Inge De Bruijn, Thijs van Valekengoed sparkle on Final Two Days of Dutch Champs

By Oene Rusticus

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, April 28. INGE de Bruijn and Thijs van Valkengoed highlighted the last two days of the Dutch Nationals.

It's not every day that you see someone miss the world record by just three-tenths of a second, but every time Inky starts, she’s fabulous. Pity that she’s very selective in her moments of glory. Meanwhile, van Valkengoed confirmed that he's come of age in this meet, setting his second national record in the breaststroke.

De Bruijn wasn’t ready for the 100 fly yet, the freestyle felt better. But in the 50 fly she swam like no one else has this season, clocking an unbelievable 25.89 seconds!

"But I’m still far from being in shape," insisted the triple Olympic champion. Inge Dekker was some distance behind the flying Inky, but her 27.46 was still impressive.

On Sunday Inky called in sick for the 100 freestyle, giving Chantal Groot the ultimate chance to gain the last ticket for Barcelona on this event. Marleen Veldhuis, who had already qualified at the Amsterdam Swim Cup, took the race in 55.48 seconds. Groot’s attempt failed by a mere 8-hundredths of second, as she clocked 55.78 seconds.

Inky and Groot will duel during the Mare Nostrum Tour for this last ticket. It is hoped that all three women would be able to final in this event in Barcelona, though realistically, only Inky has a chance at winning it. Contenders for the freestyle relay include Inge Dekker (56.60) and Annabel Kosten (56.73).

The 200 freestyle didn’t bring what everyone here was hoping for: a strong 800 relay team for the Worlds. Marleen Veldhuis (2:01.71) won this event over Haike van Stralen (2:02.99) and Celina Lemmen (2:04.82). But all women should be able to go a few seconds faster and have a second chance during the Mare Nostrum meets. Chantal Groot and Manon van Rooijen are also in the race for the relay. Still, if the Dutch team wants to medal in Barcelona, each swimmer has to average under two minutes.

Madelon Baans approached her personal best times, winning the 50 (32.74) and 100 breast (1:10.47). Fourteen year-old Moniek Nijhuis is the rising star in the breaststroke, clocking 32.96 to take silver.

Suze Valen and Hinkelien Schreuder battled for gold in the 50 backstroke, with Valen winning in 29.31 to her rival's 29.50.

After his national record at the 200 meter breast, Thijs van Valkengoed was eager to swim some more personal records. The 100 meter national record of 1:01.94 by Marcel Wouda from the semifinals of Sydney seemed unreachable, but Van Valkengoed took almost a second of his personal best to finish in 1:01.80. He also swam a PR 29.03 in the 50, though he split 29.15 on the way to his new national record in the 100.

Van Valkengoed duelled with his teammates Robin van Aggele and Sander Ganzevles from Top Swimming Amsterdam in the 200 IM. Van Aggele, 18, is the specialist at this versatile event, finishing first in 2:03.57, less than two seconds off the Dutch record by Marcel Wouda (Wouda finished his active swimming carrier in Sydney and is currently the assistant National team coach). Ganzevles, who won the sprint 50 back (26.49) finished second (2:05.36), leaving bronze for Van Valkengoed (2:06.90).

The 50 fly saw a great battle between Ewout Holst and Joris Keizer. Holst touched the pad just .03 seconds before Keizer in 24.00, as both swimmers qualified for Barcelona. The 200 fly was more of a one-man-show featuring Stefan Aartsen (2:00.28), who finished more than two seconds ahead of Ralf Mertens (2:02.80).

The 100 and 200 freestyle, the most popular events for men, showed there will be no problem compiling great relays for Barcelona, particularly in the 400 meter freestyle, even though Pieter Van den Hoogenband took the weekend off, leaving the titles for the others.

Johan Kenkhuis had a great swim, clocking 49.71, but liked to have been .01 seconds faster to be certain of qualifying for an individual start at the Worlds. Klaas Erik Zwering (50.26), Ewout Holst (50.55) and Mark Veens (50.95) are in the race for a relay start.

Thomas Felten surprisingly won the 200 in 1:51.48, just out-touching Martijn Zuijdweg (1:51.60).

World Championship Team Named
The Royal Dutch Swimming Federation has announced the team for the World Championships in Barcelona.
The members are:

Women (7):
Inge de Bruijn
Marleen Veldhuis
Chantal Groot
Madelon Baans
Hinkelien Schreuder
Manon van Rooijen
Annabel Kosten

Men (10):
Pieter van den Hoogenband
Joris Keizer
Klaas Erik Zwering
Thijs van Valkengoed
Johan Kenkhuis
Sander Ganzevles
Martijn Zuijdweg
Arnold van Bavel
Thomas Felten
Ewout Holst

In preparation for these championships, the team will go to the Mare Nostrum meets in Monaco and Barcelona. The following seven swimmers have a second chance to qualify for the relays during this Mare Nostrum Tour:

Suze Valen
Celina Lemmen
Haike van Stralen
Inge Dekker
Robin van Aggele
Gijs Damen
Mark Veens


2003 Dutch Championships
April 26-27, 2003: Days 3 and 4

50m pool
Sloterparkbad Amsterdam

Event 50 200 m freestyle women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Marleen Veldhuis De Whee 79-00894 2.01.71 0.27.37 0.57.93
2 Haike van Stralen AZ&PC 83-01926 2.02.99 0.29.36 1.00.14
3 Celina Lemmen DWK-XCESS 85-01866 2.04.82 0.28.47 0.59.39
4 Rieneke Terink DWK-XCESS 84-02424 2.05.48 0.29.26 1.00.57
5 Annabel Kosten AZ&PC 77-00424 2.05.67 0.28.37 0.59.77
6 Etta vd Weijden MNC Dordrecht 79-00974 2.06.21 0.29.33 1.00.87
7 Anita Scheper Hoogeveen 88-03862 2.09.90 0.30.25 1.02.62
8 Claudia Belderbos AZ&PC 85-00174 2.09.91 0.30.06 1.02.63

Event 50b 200 m freestyle women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Karin Kraaijeveld MNC Dordrecht 85-01710 2.08.60 0.30.16 1.02.67
2 Joyce van Keulen AZ&PC 84-01278 2.09.90 0.29.41 1.01.53
3 Leonie Sinnige DWK-XCESS 81-01376 2.11.19 0.30.97 1.04.45
4 Wendy vd Zanden PSV 88-05004 2.11.46 0.30.50 1.03.20
5 Josine Ramakers HGK(SG) 86-02942 2.11.53 0.30.32 1.04.16
6 Lona Kroese De Dolfijn SPAX 87-02382 2.12.34 0.30.70 1.04.17
7 Marlies Reinders Arke De Dinkel 86-02976 2.12.93 0.30.71 1.04.34
8 Saskia vd Wielen Midden Nederland(S 84-02734 ng ng

Event 51 200 m freestyle men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Thomas Felten Aqua-Novio'94 83-00655 1.51.48 0.26.57 0.55.21
2 Martijn Zuijdweg De Kempvis 76-00001 1.51.60 0.25.62 0.53.96
3 Arnold van Bavel De Kempvis 81-00063 1.52.21 0.26.37 0.55.17
4 Klaas Erik Zwering PSV 81-02003 1.52.51 0.26.40 0.54.60
5 Robin van Aggele AZ&PC 84-00017 1.52.64 0.25.97 0.54.57
6 Stefan Oosting PSV 81-01265 1.55.36 0.26.04 0.55.06
7 Stanley Vleerlaag WZ&PC 85-02813 1.56.31 0.27.16 0.56.48
8 Joost ten Have PSV 80-00529 1.57.52 0.26.90 0.56.19

Event 51b 200 m freestyle men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Robert Lijesen Van Vliet Barracud 85-01579 1.55.96 0.26.90 0.56.30
2 Bas van Velthoven De Zijl-LGB 85-02695 1.58.40 0.27.03 0.56.70
3 Thomas Wessel Arke De Dinkel 83-02333 1.59.30 0.27.38 0.57.42
4 John Meijdam DAW-FINENZO 83-01439 2.00.27 0.27.43 0.57.53
5 Raymond van de Merwe DES 86-02077 2.02.16 0.28.01 0.58.92
6 Robin Wallerbosch GZV Marveld 85-02905 2.04.16 0.28.14 0.58.79
7 Niels Hagelstein VZC Veenendaal 86-01065 2.04.95 0.29.16 1.00.30
8 Michael van der Linden LZ 1886 86-01921 2.08.15 0.26.97 0.58.65

Event 52 50 m backstroke women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Suze Valen AZ&PC 78-00766 0.29.31
2 Hinkelien Schreuder PSV 84-02192 0.29.50
3 Lenneke van Schaik LZ 1886 86-03124 0.30.17
4 Sabrina Buur PSV 85-00526 0.30.30
5 Stefanie Luiken PSV 85-01932 0.30.40
6 Mariet Koster Hoogeveen 83-01162 0.30.51
7 Rieneke Schinkel De Whee 83-01756 0.30.72
8 Nicole Hermink Arke De Dinkel 83-00818 0.32.68

Event 52b 50 m backstroke women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Daphne ten Brink WZ&PC 85-00454 0.31.38
2 Esmé Sluiman DZ&PC 83-01820 0.31.49
3 Marielle Janssen RZC 82-00760 0.31.62
4 Eveline Hamstra TriVia 85-01140 0.31.67
5 Femke Heemskerk De Zijl-LGB 87-05224 0.31.73
6 Toesja Klein LZ 1886 87-02182 0.31.82
7 Chantal Kuipers NDD 87-02430 0.31.96
8 Claudia Holterman Arke De Dinkel 81-00650 0.32.28

Event 53 50 m backstroke men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Sander Ganzevles DWK-XCESS 82-00463 0.26.49
2 Bastiaan Tamminga DWK-XCESS 81-01659 0.26.71
3 Mitja Zastrow PSV 77-01249 0.26.85
4 John Keetman DWK-XCESS 84-01145 0.27.21
5 Merijn Ellenkamp NDD 85-00691 0.27.87
6 Nick vd Zandt PSV 83-02423 0.28.01
7 Nick Driebergen LZ 1886 87-00793 0.28.46
8 Ewoud Tamminga DWK-XCESS 82-01701 0.28.61

Event 53b 50 m backstroke men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Jeffrey Tameling LZ 1886 85-02561 0.28.39
2 Dirk Gielink De Waalstroom 83-00741 0.28.46
3 Rick Hagelstein VZC Veenendaal 86-01067 0.28.60
4 Jasper de Jong MNC Dordrecht 85-01219 0.28.62
5 Ruud Holswilder Arke De Dinkel 78-00435 0.29.34
6 Bas v.d. Ven Nauthusa (SG) 86-03219 0.29.38
7 Erik Kosters Dedemsvaart AC 80-00837 0.29.80
8 Remko de Jong De Dolfijn SPAX 76-00459 0.30.18

Event 54 100 m breaststroke women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Madelon Baans De Kempvis 77-00032 1.10.47 0.33.10
2 Paula Boot PSV 77-00098 1.12.47 0.33.48
3 Miranda Bosma PSV 78-00098 1.12.51 0.33.96
4 Moniek Nijhuis OZ&PC 88-03188 1.12.89 0.33.87
5 Melanie ten Brink Rutac Swimteam 81-00232 1.13.61 0.34.75
6 Velda Moonen PSV 85-02104 1.14.86 0.35.18
7 Marja Terlage Het Y-mere (SG) 78-00738 1.16.60 0.35.91
8 Laura Badoux HHC (SG) 82-00038 1.17.94 0.37.24

Event 54b 100 m breaststroke women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Margriet Zwanenburg DZ&PC 86-04274 1.17.24 0.36.24
2 Karin Hidding Arke De Dinkel 84-00970 1.17.43 0.36.11
3 Carine Vos TriVia 87-04430 1.18.13 0.36.66
4 Martine v.d. Heide WVZ 80-00416 1.18.26 0.36.37
5 Sabina Rutkens DZ&PC 82-01430 1.18.68 0.37.04
6 Lia Dekker HZ&PC Heerenveen 87-00830 1.18.87 0.36.98
7 Astrid Koert MNC Dordrecht 80-00612 1.18.94 0.37.82
8 Loes Zanderink Arke De Dinkel 88-05006 1.20.01 0.38.54

Event 55 100 m breaststroke men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Thijs v. Valkengoed DWK-XCESS 83-02141 1.01.80 0.29.15
2 Martin de Wildt PSV 74-00937 1.03.98 0.30.01
3 Lennart Stekelenburg MNC Dordrecht 86-02979 1.04.49 0.29.87
4 Niels vd Hoek MNC Dordrecht 83-00921 1.04.90 0.31.61
5 Hanno van Binsbergen VZC Veenendaal 79-00109 1.07.14 0.30.86
6 Martin Gildemeester DZ&PC 80-00419 1.07.49 0.30.68
7 Pascal Cuypers RZ 76-00199 1.09.34 0.32.47
8 Brian Morssinkhof De Whee 85-01797 1.09.83 0.32.45

Event 55b 100 m breaststroke men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Maikel Brouwers HZPC 83-00339 1.09.59 0.33.23
2 Mans Broekgaarden DWK-XCESS 85-00385 1.09.77 0.33.01
3 Stephan v. Rooden DWK-XCESS 84-01917 1.10.02 0.31.59
4 Sander Karssen DWK-XCESS 85-01285 1.10.15 0.33.45
5 Sebastiaan Lambalk De Dolfijn SPAX 85-01515 1.11.23 0.33.34
6 Stefan Jacobs RZ 86-01407 1.11.54 0.33.50
7 Rudy Ted de Haan TriVia 84-00805 1.12.12 0.32.27
8 Sven-Erik Brummer HGK(SG) 86-00497 1.12.82 0.33.83
9 Jelle Beerens De Dommelbaarzen 86-00159 no no

Event 56 50 m butterfly women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Inge de Bruijn KNZB 78-00066 0.25.89
2 Inge Dekker DZ&PC 85-00628 0.27.46
3 Hedwig Kikkert HHC (SG) 85-01566 0.28.63
4 Maaike v.d. Brand WVZ 80-00154 0.29.20
5 Monique Driessen MNC Dordrecht 78-00218 0.29.28
6 Delia Badoux HHC (SG) 80-00042 0.29.41
7 Linda van den Eijnden HGK(SG) 79-00202 0.29.80
8 Ryan Verplanke Scheldestroom 77-00696 0.30.11

Event 56b 50 m butterfly women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Sara Kuyer AZ&PC 84-01456 0.29.67
2 Barbara van Rhijn AZ&PC 81-01238 0.29.68
3 Sandra Temmerman SBC-2000 (SG) 80-01100 0.29.72
4 Elinore de Jong De Otters Het Gooi 89-02072 0.29.93
5 Sabrina Fortes De Kempvis 78-00256 0.30.05
6 Marjon Hollander ORCA 84-01004 0.30.06
7 Mieke Veens HZPC 85-02944 0.30.21
8 Annelies Pol Zignea 89-03334 0.30.35

Event 57 50 m butterfly men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Ewout Holst DWK-XCESS 78-00433 0.24.00
2 Joris Keizer PSV 79-00627 0.24.03
3 Stefan Aartsen De Kempvis 75-00007 0.24.76
4 Ewoud Tamminga DWK-XCESS 82-01701 0.25.39
5 Tjarco Koppenaal PSV 81-00939 0.25.42
6 Ralf Mertens PSV 82-01177 0.25.47
7 Joost ten Have PSV 80-00529 0.25.83
8 Joost Krommenhoek LZ 1886 84-01293 0.25.88

Event 57b 50 m butterfly men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Remko de Jong De Dolfijn SPAX 76-00459 0.26.15
2 Kevin Lebis WZ&PC 81-01037 0.26.49
3 Sander Verlinden RZ 85-02749 0.26.57
4 Merijn Ellenkamp NDD 85-00691 0.26.63
5 Joost Sprakel Hoogeveen 86-02949 0.26.65
6 Marcel Thijsse DES 82-01719 0.26.91
7 Généreux Sluiman DZ&PC 80-01371 0.26.96
8 Robert Lijesen Van Vliet Barracud 85-01579 0.27.10

Event 58 1500 m freestyle men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Maarten vd Weijden MNC Dordrecht 81-01923 16.19.00 1.02.73 2.08.92 4.21.64 08.43.69
2 Mark Drenth LZ 1886 83-00559 16.46.79 1.03.28 2.10.50 4.25.77 08.56.43
3 David Groenendaal PSV 85-00869 16.47.42 1.02.96 2.10.13 4.25.55 08.57.05
4 Louis van Schaarenburg LZ 1886 83-01865 16.57.97 1.04.16 2.11.77 4.28.15 09.00.28
5 David uit den Bogaard DWK-XCESS 82-01757 17.04.04 1.02.01 2.08.04 4.22.78 08.58.95
6 Bram Janssen De Waalstroom 85-01201 17.10.36 1.04.17 2.11.74 4.28.39 09.05.53
7 Robert Springveld Het Y-mere (SG) 83-02015 17.37.86 1.04.06 2.12.61 4.32.02 09.17.90
8 Misja Langeler De Dolfijn SPAX 84-01369 18.08.98 1.04.02 2.13.99 4.38.68 09.31.57

Event 71 100 m freestyle women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Marleen Veldhuis De Whee 79-00894 0.55.48 0.26.68
2 Chantal Groot AZ&PC 82-00562 0.55.78 0.26.86
3 Inge Dekker DZ&PC 85-00628 0.56.60 0.27.42
4 Annabel Kosten AZ&PC 77-00424 0.56.73 0.27.19
5 Suze Valen AZ&PC 78-00766 0.57.03 0.27.34
6 Thamar Henneken PSV 79-00316 0.57.97 0.27.77
7 Celina Lemmen DWK-XCESS 85-01866 0.58.06 0.28.24
8 Lenneke van Schaik LZ 1886 86-03124 0.59.45 0.28.99

Event 71b 100 m freestyle women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Manon van Vulpen PSV 87-04494 0.58.58 0.28.03
2 Daphne ten Brink WZ&PC 85-00454 0.58.90 0.28.76
3 Stefanie Luiken PSV 85-01932 0.58.94 0.28.39
4 Barbara van Rhijn AZ&PC 81-01238 0.59.43 0.28.97
5 Rieneke Terink DWK-XCESS 84-02424 0.59.54 0.28.52
6 Claudia Belderbos AZ&PC 85-00174 0.59.66 0.28.90
7 Joyce van Keulen AZ&PC 84-01278 1.00.06 0.28.73
8 Karin Kraaijeveld MNC Dordrecht 85-01710 1.00.14 0.29.30

Event 72 100 m freestyle men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Johan Kenkhuis AZ&PC 80-00755 0.49.71 0.23.58
2 Klaas Erik Zwering PSV 81-02003 0.50.26 0.24.54
3 Ewout Holst DWK-XCESS 78-00433 0.50.55 0.24.20
4 Mark Veens PSV 78-01089 0.50.95 0.24.43
5 Mitja Zastrow PSV 77-01249 0.51.10 0.24.52
6 Gijs Damen MNC Dordrecht 79-00255 0.51.55 0.24.46
7 Patrick Martens PSV 82-01137 0.51.59 0.24.64
8 Arnold van Bavel De Kempvis 81-00063 0.51.80 0.24.88

Event 72b 100 m freestyle men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Martijn Zuijdweg De Kempvis 76-00001 0.51.94 0.25.23
2 Stefan Oosting PSV 81-01265 0.52.13 0.24.95
3 Robert Lijesen Van Vliet Barracud 85-01579 0.52.19 0.25.18
4 Thomas Felten Aqua-Novio'94 83-00655 0.52.70 0.25.94
5 Werner van den Berg Rutac Swimteam 78-00071 0.52.73 0.25.44
6 Dennis Rouwmaat GZV Marveld 83-01843 0.53.23 0.25.61
7 Joost ten Have PSV 80-00529 0.53.37 0.26.08
8 Bas van Velthoven De Zijl-LGB 85-02695 0.53.39 0.25.97

Event 73 200 m butterfly women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Hedwig Kikkert HHC (SG) 85-01566 2.20.43 0.31.26 1.04.60
2 Sandra Temmerman SBC-2000 (SG) 80-01100 2.21.36 0.30.94 1.06.26
3 Anita Scheper Hoogeveen 88-03862 2.28.45 0.32.83 1.10.16
4 Sascha de Bruijn De Kempvis 88-00680 2.30.35 0.32.88 1.10.28
5 Toesja Klein LZ 1886 87-02182 2.30.60 0.31.55 1.08.64
6 Elvira Jonkers TriVia 79-00420 2.31.62 0.32.22 1.10.21

Event 74 200 m butterfly men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Stefan Aartsen De Kempvis 75-00007 2.00.28 0.26.86 0.58.20
2 Ralf Mertens PSV 82-01177 2.02.80 0.27.64 0.57.62
3 Tjarco Koppenaal PSV 81-00939 2.07.87 0.27.83 1.00.23
4 Maarten vd Weijden MNC Dordrecht 81-01923 2.09.51 0.30.02 1.02.89
5 Maarten Postma DZ&PC 83-01697 2.09.69 0.28.16 1.00.78
6 Rory Bob de Haan TriVia 81-00609 2.13.03 0.28.14 1.01.10
7 Joost Sprakel Hoogeveen 86-02949 2.14.85 0.28.68 1.02.08
8 Kevin Lebis WZ&PC 81-01037 2.14.88 0.29.15 1.02.98

Event 75 50 m breaststroke women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Madelon Baans De Kempvis 77-00032 0.32.74
2 Moniek Nijhuis OZ&PC 88-03188 0.32.96
3 Paula Boot PSV 77-00098 0.32.98
4 Miranda Bosma PSV 78-00098 0.33.16
5 Velda Moonen PSV 85-02104 0.33.93
6 Marja Terlage Het Y-mere (SG) 78-00738 0.34.71
7 Ellen vd Velde Scheldestroom 82-01692 0.34.73
8 Laura Badoux HHC (SG) 82-00038 0.35.20

Event 75b 50 m breaststroke women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Margriet Zwanenburg DZ&PC 86-04274 0.35.03
2 Sabina Rutkens DZ&PC 82-01430 0.35.28
3 Ryan Verplanke Scheldestroom 77-00696 0.35.38
4 Karin Hidding Arke De Dinkel 84-00970 0.35.47
5 Marcia Gaspersz HHC (SG) 89-01270 0.35.60
6 Martine v.d. Heide WVZ 80-00416 0.35.69
7 Lia Dekker HZ&PC Heerenveen 87-00830 0.35.83
8 Nathalie van Velzen DWK-XCESS 85-02070 0.35.84

Event 76 50 m breaststroke men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Thijs v. Valkengoed DWK-XCESS 83-02141 0.29.03
2 Guido Jansen AZ&PC 82-00795 0.29.68
3 Martin de Wildt PSV 74-00937 0.29.68
4 Lennart Stekelenburg MNC Dordrecht 86-02979 0.29.82
5 Hanno van Binsbergen VZC Veenendaal 79-00109 0.29.89
6 Niels vd Hoek MNC Dordrecht 83-00921 0.30.21
7 Martin Gildemeester DZ&PC 80-00419 0.30.61
8 Stephan v. Rooden DWK-XCESS 84-01917 0.31.12

Event 76b 50 m breaststroke men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Pascal Cuypers RZ 76-00199 0.31.18
2 Maikel Brouwers HZPC 83-00339 0.31.31
3 Ronald Hart DAW-FINENZO 78-00391 0.31.51
4 Sjaak Oude Ophuis Arke De Dinkel 87-02495 0.31.52
5 Bas Hinfelaar De Dolfijn SPAX 81-00703 0.31.70
6 Ruben Fijn ZWV-Nereus 81-00495 0.31.83
7 Rudy Ted de Haan TriVia 84-00805 0.31.85
8 Thijs Orth PFC Rheden 82-01297 0.32.24

Event 77 200 m IM women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Melanie ten Brink Rutac Swimteam 81-00232 2.21.46 0.31.02
2 Madelon Baans De Kempvis 77-00032 2.21.82 0.31.00
3 Ilse Kevelham De Whee 83-01076 2.22.90 0.30.56
4 Lenneke van Schaik LZ 1886 86-03124 2.23.77 0.31.08
5 Tamar Bakker DWK-XCESS 84-00080 2.24.42 0.32.25
6 Marieke Stuiver AZ&PC 85-02812 2.24.78 0.31.24
7 Caroline Stuut Stadskanaal 88-04216 2.29.61 0.31.66
8 Eveline Hamstra TriVia 85-01140 2.30.97 0.31.91

Event 77b 200 m IM women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Mariet Koster Hoogeveen 83-01162 2.30.22 0.31.51
2 Ellen de Goeij Aquarijn 87-01356 2.31.14 0.32.34
3 Marieke Hanter OZ&PC 87-01792 2.31.20 0.32.49
4 Delia Badoux HHC (SG) 80-00042 2.31.99 0.31.10
5 Esmé Sluiman DZ&PC 83-01820 2.31.99 0.32.72
6 Dieuwertje Vermeulen LZ 1886 84-02574 2.32.39 0.33.51
7 Lisette vd Velde RZ 86-03674 2.33.66 0.32.30
8 Ryan Verplanke Scheldestroom 77-00696 2.35.87 0.31.64

Event 78 200 m IM men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Robin van Aggele AZ&PC 84-00017 2.03.57 0.26.21
2 Sander Ganzevles DWK-XCESS 82-00463 2.05.36 0.27.76
3 Thijs v. Valkengoed DWK-XCESS 83-02141 2.06.90 0.27.51
4 Stanley Vleerlaag WZ&PC 85-02813 2.11.18 0.27.86
5 Sander Karssen DWK-XCESS 85-01285 2.13.90 0.28.39
6 Merijn Ellenkamp NDD 85-00691 2.15.03 0.28.09
7 Erik Wolsing VZC Veenendaal 80-01777 2.16.74 0.28.31
8 Bas van Velthoven De Zijl-LGB 85-02695 2.16.91 0.28.61

Event 78b 200 m IM men
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 John Meijdam DAW-FINENZO 83-01439 2.13.39 0.27.58
2 Louis van Schaarenburg LZ 1886 83-01865 2.17.29 0.29.58
3 Raymond van de Merwe DES 86-02077 2.17.83 0.28.91
4 Nick Heister PSV 85-00969 2.18.45 0.29.96
5 Brian Morssinkhof De Whee 85-01797 2.18.91 0.30.46
6 Jeroen Beerlage OZ&PC 82-00089 2.19.11 0.28.42
7 Bram Janssen De Waalstroom 85-01201 2.19.94 0.30.13
8 Rory Bob de Haan TriVia 81-00609 2.20.84 0.28.56

Event 79 1500 m freestyle women
Name team st. nr. time split(s)
1 Edith van Dijk Hoorn 73-00082 16.59.26 1.05.87 2.13.21 4.27.80 08.59.37
2 Etta vd Weijden MNC Dordrecht 79-00974 17.30.26 1.05.34 2.13.99 4.33.30 09.14.27
3 Denise de Riet Van Vliet Barracud 84-02040 17.57.42 1.07.61 2.18.75 4.41.55 09.29.49
4 Linda Ronda DZ&PC 81-01260 18.11.69 1.06.88 2.18.01 4.42.41 09.36.43
5 Josine Ramakers HGK(SG) 86-02942 18.15.81 1.07.83 2.21.26 4.48.98 09.44.27
6 Marinka Bil De Stormvogel 87-00314 18.41.54 1.09.63 2.23.82 4.53.37 09.53.26
7 Carmen de Ridder Koewacht 88-03634 19.03.58 1.08.79 2.22.35 4.54.50 10.01.97
8 Petra de Groot Van Vliet Barracud 87-01420 19.11.23 1.09.16 2.23.40 4.55.24 10.05.87

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