Simmonds Mines Gold Twice at European Youth Olympic Festival

LIGNANO, Italy, July 6. THE second day of the European Youth Olympic Festival was highlighted by two victories from Elizabeth Simmonds of Great Britain, who won both the 200 backstroke and the 200 individual medley in less than 30 minutes. The big disappointment was the failing timing system, which had a major effect on at least one final, the 100 freestyle for women.

The Olympic pool in Lignano is brand new, as construction started only in September of 2004. Fifteen months ago, the organizing committee decided to rethink the idea of having the swimming meet in an open-air pool 60 kilometers from the Olympic village and started making plans to build a new pool. The pool is finished, but there was not enough time to check the timing system thoroughly.

The swimmers in the women’s 100 freestyle made a great race of their event, with two athletes moving away from the rest of the field. Lauren Collins (Great Britain) and Nathalie Lindborg (Sweden) had a close finish in the race for gold, but when the timing system failed, the jury decided to give the gold to Collins. Although Lindborg was awarded the silver medal, both women were given 57.90 as a time.

Malaguie Delarbre collected the bronze medal, leading the rest of the field with all highly questionable times. Luckily there is a rest day planned for the swimmers on Wednesday, giving the organization the opportunity to check and recheck the timing system.

Simmonds was the queen of the pool on the second night of action, winning both the 200 backstroke and the 200 I.M. in convincing fashion. With a 2:18.73, she smashed the competition in the I.M., leaving Emese Kovacs (2:21.32) and the 200 breaststroke silver medalist Nadezda Voropaeva (2:22.49) at a safe distance. Just 30 minutes earlier, Simmonds clocked 2:14.08 in the 200 backstroke. Oxana Shlapakova (2:19.18) and Caterina Brighi (2.20.48) followed.

The German team won two out of three men’s events. Robin Backhaus was the first to touch the pad in the 400 freestyle, clocking 4:01.24. Maciej Hreniak (Poland) swam like he encountered giant waves, but still managed to finish second, ahead of Nimrod Shapira Bar Or (Israel).

Marcel Luck was the second swimmer from Germany to capture gold. He finished his 100-meter butterfly race just ahead of Yauheni Lazuka (Belarus) in 55.88 to 56.12. The winner of Tuesday’s 100 freestyle, Yoris Grandjean just out-touched Ivan Lendjar for bronze. The 200 breaststroke was won by Italian Luca Pizzini in 2:17.78, well ahead of Dmitriy Shelomentsev (2:20.89) and Giedrius Titenis (2:21.12).

The organizing committee had programmed a mixed 800 freestyle relay, giving smaller countries with only two or three boys and girls the opportunity to participate in a relay at this festival. The final, however, was won by the big countries. Great Britain was unbeatable, finishing eight seconds ahead of Russia and Hungary, leaving Germany in fourth place.

400 freestyle men A final

1 5 Robin BACKHAUS GERMANY RAM 1989 27.90 58.37 1'29.47 2'00.36 2'31.28 3'02.40 3'32.80 4'01.24
2 6 Maciej HRENIAK POLAND RAM 1989 28.62 59.13 1'30.12 2'00.95 2'32.05 3'02.90 3'32.91 4'02.08
3 2 Nimrod SHAPIRA BAR OR ISRAEL RAM 1989 28.61 59.90 1'31.18 2'02.48 2'32.89 3'03.91 3'34.07 4'02.90
4 4 Manuel VINCENZI ITALY RAM 1989 28.10 58.29 1'29.24 2'00.29 2'31.14 3'02.54 3'33.27 4'02.91
5 7 Jorge MAIA PORTUGAL RAM 1989 27.89 57.56 1'28.16 1'58.87 2'30.05 3'01.51 3'33.16 4'03.16
6 3 Juan Luis RODRIGUEZ SPAIN RAM 1989 28.52 59.16 1'29.94 2'02.14 2'31.89 3'03.92 3'33.33 4'05.25
7 8 Caglar GOKBULUT TURKEY RAM 1989 29.82 1'01.25 1'32.93 2'04.47 2'35.56 3'06.19 3'37.39 4'07.48
8 1 Glenn SURGELOOSE BELGIUM RAM 1989 28.30 59.09 1'30.98 2'03.33 2'35.70 3'08.67 3'42.02 4'14.70

400 meter vrije slag men B final
1 2 Adam BROWN GREAT BRITAIN RAM 1989 28.03 59.22 1'30.67 2'02.50 2'33.98 3'04.30 3'35.38 4'06.45
2 6 Clement SACCHERI FRANCE RAM 1989 28.82 59.82 1'31.56 2'03.23 2'35.01 3'06.71 3'37.68 4'08.51
3 4 Adam DAJKA HUNGARY RAM 1989 28.14 58.78 1'30.53 2'02.48 2'34.54 3'06.95 3'39.53 4'09.72
4 7 Henk VAN NIEJENHUIS NETHERLANDS RAM 1989 28.73 59.73 1'31.52 2'03.55 2'35.99 3'08.44 3'40.36 4'10.28
5 8 Christoffer WALLIN SWEDEN RAM 1990 28.89 59.98 1'31.88 2'04.15 2'36.71 3'09.31 3'41.67 4'12.52
6 3 Dimitrios ADAMOPOULOS GREECE RAM 1989 28.71 1'01.72 1'31.24 2'03.36 2'35.18 3'08.93 3'39.49 4'12.79
7 1 Remus Florin DAVID ROMANIA RAM 1989 28.60 1'00.45 1'32.40 2'05.02 2'37.67 3'10.43 3'43.10 4'15.00
8 5 Dmitriy CHECHULIN RUSSIA RAM 1989 27.89 59.01 1'31.28 2'04.24 2'38.36 3'12.25 3'46.94 4'20.26

100 freestyle women A final

1 4 Lauren COLLINS RAF 1991 GREAT BRITAIN 57.90
2 3 Nathalie LINDBORG 1991 SWEDEN 57.90
3 6 Malaguie DELARBRE RAF 1991 FRANCE 58.50
4 5 Uta MULLER 1991 GERMANY 59.70
5 7 Elena SOKOLOVA 1991 RUSSIA 59.80
6 1 Cristina SUTILO 1991 SPAIN 59.90
Anett KOVACS 1991 HUNGARY 59.90
Elisa CIMAROSTO RAF 1991 ITALY 59.90

100 freestyle women B final

1 5 Alexandra MANIOU 1992 GREECE 29.44 1'00.05
2 4 Jolien SYSMANS 1992 BELGIUM 29.31 1'00.44
3 6 Lea KOS 1991 SLOVENIA 29.57 1'00.75
4 3 Aleksandra KAMINSKA 1992 POLAND 29.51 1'00.82
5 8 Marta MARINHO 1991 PORTUGAL 29.69 1'00.97
6 7 Michaela RECKOVA 1991 SLOVAKIA 29.49 1'01.16
7 1 Anca Mathilda STEFAN 1992 ROMANIA 29.93 1'01.63
8 2 Ekaterina AVRAMOVA RAF 1991 BULGARIA 29.92 1'03.17

100 butterfly men A final

1 4 Marcel LUCK RAM 1989 GERMANY 25.94 55.88
2 5 Yauheni LAZUKA 1989 BELARUS 26.09 56.12
3 3 Yoris GRANDJEAN RAM 1989 BELGIUM 26.35 56.67
4 2 Ivan LENDJAR RAM 1990 SERBIA and MONTENEGRO 26.73 56.70
5 6 Jan SEFL RAM 1990 CZECH REPUBLIC 26.51 57.31
6 1 Deividas CEPULIS RAM 1989 LITHUANIA 26.93 57.73
7 7 Peter BORDAS RAM 1990 HUNGARY 27.24 57.99
8 8 Pedro BAENAS RAM 1989 SPAIN 27.33 58.01

100 buterfly men B final

1 8 Oleksandr ISAKOV RAM 1989 UKRAINE 26.17 56.64
2 5 Stuart HOUSTON RAM 1989 GREAT BRITAIN 26.88 57.32
3 4 Bartosz BOGDAN RAM 1989 POLAND 27.07 57.44
4 6 Spyridon – Mari LEKKAS RAM 1990 GREECE 27.91 58.50
5 3 Antonio Luca D'ALEMA RAM 1989 ITALY 27.53 58.61
6 2 Roman MIKHAYLOV RAM 1990 RUSSIA 27.38 58.72
7 7 Robert ZBOGAR RAM 1989 SLOVENIA 26.92 58.83
8 1 Catalin Florin OBRETIN RAM 1989 ROMANIA 27.75 59.10

200 backstroke women A final

1 4 Elisabeth SIMMONDS 1991 GREAT BRITAIN 31.47 1'05.20 1'39.69 2'14.08
2 5 Oxana SHLAPAKOVA 1991 RUSSIA 32.47 1'06.99 1'43.45 2'19.18
3 6 Caterina BRIGHI EAF 1992 ITALY 34.02 1'10.08 1'46.09 2'20.48
4 2 Michelle Melanie KUSSIN 1992 AUSTRIA 32.96 1'09.16 1'46.16 2'21.52
5 1 Christin ZENNER 1991 GERMANY 33.23 1'09.81 1'46.43 2'21.87
6 3 Ana RIBNIKAR 1991 SLOVENIA 32.93 1'08.57 1'45.82 2'22.35
7 7 Sonia PEREZ 1991 SPAIN 33.98 1'10.19 1'47.72 2'24.02
DISQU. 8 Zuzanna MAZUREK 1991 POLAND 34.56 1'10.99 1'48.17 DISQU.

200 backstroke women B final

1 3 Szimonetta GALAMB RAF 1992 HUNGARY 33.55 1'12.40 1'47.61 2'24.42
2 1 Manuela Lavinia LUPASCU 1991 ROMANIA 34.56 1'11.38 1'48.22 2'24.85
3 2 Pernille LARSEN 1992 DENMARK 34.44 1'11.07 1'48.53 2'26.06
4 5 Nadzeya HANCHARYK 1991 BELARUS 34.42 1'11.16 1'49.45 2'26.34
5 6 Simona BAUMRTOVA RAF 1991 CZECH REPUBLIC 34.08 1'10.78 1'48.94 2'26.94
6 4 Charlotte BOURIGAULT RAF 1991 FRANCE 34.30 1'11.35 1'49.60 2'27.07
7 7 Chelsey WILSON 1991 IRELAND 34.27 1'11.62 1'50.79 2'28.02
8 8 Aspasia PETRADAKI 1992 GREECE 34.51 1'12.36 1'51.26 2'28.56

200 breaststroke men A final

1 4 Luca PIZZINI RAM 1989 ITALY 31.15 1'06.77 1'42.67 2'17.78
2 3 Dmitriy SHELOMENTSEV RAM 1989 RUSSIA 32.59 1'09.02 1'43.91 2'20.89
3 2 Giedrius TITENIS RAM 1989 LITHUANIA 32.13 1'08.04 1'43.72 2'21.12
4 5 Adrian TRACZ RAM 1989 POLAND 31.94 1'07.69 1'44.08 2'21.15
5 6 Max PARTRIDGE RAM 1989 GREAT BRITAIN 32.89 1'08.99 1'45.43 2'21.59
6 7 Ivan PEREPELYTSYA RAM 1989 UKRAINE 32.63 1'08.39 1'44.98 2'22.33
7 8 Ihar KUPREYEU RAM 1989 BELARUS 32.57 1'09.07 1'46.16 2'23.47
8 1 Sergio GARCIA RAM 1989 SPAIN 32.92 1'09.93 1'47.08 2'24.68

200 breaststroke men B final

1 5 Abel ORBAN RAM 1989 HUNGARY 32.98 1'10.66 1'49.24 2'27.01
2 2 Pierre-Antoine MEUNIER RAM 1989 BELGIUM 32.55 1'10.17 1'47.51 2'27.12
3 3 David NOVOTNY RAM 1989 CZECH REPUBLIC 33.85 1'12.64 1'49.66 2'27.13
4 4 Leif AHME RAM 1989 GERMANY 32.61 1'09.21 1'47.38 2'27.17
5 6 Apostolos SYNODINOS RAM 1989 GREECE 33.92 1'11.51 1'50.14 2'29.07
6 7 Ricardo VARELA RAM 1989 PORTUGAL 33.92 1'13.01 1'51.72 2'30.56
7 8 Gudni EMILSSON RAM 1989 ICELAND 34.32 1'13.18 1'53.02 2'33.43
8 1 Catalin Alexandru CHITU RAM 1990 ROMANIA 34.29 1'14.06 1'54.36 2'36.02

200 IM women A final

1 4 Elisabeth SIMMONDS 1991 GREAT BRITAIN 31.87 1'05.08 1'45.98 2'18.73
2 5 Emese KOVACS 1991 HUNGARY 30.00 1'06.82 1'48.85 2'21.32
3 3 Nadezda VOROPAEVA 1991 RUSSIA 30.90 1'07.88 1'48.29 2'22.49
4 6 Nina SCHIFFER 1991 GERMANY 30.67 1'08.04 1'51.04 2'24.67
5 1 Karolina SZCZEPANIAK 1992 POLAND 30.67 1'10.00 1'51.95 2'25.92
6 7 Uschi HALBREINER 1991 AUSTRIA 32.39 1'09.24 1'52.55 2'26.18
7 8 Paulina SJOHOLM 1991 SWEDEN 32.44 1'09.50 1'52.34 2'27.30
8 2 Francesca ACETO 1991 ITALY 31.17 1'10.25 1'52.37 2'27.41

200 IM women B final

1 3 Efraima KALOKYRI 1991 GREECE 31.62 1'09.21 1'52.63 2'26.19
2 5 Nika Karlina PETRIC 1992 SLOVENIA 32.61 1'08.99 1'53.73 2'27.07
3 6 Anna NOVAKOVA 1991 CZECH REPUBLIC 32.08 1'09.69 1'53.86 2'27.35
4 4 Carla CAMPO RAF 1991 SPAIN 31.15 1'08.82 1'54.04 2'28.75
5 8 Margaux FABRE RAF 1992 FRANCE 31.39 1'11.26 1'56.61 2'29.90
6 7 Clara – Lou DEJAEGHER RAF 1991 BELGIUM 32.89 1'12.93 1'54.76 2'29.91
7 1 An MUNK ORSTROM ANDERSEN 1991 DENMARK 33.15 1'12.24 1'56.43 2'30.76
8 2 Iona Alexandra POPA 1991 ROMANIA 32.89 1'13.69 1'56.44 2'35.17

800 freestyle relay mixed final

1 4 GREAT BRITAIN 27.05 57.27 1'55.93 2'56.76 4'00.87 4'56.31 5'55.92 6'56.05 7'59.68
Adam BROWN 1989 27.05 57.27 1'55.93
Ellen GANDY 1991 1'00.83 2'04.94
Steven BECKERLEG 1989 55.44 1'55.05
Ceri UNWIN 1991 1'00.13 2'03.76

2 7 RUSSIA 27.17 56.43 1'56.24 2'56.56 4'03.01 4'59.10 5'59.47 7'01.24 8'07.16
Nikita SOLOMENTSEV 1989 27.17 56.43 1'56.24
Elena SOKOLOVA 1991 1'00.32 2'06.77
Dmitriy CHECHULIN 1989 56.09 1'56.46
Oxana SHLAPAKOVA 1991 1'01.77 2'07.69

3 6 HUNGARY 27.51 56.80 1'57.07 2'59.20 4'05.60 5'01.93 6'01.37 7'02.56 8'08.11
Adam DAJKA 1989 27.51 56.80 1'57.07
Fanni SZEDER 1992 1'02.13 2'08.53
Adam NOGRADI 1989 56.33 1'55.77
Emese KOVACS 1991 1'01.19 2'06.74

4 5 GERMANY 26.64 56.57 1'55.23 2'55.89 4'03.24 4'58.52 6'00.49 7'01.61 8'08.22
Yannick LEBHERZ 1989 26.64 56.57 1'55.23
Sina SUTTER 1991 1'00.66 2'08.01
Dimitri COLUPAEV 1989 55.28 1'57.25
Laura VANEK 1991 1'01.12 2'07.73

5 3 ITALY 26.98 56.72 1'56.96 2'59.48 4'06.69 5'03.54 6'06.43 7'07.31 8'10.74
Cesare SCIOCCHETTI 1989 26.98 56.72 1'56.96
Eleonora TAFI 1992 1'02.52 2'09.73
Manuel VINCENZI 1989 56.85 1'59.74
Cinzia SCIOCCHETTI 1991 1'00.88 2'04.31

6 2 SPAIN 27.22 57.22 1'55.93 2'59.80 4'06.99 5'03.22 6'03.43 7'06.37 8'13.78
Jordi ROSES 1989 27.22 57.22 1'55.93
Marta NOGUEROLES 1991 1'03.87 2'11.06
Sergio GARCIA 1989 56.23 1'56.44
Paloma DOMINGUEZ 1991 1'02.94 2'10.35

7 8 POLAND 27.95 58.13 1'59.09 3'02.25 4'10.82 5'09.09 6'10.40 7'13.98 8'25.34
Sebastian KASZA 1989 27.95 58.13 1'59.09
Magdalena PULKA 1992 1'03.16 2'11.73
Wojciech CHARYNA 1989 58.27 1'59.58
Aleksandra KAMINSKA 1992 1'03.58 2'14.94

8 1 SWEDEN 28.21 59.35 2'02.01 3'03.77 4'11.20 5'09.91 6'12.94 7'15.83 8'26.91
Niklas GUSTAVSSON 1989 28.21 59.35 2'02.01
Nathalie LINDBORG 1991 1'01.76 2'09.19
Christoffer WALLIN 1990 58.71 2'01.74
Ninni ARVIDSSON 1991 1'02.89 2'13.97

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