“Touch the Wall” Documentary Featuring Missy Franklin and Kara Lynn Joyce Gets Premiere Date
Photo by Peter H. Bick
DENVER, Colorado, October 2. AFTER many years of filming and editing, the documentary “Touch the Wall” featuring Missy Franklin and Kara Lynn Joyce will make its world debut at the Buell Theatre in Denver, where most of the footage was shot.
The premiere will take place at 2 p.m. on November 15 as what will likely be the highlight of the Starz Denver Film Festival. Franklin and Joyce are scheduled to attend the premiere and walk the red carpet before the event, according to a Denver Post article. Filmmakers Christo Brock and Grant Berbeito will also be in attendance.
The film will chronicle the journey Franklin and Joyce took in making the 2012 U.S. Olympic team. For about a year, Joyce trained at the Colorado Stars with Franklin before relocating to SwimMAC Carolina shortly before the Olympic Trials.
Tickets will be available starting Tuesday at the film festival website. To learn more about the film, visit the website.
”Touch the Wall” film clips:
Brock appeared on SwimmingWorld.TV’s “Morning Swim Show” in April 2013: