Western Athletics Conference Passes Along Reminder That Caffeine is a Banned Substance in the NCAA
ENGLEWOOD, Colorado, February 26. TODAY, Western Athletic Conference (WAC) Assistant Commissioner David Chaffin distributed a reminder to WAC teams and the swimming media at large that caffeine is a banned substance in the NCAA.
With college championship season currently on-going, Chaffin stated the following in his letter:
It has been brought to my attention that several athletes have been seen drinking Red Bull or similar energy drinks. Below is information from the NCAA that says that these drinks are a banned substance. Please review this information and assist us with having your student-athletes comply with this rule. Thanks!
Banned Substances:
The NCAA continues to list caffeine as a banned substance under the stimulant drug class. Stimulants are considered performance enhancing and pose potential health risks. Red Bull lists caffeine on its label, and therefore contains an NCAA banned substance. The NCAA discourages the use of nutritional supplements containing caffeine due to increased risk of a positive drug test and health consequences.
Impermissible Supplements:
The NCAA continues to identify Red Bull as an impermissible supplement (institutions may NOT provide this product to student-athletes per Bylaw 16.5.2-(g), which defines extra benefits and restricts the provision of nutritional supplements). Energy drinks that contain caffeine sources, amino acids, and/or herbal teas are defined as impermissible nutritional supplements.
Swimming World is helping to get the word out by passing this note along to our readers.