Tennessee Boys' High School State Championships - Meet Results

2/14/2014 - 2/15/2014   Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Centennial SportsPlex - Site License            2/16/2014 - 5:03 PM
2014 TISCA TN HS Swimming and Diving Champ. - 2/14/2014 to 2/15/2014
                 Hosted by  Nashville Aquatic Club                  
 Event 2  Men 200 Yard Medley Relay
        State: S 1:30.96  2/12/2012 Montgomery Bell Academy
                          C Dobbs, A Dobbs, M Davis, A Cornett
          Tie:   1:30.96  2010      Montgomery Bell Academy
                          J Murfee, C Lovelace, M Davis, J Werkhaven
  AA Consider: C 1:36.18
 AA Automatic: A 1:34.51
 Nat''l Public: P 1:30.01  3/13/2013 Saline High School
                          D. Boland, J. Ehman, M. Bundas, A. Whitener
  Nat''l Indep: I 1:28.02  11/11/2012Bolles School
                          R. Murphy, J. Schooling, J. Booth, S. Condoreli
    School                              Prelims     Finals        
                         === A - Final ===                          
  1 BAYVR  ''A''                          1:33.62    1:27.74I 
     1) Kaliszak, Luke SR             2) Tynes, Dustin SR             
     3) McHugh, Sam SR                4) Selby, Christian Jr          
                 21.81        46.64 (24.83)
        1:07.66 (21.02)     1:27.74 (20.08)
  2 MHEA  ''A''                           1:37.95    1:37.29  
     1) Stelling, Garrett             2) Darling, Ryland              
     3) Weaver, Caelin                4) Weaver, Jordan               
                 24.90        51.78 (26.88)
        1:15.87 (24.09)     1:37.29 (21.42)
  3 MUS  ''A''                            1:37.47    1:37.55  
     1) Robinson, Alex                2) Kaye, Parker                 
     3) Tabor, Sherman                4) Brooksbank, Thornton         
                 23.95        52.37 (28.42)
        1:15.53 (23.16)     1:37.55 (22.02)
  4 MBA  ''A''                            1:38.24    1:37.93  
     1) Dobbs, Hudson                 2) Carpenter, Ryan              
     3) Dupuis, Andrew                4) Duke, Harold                 
                 24.40        53.54 (29.14)
        1:17.13 (23.59)     1:37.93 (20.80)
  5 Makos  ''A''                          1:39.92    1:39.10  
     1) Lefler, Cade SR               2) Browne, Ethan JR             
     3) Grant, Byron SR               4) Howell, Samuel SR            
                 27.06        52.94 (25.88)
        1:16.72 (23.78)     1:39.10 (22.38)
  6 MCCAL  ''A''                          1:40.65    1:40.07  
     1) Danks, Trey SR                2) Magat, Dean SR               
     3) Parker, Simon SR              4) Sohn, Dennis SR              
                 27.00        55.04 (28.04)
        1:18.75 (23.71)     1:40.07 (21.32)
  7 Oakland  ''A''                        1:41.35    1:41.35  
     1) Leskinen, Eli JR              2) Dunkley, Joshua SO           
     3) Waldecker, Seth SR            4) Kelly, Patrick SO            
                 26.41        54.90 (28.49)
        1:19.01 (24.11)     1:41.35 (22.34)
 -- BEST  ''A''                           1:36.77         DQ  
     1) Burcham, Ryan SR              2) Long, Bryar SO               
     3) Knight, Ryan SO               4) Kerr, Will JR                
                 24.16        50.11 (25.95)
        1:14.24 (24.13)          DQ (21.61)
                         === B - Final ===                          
  9 Irish  ''A''                          1:41.47    1:41.29  
     1) Connolly, Alec SO             2) Bond, Addison SO             
     3) Dovgan, Matt JR               4) Connolly, Derek SR           
                 24.83        54.43 (29.60)
        1:19.67 (25.24)     1:41.29 (21.62)
 10 BHS  ''A''                            1:41.43    1:41.30  
     1) DeFore, Jackson FR            2) Skoda, Clay JR               
     3) Klinsky, Spencer FR           4) Welch, Matthew FR            
                 24.17        54.86 (30.69)
        1:19.31 (24.45)     1:41.30 (21.99)
 11 SHHS  ''A''                           1:42.28    1:41.56  
     1) O''Connor, Sean JR             2) Brown, Aaron SO              
     3) Bier, Nathan JR               4) Robbins, Clay SR             
                 26.58        55.55 (28.97)
        1:19.66 (24.11)     1:41.56 (21.90)
 12 USN  ''A''                            1:42.26    1:42.38  
     1) Rusznak, Mark SR              2) Ng, Nicholas SR              
     3) Jones, Will SR                4) Dobie, Robert SR             
                 25.77        54.44 (28.67)
        1:19.87 (25.43)     1:42.38 (22.51)
 13 CENT  ''A''                           1:42.92    1:42.46  
     1) O''Heron, Michael              2) Gray, Alex                   
     3) Beach, Matthew                4) Ammon, Evan                  
                 26.84        57.51 (30.67)
        1:20.16 (22.65)     1:42.46 (22.30)
 14 Farragut  ''A''                       1:42.81    1:42.69  
     1) Mustard, Matthew SR           2) Bales, Matthew SO            
     3) Schechter, Paul FR            4) Welch, James SO              
                 26.66        53.88 (27.22)
        1:20.36 (26.48)     1:42.69 (22.33)
 15 FRHS  ''A''                           1:42.66    1:42.71  
     1) Powell, Will JR               2) Neuser, Will JR              
     3) Donnelly, Eamonn SO           4) Wehby, Matthew FR            
                 26.78        54.54 (27.76)
        1:20.76 (26.22)     1:42.71 (21.95)
 16 DBHS  ''A''                           1:42.50    1:42.73  
     1) Greenhill, Grant JR           2) Lupi, Ryan SR                
     3) Devine, Owen FR               4) Wagner, Cameron JR           
                 26.20        55.72 (29.52)
        1:19.88 (24.16)     1:42.73 (22.85)
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
 17 COLIE  ''A''                          1:43.06             
     1) Simcoe, Lucas                 2) Douglas, Caelan              
     3) Erwin, Austin                 4) VanDyke, Josh                
                 26.63        54.38 (27.75)
        1:20.17 (25.79)     1:43.06 (22.89)
 18 ENHS  ''A''                           1:43.09             
     1) McCall, Will                  2) Clifton, Charlie             
     3) Rose, Casey JR                4) Rose, Benton                 
                 26.68        53.80 (27.12)
        1:19.00 (25.20)     1:43.09 (24.09)
 19 BCHS  ''A''                           1:43.36             
     1) Goss, Jonathan JR             2) Glandon, Nathan JR           
     3) Hinsley, J T JR               4) Lewis, James JR              
                 27.66        57.07 (29.41)
        1:21.01 (23.94)     1:43.36 (22.35)
 20 SGIS  ''A''                           1:43.77             
     1) Barton, Wil                   2) Kutteh, Michael              
     3) Adkins, Will                  4) McBride, William             
                 25.47        56.64 (31.17)
        1:21.60 (24.96)     1:43.77 (22.17)
 21 Stem Gryphon  ''A''                   1:43.83             
     1) Bretscher, James              2) Sanders, Owen                
     3) Nicely, Preston               4) Lara, Jonathan               
                                  53.11 ( )
        1:19.11 (26.00)     1:43.83 (24.72)
 22 CPA  ''A''                            1:43.91             
     1) Condidorio, Trevor JR         2) Stopkotte, Noah FR           
     3) Fenton, George SO             4) Benny, Paul JR               
                 26.24        53.90 (27.66)
        1:20.90 (27.00)     1:43.91 (23.01)
 23 BCH  ''A''                            1:44.72             
     1) Graves, Josh SR               2) Trenner, Sam JR              
     3) Sperlich, Brycen SO           4) Hodges, Wade JR              
                 26.10        55.73 (29.63)
        1:20.53 (24.80)     1:44.72 (24.19)
 24 WEBB  ''A''                           1:45.46             
     1) Hines, Alex FR                2) Primka, Dan FR               
     3) Parker, Sam SR                4) Callaway, Liam SR            
                 26.14        57.35 (31.21)
        1:22.62 (25.27)     1:45.46 (22.84)
 25 West High School  ''A''               1:45.84             
     1) Chesney, Ben SR               2) Tidwell, Jake SO             
     3) Woo, Nicholas JR              4) Jones, Dylan SR              
                 26.88        57.15 (30.27)
        1:23.00 (25.85)     1:45.84 (22.84)
 26 AHS  ''A''                            1:45.91             
     1) Ma, Daniel                    2) Wilcher, Jordan              
     3) Gaines, Donnie                4) Kring, Gunner                
                 28.69        57.29 (28.60)
        1:22.28 (24.99)     1:45.91 (23.63)
 27 FCHS  ''A''                           1:47.03             
     1) Shaw, Blake SR                2) Dunphy, Matthew JR           
     3) Snead, Stetson JR             4) Clark, Colton JR             
                 29.48        56.80 (27.32)
        1:24.42 (27.62)     1:47.03 (22.61)
 28 Grhs Devils  ''A''                    1:47.21             
     1) Hudson, Brandt SO             2) Fletcher, Ethan JR           
     3) Hudson, Coy SR                4) Ward, Clay SR                
                 26.73        58.47 (31.74)
        1:23.61 (25.14)     1:47.21 (23.60)
 29 Orhs  Wildcats  ''A''                 1:47.46             
     1) Zhang, Gaibo SR               2) Riggs, Foster SR             
     3) Hondorf, Tyr FR               4) Hondorf, Loki SR             
                 27.76        57.73 (29.97)
        1:25.86 (28.13)     1:47.46 (21.60)
 30 SMSD  ''A''                           1:48.07             
     1) Johnson, James FR             2) Porter, Thomas FR            
     3) Porter, Mathias SR            4) Smith, Joseph SO             
                 30.22        59.79 (29.57)
        1:22.83 (23.04)     1:48.07 (25.24)
 31 HVA  ''A''                            1:49.03             
     1) Arthur, Will JR               2) Joyeuse, Zane JR             
     3) Strange, Noah JR              4) Byrd, Zach JR                
                 23.81        54.70 (30.89)
        1:21.87 (27.17)     1:49.03 (27.16)
 32 SMY  ''A''                            1:49.19             
     1) Miller, Jacob JR              2) Ziff, Jared SR               
     3) Bowers, Michael SR            4) Brooks, Craig SR             
                 27.19        58.64 (31.45)
        1:25.96 (27.32)     1:49.19 (23.23)
 33 CRS  ''A''                            1:49.20             
     1) Shelton, Guy SO               2) Chung, Nelson JR             
     3) Cooper, Ben FR                4) Chung, Jason FR              
                                  59.30 ( )
        1:24.99 (25.69)     1:49.20 (24.21)
 34 SBA  ''A''                            1:49.67             
     1) Barczak, Matthew              2) Dudek, JD                    
     3) Wynne, Ray                    4) Wagner, Brett                
                 27.91        59.73 (31.82)
        1:26.69 (26.96)     1:49.67 (22.98)
 35 HOU  ''A''                            1:49.78             
     1) Gould, Justin                 2) Brown, Jarrod                
     3) Glasgow, Stephen              4) Keck, Jesse                  
                 29.40        57.88 (28.48)
        1:24.05 (26.17)     1:49.78 (25.73)
 36 FHS  ''A''                            1:49.89             
     1) Fischer, Cole 10              2) Harry, Matthew 12            
     3) Hawkins, Uriah 12             4) Bender, Ty 12                
                 29.35      1:01.03 (31.68)
        1:26.57 (25.54)     1:49.89 (23.32)
 37 Grace  ''A''                          1:50.04             
     1) O''Connor, Jack SR             2) Keelty, Jordan JR            
     3) O''Connor, Sean FR             4) Prieto, Aaron SR             
                 26.71      1:00.89 (34.18)
        1:25.36 (24.47)     1:50.04 (24.68)
 38 CAK  ''A''                            1:50.55             
     1) Beets, Preston JR             2) Tedford, Teddy               
     3) Cates, Pete SR                4) Ragland, Jamie JR            
                 29.92      1:02.64 (32.72)
        1:29.10 (26.46)     1:50.55 (21.45)
 39 Hume Fogg  ''A''                      1:50.64             
     1) Crenshaw, John                2) Clark, Shelton               
     3) Cooper, Simon                 4) Morris, Eamon                
                 28.30      1:00.79 (32.49)
        1:26.85 (26.06)     1:50.64 (23.79)
 40 SMHEA  ''A''                          1:50.65             
     1) Cagle, Matthew                2) Melhorn, Sam                 
     3) Higgins, Walker               4) Hodgin, Andrew               
                 31.70      1:01.17 (29.47)
        1:24.28 (23.11)     1:50.65 (26.37)
 41 LCHS  ''A''                           1:50.66             
     1) Denton, Graham SO             2) Haney, Ben JR                
     3) Gump, Jacob SO                4) Valentine, Charlie SR        
                 28.45        58.68 (30.23)
        1:25.19 (26.51)     1:50.66 (25.47)
 42 RAV  ''A''                            1:51.26             
     1) Byrd, Jake SO                 2) Igarashi, Takahiro JR        
     3) Axon, Will SO                 4) Williams, Tyler SO           
                 29.55      1:00.41 (30.86)
        1:27.46 (27.05)     1:51.26 (23.80)
 43 WILS  ''A''                           1:51.86             
     1) Bartow, Jake FR               2) Miller, Malcolm FR           
     3) Rawls, Eli                    4) Leckenby, Hayden SO          
                 28.36      1:02.95 (34.59)
        1:26.75 (23.80)     1:51.86 (25.11)
 44 Ihs Eagles  ''A''                     1:51.94             
     1) Smith, Hunter SR              2) Dugger, Canaan SO            
     3) Retersdorf, Will JR           4) Raines, Jarrell SR           
                 29.70      1:02.40 (32.70)
        1:27.73 (25.33)     1:51.94 (24.21)
 45 CBHS  ''A''                           1:55.81             
     1) Kelly, Jack                   2) Sosnowski, Nick              
     3) Ramsey, Joseph                4) Schaeffer, Beau              
                 30.85      1:01.56 (30.71)
        1:30.84 (29.28)     1:55.81 (24.97)
 46 SCENT  ''A''                          2:03.75             
     1) Holt, Wesley SO               2) Dougherty, Steven SR         
     3) Weakley, Jordan SO            4) Johnson, Zach SR             
                 33.41      1:05.41 (32.00)
        1:39.34 (33.93)     2:03.75 (24.41)
 47 MHWHS  ''A''                          2:07.59             
     1) Bass, Joseph JR               2) Creazzo, Michael SR          
     3) Sia, Michael SO               4) Lynam, Ross FR               
                 33.87      1:06.40 (32.53)
        1:38.20 (31.80)     2:07.59 (29.39)
 -- MUS  ''B''                            1:42.34             
     1) Colerick, Forest              2) McCaghren, Jack              
     3) Harrison, Reed                4) Turner, CJ                   
                 27.23        55.80 (28.57)
        1:19.84 (24.04)     1:42.34 (22.50)
 -- DBHS  ''B''                           1:48.59             
     1) Dotson, Riley SO              2) Sloan, Brandon SR            
     3) Lin, Michael SR               4) Duncan, Seth SO              
                 28.04        57.49 (29.45)
        1:24.64 (27.15)     1:48.59 (23.95)
 -- MCCAL  ''B''                          1:49.17             
     1) Milam, Max SO                 2) Seay, Nicholas SO            
     3) King, Grayson SO              4) Bryant, John JR              
                 27.88        57.67 (29.79)
        1:24.31 (26.64)     1:49.17 (24.86)
 -- SHHS  ''B''                           1:51.91             
     1) Bracey, Steven JR             2) Lance, Joshua FR             
     3) Mills, Lucas FR               4) Bracey, Spencer SO           
                 28.43      1:00.69 (32.26)
        1:27.25 (26.56)     1:51.91 (24.66)
 -- BAYVR  ''B''                          1:41.02             
     1) Espy, Chandler Jr             2) Trombley, Christian Jr       
     3) Giddens, David Jr             4) Chennault, Alec Jr           
                 24.51        53.39 (28.88)
        1:17.36 (23.97)     1:41.02 (23.66)
 -- USN  ''B''                            1:44.58             
     1) Pannock, Daniel SR            2) Myers, Mackenzie JR          
     3) Zheng, Neil JR                4)                              
                 26.40        55.96 (29.56)
        1:21.93 (25.97)     1:44.58 (22.65)

Event 4  Men 200 Yard Freestyle
        State: S 1:37.11  2/8/2008  Jackson Wilcox, Ensworth HS
  AA Consider: C 1:41.14
 AA Automatic: A 1:39.35
 Nat''l Public: P 1:33.83  5/13/2009 Tom Shields, Edison HS
  Nat''l Indep: I 1:34.96  3/1/1991  Joe Hudepohl, St Xavier
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Higgins, Walker           SMHEA             1:39.60    1:38.89A 
                 22.95        47.69 (24.74)
        1:13.42 (25.73)     1:38.89 (25.47)
  2 Burns, Hayden          JR BEST              1:40.90    1:39.17A 
                 23.26        48.00 (24.74)
        1:13.54 (25.54)     1:39.17 (25.63)
  3 Beach, Matthew            CENT              1:39.89    1:39.61C 
                 23.66        48.93 (25.27)
        1:14.35 (25.42)     1:39.61 (25.26)
  4 Barton, Wil               SGIS              1:42.40    1:42.16  
                 24.18        49.95 (25.77)
        1:15.94 (25.99)     1:42.16 (26.22)
  5 Hayes, Daniel             COLIE             1:42.69    1:42.30  
                 23.80        49.85 (26.05)
        1:16.35 (26.50)     1:42.30 (25.95)
  6 Raines, Will           Jr BAYVR             1:42.70    1:43.04  
                 23.41        49.13 (25.72)
        1:15.93 (26.80)     1:43.04 (27.11)
  7 Cook, Jaron               WEBB              1:42.46    1:43.90  
                 24.39        50.45 (26.06)
        1:16.94 (26.49)     1:43.90 (26.96)
  8 Hondorf, Loki          SR Orhs  Wildcats    1:42.79    1:47.91  
                 24.37        51.42 (27.05)
        1:19.82 (28.40)     1:47.91 (28.09)
                        === B - Final ===                         
  9 Glafenhein, Chris      JR Farragut          1:44.05    1:42.96  
                 24.27        50.18 (25.91)
        1:16.51 (26.33)     1:42.96 (26.45)
 10 Grant, Byron           SR Makos             1:43.97    1:43.94  
                 25.20        51.86 (26.66)
        1:18.12 (26.26)     1:43.94 (25.82)
 11 Walsh, Joshua             COLIE             1:42.79    1:44.32  
                 24.19        50.56 (26.37)
        1:17.54 (26.98)     1:44.32 (26.78)
 12 McCrary, Ben           SR Rapids            1:45.23    1:44.33  
                 24.43        51.05 (26.62)
        1:17.54 (26.49)     1:44.33 (26.79)
 13 Devine, Owen           FR DBHS              1:45.91    1:44.41  
                 24.44        51.15 (26.71)
        1:18.11 (26.96)     1:44.41 (26.30)
 14 Ransom, JonPat         SO MCCAL             1:45.55    1:45.17  
                 24.44        51.35 (26.91)
        1:18.29 (26.94)     1:45.17 (26.88)
 15 Van Patten, Chase      SO STARS             1:44.31    1:45.90  
                 24.54        51.16 (26.62)
        1:18.76 (27.60)     1:45.90 (27.14)
 16 Forsythe, Raymond         LYNX              1:45.30    1:47.15  
                 25.28        51.90 (26.62)
        1:19.74 (27.84)     1:47.15 (27.41)
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 17 Hinson, Chandler       SR BAYVR             1:46.22             
                 23.69        49.94 (26.25)
        1:18.14 (28.20)     1:46.22 (28.08)
 18 Rusznak, Mark          SR USN               1:46.89             
                 24.92        51.65 (26.73)
        1:19.52 (27.87)     1:46.89 (27.37)
 19 Welch, Matthew         FR BHS               1:47.52             
                 24.50        51.85 (27.35)
        1:20.05 (28.20)     1:47.52 (27.47)
 20 Evans, Drew               MUS               1:47.54             
                 24.88        52.39 (27.51)
        1:19.84 (27.45)     1:47.54 (27.70)
 21 Bolton, Cooper            HHS               1:49.19             
                 24.50        51.73 (27.23)
        1:20.36 (28.63)     1:49.19 (28.83)
 22 Lochmaier, Peter       Fr BAYVR             1:49.50             
                 25.12        52.75 (27.63)
        1:21.01 (28.26)     1:49.50 (28.49)
 23 Clarke, Taylor         JR MCCAL             1:50.29             
                 25.80        53.92 (28.12)
        1:22.74 (28.82)     1:50.29 (27.55)
 24 Patey, Kellon          JR USN               1:50.65             
                 25.03        52.88 (27.85)
        1:21.99 (29.11)     1:50.65 (28.66)
 25 Abu-Shanab, Samad      SO Riverdale         1:50.72             
                 24.68        51.94 (27.26)
        1:21.04 (29.10)     1:50.72 (29.68)
 26 Bartow, Jake           FR WILS              1:50.88             
                 25.29        52.96 (27.67)
        1:21.86 (28.90)     1:50.88 (29.02)
 27 Robbins, Matthew          MBA               1:51.13             
                 25.80        53.64 (27.84)
        1:22.35 (28.71)     1:51.13 (28.78)
 28 Hudson, Brandt         SO Grhs Devils       1:51.47             
                 25.38        52.90 (27.52)
        1:22.03 (29.13)     1:51.47 (29.44)
 29 Keil, Drew             JR Blue Devils       1:51.50             
                 25.61        53.74 (28.13)
        1:22.86 (29.12)     1:51.50 (28.64)
 30 O''Connor, Sean         JR SHHS              1:51.70             
                 25.68        53.64 (27.96)
        1:22.69 (29.05)     1:51.70 (29.01)
 31 Long, Jalen            SO BEST              1:51.77             
                 25.54        53.63 (28.09)
        1:23.24 (29.61)     1:51.77 (28.53)
 32 Steffey, Tyler            COLIE             1:52.01             
                 24.38        52.70 (28.32)
        1:22.81 (30.11)     1:52.01 (29.20)
 33 Duke, Paden               MHEA              1:52.75             
                 25.83        54.36 (28.53)
        1:24.10 (29.74)     1:52.75 (28.65)
 34 Wallace, Connor           CENT              1:53.14             
                 25.58        54.24 (28.66)
        1:23.58 (29.34)     1:53.14 (29.56)
 35 Nicely, Preston           Stem Gryphon      1:53.20             
                 26.28        54.94 (28.66)
        1:24.44 (29.50)     1:53.20 (28.76)
 36 Kelly, Jack               CBHS              1:53.99             
                 26.30        55.51 (29.21)
        1:25.11 (29.60)     1:53.99 (28.88)
 37 Wilkerson, Hunter         MCHS              1:54.35             
                 25.87        54.62 (28.75)
        1:24.45 (29.83)     1:54.35 (29.90)
 38 Carpenter, Ryan           MBA               1:54.79             
                 25.84        54.91 (29.07)
        1:25.61 (30.70)     1:54.79 (29.18)
 39 Crumpler, Jordan       FR Ndhs Swim Team    1:54.84             
                 26.36        55.17 (28.81)
        1:24.99 (29.82)     1:54.84 (29.85)
 40 McFalls, Matthew       SO SEV               1:54.89             
                 24.95        53.02 (28.07)
        1:23.16 (30.14)     1:54.89 (31.73)
 41 Jennings, Harrison     SO MCCAL             1:55.11             
                 27.32        56.52 (29.20)
        1:25.87 (29.35)     1:55.11 (29.24)
 42 Bryant, John           JR MCCAL             1:55.28             
                 26.81        55.86 (29.05)
        1:25.48 (29.62)     1:55.28 (29.80)
 43 Lupi, Mitchell         FR DBHS              1:55.46             
                 26.06        55.46 (29.40)
        1:25.68 (30.22)     1:55.46 (29.78)
 44 Koenig, Mitchell       SR FRA               1:55.62             
                 26.02        55.58 (29.56)
        1:25.66 (30.08)     1:55.62 (29.96)
 45 Fitzhenry, Seamus         MUS               1:55.76             
                 25.87        54.70 (28.83)
        1:25.14 (30.44)     1:55.76 (30.62)
 46 Colerick, Forest          MUS               1:55.77             
                 26.87        56.14 (29.27)
        1:26.48 (30.34)     1:55.77 (29.29)
 47 Catron, Reese          SO West High School  1:55.78             
                 26.48        55.44 (28.96)
        1:25.57 (30.13)     1:55.78 (30.21)
 48 Ouyang, Richard           MUS               1:56.86             
                 26.21        55.69 (29.48)
        1:26.84 (31.15)     1:56.86 (30.02)
 49 Dugger, Canaan         SO Ihs Eagles        1:56.91             
                 28.15        58.34 (30.19)
        1:28.07 (29.73)     1:56.91 (28.84)
 50 Martin, Clark          SO Riverdale         1:57.05             
                 26.53        56.25 (29.72)
        1:26.94 (30.69)     1:57.05 (30.11)
 51 Osteen, Nicholas       SO BHS               1:57.09             
                 25.89        55.33 (29.44)
        1:26.20 (30.87)     1:57.09 (30.89)
 52 McCrory, Jacob         JR SCAMP             1:58.54             
                 26.97        56.83 (29.86)
        1:27.91 (31.08)     1:58.54 (30.63)
 53 Smith, Logan           FR Hhst              1:58.76             
                 26.70        56.69 (29.99)
        1:27.90 (31.21)     1:58.76 (30.86)
 54 Kerns, Dmitri          FR MCCAL             1:58.81             
                 27.32        57.08 (29.76)
        1:27.75 (30.67)     1:58.81 (31.06)
 55 Bartz, Sam                MUS               1:59.59             
                 27.39        57.48 (30.09)
        1:28.81 (31.33)     1:59.59 (30.78)
 56 Kuzmanoff, Alex        SR DBHS              1:59.75             
                 26.92        56.77 (29.85)
        1:28.47 (31.70)     1:59.75 (31.28)
 57 Snead, Stetson         JR FCHS              1:59.85             
                 27.72        58.37 (30.65)
        1:29.60 (31.23)     1:59.85 (30.25)
 58 Harrison, Cainan       FR Makos             2:00.14             
                 27.13        57.43 (30.30)
        1:29.31 (31.88)     2:00.14 (30.83)
 59 Schechter, Paul        FR Farragut          2:00.60             
                 26.40        56.17 (29.77)
        1:28.15 (31.98)     2:00.60 (32.45)
 60 Hondorf, Tyr           FR Orhs  Wildcats    2:00.90             
                 27.34        58.06 (30.72)
        1:30.45 (32.39)     2:00.90 (30.45)
 61 Moeller, Evan          FR MCCAL             2:01.19             
                 27.35        57.64 (30.29)
        1:29.46 (31.82)     2:01.19 (31.73)
 62 Marshall, Jack         JR Ohs Owls          2:01.30             
                 26.75        56.60 (29.85)
        1:28.91 (32.31)     2:01.30 (32.39)
 63 Bracey, Spencer        SO SHHS              2:01.61             
                 27.68        58.40 (30.72)
        1:30.43 (32.03)     2:01.61 (31.18)
 64 Hardin, Tucker         SO Hhst              2:02.82             
                 28.19        58.70 (30.51)
        1:30.71 (32.01)     2:02.82 (32.11)
 65 Harrison, John         SR LOUHS             2:03.33             
                 26.86        57.32 (30.46)
        1:30.00 (32.68)     2:03.33 (33.33)
 -- Wilson, Peyton         SO SHHS                  DQ              

Event 6  Men 200 Yard IM
        State: S 1:47.22  2/13/2009 Kyle S Owens, Science Hill
  AA Consider: C 1:53.19
 AA Automatic: A 1:51.12
 Nat''l Public: P 1:41.39  3/18/2011 David Nolan, Hershey HS
  Nat''l Indep: I 1:45.27  2/28/2009 Matt Thompson, Jesuit Coll Prep
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 McHugh, Sam            SR BAYVR             1:51.40    1:46.29S 
                 22.88        48.50 (25.62)
        1:20.78 (32.28)     1:46.29 (25.51)
  2 Chang, Daniel          SO SHHS              1:53.95    1:50.83A 
                 24.38        51.94 (27.56)
        1:23.77 (31.83)     1:50.83 (27.06)
  3 Long, Bryar            SO BEST              1:51.98    1:51.62C 
                 24.69        53.58 (28.89)
        1:24.89 (31.31)     1:51.62 (26.73)
  4 Porter, Mathias        SR SMSD              1:53.50    1:53.12C 
                 25.31        54.46 (29.15)
        1:25.83 (31.37)     1:53.12 (27.29)
  5 Espy, Chandler         Jr BAYVR             1:54.56    1:54.09  
                 24.46        53.42 (28.96)
        1:26.93 (33.51)     1:54.09 (27.16)
  6 Kyriakidis, Seth       FR JPII              1:55.37    1:54.35  
                 23.95        53.59 (29.64)
        1:26.69 (33.10)     1:54.35 (27.66)
  7 Dunphy, Matthew        JR FCHS              1:55.77    1:55.47  
                 24.95        54.92 (29.97)
        1:28.14 (33.22)     1:55.47 (27.33)
  8 McCaghren, Jack           MUS               1:56.19    1:56.50  
                 24.79        54.38 (29.59)
        1:28.80 (34.42)     1:56.50 (27.70)
                        === B - Final ===                         
  9 Browne, Ethan          JR Makos             1:56.47    1:55.19  
                 25.90        56.75 (30.85)
        1:27.83 (31.08)     1:55.19 (27.36)
 10 Tynes, Dustin          SR BAYVR             1:59.07    1:55.97  
                 25.32        57.35 (32.03)
        1:29.17 (31.82)     1:55.97 (26.80)
 11 Kelly, Patrick         SO Oakland           1:58.00    1:57.25  
                 25.63        54.64 (29.01)
        1:29.57 (34.93)     1:57.25 (27.68)
 12 Stopkotte, Noah        FR CPA               1:56.41    1:57.45  
                 25.29        56.66 (31.37)
        1:30.86 (34.20)     1:57.45 (26.59)
 13 Weaver, Jordan            MHEA              1:59.29    1:58.52  
                 25.83        56.44 (30.61)
        1:31.00 (34.56)     1:58.52 (27.52)
 14 Bales, Matthew         SO Farragut          1:58.51    1:59.73  
                 26.55        56.31 (29.76)
        1:30.49 (34.18)     1:59.73 (29.24)
 15 Hines, Alex            FR WEBB              1:58.90    2:00.00  
                 24.98        54.69 (29.71)
        1:30.77 (36.08)     2:00.00 (29.23)
 16 Wilcher, Jordan           AHS               2:00.09    2:01.40  
                 26.06        56.31 (30.25)
        1:32.03 (35.72)     2:01.40 (29.37)
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 17 Butler, Chris          SO CSAS              2:00.22             
                 26.18        56.59 (30.41)
        1:30.31 (33.72)     2:00.22 (29.91)
 18 Darling, Ryland           MHEA              2:00.67             
                 26.93        57.65 (30.72)
        1:31.08 (33.43)     2:00.67 (29.59)
 19 Townsdin, James           HARD              2:00.72             
                 26.16        56.62 (30.46)
        1:32.08 (35.46)     2:00.72 (28.64)
 20 Dunkley, Joshua        SO Oakland           2:02.02             
                 25.10        56.57 (31.47)
        1:32.57 (36.00)     2:02.02 (29.45)
 21 Kaye, Parker              MUS               2:02.19             
                 27.18        58.25 (31.07)
        1:33.30 (35.05)     2:02.19 (28.89)
 22 Hillyard, Joseph          MHEA              2:02.47             
                 26.18        56.14 (29.96)
        1:34.76 (38.62)     2:02.47 (27.71)
 23 Magat, Dean            SR MCCAL             2:03.06             
                 26.46        58.48 (32.02)
        1:33.38 (34.90)     2:03.06 (29.68)
 24 Klinsky, Spencer       FR BHS               2:03.82             
                 27.50        58.53 (31.03)
        1:35.62 (37.09)     2:03.82 (28.20)
 25 Shelton, Adam             SSHS              2:04.20             
                 25.87        58.22 (32.35)
        1:35.57 (37.35)     2:04.20 (28.63)
 26 Melhorn, Sam              SMHEA             2:04.53             
                 27.40        59.78 (32.38)
        1:35.06 (35.28)     2:04.53 (29.47)
 27 Bond, Addison          SO Irish             2:04.90             
                 27.02        58.87 (31.85)
        1:36.65 (37.78)     2:04.90 (28.25)
 28 Lee, Mitchell             MHEA              2:05.13             
                 27.31        59.54 (32.23)
        1:35.90 (36.36)     2:05.13 (29.23)
 29 Dobbs, Hudson             MBA               2:05.34             
                 26.83        57.81 (30.98)
        1:36.63 (38.82)     2:05.34 (28.71)
 30 Skoda, Clay            JR BHS               2:05.51             
                 27.36        58.82 (31.46)
        1:36.83 (38.01)     2:05.51 (28.68)
 31 Brown, Jarrod             HOU               2:05.64             
                 26.65        57.17 (30.52)
        1:35.47 (38.30)     2:05.64 (30.17)
 32 Trombley, Christian    Jr BAYVR             2:05.79             
                 26.71      1:00.54 (33.83)
        1:36.26 (35.72)     2:05.79 (29.53)
 33 Biller, Christopher       HHS               2:06.81             
                 26.71        58.25 (31.54)
        1:35.93 (37.68)     2:06.81 (30.88)
 34 Retersdorf, Will       JR Ihs Eagles        2:06.94             
                 26.15        58.77 (32.62)
        1:36.89 (38.12)     2:06.94 (30.05)
 35 Turner, CJ                MUS               2:07.07             
                 27.96        59.72 (31.76)
        1:36.56 (36.84)     2:07.07 (30.51)
 36 Brown, Aaron           SO SHHS              2:07.18             
                 27.41      1:00.51 (33.10)
        1:37.13 (36.62)     2:07.18 (30.05)
 37 Torgersen, Torger      SR ERHS              2:07.23             
                 27.35      1:01.21 (33.86)
        1:37.52 (36.31)     2:07.23 (29.71)
 38 Zhang, Gaibo           SR Orhs  Wildcats    2:07.26             
                 26.47      1:00.04 (33.57)
        1:37.30 (37.26)     2:07.26 (29.96)
 39 Milam, Max             SO MCCAL             2:07.49             
                 27.71        58.93 (31.22)
        1:37.67 (38.74)     2:07.49 (29.82)
 40 Sloan, Brandon         SR DBHS              2:08.49             
                 28.46      1:00.65 (32.19)
        1:38.16 (37.51)     2:08.49 (30.33)
 41 Greenhill, Grant       JR DBHS              2:09.22             
                 26.71        57.48 (30.77)
        1:39.27 (41.79)     2:09.22 (29.95)
 42 Ma, Daniel                AHS               2:09.34             
                 27.47      1:00.71 (33.24)
        1:39.07 (38.36)     2:09.34 (30.27)
 43 Betts, Sam             SR Oakland           2:09.48             
                 27.97      1:00.89 (32.92)
        1:38.15 (37.26)     2:09.48 (31.33)
 44 Dudek, JD                 SBA               2:09.88             
                 28.02      1:01.80 (33.78)
        1:40.67 (38.87)     2:09.88 (29.21)
 45 Wynne, Ray                SBA               2:10.67             
                 28.26      1:01.16 (32.90)
        1:40.56 (39.40)     2:10.67 (30.11)
 46 Patterson, Alex        SR BEST              2:10.82             
                 27.64      1:00.01 (32.37)
        1:40.30 (40.29)     2:10.82 (30.52)
 47 Douglas, Caelan           COLIE             2:10.97             
                 28.00      1:02.85 (34.85)
        1:40.03 (37.18)     2:10.97 (30.94)
 48 Morris, Eamon             Hume Fogg         2:11.59             
                 28.46      1:00.38 (31.92)
        1:40.93 (40.55)     2:11.59 (30.66)
 49 Carmichael, Paul       JR Oakland           2:11.74             
                 29.35      1:02.30 (32.95)
        1:40.03 (37.73)     2:11.74 (31.71)
 50 Tidwell, Jake          SO West High School  2:12.50             
                 29.26      1:05.59 (36.33)
        1:43.41 (37.82)     2:12.50 (29.09)
 51 Howell, Harrison       SO Hixson            2:12.55             
                 27.43      1:00.99 (33.56)
        1:41.93 (40.94)     2:12.55 (30.62)
 52 Trenner, Sam           JR BCH               2:12.76             
                 27.59      1:02.35 (34.76)
        1:39.47 (37.12)     2:12.76 (33.29)
 53 Simcoe, Lucas             COLIE             2:13.29             
                 28.59      1:00.77 (32.18)
        1:44.03 (43.26)     2:13.29 (29.26)
 54 Fleet, Tim             11 FHS               2:13.46             
                 28.84      1:02.55 (33.71)
        1:43.08 (40.53)     2:13.46 (30.38)
 55 Crenshaw, John            Hume Fogg         2:13.83             
                 28.25      1:02.47 (34.22)
        1:42.21 (39.74)     2:13.83 (31.62)
 56 Mills, Lucas           FR SHHS              2:14.11             
                 28.68      1:02.58 (33.90)
        1:44.24 (41.66)     2:14.11 (29.87)
 57 Fenton, George         SO CPA               2:14.26             
                 29.30      1:03.48 (34.18)
        1:45.76 (42.28)     2:14.26 (28.50)
 58 Barton, John              SGIS              2:14.33             
                 29.28      1:03.41 (34.13)
        1:43.18 (39.77)     2:14.33 (31.15)
 59 Rollins, Grant         SO TKA               2:14.87             
                 27.86      1:01.56 (33.70)
        1:42.71 (41.15)     2:14.87 (32.16)
 60 Sun, Kevin                COLIE             2:15.63             
                 28.48      1:02.72 (34.24)
        1:43.91 (41.19)     2:15.63 (31.72)
 60 Hudson, Chase          SR CSAS              2:15.63             
                 28.50      1:03.23 (34.73)
        1:43.98 (40.75)     2:15.63 (31.65)
 62 Chung, Nelson          JR CRS               2:15.76             
                 28.23      1:01.70 (33.47)
        1:43.14 (41.44)     2:15.76 (32.62)
 63 Fischer, Cole          10 FHS               2:16.29             
                 29.58      1:04.78 (35.20)
        1:46.19 (41.41)     2:16.29 (30.10)
 64 Seay, Nicholas         SO MCCAL             2:16.88             
                 29.04      1:03.90 (34.86)
        1:42.77 (38.87)     2:16.88 (34.11)
 65 Zheng, Neil            JR USN               2:17.11             
                 27.95      1:02.76 (34.81)
        1:44.29 (41.53)     2:17.11 (32.82)
 66 Lance, Joshua          FR SHHS              2:18.13             
                 30.17      1:05.47 (35.30)
        1:46.13 (40.66)     2:18.13 (32.00)
 67 Dotson, Riley          SO DBHS              2:18.35             
                 30.31      1:04.34 (34.03)
        1:47.57 (43.23)     2:18.35 (30.78)
 68 Dacus, David              COLIE             2:18.49             
                 27.04      1:01.49 (34.45)
        1:46.64 (45.15)     2:18.49 (31.85)
 69 Byrd, Jake             SO RAV               2:18.74             
                 30.69      1:04.94 (34.25)
        1:46.41 (41.47)     2:18.74 (32.33)
 70 Keerthi, Arjun         FR BHS               2:20.63             
                 30.99      1:04.31 (33.32)
        1:47.67 (43.36)     2:20.63 (32.96)

 Event 8  Men 50 Yard Freestyle
        State: S 20.51  2/12/2011 Brian Lee, Baylor School
  AA Consider: C 21.14
 AA Automatic: A 20.84
 Nat''l Public: P 19.29  11/9/2013 Caleb Dressel, Clay HS, FL
  Nat''l Indep: I 19.54  11/11/2012Ryan Murphy, Bolles School
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Kaliszak, Luke         SR BAYVR               20.44      20.43S 
  2 Myhre, John            SR WEBB                21.13      21.07C 
  3 Arthur, Will           JR HVA                 21.07      21.20  
  4 Duke, Harold              MBA                 21.25      21.35  
  5 Thomas, Adam           JR WEBB                21.48      21.40  
  6 O''Connor, Jack         SR Grace               21.65      21.58  
  7 Berry, Christian          MUS                 21.40      21.60  
  8 Keel, Henry               MUS                 21.62      21.63  
                        === B - Final ===                         
  9 Cathers, Evan          JR SHHS                21.99      21.45  
 10 Ragland, Jamie         JR CAK                 21.94      21.84  
 11 DeFore, Jackson        FR BHS                 21.96      21.91  
 12 Tabor, Sherman            MUS                 21.82      21.95  
 13 Connolly, Derek        SR Irish               22.08      22.04  
 14 Sohn, Dennis           SR MCCAL               21.84      22.17  
 15 Brooksbank, Thornton      MUS                 22.31      22.30  
 16 Hughes, Seth           JR Midway High         22.34      22.34  
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 17 McBride, William          SGIS                22.42             
 18 Ammon, Evan               CENT                22.53             
 19 Burnett, Sterling      SO SEV                 22.57             
 20 Lewis, James           JR BCHS                22.66             
 21 Blanks, Dean           SR THS                 22.72             
 22 Franklin, Lucas           MHEA                22.74             
 23 Welch, James           SO Farragut            22.77             
 24 Wireman, Jackson       SR SHHS                22.78             
 25 Howell, Samuel         SR Makos               22.82             
 26 Kerr, Will             JR BEST                22.83             
 27 Steffey, Tyler            COLIE               22.88             
 28 McCarty, Justin        SR BTHS                22.94             
 29 Sperlich, Brycen       SO BCH                 22.97             
 30 Dupuis, Andrew            MBA                 23.01             
 31 Dobie, Robert          SR USN                 23.04             
 32 Robbins, Clay          SR SHHS                23.05             
 33 Wilkerson, Hunter         MCHS                23.07             
 34 Wagner, Brett             SBA                 23.10             
 35 Clifton, Charlie          ENHS                23.14             
 36 Davis, John Peter      SO MCCAL               23.15             
 37 Newton, Kevin          SO Riverdale           23.19             
 38 Clark, Colton          JR FCHS                23.21             
 39 Hudson, Coy            SR Grhs Devils         23.26             
 39 Tattersfield, Ben      SR USN                 23.26             
 41 Cowan, Blayne          FR MLKHS               23.33             
 42 Benny, Paul            JR CPA                 23.34             
 43 Beets, Preston         JR CAK                 23.35             
 44 VanDyke, Josh             COLIE               23.36             
 45 Glasgow, Stephen          HOU                 23.44             
 46 Bender, Ty             12 FHS                 23.47             
 47 Hilliker, Will            CRS                 23.49             
 48 Crumpler, Ryan         JR Ndhs Swim Team      23.50             
 49 Brooks, Craig          SR SMY                 23.51             
 50 Wagner, Cameron        JR DBHS                23.52             
 51 Lupi, Ryan             SR DBHS                23.55             
 52 Condidorio, Trevor     JR CPA                 23.56             
 53 Parker, Sam            SR WEBB                23.58             
 54 Burns, Phillip            HHS                 23.59             
 55 King, Grayson          SO MCCAL               23.61             
 55 Ward, Clay             SR Grhs Devils         23.61             
 57 Jones, Wesley             MBA                 23.75             
 58 Callaway, Liam         SR WEBB                23.85             
 59 Goodrum, Cole          SO FRHS                23.89             
 60 Raines, Jarrell        SR Ihs Eagles          24.01             
 61 Johnson, Zach          SR SCENT               24.13             
 62 Slack, Thomas          SR BEST                24.20             
 63 Haney, Ben             JR LCHS                24.28             
 64 Rose, Casey            JR ENHS                24.30             
 65 Freeman, Drew          SR BEST                24.31             
 65 Sullivan, Stephen         MBA                 24.31             
 67 Cates, Pete            SR CAK                 24.42             
 68 McCall, Will              ENHS                24.45             
 69 Hodges, Wade           JR BCH                 24.50             
 -- Chlasta, Troy             HHS                  DFS              

Event 12  Men 100 Yard Butterfly
        State: S 46.64  2/10/2012 Maclin Davis, Montgomery Bell
  AA Consider: C 50.61
 AA Automatic: A 49.64
 Nat''l Public: P 47.08  2/21/2009 Sean Fletcher, Madison HS, VA
  Nat''l Indep: I 45.52  11/8/2013 Joseph Schooling, Bolles School
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Beach, Matthew            CENT                49.82      48.82A 
                 23.17        48.82 (25.65)
  2 Burcham, Ryan          SR BEST                49.91      49.81C 
                 22.52        49.81 (27.29)
  3 Bretscher, James          Stem Gryphon        50.64      50.34C 
                 23.29        50.34 (27.05)
  4 Kyriakidis, Seth       FR JPII                51.95      50.55C 
                 23.53        50.55 (27.02)
  5 Salcido, Chris         JR Rebels              52.03      51.39  
                 23.99        51.39 (27.40)
  6 Kelton, Grant             BCS                 52.54      51.51  
                 24.12        51.51 (27.39)
  7 Reed, Trenton          JR Rebels              52.13      51.84  
                 24.16        51.84 (27.68)
  8 Rawls, Eli                WILS                51.46      51.95  
                 23.99        51.95 (27.96)
                        === B - Final ===                         
  9 Sanders, Owen             Stem Gryphon        53.59      52.09  
                 24.53        52.09 (27.56)
 10 Parker, Simon          SR MCCAL               53.05      52.73  
                 24.39        52.73 (28.34)
 11 Ng, Nicholas           SR USN                 53.29      53.38  
                 25.03        53.38 (28.35)
 12 Hines, Alex            FR WEBB                53.44      53.62  
                 24.90        53.62 (28.72)
 13 Kelly, Patrick         SO Oakland             53.60      53.80  
                 25.28        53.80 (28.52)
 14 Bier, Nathan           JR SHHS                54.27      53.89  
                 24.96        53.89 (28.93)
 15 Knight, Ryan           SO BEST                53.95      54.21  
                 24.64        54.21 (29.57)
 16 Leskinen, Eli          JR Oakland             53.59      54.42  
                 25.02        54.42 (29.40)
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 17 Hinsley, J T           JR BCHS                54.28             
                 25.25        54.28 (29.03)
 18 Graves, Josh           SR BCH                 54.52             
                 25.13        54.52 (29.39)
 19 Neuser, Will           JR FRHS                54.54             
                 25.25        54.54 (29.29)
 20 Harrison, Reed            MUS                 54.55             
                 25.38        54.55 (29.17)
 21 Goss, Jonathan         JR BCHS                54.70             
                 25.09        54.70 (29.61)
 22 O''Connor, Sean         FR Grace               54.81             
                 25.05        54.81 (29.76)
 23 Giddens, David         Jr BAYVR               54.86             
                 25.06        54.86 (29.80)
 24 Klinsky, Spencer       FR BHS                 54.89             
                 26.14        54.89 (28.75)
 25 Weaver, Caelin            MHEA                54.92             
                 25.57        54.92 (29.35)
 26 O''Heron, Michael          CENT                55.12             
                 26.10        55.12 (29.02)
 27 Gaines, Donnie            AHS                 55.21             
                 25.58        55.21 (29.63)
 28 Retersdorf, Will       JR Ihs Eagles          55.26             
                 25.76        55.26 (29.50)
 29 Johnson, Morgan        JR BTHS                55.71             
                 26.22        55.71 (29.49)
 30 Waldecker, Seth        SR Oakland             55.97             
                 26.00        55.97 (29.97)
 31 Cooper, Simon             Hume Fogg           56.14             
                 26.62        56.14 (29.52)
 32 Cooper, Ben            FR CRS                 56.17             
                 26.04        56.17 (30.13)
 33 Joyeuse, Zane          JR HVA                 56.25             
                 26.39        56.25 (29.86)
 34 Hudson, Coy            SR Grhs Devils         56.32             
                 25.72        56.32 (30.60)
 35 Larsen, Daniel            CCCHS               56.41             
                 25.93        56.41 (30.48)
 36 Adkins, Will              SGIS                56.56             
                 26.23        56.56 (30.33)
 37 Rose, Casey            JR ENHS                56.58             
                 26.50        56.58 (30.08)
 38 Fluker, Ivan              MHEA                56.64             
                 26.72        56.64 (29.92)
 39 Charles, Casey         FR Makos               56.84             
                 26.34        56.84 (30.50)
 40 Chung, Jason           FR CRS                 57.13             
                 26.28        57.13 (30.85)
 41 Colerick, Keltner         MUS                 57.56             
                 26.74        57.56 (30.82)
 42 Fitzhenry, Seamus         MUS                 57.80             
                 27.08        57.80 (30.72)
 43 Dovgan, Matt           JR Irish               57.88             
                 27.20        57.88 (30.68)
 44 Zheng, Neil            JR USN                 58.01             
                 27.12        58.01 (30.89)
 45 Kring, Gunner             AHS                 58.07             
                 27.32        58.07 (30.75)
 46 Igarashi, Takahiro     JR RAV                 58.19             
                 27.07        58.19 (31.12)
 47 Violassi, Sam             CENT                58.37             
                 26.92        58.37 (31.45)
 48 Erwin, Austin             COLIE               58.61             
                 27.30        58.61 (31.31)
 48 Woo, Nicholas          JR West High School    58.61             
                 26.95        58.61 (31.66)
 50 Jones, Will            SR USN                 58.62             
                 27.42        58.62 (31.20)
 51 Gump, Jacob            SO LCHS                58.78             
                 27.26        58.78 (31.52)
 51 Jones, Lucus              Central             58.78             
                 26.70        58.78 (32.08)
 53 Gammil, Kneeland          SGIS                59.01             
                 27.78        59.01 (31.23)
 54 Smith, Logan           FR Hhst                59.30             
                 27.76        59.30 (31.54)
 55 Kuzmanoff, Alex        SR DBHS                59.75             
                 28.30        59.75 (31.45)
 56 Parker, Sam            SR WEBB                59.83             
                 27.77        59.83 (32.06)
 57 Wagoner, Kevin         SO Hixson              59.86             
                 28.52        59.86 (31.34)
 58 Drake, Taylor          FR Rebels              59.95             
                 28.22        59.95 (31.73)
 59 Harrison, Cainan       FR Makos             1:00.15             
                 28.44      1:00.15 (31.71)
 60 Beddingfield, Cole     FR Lcohs Falcons     1:00.20             
                 26.34      1:00.20 (33.86)
 61 Lin, Michael           SR DBHS              1:00.69             
                 27.69      1:00.69 (33.00)
 62 Everett, Hayden           WACHS             1:00.72             
                 28.14      1:00.72 (32.58)
 63 Duncan, Seth           SO DBHS              1:00.86             
                 28.39      1:00.86 (32.47)
 64 Fletcher, Ethan        JR Grhs Devils       1:00.90             
                 28.18      1:00.90 (32.72)
 65 Mills, Lucas           FR SHHS              1:00.96             
                 28.28      1:00.96 (32.68)
 66 Cates, Pete            SR CAK               1:00.98             
                 27.84      1:00.98 (33.14)
 67 Kredich, Miles         FR West High School  1:01.07             
                 28.29      1:01.07 (32.78)
 68 Soehn, Grant           JR GPHS              1:01.79             
                 29.07      1:01.79 (32.72)
 69 McReynolds, Charlie    12 FHS               1:01.92             
                 28.48      1:01.92 (33.44)
 70 Naren, Nevin              MUS               1:02.09             
                 28.29      1:02.09 (33.80)
 71 Dougherty, Steven      SR SCENT             1:02.64             
                 29.11      1:02.64 (33.53)
 -- Evans, Ethan           JR SAS                  DFS              

Event 14  Men 100 Yard Freestyle
        State: S 44.79  2/21/2004 Gil Stovall, Ridgeway HS
  AA Consider: C 46.18
 AA Automatic: A 45.50
 Nat''l Public: P 42.34  3/18/2011 David Nolan, Torrance HS, CA
  Nat''l Indep: I 42.81  2/9/2013  Jack Conger, Our Lady of Good
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Selby, Christian       Jr BAYVR               45.90      44.76S 
                 21.48        44.76 (23.28)
  2 Myhre, John            SR WEBB                45.88      45.43A 
                 21.99        45.43 (23.44)
  3 Higgins, Walker           SMHEA               46.36      46.45  
                 22.33        46.45 (24.12)
  4 Ragland, Jamie         JR CAK                 47.27      46.94  
                 22.82        46.94 (24.12)
  5 Berry, Christian          MUS                 47.06      46.95  
                 22.42        46.95 (24.53)
  6 Raines, Will           Jr BAYVR               47.32      47.06  
                 22.51        47.06 (24.55)
  7 Thomas, Adam           JR WEBB                47.29      47.38  
                 22.66        47.38 (24.72)
  8 Connolly, Alec         SO Irish               47.39      47.48  
                 23.00        47.48 (24.48)
                        === B - Final ===                         
  9 Salcido, Chris         JR Rebels              47.48      46.75  
                 22.82        46.75 (23.93)
 10 Walsh, Joshua             COLIE               47.64      47.33  
                 23.00        47.33 (24.33)
 11 Grant, Byron           SR Makos               48.50      47.56  
                 23.08        47.56 (24.48)
 12 Cathers, Evan          JR SHHS                48.55      47.63  
                 23.18        47.63 (24.45)
 13 Sohn, Dennis           SR MCCAL               48.11      47.95  
                 22.83        47.95 (25.12)
 14 McCrary, Ben           SR Rapids              48.40      48.14  
                 22.91        48.14 (25.23)
 15 Keel, Henry               MUS                 47.81      48.28  
                 23.11        48.28 (25.17)
 16 Stelling, Garrett         MHEA                48.36      48.56  
                 23.12        48.56 (25.44)
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 17 O''Connor, Jack         SR Grace               48.68             
                 23.29        48.68 (25.39)
 18 Goss, Jonathan         JR BCHS                48.89             
                 23.76        48.89 (25.13)
 19 Ammon, Evan               CENT                48.98             
                 23.24        48.98 (25.74)
 20 Welch, Matthew         FR BHS                 49.22             
                 23.66        49.22 (25.56)
 21 Leskinen, Eli          JR Oakland             49.41             
                 23.46        49.41 (25.95)
 22 Dupuis, Andrew            MBA                 49.58             
                 24.14        49.58 (25.44)
 23 McCarty, Justin        SR BTHS                49.64             
                 23.48        49.64 (26.16)
 23 Brooksbank, Thornton      MUS                 49.64             
                 23.72        49.64 (25.92)
 25 Danks, Trey            SR MCCAL               50.13             
                 23.99        50.13 (26.14)
 26 Wilcher, Jordan           AHS                 50.20             
                 23.85        50.20 (26.35)
 27 Davis, John Peter      SO MCCAL               50.25             
                 24.38        50.25 (25.87)
 27 Lewis, James           JR BCHS                50.25             
                 23.95        50.25 (26.30)
 29 Long, Jalen            SO BEST                50.45             
                 23.96        50.45 (26.49)
 29 Newton, Kevin          SO Riverdale           50.45             
                 23.96        50.45 (26.49)
 31 Harrison, Reed            MUS                 50.54             
                 24.08        50.54 (26.46)
 32 Wehby, Matthew         FR FRHS                50.60             
                 24.30        50.60 (26.30)
 33 McFalls, Matthew       SO SEV                 50.75             
                 23.92        50.75 (26.83)
 34 Hinsley, J T           JR BCHS                50.78             
                 24.00        50.78 (26.78)
 35 Howell, Samuel         SR Makos               50.90             
                 24.37        50.90 (26.53)
 36 Wagner, Cameron        JR DBHS                51.15             
                 24.78        51.15 (26.37)
 37 Jones, Dylan           SR West High School    51.25             
                 24.16        51.25 (27.09)
 38 Keil, Drew             JR Blue Devils         51.26             
                 24.75        51.26 (26.51)
 39 Wagner, Brett             SBA                 51.29             
                 24.68        51.29 (26.61)
 40 Donnelly, Eamonn       SO FRHS                51.30             
                 24.50        51.30 (26.80)
 41 McBride, William          SGIS                51.33             
                 24.27        51.33 (27.06)
 42 Kerr, Will             JR BEST                51.36             
                 24.68        51.36 (26.68)
 43 Hudson, Brandt         SO Grhs Devils         51.37             
                 24.71        51.37 (26.66)
 44 Abu-Shanab, Samad      SO Riverdale           51.47             
                 23.94        51.47 (27.53)
 45 Lupi, Ryan             SR DBHS                51.51             
                 24.57        51.51 (26.94)
 46 Glasgow, Stephen          HOU                 51.96             
                 25.07        51.96 (26.89)
 47 Gaines, Donnie            AHS                 51.97             
                 24.95        51.97 (27.02)
 47 Ma, Daniel                AHS                 51.97             
                 24.69        51.97 (27.28)
 49 Harry, Matthew         12 FHS                 52.09             
                 24.98        52.09 (27.11)
 50 Tingle, Sam            SR ALCOA               52.17             
                 24.56        52.17 (27.61)
 51 Kring, Gunner             AHS                 52.18             
                 25.35        52.18 (26.83)
 52 Osteen, Nicholas       SO BHS                 52.36             
                 25.06        52.36 (27.30)
 53 Hawkins, Uriah         12 FHS                 52.45             
                 25.00        52.45 (27.45)
 54 Miller, Jacob          JR SMY                 52.52             
                 24.92        52.52 (27.60)
 55 Cowan, Blayne          FR MLKHS               52.54             
                 25.10        52.54 (27.44)
 56 Bartow, Jake           FR WILS                52.55             
                 24.96        52.55 (27.59)
 57 Dacus, David              COLIE               52.58             
                 25.09        52.58 (27.49)
 58 Weaver, Matthew        SR Riverdale           52.77             
                 25.44        52.77 (27.33)
 59 Slack, Thomas          SR BEST                53.00             
                 25.18        53.00 (27.82)
 60 Ward, Clay             SR Grhs Devils         53.02             
                 25.28        53.02 (27.74)
 61 Burns, Phillip            HHS                 53.41             
                 25.20        53.41 (28.21)
 62 Raines, Jarrell        SR Ihs Eagles          53.54             
                 25.57        53.54 (27.97)
 63 Schechter, Paul        FR Farragut            54.89             
                 25.51        54.89 (29.38)
 -- Wireman, Jackson       SR SHHS                                  
 -- Hinson, Chandler       SR BAYVR                                 
 -- Chlasta, Troy             HHS                  DFS              

Event 16  Men 500 Yard Freestyle
        State: S 4:21.14  2/13/2010 Sean Ryan, McCallie School-
  AA Consider: C 4:35.31
 AA Automatic: A 4:30.22
 Nat''l Public: P 4:16.39  5/14/1983 Jeff Kostoff, Upland HS
  Nat''l Indep: I 4:13.87  2/9/2013  Jack Conger, Our Lady of Good
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 McHugh, Sam            SR BAYVR             4:37.94    4:16.76S 
                 23.80        49.61 (25.81)
        1:15.24 (25.63)     1:40.90 (25.66)
        2:06.92 (26.02)     2:32.84 (25.92)
        2:59.04 (26.20)     3:25.33 (26.29)
        3:51.47 (26.14)     4:16.76 (25.29)
  2 Burns, Hayden          JR BEST              4:35.40    4:33.35C 
                 24.26        49.94 (25.68)
        1:16.44 (26.50)     1:43.39 (26.95)
        2:10.89 (27.50)     2:38.33 (27.44)
        3:06.50 (28.17)     3:35.36 (28.86)
        4:04.67 (29.31)     4:33.35 (28.68)
  3 Barton, Wil               SGIS              4:38.88    4:36.57  
                 24.98        52.23 (27.25)
        1:20.04 (27.81)     1:47.98 (27.94)
        2:15.96 (27.98)     2:44.34 (28.38)
        3:12.65 (28.31)     3:40.79 (28.14)
        4:09.14 (28.35)     4:36.57 (27.43)
  4 Robinson, Alex            MUS               4:40.98    4:36.63  
                 25.23        52.68 (27.45)
        1:20.47 (27.79)     1:48.28 (27.81)
        2:16.28 (28.00)     2:44.68 (28.40)
        3:13.18 (28.50)     3:41.43 (28.25)
        4:09.91 (28.48)     4:36.63 (26.72)
  5 Cook, Jaron               WEBB              4:43.08    4:37.45  
                 25.40        53.34 (27.94)
        1:21.43 (28.09)     1:49.35 (27.92)
        2:17.53 (28.18)     2:46.23 (28.70)
        3:14.47 (28.24)     3:42.26 (27.79)
        4:10.28 (28.02)     4:37.45 (27.17)
  6 Van Patten, Chase      SO STARS             4:39.68    4:39.57  
                 25.21        52.51 (27.30)
        1:20.79 (28.28)     1:49.02 (28.23)
        2:17.46 (28.44)     2:45.77 (28.31)
        3:14.62 (28.85)     3:43.73 (29.11)
        4:12.61 (28.88)     4:39.57 (26.96)
  7 McCaghren, Jack           MUS               4:42.73    4:40.12  
                 25.45        52.80 (27.35)
        1:20.73 (27.93)     1:49.26 (28.53)
        2:17.79 (28.53)     2:46.47 (28.68)
        3:15.17 (28.70)     3:43.90 (28.73)
        4:12.72 (28.82)     4:40.12 (27.40)
  8 Hayes, Daniel             COLIE             4:43.52    4:40.40  
                 25.60        53.31 (27.71)
        1:21.15 (27.84)     1:49.57 (28.42)
        2:18.27 (28.70)     2:47.16 (28.89)
        3:15.94 (28.78)     3:44.66 (28.72)
        4:13.12 (28.46)     4:40.40 (27.28)
                        === B - Final ===                         
  9 Glafenhein, Chris      JR Farragut          4:46.94    4:43.73  
                 25.85        54.50 (28.65)
        1:23.32 (28.82)     1:52.28 (28.96)
        2:20.91 (28.63)     2:49.85 (28.94)
        3:19.03 (29.18)     3:47.27 (28.24)
        4:15.92 (28.65)     4:43.73 (27.81)
 10 Wallace, Connor           CENT              4:45.15    4:45.83  
                 25.23        53.90 (28.67)
        1:23.03 (29.13)     1:52.15 (29.12)
        2:21.29 (29.14)     2:50.35 (29.06)
        3:19.79 (29.44)     3:48.98 (29.19)
        4:18.04 (29.06)     4:45.83 (27.79)
 11 Hondorf, Loki          SR Orhs  Wildcats    4:50.10    4:46.01  
                 25.47        53.35 (27.88)
        1:22.54 (29.19)     1:52.28 (29.74)
        2:22.11 (29.83)     2:52.07 (29.96)
        3:21.75 (29.68)     3:51.06 (29.31)
        4:19.46 (28.40)     4:46.01 (26.55)
 12 Ransom, JonPat         SO MCCAL             4:50.53    4:47.87  
                 26.37        55.30 (28.93)
        1:24.58 (29.28)     1:53.77 (29.19)
        2:23.13 (29.36)     2:52.29 (29.16)
        3:21.46 (29.17)     3:50.46 (29.00)
        4:19.41 (28.95)     4:47.87 (28.46)
 13 Charles, Casey         FR Makos             4:48.97    4:48.95  
                 26.51        54.58 (28.07)
        1:23.45 (28.87)     1:52.58 (29.13)
        2:22.09 (29.51)     2:51.23 (29.14)
        3:21.19 (29.96)     3:51.08 (29.89)
        4:20.62 (29.54)     4:48.95 (28.33)
 14 Weaver, Jordan            MHEA              4:49.27    4:49.53  
                 26.97        55.64 (28.67)
        1:24.75 (29.11)     1:54.01 (29.26)
        2:23.27 (29.26)     2:52.41 (29.14)
        3:21.83 (29.42)     3:51.33 (29.50)
        4:20.97 (29.64)     4:49.53 (28.56)
 15 Bolton, Cooper            HHS               4:54.10    4:51.99  
                 25.64        54.67 (29.03)
        1:24.43 (29.76)     1:54.25 (29.82)
        2:24.31 (30.06)     2:54.43 (30.12)
        3:24.66 (30.23)     3:55.14 (30.48)
        4:24.56 (29.42)     4:51.99 (27.43)
 16 Forsythe, Raymond         LYNX              4:53.91    4:53.57  
                 26.40        55.10 (28.70)
        1:24.60 (29.50)     1:54.42 (29.82)
        2:24.38 (29.96)     2:54.30 (29.92)
        3:24.43 (30.13)     3:54.67 (30.24)
        4:24.42 (29.75)     4:53.57 (29.15)
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 17 Skoda, Clay            JR BHS               4:54.36             
                 25.80        53.76 (27.96)
        1:22.41 (28.65)     1:51.60 (29.19)
        2:21.58 (29.98)     2:52.09 (30.51)
        3:22.68 (30.59)     3:53.83 (31.15)
        4:24.67 (30.84)     4:54.36 (29.69)
 18 Duke, Paden               MHEA              4:57.61             
                 27.04        56.13 (29.09)
        1:25.82 (29.69)     1:55.94 (30.12)
        2:26.82 (30.88)     2:57.20 (30.38)
        3:27.99 (30.79)     3:58.39 (30.40)
        4:28.57 (30.18)     4:57.61 (29.04)
 19 Clarke, Taylor         JR MCCAL            J4:57.61             
                 26.18        54.99 (28.81)
        1:24.58 (29.59)     1:54.78 (30.20)
        2:25.36 (30.58)     2:56.04 (30.68)
        3:26.71 (30.67)     3:57.57 (30.86)
        4:28.03 (30.46)     4:57.61 (29.58)
 20 Claiborne, Cannon      FR SEV               4:58.59             
                 27.27        56.58 (29.31)
        1:26.75 (30.17)     1:57.03 (30.28)
        2:27.13 (30.10)     2:57.64 (30.51)
        3:28.11 (30.47)     3:58.52 (30.41)
        4:28.97 (30.45)     4:58.59 (29.62)
 21 Lochmaier, Peter       Fr BAYVR             4:59.47             
                 26.87        56.39 (29.52)
        1:26.54 (30.15)     1:56.86 (30.32)
        2:27.82 (30.96)     2:58.27 (30.45)
        3:28.43 (30.16)     3:59.22 (30.79)
        4:30.08 (30.86)     4:59.47 (29.39)
 22 Nicely, Preston           Stem Gryphon      5:03.53             
                 26.88        56.20 (29.32)
        1:26.16 (29.96)     1:56.50 (30.34)
        2:27.30 (30.80)     2:58.24 (30.94)
        3:29.56 (31.32)     4:01.08 (31.52)
        4:32.83 (31.75)     5:03.53 (30.70)
 23 Kelly, Jack               CBHS              5:04.80             
                 27.43        57.28 (29.85)
        1:27.59 (30.31)     1:58.72 (31.13)
        2:30.19 (31.47)     3:01.43 (31.24)
        3:33.29 (31.86)     4:05.14 (31.85)
        4:36.02 (30.88)     5:04.80 (28.78)
 24 Wynne, Ray                SBA               5:04.90             
                 27.90        57.73 (29.83)
        1:27.82 (30.09)     1:58.49 (30.67)
        2:29.75 (31.26)     3:00.94 (31.19)
        3:32.27 (31.33)     4:03.76 (31.49)
        4:34.93 (31.17)     5:04.90 (29.97)
 25 Jennings, Harrison     SO MCCAL             5:05.30             
                 28.01        58.37 (30.36)
        1:29.43 (31.06)     2:00.53 (31.10)
        2:31.67 (31.14)     3:02.46 (30.79)
        3:33.03 (30.57)     4:03.73 (30.70)
        4:34.80 (31.07)     5:05.30 (30.50)
 26 Crumpler, Jordan       FR Ndhs Swim Team    5:05.84             
                 26.73        56.39 (29.66)
        1:26.72 (30.33)     1:57.65 (30.93)
        2:28.97 (31.32)     3:00.47 (31.50)
        3:32.14 (31.67)     4:03.85 (31.71)
        4:35.45 (31.60)     5:05.84 (30.39)
 27 Carpenter, Ryan           MBA               5:09.32             
                 27.33        57.73 (30.40)
        1:28.88 (31.15)     2:00.75 (31.87)
        2:32.40 (31.65)     3:04.50 (32.10)
        3:36.50 (32.00)     4:08.05 (31.55)
        4:39.32 (31.27)     5:09.32 (30.00)
 28 Cooper, Simon             Hume Fogg         5:10.76             
                 27.95        58.55 (30.60)
        1:29.89 (31.34)     2:01.27 (31.38)
        2:32.86 (31.59)     3:04.27 (31.41)
        3:36.00 (31.73)     4:07.92 (31.92)
        4:39.94 (32.02)     5:10.76 (30.82)
 29 Kredich, Miles         FR West High School  5:12.90             
                 28.17        59.37 (31.20)
        1:30.51 (31.14)     2:01.91 (31.40)
        2:33.50 (31.59)     3:05.17 (31.67)
        3:36.93 (31.76)     4:09.28 (32.35)
        4:41.44 (32.16)     5:12.90 (31.46)
 30 Betts, Sam             SR Oakland           5:13.76             
                 27.67        57.75 (30.08)
        1:28.95 (31.20)     2:00.76 (31.81)
        2:32.52 (31.76)     3:04.82 (32.30)
        3:37.34 (32.52)     4:09.73 (32.39)
        4:42.18 (32.45)     5:13.76 (31.58)
 31 Snead, Stetson         JR FCHS              5:14.87             
                 28.00        58.79 (30.79)
        1:30.95 (32.16)     2:03.85 (32.90)
        2:36.42 (32.57)     3:09.22 (32.80)
        3:41.70 (32.48)     4:13.09 (31.39)
        4:44.79 (31.70)     5:14.87 (30.08)
 32 Koenig, Mitchell       SR FRA               5:15.38             
                 27.40        58.39 (30.99)
        1:29.58 (31.19)     2:01.09 (31.51)
        2:33.33 (32.24)     3:05.94 (32.61)
        3:38.74 (32.80)     4:11.52 (32.78)
        4:43.93 (32.41)     5:15.38 (31.45)
 33 Lupi, Mitchell         FR DBHS              5:15.75             
                 27.55        59.06 (31.51)
        1:31.34 (32.28)     2:03.50 (32.16)
        2:36.03 (32.53)     3:08.88 (32.85)
        3:41.38 (32.50)     4:13.40 (32.02)
        4:45.57 (32.17)     5:15.75 (30.18)
 34 Bryant, John           JR MCCAL             5:16.08             
                 28.11        58.96 (30.85)
        1:30.35 (31.39)     2:02.16 (31.81)
        2:33.94 (31.78)     3:06.47 (32.53)
        3:38.91 (32.44)     4:11.40 (32.49)
        4:44.32 (32.92)     5:16.08 (31.76)
 35 Bracey, Spencer        SO SHHS              5:17.20             
                 28.79      1:00.48 (31.69)
        1:33.00 (32.52)     2:05.48 (32.48)
        2:37.99 (32.51)     3:10.01 (32.02)
        3:42.60 (32.59)     4:15.11 (32.51)
        4:47.52 (32.41)     5:17.20 (29.68)
 36 Gump, Jacob            SO LCHS              5:17.59             
                 27.96        58.42 (30.46)
        1:30.02 (31.60)     2:02.64 (32.62)
        2:35.99 (33.35)     3:08.85 (32.86)
        3:41.48 (32.63)     4:13.86 (32.38)
        4:46.65 (32.79)     5:17.59 (30.94)
 37 McCrory, Jacob         JR SCAMP             5:19.74             
                 28.74      1:00.01 (31.27)
        1:31.72 (31.71)     2:04.63 (32.91)
        2:37.37 (32.74)     3:09.80 (32.43)
        3:42.21 (32.41)     4:15.31 (33.10)
        4:47.86 (32.55)     5:19.74 (31.88)
 38 Wireman, Will          FR SHHS              5:20.80             
                 27.58        59.25 (31.67)
        1:31.60 (32.35)     2:03.95 (32.35)
        2:37.02 (33.07)     3:09.78 (32.76)
        3:43.29 (33.51)     4:16.52 (33.23)
        4:49.78 (33.26)     5:20.80 (31.02)
 39 Martin, Clark          SO Riverdale         5:20.86             
                 27.73        58.40 (30.67)
        1:30.55 (32.15)     2:03.32 (32.77)
        2:35.76 (32.44)     3:08.43 (32.67)
        3:41.34 (32.91)     4:14.73 (33.39)
        4:47.99 (33.26)     5:20.86 (32.87)
 40 Byrd, Jake             SO RAV               5:21.69             
                 28.97      1:00.79 (31.82)
        1:33.04 (32.25)     2:05.91 (32.87)
        2:38.60 (32.69)     3:11.23 (32.63)
        3:43.92 (32.69)     4:16.63 (32.71)
        4:49.50 (32.87)     5:21.69 (32.19)
 41 Moeller, Evan          FR MCCAL             5:22.12             
                 27.95        58.82 (30.87)
        1:31.08 (32.26)     2:03.91 (32.83)
        2:36.89 (32.98)     3:10.33 (33.44)
        3:43.72 (33.39)     4:17.19 (33.47)
        4:50.37 (33.18)     5:22.12 (31.75)
 42 Marshall, Jack         JR Ohs Owls          5:22.21             
                 28.00        58.77 (30.77)
        1:30.62 (31.85)     2:03.33 (32.71)
        2:36.54 (33.21)     3:09.29 (32.75)
        3:42.39 (33.10)     4:16.23 (33.84)
        4:49.87 (33.64)     5:22.21 (32.34)
 43 Hondorf, Tyr           FR Orhs  Wildcats    5:23.47             
                 28.64      1:00.50 (31.86)
        1:32.52 (32.02)     2:05.61 (33.09)
        2:38.77 (33.16)     3:12.16 (33.39)
        3:45.78 (33.62)     4:19.42 (33.64)
        4:52.79 (33.37)     5:23.47 (30.68)
 44 Bartz, Sam                MUS               5:24.12             
                 28.53      1:00.19 (31.66)
        1:32.05 (31.86)     2:04.94 (32.89)
        2:38.85 (33.91)     3:12.49 (33.64)
        3:46.33 (33.84)     4:20.74 (34.41)
        4:53.93 (33.19)     5:24.12 (30.19)
 45 Bourgeois, Tyler        8 DBHS              5:24.61             
                 29.36      1:01.73 (32.37)
        1:34.94 (33.21)     2:07.81 (32.87)
        2:40.61 (32.80)     3:13.85 (33.24)
        3:46.93 (33.08)     4:20.56 (33.63)
        4:53.82 (33.26)     5:24.61 (30.79)
 46 O''Connor, Sean         FR Grace             5:26.95             
                 25.96        55.11 (29.15)
        1:25.93 (30.82)     1:59.10 (33.17)
        2:33.79 (34.69)     3:07.84 (34.05)
        3:41.97 (34.13)     4:16.36 (34.39)
        4:51.78 (35.42)     5:26.95 (35.17)
 47 Fischer, Cole          10 FHS               5:27.03             
                 29.06      1:01.76 (32.70)
        1:35.10 (33.34)     2:08.76 (33.66)
        2:42.12 (33.36)     3:16.02 (33.90)
        3:49.77 (33.75)     4:23.64 (33.87)
        4:55.63 (31.99)     5:27.03 (31.40)
 48 Cantrell, Daulton      SR CMS               5:27.18             
                 27.30        58.15 (30.85)
        1:31.34 (33.19)     2:05.00 (33.66)
        2:40.03 (35.03)     3:13.42 (33.39)
        3:47.45 (34.03)     4:21.49 (34.04)
        4:54.86 (33.37)     5:27.18 (32.32)
 49 Tidwell, Jake          SO West High School  5:27.88             
                 29.04      1:01.66 (32.62)
        1:35.19 (33.53)     2:09.01 (33.82)
        2:42.10 (33.09)     3:15.29 (33.19)
        3:49.49 (34.20)     4:23.13 (33.64)
        4:56.29 (33.16)     5:27.88 (31.59)
 50 Dugger, Canaan         SO Ihs Eagles        5:28.38             
                 30.79      1:04.21 (33.42)
        1:38.03 (33.82)     2:11.49 (33.46)
        2:45.33 (33.84)     3:18.71 (33.38)
        3:52.35 (33.64)     4:25.57 (33.22)
        4:57.89 (32.32)     5:28.38 (30.49)
 51 Hudson, Chase          SR CSAS              5:30.88             
                 28.43        59.93 (31.50)
        1:32.75 (32.82)     2:06.08 (33.33)
        2:39.65 (33.57)     3:13.54 (33.89)
        3:48.18 (34.64)     4:23.27 (35.09)
        4:58.09 (34.82)     5:30.88 (32.79)
 52 Denton, Graham         SO LCHS              5:32.24             
                 28.53      1:00.01 (31.48)
        1:32.98 (32.97)     2:07.11 (34.13)
        2:40.47 (33.36)     3:14.36 (33.89)
        3:48.72 (34.36)     4:23.58 (34.86)
        4:58.58 (35.00)     5:32.24 (33.66)
 53 Lundberg, Nelson       JR BTHS              5:34.94             
                 29.56      1:02.45 (32.89)
        1:36.03 (33.58)     2:09.78 (33.75)
        2:43.94 (34.16)     3:18.17 (34.23)
        3:53.30 (35.13)     4:28.39 (35.09)
        5:02.53 (34.14)     5:34.94 (32.41)
 54 Primka, Dan            FR WEBB              5:35.62             
                 29.53      1:01.88 (32.35)
        1:35.44 (33.56)     2:10.15 (34.71)
        2:43.60 (33.45)     3:17.91 (34.31)
        3:52.37 (34.46)     4:26.91 (34.54)
        5:02.30 (35.39)     5:35.62 (33.32)
 55 Smith, Quinn           JR Hhst              5:37.11             
                 29.45      1:01.76 (32.31)
        1:35.19 (33.43)     2:09.34 (34.15)
        2:43.98 (34.64)     3:18.84 (34.86)
        3:53.78 (34.94)     4:29.03 (35.25)
        5:04.08 (35.05)     5:37.11 (33.03)
 56 Burt, Collin              COLIE             5:39.20             
                 27.55        59.45 (31.90)
        1:33.43 (33.98)     2:07.67 (34.24)
        2:42.36 (34.69)     3:17.40 (35.04)
        3:53.51 (36.11)     4:29.27 (35.76)
        5:05.00 (35.73)     5:39.20 (34.20)
 57 McNeely, Jake             AHS               5:39.96             
                 28.44      1:00.62 (32.18)
        1:34.17 (33.55)     2:08.90 (34.73)
        2:44.08 (35.18)     3:19.80 (35.72)
        3:55.62 (35.82)     4:30.76 (35.14)
        5:06.99 (36.23)     5:39.96 (32.97)
 58 Sun, Kevin                COLIE             5:40.65             
                 28.50      1:00.86 (32.36)
        1:35.08 (34.22)     2:09.23 (34.15)
        2:43.93 (34.70)     3:18.36 (34.43)
        3:53.79 (35.43)     4:30.17 (36.38)
        5:06.01 (35.84)     5:40.65 (34.64)
 59 Robbins, Tyler         JR CLINT             5:42.08             
                 27.67        58.42 (30.75)
        1:30.51 (32.09)     2:04.67 (34.16)
        2:40.47 (35.80)     3:17.34 (36.87)
        3:53.33 (35.99)     4:29.97 (36.64)
        5:06.31 (36.34)     5:42.08 (35.77)
 60 Via, William           SO MCCAL             5:42.34             
                 29.31      1:02.11 (32.80)
        1:36.20 (34.09)     2:10.97 (34.77)
        2:46.11 (35.14)     3:21.40 (35.29)
        3:57.01 (35.61)     4:32.79 (35.78)
        5:08.29 (35.50)     5:42.34 (34.05)
 61 Barber, Christian      JR BOL               5:43.84             
                 29.64      1:02.34 (32.70)
        1:36.06 (33.72)     2:10.97 (34.91)
        2:46.36 (35.39)     3:21.75 (35.39)
        3:57.70 (35.95)     4:33.19 (35.49)
        5:08.61 (35.42)     5:43.84 (35.23)
 62 Eissler, Jake             MUS               5:45.38             
                 29.34      1:02.28 (32.94)
        1:36.76 (34.48)     2:11.63 (34.87)
        2:46.59 (34.96)     3:22.00 (35.41)
        3:57.57 (35.57)     4:32.77 (35.20)
        5:09.41 (36.64)     5:45.38 (35.97)
 63 Howe, Davis               MUS               6:06.17             
                 30.54      1:05.56 (35.02)
        1:42.23 (36.67)     2:19.37 (37.14)
        2:56.76 (37.39)     3:35.03 (38.27)
        4:13.36 (38.33)     4:52.02 (38.66)
        5:29.53 (37.51)     6:06.17 (36.64)
 -- Wilson, Peyton         SO SHHS                                  
 -- Abrams, Brandon        SO Oakland               NS              

Event 10  Men 1 mtr Diving
        State: S 575.20  2/9/2013  Samuel Smith, SIII-SE
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                          === Finals ===                          
  1 Clifton, Charlie          ENHS               370.15     531.10  
  2 Siler, Jacob              Stem Gryphon       329.55     463.35  
  3 Bretscher, Paul           Stem Gryphon       280.85     394.95  
  4 Smith, Ryan            Jr BAYVR              250.00     371.70  
  5 Chennault, Alec        Jr BAYVR              264.50     370.10  
  6 Bynum, Clarke          SR KA                 273.90     368.75  
  7 Downs, Harrison        SR MCCAL              248.00     341.95  
  8 Smith, Sumner          Fr BAYVR              245.75     329.05  
  9 McFadden, Eamon        SO SMSD               236.80     328.20  
 10 Patrick, Cole             Stem Gryphon       222.90     324.10  
 11 Danks, Clark           SO MCCAL              237.00     309.55  
 12 Barringer, John           MBA                228.60     301.85  
 13 Coffey, Sutton         SO SHHS               212.85     301.65  
 14 Powell, Parker         JR Riverdale          212.40     295.40  
 15 Chang, Peter           SR SHHS               206.95     282.80  
 16 Evans, John-Alex          Stem Gryphon       231.55     266.35  
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 14 Simpson, Christian     FR FRHS               216.85             
 18 Edwards, Rob              Hume Fogg          206.30             
 19 Robinson, Jack         JR MCCAL              198.60             
 20 Hankwitz, Austin       JR DBHS               193.90             
 21 Jellicorse, Trevor     FR Farragut           123.80             
 22 Wallace, Jackson       FR DBHS               123.10             
 23 Pemberton, Caleb       SR BEST               122.10             
 24 McMillan, Gill         FR Irish              115.05             
 25 Fahn, Jeremy           SR BTHS               113.35             
 26 Wampler, Noah          SO BTHS               111.70             
 27 Knudsen, Julian        JR Irish              110.70             
 28 Durrett, Will          SO BHS                108.20             
 29 McCay, Ben             JR HVA                 96.05             
 30 Horner, Alex           SO DBHS                92.40             
 31 Bielski, Sebastian     FR RAV                 91.25             
 32 da Ponte, Davis        SR WEBB                84.45             
 -- Gray, Alex             FR MCCAL                 NS              
 -- Bundros, Anthony       FR MCCAL                 NS              

Event 18  Men 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        State: S 1:22.72  2/14/2009 Baylor School
                          G Roop, R Shirey, J Sosna, J Sosna
  AA Consider: C 1:26.75
 AA Automatic: A 1:25.26
 Nat''l Public: P 1:21.01  3/18/2011 Hershey HS
                          Nolan, Bauchwitz, Nakano, Young
  Nat''l Indep: I 1:19.27  11/11/2012Bolles School
                          R. Murphy, J. Schooling, E. Goossen, S. Condoreli
    School                              Prelims     Finals        
                         === A - Final ===                          
  1 BAYVR  ''A''                          1:26.22    1:23.23A 
     1) Kaliszak, Luke SR             2) Hinson, Chandler SR          
     3) Tynes, Dustin SR              4) Selby, Christian Jr          
                 20.59        41.58 (20.99)
        1:03.03 (21.45)     1:23.23 (20.20)
  2 MUS  ''A''                            1:27.88    1:26.39C 
     1) Berry, Christian              2) Tabor, Sherman               
     3) Brooksbank, Thornton          4) Keel, Henry                  
                 21.40        42.95 (21.55)
        1:05.12 (22.17)     1:26.39 (21.27)
  3 WEBB  ''A''                           1:27.99    1:26.40C 
     1) Myhre, John SR                2) Cook, Jaron                  
     3) Callaway, Liam SR             4) Thomas, Adam JR              
                 22.33        45.00 (22.67)
        1:05.79 (20.79)     1:26.40 (20.61)
  4 BEST  ''A''                           1:28.08    1:27.58  
     1) Burcham, Ryan SR              2) Kerr, Will JR                
     3) Long, Jalen SO                4) Burns, Hayden JR             
                 21.60        43.56 (21.96)
        1:06.06 (22.50)     1:27.58 (21.52)
  5 SHHS  ''A''                           1:29.34    1:28.71  
     1) Chang, Daniel SO              2) Cathers, Evan JR             
     3) Brown, Aaron SO               4) Robbins, Clay SR             
                 21.79        43.18 (21.39)
        1:06.80 (23.62)     1:28.71 (21.91)
  6 Irish  ''A''                          1:28.81    1:29.03  
     1) Connolly, Alec SO             2) Dovgan, Matt JR              
     3) Bond, Addison SO              4) Connolly, Derek SR           
                 22.07        44.28 (22.21)
        1:07.74 (23.46)     1:29.03 (21.29)
  7 MBA  ''A''                            1:29.53    1:29.10  
     1) Duke, Harold                  2) Dupuis, Andrew               
     3) Robbins, Matthew              4) Dobbs, Hudson                
                 21.38        44.01 (22.63)
        1:07.47 (23.46)     1:29.10 (21.63)
  8 MCCAL  ''A''                          1:29.68    1:29.39  
     1) Ransom, JonPat SO             2) Davis, John Peter SO         
     3) Danks, Trey SR                4) Parker, Simon SR             
                 22.57        45.01 (22.44)
        1:07.35 (22.34)     1:29.39 (22.04)
                         === B - Final ===                          
  9 COLIE  ''A''                          1:30.18    1:31.02  
     1) Steffey, Tyler                2) VanDyke, Josh                
     3) Hayes, Daniel                 4) Walsh, Joshua                
                 22.96        46.51 (23.55)
        1:09.07 (22.56)     1:31.02 (21.95)
 10 CAK  ''A''                            1:32.90    1:31.66  
     1) Beets, Preston JR             2) Cates, Pete SR               
     3) Tedford, Teddy                4) Ragland, Jamie JR            
                 21.98        44.65 (22.67)
        1:07.74 (23.09)     1:31.66 (23.92)
 11 Farragut  ''A''                       1:32.94    1:31.91  
     1) Glafenhein, Chris JR          2) Mustard, Matthew SR          
     3) Schechter, Paul FR            4) Welch, James SO              
                 22.81        45.80 (22.99)
        1:09.98 (24.18)     1:31.91 (21.93)
 12 Riverdale  ''A''                      1:33.05    1:31.97  
     1) Abu-Shanab, Samad SO          2) Jeter, Mikey SO              
     3) Martin, Clark SO              4) Newton, Kevin SO             
                 23.07        46.82 (23.75)
        1:10.31 (23.49)     1:31.97 (21.66)
 13 MHEA  ''A''                           1:32.12    1:32.04  
     1) Hillyard, Joseph              2) Duke, Paden                  
     3) Fluker, Ivan                  4) Franklin, Lucas              
                 22.80        45.58 (22.78)
        1:09.53 (23.95)     1:32.04 (22.51)
 14 FRHS  ''A''                           1:32.51    1:32.38  
     1) Neuser, Will JR               2) Donnelly, Eamonn SO          
     3) Powell, Will JR               4) Wehby, Matthew FR            
                 23.24        46.09 (22.85)
        1:09.91 (23.82)     1:32.38 (22.47)
 15 Rebels  ''A''                         1:32.65    1:32.79  
     1) Salcido, Chris JR             2) Reed, Trenton JR             
     3) Drake, Taylor FR              4) Smith, Clay JR               
                 21.95        44.29 (22.34)
        1:07.97 (23.68)     1:32.79 (24.82)
 16 USN  ''A''                            1:33.05    1:32.93  
     1) Tattersfield, Ben SR          2) Patey, Kellon JR             
     3) Zheng, Neil JR                4) Dobie, Robert SR             
                 23.20        46.17 (22.97)
        1:09.92 (23.75)     1:32.93 (23.01)
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
 17 BCHS  ''A''                           1:33.19             
     1) Goss, Jonathan JR             2) Glandon, Nathan JR           
     3) Lewis, James JR               4) Hinsley, J T JR              
                 22.48        47.45 (24.97)
        1:09.85 (22.40)     1:33.19 (23.34)
 18 HHS  ''A''                            1:33.24             
     1) Burns, Phillip                2) Chlasta, Troy                
     3) Biller, Christopher           4) Bolton, Cooper               
                 23.42        47.17 (23.75)
        1:09.64 (22.47)     1:33.24 (23.60)
 19 SGIS  ''A''                           1:33.35             
     1) McBride, William              2) Kutteh, Michael              
     3) Adkins, Will                  4) Barton, Wil                  
                 22.71        47.61 (24.90)
        1:11.02 (23.41)     1:33.35 (22.33)
 20 HVA  ''A''                            1:34.34             
     1) Arthur, Will JR               2) Strange, Noah JR             
     3) Joiner, Rusty FR              4) Joyeuse, Zane JR             
                 21.17        45.90 (24.73)
        1:11.30 (25.40)     1:34.34 (23.04)
 21 Grhs Devils  ''A''                    1:34.35             
     1) Ward, Clay SR                 2) Hudson, Brandt SO            
     3) Fletcher, Ethan JR            4) Hudson, Coy SR               
                 23.67        46.96 (23.29)
        1:10.94 (23.98)     1:34.35 (23.41)
 22 FHS  ''A''                            1:34.59             
     1) Gobel, Evan 11                2) Bender, Ty 12                
     3) McReynolds, Charlie 12        4) Hawkins, Uriah 12            
                 24.27        47.58 (23.31)
        1:11.73 (24.15)     1:34.59 (22.86)
 23 West High School  ''A''               1:34.63             
     1) Jones, Dylan SR               2) Catron, Reese SO             
     3) Kredich, Miles FR             4) Chesney, Ben SR              
                 23.14        46.81 (23.67)
        1:12.09 (25.28)     1:34.63 (22.54)
 24 CRS  ''A''                            1:34.65             
     1) Cooper, Ben FR                2) Chung, Jason FR              
     3) Foley, Logan FR               4) Hilliker, Will               
                 23.39        47.48 (24.09)
        1:11.39 (23.91)     1:34.65 (23.26)
 25 ENHS  ''A''                           1:34.90             
     1) Clifton, Charlie              2) McCall, Will                 
     3) Rose, Casey JR                4) Rose, Benton                 
                 23.36        46.48 (23.12)
        1:09.84 (23.36)     1:34.90 (25.06)
 26 BCH  ''A''                            1:35.42             
     1) Hodges, Wade JR               2) Sperlich, Brycen SO          
     3) Trenner, Sam JR               4) Graves, Josh SR              
                 24.57        47.67 (23.10)
        1:12.49 (24.82)     1:35.42 (22.93)
 27 DBHS  ''A''                           1:35.85             
     1) Dotson, Riley SO              2) Duncan, Seth SO              
     3) Sloan, Brandon SR             4) Kuzmanoff, Alex SR           
                 24.59        48.66 (24.07)
        1:11.95 (23.29)     1:35.85 (23.90)
 28 SBA  ''A''                            1:36.23             
     1) Dudek, JD                     2) Barczak, Matthew             
     3) Mitchell, Garrett             4) Wagner, Brett                
                 24.64        49.35 (24.71)
        1:13.53 (24.18)     1:36.23 (22.70)
 29 SMY  ''A''                            1:37.05             
     1) Brooks, Craig SR              2) Anderson, John FR            
     3) Bowers, Michael SR            4) Miller, Jacob JR             
                 23.39        48.03 (24.64)
        1:13.62 (25.59)     1:37.05 (23.43)
 30 Ihs Eagles  ''A''                     1:37.16             
     1) Raines, Jarrell SR            2) Smith, Hunter SR             
     3) Dugger, Canaan SO             4) Retersdorf, Will JR          
                 24.37        49.24 (24.87)
        1:13.47 (24.23)     1:37.16 (23.69)
 31 SMSD  ''A''                           1:37.41             
     1) Porter, Mathias SR            2) Johnson, James FR            
     3) Porter, Thomas FR             4) Smith, Joseph SO             
                 21.87        47.59 (25.72)
        1:12.47 (24.88)     1:37.41 (24.94)
 32 BTHS  ''A''                           1:37.61             
     1) McCarty, Justin SR            2) Lundberg, Nelson JR          
     3) Johnson, Morgan JR            4) Hurt, Logan SR               
                 22.87        46.43 (23.56)
        1:12.84 (26.41)     1:37.61 (24.77)
 33 Grace  ''A''                          1:37.77             
     1) O''Connor, Sean FR             2) Prieto, Aaron SR             
     3) Keelty, Jordan JR             4) O''Connor, Jack SR            
                 22.49        49.62 (27.13)
        1:14.31 (24.69)     1:37.77 (23.46)
 34 FCHS  ''A''                           1:38.28             
     1) Clark, Colton JR              2) Snead, Stetson JR            
     3) Smith, Sam SR                 4) Dunphy, Matthew JR           
                 23.18        49.50 (26.32)
        1:15.35 (25.85)     1:38.28 (22.93)
 35 CPA  ''A''                            1:38.76             
     1) Benny, Paul JR                2) McGreary, Connor JR          
     3) Ellis, Luke FR                4) Stopkotte, Noah FR           
                 22.75        49.17 (26.42)
        1:15.54 (26.37)     1:38.76 (23.22)
 36 WILS  ''A''                           1:39.04             
     1) Bartow, Jake FR               2) Leckenby, Hayden SO          
     3) Rawls, Eli                    4) Ochoa, Daniel FR             
                 27.75        51.73 (23.98)
        1:17.51 (25.78)     1:39.04 (21.53)
 37 RAV  ''A''                            1:39.30             
     1) Williams, Tyler SO            2) Igarashi, Takahiro JR        
     3) Axon, Will SO                 4) Byrd, Jake SO                
                 24.25        48.69 (24.44)
        1:13.60 (24.91)     1:39.30 (25.70)
 38 Hhst  ''A''                           1:39.76             
     1) Ledgerwood, Tyler SO          2) Smith, Quinn JR              
     3) Smith, Logan FR               4) Hardin, Tucker SO            
                 25.38        50.41 (25.03)
        1:15.16 (24.75)     1:39.76 (24.60)
 39 SMHEA  ''A''                          1:39.90             
     1) Melhorn, Sam                  2) Cagle, Matthew               
     3) Hodgin, Andrew                4) Higgins, Walker              
                 25.20        52.19 (26.99)
        1:18.69 (26.50)     1:39.90 (21.21)
 40 Hume Fogg  ''A''                      1:40.62             
     1) Clark, Shelton                2) Crenshaw, John               
     3) Cooper, Simon                 4) Morris, Eamon                
                 26.63        52.27 (25.64)
        1:16.96 (24.69)     1:40.62 (23.66)
 41 BHS  ''A''                            1:41.94             
     1) Osteen, Nicholas SO           2) Buckley, Sean SR             
     3) Osteen, Ben SR                4) Keerthi, Arjun FR            
                 24.25        50.24 (25.99)
        1:15.77 (25.53)     1:41.94 (26.17)
 42 AHS  ''A''                            1:43.21             
     1)                               2) McNeely, Jake                
     3) McCarthy, Conor               4) Mazur, Grayden               
                 28.10        53.83 (25.73)
        1:19.01 (25.18)     1:43.21 (24.20)
 43 CBHS  ''A''                           1:47.38             
     1) Kelly, Jack                   2) Maddock, Matthew             
     3) Drennan, Michael              4) Sosnowski, Nick              
                 25.97        59.56 (33.59)
        1:22.20 (22.64)     1:47.38 (25.18)
 44 MHWHS  ''A''                          1:52.02             
     1) Lynam, Ross FR                2) Creazzo, Michael SR          
     3) Sia, Michael SO               4) Bass, Joseph JR              
                 28.02        57.33 (29.31)
        1:25.81 (28.48)     1:52.02 (26.21)
 -- MUS  ''B''                            1:31.62             
     1) Turner, CJ                    2) Harrison, Reed               
     3) Fitzhenry, Seamus             4) Evans, Drew                  
                 22.83        45.89 (23.06)
        1:09.09 (23.20)     1:31.62 (22.53)
 -- MCCAL  ''B''                          1:38.33             
     1) King, Grayson SO              2) Clarke, Taylor JR            
     3) Jennings, Harrison SO         4) Bryant, John JR              
                 24.02        48.25 (24.23)
        1:13.26 (25.01)     1:38.33 (25.07)
 -- BEST  ''B''                           1:34.63             
     1) Knight, Ryan SO               2) Freeman, Drew SR             
     3) Patterson, Alex SR            4) Slack, Thomas SR             
                 23.64        47.96 (24.32)
        1:11.01 (23.05)     1:34.63 (23.62)
 -- DBHS  ''B''                           1:42.78             
     1) Harless, Joshua JR            2) Lin, Michael SR              
     3) Bourgeois, Tyler 8            4) Lupi, Mitchell FR            
                 26.86        52.85 (25.99)
        1:18.23 (25.38)     1:42.78 (24.55)

Event 20  Men 100 Yard Backstroke
        State: S 48.00  2/13/2010 Michael Sheppard, St. Georges Ind
  AA Consider: C 51.38
 AA Automatic: A 50.13
 Nat''l Public: P 45.49  3/18/2011 David Nolan, Friendswood HS
  Nat''l Indep: I 45.34  11/11/2012Ryan Murphy, Bolles School
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Kaliszak, Luke         SR BAYVR               47.36      47.82S 
                 22.56        47.82 (25.26)
  2 Arthur, Will           JR HVA                 50.78      50.50C 
                 24.29        50.50 (26.21)
  3 DeFore, Jackson        FR BHS                 51.54      51.07C 
                 24.89        51.07 (26.18)
  4 Bretscher, James          Stem Gryphon        51.47      51.30C 
                 24.79        51.30 (26.51)
  5 Espy, Chandler         Jr BAYVR               51.40      51.51  
                 24.66        51.51 (26.85)
  6 Kelton, Grant             BCS                 52.03      51.72  
                 25.04        51.72 (26.68)
  7 Reed, Trenton          JR Rebels              52.38      52.38  
                 25.23        52.38 (27.15)
  8 Dobbs, Hudson             MBA                 52.54      54.03  
                 25.76        54.03 (28.27)
                        === B - Final ===                         
  9 Robinson, Alex            MUS                 52.64      52.16  
                 24.88        52.16 (27.28)
 10 Duke, Harold              MBA                 53.82      53.16  
                 25.79        53.16 (27.37)
 11 Stelling, Garrett         MHEA                52.91      53.17  
                 25.74        53.17 (27.43)
 12 Hughes, Seth           JR Midway High         53.05      53.44  
                 25.26        53.44 (28.18)
 13 Devine, Owen           FR DBHS                53.49      53.49  
                 26.29        53.49 (27.20)
 14 Rusznak, Mark          SR USN                 53.91      54.78  
                 26.32        54.78 (28.46)
 15 Weaver, Caelin            MHEA                54.99      55.43  
                 26.59        55.43 (28.84)
 16 Greenhill, Grant       JR DBHS                55.07      55.51  
                 27.20        55.51 (28.31)
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 17 Burnett, Sterling      SO SEV                 55.23             
                 26.72        55.23 (28.51)
 18 Hillyard, Joseph          MHEA                55.73             
                 27.55        55.73 (28.18)
 19 Patey, Kellon          JR USN                 55.74             
                 27.11        55.74 (28.63)
 20 Brown, Jarrod             HOU                 55.89             
                 27.24        55.89 (28.65)
 21 Crumpler, Ryan         JR Ndhs Swim Team      55.94             
                 27.14        55.94 (28.80)
 22 Giddens, David         Jr BAYVR               56.09             
                 26.99        56.09 (29.10)
 23 Larsen, Daniel            CCCHS               56.19             
                 27.21        56.19 (28.98)
 24 Graves, Josh           SR BCH                 56.49             
                 27.60        56.49 (28.89)
 25 Morris, Eamon             Hume Fogg           56.87             
                 27.98        56.87 (28.89)
 26 Joyeuse, Zane          JR HVA                 56.90             
                 28.25        56.90 (28.65)
 27 Shelton, Adam             SSHS                57.09             
                 28.04        57.09 (29.05)
 28 O''Heron, Michael          CENT                57.33             
                 28.01        57.33 (29.32)
 29 Evans, Drew               MUS                 57.36             
                 28.04        57.36 (29.32)
 30 Mustard, Matthew       SR Farragut            57.38             
                 27.72        57.38 (29.66)
 31 Condidorio, Trevor     JR CPA                 57.42             
                 27.54        57.42 (29.88)
 32 Blanks, Dean           SR THS                 57.47             
                 27.80        57.47 (29.67)
 33 O''Connor, Sean         JR SHHS                57.52             
                 27.78        57.52 (29.74)
 34 Chesney, Ben           SR West High School    57.62             
                 27.96        57.62 (29.66)
 35 Gray, Alex                CENT                57.91             
                 28.20        57.91 (29.71)
 36 Milam, Max             SO MCCAL               57.96             
                 28.12        57.96 (29.84)
 37 Pannock, Daniel        SR USN                 58.01             
                 27.49        58.01 (30.52)
 38 Cooper, Ben            FR CRS                 58.38             
                 28.07        58.38 (30.31)
 39 Howell, Harrison       SO Hixson              58.42             
                 28.19        58.42 (30.23)
 40 Powell, Will           JR FRHS                58.59             
                 28.23        58.59 (30.36)
 41 Simcoe, Lucas             COLIE               58.73             
                 28.35        58.73 (30.38)
 42 Colerick, Forest          MUS                 58.95             
                 28.17        58.95 (30.78)
 43 Miller, Jacob          JR SMY                 58.98             
                 29.01        58.98 (29.97)
 44 Franklin, Lucas           MHEA                59.21             
                 28.66        59.21 (30.55)
 45 McCall, Will              ENHS                59.24             
                 29.08        59.24 (30.16)
 46 Freeman, Drew          SR BEST                59.30             
                 29.04        59.30 (30.26)
 47 Waldecker, Seth        SR Oakland             59.45             
                 28.58        59.45 (30.87)
 48 Barczak, Matthew          SBA                 59.75             
                 28.70        59.75 (31.05)
 49 Lefler, Cade           SR Makos               59.77             
                 28.52        59.77 (31.25)
 50 Ouyang, Richard           MUS                 59.78             
                 28.95        59.78 (30.83)
 51 Barton, John              SGIS                59.82             
                 29.40        59.82 (30.42)
 52 Shelton, Guy           SO CRS               1:00.06             
                 28.63      1:00.06 (31.43)
 53 Catron, Reese          SO West High School  1:00.10             
                 29.41      1:00.10 (30.69)
 54 Rollins, Grant         SO TKA               1:00.26             
                 29.31      1:00.26 (30.95)
 55 Robbins, Matthew          MBA               1:00.30             
                 29.35      1:00.30 (30.95)
 56 Alexander, Laine       FR Page High         1:00.31             
                 29.77      1:00.31 (30.54)
 57 Dotson, Riley          SO DBHS              1:00.35             
                 28.96      1:00.35 (31.39)
 58 Woo, Nicholas          JR West High School  1:00.87             
                 28.66      1:00.87 (32.21)
 59 Mazur, Grayden            AHS               1:01.06             
                 29.35      1:01.06 (31.71)
 60 Drake, Taylor          FR Rebels            1:01.08             
                 29.89      1:01.08 (31.19)
 61 Smith, Quinn           JR Hhst              1:01.27             
                 29.52      1:01.27 (31.75)
 62 Denton, Graham         SO LCHS              1:01.29             
                 29.22      1:01.29 (32.07)
 63 Fenton, George         SO CPA               1:01.30             
                 29.78      1:01.30 (31.52)
 64 Bracey, Steven         JR SHHS              1:01.33             
                 29.02      1:01.33 (32.31)
 65 Crenshaw, John            Hume Fogg         1:01.44             
                 30.14      1:01.44 (31.30)
 66 Harry, Matthew         12 FHS               1:01.59             
                 30.09      1:01.59 (31.50)
 67 Keerthi, Arjun         FR BHS               1:01.65             
                 30.03      1:01.65 (31.62)
 68 Foley, Logan           FR CRS               1:01.81             
                 29.69      1:01.81 (32.12)
 69 Duncan, Seth           SO DBHS              1:01.82             
                 30.56      1:01.82 (31.26)
 70 Shaw, Blake            SR FCHS              1:02.03             
                 29.98      1:02.03 (32.05)
 71 Hauge, Micah           SO TH                1:02.98             
                 30.54      1:02.98 (32.44)
 72 Harless, Joshua        JR DBHS              1:04.27             
                 30.78      1:04.27 (33.49)

Event 22  Men 100 Yard Breaststroke
        State: S 54.88  2/8/2008  Curtis Lovelace, Montgomery Bell
  AA Consider: C 57.85
 AA Automatic: A 56.79
 Nat''l Public: P 53.39  5/18/2013 Steven Stumph, Campolindo HS,CA
  Nat''l Indep: I 53.66  2/20/1998 Patrick Fowler, Seattle Prep
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 Tynes, Dustin          SR BAYVR               57.17      55.77A 
                 26.25        55.77 (29.52)
  2 Chang, Daniel          SO SHHS                56.26      56.58A 
                 26.79        56.58 (29.79)
  3 Browne, Ethan          JR Makos               57.06      56.67A 
                 26.96        56.67 (29.71)
  4 Porter, Mathias        SR SMSD                56.80      56.82C 
                 26.71        56.82 (30.11)
  5 Long, Bryar            SO BEST                57.68      57.14C 
                 27.08        57.14 (30.06)
  6 Butler, Chris          SO CSAS                57.83      57.92  
                 27.41        57.92 (30.51)
  7 Dunphy, Matthew        JR FCHS                59.22      58.16  
                 27.87        58.16 (30.29)
  8 Bales, Matthew         SO Farragut            59.35      58.60  
                 27.38        58.60 (31.22)
                        === B - Final ===                         
  9 Bier, Nathan           JR SHHS                59.87      59.33  
                 27.90        59.33 (31.43)
 10 Darling, Ryland           MHEA                59.70      59.36  
                 27.95        59.36 (31.41)
 11 Douglas, Caelan           COLIE             1:00.01    1:00.29  
                 28.14      1:00.29 (32.15)
 12 Townsdin, James           HARD              1:00.99    1:00.45  
                 28.60      1:00.45 (31.85)
 13 Stopkotte, Noah        FR CPA               1:01.24    1:01.23  
                 29.45      1:01.23 (31.78)
 14 Rawls, Eli                WILS              1:00.80    1:01.44  
                 28.78      1:01.44 (32.66)
 15 Neuser, Will           JR FRHS              1:01.59    1:01.86  
                 28.49      1:01.86 (33.37)
 16 Sanders, Owen             Stem Gryphon      1:01.51    1:02.29  
                 29.71      1:02.29 (32.58)
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
 17 Erwin, Austin             COLIE             1:01.87             
                 29.00      1:01.87 (32.87)
 18 Robbins, Clay          SR SHHS              1:02.58             
                 29.03      1:02.58 (33.55)
 19 Dunkley, Joshua        SO Oakland           1:02.63             
                 29.09      1:02.63 (33.54)
 20 Kaye, Parker              MUS               1:02.64             
                 29.34      1:02.64 (33.30)
 21 Turner, CJ                MUS               1:02.85             
                 29.62      1:02.85 (33.23)
 22 Melhorn, Sam              SMHEA             1:03.17             
                 29.79      1:03.17 (33.38)
 23 Magat, Dean            SR MCCAL             1:03.37             
                 29.73      1:03.37 (33.64)
 24 Ng, Nicholas           SR USN               1:03.58             
                 29.14      1:03.58 (34.44)
 25 Brown, Aaron           SO SHHS              1:04.33             
                 30.37      1:04.33 (33.96)
 26 Claiborne, Cannon      FR SEV               1:04.42             
                 30.49      1:04.42 (33.93)
 27 Trombley, Christian    Jr BAYVR             1:04.50             
                 30.16      1:04.50 (34.34)
 28 Fluker, Ivan              MHEA              1:04.55             
                 29.62      1:04.55 (34.93)
 29 Torgersen, Torger      SR ERHS              1:04.60             
                 30.54      1:04.60 (34.06)
 30 Biller, Christopher       HHS               1:04.67             
                 31.35      1:04.67 (33.32)
 31 Lee, Mitchell             MHEA              1:05.04             
                 31.22      1:05.04 (33.82)
 32 Tingle, Sam            SR ALCOA             1:05.14             
                 29.80      1:05.14 (35.34)
 33 Seay, Nicholas         SO MCCAL             1:05.45             
                 30.62      1:05.45 (34.83)
 34 Zhang, Gaibo           SR Orhs  Wildcats    1:05.48             
                 30.30      1:05.48 (35.18)
 35 Carmichael, Paul       JR Oakland           1:05.49             
                 30.39      1:05.49 (35.10)
 36 Glandon, Nathan        JR BCHS              1:05.67             
                 31.06      1:05.67 (34.61)
 37 Colerick, Keltner         MUS               1:05.77             
                 31.28      1:05.77 (34.49)
 38 Barber, Christian      JR BOL               1:06.04             
                 31.53      1:06.04 (34.51)
 39 Porter, Thomas         FR SMSD              1:06.07             
                 31.82      1:06.07 (34.25)
 40 Knight, Ryan           SO BEST              1:06.08             
                 31.26      1:06.08 (34.82)
 41 Trenner, Sam           JR BCH               1:06.25             
                 30.48      1:06.25 (35.77)
 42 Chung, Jason           FR CRS               1:06.33             
                 31.28      1:06.33 (35.05)
 43 Sloan, Brandon         SR DBHS              1:06.37             
                 31.38      1:06.37 (34.99)
 44 Patterson, Alex        SR BEST              1:06.59             
                 30.75      1:06.59 (35.84)
 45 Weaver, Matthew        SR Riverdale         1:06.61             
                 30.84      1:06.61 (35.77)
 46 Chung, Nelson          JR CRS               1:06.79             
                 31.15      1:06.79 (35.64)
 46 VanDyke, Josh             COLIE             1:06.79             
                 30.86      1:06.79 (35.93)
 48 Igarashi, Takahiro     JR RAV               1:06.86             
                 31.82      1:06.86 (35.04)
 49 Dobbs, Austin             MBA               1:07.10             
                 30.66      1:07.10 (36.44)
 50 Johnson, Morgan        JR BTHS              1:07.18             
                 31.55      1:07.18 (35.63)
 51 Riggs, Foster          SR Orhs  Wildcats    1:07.34             
                 31.81      1:07.34 (35.53)
 52 Haney, Ben             JR LCHS              1:07.55             
                 30.83      1:07.55 (36.72)
 53 Jones, Will            SR USN               1:07.56             
                 31.52      1:07.56 (36.04)
 54 Ashbaugh, Connor       SR Riverdale         1:07.82             
                 31.15      1:07.82 (36.67)
 55 Hauge, Micah           SO TH                1:08.03             
                 32.21      1:08.03 (35.82)
 56 Andreen, Patrick          MBA               1:08.17             
                 31.35      1:08.17 (36.82)
 57 Benorden, Aaron        JR Farragut          1:08.37             
                 31.96      1:08.37 (36.41)
 58 Dougherty, Steven      SR SCENT             1:08.42             
                 32.56      1:08.42 (35.86)
 59 Cantrell, Daulton      SR CMS               1:08.88             
                 31.90      1:08.88 (36.98)
 60 Lance, Joshua          FR SHHS              1:08.90             
                 32.39      1:08.90 (36.51)
 60 Myers, Mackenzie       JR USN               1:08.90             
                 32.10      1:08.90 (36.80)
 62 Callaway, Liam         SR WEBB              1:08.92             
                 31.09      1:08.92 (37.83)
 63 Primka, Dan            FR WEBB              1:08.93             
                 32.00      1:08.93 (36.93)
 64 Smith, Sam             FR SAS               1:09.14             
                 31.27      1:09.14 (37.87)
 65 Lim, Ethan             SO Merrol Hyde       1:09.25             
                 32.23      1:09.25 (37.02)
 66 Whitson, Conner           ACHS              1:09.46             
                 33.21      1:09.46 (36.25)
 67 Price, Will            JR SCAMP             1:09.63             
                 32.83      1:09.63 (36.80)
 68 Powell, Drew              MBA               1:10.02             
                 33.09      1:10.02 (36.93)
 69 Creazzo, Michael       SR MHWHS             1:12.41             
                 33.69      1:12.41 (38.72)
 70 Bass, Joseph           JR MHWHS             1:13.10             
                 34.01      1:13.10 (39.09)
 71 Lefler, Cade           SR Makos             1:13.74             
                 34.62      1:13.74 (39.12)
 -- Sosnowski, Nick           CBHS                 DFS              

Event 24  Men 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
        State: S 3:04.01  2/14/2009 Baylor School
                          G Roop, M Limerick, N Vredeveld, M Grodzki
  AA Consider: C 3:10.51
 AA Automatic: A 3:07.43
 Nat''l Public: P 2:59.76  2/24/2012 New Trier HS
                          Skinner, Malone, Mangan, Grodecki
  Nat''l Indep: I 2:54.43  11/11/2012Bolles School
                          M. Limerick, R. Shirey, N. Vredeveld, M. Grodski
    School                              Prelims     Finals        
                         === A - Final ===                          
  1 BAYVR  ''A''                          3:10.35    3:04.00S 
     1) McHugh, Sam SR                2) Hinson, Chandler SR          
     3) Raines, Will Jr               4) Selby, Christian Jr          
                 21.90        45.57 (45.57)
        1:07.39 (21.82)     1:31.95 (46.38)
        1:53.80 (21.85)     2:18.85 (46.90)
        2:40.34 (21.49)     3:04.00 (45.15)
  2 WEBB  ''A''                           3:11.32    3:09.08C 
     1) Hines, Alex FR                2) Thomas, Adam JR              
     3) Cook, Jaron                   4) Myhre, John SR               
                 23.48        49.72 (49.72)
        1:11.58 (21.86)     1:36.47 (46.75)
        1:59.11 (22.64)     2:24.35 (47.88)
        2:45.59 (21.24)     3:09.08 (44.73)
  3 MUS  ''A''                            3:13.27    3:10.65  
     1) Berry, Christian              2) Evans, Drew                  
     3) Keel, Henry                   4) Robinson, Alex               
                 22.60        47.26 (47.26)
        1:10.80 (23.54)     1:36.20 (48.94)
        1:58.47 (22.27)     2:23.33 (47.13)
        2:45.62 (22.29)     3:10.65 (47.32)
  4 BEST  ''A''                           3:13.16    3:11.65  
     1) Burcham, Ryan SR              2) Long, Bryar SO               
     3) Long, Jalen SO                4) Burns, Hayden JR             
                 22.34        47.70 (47.70)
        1:10.37 (22.67)     1:35.64 (47.94)
        1:59.14 (23.50)     2:25.45 (49.81)
        2:47.52 (22.07)     3:11.65 (46.20)
  5 MCCAL  ''A''                          3:15.68    3:13.41  
     1) Ransom, JonPat SO             2) Danks, Trey SR               
     3) Parker, Simon SR              4) Sohn, Dennis SR              
                 23.33        48.86 (48.86)
        1:12.10 (23.24)     1:37.85 (48.99)
        2:00.30 (22.45)     2:25.98 (48.13)
        2:48.49 (22.51)     3:13.41 (47.43)
  6 SHHS  ''A''                           3:15.81    3:14.12  
     1) Cathers, Evan JR              2) Bier, Nathan JR              
     3) O''Connor, Sean JR             4) Chang, Daniel SO             
                 22.99        47.78 (47.78)
        1:11.13 (23.35)     1:36.40 (48.62)
        2:00.82 (24.42)     2:27.72 (51.32)
        2:49.62 (21.90)     3:14.12 (46.40)
  7 MHEA  ''A''                           3:16.77    3:14.69  
     1) Hillyard, Joseph              2) Weaver, Jordan               
     3) Franklin, Lucas               4) Stelling, Garrett            
                 23.53        49.62 (49.62)
        1:12.17 (22.55)     1:37.73 (48.11)
        2:00.74 (23.01)     2:27.80 (50.07)
        2:49.60 (21.80)     3:14.69 (46.89)
  8 COLIE  ''A''                          3:17.66    3:17.11  
     1) Dacus, David                  2) Steffey, Tyler               
     3) Walsh, Joshua                 4) Hayes, Daniel                
                 24.64        52.23 (52.23)
        1:15.18 (22.95)     1:42.28 (50.05)
        2:04.68 (22.40)     2:29.46 (47.18)
        2:52.37 (22.91)     3:17.11 (47.65)
                         === B - Final ===                          
  9 Makos  ''A''                          3:18.32    3:17.26  
     1) Howell, Samuel SR             2) Charles, Casey FR            
     3) Browne, Ethan JR              4) Grant, Byron SR              
                 24.03        50.26 (50.26)
        1:14.63 (24.37)     1:41.27 (51.01)
        2:04.55 (23.28)     2:30.63 (49.36)
        2:52.80 (22.17)     3:17.26 (46.63)
 10 BHS  ''A''                            3:18.54    3:17.41  
     1) Welch, Matthew FR             2) Skoda, Clay JR               
     3) Klinsky, Spencer FR           4) DeFore, Jackson FR           
                 23.36        48.96 (48.96)
        1:12.83 (23.87)     1:39.23 (50.27)
        2:03.56 (24.33)     2:30.42 (51.19)
        2:52.72 (22.30)     3:17.41 (46.99)
 11 CENT  ''A''                           3:22.05    3:18.41  
     1) Ammon, Evan                   2) Beach, Matthew               
     3) Wallace, Connor               4) Gray, Alex                   
                 23.08        48.66 (48.66)
        1:11.16 (22.50)     1:35.08 (46.42)
        1:59.31 (24.23)     2:26.47 (51.39)
        2:51.16 (24.69)     3:18.41 (51.94)
 12 Oakland  ''A''                        3:20.23    3:19.42  
     1) Kelly, Patrick SO             2) Waldecker, Seth SR           
     3) Dunkley, Joshua SO            4) Leskinen, Eli JR             
                 23.56        48.98 (48.98)
        1:13.08 (24.10)     1:40.74 (51.76)
        2:04.21 (23.47)     2:30.97 (50.23)
        2:53.53 (22.56)     3:19.42 (48.45)
 13 Farragut  ''A''                       3:20.67    3:19.44  
     1) Glafenhein, Chris JR          2) Bales, Matthew SO            
     3) Mustard, Matthew SR           4) Welch, James SO              
                 23.53        48.59 (48.59)
        1:12.02 (23.43)     1:38.22 (49.63)
        2:01.82 (23.60)     2:28.79 (50.57)
        2:52.39 (23.60)     3:19.44 (50.65)
 14 Irish  ''A''                          3:19.90    3:20.25  
     1) Connolly, Derek SR            2) Dovgan, Matt JR              
     3) Bond, Addison SO              4) Connolly, Alec SO            
                 23.47        49.82 (49.82)
        1:13.64 (23.82)     1:39.89 (50.07)
        2:04.75 (24.86)     2:32.93 (53.04)
        2:55.07 (22.14)     3:20.25 (47.32)
 15 USN  ''A''                            3:22.57    3:21.14  
     1) Rusznak, Mark SR              2) Patey, Kellon JR             
     3) Pannock, Daniel SR            4) Ng, Nicholas SR              
                 24.16        50.74 (50.74)
        1:14.11 (23.37)     1:40.23 (49.49)
        2:03.66 (23.43)     2:30.54 (50.31)
        2:53.98 (23.44)     3:21.14 (50.60)
 16 DBHS  ''A''                           3:23.84    3:23.02  
     1) Wagner, Cameron JR            2) Greenhill, Grant JR          
     3) Lupi, Ryan SR                 4) Devine, Owen FR              
                 24.64        51.32 (51.32)
        1:15.85 (24.53)     1:43.19 (51.87)
        2:07.41 (24.22)     2:34.21 (51.02)
        2:57.20 (22.99)     3:23.02 (48.81)
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
 17 HHS  ''A''                            3:24.70             
     1) Burns, Phillip                2) Chlasta, Troy                
     3) Biller, Christopher           4) Bolton, Cooper               
                 24.91        52.64 (52.64)
        1:17.26 (24.62)     1:44.86 (52.22)
        2:08.77 (23.91)     2:34.79 (49.93)
        2:58.56 (23.77)     3:24.70 (49.91)
 18 AHS  ''A''                            3:24.75             
     1) Gaines, Donnie                2) Wilcher, Jordan              
     3) Ma, Daniel                    4) Kring, Gunner                
                 24.69        51.94 (51.94)
        1:15.12 (23.18)     1:40.67 (48.73)
        2:05.41 (24.74)     2:33.12 (52.45)
        2:57.59 (24.47)     3:24.75 (51.63)
 19 Riverdale  ''A''                      3:26.32             
     1) Abu-Shanab, Samad SO          2) Weaver, Matthew SR           
     3) Jeter, Mikey SO               4) Newton, Kevin SO             
                 23.76        50.28 (50.28)
        1:15.51 (25.23)     1:42.65 (52.37)
        2:07.68 (25.03)     2:35.68 (53.03)
        2:59.78 (24.10)     3:26.32 (50.64)
 20 Rebels  ''A''                         3:26.61             
     1) Reed, Trenton JR              2) Drake, Taylor FR             
     3) Smith, Clay JR                4) Salcido, Chris JR            
                 23.79        49.38 (49.38)
        1:14.96 (25.58)     1:43.42 (54.04)
        2:09.74 (26.32)     2:39.43 (56.01)
        3:02.57 (23.14)     3:26.61 (47.18)
 21 Stem Gryphon  ''A''                   3:26.63             
     1) Lara, Jonathan                2) Nicely, Preston              
     3) Sanders, Owen                 4) Bretscher, James             
                 25.79        56.50 (56.50)
        1:21.32 (24.82)     1:49.56 (53.06)
        2:12.81 (23.25)     2:38.49 (48.93)
        3:01.44 (22.95)     3:26.63 (48.14)
 22 West High School  ''A''               3:27.57             
     1) Jones, Dylan SR               2) Catron, Reese SO             
     3) Woo, Nicholas JR              4) Chesney, Ben SR              
                 24.53        51.31 (51.31)
        1:15.55 (24.24)     1:42.65 (51.34)
        2:08.38 (25.73)     2:36.90 (54.25)
        3:00.65 (23.75)     3:27.57 (50.67)
 23 FRHS  ''A''                           3:29.68             
     1) Wehby, Matthew FR             2) Powell, Will JR              
     3) Wehby, Sam SO                 4) Donnelly, Eamonn SO          
                 24.04        50.85 (50.85)
        1:15.70 (24.85)     1:43.43 (52.58)
        2:09.30 (25.87)     2:39.14 (55.71)
        3:03.08 (23.94)     3:29.68 (50.54)
 24 Orhs  Wildcats  ''A''                 3:29.95             
     1) Hondorf, Loki SR              2) Riggs, Foster SR             
     3) Hondorf, Tyr FR               4) Zhang, Gaibo SR              
                 23.69        48.54 (48.54)
        1:14.96 (26.42)     1:43.67 (55.13)
        2:09.80 (26.13)     2:39.06 (55.39)
        3:03.33 (24.27)     3:29.95 (50.89)
 25 FHS  ''A''                            3:30.86             
     1) Hawkins, Uriah 12             2) Fischer, Cole 10             
     3) Bender, Ty 12                 4) Harry, Matthew 12            
                 24.48        52.07 (52.07)
        1:17.73 (25.66)     1:45.64 (53.57)
        2:10.10 (24.46)     2:37.41 (51.77)
        3:02.54 (25.13)     3:30.86 (53.45)
 26 BTHS  ''A''                           3:34.36             
     1) McCarty, Justin SR            2) Johnson, Morgan JR           
     3) Lundberg, Nelson JR           4) Hurt, Logan SR               
                 24.02        50.05 (50.05)
        1:15.24 (25.19)     1:42.13 (52.08)
        2:08.89 (26.76)     2:38.62 (56.49)
        3:04.79 (26.17)     3:34.36 (55.74)
 27 SBA  ''A''                            3:35.13             
     1) Wynne, Ray                    2) Mitchell, Garrett            
     3) Norris, Brice                 4) Dudek, JD                    
                 26.66        55.14 (55.14)
        1:20.80 (25.66)     1:49.18 (54.04)
        2:15.29 (26.11)     2:43.84 (54.66)
        3:08.36 (24.52)     3:35.13 (51.29)
 28 MBA  ''A''                            3:35.64             
     1) Robbins, Matthew              2) Jones, Wesley                
     3) Carpenter, Ryan               4) Sullivan, Stephen            
                 25.49        53.76 (53.76)
        1:19.22 (25.46)     1:48.19 (54.43)
        2:13.99 (25.80)     2:42.74 (54.55)
        3:07.74 (25.00)     3:35.64 (52.90)
 29 HOU  ''A''                            3:36.22             
     1) Brown, Jarrod                 2) Gould, Justin                
     3) Keck, Jesse                   4) Glasgow, Stephen             
                 25.20        52.22 (52.22)
        1:18.17 (25.95)     1:46.44 (54.22)
        2:13.86 (27.42)     2:44.47 (58.03)
        3:09.11 (24.64)     3:36.22 (51.75)
 30 LCHS  ''A''                           3:36.56             
     1) Denton, Graham SO             2) Valentine, Charlie SR        
     3) Haney, Ben JR                 4) Gump, Jacob SO               
                 25.98        54.98 (54.98)
        1:20.84 (25.86)     1:49.96 (54.98)
        2:15.30 (25.34)     2:43.58 (53.62)
        3:08.66 (25.08)     3:36.56 (52.98)
 31 Hhst  ''A''                           3:41.82             
     1) Ledgerwood, Tyler SO          2) Smith, Logan FR              
     3) Smith, Quinn JR               4) Hardin, Tucker SO            
                 26.81        57.16 (57.16)
        1:23.30 (26.14)     1:52.66 (55.50)
        2:18.62 (25.96)     2:47.23 (54.57)
        3:13.01 (25.78)     3:41.82 (54.59)
 32 SGIS  ''A''                           3:44.89             
     1) Gammil, Kneeland              2) McGough, Payton              
     3) Kutteh, John                  4) Barton, John                 
                 26.10        54.11 (54.11)
        1:20.55 (26.44)     1:51.02 (56.91)
        2:19.25 (28.23)   2:51.47 (1:00.45)
        3:17.03 (25.56)     3:44.89 (53.42)
 33 CRS  ''A''                            3:45.10             
     1) Shelton, Guy SO               2) Culpepper, Jasper            
     3) Byerly, Austin JR             4) Chung, Nelson JR             
                 26.71        56.35 (56.35)
        1:23.36 (27.01)     1:53.70 (57.35)
        2:20.45 (26.75)     2:50.11 (56.41)
        3:15.73 (25.62)     3:45.10 (54.99)
 34 CPA  ''A''                            3:49.03             
     1) Condidorio, Trevor JR         2) Tatum, Thomas SO             
     3) Condidorio, Justin FR         4) Fenton, George SO            
                 26.43        53.28 (53.28)
        1:21.57 (28.29)     1:52.50 (59.22)
        2:21.33 (28.83)   2:55.79 (1:03.29)
        3:21.22 (25.43)     3:49.03 (53.24)
 35 SCENT  ''A''                          4:00.93             
     1) Johnson, Zach SR              2) Weakley, Jordan SO           
     3) Holt, Wesley SO               4) Dougherty, Steven SR         
                 26.60        54.94 (54.94)
        1:26.63 (31.69)   2:00.86 (1:05.92)
        2:30.02 (29.16)   3:03.37 (1:02.51)
        3:30.81 (27.44)     4:00.93 (57.56)
 -- USN  ''B''                            3:35.80             
     1)                               2) Myers, Mackenzie JR          
     3) Jones, Will SR                4) Tattersfield, Ben SR         
                 24.88        52.08 (52.08)
        1:18.35 (26.27)     1:47.46 (55.38)
        2:14.21 (26.75)     2:43.69 (56.23)
        3:08.35 (24.66)     3:35.80 (52.11)
 -- MUS  ''B''                            3:24.30             
     1) Fitzhenry, Seamus             2) Kaye, Parker                 
     3) Colerick, Forest              4)                              
                 25.22        52.41 (52.41)
        1:17.11 (24.70)     1:44.02 (51.61)
        2:08.10 (24.08)     2:35.22 (51.20)
        2:59.00 (23.78)     3:24.30 (49.08)
 -- DBHS  ''B''                           3:41.45             
     1) Bourgeois, Tyler 8            2) Harless, Joshua JR           
     3) Lupi, Mitchell FR             4) Kuzmanoff, Alex SR           
                 26.87        56.37 (56.37)
        1:23.48 (27.11)     1:55.46 (59.09)
        2:20.74 (25.28)     2:49.01 (53.55)
        3:14.03 (25.02)     3:41.45 (52.44)
 -- MCCAL  ''B''                          3:31.07             
     1) King, Grayson SO              2) Clarke, Taylor JR            
     3) Milam, Max SO                 4) Jennings, Harrison SO        
                 25.46        53.17 (53.17)
        1:18.40 (25.23)     1:45.65 (52.48)
        2:10.30 (24.65)     2:38.27 (52.62)
        3:03.71 (25.44)     3:31.07 (52.80)
 -- SHHS  ''B''                           3:41.66             
     1) Mills, Lucas FR               2) Wireman, Will FR             
     3) Bracey, Spencer SO            4) Lance, Joshua FR             
                 25.69        54.06 (54.06)
        1:20.14 (26.08)     1:48.34 (54.28)
        2:14.52 (26.18)     2:44.01 (55.67)
        3:11.10 (27.09)     3:41.66 (57.65)
 -- MHEA  ''B''                           3:28.93             
     1) Duke, Paden                   2) Lee, Mitchell                
     3) Weaver, Caelin                4) Fluker, Ivan                 
                 25.00        52.44 (52.44)
        1:18.26 (25.82)     1:45.26 (52.82)
        2:08.76 (23.50)     2:35.33 (50.07)
        3:00.28 (24.95)     3:28.93 (53.60)
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