Klochkova Leads Ukraine to Team Crown at World University Games, USA Is Second

By Josh Jeffrey

DAEGU, South Korea, August 31. UKRAINIANS topped the overall swimming medal standings with a four gold performance on the final evening of competition at the World University Games in Daegu.

Yana Klochkova took a fourth individual event gold in winning the women's 200m butterfly. Never challenged, she led for the entire race, and was over a second ahead of closest competitor Paola Cavallino of Italy by the 100.

As anyone whose ever watched Yana swim the 400 IM knows, she only continues to get stronger in the back half of races, and does a lot of swimming in clear water with her heels to the field. This race would be no exception as her winning time of 2:09.52 put her exactly two seconds ahead of Cavallino, silver medalist in 2:11.52. Bronze went to Japan's Yukiko Osada at 2:12.59.

Surprisingly enough, her best overall performance of the meet wasn't in an individual medley, but instead the 200 freestyle. One only wonders what kind of times she could post fully tapered and rested in that event and the 200 fly.

Great Britain's James Gibson took his second gold of the meet, cracking to a new Universiade record in the men's 50m breaststroke. His time of 27.92 broke the 27.99 mark set by Ukraine's Oleg Lisogor, who was nipped by a fingernail at the wall, touching in 27.94 for silver, also under his former record. Bronze went to Hungarian Mihaly Flaskay in 28.05.

In women's swimming, you can always count on Japan to be at or near the top of the dais in backstroke events at any meet, and tonight's 200 backstroke final proved just why as the ladies of the rising sun swept the gold and silver positions. Reiko Nakamura swam to gold with a time of 2:12.17, with teammate Aya Terakawa for silver at 2:13.21. The USA won its first medal of the night, with Erin Volcan touching for bronze at 2:13.82.

Vyacheslav Shyrshov of the Ukraine scored his team's second gold of the evening, winning the men's 50m freestyle event in 22.59, touching out Peter Mankoc of Slovenia, who hit the pads at 22.77 for silver. Russian Andrei Kaoralov filled the bronze medal position with a time of 22.81.

China's tag team of Qi Hui and Luo Xuejuan went at it again, this time in the women's 100 breaststroke final. Luo was determined to avenge her loss to Qi in the 200 breaststroke, and did so with ease, splitting a blistering 31.48 first 50, with Qi nearly a second and a half behind.

Luo knew she would have to build a huge lead to keep her teammate from catching her on the homestretch, and as it turns out, she built a much bigger lead than she needed, as Qi had only gained by a few tenths at the finish.

Luo demonstrated why she's the reigning world champion, swimming to the women's most outstanding performance of the meet, a blistering 1:07.45 to take nearly a half second off the former Universiade record, a very solid 1:07.84 held by 1996 Olympic double gold medalist Penny Heyns of South Africa. Qi finished for silver in 1:08.76, more than a second back, while Great Britain's Rachel Genner picked up a bronze in 1:09.72.

Distance prodigy Yuri Prilukov of Russia won his third event of the meet in taking gold in the men's 1500 freestyle, but it wasn't easy. By the 1000 mark, the Ukraine's Igor Chervynskiy had built up a lead of more than a second, and it wasn't until the final 100 that Prilukov made his move. As it turns out, Prilukov had a lot more left in the tank than Chervynskiy had anticipated, splitting a very fast 56.06 final 100 to the Ukrainian's 58.42.

Prilukov touched first in 15:12.13, with Chervynskiy second in 15:14.46. The fight for bronze went nearly the same way as Korea's Sung Cho Mo had nearly a two second lead on the USA's Peter Vanderkaay entering the final 50. Sung split a final lap of 28.62, but Vanderkaay responded with a 26.92, faster even than Prilukov's last 50, to eke out a bronze by five-hundredths of a second, touching in 15:19.44 to Sung's 15:19.49.

Ukrainian Olga Mukomol, inspired by teammate Shyrshov's win in the men's 50m free, won the team's third gold of the night in the women's splash and dash 50m freestyle. Mukomol's time of 25.57 was more than three tenths ahead of silver medalist Michelle Engelsman of Australia, who just barely touched out bronze medalist Petra Dallmann of Germany, 25.89 to 25.92.

Things were looking good for the US men in the 400m medley relay as backstroker Dan Westcott got the team out to more than a half second lead (55.20), but that lead was eaten up when Lisogor (1:01.04) from Ukraine and Ivanovski (1:01.19) of Russia split nearly half a second faster than the USA's Will Brandt (1:01.58). When butterflier Andrii Serdinov stepped up on the blocks for Team Ukraine, the race was pretty much over. No one in the field could come within a second and a half of his scorching 50.92 leg, one of the fastest in history, which set up the third-fastest anchor leg in the field by teammate Yuri Yegoshin (49.30) to not only win, but obliterate the Universiade record.

Team Ukraine's time of 3:37.46 was more than two seconds faster than the prior record of 3:39.49 by the US team. The Russian team also finished under the previous record, well behind at 3:39.09 for silver. The lead set by Dan Westcott of the USA served his team in good stead as Japan was close to catching them at the wall after notching the field's second-fastest fly leg. USA won bronze in 3:40.18 to Japan's 3:40.41.
Other than Serdinov, James Gibson notched an outstanding breaststroke leg of 59.89 for Great Britain.

At the end of the meet, the USA had won the most medals, taking three gold, ten silver, and eight bronze for a total of 21 — more than any other country — but the outstanding team honors went to Team Ukraine. Boasting the men's (and overall) top performance of the meet in Andrii Serdinov's 100m butterfly, and quadruple-golden superwoman Yana Klochkova, the Ukrainians swam to nine gold, five silver, and six bronze medals, a total of 20.

China finished second in the medal count with 7 gold, 16 overall. Russia was third (6 gold, 13 overall), followed by Great Britain (6 gold, 11 overall) in fourth abd Japan (5 gold, 18 overall) in fifth and the USA in sixth.

2003 World University Games
Daegu, Korea
August 24-30, 2003

50 meter pool

Day 6: August 30, 2003


1 25.57 Mukomol Olga,79,UKR
2 25.89 Engelsman Michelle,79,AUS
3 25.93 Dallmann Petra,78,GER
4 25.97 Platzer Sara,83,USA
5 26.10 Xu Yanwei,84,CHN
6 26.13 Short Rebekah,82,USA
7 26.46 Yamada Kaori,81,JPN
8 26.51 Kazikova Sandra,76,CZE

B Final
1 26.30 Evans Kathryn,81,GBR
2 26.55 Monchaux Magali,80,FRA
26.55 Kolukanova Jana,81,EST
4 26.65 Lapunova Olena,80,UKR
5 26.68 Chepurkova Marina,80,RUS
6 26.74 Douglas Julie,80,IRL
7 26.75 Consolandi Lara,82,ITA
8 26.78 Burgos Renata,82,BRA

1 25.71 Mukomol Olga,79,UKR
2 25.88 Engelsman Michelle,79,AUS
3 25.92 Urata Nanami,84,JPN
4 26.13 Dallmann Petra,78,GER
5 26.16 Short Rebekah,82,USA
6 26.17 Yamada Kaori,81,JPN
26.17 Platzer Sara,83,USA
26.17 Xu Yanwei,84,CHN

9 26.40 Kazikova Sandra,76,CZE
10 26.47 Kolukanova Jana,81,EST
11 26.55 Lapunova Olena,80,UKR
12 26.56 Evans Kathryn,81,GBR
13 26.62 Burgos Renata,82,BRA
14 26.65 Douglas Julie,80,IRL
15 26.69 Chepurkova Marina,80,RUS
16 26.69 Monchaux Magali,80,FRA

17 26.83 Consolandi Lara,82,ITA
18 26.94 Porenta Jennifer,85,CAN
19 27.02 Corkran Kate,83,AUS
20 27.07 Gustamelsky Ania,81,ISR
21 27.10 Couderc Celine,83,FRA
22 27.16 Robinson Emma,78,IRL
23 27.18 Yudina Lyubov,81,RUS
24 27.28 de Jesus Flavia,82,BRA
25 27.58 Tsai Hiu Wai,83,HKG

1 2:12.17 Nakamura Reiko,82,JPN
2 2:13.21 Terakawa Aya,84,JPN
3 2:13.82 Volcan Erin,83,USA
4 2:15.46 Farrell Maureen,83,USA
5 2:16.00 Zhan Shu,86,CHN
6 2:16.50 Lee Karen,83,GBR
7 2:18.37 Barsanti Federica,78,ITA
8 2:18.59 Cartiaux Celine,79,FRA

B Final
1 2:18.99 Stefanyshyn Kelly,82,CAN
2 2:19.45 Meredith Caitlin,83,CAN
3 2:20.13 Dudnik Olga,85,UKR
4 2:20.22 Raevskaya Irina,83,RUS
5 2:20.32 Choi Soo-Min,81,KOR
6 2:20.71 Zhiburt Irina,83,RUS
7 2:21.02 Nevell Belinda,83,AUS
8 2:22.71 Auer Barbara,81,AUT

1 2:15.33 Volcan Erin,83,USA
2 2:15.49 Terakawa Aya,84,JPN
3 2:15.90 Farrell Maureen,83,USA
4 2:16.48 Nakamura Reiko,82,JPN
5 2:17.70 Barsanti Federica,78,ITA
6 2:17.75 Lee Karen,83,GBR
7 2:18.19 Cartiaux Celine,79,FRA
8 2:18.63 Zhan Shu,86,CHN

9 2:18.98 Stefanyshyn Kelly,82,CAN
10 2:19.48 Zhiburt Irina,83,RUS
11 2:19.81 Choi Soo-Min,81,KOR
12 2:20.07 Meredith Caitlin,83,CAN
13 2:20.52 Raevskaya Irina,83,RUS
14 2:20.96 Auer Barbara,81,AUT
15 2:21.95 Nevell Belinda,83,AUS
16 2:23.18 Dudnik Olga,85,UKR

17 2:23.87 Tsai Hiu Wai,83,HKG
18 2:24.50 Koskinas Ifiyenia,82,GRE
19 2:24.79 Reuter Katja,82,SUI
20 2:24.84 Porchianello Laura,81,ITA
21 2:24.89 Moon Sook,84,KOR
22 2:25.61 Don-Duncan Helen,81,GBR
23 2:28.74 Leal Ana,84,POR
24 2:29.57 Choompol Chorkaew,84,THA

1 1:07.45*Luo Xuejuan,84,CHN
2 1:08.76 Qi Hui,85,CHN
3 1:09.72 Genner Rachel,82,GBR
4 1:10.12 Balfour Kirsty,84,GBR
5 1:10.26 Roby Ashley,80,USA
6 1:11.08 Edmistone Jade,82,AUS
7 1:11.27 Petelski Christin,77,CAN
8 1:11.34 Steven Birte,80,GER

B Final
1 1:11.66 Hehn Keri,81,USA
2 1:11.76 Kawanabe Fumiko,84,JPN
3 1:12.18 Spooner Emma,83,CAN
4 1:12.21 Kaminska Beata,80,POL
5 1:12.65 Robinson Emma,78,IRL
6 1:13.49 Waite Kelli,85,AUS
7 1:13.79 Bogomazova Elena,82,RUS
8 1:13.94 Kormacheva Ekaterina,82,RUS

1 1:09.34 Luo Xuejuan,84,CHN
2 1:09.69 Genner Rachel,82,GBR
3 1:10.25 Roby Ashley,80,USA
4 1:10.78 Balfour Kirsty,84,GBR
5 1:10.79 Qi Hui,85,CHN
6 1:11.01 Petelski Christin,77,CAN
7 1:11.50 Edmistone Jade,82,AUS
8 1:11.69 Steven Birte,80,GER

9 1:11.75 Kawanabe Fumiko,84,JPN
10 1:11.81 Hehn Keri,81,USA
11 1:12.31 Kaminska Beata,80,POL
12 1:12.43 Kormacheva Ekaterina,82,RUS
13 1:13.17 Waite Kelli,85,AUS
14 1:13.24 Spooner Emma,83,CAN
15 1:13.24 Bogomazova Elena,82,RUS
16 1:13.36 Robinson Emma,78,IRL

17 1:14.29 Bogata Olexandra,85,UKR
18 1:14.84 Byun Hye-Young,83,KOR
19 1:15.92 Horakova Jana,84,CZE
20 1:16.08 Panara Roberta,84,ITA
21 1:16.83 Baillod Celine,78,SUI
22 1:17.56 Kim Ha-Rim,84,KOR
23 1:17.78 Csomova Katarina,85,SVK

1 2:09.52 Klochkova Yana,82,UKR
2 2:11.52 Cavallino Paola,77,ITA
3 2:12.59 Osada Yukiko,81,JPN
4 2:13.59 Mongel Aurore,82,FRA
5 2:13.86 Christianson Demerae,81,USA
6 2:14.25 Brosch Jessica,83,USA
7 2:15.09 Fujita Sawami,84,JPN
8 2:16.12 Vinogradova Ekaterina,80,RUS

B Final
1 2:15.12 Kiss Annamaria,81,HUN
2 2:17.45 Corkran Kate,83,AUS
3 2:18.53 Landry Michelle,85,CAN
4 2:18.94 Resendes Anna M.,80,POR
5 2:19.34 Zahrl Petra,81,AUT
6 2:19.36 Cao Yan,83,CHN
7 2:24.41 Park Kyung-Hwa,84,KOR

1 2:13.62 Osada Yukiko,81,JPN
2 2:13.89 Brosch Jessica,83,USA
3 2:14.07 Klochkova Yana,82,UKR
4 2:14.74 Cavallino Paola,77,ITA
5 2:15.43 Christianson Demerae,81,USA
6 2:16.37 Fujita Sawami,84,JPN
7 2:16.61 Mongel Aurore,82,FRA
8 2:17.24 Vinogradova Ekaterina,80,RUS

9 2:17.53 Kiss Annamaria,81,HUN
10 2:18.27 Resendes Anna M.,80,POR
11 2:19.36 Zahrl Petra,81,AUT
12 2:19.57 Corkran Kate,83,AUS
13 2:20.49 Cao Yan,83,CHN
14 2:21.06 Landry Michelle,85,CAN
15 2:21.48 Park Kyung-Hwa,84,KOR
16 2:21.65 Sutiagina Natalia,80,RUS

17 2:22.47 Kelleher Lee,82,IRL
18 2:22.99 Iamsanitamorn Tachaporn,84,THA
19 2:23.14 Schrader Denise,79,SUI
20 2:23.71 Kurniawan Ira,84,INA
21 2:24.16 Perrotin Marion,83,FRA
22 2:24.89 Stampfli Carla,84,SUI
23 2:26.24 Ogurtsova Mariya,83,UKR

1 22.59 Shyrshov Vyacheslav,79,UKR
2 22.77 Mankoc Peter,78,SLO
3 22.81 Kapralov Andrei,80,RUS
4 23.00 Sapucaia Marco A.,83,BRA
5 23.08 Maitre David,80,FRA
6 23.17 Lee Chung-Hee,81,KOR
7 23.20 Carter David,75,AUS
8 23.29 Cayette Germain,83,FRA

B Final
1 23.09 Vassanelli Giacomo,83,ITA
2 23.15 Felice Ermano,82,ITA
3 23.31 Kim Min-Suk,79,KOR
4 23.32 Gibb Derek,81,USA
5 23.47 Kidd Matthew,79,GBR
6 23.48 Noriega Javier,80,ESP
7 23.51 Benda Ivo,75,CZE
8 23.55 Cozens Chris,82,GBR

1 22.95 Lee Chung-Hee,81,KOR
2 22.98 Shyrshov Vyacheslav,79,UKR
3 22.99 Sapucaia Marco A.,83,BRA
4 23.00 Carter David,75,AUS
5 23.01 Maitre David,80,FRA
6 23.08 Kapralov Andrei,80,RUS
7 23.12 Mankoc Peter,78,SLO
8 23.14 Cayette Germain,83,FRA

9 23.16 Noriega Javier,80,ESP
10 23.23 Cozens Chris,82,GBR
11 23.34 Vassanelli Giacomo,83,ITA
12 23.35 Benda Ivo,75,CZE
13 23.36 Gibb Derek,81,USA
14 23.37 Kim Min-Suk,79,KOR
15 23.37 Felice Ermano,82,ITA
16 23.40 Kidd Matthew,79,GBR

17 23.49 Chinnapasaen Arwut,80,THA
18 23.49 Yegoshin Yuri,85,UKR
19 23.50 Dyson Andrew,82,AUS
20 23.52 Lagoun Pavel,79,BLR
21 23.55 Greenwood Scott,78,USA
22 23.63 Kawamoto Kohei,79,JPN
23 23.70 Gonzalez Hugo,82,POR
24 23.82 Liu Yu,82,CHN
25 23.89 Gutsu Octavian,82,MDA
26 23.93 Friedrich Fabian,80,GER
27 24.08 Chen Zuo,82,CHN
28 24.10 Gaffuri Alessandro,81,SUI
29 24.17 Matic Dinko,81,CRO
30 24.21 Diaz Javier,79,MEX
31 24.22 Reuter Jens,80,SUI
32 24.22 Khokhlov Leonid,80,RUS
33 24.25 De Thuin Raphael,76,BRA
34 24.43 Bartoch Joe,83,CAN

Time Final
1 15:12.13 Prilukov Yuri,84,RUS
2 15:14.46 Chervynskiy Igor,81,UKR
3 15:19.44 Vanderkaay Peter,83,USA
4 15:19.49 Cho Sung-Mo,84,KOR
5 15:34.24 Wolfgarten Jan,82,GER
6 15:39.69 Koptour Dmitry,78,BLR
7 15:42.44 Matsuda Takashi,84,JPN
8 15:44.45 Neligan Brendan,83,USA

9 15:44.46 Sonoda Naoya,82,JPN
10 15:44.68 Lopez Ivan,84,MEX
11 15:50.99 Coman Dragos,80,ROM
12 16:23.46 Szabo Gergo,82,HUN
13 16:33.87 Baillod Julien,80,SUI

1 27.92* Gibson James,79,GBR
2 27.94 Lisogor Oleg,79,UKR
3 28.05 Flaskay Mihaly,82,HUN
4 28.28 Rickard Brenton,84,AUS
5 28.43 Riley Mark,82,AUS
6 28.54 Brandt Wilson,83,USA
7 28.56 Tahirovic Emil,79,SLO
8 28.75 Bodor Richard,79,HUN

B Final
1 28.75 Sakimoto Hiromasa,84,JPN
2 29.28 You Seung-Hun,83,KOR
3 29.28 Dos Santos Felipe,79,BRA
4 29.39 Schurr Christian,84,USA
5 29.54 Daly Kieran,81,NZL
6 29.76 Jacobo Alfredo,82,MEX
7 29.81 Ivanovski Roman,77,RUS
8 29.89 Kim Sun-Jae,83,KOR

1 28.04 Gibson James,79,GBR
2 28.40 Brandt Wilson,83,USA
3 28.42 Tahirovic Emil,79,SLO
4 28.65 Riley Mark,82,AUS
5 28.71 Lisogor Oleg,79,UKR
6 28.72 Flaskay Mihaly,82,HUN
7 28.75 Rickard Brenton,84,AUS
8 28.91 Bodor Richard,79,HUN

9 28.91 Cook Chris,79,GBR
10 28.94 Dos Santos Felipe,79,BRA
11 29.03 Sakimoto Hiromasa,84,JPN
12 29.07 Yamashita Makoto,83,JPN
13 29.13 Ivanovski Roman,77,RUS
14 29.27 Schurr Christian,84,USA
15 29.47 Daly Kieran,81,NZL
16 29.48 Jacobo Alfredo,82,MEX

17 29.59 You Seung-Hun,83,KOR
18 29.78 Kim Sun-Jae,83,KOR
19 29.80 Boulianne Michel,78,CAN
20 29.82 Melnik Dov,78,ISR
21 29.86 Karfunkelstein Rogerio,76,BRA
22 29.95 Balas Jiri,77,CZE
23 30.12 Williamson Michael,81,IRL
24 30.13 Bree Andrew,81,IRL
25 30.14 Facci Loris,83,ITA
26 30.20 Gerasimov Sergei,80,RUS
27 30.24 Pernat Matiaz,84,SLO

1 3:37.46*Ukraine,UKR
56.20 Nikolaychuk Volodymyr
1:01.04 Lisogor Oleg
50.92 Serdinov Andriy
49.30 Yegoshin Yuri

2 3:39.05 Russia,RUS
56.69 Smirnov Dimitri
1:01.19 Ivanovski Roman
52.23 Korotyshkin Evgeni
48/94 Kapralov Andrei

3 3:40.18 United States,USA
55.50 Westcott James
1:01.58 Brandt Wilson
53.02 Abercrombie John
50.08 Bruckart Joe

4 3:40.41 Japan,JPN
5 3:40.94 Great Britain,GBR
6 3:42.20 Australia,AUS
7 3:44.97 China,CHN
8 3:47.14 France,FRA

1 3:41.37 Ukraine,UKR
2 3:42.20 Japan,JPN
3 3:43.62 Russia,RUS
4 3:44.53 United States,USA
5 3:44.93 Australia,AUS
6 3:44.95 Great Britain,GBR
7 3:46.57 France,FRA
8 3:46.83 China,CHN

9 3:49.05 Canada,CAN
10 3:49.60 Italy,ITA
11 3:50.91 Korea,KOR
12 3:53.54 Mexico,MEX
13 3:53.64 Switzerland,SUI
14 4:13.36 Brazil,BRA
disq Czech Republic,CZE
disq Ireland,IRL


Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 UKR 9 5 6 20
2 CHN 7 7 2 16
3 RUS 6 3 4 13
4 GBR 6 2 3 11
5 JPN 5 5 8 18
6 USA 3 10 8 21
7 CZE 2 0 0 2
8 FRA 1 1 0 2
9 GER 1 0 1 2
10 AUS 0 4 2 6
11 SLO 0 2 0 2
12 ITA 0 1 1 2
13 HUN 0 0 1 1
13 BAH 0 0 1 1
13 IRL 0 0 1 1
13 ROM 0 0 1 1
13 ISR 0 0 1 1

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