (1:10.25)                            13:52.99 ( )
                               16:12.62 ( )  17:20.22 (1:07.60)                    
 44 Mosk, Brady               16 Mission Viejo-CA    16:58.33   17:22.07  
                1:04.96   2:13.55 (1:08.59)   3:22.54 (1:08.99)   4:31.61 (1:09.07)
      5:40.83 (1:09.22)   6:50.68 (1:09.85)   8:00.53 (1:09.85)   9:10.33 (1:09.80)
     10:20.46 (1:10.13)  11:30.66 (1:10.20)  12:41.61 (1:10.95)  13:52.73 (1:11.12)
     15:03.91 (1:11.18)  16:13.82 (1:09.91)  17:22.07 (1:08.25)                    
 45 Yeo, Cody                 17 The Armada-CA       16:42.94   17:24.26  
                1:06.06   2:15.12 (1:09.06)   3:24.08 (1:08.96)   4:33.43 (1:09.35)
      5:43.01 (1:09.58)   6:52.87 (1:09.86)   8:02.32 (1:09.45)   9:11.62 (1:09.30)
     10:22.00 (1:10.38)  11:31.96 (1:09.96)  12:41.66 (1:09.70)  13:52.75 (1:11.09)
     15:03.55 (1:10.80)  16:13.48 (1:09.93)  17:24.26 (1:10.78)                    
 46 Jardine, Sam              14 Claremont-CA        16:33.56Y  17:26.89  
                1:03.14   2:11.33 (1:08.19)   3:19.40 (1:08.07)   4:28.01 (1:08.61)
      5:36.57 (1:08.56)   6:45.81 (1:09.24)   7:55.38 (1:09.57)   9:05.84 (1:10.46)
     10:16.73 (1:10.89)  11:28.11 (1:11.38)  12:39.22 (1:11.11)  13:50.85 (1:11.63)
     15:02.79 (1:11.94)  16:15.07 (1:12.28)  17:26.89 (1:11.82)                    
 47 Lewkowitz, Blake          18 Arizona Marlins-AZ  16:07.58   17:31.60  
                1:04.97   2:12.85 (1:07.88)   3:21.40 (1:08.55)   4:29.64 (1:08.24)
      5:38.87 (1:09.23)   8:00.10 (2:21.23)                             9:11.13 ( )
     10:22.67 (1:11.54)  11:34.26 (1:11.59)  12:45.96 (1:11.70)  13:56.86 (1:10.90)
     15:09.23 (1:12.37)  16:20.88 (1:11.65)  17:31.60 (1:10.72)                    
 48 Bateman, Casey            16 Santa Maria-CA      17:29.99   17:34.16  
                1:04.39   2:12.35 (1:07.96)   3:21.37 (1:09.02)   4:30.66 (1:09.29)
      5:41.13 (1:10.47)   6:51.44 (1:10.31)   8:02.74 (1:11.30)   9:14.22 (1:11.48)
     10:26.51 (1:12.29)  11:38.54 (1:12.03)  12:50.53 (1:11.99)  14:02.14 (1:11.61)
     15:14.09 (1:11.95)  16:24.53 (1:10.44)  17:34.16 (1:09.63)                    
 49 Smit-Anseeuw, Nils        15 Pac Sea Wolves      16:59.72   17:38.53  
                1:05.08   2:14.10 (1:09.02)   3:23.50 (1:09.40)   4:33.12 (1:09.62)
      5:43.36 (1:10.24)   6:54.47 (1:11.11)   8:05.54 (1:11.07)   9:17.24 (1:11.70)
     10:28.86 (1:11.62)  11:40.40 (1:11.54)  12:52.02 (1:11.62)  14:03.43 (1:11.41)
     15:15.16 (1:11.73)  16:26.91 (1:11.75)  17:38.53 (1:11.62)                    
 50 Smith, Sean               19 BCH Heatwave-CA     16:45.74   17:42.61  
                1:06.58   2:17.08 (1:10.50)   3:27.57 (1:10.49)   4:38.51 (1:10.94)
      5:49.80 (1:11.29)   7:00.81 (1:11.01)   8:12.30 (1:11.49)   9:24.13 (1:11.83)
     10:36.38 (1:12.25)  11:48.94 (1:12.56)  13:00.37 (1:11.43)  14:12.27 (1:11.90)
     15:24.08 (1:11.81)  16:34.64 (1:10.56)  17:42.61 (1:07.97)                    
 51 Wollkind, Spencer         15 Mission Viejo-CA    17:12.04   17:46.06  
                1:05.33   2:15.01 (1:09.68)   3:24.80 (1:09.79)   4:34.21 (1:09.41)
      5:44.57 (1:10.36)   6:55.47 (1:10.90)   8:06.75 (1:11.28)     9:02.02 (55.27)
     10:13.50 (1:11.48)  11:25.32 (1:11.82)  12:53.42 (1:28.10)  14:06.25 (1:12.83)
     15:19.84 (1:13.59)  16:33.68 (1:13.84)  17:46.06 (1:12.38)                    
 52 Oberlander, Kenji         14 Elite Aquatics-CA   16:34.66Y  17:48.92  
                1:05.46   2:15.63 (1:10.17)   3:26.49 (1:10.86)   4:37.77 (1:11.28)
      5:48.94 (1:11.17)   6:59.96 (1:11.02)   8:11.84 (1:11.88)   9:23.65 (1:11.81)
     10:35.23 (1:11.58)  11:47.57 (1:12.34)  13:00.60 (1:13.03)  14:13.24 (1:12.64)
     15:25.71 (1:12.47)  16:37.75 (1:12.04)  17:48.92 (1:11.17)                    
 53 Furber, Jamie             18 Santa Maria-CA      16:03.15Y  17:53.71  
                1:06.38   2:15.40 (1:09.02)   3:24.85 (1:09.45)   4:35.75 (1:10.90)
      5:47.89 (1:12.14)   6:59.57 (1:11.68)   8:11.03 (1:11.46)   9:23.74 (1:12.71)
     10:37.01 (1:13.27)  11:50.43 (1:13.42)  13:04.37 (1:13.94)  14:17.90 (1:13.53)
     15:30.29 (1:12.39)  16:43.12 (1:12.83)  17:53.71 (1:10.59)                    
 54 Mendoza, Paul             18 The Armada-CA       16:48.57   17:57.45  
                1:04.52   2:13.25 (1:08.73)   3:22.30 (1:09.05)   4:31.77 (1:09.47)
      5:42.06 (1:10.29)   6:52.74 (1:10.68)   8:05.77 (1:13.03)   9:19.70 (1:13.93)
     10:34.26 (1:14.56)  11:48.07 (1:13.81)  13:02.18 (1:14.11)  14:15.42 (1:13.24)
     15:18.21 (1:02.79)  16:43.20 (1:24.99)  17:57.45 (1:14.25)                    
 -- Jensen, Larsen            21 Trojan Swim Club-CA 14:52.98         NS  
Men Open 100 LC Meter Backstroke
 Meet Record: M 55.34        1992 Jeff Rouse - STAN                            
 Pool Record: P 55.22        1992 D. Weatherford - SWIM-FLA                    
   US Record: A 52.98        2007 Aaron Piersol                                
World Record: W 52.98        2007 Aaron Piersol - USA                          
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Marshall, Peter           25 Stanford-PC            56.90      55.96   20  
                  27.05       55.96 (28.91)                                        
  2 Plummer, David            21 Minnesota-MN           57.92      57.80   17  
                  28.07       57.80 (29.73)                                        
  3 Brunelli, Nick            25 Sun Devil-AZ           58.19      58.15   16  
                  28.28       58.15 (29.87)                                        
  4 Tapp, Jake                18 Ford Aquatics-AZ       58.36      58.21   15  
                  28.34       58.21 (29.87)                                        
  5 Ritter, Adam              22 Ford Aquatics-AZ       58.48      58.23   14  
                  28.42       58.23 (29.81)                                        
  6 Chitwood, Cory            18 Clippers-OH            58.73      58.33   13  
                  28.56       58.33 (29.77)                                        
  7 Bassett, Kurt             17 New Zealand            58.66      58.44   12  
                  28.49       58.44 (29.95)                                        
  8 Gatfield, John            16 New Zealand            58.76      58.53   11  
                  28.70       58.53 (29.83)                                        
Consolation Final
  9 Erazo, Eddie              21 Aquazots-CA            59.03      58.59    9  
                  29.10       58.59 (29.49)                                        
 10 Kubusch, Christian           Germany              1:00.10      59.61    7  
                  29.81       59.61 (29.80)                                        
 11 Payne, Russell            21 Unattached-MN/SCSC   1:00.19      59.98    6  
                  29.26       59.98 (30.72)                                        
 12 Subirats, Albert          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.02    1:00.11    5  
                  28.87     1:00.11 (31.24)                                        
 13 Stipek, Jesse             18 Tacoma-PN            1:00.75    1:00.43    4  
                  30.02     1:00.43 (30.41)                                        
 14 Martin, James             19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:00.94    1:00.50    3  
                  29.52     1:00.50 (30.98)                                        
 15 Spees, Oliver             24 Santa Clara-PC       1:00.31    1:00.77    2  
                  29.67     1:00.77 (31.10)                                        
 16 Shields, Tom              15 Novaquatics-CA       1:00.64    1:01.66    1  
                  29.95     1:01.66 (31.71)                                        
Bonus Final
 17 Jackson, Scott            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:01.42    1:00.08  
                  28.89     1:00.08 (31.19)                                        
 18 Veloz, Juan               24 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:01.14    1:00.95  
                  30.35     1:00.95 (30.60)                                        
 19 Ellingsen, Michael        20 Team Rebel-CA        1:01.19    1:00.98  
                  29.65     1:00.98 (31.33)                                        
 20 Phillips, Devin           22 Edmonton  Keyano     1:01.00    1:01.36  
                  29.87     1:01.36 (31.49)                                        
 21 Whaley, Wil               19 Mission Viejo-CA     1:01.29    1:01.72  
                  29.61     1:01.72 (32.11)                                        
 22 Morozov, Vladim           14 Torrance-CA          1:01.55    1:02.02  
                  30.38     1:02.02 (31.64)                                        
 23 Laney, Max                19 Sun Devil-AZ         1:01.59    1:02.09  
                  30.29     1:02.09 (31.80)                                        
 24 Tichy, Jan                25 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:01.01    1:02.58  
                  30.97     1:02.58 (31.61)                                        
 15 Carter, Justin            16 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:00.74             
                  30.12     1:00.74 (30.62)                                        
 23 Kline, Peter              17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:01.31             
                  30.25     1:01.31 (31.06)                                        
 27 Duran, Israel                Unattached-MEX       1:01.79             
                  30.00     1:01.79 (31.79)                                        
 28 Small, Adam               17 Sun Devil-AZ         1:01.89             
                  29.56     1:01.89 (32.33)                                        
 29 Roverud, Brock            20 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:02.28             
                  30.15     1:02.28 (32.13)                                        
 30 O'Neill, Gavin            17 Terrapins-PC         1:02.44             
                  30.14     1:02.44 (32.30)                                        
 31 Casey, Aaron              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:02.46             
                  30.97     1:02.46 (31.49)                                        
 32 Tusup, Shane              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:02.55             
                  30.78     1:02.55 (31.77)                                        
 33 Shilling, Brandon         16 Santa Clara-PC       1:02.67             
                  30.59     1:02.67 (32.08)                                        
 34 Simpkins, Patrick         19 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:02.86             
                  31.02     1:02.86 (31.84)                                        
 35 Butler, James             18 Desert Storm-CA      1:02.99             
                  30.66     1:02.99 (32.33)                                        
 36 Kikuchi, Ryan             18 Aquazots-CA          1:03.04             
                  30.66     1:03.04 (32.38)                                        
 37 Poseria, Ankur            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:03.13             
                  30.71     1:03.13 (32.42)                                        
 37 Krug, Karl                17 Unattached-CA/RST    1:03.13             
                  30.26     1:03.13 (32.87)                                        
 39 Myhre, Jordan             17 Colorado Stars-CO    1:03.17             
                  30.35     1:03.17 (32.82)                                        
 40 Tovar, Kevin              17 Rose Bowl-CA         1:03.22             
                  30.70     1:03.22 (32.52)                                        
 41 Aaberg, Ben               18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:03.34             
                  30.93     1:03.34 (32.41)                                        
 42 Yntema, Douwe             18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:03.52             
                  31.40     1:03.52 (32.12)                                        
 42 Giddens, Jeff             19 Inland Coastal-SI    1:03.52             
                  30.72     1:03.52 (32.80)                                        
 44 Hadinger, Nick            17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:03.64             
                  31.61     1:03.64 (32.03)                                        
 45 Howard, Jon               17 Mission Viejo-CA     1:03.80             
                  30.99     1:03.80 (32.81)                                        
 46 Perry, Michael            17 Unattached-CA        1:03.82             
                  31.89     1:03.82 (31.93)                                        
 47 Plume, Joe                19 Palo Alto-PC         1:03.83             
 48 Funk, Johnny              16 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:03.91             
                  31.11     1:03.91 (32.80)                                        
 49 Wood, Joseph              19 Unattached-GWSC-CA   1:03.92             
                  31.01     1:03.92 (32.91)                                        
 50 Zebley, Nico              20 Minnesota-MN         1:04.03             
                  31.53     1:04.03 (32.50)                                        
 51 Stitts, Josef             16 Inland Coastal-SI    1:04.09             
                  31.59     1:04.09 (32.50)                                        
 52 Hanna, Colin              17 Terrapins-PC         1:04.19             
                  31.23     1:04.19 (32.96)                                        
 53 Law, Adrian               22 Team Rebel-CA        1:04.31             
                  30.39     1:04.31 (33.92)                                        
 54 Vanek, Martin             16 NGSV Gators-CA       1:04.40             
                  31.63     1:04.40 (32.77)                                        
 55 Pierson, Brandon          19 Mission Viejo-CA     1:04.43             
                  31.31     1:04.43 (33.12)                                        
 56 Morales, Adam             19 Unattached-SI/ICAC   1:04.49             
                  31.31     1:04.49 (33.18)                                        
 57 Curran, Tim               21 Rose Bowl-CA         1:04.53             
                  31.04     1:04.53 (33.49)                                        
 58 Flach, Michael            16 The FISH-PV          1:04.54             
                  31.70     1:04.54 (32.84)                                        
 59 Pulotu, Sione             16 Desert Storm-CA      1:04.56             
                  31.31     1:04.56 (33.25)                                        
 60 Kybartas, Tyler           17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:04.58             
                  31.47     1:04.58 (33.11)                                        
 61 Garcia, Asher             15 CA Aquatics-CA       1:04.59             
                  32.11     1:04.59 (32.48)                                        
 61 Trotter, Gage             15 The Woodlands-GU     1:04.59             
                  31.22     1:04.59 (33.37)                                        
 63 Dentone, Matthew          17 Terrapins-PC         1:04.78             
                  31.96     1:04.78 (32.82)                                        
 64 Kim, Paul                 16 Santa Clara-PC       1:04.80             
                  31.54     1:04.80 (33.26)                                        
 65 Blank, Nick               18 Spokane Area-IE      1:04.92             
                  31.41     1:04.92 (33.51)                                        
 66 Glander, Ryan             15 Blue Tide-GU         1:04.98             
                  31.94     1:04.98 (33.04)                                        
 67 Lager, Jordan             16 Marin Pirates-PC     1:05.05             
                  31.94     1:05.05 (33.11)                                        
 68 Enriquez, Avelino         17 CA Aquatics-CA       1:05.19             
                  31.92     1:05.19 (33.27)                                        
 69 Owens, Daniel             18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:05.22             
                  31.74     1:05.22 (33.48)                                        
 70 Girdley, Ian              17 Badger Aquatics-WI   1:05.26             
                  31.99     1:05.26 (33.27)                                        
 71 Rowland, Zane             16 Clippers-OH          1:05.34             
                  32.19     1:05.34 (33.15)                                        
 72 Pickard, Chris            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   1:05.39             
                  31.68     1:05.39 (33.71)                                        
 73 Little, Kevin             17 Novaquatics-CA       1:05.75             
                  32.15     1:05.75 (33.60)                                        
 74 Daniels, Jeff             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:05.77             
                  32.37     1:05.77 (33.40)                                        
 75 Lagerhausen, Wes          17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:06.33             
                  32.11     1:06.33 (34.22)                                        
 76 Yada, Woogie              17 Fresno Dolphins-CC   1:06.35             
                  32.40     1:06.35 (33.95)                                        
 77 Horrell, Max              16 Marin Pirates-PC     1:06.59             
                  32.74     1:06.59 (33.85)                                        
 78 Miller, Michael           14 Clippers-OH          1:06.68             
                  32.01     1:06.68 (34.67)                                        
 79 Boval, Brett              17 Coto de Caza-CA      1:06.98             
                  32.50     1:06.98 (34.48)                                        
 80 McGough, Jacob            15 Unattached-NT        1:07.86             
                  33.08     1:07.86 (34.78)                                        
 81 Langdon, Michael          16 Santa Clara-PC       1:08.00             
                  32.94     1:08.00 (35.06)                                        
 82 O'Connor, Jayson          17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:08.32             
                  33.37     1:08.32 (34.95)                                        
 83 Gillette, James           16 Rose Bowl-CA         1:08.44             
                  33.43     1:08.44 (35.01)                                        
 84 Kidder, Nathan            15 Waukesha Express-WI  1:08.54             
                  33.98     1:08.54 (34.56)                                        
 85 Chin, Andrew              17 Greater Toledo-OH    1:08.59             
                  32.71     1:08.59 (35.88)                                        
 86 Uncanin, Christopher      16 Novaquatics-CA       1:08.76             
                  33.48     1:08.76 (35.28)                                        
 87 Joiner, Josh              17 Novaquatics-CA       1:09.16             
                  33.53     1:09.16 (35.63)                                        
 88 Johnson, Sean             19 Marin Pirates-PC     1:09.31             
                  33.18     1:09.31 (36.13)                                        
 89 Butler, Byron             15 Waukesha Express-WI  1:09.33             
                  33.79     1:09.33 (35.54)                                        
 90 Schifferer, Josh          18 Rio-AZ               1:10.03             
                  32.78     1:10.03 (37.25)                                        
 91 Dierkising, Joe           18 Unattached-SI/ICAC   1:10.43             
                  34.56     1:10.43 (35.87)                                        
 -- O'Connor, Bryan           18 Ford Aquatics-AZ         DQ              
                  28.52          DQ (30.83)                                        
 -- Garcia, Ryan              16 Palo Alto-PC             DQ              
                  30.98          DQ (32.73)                                        
 -- Cheung-Lau, Cedric        20 Claremont-CA             DQ              
                  31.46          DQ (32.73)                                        
 -- Agasid, Thomas            16 Palo Alto-PC            DFS              
 -- Brady, Devin              24 Santa Monica-CA         DFS              
 -- Terwilliger, Brad         20 Redlands-CA/RST          NS              
 -- Smith, Jordan             19 Ford Aquatics-AZ         NS              
 -- Willets, Roman            16 Greater Toledo-OH        NS              
 -- Graner, Kevin             19 Unattached-CA/USC        NS              
 -- Ostreim, Nick             18 Arizona Marlins-AZ       NS              
 -- Shores, Kyle              21 Sun Devil-AZ             NS              
Men Open 200 LC Meter Backstroke
 Meet Record: M 1:58.95        2000 Lenny Krayzelburg - TROJ                   
 Pool Record: P 1:58.95        2000 Lenny Krayzelburg - TROJ                   
   US Record: A 1:54.32        2007 Ryan Lochte                                
World Record: W 1:54.32        2007 Ryan Lochte - USA                          
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Chitwood, Cory            18 Clippers-OH          2:04.86    2:03.41   20  
                  29.09     1:00.57 (31.48)     1:32.28 (31.71)     2:03.41 (31.13)
  2 Bassett, Kurt             17 New Zealand          2:05.93    2:03.64   17  
                  29.27     1:00.86 (31.59)     1:32.83 (31.97)     2:03.64 (30.81)
  3 Margalis, Robert          25 St. Petersburg-FL    2:06.53    2:04.24   16  
                  30.36     1:01.67 (31.31)     1:33.06 (31.39)     2:04.24 (31.18)
  4 Mangoni, Vanni            21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:07.16    2:04.54   15  
                  29.78     1:01.19 (31.41)     1:33.07 (31.88)     2:04.54 (31.47)
  5 Casey, Aaron              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:07.21    2:07.53   14  
                  30.68     1:02.97 (32.29)     1:35.49 (32.52)     2:07.53 (32.04)
  6 Whaley, Wil               19 Mission Viejo-CA     2:07.38    2:08.06   13  
                  30.27     1:02.40 (32.13)     1:35.65 (33.25)     2:08.06 (32.41)
  7 Ritter, Adam              22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:08.31    2:08.49   12  
                  30.22     1:02.69 (32.47)     1:35.76 (33.07)     2:08.49 (32.73)
  8 Gatfield, John            16 New Zealand          2:08.22    2:09.62   11  
                  30.18     1:02.81 (32.63)     1:36.52 (33.71)     2:09.62 (33.10)
Consolation Final
  9 O'Connor, Bryan           18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:09.31    2:06.85    9  
                  29.61     1:01.50 (31.89)     1:34.04 (32.54)     2:06.85 (32.81)
 10 Marshall, Peter           25 Stanford-PC          2:10.39    2:07.73    7  
                  29.34     1:01.87 (32.53)     1:34.85 (32.98)     2:07.73 (32.88)
 11 Martin, James             19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:10.40    2:08.42    6  
                  30.43     1:02.36 (31.93)     1:35.63 (33.27)     2:08.42 (32.79)
 12 Veloz, Juan               24 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:09.92    2:09.03    5  
                  31.08     1:03.88 (32.80)     1:37.01 (33.13)     2:09.03 (32.02)
 13 Kline, Peter              17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:10.27    2:09.70    4  
                  30.99     1:03.79 (32.80)     1:37.20 (33.41)     2:09.70 (32.50)
 14 Plummer, David            21 Minnesota-MN         2:08.36    2:09.96    3  
                  29.59     1:01.95 (32.36)     1:35.79 (33.84)     2:09.96 (34.17)
 15 Shields, Tom              15 Novaquatics-CA       2:10.05    2:10.53    2  
                  30.52     1:03.35 (32.83)     1:36.99 (33.64)     2:10.53 (33.54)
 16 Zebley, Nico              20 Minnesota-MN         2:10.72    2:12.51    1  
                  31.54     1:04.75 (33.21)     1:38.71 (33.96)     2:12.51 (33.80)
Bonus Final
 17 Tapp, Jake                18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:13.26    2:09.66  
                  29.99     1:02.60 (32.61)     1:36.11 (33.51)     2:09.66 (33.55)
 18 Carter, Justin            16 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:11.00    2:10.44  
                  31.24     1:04.63 (33.39)     1:38.58 (33.95)     2:10.44 (31.86)
 19 Laney, Max                19 Sun Devil-AZ         2:13.09    2:11.17  
                  31.42     1:04.00 (32.58)     1:37.04 (33.04)     2:11.17 (34.13)
 20 Saeta, Andrew             16 CA Aquatics-CA       2:11.95    2:11.46  
                  30.32     1:03.60 (33.28)     1:38.56 (34.96)     2:11.46 (32.90)
 21 Jackson, Scott            19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:13.35    2:11.64  
                  30.42     1:03.13 (32.71)   2:11.64 (1:08.51)                    
 22 Stipek, Jesse             18 Tacoma-PN            2:13.35    2:11.69  
                  31.26     1:04.77 (33.51)     1:38.56 (33.79)     2:11.69 (33.13)
 23 Ellingsen, Michael        20 Team Rebel-CA        2:11.80    2:12.56  
                  31.17     1:04.42 (33.25)     1:38.98 (34.56)     2:12.56 (33.58)
 24 Phillips, Devin           22 Edmonton  Keyano     2:12.05    2:12.93  
                  30.90     1:04.03 (33.13)     1:39.45 (35.42)     2:12.93 (33.48)
 25 Yntema, Douwe             18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:14.12             
                  32.13     1:05.95 (33.82)     1:40.37 (34.42)     2:14.12 (33.75)
 26 Blank, Nick               18 Spokane Area-IE      2:14.13             
                  31.55     1:04.84 (33.29)     1:39.37 (34.53)     2:14.13 (34.76)
 27 Isaacs, Adam              17 Clippers-OH          2:14.80             
                  30.55     1:04.16 (33.61)     1:39.96 (35.80)     2:14.80 (34.84)
 28 Koehler, J.K.             21 IUCP-IN              2:15.08             
                  31.97     1:05.27 (33.30)     1:40.41 (35.14)     2:15.08 (34.67)
 29 Hanna, Colin              17 Terrapins-PC         2:15.55             
                  31.87     1:06.21 (34.34)     1:41.41 (35.20)     2:15.55 (34.14)
 29 Hadinger, Nick            17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:15.55             
                  32.04     1:05.83 (33.79)     1:40.88 (35.05)     2:15.55 (34.67)
 31 Smit-Anseeuw, Nils        15 Pac Sea Wolves       2:15.68             
                  32.70     1:07.15 (34.45)     1:41.67 (34.52)     2:15.68 (34.01)
 32 Cheung-Lau, Cedric        20 Claremont-CA         2:15.85             
                  32.13     1:07.00 (34.87)     1:41.51 (34.51)     2:15.85 (34.34)
 33 Butler, James             18 Desert Storm-CA      2:15.97             
                  32.07     1:06.58 (34.51)     1:41.53 (34.95)     2:15.97 (34.44)
 34 Rollins, Dave             22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:16.56             
                  30.79     1:05.46 (34.67)     1:40.85 (35.39)     2:16.56 (35.71)
 35 Myhre, Jordan             17 Colorado Stars-CO    2:16.57             
                  30.64     1:04.22 (33.58)     1:39.87 (35.65)     2:16.57 (36.70)
 36 O'Neill, Gavin            17 Terrapins-PC         2:16.61             
                  32.26     1:06.07 (33.81)     1:41.25 (35.18)     2:16.61 (35.36)
 37 Morozov, Vladim           14 Torrance-CA          2:16.65             
                  32.58     1:07.76 (35.18)     1:42.32 (34.56)     2:16.65 (34.33)
 38 Vanek, Martin             16 NGSV Gators-CA       2:17.09             
                  32.18     1:06.84 (34.66)     1:42.09 (35.25)     2:17.09 (35.00)
 39 Dentone, Matthew          17 Terrapins-PC         2:17.22             
                  32.80     1:06.74 (33.94)     1:42.26 (35.52)     2:17.22 (34.96)
 39 Funk, Johnny              16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:17.22             
                  33.54     1:09.43 (35.89)     1:43.22 (33.79)     2:17.22 (34.00)
 41 Erazo, Eddie              21 Aquazots-CA          2:17.42             
                  32.82     1:07.50 (34.68)     1:43.16 (35.66)     2:17.42 (34.26)
 42 Tusup, Shane              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:17.53             
                  32.09     1:06.88 (34.79)     1:42.76 (35.88)     2:17.53 (34.77)
 43 Flach, Michael            16 The FISH-PV          2:17.63             
                  33.26     1:08.06 (34.80)     1:43.37 (35.31)     2:17.63 (34.26)
 44 Godbe, Andrew             18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:17.82             
                  31.73     1:05.84 (34.11)     1:41.64 (35.80)     2:17.82 (36.18)
 45 Garcia, Asher             15 CA Aquatics-CA       2:17.86             
                  32.03     1:06.74 (34.71)     1:42.14 (35.40)     2:17.86 (35.72)
 46 Aaberg, Ben               18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:18.15             
                  32.53     1:06.80 (34.27)     1:43.13 (36.33)     2:18.15 (35.02)
 47 Plume, Joe                19 Palo Alto-PC         2:18.16             
                  31.53     1:06.69 (35.16)     1:42.74 (36.05)     2:18.16 (35.42)
 48 Tovar, Kevin              17 Rose Bowl-CA         2:18.26             
                  31.83     1:06.68 (34.85)     1:42.54 (35.86)     2:18.26 (35.72)
 49 Garcia, Ryan              16 Palo Alto-PC         2:18.42             
                  32.77     1:07.30 (34.53)     1:43.40 (36.10)     2:18.42 (35.02)
 50 Antoniuk, Konrad          15 Canyons-CA           2:18.52             
                  32.75     1:07.69 (34.94)     1:43.24 (35.55)     2:18.52 (35.28)
 51 Woods, Aaron              15 Claremont-CA         2:18.91             
                  32.98     1:08.23 (35.25)     1:44.83 (36.60)     2:18.91 (34.08)
 52 Kybartas, Tyler           17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:18.94             
                  32.35     1:07.44 (35.09)     1:43.90 (36.46)     2:18.94 (35.04)
 53 Merrill, Mike             18 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:19.16             
                  32.56     1:06.73 (34.17)     1:42.57 (35.84)     2:19.16 (36.59)
 54 Yudhianto, Herry          24 Santa Barbara-CA     2:19.29             
                  33.14     1:08.60 (35.46)     1:44.33 (35.73)     2:19.29 (34.96)
 55 Byrd, Jeff                18 Desert Storm-CA      2:19.35             
                  32.85     1:07.35 (34.50)     1:43.28 (35.93)     2:19.35 (36.07)
 56 Redondo, Brock            15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:19.52             
                  33.56     1:08.86 (35.30)     1:44.90 (36.04)     2:19.52 (34.62)
 57 Girdley, Ian              17 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:20.07             
                  34.61     1:10.95 (36.34)     1:46.26 (35.31)     2:20.07 (33.81)
 58 Willets, Roman            16 Greater Toledo-OH    2:20.08             
                  32.86     1:08.56 (35.70)     1:44.95 (36.39)     2:20.08 (35.13)
 59 Trotter, Gage             15 The Woodlands-GU     2:20.16             
                  33.82     1:09.15 (35.33)     1:44.51 (35.36)     2:20.16 (35.65)
 60 Petrie, Alec              18 Spokane Area-IE      2:20.23             
                  33.99     1:09.08 (35.09)     1:44.78 (35.70)     2:20.23 (35.45)
 61 Lager, Jordan             16 Marin Pirates-PC     2:20.86             
                  32.84     1:08.04 (35.20)     1:44.90 (36.86)     2:20.86 (35.96)
 62 Enriquez, Avelino         17 CA Aquatics-CA       2:20.91             
                  32.63     1:08.14 (35.51)     1:44.89 (36.75)     2:20.91 (36.02)
 63 Pulotu, Sione             16 Desert Storm-CA      2:21.39             
                  33.06     1:08.31 (35.25)     1:45.19 (36.88)     2:21.39 (36.20)
 64 Law, Adrian               22 Team Rebel-CA        2:22.17             
                  32.09     1:08.42 (36.33)     1:46.13 (37.71)     2:22.17 (36.04)
 65 Pickard, Chris            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:22.33             
                  32.29     1:08.05 (35.76)     1:45.38 (37.33)     2:22.33 (36.95)
 66 Glander, Ryan             15 Blue Tide-GU         2:22.69             
                  33.43     1:09.75 (36.32)     1:46.64 (36.89)     2:22.69 (36.05)
 67 Benecki, Matthew          16 The FISH-PV          2:22.86             
                  34.31     1:10.03 (35.72)     1:46.96 (36.93)     2:22.86 (35.90)
 68 Yada, Woogie              17 Fresno Dolphins-CC   2:23.06             
                  33.72     1:09.85 (36.13)     1:46.52 (36.67)     2:23.06 (36.54)
 69 O'Connor, Jayson          17 Waukesha Express-WI  2:23.75             
                  35.14     1:11.40 (36.26)     1:48.28 (36.88)     2:23.75 (35.47)
 70 Chin, Andrew              17 Greater Toledo-OH    2:24.02             
                  33.73     1:10.10 (36.37)     1:47.52 (37.42)     2:24.02 (36.50)
 71 Weber, Chris              15 CA Aquatics-CA       2:24.06             
                  33.78     1:10.16 (36.38)     1:47.26 (37.10)     2:24.06 (36.80)
 72 Curran, Tim               21 Rose Bowl-CA         2:24.08             
                  32.68     1:08.43 (35.75)     1:46.41 (37.98)     2:24.08 (37.67)
 73 Cullom, Deni              15 Unattached-MVN-CA    2:24.13             
                  34.44     1:10.86 (36.42)     1:48.10 (37.24)     2:24.13 (36.03)
 74 Hauck, Eric               17 Claremont-CA         2:24.18             
                  33.61     1:10.29 (36.68)     1:47.81 (37.52)     2:24.18 (36.37)
 75 McGough, Jacob            15 Unattached-NT        2:24.93             
                  34.98     1:11.66 (36.68)     1:48.15 (36.49)     2:24.93 (36.78)
 76 Miller, Michael           14 Clippers-OH          2:25.20             
                  34.39     1:11.21 (36.82)     1:48.76 (37.55)     2:25.20 (36.44)
 77 Poehler, Marcus           18 Unattached-RIO-AZ    2:25.98             
                  34.37     1:11.06 (36.69)     1:48.57 (37.51)     2:25.98 (37.41)
 78 Gillette, James           16 Rose Bowl-CA         2:26.30             
                  35.18     1:11.66 (36.48)     1:49.07 (37.41)     2:26.30 (37.23)
 79 Wood, Joseph              19 Unattached-GWSC-CA   2:29.36             
                  34.67     1:11.38 (36.71)     1:50.21 (38.83)     2:29.36 (39.15)
 80 Evans, Kyle               15 North Coast-SI       2:31.17             
                  36.30     1:15.01 (38.71)     1:53.50 (38.49)     2:31.17 (37.67)
 81 Johnson, Sean             19 Marin Pirates-PC     2:31.30             
                  33.31     1:11.02 (37.71)     1:51.14 (40.12)     2:31.30 (40.16)
 82 Gilbert, Jared            19 Unattached-CC/SNBRD  2:33.42             
                  37.11     1:15.76 (38.65)     1:54.90 (39.14)     2:33.42 (38.52)
 -- Rowland, Zane             16 Clippers-OH              DQ              
 -- Brady, Devin              24 Santa Monica-CA          DQ              
 -- Ostreim, Nick             18 Arizona Marlins-AZ      DFS              
 -- Uncanin, Christopher      16 Novaquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Dorr, John                23 Unattached-PC            NS              
 -- Chamberlain, Brett        19 Mission Viejo-CA         NS              
Men Open 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
 Meet Record: M 1:01.66        2005 Genki Imamura - JPN                        
 Pool Record: P 1:01.66        2005 Genki Imamura - JPN                        
   US Record: A   59.13        2006 Brendan Hansen                             
World Record: W   59.13        2006 Brendan Hansen - USA                       
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Smith, Matt               26 Santa Clara-PC       1:05.54    1:04.45   20  
                  30.37     1:04.45 (34.08)                                        
  2 Barnes, Ivan              21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:05.05    1:05.03   17  
                  30.53     1:05.03 (34.50)                                        
  3 Criste, John              18 Unattached-MVN-CA    1:06.79    1:05.30   16  
                  30.75     1:05.30 (34.55)                                        
  4 Mahoney, Sean             18 Terrapins-PC         1:06.43    1:05.67   15  
                  31.23     1:05.67 (34.44)                                        
  5 Swander, Kevin            23 Unattached-MVN-CA    1:06.92    1:05.79   14  
                  30.85     1:05.79 (34.94)                                        
  6 Arreguin, Josh            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:05.80    1:06.17   13  
                  30.86     1:06.17 (35.31)                                        
  7 Yudhianto, Herry          24 Santa Barbara-CA     1:06.64    1:06.71   12  
                  31.79     1:06.71 (34.92)                                        
  8 Titus, Marcus ###         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:06.64    1:08.43   11  
                  30.69     1:08.43 (37.74)                                        
Consolation Final
  9 Miyahara, Kazu            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:07.75    1:06.75    9  
                  31.15     1:06.75 (35.60)                                        
 10 Rosales, Chris            19 Unattached-CA/STOP   1:06.99    1:06.91    7  
                  31.79     1:06.91 (35.12)                                        
 11 Hunter, Richard           21 Mission Viejo-CA     1:09.13    1:07.24    6  
                  31.69     1:07.24 (35.55)                                        
 12 Bartell, Kevin            22 Bakersfield-CC       1:07.27    1:07.60    5  
                  30.58     1:07.60 (37.02)                                        
 13 Rollins, Dave             22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:07.43    1:07.90    4  
                  31.57     1:07.90 (36.33)                                        
 14 Hensley, Kevin            22 Athens Bulldogs-GA   1:09.02    1:08.85    3  
                  31.81     1:08.85 (37.04)                                        
 15 Steninger, Bart           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:09.17    1:09.37    2  
                  31.97     1:09.37 (37.40)                                        
 16 Barone, Gregory           21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:08.89    1:09.50    1  
                  32.47     1:09.50 (37.03)                                        
Bonus Final
 17 Schlenker, Tyler          19 Orinda Aquatics-PC   1:09.22    1:08.57  
                  31.74     1:08.57 (36.83)                                        
 18 Telep, Nate               19 Scottsdale-AZ        1:10.17    1:08.74  
                  32.22     1:08.74 (36.52)                                        
 19 Decker, Ben               17 Blue Tide-GU         1:09.41    1:08.98  
                  32.84     1:08.98 (36.14)                                        
 20 Kelly, Bart               16 Elite Aquatics-CA    1:09.93    1:09.09  
                  32.32     1:09.09 (36.77)                                        
 21 Kim, Jay                  17 Colorado Stars-CO    1:09.57    1:09.23  
                  32.90     1:09.23 (36.33)                                        
 22 Talmadge, Matt            17 Santa Barbara-CA     1:09.91    1:09.74  
                  32.86     1:09.74 (36.88)                                        
 23 Mickelson, Carl           16 Rio-AZ               1:10.37    1:10.23  
                  32.82     1:10.23 (37.41)                                        
 24 Barrett, Robert           15 Scottsdale-AZ        1:10.24    1:10.32  
                  33.24     1:10.32 (37.08)                                        
  4 Dorr, John                23 Unattached-PC        1:06.01             
                  31.11     1:06.01 (34.90)                                        
 14 Hoyt, Trevor              16 Yucaipa-CA           1:08.17             
                  31.83     1:08.17 (36.34)                                        
 26 Fleming, Corban           18 Red Rock-CA          1:10.31             
                  33.05     1:10.31 (37.26)                                        
 27 Dwelley, John             21 Terrapins-PC         1:10.33             
                  32.73     1:10.33 (37.60)                                        
 29 Ito, Yota                 20 Santa Clara-PC       1:10.37         J   
                  33.81     1:10.37 (36.56)                                        
 30 Godbe, Andrew             18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:10.60             
                  32.75     1:10.60 (37.85)                                        
 31 Oberlander, Kenji         14 Elite Aquatics-CA    1:10.66             
                  33.10     1:10.66 (37.56)                                        
 32 Hojnacki, Zach            15 Rio-AZ               1:10.71             
                  33.08     1:10.71 (37.63)                                        
 33 Martinez, Brian           15 Desert Storm-CA      1:10.75             
                  33.16     1:10.75 (37.59)                                        
 34 Luu, Christopher          16 Unattached-CA/ROSE   1:10.83             
                  33.18     1:10.83 (37.65)                                        
 35 Westby, Nelson            19 Unattached-MINN-MN   1:10.98             
                  33.93     1:10.98 (37.05)                                        
 36 Vukich, Matt              18 Badger Aquatics-WI   1:11.13             
                  32.87     1:11.13 (38.26)                                        
 37 Kim, John                 14 Aquazots-CA          1:11.30             
                  34.28     1:11.30 (37.02)                                        
 38 Vayo, Louis               21 Unattached-MR/TMC    1:11.40             
                  33.38     1:11.40 (38.02)                                        
 39 Weber, Chris              15 CA Aquatics-CA       1:11.65             
                  33.05     1:11.65 (38.60)                                        
 40 Chard, Thomas             17 Inland Coastal-SI    1:11.70             
                  33.61     1:11.70 (38.09)                                        
 41 Lee, See Han              15 Torrance-CA          1:11.71             
                  34.12     1:11.71 (37.59)                                        
 42 Yslas, Blas               16 Colorado Stars-CO    1:12.12             
                  32.87     1:12.12 (39.25)                                        
 43 Baxter, Trent             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:12.15             
                  33.73     1:12.15 (38.42)                                        
 44 Myers, Keith              17 Rio-AZ               1:12.18             
                  33.71     1:12.18 (38.47)                                        
 45 Divan, Paul               21 Mission Viejo-CA     1:12.19             
                  33.94     1:12.19 (38.25)                                        
 46 Hotard, David             18 The Woodlands-GU     1:12.43             
                  33.80     1:12.43 (38.63)                                        
 47 Murez, Zak                18 Santa Monica-CA      1:12.58             
                  33.99     1:12.58 (38.59)                                        
 48 Parks, Brian              19 Rio-AZ               1:12.95             
                  33.28     1:12.95 (39.67)                                        
 49 Shilton, Robbie           17 Santa Monica-CA      1:13.54             
                  34.62     1:13.54 (38.92)                                        
 50 Friend, Jay               17 Palm Springs-CA      1:13.74             
                  34.68     1:13.74 (39.06)                                        
 51 Wilson, Rickey            18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:13.84             
                  35.13     1:13.84 (38.71)                                        
 52 Giddens, Jay              17 Inland Coastal-SI    1:13.92             
                  34.58     1:13.92 (39.34)                                        
 53 Morales, Adam             19 Unattached-SI/ICAC   1:13.93             
                  34.63     1:13.93 (39.30)                                        
 54 Wiesner, Dillon           16 Waukesha Express-WI  1:13.95             
                  34.48     1:13.95 (39.47)                                        
 55 Magner, Sheldon           18 Unattached-CA/NOVA   1:14.00             
                  34.74     1:14.00 (39.26)                                        
 56 Choi, Andrew              17 Unattached-CA/AZOT   1:14.12             
                  34.91     1:14.12 (39.21)                                        
 57 Kang, Brandon             17 Unattached-CA/AZOT   1:14.13             
                  34.96     1:14.13 (39.17)                                        
 58 Simonian, Aram            17 CA Aquatics-CA       1:14.26             
                  34.36     1:14.26 (39.90)                                        
 59 Yeo, Cody                 17 The Armada-CA        1:14.37             
                  34.69     1:14.37 (39.68)                                        
 60 McClary, Danny            18 Inland Coastal-SI    1:14.39             
                  35.67     1:14.39 (38.72)                                        
 61 Little, Kevin             17 Novaquatics-CA       1:14.52             
                  36.24     1:14.52 (38.28)                                        
 62 Kosmo, Trevor             16 Santa Barbara-CA     1:14.59             
                  35.10     1:14.59 (39.49)                                        
 63 Matuk, Brian              17 Palos Verdes-CA      1:14.69             
                  34.98     1:14.69 (39.71)                                        
 64 Shaw, Mason               15 Spokane Area-IE      1:14.77             
                  35.46     1:14.77 (39.31)                                        
 65 Holcomb, Dean             17 Claremont-CA         1:14.82             
                  35.62     1:14.82 (39.20)                                        
 66 Dierkising, Joe           18 Unattached-SI/ICAC   1:15.39             
                  34.31     1:15.39 (41.08)                                        
 67 Graham, Justin            16 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:15.44             
                  35.49     1:15.44 (39.95)                                        
 68 Petrie, Alec              18 Spokane Area-IE      1:15.89             
                  34.90     1:15.89 (40.99)                                        
 69 Crismon, Eric             16 Novaquatics-CA       1:15.94             
                  35.00     1:15.94 (40.94)                                        
 70 Kaden, Collin             16 Blue Tide-GU         1:16.79             
                  35.29     1:16.79 (41.50)                                        
 71 Gayman, Brett             18 Marin Pirates-PC     1:16.89             
                  35.85     1:16.89 (41.04)                                        
 72 Walker, Camron            17 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:16.90             
                  35.89     1:16.90 (41.01)                                        
 72 Yerian, Aaron             18 Palm Springs-CA      1:16.90             
                  35.04     1:16.90 (41.86)                                        
 74 Neitzel, Collin           15 Waukesha Express-WI  1:17.16             
                  35.51     1:17.16 (41.65)                                        
 75 Stitts, Josef             16 Inland Coastal-SI    1:17.45             
                  36.65     1:17.45 (40.80)                                        
 76 Schubel, Nate             18 Coto de Caza-CA      1:17.92             
                  36.13     1:17.92 (41.79)                                        
 77 Oberst, Ryan              18 Waukesha Express-WI  1:18.53             
                  38.08     1:18.53 (40.45)                                        
Men Open 200 LC Meter Breaststroke
 Meet Record: M 2:13.12        2005 Genki Imamura - JPN                        
 Pool Record: P 2:13.12        2005 Genki Imamura - JPN                        
   US Record: A 2:08.50        2006 Brendan Hansen                             
World Record: W 2:08.50        2006 Brendan Hansen - USA                       
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Criste, John              18 Unattached-MVN-CA    2:20.52    2:18.38   20  
                  31.82     1:07.53 (35.71)     1:42.76 (35.23)     2:18.38 (35.62)
  2 Smith, Matt               26 Santa Clara-PC       2:24.91    2:19.15   17  
                  31.57     1:07.01 (35.44)     1:42.85 (35.84)     2:19.15 (36.30)
  3 Mahoney, Sean             18 Terrapins-PC         2:21.08    2:19.88   16  
                  31.85     1:07.48 (35.63)     1:42.84 (35.36)     2:19.88 (37.04)
  4 Miyahara, Kazu            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:24.75    2:21.86   15  
                  32.91     1:09.45 (36.54)     1:45.81 (36.36)     2:21.86 (36.05)
  5 Mangoni, Vanni            21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:24.30    2:22.18   14  
                  31.68     1:07.58 (35.90)     1:44.34 (36.76)     2:22.18 (37.84)
  6 Arreguin, Josh            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:23.84    2:23.84   13  
                  32.57     1:09.12 (36.55)     1:46.53 (37.41)     2:23.84 (37.31)
  7 Yudhianto, Herry          24 Santa Barbara-CA     2:27.52    2:26.02   12  
                  33.03     1:09.81 (36.78)     1:47.45 (37.64)     2:26.02 (38.57)
  8 Hoyt, Trevor              16 Yucaipa-CA           2:26.71    2:29.49   11  
                  34.04     1:11.32 (37.28)     1:49.28 (37.96)     2:29.49 (40.21)
Consolation Final
  9 Rosales, Chris            19 Unattached-CA/STOP   2:28.34    2:24.74    9  
                  33.14     1:10.54 (37.40)     1:48.30 (37.76)     2:24.74 (36.44)
 10 Swander, Kevin            23 Unattached-MVN-CA    2:30.39    2:25.50    7  
                  33.79     1:10.26 (36.47)     1:48.30 (38.04)     2:25.50 (37.20)
 11 Kim, Jay                  17 Colorado Stars-CO    2:28.18    2:27.07    6  
                  33.57     1:11.03 (37.46)     1:48.89 (37.86)     2:27.07 (38.18)
 12 Ito, Yota                 20 Santa Clara-PC       2:28.00    2:28.13    5  
                  34.10     1:11.88 (37.78)     1:49.99 (38.11)     2:28.13 (38.14)
 13 Rollins, Dave             22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:30.36    2:28.51    4  
                  33.47     1:11.02 (37.55)     1:49.99 (38.97)     2:28.51 (38.52)
 14 Barnes, Ivan              21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:30.78    2:29.19    3  
                  33.22     1:11.74 (38.52)     1:51.17 (39.43)     2:29.19 (38.02)
 15 Steninger, Bart           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:29.42    2:29.60    2  
                  33.18     1:10.60 (37.42)     1:49.33 (38.73)     2:29.60 (40.27)
 16 Luu, Christopher          16 Unattached-CA/ROSE   2:29.57    2:31.04    1  
                  34.58     1:11.71 (37.13)     1:50.58 (38.87)     2:31.04 (40.46)
Bonus Final
 17 Barone, Gregory           21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:32.66    2:29.62  
                  33.50     1:11.21 (37.71)     1:49.96 (38.75)     2:29.62 (39.66)
 18 Decker, Ben               17 Blue Tide-GU         2:31.35    2:30.51  
                  33.44     1:11.65 (38.21)     1:50.88 (39.23)     2:30.51 (39.63)
 19 Schlenker, Tyler          19 Orinda Aquatics-PC   2:32.39    2:30.67  
                  34.29     1:12.65 (38.36)     1:51.76 (39.11)     2:30.67 (38.91)
 20 Phillips, Devin           22 Edmonton  Keyano     2:32.98    2:31.83  
                  34.26     1:13.24 (38.98)     1:52.51 (39.27)     2:31.83 (39.32)
 21 Mickelson, Carl           16 Rio-AZ               2:32.62    2:32.17  
                  33.91     1:13.01 (39.10)     1:52.84 (39.83)     2:32.17 (39.33)
 22 Oberlander, Kenji         14 Elite Aquatics-CA    2:32.98    2:32.74  
                  34.47     1:13.65 (39.18)     1:53.54 (39.89)     2:32.74 (39.20)
 23 Kelly, Bart               16 Elite Aquatics-CA    2:32.87    2:33.25  
                  34.58     1:13.80 (39.22)     1:53.46 (39.66)     2:33.25 (39.79)
 24 Talmadge, Matt            17 Santa Barbara-CA     2:32.67    2:33.71  
                  35.11     1:15.17 (40.06)     1:54.05 (38.88)     2:33.71 (39.66)
 25 Barrett, Robert           15 Scottsdale-AZ        2:33.34             
                  33.77     1:11.79 (38.02)     1:52.26 (40.47)     2:33.34 (41.08)
 26 Hensley, Kevin            22 Athens Bulldogs-GA   2:33.56             
                  34.02     1:12.53 (38.51)     1:52.64 (40.11)     2:33.56 (40.92)
 27 Titus, Marcus ###         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:33.66             
                  33.67     1:11.87 (38.20)     1:52.31 (40.44)     2:33.66 (41.35)
 28 Hojnacki, Zach            15 Rio-AZ               2:33.78             
                  34.59     1:14.12 (39.53)     1:53.77 (39.65)     2:33.78 (40.01)
 29 Godbe, Andrew             18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:33.86             
                  34.94     1:14.26 (39.32)     1:55.11 (40.85)     2:33.86 (38.75)
 30 Dos Reis, Alejandro       17 Unattached-CA/STOP   2:34.51             
                  35.16     1:14.20 (39.04)     1:54.42 (40.22)     2:34.51 (40.09)
 31 Telep, Nate               19 Scottsdale-AZ        2:34.61             
                  34.29     1:12.69 (38.40)     1:52.80 (40.11)     2:34.61 (41.81)
 32 Chard, Thomas             17 Inland Coastal-SI    2:34.73             
                  34.99     1:14.01 (39.02)     1:54.15 (40.14)     2:34.73 (40.58)
 33 Altamirano-Hunefeldt, Ga  18 North Coast-SI       2:35.94             
                  35.12     1:14.24 (39.12)     1:54.50 (40.26)     2:35.94 (41.44)
 34 Shaw, Mason               15 Spokane Area-IE      2:36.37             
                  35.64     1:14.98 (39.34)     1:55.34 (40.36)     2:36.37 (41.03)
 35 Yslas, Blas               16 Colorado Stars-CO    2:36.50             
                  34.71     1:13.78 (39.07)     1:54.67 (40.89)     2:36.50 (41.83)
 36 Hunter, Richard           21 Mission Viejo-CA     2:36.79             
                  35.09     1:15.13 (40.04)     1:55.84 (40.71)     2:36.79 (40.95)
 37 Carpenter, Elden          18 Golden West-CA       2:37.44             
                  35.47     1:15.16 (39.69)     1:56.97 (41.81)     2:37.44 (40.47)
 38 Martinez, Brian           15 Desert Storm-CA      2:37.45             
                  35.20     1:14.40 (39.20)     1:55.71 (41.31)     2:37.45 (41.74)
 39 Little, Kevin             17 Novaquatics-CA       2:37.50             
                  35.96     1:16.12 (40.16)     1:57.35 (41.23)     2:37.50 (40.15)
 40 Divan, Paul               21 Mission Viejo-CA     2:37.76             
                  35.15     1:15.92 (40.77)     1:57.09 (41.17)     2:37.76 (40.67)
 41 Fleming, Corban           18 Red Rock-CA          2:38.15             
                  35.55     1:15.61 (40.06)     1:57.23 (41.62)     2:38.15 (40.92)
 42 Weber, Chris              15 CA Aquatics-CA       2:38.40             
                  35.01     1:14.98 (39.97)     1:57.25 (42.27)     2:38.40 (41.15)
 43 Vukich, Matt              18 Badger Aquatics-WI   2:38.47             
                  35.62     1:16.01 (40.39)     1:57.28 (41.27)     2:38.47 (41.19)
 44 Murez, Zak                18 Santa Monica-CA      2:38.58             
                  35.79     1:16.30 (40.51)     1:57.73 (41.43)     2:38.58 (40.85)
 45 Holcomb, Dean             17 Claremont-CA         2:38.85             
                  36.77     1:17.35 (40.58)     1:58.69 (41.34)     2:38.85 (40.16)
 46 Friend, Jay               17 Palm Springs-CA      2:39.47             
                  35.57     1:16.38 (40.81)     1:57.10 (40.72)     2:39.47 (42.37)
 47 McClary, Danny            18 Inland Coastal-SI    2:39.65             
                  35.67     1:16.05 (40.38)     1:57.95 (41.90)     2:39.65 (41.70)
 48 Kang, Brandon             17 Unattached-CA/AZOT   2:40.32             
                  36.43     1:17.45 (41.02)     1:58.99 (41.54)     2:40.32 (41.33)
 49 Myers, Keith              17 Rio-AZ               2:40.48             
                  34.37     1:13.92 (39.55)     1:56.47 (42.55)     2:40.48 (44.01)
 50 Magner, Sheldon           18 Unattached-CA/NOVA   2:40.53             
                  35.14     1:14.43 (39.29)     1:56.75 (42.32)     2:40.53 (43.78)
 51 Kaden, Collin             16 Blue Tide-GU         2:40.95             
                  35.78     1:16.96 (41.18)     1:58.83 (41.87)     2:40.95 (42.12)
 52 Bosnyak, Tamas            21 Team Rebel-CA        2:41.07             
                  36.36     1:17.80 (41.44)     1:59.97 (42.17)     2:41.07 (41.10)
 53 Yeo, Cody                 17 The Armada-CA        2:41.13             
                  36.50     1:17.19 (40.69)     1:58.65 (41.46)     2:41.13 (42.48)
 54 Shilton, Robbie           17 Santa Monica-CA      2:42.16             
                  37.21     1:17.85 (40.64)     1:59.81 (41.96)     2:42.16 (42.35)
 55 Graham, Justin            16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:42.32             
                  35.84     1:16.42 (40.58)     1:58.59 (42.17)     2:42.32 (43.73)
 56 Enriquez, Avelino         17 CA Aquatics-CA       2:42.53             
                  37.02     1:18.11 (41.09)     2:00.48 (42.37)     2:42.53 (42.05)
 57 Wilson, Rickey            18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:43.20             
                  37.47     1:18.52 (41.05)     2:00.87 (42.35)     2:43.20 (42.33)
 58 Parks, Brian              19 Rio-AZ               2:44.32             
                  36.40     1:18.19 (41.79)     2:00.71 (42.52)     2:44.32 (43.61)
 59 Hotard, David             18 The Woodlands-GU     2:44.38             
                  37.40     1:18.67 (41.27)     2:01.05 (42.38)     2:44.38 (43.33)
 60 Petrie, Alec              18 Spokane Area-IE      2:44.42             
                  36.87     1:18.11 (41.24)     2:00.30 (42.19)     2:44.42 (44.12)
 61 Kosmo, Trevor             16 Santa Barbara-CA     2:46.21             
                  36.95     1:18.55 (41.60)     2:01.92 (43.37)     2:46.21 (44.29)
 62 Vorlicek, Chris           17 North Coast-SI       2:46.86             
                  38.35     1:20.80 (42.45)     2:04.19 (43.39)     2:46.86 (42.67)
 63 Walker, Camron            17 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:47.01             
                  38.50     1:20.83 (42.33)     2:03.80 (42.97)     2:47.01 (43.21)
 64 Neitzel, Collin           15 Waukesha Express-WI  2:47.55             
                  36.13     1:18.38 (42.25)     2:02.19 (43.81)     2:47.55 (45.36)
 65 Oberst, Ryan              18 Waukesha Express-WI  2:49.99             
                  39.67     1:23.22 (43.55)     2:06.42 (43.20)     2:49.99 (43.57)
 66 Schubel, Nate             18 Coto de Caza-CA      2:50.77             
                  37.00     1:20.23 (43.23)     2:06.03 (45.80)     2:50.77 (44.74)
 -- Lee, See Han              15 Torrance-CA              NS              
 -- Woodward, Wyatt           15 Unattached-CA/PSA        NS              
 -- Gabayeron, P.J.           15 Cerritos-CA              NS              
Men Open 100 LC Meter Butterfly
 Meet Record: M 53.57   6/17/2007 Lyndon Ferns, Ford Aquatics                  
 Pool Record: P 53.35        1986 Pablo Morales - Concord                      
   US Record: A 50.40        2005 Ian Crocker                                  
World Record: W 50.40        2005 Ian Crocker - USA                            
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Ferns, Lyndon             23 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.61      53.57M  20  
                  24.92       53.57 (28.65)                                        
  2 Subirats, Albert          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.17      54.48   17  
                  25.39       54.48 (29.09)                                        
  3 Kishida, Masayuki         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.58      54.61   16  
                  25.26       54.61 (29.35)                                        
  4 Tom, Randall              20 Unattached-SI          55.31      54.92   15  
                  25.54       54.92 (29.38)                                        
  5 Erazo, Eddie              21 Aquazots-CA            55.66      55.12   14  
                  25.97       55.12 (29.15)                                        
  6 Elser, Bryce              22 Trojan Swim Club-CA    55.48      55.13   13  
                  25.74       55.13 (29.39)                                        
  7 Cooper, Todd              23 Stirling               55.84      55.19   12  
                  25.91       55.19 (29.28)                                        
  8 Veloz, Juan               24 Ford Aquatics-AZ       55.99      56.30   11  
                  26.55       56.30 (29.75)                                        
Consolation Final
  9 Poseria, Ankur            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA    56.47      56.08    9  
                  26.57       56.08 (29.51)                                        
 10 Boyle, Sean               20 Sun Devil-AZ           56.63      56.59    7  
                  26.41       56.59 (30.18)                                        
 11 Starke, Benjamin             Germany                56.18      56.78    6  
                  26.70       56.78 (30.08)                                        
 12 Dwelley, John             21 Terrapins-PC           57.55      57.27    5  
                  27.23       57.27 (30.04)                                        
 13 Tolmachoff, Eric          25 Trojan Swim Club-CA    56.70      57.29    4  
                  26.64       57.29 (30.65)                                        
 14 Oliveira, Nicolas         19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       56.57      57.31    3  
                  26.84       57.31 (30.47)                                        
 15 Simpkins, Patrick         19 CCAT Swimming-CA       57.75      57.38    2  
                  26.88       57.38 (30.50)                                        
 -- Kerekjarto, Tamas         27 Trojan Swim Club-CA    56.91         NS  
Bonus Final
 17 Duran, Israel                Unattached-MEX         57.75      56.94  
                  26.82       56.94 (30.12)                                        
 18 Cathey, Dominic           21 Oakland-PC             57.76      57.34  
                  26.87       57.34 (30.47)                                        
 19 Kim, Jay                  17 Colorado Stars-CO      57.78      57.88  
                  27.47       57.88 (30.41)                                        
 20 Kjellberg, Magnus         22 Sun Devil-AZ           58.04      57.97  
                  26.42       57.97 (31.55)                                        
 21 Byers, John               21 Team Rebel-CA          57.99      58.20  
                  27.32       58.20 (30.88)                                        
 22 Tichy, Jan                25 Trojan Swim Club-CA    57.87      58.26  
                  26.89       58.26 (31.37)                                        
 23 Wold, Alex                19 Minnesota-MN           58.08      58.60  
                  27.70       58.60 (30.90)                                        
 24 Engel, Matthew            21 Minnesota-MN           57.77      59.68  
                  27.65       59.68 (32.03)                                        
  8 Lundgaard, Bret           21 Desert Storm-CA        55.92             
                  26.61       55.92 (29.31)                                        
 22 Marshall, Mario           25 Unattached-CA/TROJ     57.80             
                  26.78       57.80 (31.02)                                        
 27 Wattles, Frank            36 Unattached-CA/TROJ     58.16             
                  26.80       58.16 (31.36)                                        
 28 Law, Adrian               22 Team Rebel-CA          58.30             
                  27.40       58.30 (30.90)                                        
 29 Turner, Buddy             18 Unattached-AZ/SDA      58.31             
                  27.20       58.31 (31.11)                                        
 30 Westby, Nelson            19 Unattached-MINN-MN     58.38             
                  27.22       58.38 (31.16)                                        
 31 Utomo, Donny              28 Novaquatics-CA         58.40             
                  27.52       58.40 (30.88)                                        
 32 Welton, Erich             21 Minnesota-MN           58.42             
                  26.92       58.42 (31.50)                                        
 33 Kent, Steven              19 New Zealand            58.55             
                  27.46       58.55 (31.09)                                        
 34 Basson, Jean              19 Ford Aquatics-AZ       58.60             
                  27.38       58.60 (31.22)                                        
 35 Kerpelman, Adam           25 Canyons-CA             58.65             
                  26.81       58.65 (31.84)                                        
 36 Embacher, Toni               Germany                58.69             
                  27.46       58.69 (31.23)                                        
 37 Sa-Nguansap, Winner       18 Claremont-CA           58.72             
                  27.96       58.72 (30.76)                                        
 38 Giddens, Jeff             19 Inland Coastal-SI      58.81             
                  27.55       58.81 (31.26)                                        
 39 McClary, Danny            18 Inland Coastal-SI      58.82             
                  27.65       58.82 (31.17)                                        
 40 Sullivan, Robbie          17 NGSV Gators-CA         58.83             
                  27.63       58.83 (31.20)                                        
 41 Shores, Kyle              21 Sun Devil-AZ           58.99             
                  26.95       58.99 (32.04)                                        
 42 Shields, Tom              15 Novaquatics-CA         59.16             
                  27.41       59.16 (31.75)                                        
 43 Hoyt, Trevor              16 Yucaipa-CA             59.30             
                  27.97       59.30 (31.33)                                        
 44 Gregory, Jeremy           19 Tacoma-PN              59.43             
                  28.60       59.43 (30.83)                                        
 44 Miyahara, Kazu            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA    59.43             
                  27.87       59.43 (31.56)                                        
 46 Chen, David               17 Claremont-CA           59.46             
                  27.87       59.46 (31.59)                                        
 47 Perry, Michael            17 Unattached-CA          59.51             
                  28.24       59.51 (31.27)                                        
 48 Richardson, Ryan          20 Ford Aquatics-AZ       59.52             
                  27.58       59.52 (31.94)                                        
 49 Yamashita, Yutaro         17 Novaquatics-CA         59.53             
                  27.97       59.53 (31.56)                                        
 50 Joiner, Josh              17 Novaquatics-CA         59.62             
                  27.78       59.62 (31.84)                                        
 51 Broadbent, Douglas        21 Unattached-CA/CAT      59.77             
                  28.12       59.77 (31.65)                                        
 52 Swander, Kevin            23 Unattached-MVN-CA      59.83             
                  27.42       59.83 (32.41)                                        
 53 Ho, Brian                 21 Novaquatics-CA         59.93             
                  28.38       59.93 (31.55)                                        
 54 Thompson, Kyle            18 Waukesha Express-WI  1:00.06             
                  28.01     1:00.06 (32.05)                                        
 55 Tapp, Jake                18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:00.12             
                  27.84     1:00.12 (32.28)                                        
 56 Shaw, Mason               15 Spokane Area-IE      1:00.14             
                  28.53     1:00.14 (31.61)                                        
 57 Flach, Michael            16 The FISH-PV          1:00.15             
                  28.36     1:00.15 (31.79)                                        
 58 Dragon, James             20 Mission Viejo-CA     1:00.22             
                  28.03     1:00.22 (32.19)                                        
 59 Smith, Taylor             18 Santa Clara-PC       1:00.25             
                  28.08     1:00.25 (32.17)                                        
 60 Smith, Sean               19 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:00.28             
                  28.52     1:00.28 (31.76)                                        
 61 Smith, Jordan             19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:00.29             
                  27.41     1:00.29 (32.88)                                        
 62 Thivierge, James          17 Palo Alto-PC         1:00.36             
                  28.11     1:00.36 (32.25)                                        
 63 Casillas, Phillip         18 Unattached-CA        1:00.37             
                  28.00     1:00.37 (32.37)                                        
 64 Hwang, Bob                14 Canyons-CA           1:00.38             
                  28.29     1:00.38 (32.09)                                        
 65 Kleyn, Aaron              24 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:00.39             
                  28.36     1:00.39 (32.03)                                        
 66 Harris, Drew              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  1:00.46             
                  28.78     1:00.46 (31.68)                                        
 67 Nelms, Brandon            22 Team Rebel-CA        1:00.59             
                  27.97     1:00.59 (32.62)                                        
 68 Chanin, David             17 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:00.75             
                  29.02     1:00.75 (31.73)                                        
 69 Owens, Daniel             18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:00.77             
                  28.37     1:00.77 (32.40)                                        
 70 Caporale, Rick            18 Mission Viejo-CA     1:00.83             
                  28.71     1:00.83 (32.12)                                        
 71 Grothe, Zane              15 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:00.85             
                  29.43     1:00.85 (31.42)                                        
 72 Bonse, Julian             17 Novaquatics-CA       1:00.87             
                  28.75     1:00.87 (32.12)                                        
 73 Horrell, Max              16 Marin Pirates-PC     1:01.18             
                  28.63     1:01.18 (32.55)                                        
 74 Altamirano-Hunefeldt, Ga  18 North Coast-SI       1:01.30             
                  28.98     1:01.30 (32.32)                                        
 75 Currie, Kyle              18 Desert Storm-CA      1:01.33             
                  28.94     1:01.33 (32.39)                                        
 76 Muller, Andrew            17 Rose Bowl-CA         1:01.41             
                  28.87     1:01.41 (32.54)                                        
 76 Zoldos, Michael           17 Scottsdale-AZ        1:01.41             
                  29.84     1:01.41 (31.57)                                        
 78 Mendoza, John             19 The Armada-CA        1:01.53             
                  28.13     1:01.53 (33.40)                                        
 78 Vanis, Martin             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      1:01.53             
                  28.69     1:01.53 (32.84)                                        
 80 Svendsen, Tyler           19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:01.54             
                  28.79     1:01.54 (32.75)                                        
 81 Shilton, Robbie           17 Santa Monica-CA      1:01.62             
                  28.98     1:01.62 (32.64)                                        
 82 McArthur, David           16 Lakewood-CA          1:01.70             
                  28.89     1:01.70 (32.81)                                        
 83 Wolf, Dylan               13 Desert Storm-CA      1:01.86             
                  29.23     1:01.86 (32.63)                                        
 84 Marshburn, Tucker         17 Novaquatics-CA       1:02.00             
                  29.16     1:02.00 (32.84)                                        
 85 Agasid, Thomas            16 Palo Alto-PC         1:02.14             
                  29.60     1:02.14 (32.54)                                        
 86 Boval, Brett              17 Coto de Caza-CA      1:02.20             
                  29.09     1:02.20 (33.11)                                        
 87 Smidlein, Scott           17 The Woodlands-GU     1:02.34             
                  29.10     1:02.34 (33.24)                                        
 87 Locatell, Weston          18 Monrovia-CA          1:02.34             
                  28.88     1:02.34 (33.46)                                        
 89 Rowland, Zane             16 Clippers-OH          1:02.44             
                  28.40     1:02.44 (34.04)                                        
 90 Yslas, Blas               16 Colorado Stars-CO    1:02.47             
                  28.74     1:02.47 (33.73)                                        
 91 Kybartas, Tyler           17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:02.54             
                  29.24     1:02.54 (33.30)                                        
 92 Small, Adam               17 Sun Devil-AZ         1:02.58             
                  29.42     1:02.58 (33.16)                                        
 93 Selts, Brandon            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:02.67             
                  28.35     1:02.67 (34.32)                                        
 94 Goldsmith, Kendrick       19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:02.70             
                  28.93     1:02.70 (33.77)                                        
 95 Daniels, Josh             18 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:02.72             
                  29.04     1:02.72 (33.68)                                        
 96 Daniels, Jeff             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:02.77             
                  29.82     1:02.77 (32.95)                                        
 97 Lagerhausen, Wes          17 Waukesha Express-WI  1:02.81             
                  28.99     1:02.81 (33.82)                                        
 97 Moore, Ryan               19 UCSD-SI/NCA          1:02.81             
                  29.46     1:02.81 (33.35)                                        
 99 Nelson, Lee               19 Spokane Area-IE      1:02.87             
                  28.89     1:02.87 (33.98)                                        
100 Robinson, Josh            18 Clippers-OH          1:02.92             
                  29.20     1:02.92 (33.72)                                        
101 Butler, Byron             15 Waukesha Express-WI  1:03.04             
                  29.12     1:03.04 (33.92)                                        
102 Langdon, Michael          16 Santa Clara-PC       1:03.26             
                  29.68     1:03.26 (33.58)                                        
103 Chiaro, Anthony           16 Ford Aquatics-AZ     1:03.38             
                  29.34     1:03.38 (34.04)                                        
104 Carter, Justin            16 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:03.48             
                  30.21     1:03.48 (33.27)                                        
105 Goodell, Greg             19 Unattached-CA        1:03.52             
                  29.62     1:03.52 (33.90)                                        
106 DeShon, Tyler             16 Mission Viejo-CA     1:03.54             
                  28.76     1:03.54 (34.78)                                        
107 Schick, Ben               19 Waukesha Express-WI  1:03.56             
                  29.80     1:03.56 (33.76)                                        
108 Motley, James             19 Santa Maria-CA       1:03.57             
                  29.74     1:03.57 (33.83)                                        
109 Oberst, Eric              15 Waukesha Express-WI  1:03.70             
                  29.98     1:03.70 (33.72)                                        
110 Byrd, Jeff                18 Desert Storm-CA      1:03.77             
                  29.86     1:03.77 (33.91)                                        
111 Kline, Peter              17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  1:03.78             
                  30.24     1:03.78 (33.54)                                        
112 Giddens, Jay              17 Inland Coastal-SI    1:03.84             
                  29.57     1:03.84 (34.27)                                        
113 Garcia, Asher             15 CA Aquatics-CA       1:03.87             
                  30.06     1:03.87 (33.81)                                        
114 Clarke, Danny             15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   1:03.93             
                  30.13     1:03.93 (33.80)                                        
115 Roverud, Brock            20 CCAT Swimming-CA     1:03.98             
                  30.01     1:03.98 (33.97)                                        
116 Mayfield, Michael         14 Torrance-CA          1:04.11             
                  29.50     1:04.11 (34.61)                                        
117 Poehler, Marcus           18 Unattached-RIO-AZ    1:04.13             
                  29.50     1:04.13 (34.63)                                        
118 Behm, Herbie              16 Unattached-FORD-AZ   1:04.29             
                  29.25     1:04.29 (35.04)                                        
119 Kelly, Bart               16 Elite Aquatics-CA    1:04.34             
                  29.70     1:04.34 (34.64)                                        
120 Hofstedt, Daniel          17 Mission Viejo-CA     1:04.73             
                  29.93     1:04.73 (34.80)                                        
121 McGough, Jacob            15 Unattached-NT        1:05.03             
                  30.45     1:05.03 (34.58)                                        
121 Uncanin, Christopher      16 Novaquatics-CA       1:05.03             
123 Didio, Spencer            16 North Coast-SI       1:05.18             
                  30.16     1:05.18 (35.02)                                        
124 Reinhardt, Alex           16 Colorado Stars-CO    1:05.48             
                  30.92     1:05.48 (34.56)                                        
 -- Schoeman, Roland          26 Ford Aquatics-AZ         DQ              
 -- Hanna, Colin              17 Terrapins-PC            DFS              
 -- Barnes, Ivan              21 Ford Aquatics-AZ        DFS              
 -- Bartell, Kevin            22 Bakersfield-CC           NS              
 -- Willets, Roman            16 Greater Toledo-OH        NS              
 -- Malasky, Martin           18 Marin Pirates-PC         NS              
Men Open 200 LC Meter Butterfly
 Meet Record: M 1:57.59        2005 Ryuichi Shibata - JPN                      
 Pool Record: P 1:57.95        2005 Ryuichi Shibata - JPN                      
   US Record: A 1:52.09        2007 Michael Phelps                             
World Record: W 1:52.09        2007 Michael Phelps - USA                       
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Erazo, Eddie              21 Aquazots-CA          2:05.85    1:59.91   20  
                  27.22       57.88 (30.66)     1:28.73 (30.85)     1:59.91 (31.18)
  2 Kerekjarto, Tamas         27 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:04.13    2:01.53   17  
                  27.42       58.47 (31.05)     1:29.84 (31.37)     2:01.53 (31.69)
  3 Veloz, Juan               24 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:03.79    2:01.70   16  
                  27.53       58.77 (31.24)     1:30.30 (31.53)     2:01.70 (31.40)
  4 Cooper, Todd              23 Stirling             2:05.05    2:02.34   15  
                  27.64       59.30 (31.66)     1:30.89 (31.59)     2:02.34 (31.45)
  5 Duran, Israel                Unattached-MEX       2:05.32    2:02.90   14  
                  27.76       58.67 (30.91)     1:30.34 (31.67)     2:02.90 (32.56)
  6 Simpkins, Patrick         19 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:05.47    2:04.68   13  
                  27.93       59.42 (31.49)     1:31.74 (32.32)     2:04.68 (32.94)
  7 Wold, Alex                19 Minnesota-MN         2:06.39    2:04.96   12  
                  28.06       59.36 (31.30)     1:31.81 (32.45)     2:04.96 (33.15)
  8 Utomo, Donny              28 Novaquatics-CA       2:07.23    2:06.34   11  
                  28.11       59.97 (31.86)     1:32.71 (32.74)     2:06.34 (33.63)
Consolation Final
  9 Embacher, Toni               Germany              2:08.08    2:04.33    9  
                  28.54     1:00.88 (32.34)     1:32.70 (31.82)     2:04.33 (31.63)
 10 Schmidt, Gunnar           20 Scottsdale-AZ        2:09.50    2:07.67    7  
                  29.54     1:01.98 (32.44)     1:34.72 (32.74)     2:07.67 (32.95)
 11 Gregory, Jeremy           19 Tacoma-PN            2:10.35    2:08.45    6  
                  29.35     1:01.82 (32.47)     1:35.01 (33.19)     2:08.45 (33.44)
 12 Kent, Steven              19 New Zealand          2:08.37    2:08.69    4.5
                  29.59     1:02.52 (32.93)     1:35.68 (33.16)     2:08.69 (33.01)
 12 Chen, David               17 Claremont-CA         2:09.86    2:08.69    4.5
                  28.91     1:01.97 (33.06)     1:35.65 (33.68)     2:08.69 (33.04)
 14 Joiner, Josh              17 Novaquatics-CA       2:09.98    2:09.15    3  
                  29.85     1:03.15 (33.30)     1:36.64 (33.49)     2:09.15 (32.51)
 15 Yribarren, Bobby          21 Fresno Dolphins-CC   2:09.23    2:10.00    2  
                  29.40     1:01.75 (32.35)     1:35.13 (33.38)     2:10.00 (34.87)
 16 Kleyn, Aaron              24 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:07.83    2:11.10    1  
                  28.87     1:01.41 (32.54)     1:35.06 (33.65)     2:11.10 (36.04)
Bonus Final
 17 Boyle, Sean               20 Sun Devil-AZ         2:11.03    2:05.00  
                  28.38       59.72 (31.34)     1:31.64 (31.92)     2:05.00 (33.36)
 18 Lundgaard, Bret           21 Desert Storm-CA      2:10.86    2:05.75  
                  28.46     1:00.61 (32.15)     1:33.21 (32.60)     2:05.75 (32.54)
 19 Rimkus, Charlie           16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:11.63    2:09.42  
                  28.88     1:01.49 (32.61)     1:35.67 (34.18)     2:09.42 (33.75)
 20 Telep, Nate               19 Scottsdale-AZ        2:11.41    2:10.08  
                  29.70     1:02.27 (32.57)     1:35.93 (33.66)     2:10.08 (34.15)
 21 Altamirano-Hunefeldt, Ga  18 North Coast-SI       2:10.79    2:10.59  
                  29.42     1:02.33 (32.91)     1:36.30 (33.97)     2:10.59 (34.29)
 22 Welton, Erich             21 Minnesota-MN         2:10.90    2:12.00  
                  29.20     1:02.37 (33.17)     1:36.40 (34.03)     2:12.00 (35.60)
 23 Sullivan, Robbie          17 NGSV Gators-CA       2:10.80    2:12.06  
                  29.00     1:01.39 (32.39)     1:35.63 (34.24)     2:12.06 (36.43)
 24 Kybartas, Tyler           17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:11.76    2:12.60  
                  29.35     1:03.04 (33.69)     1:37.20 (34.16)     2:12.60 (35.40)
 25 Pursley, David            20 Mission Viejo-CA     2:11.89             
                  28.83     1:01.28 (32.45)     1:35.86 (34.58)     2:11.89 (36.03)
 26 Sa-Nguansap, Winner       18 Claremont-CA         2:11.93             
                  29.59     1:02.58 (32.99)     1:36.62 (34.04)     2:11.93 (35.31)
 27 Radford, Kane             16 New Zealand          2:12.14             
                  29.93     1:03.01 (33.08)     1:37.09 (34.08)     2:12.14 (35.05)
 28 Smidlein, Scott           17 The Woodlands-GU     2:12.88             
                  30.42     1:03.99 (33.57)     1:38.26 (34.27)     2:12.88 (34.62)
 29 Bonse, Julian             17 Novaquatics-CA       2:13.04             
                  29.91     1:04.17 (34.26)     1:38.45 (34.28)     2:13.04 (34.59)
 30 Vanis, Martin             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:13.17             
                  29.36     1:02.80 (33.44)     1:37.54 (34.74)     2:13.17 (35.63)
 31 Deters, Andrew            19 Novaquatics-CA       2:13.47             
                  30.11     1:03.63 (33.52)     1:37.82 (34.19)     2:13.47 (35.65)
 32 Molina, Miguel            22 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:13.49             
                  30.34     1:04.75 (34.41)     1:40.37 (35.62)     2:13.49 (33.12)
 33 Chanin, David             17 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:13.52             
                  30.81     1:04.14 (33.33)     1:38.71 (34.57)     2:13.52 (34.81)
 33 Zoldos, Michael           17 Scottsdale-AZ        2:13.52             
                  30.74     1:04.97 (34.23)     1:39.75 (34.78)     2:13.52 (33.77)
 35 Lewkowitz, Blake          18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:13.83             
                  30.06     1:03.76 (33.70)     1:38.21 (34.45)     2:13.83 (35.62)
 36 Daniec, Jon               14 Mission Viejo-CA     2:14.06             
                  30.48     1:04.41 (33.93)     1:39.04 (34.63)     2:14.06 (35.02)
 37 Cheung-Lau, Cedric        20 Claremont-CA         2:14.25             
                  30.41     1:04.15 (33.74)     1:38.80 (34.65)     2:14.25 (35.45)
 38 Flach, Michael            16 The FISH-PV          2:14.29             
                  29.52     1:02.91 (33.39)     1:38.49 (35.58)     2:14.29 (35.80)
 39 Muller, Andrew            17 Rose Bowl-CA         2:14.31             
                  29.47     1:02.99 (33.52)     1:37.91 (34.92)     2:14.31 (36.40)
 40 Wattles, Frank            36 Unattached-CA/TROJ   2:14.35             
                  29.38     1:03.65 (34.27)     1:39.78 (36.13)     2:14.35 (34.57)
 41 Grothe, Zane              15 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:14.36             
                  30.20     1:04.75 (34.55)     1:40.32 (35.57)     2:14.36 (34.04)
 42 Wolf, Dylan               13 Desert Storm-CA      2:14.43             
                  30.79     1:05.04 (34.25)     1:39.30 (34.26)     2:14.43 (35.13)
 43 Hauck, Eric               17 Claremont-CA         2:14.49             
                  29.97     1:03.78 (33.81)     1:38.82 (35.04)     2:14.49 (35.67)
 44 Yntema, Douwe             18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:14.65             
                  31.22     1:05.42 (34.20)     1:40.15 (34.73)     2:14.65 (34.50)
 45 Thompson, Kyle            18 Waukesha Express-WI  2:14.78             
                  29.57     1:02.77 (33.20)     1:38.71 (35.94)     2:14.78 (36.07)
 46 Mendoza, John             19 The Armada-CA        2:15.00             
                  29.91     1:03.29 (33.38)     1:38.69 (35.40)     2:15.00 (36.31)
 47 Trotter, Gage             15 The Woodlands-GU     2:15.18             
                  31.05     1:06.32 (35.27)     1:40.11 (33.79)     2:15.18 (35.07)
 48 Broadbent, Douglas        21 Unattached-CA/CAT    2:15.68             
                  30.25     1:04.79 (34.54)     1:40.05 (35.26)     2:15.68 (35.63)
 49 Thivierge, James          17 Palo Alto-PC         2:15.77             
                  29.78     1:04.09 (34.31)     1:39.39 (35.30)     2:15.77 (36.38)
 50 Cullom, Deni              15 Unattached-MVN-CA    2:15.85             
                  30.91     1:05.10 (34.19)     1:40.05 (34.95)     2:15.85 (35.80)
 51 Barnett-Woods, Jereme     19 Aquazots-CA          2:15.98             
                  31.24     1:06.02 (34.78)     1:41.17 (35.15)     2:15.98 (34.81)
 52 Kosmo, Trevor             16 Santa Barbara-CA     2:16.01             
                  30.91     1:05.53 (34.62)     1:40.59 (35.06)     2:16.01 (35.42)
 53 Agasid, Thomas            16 Palo Alto-PC         2:16.13             
                  31.00     1:05.64 (34.64)     1:40.71 (35.07)     2:16.13 (35.42)
 54 Currie, Kyle              18 Desert Storm-CA      2:16.87             
                  30.04     1:04.71 (34.67)     1:40.66 (35.95)     2:16.87 (36.21)
 55 Evans, Kyle               15 North Coast-SI       2:17.23             
                  31.21     1:06.62 (35.41)     1:41.90 (35.28)     2:17.23 (35.33)
 56 Redondo, Brock            15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:17.43             
                  31.74     1:06.75 (35.01)     1:42.16 (35.41)     2:17.43 (35.27)
 57 Marshburn, Tucker         17 Novaquatics-CA       2:18.32             
                  30.65     1:05.16 (34.51)     1:41.07 (35.91)     2:18.32 (37.25)
 58 Garcia, Ryan              16 Palo Alto-PC         2:18.43             
                  31.73     1:06.82 (35.09)     1:42.97 (36.15)     2:18.43 (35.46)
 59 Motley, James             19 Santa Maria-CA       2:18.66             
                  31.45     1:07.24 (35.79)     1:42.52 (35.28)     2:18.66 (36.14)
 60 Schick, Ben               19 Waukesha Express-WI  2:18.70             
                  30.94     1:06.26 (35.32)     1:42.80 (36.54)     2:18.70 (35.90)
 61 Hoyt, Trevor              16 Yucaipa-CA           2:18.94             
                  29.70     1:03.84 (34.14)     1:40.36 (36.52)     2:18.94 (38.58)
 62 McGough, Jacob            15 Unattached-NT        2:19.15             
                  31.24     1:06.79 (35.55)     1:42.47 (35.68)     2:19.15 (36.68)
 63 Taylor, Zack              15 CA Aquatics-CA       2:19.50             
                  30.46     1:05.89 (35.43)     1:42.65 (36.76)     2:19.50 (36.85)
 64 Robinson, Josh            18 Clippers-OH          2:19.67             
                  31.04     1:05.55 (34.51)     1:41.23 (35.68)     2:19.67 (38.44)
 65 Chiaro, Anthony           16 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:20.48             
                  31.35     1:06.23 (34.88)     1:42.57 (36.34)     2:20.48 (37.91)
 66 Locatell, Weston          18 Monrovia-CA          2:20.75             
                  30.23     1:04.67 (34.44)     1:41.42 (36.75)     2:20.75 (39.33)
 67 Butler, Byron             15 Waukesha Express-WI  2:20.79             
                  30.17     1:05.91 (35.74)     1:43.75 (37.84)     2:20.79 (37.04)
 68 Dragon, James             20 Mission Viejo-CA     2:21.01             
                  28.91     1:02.90 (33.99)     1:40.41 (37.51)     2:21.01 (40.60)
 69 Wollkind, Spencer         15 Mission Viejo-CA     2:21.17             
                  31.46     1:06.97 (35.51)     1:43.80 (36.83)     2:21.17 (37.37)
 70 Oberst, Eric              15 Waukesha Express-WI  2:21.27             
                  31.23     1:06.29 (35.06)     1:43.38 (37.09)     2:21.27 (37.89)
 71 Didio, Spencer            16 North Coast-SI       2:21.40             
                  31.13     1:06.68 (35.55)     1:43.89 (37.21)     2:21.40 (37.51)
 72 Clarke, Danny             15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:21.52             
                  31.49     1:06.61 (35.12)     1:43.71 (37.10)     2:21.52 (37.81)
 73 Navarro, Alex             16 Palo Alto-PC         2:22.10             
                  30.57     1:05.90 (35.33)     1:43.75 (37.85)     2:22.10 (38.35)
 74 Furber, Jamie             18 Santa Maria-CA       2:23.77             
                  31.93     1:08.63 (36.70)     1:46.27 (37.64)     2:23.77 (37.50)
 75 Goldsmith, Kendrick       19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:24.32             
                  30.73     1:05.93 (35.20)     1:43.63 (37.70)     2:24.32 (40.69)
 76 Neitzel, Collin           15 Waukesha Express-WI  2:28.73             
                  32.02     1:08.43 (36.41)     1:47.88 (39.45)     2:28.73 (40.85)
 -- Nakanishi, Mark           17 CA Aquatics-CA           NS              
 -- Holcomb, Dean             17 Claremont-CA             NS              
 -- Cathey, Dominic           21 Oakland-PC               NS              
Men Open 200 LC Meter IM
 Meet Record: M 2:02.63        2005 Jiro Miki - JPN                            
 Pool Record: P 2:02.63        2005 Jiro Miki - JPN                            
   US Record: A 1:54.98        2007 Michael Phelps                             
World Record: W 1:54.98        2007 Michael Phelps - USA                       
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Margalis, Robert          25 St. Petersburg-FL    2:08.05    2:05.28   20  
                  27.88     1:00.00 (32.12)     1:36.27 (36.27)     2:05.28 (29.01)
  2 Molina, Miguel            22 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:07.11    2:05.46   17  
                  28.03       59.94 (31.91)     1:35.81 (35.87)     2:05.46 (29.65)
  3 Dorr, John                23 Unattached-PC        2:07.77    2:06.48   16  
                  27.68     1:00.22 (32.54)     1:36.66 (36.44)     2:06.48 (29.82)
  4 Ritter, Adam              22 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:08.16    2:06.77   15  
                  27.24       59.00 (31.76)     1:36.62 (37.62)     2:06.77 (30.15)
  5 Wold, Alex                19 Minnesota-MN         2:09.57    2:09.29   14  
                  27.60     1:01.37 (33.77)     1:39.06 (37.69)     2:09.29 (30.23)
  6 Payne, Russell            21 Unattached-MN/SCSC   2:08.83    2:09.49   13  
                  28.02     1:00.55 (32.53)     1:38.28 (37.73)     2:09.49 (31.21)
  7 Telep, Nate               19 Scottsdale-AZ        2:11.89    2:13.65   12  
                  28.70     1:02.36 (33.66)     1:41.03 (38.67)     2:13.65 (32.62)
  8 Kim, Jay                  17 Colorado Stars-CO    2:11.91    2:14.14   11  
                  27.30     1:02.62 (35.32)     1:42.09 (39.47)     2:14.14 (32.05)
Consolation Final
  9 Kishida, Masayuki         21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:12.43    2:10.03    9  
                  26.57     1:00.13 (33.56)     1:40.40 (40.27)     2:10.03 (29.63)
 10 Gatfield, John            16 New Zealand          2:12.03    2:10.21    7  
                  27.86     1:00.74 (32.88)     1:39.59 (38.85)     2:10.21 (30.62)
 11 O'Connor, Bryan           18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:12.43    2:11.23    6  
                  27.75     1:00.26 (32.51)     1:39.51 (39.25)     2:11.23 (31.72)
 12 Bassett, Kurt             17 New Zealand          2:11.96    2:12.35    5  
                  27.80       59.99 (32.19)     1:41.02 (41.03)     2:12.35 (31.33)
 13 Basson, Jean              19 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:13.60    2:12.48    4  
                  27.29     1:01.15 (33.86)     1:42.41 (41.26)     2:12.48 (30.07)
 14 Gregory, Jeremy           19 Tacoma-PN            2:13.73    2:13.66    3  
                  28.71     1:03.39 (34.68)     1:43.17 (39.78)     2:13.66 (30.49)
 15 Solfelt, Mark             19 Minnesota-MN         2:13.75    2:13.71    2  
                  27.91     1:02.97 (35.06)     1:42.68 (39.71)     2:13.71 (31.03)
 16 Deters, Andrew            19 Novaquatics-CA       2:13.70    2:14.52    1  
                  28.65     1:03.41 (34.76)     1:43.47 (40.06)     2:14.52 (31.05)
Bonus Final
 17 Criste, John              18 Unattached-MVN-CA    2:15.21    2:11.86  
                  28.40     1:04.49 (36.09)     1:40.63 (36.14)     2:11.86 (31.23)
 18 Kent, Steven              19 New Zealand          2:14.53    2:13.43  
                  28.15     1:02.88 (34.73)     1:42.67 (39.79)     2:13.43 (30.76)
 19 Smith, Matt               26 Santa Clara-PC       2:14.23    2:13.49  
                  29.69     1:07.30 (37.61)     1:44.19 (36.89)     2:13.49 (29.30)
 20 Casey, Aaron              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:14.97    2:13.84  
                  28.69     1:02.14 (33.45)     1:43.90 (41.76)     2:13.84 (29.94)
 21 Yudhianto, Herry          24 Santa Barbara-CA     2:14.89    2:15.65  
                  28.71     1:05.90 (37.19)     1:43.22 (37.32)     2:15.65 (32.43)
 22 Sa-Nguansap, Winner       18 Claremont-CA         2:13.99    2:15.86  
                  28.49     1:03.98 (35.49)     1:43.42 (39.44)     2:15.86 (32.44)
 23 Westby, Nelson            19 Unattached-MINN-MN   2:15.17    2:16.07  
                  28.31     1:05.62 (37.31)     1:44.54 (38.92)     2:16.07 (31.53)
 24 Arreguin, Josh            20 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:15.24    2:16.95  
                  30.27     1:08.29 (38.02)     1:45.56 (37.27)     2:16.95 (31.39)
  2 Kerekjarto, Tamas         27 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:07.14             
                  27.00       59.47 (32.47)     1:37.15 (37.68)     2:07.14 (29.99)
  8 Vayo, Louis               21 Unattached-MR/TMC    2:11.65             
                  28.04     1:00.51 (32.47)     1:40.36 (39.85)     2:11.65 (31.29)
 15 Mahoney, Sean             18 Terrapins-PC         2:12.92             
                  29.54     1:05.54 (36.00)     1:41.79 (36.25)     2:12.92 (31.13)
 17 Rimkus, Charlie           16 Mission Viejo-CA     2:13.63             
                  29.19     1:04.62 (35.43)     1:44.10 (39.48)     2:13.63 (29.53)
 20 Plummer, David            21 Minnesota-MN         2:13.75             
                  28.83     1:02.74 (33.91)     1:42.03 (39.29)     2:13.75 (31.72)
 23 Hanna, Colin              17 Terrapins-PC         2:14.15             
                  29.37     1:03.21 (33.84)     1:43.07 (39.86)     2:14.15 (31.08)
 25 Koehler, J.K.             21 IUCP-IN              2:14.36             
                  28.40     1:02.75 (34.35)     1:44.11 (41.36)     2:14.36 (30.25)
 32 Shilton, Robbie           17 Santa Monica-CA      2:15.48             
                  29.06     1:05.06 (36.00)     1:44.86 (39.80)     2:15.48 (30.62)
 33 Vanis, Martin             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:15.56             
                  28.68     1:05.32 (36.64)     1:45.00 (39.68)     2:15.56 (30.56)
 34 Steninger, Bart           21 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:15.57             
                  29.28     1:06.85 (37.57)     1:44.54 (37.69)     2:15.57 (31.03)
 35 Kim, John                 14 Aquazots-CA          2:15.63             
                  30.67     1:05.63 (34.96)     1:44.60 (38.97)     2:15.63 (31.03)
 36 Utomo, Donny              28 Novaquatics-CA       2:15.87             
                  28.46     1:03.01 (34.55)     1:43.99 (40.98)     2:15.87 (31.88)
 37 Kline, Peter              17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:15.89             
                  29.71     1:03.87 (34.16)     1:44.68 (40.81)     2:15.89 (31.21)
 38 Hwang, Bob                14 Canyons-CA           2:16.06             
                  28.71     1:04.98 (36.27)     1:44.93 (39.95)     2:16.06 (31.13)
 39 Bosnyak, Tamas            21 Team Rebel-CA        2:16.07             
                  28.62     1:04.28 (35.66)     1:44.31 (40.03)     2:16.07 (31.76)
 40 Swander, Kevin            23 Unattached-MVN-CA    2:16.08             
                  28.92     1:04.86 (35.94)     1:43.93 (39.07)     2:16.08 (32.15)
 41 Shilling, Brandon         16 Santa Clara-PC       2:16.23             
                  29.87     1:05.65 (35.78)     1:44.75 (39.10)     2:16.23 (31.48)
 42 Luu, Christopher          16 Unattached-CA/ROSE   2:16.25             
                  29.60     1:06.61 (37.01)     1:44.52 (37.91)     2:16.25 (31.73)
 43 McClary, Danny            18 Inland Coastal-SI    2:16.58             
                  27.50     1:01.52 (34.02)     1:43.91 (42.39)     2:16.58 (32.67)
 43 Godbe, Andrew             18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:16.58             
                  29.26     1:04.44 (35.18)     1:45.00 (40.56)     2:16.58 (31.58)
 45 Yamashita, Yutaro         17 Novaquatics-CA       2:17.08             
                  28.95     1:05.09 (36.14)     1:46.95 (41.86)     2:17.08 (30.13)
 46 Cheung-Lau, Cedric        20 Claremont-CA         2:17.64             
                  30.01     1:05.22 (35.21)     1:45.08 (39.86)     2:17.64 (32.56)
 47 Thompson, Kyle            18 Waukesha Express-WI  2:17.69             
                  29.60     1:06.24 (36.64)     1:46.61 (40.37)     2:17.69 (31.08)
 48 Trotter, Gage             15 The Woodlands-GU     2:18.00             
                  29.96     1:05.48 (35.52)     1:47.58 (42.10)     2:18.00 (30.42)
 49 Daniec, Jon               14 Mission Viejo-CA     2:18.01             
                  30.24     1:06.65 (36.41)     1:46.92 (40.27)     2:18.01 (31.09)
 50 Talmadge, Matt            17 Santa Barbara-CA     2:18.03             
                  29.45     1:07.17 (37.72)     1:46.41 (39.24)     2:18.03 (31.62)
 51 Kim, Paul                 16 Santa Clara-PC       2:18.22             
                  30.01     1:06.03 (36.02)     1:47.59 (41.56)     2:18.22 (30.63)
 52 Flach, Michael            16 The FISH-PV          2:18.24             
                  29.17     1:04.66 (35.49)     1:47.09 (42.43)     2:18.24 (31.15)
 53 Altamirano-Hunefeldt, Ga  18 North Coast-SI       2:18.32             
                  29.36     1:04.25 (34.89)     1:46.36 (42.11)     2:18.32 (31.96)
 54 Shaw, Mason               15 Spokane Area-IE      2:18.35             
                  30.32     1:07.53 (37.21)     1:47.34 (39.81)     2:18.35 (31.01)
 55 Erazo, Eddie              21 Aquazots-CA          2:18.39             
                  28.26     1:03.43 (35.17)     1:46.62 (43.19)     2:18.39 (31.77)
 56 Yntema, Douwe             18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:18.47             
                  30.18     1:05.70 (35.52)     1:47.21 (41.51)     2:18.47 (31.26)
 57 Barrett, Robert           15 Scottsdale-AZ        2:18.55             
                  29.30     1:07.50 (38.20)     1:46.38 (38.88)     2:18.55 (32.17)
 58 Giddens, Jeff             19 Inland Coastal-SI    2:18.90             
                  28.40     1:04.93 (36.53)     1:48.14 (43.21)     2:18.90 (30.76)
 59 Aaberg, Ben               18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:18.96             
                  29.93     1:05.59 (35.66)     1:48.82 (43.23)     2:18.96 (30.14)
 60 Martin, James             19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:19.06             
                  30.04     1:04.89 (34.85)     1:45.51 (40.62)     2:19.06 (33.55)
 61 Kikuchi, Ryan             18 Aquazots-CA          2:19.16             
                  30.54     1:06.01 (35.47)     1:48.39 (42.38)     2:19.16 (30.77)
 62 Lewkowitz, Blake          18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   2:19.54             
                  29.61     1:04.83 (35.22)     1:47.93 (43.10)     2:19.54 (31.61)
 63 Holcomb, Dean             17 Claremont-CA         2:19.78             
                  30.38     1:07.21 (36.83)     1:48.15 (40.94)     2:19.78 (31.63)
 64 Carter, Justin            16 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:19.80             
                  30.25     1:04.03 (33.78)     1:47.31 (43.28)     2:19.80 (32.49)
 65 Didio, Spencer            16 North Coast-SI       2:19.88             
                  29.57     1:05.89 (36.32)     1:48.55 (42.66)     2:19.88 (31.33)
 66 Myhre, Jordan             17 Colorado Stars-CO    2:19.91             
                  28.92     1:03.31 (34.39)     1:45.70 (42.39)     2:19.91 (34.21)
 66 Casillas, Phillip         18 Unattached-CA        2:19.91             
                  28.09     1:03.43 (35.34)     1:45.59 (42.16)     2:19.91 (34.32)
 68 Ellingsen, Michael        20 Team Rebel-CA        2:19.99             
                  29.81     1:05.14 (35.33)     1:46.83 (41.69)     2:19.99 (33.16)
 69 Baier, William            20 CCAT Swimming-CA     2:20.38             
                  30.51     1:07.22 (36.71)     1:48.79 (41.57)     2:20.38 (31.59)
 70 Carpenter, Elden          18 Golden West-CA       2:20.67             
                  30.64     1:07.55 (36.91)     1:47.56 (40.01)     2:20.67 (33.11)
 71 Weber, Chris              15 CA Aquatics-CA       2:20.83             
                  30.71     1:07.81 (37.10)     1:48.77 (40.96)     2:20.83 (32.06)
 72 Byrd, Jeff                18 Desert Storm-CA      2:20.95             
                  30.14     1:07.00 (36.86)     1:48.75 (41.75)     2:20.95 (32.20)
 73 Hunter, Richard           21 Mission Viejo-CA     2:21.18             
                  30.43     1:09.79 (39.36)     1:47.94 (38.15)     2:21.18 (33.24)
 74 Choi, Andrew              17 Unattached-CA/AZOT   2:21.19             
                  31.11     1:07.51 (36.40)     1:48.25 (40.74)     2:21.19 (32.94)
 75 Crismon, Eric             16 Novaquatics-CA       2:21.40             
                  31.02     1:08.49 (37.47)     1:49.58 (41.09)     2:21.40 (31.82)
 76 Enriquez, Avelino         17 CA Aquatics-CA       2:21.76             
                  29.90     1:06.23 (36.33)     1:48.22 (41.99)     2:21.76 (33.54)
 77 Hadinger, Nick            17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     2:21.91             
                  30.87     1:05.44 (34.57)     1:49.64 (44.20)     2:21.91 (32.27)
 78 Pierson, Brandon          19 Mission Viejo-CA     2:21.98             
                  30.52     1:06.40 (35.88)     1:48.90 (42.50)     2:21.98 (33.08)
 79 Taylor, Zack              15 CA Aquatics-CA       2:22.37             
                  29.39     1:04.99 (35.60)     1:49.62 (44.63)     2:22.37 (32.75)
 80 Small, Adam               17 Sun Devil-AZ         2:22.46             
                  30.16     1:07.02 (36.86)     1:50.56 (43.54)     2:22.46 (31.90)
 81 Behm, Herbie              16 Unattached-FORD-AZ   2:23.03             
                  30.21     1:07.20 (36.99)     1:50.98 (43.78)     2:23.03 (32.05)
 82 Oberlander, Kenji         14 Elite Aquatics-CA    2:23.36             
                  31.53     1:11.26 (39.73)     1:49.95 (38.69)     2:23.36 (33.41)
 83 Tusup, Shane              19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  2:23.40             
                  29.90     1:05.82 (35.92)     1:51.22 (45.40)     2:23.40 (32.18)
 84 Cathey, Dominic           21 Oakland-PC           2:23.79             
                  27.64     1:07.17 (39.53)     1:49.09 (41.92)     2:23.79 (34.70)
 85 Baxter, Trent             17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  2:23.99             
                  31.35     1:11.24 (39.89)     1:51.44 (40.20)     2:23.99 (32.55)
 86 Blank, Nick               18 Spokane Area-IE      2:24.14             
                  30.34     1:07.81 (37.47)     1:49.89 (42.08)     2:24.14 (34.25)
 87 Magner, Sheldon           18 Unattached-CA/NOVA   2:24.32             
                  30.32     1:09.40 (39.08)     1:51.35 (41.95)     2:24.32 (32.97)
 88 Lager, Jordan             16 Marin Pirates-PC     2:24.62             
                  31.36     1:07.92 (36.56)     1:51.45 (43.53)     2:24.62 (33.17)
 89 Hojnacki, Zach            15 Rio-AZ               2:24.71             
                  32.51     1:12.00 (39.49)     1:51.28 (39.28)     2:24.71 (33.43)
 90 Yslas, Blas               16 Colorado Stars-CO    2:24.73             
                  29.90     1:07.79 (37.89)     1:50.31 (42.52)     2:24.73 (34.42)
 91 Lee, See Han              15 Torrance-CA          2:24.86             
                  30.85     1:11.38 (40.53)     1:50.96 (39.58)     2:24.86 (33.90)
 92 Mickelson, Carl           16 Rio-AZ               2:25.20             
                  30.37     1:10.69 (40.32)     1:50.56 (39.87)     2:25.20 (34.64)
 93 Giddens, Jay              17 Inland Coastal-SI    2:25.32             
                  29.91     1:08.04 (38.13)     1:50.97 (42.93)     2:25.32 (34.35)
 94 Friend, Jay               17 Palm Springs-CA      2:25.76             
                  31.56     1:10.27 (38.71)     1:52.09 (41.82)     2:25.76 (33.67)
 95 Dragon, James             20 Mission Viejo-CA     2:25.96             
                  29.76     1:09.34 (39.58)     1:52.54 (43.20)     2:25.96 (33.42)
 96 Hotard, David             18 The Woodlands-GU     2:26.00             
                  31.08     1:10.27 (39.19)     1:53.17 (42.90)     2:26.00 (32.83)
 97 Kaden, Collin             16 Blue Tide-GU         2:26.48             
                  31.41     1:11.86 (40.45)     1:53.16 (41.30)     2:26.48 (33.32)
 98 Graham, Justin            16 BCH Heatwave-CA      2:27.47             
                  30.53     1:10.35 (39.82)     1:52.04 (41.69)     2:27.47 (35.43)
 99 Joiner, Josh              17 Novaquatics-CA       2:27.63             
                  30.28     1:08.57 (38.29)     1:54.30 (45.73)     2:27.63 (33.33)
100 Chard, Thomas             17 Inland Coastal-SI    2:27.78             
                  32.00     1:13.30 (41.30)     1:53.68 (40.38)     2:27.78 (34.10)
101 Glander, Ryan             15 Blue Tide-GU         2:28.04             
                  31.51     1:08.55 (37.04)     1:55.88 (47.33)     2:28.04 (32.16)
102 Neitzel, Collin           15 Waukesha Express-WI  2:28.17             
                  31.30     1:10.61 (39.31)     1:52.37 (41.76)     2:28.17 (35.80)
103 Wilson, Rickey            18 Mission Viejo-CA     2:29.63             
                  32.95     1:13.55 (40.60)     1:55.28 (41.73)     2:29.63 (34.35)
104 Parks, Brian              19 Rio-AZ               2:35.71             
                  31.49     1:13.94 (42.45)     1:56.53 (42.59)     2:35.71 (39.18)
 -- Willets, Roman            16 Greater Toledo-OH        DQ              
 -- Krause, Robert            20 San Ramon Valley-PC      DQ              
 -- Terwilliger, Brad         20 Redlands-CA/RST          DQ              
 -- Garcia, Ryan              16 Palo Alto-PC            DFS              
 -- Agasid, Thomas            16 Palo Alto-PC            DFS              
 -- Dwelley, John             21 Terrapins-PC            DFS              
 -- Laney, Max                19 Sun Devil-AZ            DFS              
 -- Barone, Gregory           21 Trojan Swim Club-CA     DFS              
 -- Petrie, Alec              18 Spokane Area-IE         DFS              
 -- Thivierge, James          17 Palo Alto-PC            DFS              
 -- Miyahara, Kazu            20 Trojan Swim Club-CA     DFS              
 -- Nelson, Lee               19 Spokane Area-IE         DFS              
 -- Tom, Randall              20 Unattached-SI           DFS              
 -- Chitwood, Cory            18 Clippers-OH             DFS              
 -- Schubel, Nate             18 Coto de Caza-CA         DFS              
 -- Miller, Michael           14 Clippers-OH             DFS              
 -- Navarro, Alex             16 Palo Alto-PC            DFS              
 -- Mangoni, Vanni            21 Trojan Swim Club-CA     DFS              
 -- Rollins, Dave             22 Ford Aquatics-AZ        DFS              
 -- Schlenker, Tyler          19 Orinda Aquatics-PC       NS              
Men Open 400 LC Meter IM
 Meet Record: M 4:20.06        2000 Susumu Tabuchi - JPN                       
 Pool Record: P 4:20.06        2000 Susumu Tabuchi - JPN                       
   US Record: A 4:06.22        2007 Michael Phelps                             
World Record: W 4:06.22        2007 Michael Phelps - USA                       
    Name                     Age Team                 Prelims     Finals Points 
Championship Final
  1 Margalis, Robert          25 St. Petersburg-FL    4:33.20    4:22.48   20  
                  28.52     1:00.54 (32.02)     1:34.94 (34.40)     2:08.19 (33.25)
        2:45.77 (37.58)     3:22.79 (37.02)     3:53.39 (30.60)     4:22.48 (29.09)
  2 Rimkus, Charlie           16 Mission Viejo-CA     4:35.09    4:31.45   17  
                  28.47     1:01.53 (33.06)     1:37.33 (35.80)     2:12.04 (34.71)
        2:50.84 (38.80)     3:29.88 (39.04)     4:01.60 (31.72)     4:31.45 (29.85)
  3 Wold, Alex                19 Minnesota-MN         4:33.41    4:31.46   16  
                  28.24     1:00.21 (31.97)     1:36.25 (36.04)     2:11.39 (35.14)
        2:49.82 (38.43)     3:29.57 (39.75)     4:01.71 (32.14)     4:31.46 (29.75)
  4 Payne, Russell            21 Unattached-MN/SCSC   4:33.05    4:31.50   15  
                  28.69     1:01.21 (32.52)     1:35.70 (34.49)     2:09.48 (33.78)
        2:47.67 (38.19)     3:27.73 (40.06)     4:00.27 (32.54)     4:31.50 (31.23)
  5 Molina, Miguel            22 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:36.69    4:34.31   14  
                  30.75     1:04.36 (33.61)     1:41.70 (37.34)     2:17.36 (35.66)
        2:55.61 (38.25)     3:33.52 (37.91)     4:04.79 (31.27)     4:34.31 (29.52)
  6 Chitwood, Cory            18 Clippers-OH          4:38.10    4:36.56   13  
                  27.89     1:00.88 (32.99)     1:35.35 (34.47)     2:08.88 (33.53)
        2:50.64 (41.76)     3:32.42 (41.78)     4:04.70 (32.28)     4:36.56 (31.86)
  7 Casey, Aaron              18 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:34.94    4:37.82   12  
                  29.43     1:02.45 (33.02)     1:36.85 (34.40)     2:10.68 (33.83)
        2:52.03 (41.35)     3:34.47 (42.44)     4:06.48 (32.01)     4:37.82 (31.34)
  8 Mangoni, Vanni            21 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:31.86    4:42.09   11  
                  28.93     1:02.20 (33.27)     1:38.84 (36.64)     2:14.51 (35.67)
        2:54.09 (39.58)     3:34.83 (40.74)     4:08.95 (34.12)     4:42.09 (33.14)
Consolation Final
  9 Koehler, J.K.             21 IUCP-IN              4:40.76    4:37.11    9  
                  29.13     1:01.69 (32.56)     1:38.20 (36.51)     2:13.22 (35.02)
        2:54.91 (41.69)     3:36.75 (41.84)     4:07.18 (30.43)     4:37.11 (29.93)
 10 La Tourette, Chad         18 Mission Viejo-CA     4:43.32    4:38.25    7  
                  31.31     1:05.30 (33.99)     1:40.74 (35.44)     2:16.11 (35.37)
        2:57.68 (41.57)     3:38.65 (40.97)     4:09.18 (30.53)     4:38.25 (29.07)
 11 Schmidt, Gunnar           20 Scottsdale-AZ        4:42.94    4:39.67    6  
                  29.60     1:02.37 (32.77)     1:39.61 (37.24)     2:15.92 (36.31)
        2:57.16 (41.24)     3:38.53 (41.37)     4:09.68 (31.15)     4:39.67 (29.99)
 12 Criste, John              18 Unattached-MVN-CA    4:43.27    4:40.15    5  
                  29.29     1:03.45 (34.16)     1:42.45 (39.00)     2:20.37 (37.92)
        2:58.28 (37.91)     3:36.77 (38.49)     4:09.10 (32.33)     4:40.15 (31.05)
 13 Kim, Jay                  17 Colorado Stars-CO    4:41.54    4:41.49    4  
                  28.05       59.95 (31.90)     1:38.63 (38.68)     2:16.09 (37.46)
        2:56.70 (40.61)     3:37.12 (40.42)     4:10.07 (32.95)     4:41.49 (31.42)
 14 Kikuchi, Ryan             18 Aquazots-CA          4:42.02    4:41.75    3  
                  30.02     1:03.73 (33.71)     1:39.08 (35.35)     2:13.56 (34.48)
        2:55.01 (41.45)     3:37.74 (42.73)     4:09.86 (32.12)     4:41.75 (31.89)
 15 Kent, Steven              19 New Zealand          4:42.76    4:42.11    2  
                  29.02     1:02.44 (33.42)     1:39.27 (36.83)     2:16.17 (36.90)
        2:56.70 (40.53)     3:37.92 (41.22)     4:10.79 (32.87)     4:42.11 (31.32)
 16 Yntema, Douwe             18 Mission Viejo-CA     4:44.20    4:49.64    1  
                  30.43     1:05.54 (35.11)     1:41.99 (36.45)     2:17.94 (35.95)
        3:00.72 (42.78)     3:44.79 (44.07)     4:17.87 (33.08)     4:49.64 (31.77)
Bonus Final
 17 Telep, Nate               19 Scottsdale-AZ        4:44.20    4:40.52  
                  29.93     1:04.10 (34.17)     1:40.03 (35.93)     2:16.19 (36.16)
        2:56.13 (39.94)     3:37.40 (41.27)     4:09.24 (31.84)     4:40.52 (31.28)
 18 Deters, Andrew            19 Novaquatics-CA       4:44.71    4:40.64  
                  29.21     1:01.93 (32.72)     1:37.81 (35.88)     2:13.52 (35.71)
        2:54.28 (40.76)     3:36.79 (42.51)     4:09.61 (32.82)     4:40.64 (31.03)
 19 Pursley, David            20 Mission Viejo-CA     4:45.82    4:41.18  
                  29.85     1:03.45 (33.60)     1:41.26 (37.81)     2:16.84 (35.58)
        2:57.88 (41.04)     3:37.96 (40.08)     4:10.04 (32.08)     4:41.18 (31.14)
 20 Gregory, Jeremy           19 Tacoma-PN            4:46.25    4:43.32  
                  29.57     1:01.95 (32.38)     1:38.26 (36.31)     2:13.51 (35.25)
        2:54.80 (41.29)     3:37.84 (43.04)     4:11.93 (34.09)     4:43.32 (31.39)
 21 Holcomb, Dean             17 Claremont-CA         4:45.29    4:43.53  
                  30.07     1:03.48 (33.41)     1:40.51 (37.03)     2:16.49 (35.98)
        2:57.61 (41.12)     3:38.83 (41.22)     4:11.32 (32.49)     4:43.53 (32.21)
 22 Kline, Peter              17 Clovis Swim Club-CC  4:46.24    4:45.84  
                  31.14     1:05.74 (34.60)     1:42.35 (36.61)     2:17.34 (34.99)
        2:59.56 (42.22)     3:41.47 (41.91)     4:14.14 (32.67)     4:45.84 (31.70)
 23 Mendoza, John             19 The Armada-CA        4:45.61    4:46.23  
                  29.42     1:01.93 (32.51)     1:39.86 (37.93)     2:16.27 (36.41)
        2:59.45 (43.18)     3:43.32 (43.87)     4:15.80 (32.48)     4:46.23 (30.43)
 24 Vanis, Martin             16 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:46.18    4:46.75  
                  28.81     1:02.45 (33.64)     1:40.89 (38.44)     2:18.88 (37.99)
        3:00.89 (42.01)     3:43.75 (42.86)     4:15.86 (32.11)     4:46.75 (30.89)
 25 Zoldos, Michael           17 Scottsdale-AZ        4:46.36             
                  30.44     1:04.19 (33.75)     1:41.95 (37.76)     2:18.63 (36.68)
        3:01.11 (42.48)     3:43.58 (42.47)     4:15.36 (31.78)     4:46.36 (31.00)
 26 Zebley, Nico              20 Minnesota-MN         4:46.74             
                  30.79     1:05.57 (34.78)     1:41.96 (36.39)     2:16.60 (34.64)
        3:00.21 (43.61)     3:43.16 (42.95)     4:15.59 (32.43)     4:46.74 (31.15)
 27 Hauck, Eric               17 Claremont-CA         4:46.75             
                  29.81     1:03.30 (33.49)     1:41.03 (37.73)     2:18.33 (37.30)
        3:00.61 (42.28)     3:42.22 (41.61)     4:15.78 (33.56)     4:46.75 (30.97)
 28 Hanna, Colin              17 Terrapins-PC         4:47.17             
                  29.82     1:04.94 (35.12)     1:41.78 (36.84)     2:17.36 (35.58)
        2:59.24 (41.88)     3:41.10 (41.86)     4:15.19 (34.09)     4:47.17 (31.98)
 29 Flach, Michael            16 The FISH-PV          4:47.36             
                  28.47     1:01.69 (33.22)     1:40.10 (38.41)     2:15.57 (35.47)
        2:58.65 (43.08)     3:41.90 (43.25)     4:15.58 (33.68)     4:47.36 (31.78)
 30 McBroom, Michael          16 The Woodlands-GU     4:47.39             
                  32.28     1:07.67 (35.39)     1:47.03 (39.36)     2:24.79 (37.76)
        3:05.19 (40.40)     3:44.65 (39.46)     4:17.09 (32.44)     4:47.39 (30.30)
 31 Navarro, Alex             16 Palo Alto-PC         4:47.56             
                  30.89     1:06.55 (35.66)     1:44.90 (38.35)     2:21.30 (36.40)
        3:04.30 (43.00)     3:46.78 (42.48)     4:18.00 (31.22)     4:47.56 (29.56)
 32 Yudhianto, Herry          24 Santa Barbara-CA     4:48.09             
                  31.92     1:08.14 (36.22)     1:46.28 (38.14)     2:23.49 (37.21)
        3:02.84 (39.35)     3:41.72 (38.88)     4:16.20 (34.48)     4:48.09 (31.89)
 33 Utomo, Donny              28 Novaquatics-CA       4:48.16             
                  29.63     1:03.41 (33.78)     1:41.13 (37.72)     2:17.14 (36.01)
        3:00.03 (42.89)     3:41.52 (41.49)     4:16.16 (34.64)     4:48.16 (32.00)
 34 Byrd, Jeff                18 Desert Storm-CA      4:48.43             
                  30.63     1:05.49 (34.86)     1:42.53 (37.04)     2:18.93 (36.40)
        3:00.48 (41.55)     3:42.93 (42.45)     4:16.00 (33.07)     4:48.43 (32.43)
 35 Tom, Randall              20 Unattached-SI        4:48.73             
                  28.40     1:01.78 (33.38)     1:40.53 (38.75)     2:18.47 (37.94)
        2:59.72 (41.25)     3:40.53 (40.81)     4:14.93 (34.40)     4:48.73 (33.80)
 36 Little, Kevin             17 Novaquatics-CA       4:48.88             
                  31.13     1:06.23 (35.10)     1:43.47 (37.24)     2:20.16 (36.69)
        3:01.60 (41.44)     3:44.44 (42.84)     4:16.95 (32.51)     4:48.88 (31.93)
 37 Radford, Kane             16 New Zealand          4:49.03             
                  30.43     1:04.89 (34.46)     1:41.10 (36.21)     2:15.78 (34.68)
        3:00.29 (44.51)     3:46.19 (45.90)     4:18.63 (32.44)     4:49.03 (30.40)
 38 Terwilliger, Brad         20 Redlands-CA/RST      4:49.17             
                  29.40     1:03.97 (34.57)     1:40.35 (36.38)     2:16.44 (36.09)
        2:58.23 (41.79)     3:40.96 (42.73)     4:15.77 (34.81)     4:49.17 (33.40)
 39 Martin, James             19 Trojan Swim Club-CA  4:49.23             
                  30.36     1:06.28 (35.92)     1:43.15 (36.87)     2:18.27 (35.12)
        2:59.79 (41.52)     3:41.14 (41.35)     4:16.05 (34.91)     4:49.23 (33.18)
 40 Antoniuk, Konrad          15 Canyons-CA           4:49.38             
                  30.27     1:04.47 (34.20)     1:41.37 (36.90)     2:17.59 (36.22)
        3:00.92 (43.33)     3:44.31 (43.39)     4:17.25 (32.94)     4:49.38 (32.13)
 41 Cheung-Lau, Cedric        20 Claremont-CA         4:50.51             
                  30.76     1:05.70 (34.94)     1:42.81 (37.11)     2:19.63 (36.82)
        3:01.62 (41.99)     3:43.40 (41.78)     4:17.87 (34.47)     4:50.51 (32.64)
 42 Trotter, Gage             15 The Woodlands-GU     4:50.59             
                  30.71     1:06.40 (35.69)     1:42.92 (36.52)     2:19.63 (36.71)
        3:01.42 (41.79)     3:45.45 (44.03)     4:18.58 (33.13)     4:50.59 (32.01)
 43 Shaw, Mason               15 Spokane Area-IE      4:50.65             
                  30.50     1:04.72 (34.22)     1:43.00 (38.28)     2:20.59 (37.59)
        3:01.65 (41.06)     3:43.86 (42.21)     4:17.97 (34.11)     4:50.65 (32.68)
 44 Grothe, Zane              15 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:50.82             
                  31.29     1:05.82 (34.53)     1:43.44 (37.62)     2:19.64 (36.20)
        3:04.20 (44.56)     3:48.62 (44.42)     4:20.06 (31.44)     4:50.82 (30.76)
 45 O'Connor, Bryan           18 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:50.84             
                  29.78     1:04.93 (35.15)     1:41.80 (36.87)     2:16.71 (34.91)
        2:58.82 (42.11)     3:41.85 (43.03)     4:17.21 (35.36)     4:50.84 (33.63)
 46 Cullom, Deni              15 Unattached-MVN-CA    4:50.94             
                  30.92     1:05.18 (34.26)     1:42.77 (37.59)     2:19.47 (36.70)
        3:02.84 (43.37)     3:46.86 (44.02)     4:19.45 (32.59)     4:50.94 (31.49)
 47 Garcia, Ryan              16 Palo Alto-PC         4:51.64             
                  31.19     1:05.83 (34.64)     1:43.35 (37.52)     2:19.96 (36.61)
        3:03.65 (43.69)     3:47.11 (43.46)     4:20.40 (33.29)     4:51.64 (31.24)
 48 Daniec, Jon               14 Mission Viejo-CA     4:51.77             
                  31.08     1:06.09 (35.01)     1:44.91 (38.82)     2:22.41 (37.50)
        3:04.60 (42.19)     3:46.76 (42.16)     4:20.34 (33.58)     4:51.77 (31.43)
 49 Altamirano-Hunefeldt, Ga  18 North Coast-SI       4:51.95             
                  30.47     1:04.87 (34.40)     1:43.52 (38.65)     2:21.73 (38.21)
        3:03.87 (42.14)     3:46.33 (42.46)     4:18.93 (32.60)     4:51.95 (33.02)
 50 Koubratoff, Bobby         17 Ford Aquatics-AZ     4:52.44             
                  30.83     1:04.79 (33.96)     1:44.63 (39.84)     2:23.18 (38.55)
        3:06.19 (43.01)     3:48.84 (42.65)     4:21.70 (32.86)     4:52.44 (30.74)
 51 Duran, Israel                Unattached-MEX       4:52.75             
                  28.95     1:02.58 (33.63)     1:40.30 (37.72)     2:15.38 (35.08)
        2:59.47 (44.09)     3:44.98 (45.51)     4:19.27 (34.29)     4:52.75 (33.48)
 52 Shilton, Robbie           17 Santa Monica-CA      4:52.99             
                  30.65     1:05.14 (34.49)     1:44.55 (39.41)     2:23.54 (38.99)
        3:05.51 (41.97)     3:48.19 (42.68)     4:21.61 (33.42)     4:52.99 (31.38)
 53 Plummer, David            21 Minnesota-MN         4:53.04             
                  29.66     1:05.39 (35.73)     1:42.66 (37.27)     2:19.16 (36.50)
        3:01.45 (42.29)     3:44.25 (42.80)     4:19.19 (34.94)     4:53.04 (33.85)
 54 Redondo, Brock            15 Mission Viejo-CA     4:53.05             
                  30.78     1:05.70 (34.92)     1:42.96 (37.26)     2:19.28 (36.32)
        3:03.28 (44.00)     3:47.52 (44.24)     4:20.77 (33.25)     4:53.05 (32.28)
 55 Lewkowitz, Blake          18 Arizona Marlins-AZ   4:53.10             
                  30.27     1:04.74 (34.47)     1:42.20 (37.46)     2:19.30 (37.10)
        3:01.99 (42.69)     3:46.40 (44.41)     4:19.14 (32.74)     4:53.10 (33.96)
 56 Howard, Jon               17 Mission Viejo-CA     4:53.63             
                  29.99     1:04.39 (34.40)     1:39.60 (35.21)     2:14.72 (35.12)
        3:00.31 (45.59)     3:46.47 (46.16)     4:20.07 (33.60)     4:53.63 (33.56)
 57 Talmadge, Matt            17 Santa Barbara-CA     4:55.34             
                  30.36     1:06.06 (35.70)     1:45.59 (39.53)     2:23.83 (38.24)
        3:04.25 (40.42)     3:46.56 (42.31)     4:21.47 (34.91)     4:55.34 (33.87)
 58 Chamberlain, Brett        19 Mission Viejo-CA     4:55.66             
                  32.00     1:09.12 (37.12)     1:47.13 (38.01)     2:23.34 (36.21)
        3:08.11 (44.77)     3:52.30 (44.19)     4:24.76 (32.46)     4:55.66 (30.90)
 59 Chamoures, Michael        16 Mission Viejo-CA     4:55.83             
                  31.31     1:06.48 (35.17)     1:44.74 (38.26)     2:21.71 (36.97)
        3:05.95 (44.24)     3:50.47 (44.52)     4:22.90 (32.43)     4:55.83 (32.93)
 60 Bosnyak, Tamas            21 Team Rebel-CA        4:57.06             
                  30.07     1:06.27 (36.20)     1:45.50 (39.23)     2:23.31 (37.81)
        3:05.95 (42.64)     3:48.77 (42.82)     4:23.49 (34.72)     4:57.06 (33.57)
 61 Hoyt, Trevor              16 Yucaipa-CA           4:57.32             
                  30.28     1:04.43 (34.15)     1:44.07 (39.64)     2:21.07 (37.00)
        3:02.94 (41.87)     3:45.02 (42.08)     4:21.28 (36.26)     4:57.32 (36.04)
 62 Carter, Justin            16 Clovis Swim Club-CC  4:57.43             
                  31.48     1:08.00 (36.52)     1:46.30 (38.30)     2:21.67 (35.37)
        3:06.42 (44.75)     3:49.85 (43.43)     4:25.27 (35.42)     4:57.43 (32.16)
 63 Krause, Robert            20 San Ramon Valley-PC  4:57.60             
                  30.25     1:04.76 (34.51)     1:44.90 (40.14)     2:23.19 (38.29)
        3:09.10 (45.91)     3:54.49 (45.39)     4:26.49 (32.00)     4:57.60 (31.11)
 64 Casier, Drew              16 Santa Barbara-CA     4:57.64             
                  30.49     1:04.68 (34.19)     1:45.34 (40.66)     2:24.30 (38.96)
        3:08.95 (44.65)     3:54.18 (45.23)     4:26.46 (32.28)     4:57.64 (31.18)
 65 Gatfield, John            16 New Zealand          4:58.44             
                  30.06     1:05.28 (35.22)     1:42.33 (37.05)     2:19.18 (36.85)
        3:01.28 (42.10)     3:45.86 (44.58)     4:22.58 (36.72)     4:58.44 (35.86)
 66 Myhre, Jordan             17 Colorado Stars-CO    4:58.64             
                  29.86     1:04.34 (34.48)     1:42.42 (38.08)     2:19.05 (36.63)
        3:03.02 (43.97)     3:48.37 (45.35)     4:23.07 (34.70)     4:58.64 (35.57)
 67 Salvatierra, Ian          15 BCH Heatwave-CA      4:58.71             
                  31.95     1:08.37 (36.42)     1:47.69 (39.32)     2:26.03 (38.34)
        3:09.37 (43.34)     3:53.10 (43.73)     4:26.56 (33.46)     4:58.71 (32.15)
 68 Barber, Matt              15 Blue Tide-GU         4:58.73             
                  31.48     1:06.95 (35.47)     1:46.09 (39.14)     2:22.50 (36.41)
        3:09.36 (46.86)     3:54.80 (45.44)     4:27.68 (32.88)     4:58.73 (31.05)
 69 Vanek, Martin             16 NGSV Gators-CA       4:59.18             
                  31.62     1:09.18 (37.56)     1:47.80 (38.62)     2:24.04 (36.24)
        3:09.04 (45.00)     3:54.51 (45.47)     4:28.80 (34.29)     4:59.18 (30.38)
 70 Petersen, Samuel          16 Berkeley Aq Club-NJ  4:59.33             
                  31.14     1:07.18 (36.04)     1:46.52 (39.34)     2:24.18 (37.66)
        3:09.45 (45.27)     3:55.94 (46.49)     4:27.76 (31.82)     4:59.33 (31.57)
 71 Dos Reis, Alejandro       17 Unattached-CA/STOP   4:59.42             
                  33.45     1:11.91 (38.46)     1:52.51 (40.60)     2:32.33 (39.82)
        3:12.79 (40.46)     3:53.72 (40.93)     4:27.89 (34.17)     4:59.42 (31.53)
 72 Isaacs, Adam              17 Clippers-OH          4:59.80             
                  29.25     1:03.55 (34.30)     1:40.61 (37.06)     2:18.01 (37.40)
        3:02.54 (44.53)     3:47.85 (45.31)     4:23.97 (36.12)     4:59.80 (35.83)
 73 Erazo, Eddie              21 Aquazots-CA          5:00.28             
                  28.34     1:01.89 (33.55)     1:42.52 (40.63)     2:21.90 (39.38)
        3:07.56 (45.66)     3:52.68 (45.12)     4:26.43 (33.75)     5:00.28 (33.85)
 74 Lager, Jordan             16 Marin Pirates-PC     5:00.43             
                  31.43     1:08.55 (37.12)     1:46.87 (38.32)     2:24.26 (37.39)
        3:08.21 (43.95)     3:53.23 (45.02)     4:27.20 (33.97)     5:00.43 (33.23)
 75 Blank, Nick               18 Spokane Area-IE      5:00.47             
                  30.75     1:06.61 (35.86)     1:44.03 (37.42)     2:20.95 (36.92)
        3:05.07 (44.12)     3:50.05 (44.98)     4:25.81 (35.76)     5:00.47 (34.66)
 76 McGough, Jacob            15 Unattached-NT        5:00.90             
                  31.62     1:08.11 (36.49)     1:47.09 (38.98)     2:25.15 (38.06)
        3:08.37 (43.22)     3:51.85 (43.48)     4:26.56 (34.71)     5:00.90 (34.34)
 77 Pickard, Chris            15 Arizona Marlins-AZ   5:01.04             
                  30.74     1:05.77 (35.03)     1:44.17 (38.40)     2:22.01 (37.84)
        3:07.01 (45.00)     3:52.36 (45.35)     4:27.54 (35.18)     5:01.04 (33.50)
 78 Agasid, Thomas            16 Palo Alto-PC         5:01.84             
                  30.94     1:05.90 (34.96)     1:45.10 (39.20)     2:25.14 (40.04)
        3:10.53 (45.39)     3:56.44 (45.91)     4:29.70 (33.26)     5:01.84 (32.14)
 79 Giddens, Jeff             19 Inland Coastal-SI    5:02.53             
                  29.96     1:06.58 (36.62)     1:46.62 (40.04)     2:25.06 (38.44)
        3:10.17 (45.11)     3:54.45 (44.28)     4:29.28 (34.83)     5:02.53 (33.25)
 80 Yeo, Cody                 17 The Armada-CA        5:03.83             
                  33.16     1:11.31 (38.15)     1:51.03 (39.72)     2:30.46 (39.43)
        3:14.36 (43.90)     3:58.35 (43.99)     4:31.42 (33.07)     5:03.83 (32.41)
 81 Choi, Andrew              17 Unattached-CA/AZOT   5:04.01             
                  31.80     1:07.80 (36.00)     1:47.30 (39.50)     2:26.30 (39.00)
        3:08.89 (42.59)     3:53.00 (44.11)     4:29.20 (36.20)     5:04.01 (34.81)
 82 Baier, William            20 CCAT Swimming-CA     5:05.17             
                  33.04     1:09.75 (36.71)     1:49.75 (40.00)     2:28.10 (38.35)
        3:11.88 (43.78)     3:55.17 (43.29)     4:30.92 (35.75)     5:05.17 (34.25)
 83 Kang, Brandon             17 Unattached-CA/AZOT   5:06.78             
                  32.90     1:08.79 (35.89)     1:50.87 (42.08)     2:31.25 (40.38)
        3:13.02 (41.77)     3:56.10 (43.08)     4:32.42 (36.32)     5:06.78 (34.36)
 84 Glander, Ryan             15 Blue Tide-GU         5:07.75             
                  31.33     1:07.52 (36.19)     1:47.10 (39.58)     2:25.69 (38.59)
        3:12.45 (46.76)     3:59.65 (47.20)     4:34.48 (34.83)     5:07.75 (33.27)
 85 Kosmo, Trevor             16 Santa Barbara-CA     5:07.98             
                  32.13     1:07.63 (35.50)     1:51.69 (44.06)     2:33.37 (41.68)
        3:16.60 (43.23)     4:00.46 (43.86)     4:35.75 (35.29)     5:07.98 (32.23)
 86 Wilson, Rickey            18 Mission Viejo-CA     5:08.84             
                  33.92     1:13.03 (39.11)     1:54.89 (41.86)     2:34.37 (39.48)
        3:16.94 (42.57)     4:00.16 (43.22)     4:34.64 (34.48)     5:08.84 (34.20)
 87 Gutsche, Daniel           17 Santa Barbara-CA     5:10.35             
                  32.99     1:11.84 (38.85)     1:52.05 (40.21)     2:30.63 (38.58)
        3:14.52 (43.89)     4:00.45 (45.93)     4:35.93 (35.48)     5:10.35 (34.42)
 88 Vorlicek, Chris           17 North Coast-SI       5:12.30             
                  33.63     1:13.77 (40.14)     1:55.73 (41.96)     2:35.42 (39.69)
        3:19.58 (44.16)     4:03.92 (44.34)     4:38.18 (34.26)     5:12.30 (34.12)
 89 Barnett-Woods, Jereme     19 Aquazots-CA          5:12.75             
                  31.99     1:09.07 (37.08)     1:49.04 (39.97)     2:27.76 (38.72)
        3:15.80 (48.04)     4:04.66 (48.86)     4:39.55 (34.89)     5:12.75 (33.20)
 90 Neitzel, Collin           15 Waukesha Express-WI  5:13.07             
                  31.96     1:09.68 (37.72)     1:51.62 (41.94)     2:32.42 (40.80)
        3:15.94 (43.52)     4:01.13 (45.19)     4:37.80 (36.67)     5:13.07 (35.27)
 91 Kaden, Collin             16 Blue Tide-GU         5:16.69             
                  31.94     1:09.18 (37.24)     1:52.35 (43.17)     2:34.42 (42.07)
        3:18.42 (44.00)     4:03.21 (44.79)     4:40.16 (36.95)     5:16.69 (36.53)
 92 Johnson, Sean             19 Marin Pirates-PC     5:35.14             
                  33.50     1:14.71 (41.21)     1:57.74 (43.03)     2:39.01 (41.27)
        3:27.65 (48.64)     4:16.97 (49.32)     4:56.36 (39.39)     5:35.14 (38.78)
 -- Enriquez, Avelino         17 CA Aquatics-CA           DQ              
 -- Mahoney, Sean             18 Terrapins-PC            DFS              
 -- Luu, Christopher          16 Unattached-CA/ROSE      DFS              
 -- Crismon, Eric             16 Novaquatics-CA          DFS              
 -- Long, Mitchell               Indian Wells-CC          NS              
 -- Casillas, Phillip         18 Unattached-CA            NS              
 -- Hwang, Bob                14 Canyons-CA               NS              
Men Open 400 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
 Meet Record: M 3:21.92        2006 Australia - AUS                            
 Pool Record: P 3:21.92        2006 Australia - AUS                            
   US Record: A 3:12.46        2006 USA World Champ Team                       
World Record: W 3:12.46        2006 USA World Champ Team                       
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'A'              3:26.00    3:23.57   40  
     1) Oliveira, Nicolas 19            2) Schoeman, Roland 26            
     3) Ritter, Adam 22                 4) Ferns, Lyndon 23               
                  24.87       51.51 (51.51)     1:15.22 (23.71)     1:41.82 (50.31)
        2:06.50 (24.68)     2:33.19 (51.37)     2:56.70 (23.51)     3:23.57 (50.38)
  2 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'A'                        3:26.00    3:28.44   34  
     1) Boyle, Sean 20                  2) Neuwert, Steve 22              
     3) Kjellberg, Magnus 22            4) Brunelli, Nick 25              
                  25.74       53.76 (53.76)     1:17.76 (24.00)     1:44.84 (51.08)
        2:09.73 (24.89)     2:37.81 (52.97)     3:02.07 (24.26)     3:28.44 (50.63)
  3 Trojan Swim Club-CA  'A'                          3:32.99    3:31.13   32  
     1) Kerekjarto, Tamas 27            2) Molina, Miguel 22              
     3) Vencill, Kicker 28              4) Elser, Bryce 22                
                  26.05       53.14 (53.14)     1:18.73 (25.59)     1:45.06 (51.92)
        2:10.26 (25.20)     2:37.78 (52.72)     3:02.68 (24.90)     3:31.13 (53.35)
  4 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'B'              3:30.00    3:31.27   30  
     1) Smith, Jordan 19                2) Subirats, Albert 20            
     3) Svendsen, Tyler 19              4) Kishida, Masayuki 21           
                  25.26       52.81 (52.81)     1:17.86 (25.05)     1:45.03 (52.22)
        2:10.36 (25.33)     2:38.64 (53.61)     3:03.40 (24.76)     3:31.27 (52.63)
  5 Minnesota Aquatic-MN  'A'                         3:37.02    3:34.83   28  
     1) Engel, Matthew 21               2) Solfelt, Mark 19               
     3) Welton, Erich 21                4) Plummer, David 21              
                  25.87       53.69 (53.69)     1:19.00 (25.31)     1:47.40 (53.71)
        2:12.53 (25.13)     2:40.52 (53.12)     3:05.77 (25.25)     3:34.83 (54.31)
  6 Trojan Swim Club-CA  'B'                          3:34.40    3:34.85   26  
     1) Keller, Klete 25                2) Mangoni, Vanni 21              
     3) Poseria, Ankur 20               4) Harris, Drew 19                
                  25.67       53.41 (53.41)     1:18.76 (25.35)     1:46.57 (53.16)
        2:12.30 (25.73)     2:40.02 (53.45)     3:06.03 (26.01)     3:34.85 (54.83)
  7 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'C'              3:39.00    3:36.52   24  
     1) Richardson, Ryan 20             2) Aaberg, Ben 18                 
     3) Steninger, Bart 21              4) Tapp, Jake 18                  
                  26.07       55.18 (55.18)     1:21.14 (25.96)     1:49.07 (53.89)
        2:15.33 (26.26)     2:43.50 (54.43)     3:08.85 (25.35)     3:36.52 (53.02)
  8 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'D'              3:34.00    3:38.07   22  
     1) Barnes, Ivan 21                 2) Arreguin, Josh 20              
     3) O'Connor, Bryan 18              4) Titus, Marcus ### 21           
                  27.00       56.42 (56.42)     1:22.11 (25.69)     1:51.67 (55.25)
        2:16.83 (25.16)     2:44.89 (53.22)     3:10.07 (25.18)     3:38.07 (53.18)
  9 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'B'                        3:36.00    3:38.74   18  
     1) Small, Adam 17                  2) Madwa, Mohammed 20             
     3) Naranca, Marin 19               4) Shores, Kyle 21                
                  25.98       54.79 (54.79)     1:20.99 (26.20)     1:49.52 (54.73)
        2:15.92 (26.40)     2:44.03 (54.51)     3:09.62 (25.59)     3:38.74 (54.71)
 10 Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'A'                       3:35.80    3:39.34   14  
     1) Nelms, Brandon 22               2) Byers, John 21                 
     3) Bosnyak, Tamas 21               4) Law, Adrian 22                 
                  26.00       54.32 (54.32)     1:20.50 (26.18)     1:49.33 (55.01)
        2:15.36 (26.03)     2:44.48 (55.15)     3:10.38 (25.90)     3:39.34 (54.86)
 11 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'A'                   3:36.55    3:39.55   12  
     1) Godbe, Andrew 18                2) Hofstedt, Daniel 17            
     3) Hunter, Richard 21              4) Whaley, Wil 19                 
                  27.04       54.59 (54.59)     1:21.00 (26.41)     1:50.06 (55.47)
        2:16.26 (26.20)     2:45.13 (55.07)     3:11.42 (26.29)     3:39.55 (54.42)
 12 New Zealand  'A'                                  3:38.37    3:39.71   10  
     1) Kent, Steven 19                 2) Radford, Kane 16               
     3) Gatfield, John 16               4) Bassett, Kurt 17               
                  27.19       56.13 (56.13)     1:23.40 (27.27)     1:51.99 (55.86)
        2:17.91 (25.92)     2:46.50 (54.51)     3:11.81 (25.31)     3:39.71 (53.21)
 13 Clovis Swim Club-CC  'A'                          3:39.72    3:39.97    8  
     1) Daniels, Josh 18                2) Baxter, Trent 17               
     3) Kline, Peter 17                 4) Daniels, Jeff 17               
                  26.21       54.05 (54.05)     1:21.17 (27.12)     1:50.40 (56.35)
        2:17.20 (26.80)     2:45.81 (55.41)     3:11.77 (25.96)     3:39.97 (54.16)
 14 Irvine Aquazots-CA  'A'                           3:46.50    3:42.61    6  
     1) Barnett-Woods, Jereme 19        2) Kikuchi, Ryan 18               
     3) Casillas, Phillip 18            4) Yano, Rikiya 17                
                  27.61       57.27 (57.27)     1:23.85 (26.58)     1:52.85 (55.58)
        2:18.82 (25.97)     2:47.91 (55.06)     3:14.34 (26.43)     3:42.61 (54.70)
 15 Northern Kentucky Clippers-OH  'A'                3:40.00    3:43.31    4  
     1) Chitwood, Cory 18               2) Morris, Jeff 17                
     3) Rowland, Zane 16                4) Iemmola, Marco 18              
                  26.64       55.36 (55.36)     1:22.32 (26.96)     1:51.52 (56.16)
        2:17.28 (25.76)     2:45.99 (54.47)     3:13.20 (27.21)     3:43.31 (57.32)
 16 Boulder City Henderson-CA  'A'                    3:44.00    3:43.47    2  
     1) Vanis, Martin 16                2) Grothe, Zane 15                
     3) Smith, Sean 19                  4) Merrill, Mike 18               
                  27.88       56.96 (56.96)     1:23.67 (26.71)     1:52.12 (55.16)
        2:18.69 (26.57)     2:47.47 (55.35)     3:13.85 (26.38)     3:43.47 (56.00)
 17 Rose Bowl Aquatics-CA  'A'                        3:45.97    3:45.10  
     1) Kuhn, Kevin 17                  2) Curran, Tim 21                 
     3) Gillette, James 16              4) Muller, Andrew 17              
                  27.40       56.00 (56.00)     1:22.91 (26.91)     1:52.66 (56.66)
        2:19.51 (26.85)     2:48.43 (55.77)     3:15.55 (27.12)     3:45.10 (56.67)
 18 Colorado Stars-CO  'A'                            3:48.90    3:45.72  
     1) Kim, Jay 17                     2) Yslas, Blas 16                 
     3) Myhre, Jordan 17                4) Reinhardt, Alex 16             
                  26.10       54.12 (54.12)     1:20.87 (26.75)     1:51.96 (57.84)
        2:18.68 (26.72)     2:49.06 (57.10)     3:16.00 (26.94)     3:45.72 (56.66)
 19 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'B'                   3:43.92    3:46.14  
     1) Rimkus, Charlie 16              2) Caporale, Rick 18              
     3) Owens, Daniel 18                4) Mosk, Brady 16                 
                  27.29       56.58 (56.58)     1:23.83 (27.25)     1:53.84 (57.26)
        2:21.11 (27.27)     2:50.21 (56.37)     3:16.85 (26.64)     3:46.14 (55.93)
 20 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'E'              3:46.00    3:47.01  
     1) Koubratoff, Bobby 17            2) Kybartas, Tyler 17             
     3) Chiaro, Anthony 16              4) Jackson, Scott 19              
                  27.60       55.88 (55.88)     1:23.14 (27.26)     1:53.74 (57.86)
        2:21.59 (27.85)     2:52.05 (58.31)     3:17.89 (25.84)     3:47.01 (54.96)
 21 Blue Tide Aquatics-GU  'A'                        3:48.90    3:50.18  
     1) Barber, Matt 15                 2) Glander, Ryan 15               
     3) Kaden, Collin 16                4) Decker, Ben 17                 
                  28.42       56.78 (56.78)     1:24.90 (28.12)     1:54.70 (57.92)
        2:23.44 (28.74)   2:54.85 (1:00.15)     3:21.42 (26.57)     3:50.18 (55.33)
 22 Spokane Area Swimming-SpokaneY-IE  'A'            3:51.31    3:53.33  
     1) Blank, Nick 18                  2) Shaw, Mason 15                 
     3) Nelson, Lee 19                  4) Petrie, Alec 18                
                  27.91       57.52 (57.52)     1:25.86 (28.34)     1:56.79 (59.27)
        2:23.73 (26.94)     2:53.31 (56.52)     3:22.13 (28.82)   3:53.33 (1:00.02)
 23 Boulder City Henderson-CA  'B'                    3:57.00    3:53.38  
     1) Funk, Johnny 16                 2) Graham, Justin 16              
     3) Salvatierra, Ian 15             4) Brigman, Ryan 16               
                  28.23       57.17 (57.17)     1:25.27 (28.10)     1:55.42 (58.25)
        2:23.98 (28.56)     2:55.06 (59.64)     3:23.47 (28.41)     3:53.38 (58.32)
 24 Santa Maria Swim Club-CA  'A'                     3:48.84    3:53.64  
     1) Motley, James 19                2) Dupere, Jason 19               
     3) Zimmer, Jared 19                4) Furber, Jamie 18               
                  29.11       59.05 (59.05)     1:27.79 (28.74)     1:58.74 (59.69)
        2:26.31 (27.57)     2:56.34 (57.60)     3:23.96 (27.62)     3:53.64 (57.30)
 25 The Woodlands Swim Team-GU  'A'                   3:40.90    3:55.38  
     1) Hotard, David 18                2) Smidlein, Scott 17             
     3) Trotter, Gage 15                4) McBroom, Michael 16            
                  28.40       59.45 (59.45)     1:27.08 (27.63)     1:56.86 (57.41)
        2:24.92 (28.06)     2:56.04 (59.18)     3:24.77 (28.73)     3:55.38 (59.34)
 26 Rio Salado Swim Club-AZ  'A'                      3:53.11    3:55.96  
     1) Schifferer, Josh 18             2) Mickelson, Carl 16             
     3) Hojnacki, Zach 15               4) Parks, Brian 19                
                  27.69       58.27 (58.27)     1:25.45 (27.18)     1:55.15 (56.88)
        2:22.49 (27.34)     2:54.54 (59.39)     3:22.41 (27.87)   3:55.96 (1:01.42)
Men Open 800 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
 Meet Record: M 7:22.77        2005 Japan Swim Federation                      
 Pool Record: P 7:22.77        2005 Japan Swim Federation                      
   US Record: A 7:03.24        2007 USA World Champ Team                       
World Record: W 7:03.24        2007 USA World Champ Team                       
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'A'              7:35.00    7:36.59   40  
     1) Basson, Jean 19                 2) Oliveira, Nicolas 19           
     3) Subirats, Albert 20             4) Ritter, Adam 22                
                  26.97       55.48 (55.48)   1:24.31 (1:24.31)   1:53.57 (1:53.57)
        2:19.03 (25.46)     2:48.33 (54.76)   3:18.25 (1:24.68)   3:47.14 (1:53.57)
        4:13.02 (25.88)     4:43.06 (55.92)   5:13.87 (1:26.73)   5:43.97 (1:56.83)
        6:08.99 (25.02)     6:37.33 (53.36)   7:06.79 (1:22.82)   7:36.59 (1:52.62)
  2 Minnesota Aquatic-MN  'A'                         7:54.11    7:47.48   34  
     1) Wold, Alex 19                   2) Welton, Erich 21               
     3) Solfelt, Mark 19                4) Engel, Matthew 21              
                  27.62       57.29 (57.29)   1:26.97 (1:26.97)   1:56.45 (1:56.45)
        2:22.76 (26.31)     2:52.76 (56.31)   3:22.91 (1:26.46)   3:53.27 (1:56.82)
        4:19.78 (26.51)     4:49.26 (55.99)   5:19.88 (1:26.61)   5:50.28 (1:57.01)
        6:16.57 (26.29)     6:46.58 (56.30)   7:17.05 (1:26.77)   7:47.48 (1:57.20)
  3 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'B'              7:48.00    7:49.93   32  
     1) Veloz, Juan 24                  2) Smith, Jordan 19               
     3) Svendsen, Tyler 19              4) Kishida, Masayuki 21           
                  27.48       57.10 (57.10)   1:26.89 (1:26.89)   1:56.56 (1:56.56)
        2:22.90 (26.34)     2:52.17 (55.61)   3:22.64 (1:26.08)   3:53.15 (1:56.59)
        4:20.05 (26.90)     4:50.00 (56.85)   5:21.58 (1:28.43)   5:52.09 (1:58.94)
        6:18.91 (26.82)     6:48.84 (56.75)   7:19.83 (1:27.74)   7:49.93 (1:57.84)
  4 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'A'                   7:46.93    7:50.69   30  
     1) La Tourette, Chad 18            2) Whaley, Wil 19                 
     3) Godbe, Andrew 18                4) Rimkus, Charlie 16             
                  28.11       58.08 (58.08)   1:27.17 (1:27.17)   1:55.13 (1:55.13)
        2:22.17 (27.04)     2:52.12 (56.99)   3:23.25 (1:28.12)   3:54.61 (1:59.48)
        4:21.35 (26.74)     4:51.31 (56.70)   5:21.61 (1:27.00)   5:52.19 (1:57.58)
        6:19.43 (27.24)     6:49.88 (57.69)   7:21.01 (1:28.82)   7:50.69 (1:58.50)
  5 Trojan Swim Club-CA  'A'                          7:28.00    7:50.97   28  
     1) Vencill, Kicker 28              2) Kerekjarto, Tamas 27           
     3) Keller, Klete 25                4) Molina, Miguel 22              
                  27.31       57.69 (57.69)   1:28.66 (1:28.66)   1:59.64 (1:59.64)
        2:26.22 (26.58)     2:55.51 (55.87)   3:25.88 (1:26.24)   3:55.41 (1:55.77)
        4:22.50 (27.09)     4:52.82 (57.41)   5:23.13 (1:27.72)   5:52.83 (1:57.42)
        6:21.08 (28.25)     6:51.86 (59.03)   7:22.82 (1:29.99)   7:50.97 (1:58.14)
  6 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'C'              7:56.00    7:57.41   26  
     1) Biel, Matt 20                   2) O'Connor, Bryan 18             
     3) Tapp, Jake 18                   4) Jackson, Scott 19              
                  27.47       57.36 (57.36)   1:26.49 (1:26.49)   1:55.24 (1:55.24)
        2:21.19 (25.95)     2:50.88 (55.64)   3:22.08 (1:26.84)   3:53.71 (1:58.47)
        4:20.44 (26.73)     4:50.68 (56.97)   5:22.37 (1:28.66)   5:53.59 (1:59.88)
        6:20.24 (26.65)     6:50.70 (57.11)   7:23.70 (1:30.11)   7:57.41 (2:03.82)
  7 Northern Kentucky Clippers-OH  'A'                7:57.89    8:00.07   24  
     1) Morris, Jeff 17                 2) Iemmola, Marco 18              
     3) Rowland, Zane 16                4) Chitwood, Cory 18              
                  27.87       58.21 (58.21)   1:29.16 (1:29.16)   1:59.42 (1:59.42)
        2:27.46 (28.04)     2:57.85 (58.43)   3:28.89 (1:29.47)   3:59.40 (1:59.98)
        4:26.88 (27.48)     4:57.93 (58.53)   5:29.26 (1:29.86)   6:00.34 (2:00.94)
        6:27.63 (27.29)     6:58.42 (58.08)   7:29.86 (1:29.52)   8:00.07 (1:59.73)
  8 Santa Clara Swim Club-PC  'A'                     8:18.91    8:00.66   22  
     1) Smith, Taylor 18                2) Shilling, Brandon 16           
     3) Kim, Paul 16                    4) Hinshaw, Ryan 17               
                  27.23       57.33 (57.33)   1:27.84 (1:27.84)   1:57.20 (1:57.20)
        2:25.60 (28.40)   2:57.32 (1:00.12)   3:27.86 (1:30.66)   3:58.01 (2:00.81)
        4:25.08 (27.07)     4:55.99 (57.98)   5:28.11 (1:30.10)   6:00.28 (2:02.27)
                            6:58.82 (58.54)   7:30.04 (1:29.76)   8:00.66 (2:00.38)
  9 Trojan Swim Club-CA  'B'                          7:40.00    8:04.21   18  
     1) Tolmachoff, Eric 25             2) Elser, Bryce 22                
     3) Harris, Drew 19                 4) Casey, Aaron 18                
                  26.75       56.84 (56.84)   1:27.69 (1:27.69)   1:59.98 (1:59.98)
        2:26.68 (26.70)     2:56.88 (56.90)   3:28.63 (1:28.65)   4:00.54 (2:00.56)
        4:27.37 (26.83)     4:57.59 (57.05)   5:29.53 (1:28.99)   6:00.78 (2:00.24)
        6:28.93 (28.15)     7:00.53 (59.75)   7:32.64 (1:31.86)   8:04.21 (2:03.43)
 10 Clovis Swim Club-CC  'A'                          8:01.49    8:10.78   14  
     1) Kline, Peter 17                 2) Carter, Justin 16              
     3) Daniels, Josh 18                4) Daniels, Jeff 17               
                  29.10   1:01.15 (1:01.15)   1:33.10 (1:33.10)   2:04.76 (2:04.76)
        2:32.65 (27.89)     3:03.81 (59.05)   3:34.97 (1:30.21)   4:05.85 (2:01.09)
        4:33.44 (27.59)     5:04.99 (59.14)   5:36.96 (1:31.11)   6:07.60 (2:01.75)
        6:35.79 (28.19)   7:08.15 (1:00.55)   7:39.65 (1:32.05)   8:10.78 (2:03.18)
 11 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'B'                   7:55.82    8:10.86   12  
     1) Chamoures, Michael 16           2) Hofstedt, Daniel 17            
     3) Mosk, Brady 16                  4) Chamberlain, Brett 19          
                  29.16   1:00.42 (1:00.42)   1:31.40 (1:31.40)   2:02.00 (2:02.00)
        2:30.12 (28.12)     3:01.75 (59.75)   3:34.07 (1:32.07)   4:07.06 (2:05.06)
        4:35.57 (28.51)     5:06.16 (59.10)   5:37.65 (1:30.59)   6:09.57 (2:02.51)
        6:37.51 (27.94)     7:08.90 (59.33)   7:40.81 (1:31.24)   8:10.86 (2:01.29)
 12 Boulder City Henderson-CA  'A'                    8:02.00    8:11.28   10  
     1) Smith, Sean 19                  2) Grothe, Zane 15                
     3) Brigman, Ryan 16                4) Vanis, Martin 16               
                  28.40       59.26 (59.26)   1:30.72 (1:30.72)   2:01.43 (2:01.43)
        2:29.18 (27.75)     3:00.14 (58.71)   3:32.58 (1:31.15)   4:02.42 (2:00.99)
        4:31.85 (29.43)   5:03.36 (1:00.94)   5:36.27 (1:33.85)   6:07.55 (2:05.13)
        6:35.95 (28.40)   7:07.63 (1:00.08)   7:40.41 (1:32.86)   8:11.28 (2:03.73)
 13 Tucson Ford Dealers Aquatics-AZ  'D'              8:04.00    8:12.15    8  
     1) Koubratoff, Bobby 17            2) Aaberg, Ben 18                 
     3) Kybartas, Tyler 17              4) Chiaro, Anthony 16             
                  28.98       59.78 (59.78)   1:31.25 (1:31.25)   2:01.92 (2:01.92)
        2:29.89 (27.97)     3:00.77 (58.85)   3:32.52 (1:30.60)   4:03.63 (2:01.71)
        4:31.55 (27.92)   5:03.63 (1:00.00)   5:35.68 (1:32.05)   6:06.84 (2:03.21)
        6:35.43 (28.59)   7:07.21 (1:00.37)   7:39.87 (1:33.03)   8:12.15 (2:05.31)
 14 Rose Bowl Aquatics-CA  'A'                        8:10.41    8:12.32    6  
     1) Muller, Andrew 17               2) Gillette, James 16             
     3) Kuhn, Kevin 17                  4) Tovar, Kevin 17                
                  28.32       58.79 (58.79)   1:30.37 (1:30.37)   2:01.38 (2:01.38)
        2:29.55 (28.17)     3:00.15 (58.77)   3:31.16 (1:29.78)   4:02.35 (2:00.97)
        4:30.71 (28.36)   5:02.72 (1:00.37)   5:35.49 (1:33.14)   6:07.62 (2:05.27)
        6:36.20 (28.58)   7:08.23 (1:00.61)   7:40.83 (1:33.21)   8:12.32 (2:04.70)
 15 Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'B'                        8:00.00    8:13.36    4  
     1) Kjellberg, Magnus 22            2) Madwa, Mohammed 20             
     3) Small, Adam 17                  4) Shores, Kyle 21                
                  28.13       57.77 (57.77)   1:29.53 (1:29.53)   2:02.54 (2:02.54)
        2:29.84 (27.30)     3:00.58 (58.04)   3:32.21 (1:29.67)   4:04.43 (2:01.89)
        4:31.54 (27.11)     5:02.69 (58.26)   5:35.16 (1:30.73)   6:07.54 (2:03.11)
        6:33.91 (26.37)     7:04.72 (57.18)   7:38.87 (1:31.33)   8:13.36 (2:05.82)
 16 Santa Maria Swim Club-CA  'A'                     8:05.51    8:20.60    2  
     1) Bateman, Casey 16               2) Motley, James 19               
     3) Zimmer, Jared 19                4) Furber, Jamie 18               
                  29.39   1:01.25 (1:01.25)   1:33.56 (1:33.56)   2:05.20 (2:05.20)
        2:34.52 (29.32)   3:06.77 (1:01.57)   3:38.62 (1:33.42)   4:09.95 (2:04.75)
        4:38.53 (28.58)   5:10.15 (1:00.20)   5:42.52 (1:32.57)   6:14.50 (2:04.55)
        6:42.89 (28.39)   7:14.90 (1:00.40)   7:48.24 (1:33.74)   8:20.60 (2:06.10)
 17 Blue Tide Aquatics-GU  'A'                        8:10.40    8:27.86  
     1) Decker, Ben 17                  2) Glander, Ryan 15               
     3) Kaden, Collin 16                4) Barber, Matt 15                
                  29.31   1:02.09 (1:02.09)   1:35.69 (1:35.69)   2:09.27 (2:09.27)
        2:38.07 (28.80)   3:09.40 (1:00.13)   3:41.57 (1:32.30)   4:13.62 (2:04.35)
        4:43.45 (29.83)   5:17.44 (1:03.82)   5:53.03 (1:39.41)   6:28.51 (2:14.89)
        6:56.78 (28.27)     7:28.17 (59.66)   7:58.20 (1:29.69)   8:27.86 (1:59.35)
 18 Boulder City Henderson-CA  'B'                    8:15.00    8:29.16  
     1) Merrill, Mike 18                2) Salvatierra, Ian 15            
     3) Graham, Justin 16               4) Funk, Johnny 16                
                  28.26       59.75 (59.75)   1:32.50 (1:32.50)   2:05.94 (2:05.94)
        2:35.07 (29.13)   3:06.57 (1:00.63)   3:39.04 (1:33.10)   4:11.41 (2:05.47)
        4:40.15 (28.74)   5:13.07 (1:01.66)   5:47.72 (1:36.31)   6:21.53 (2:10.12)
        6:50.06 (28.53)   7:22.04 (1:00.51)   7:56.16 (1:34.63)   8:29.16 (2:07.63)
 19 The Woodlands Swim Team-GU  'A'                   7:53.00    8:38.11  
     1) McBroom, Michael 16             2) Smidlein, Scott 17             
     3) Hotard, David 18                4) Trotter, Gage 15               
                  29.39   1:00.97 (1:00.97)   1:33.47 (1:33.47)   2:04.85 (2:04.85)
        2:33.29 (28.44)   3:05.39 (1:00.54)   3:39.36 (1:34.51)   4:12.98 (2:08.13)
        4:42.69 (29.71)   5:16.20 (1:03.22)   5:51.33 (1:38.35)   6:25.99 (2:13.01)
        6:54.92 (28.93)   7:27.59 (1:01.60)   8:03.60 (1:37.61)   8:38.11 (2:12.12)
 -- Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'A'                       8:48.69         DQ  
      Early take-off swimmer #4
     1) Bosnyak, Tamas 21               2) Byers, John 21                 
     3) Nelms, Brandon 22               4) Ellingsen, Michael 20          
                  27.23       57.43 (57.43)   1:29.16 (1:29.16)   2:01.69 (2:01.69)
        2:28.77 (27.08)     2:59.75 (58.06)   3:32.90 (1:31.21)   4:07.04 (2:05.35)
        4:34.37 (27.33)     5:06.48 (59.44)   5:39.21 (1:32.17)   6:11.15 (2:04.11)
        6:39.15 (28.00)   7:11.96 (1:00.81)   7:43.35 (1:32.20)        DQ (2:03.15)
 -- Sun Devil Aquatics-AZ  'A'                        7:40.00         DQ  
      Early take-off swimmer #3
     1) Brunelli, Nick 25               2) Neuwert, Steve 22              
     3) Boyle, Sean 20                  4) Naranca, Marin 19              
                  27.17       56.58 (56.58)   1:26.01 (1:26.01)   1:55.74 (1:55.74)
        2:22.04 (26.30)     2:52.86 (57.12)   3:25.31 (1:29.57)   3:55.63 (1:59.89)
        4:22.77 (27.14)     4:51.91 (56.28)   5:21.96 (1:26.33)   5:52.60 (1:56.97)
        6:19.91 (27.31)     6:49.71 (57.11)   7:20.64 (1:28.04)        DQ (1:58.89)
Men Open 400 LC Meter Medley Relay
 Meet Record: M 3:40.24        2005 Japan Swim Federation                      
 Pool Record: P 3:40.24        2005 Japan Swim Federation                      
   US Record: A 3:31.54        2003 USA World Champ Team                       
World Record: W 3:30.68        2004 USA Olympic Team                           
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Minnesota Aquatic-MN  'A'                         3:59.17    4:00.44   40  
     1) Plummer, David 21               2) Solfelt, Mark 19               
     3) Engel, Matthew 21               4) Welton, Erich 21               
                  28.92       59.73 (59.73)     1:31.53 (31.80)   2:08.99 (1:09.26)
        2:35.16 (26.17)     3:07.20 (58.21)     3:32.60 (25.40)     4:00.44 (53.24)
  2 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'A'                   3:58.22    4:01.72   34  
     1) Whaley, Wil 19                  2) Hunter, Richard 21             
     3) Dragon, James 20                4) Godbe, Andrew 18               
                  30.15   1:01.13 (1:01.13)     1:32.01 (30.88)   2:07.81 (1:06.68)
        2:35.30 (27.49)   3:08.24 (1:00.43)     3:34.24 (26.00)     4:01.72 (53.48)
  3 New Zealand  'A'                                  4:03.14    4:01.85   32  
     1) Bassett, Kurt 17                2) Gatfield, John 16              
     3) Kent, Steven 19                 4) Radford, Kane 16               
                  28.73       58.45 (58.45)     1:30.61 (32.16)   2:08.31 (1:09.86)
        2:35.40 (27.09)     3:06.55 (58.24)     3:33.32 (26.77)     4:01.85 (55.30)
  4 Team Rebel Aquatics-CA  'A'                       3:55.68    4:06.53   30  
     1) Law, Adrian 22                  2) Bosnyak, Tamas 21              
     3) Byers, John 21                  4) Nelms, Brandon 22              
                  30.00   1:02.67 (1:02.67)     1:34.74 (32.07)   2:12.03 (1:09.36)
        2:39.55 (27.52)   3:12.07 (1:00.04)     3:37.11 (25.04)     4:06.53 (54.46)
  5 Clovis Swim Club-CC  'A'                          4:05.34    4:08.91   28  
     1) Carter, Justin 16               2) Baxter, Trent 17               
     3) Daniels, Jeff 17                4) Daniels, Josh 18               
                  30.50   1:00.97 (1:00.97)     1:35.03 (34.06)   2:13.15 (1:12.18)
        2:40.94 (27.79)   3:13.96 (1:00.81)     3:40.29 (26.33)     4:08.91 (54.95)
  6 Mission Viejo Nadadores-CA  'B'                   4:06.03    4:08.95   26  
     1) Howard, Jon 17                  2) Rimkus, Charlie 16             
     3) Owens, Daniel 18                4) Hofstedt, Daniel 17            
                  30.20   1:01.99 (1:01.99)     1:35.30 (33.31)   2:13.00 (1:11.01)
        2:41.20 (28.20)   3:13.58 (1:00.58)     3:40.04 (26.46)     4:08.95 (55.37)
  7 Spokane Area Swimming-SpokaneY-IE  'A'            4:10.69    4:15.27   24  
     1) Blank, Nick 18                  2) Petrie, Alec 18                
     3) Shaw, Mason 15                  4) Nelson, Lee 19                 
                  30.81   1:05.32 (1:05.32)     1:37.76 (32.44)   2:17.06 (1:11.74)
        2:46.15 (29.09)   3:18.85 (1:01.79)     3:43.13 (24.28)     4:15.27 (56.42)
  8 Colorado Stars-CO  'A'                            4:16.02    4:15.53   22  
     1) Myhre, Jordan 17                2) Yslas, Blas 16                 
     3) Kim, Jay 17                     4) Reinhardt, Alex 16             
                  31.86   1:06.85 (1:06.85)     1:40.41 (33.56)   2:19.49 (1:12.64)
        2:47.04 (27.55)     3:18.72 (59.23)     3:45.78 (27.06)     4:15.53 (56.81)
  9 Boulder City Henderson-CA  'A'                    4:13.00    4:15.64   18  
     1) Merrill, Mike 18                2) Graham, Justin 16              
     3) Vanis, Martin 16                4) Funk, Johnny 16                
                  30.54   1:02.85 (1:02.85)     1:37.68 (34.83)   2:17.20 (1:14.35)
        2:45.43 (28.23)   3:18.37 (1:01.17)     3:45.95 (27.58)     4:15.64 (57.27)
 10 Rose Bowl Aquatics-CA  'A'                        4:08.75    4:19.48   14  
     1) Tovar, Kevin 17                 2) Kuhn, Kevin 17                 
     3) Muller, Andrew 17               4) Gillette, James 16             
                  30.95   1:03.24 (1:03.24)     1:39.29 (36.05)   2:21.16 (1:17.92)
        2:50.30 (29.14)   3:22.90 (1:01.74)     3:49.79 (26.89)     4:19.48 (56.58)
 11 Marin PIrates Swim Team-PC  'A'                   4:25.24    4:25.55   12  
     1) Lager, Jordan 16                2) Johnson, Sean 19               
     3) Horrell, Max 16                 4) Gayman, Brett 18               
                  31.94   1:04.62 (1:04.62)     1:43.50 (38.88)   2:26.49 (1:21.87)
        2:54.63 (28.14)   3:27.35 (1:00.86)     3:54.91 (27.56)     4:25.55 (58.20)
 12 Santa Maria Swim Club-CA  'A'                     4:46.89    4:31.76   10  
     1) Bateman, Casey 16               2) Furber, Jamie 18               
     3) Motley, James 19                4) Zimmer, Jared 19               
                  33.59   1:08.35 (1:08.35)     1:46.35 (38.00)   2:29.63 (1:21.28)
        2:59.43 (29.80)   3:34.22 (1:04.59)     4:01.73 (27.51)     4:31.76 (57.54)
 -- Santa Clara Swim Club-PC  'A'                     3:58.00         DQ  
      Declared false start - Misc
     1) Spees, Oliver 24                2) Smith, Matt 26                 
     3) Smith, Taylor 18                4) Shilling, Brandon 16           
 -- Northern Kentucky Clippers-OH  'A'                4:12.07         DQ  
      Early take-off swimmer #4
     1) Chitwood, Cory 18               2) Miller, Michael 14             
     3) Rowland, Zane 16                4) Morris, Jeff 17                
                  29.90   1:01.14 (1:01.14)     1:37.39 (36.25)   2:20.34 (1:19.20)
        2:48.95 (28.61)   3:24.31 (1:03.97)     3:50.88 (26.57)          DQ (56.51)
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